
Why Garik Martirosyan is no longer a lead gamble. Decoding: An interview with Yuri Dudia with Garick Martirosyan. - Old Guard will perform

Tonight, April 15th, on the air TNT, the 475th issue of Comedy Club will be released, and this means that we will see very soon and the 500th: the show approaches the anniversary. For 11 years of its existence, a huge number of humorists grew, and the program itself became an unconditional leader of the humorous genre in Russia. After many years of domination on the TV "Anshlag" and "Curve of the Mirror" it turned out that there are people who are not only like to joke, but also know how.

Garik Martirosyan, Pavel Volya, Garik Harlamov, Alexander Revva, Timur Batrutdinov and other Comedy Club residents are superpopular. But, despite the impressive fees and the "All-Union" recognition, they are not in a hurry to rest on the laurels and continue to do the show on TNT. Another Comedy paradox - after so many years on the screens, the transmission ratings not only did not fall, they are constantly growing. The jokes did not become flat, but the steb is redundant. The stars of the first magnitude (including guests from other countries) come to shoot a show, while sincerely glad, when "goes out" by Pavel Will or any of other residents.

In this case, Comedy Club exists perfectly in the off-essentic space. For the third year in a row, the big festival of High humor will be held in the summer with Comedy Club, which collects a large part of the stars and famous guests. In addition, Comedy Club for the second year in a row in the official cultural program of the Formula 1 racing in Sochi (this year, special concerts will be held on 29, April 30 and May 1), and last year there was part of the cultural program of the World Championship Water sports in Kazan.

15 Interesting Facts about Comedy Club:

1 . The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a Comedy Club project was born in 2003 from the former KVN-Plugs from the team "New Armenians" Artak Gasparyan, Arthur Janibekyan, Artashes Sargsyan.

2 . At that time, Artak Gasparyan lived in Tasha Sargsyan, and Tash and Garik Martirosyan, together with Arthur Janibekyan, worked on the radio.

3 . Janibekyan was proposed to lead the new project - as a person who had cash in the amount of 600 dollars. This money was the first capital that was invested in Comedy Club.

4 . The premiere of the show on TNT took place on April 23, 2005.
Actor Til Schweiger and Garik Harlamov on the shooting of the transfer

5 . The scenic program of Pavel Will, during which he discusses guests in the hall, developed thanks to Philip Kirkorov, who became a guest of the first release. Then, going to the stage and realizing who in the hall is the main star of the evening, the will decided to comment on the arrival of Philip with humor. So it was born.

6 . The first residents of Comedy Club were coming from KVN, but now anyone can become a member of the program. New residents are also selected thanks to the "Comedy Battle" show, to pass the casting into which anyone can.

7 . During performances, artists use pre-prepared scenarios and jokes, but at the same time very often improvised.

8 . Residents of the show - humorists by calling, and if the Comedy Club project did not become popular, it would be quite likely that some of them would work by profession received at the Institute: Garik Martirosyan - a psychotherapist, Pavel Volya - Teacher of Russian and Literature , Timur Batrutdinov - an economist, Alexander Rev and Garik Kharlamov - personnel management managers. It is now difficult to believe that Vadim Galygin graduated from a military school, and Mikhail Galustyan - Sochi State University of Tourism and Resort. Although no, we believe in it.

9 . Stand Up Comedy genre (from English - "Standing") appeared 200 years ago in the UK, in the middle of the 20th century it was very popular in the United States.

10 . Over each release of Comedy Club works a total of 160 people.

11 . On April 23, 2010, the format of the show "New Comedy Club" appeared with new decorations, residents and leading - Garic Martirosyan (before that the leading was Tash Sargsyan).

12 . Several residents Comedy Club left the project, going into solo swimming, to return to TNT again. At different times, Vadim Galygin, Alexander A. Rev, and even Garik Harlamov, without which the current Comedy Club is simply impossible to present the current Comedy Club is simply impossible to submit.
Timur Batrutdinov, Alexander Revva, Garik Harlamov and Mikhail Galustyan

13 . Currently, Garik Martirosyan does not enter the Comedy Club scene, but we always hear his voice. Moreover, guests in the hall, unlike TNT TV viewers, not only hear Garik, but also have the opportunity to watch it. It is located in the immediate vicinity of the auditorium, about the area of \u200b\u200b9-10 rows and, sitting on a high bar chair with a microphone in his hands, from time to time let go of witty replicas. Lifehak for those who plan to visit the shooting comedy: the best places - it is next to him. As a rule, they are bought by young, pretty girls who always sit in the cold and, not blinking, look at Garika, only occasionally glancing on the scene.

14 . Before the shooting process, Comedy Club residents have a regular work week. Daily - and most often even without days off - they come to the Comedy Club Production office and from morning to evening their rooms rehearse. The visible ease with which residents show numbers on stage is actually achieved by daily rehearsals. On some, the most complex and mass numbers take up to three weeks.

15 . For the second year in a row, the stylist show will bring about 100 "collected onions" plus 20 spare for each shooting day - in case of force majeures. Example: Participants of the "Trio SPb" in their rooms very often spoil the costumes in all sorts of attributes.

Duet named Chekhov

Marina Kravkets - the only woman among residents Comedy

The program "Comedy Club" is usually associated with the best leading of this show.

Martirosyan is automatically falling into this list.

Recently, viewers are increasingly asked: "Why no longer show Martirosian on TNT? Where did Garik go? Why is the talented lead disappearing from the comedy show? "

Humor and "sharp" tongue that Garik Martirosyan possessed, made in love with many audience TNT.

But where is the leading lead? Where did Garik disappear?

A concrete answer to this question is probably not.

There are several versions that can explain the sudden garric care with the Klabe's gum.

One of the most common versions

Taming with the leading show "Bachelor" Timur Batrutdinov, who repeatedly Yazvil Garica and he in turn offered to take his place as a lead gamble.

But could this situation influence the fact that Garik no longer goes to the scene? Influence the fact that he no longer leads to all the shows?

Another version that can explain where the lead

This is ordinary employment and a large number of projects in which a talented lead takes part.

For your relatively short activity, Martirosyan Garik managed to pretty much:

  • acting acting;
  • become the author of the project "League of Nations";
  • produce;
  • act as a lead;
  • participate in the KVN team.

The program "Comedy Club" Garik led for five years.
Successfully spending this period on the stage, but handed over to Timur Batrutdinov.

What happened to Garick? Where is he now? Where did the talented and versatile lead?

Lead, without which it is difficult to submit "Comedy".

There is no unambiguous answer to this question. How to find out where the star comeda is now? The surest answer, apparently, you need to hear from Garik directly.

We hope he will return to "his place." After all, the scene is his calling.

On September 12, there was an interview with Garick Martirosyan, famous Russian and Armenian showman, a cozer and a resident of the Comedy Club show, a producer of many television projects such as "Our Russia" and "laughter without rules". We decided to choose from the watch interview the most interesting phrases of Garik Martirosyan, to save time.

Yuri Dor: "What is the new seasonComedy.Club differs from previous ones? "

Garik argues that "every new Comedy Club season is different from previous seasons" since their creative credo is that they are not staring in one place. Garik confirms his words by the fact that if you compare the 2005 show and releases 2016-2017, you can see a huge difference and in shape, and in the content. Further, the showman says that he often hears the criticism of modern comedy, allegedly used to be funnier. But he explains this by the fact that the "First Comedy of the Clubs was more like an udded student camouflage, where the miniature had no ending, and now we have a more thoughtful finished show." That is, the show format has changed.

Yuri Doza: "Why Martirosyan does not go on stage in the gum?"

Garik Martirosyan: I am a doctor. You know, there are such cases when the heart beats, and the brain is already dead? In the creative sense. I believe that it is impossible to continue my creativity if you have nothing to say. At some point I realized that in the framework of Comedy Club I have nothing to say to the viewer. " However, the humorist does not exclude what can go to the Comedy scene, if he appears something new.

Yuri Dor: "Resident Care, which is most difficult for you?"

Garik Martirosyan:Everything. For example, Milk with Lirnik, Duet named after Chekhov. These are very cool guys who had their own handwriting. " Garik says that in creativity it is most important to be unique, and not be better than all.

Yuri Dor: "How is a joke? Tell me the technology of humor inventing the example of this Cabinet "

Garik Martirosyan:There is a copyright group, these people are very small. They can be called named: Alexey Lyaporov, Alexey Pokimanov, Radik Bigulaev, Sergey Immortal, who had previously played on stage and others. They are all linguists who graduated from Pyatigorsky inm. Garik says that it is most important for a humorist this ability to handle the native language.

Yuri Dwell: "And what do they do?"

Garik Martirosyan:They gather in their cabinets, open the Internet, communicate on what is happening now in the world. For example, the topic of the nuclear program in North Korea is currently being actively discussed. Someone suggests "Oh, let's Harlamov play whom Chen Yana". Weight "first layer of humor" and look like or not. Further add dramas, since there are conflicts at the heart of any action. This also applies to humor. Then the author's group is working on jokes and gradually "skeleton finally becomes meat." Then there is a creative discussion, where everyone expresses his mind frankly.

Yuri Dor: "I heard, do you often look into the computer at this moment?"

Garik Martirosyan:I play chess for a while. And when the guys go, I begin to play. To task, to tear me off from chess. If they succeed, it means that the audience will hoo

Yuri Dor: "Do you avoid political topics in humor?"

Garik Martirosyan:No. We joking about everything that we want. The axes that people want to hear from us are not saying. Very often, humor borders with rudeness, we try not to move this border.

Yuri Dor:« Why are you allowed to joke about Putin? "

Garik Martirosyan:Because we do it talented.

Yuri Dor: "I heard that the residents of the Comedy are allowed to use drugs. It's true?"

Garik Martirosyan:Drugs destroy the brain, - as a doctor say .- "This is the second question that we constantly ask. It is impossible in inadequate condition to invent jokes. Although there are Russian directors who in this state remove their films "- joking Martirosyan.

Yuri Dor: "What kind of party was Medvedev?"

Garik Martirosyan:It was not a party, it was a very cute, warm event. Dmitry Anatolyevich- graduate of Jurfak LSU. It was the evening of meeting graduates, we were invited to speak there.

Yuri Dor: "Did you learn this event?"

Garik Martirosyan:Of course not. So Medvedev will invite you, will you take money? Dmitry Anatolevich - Big Fan Comedy Club.

Yuri Dor:Watched "He's not Dimon" you?

Garik Martirosyan:No, I do not know about him. I do not believe that it has not been proven.

Yuri Dor: "Explain why" ProjectorParisHilton "rolled?"

Garik Martirosyan:That you think so. How can I explain it? Okay. Because you have a nostalgic taste from those issues. In fact, the world is changing, the news is changing. The Internet comes on the heels, eating fresh news. And then the Sabbath "Perishilton" comes out, who is trying to wrap back, trying to joke. Sometimes it succeeds. We understand that the searchlight has many problems. But we will prove to you that we are cool.

Yuri Dor:"Your annual income is more than 1 million euros, I understand correctly?"

Garik Martirosyan:This is not true. If I had agreed on all offers, I would have earned so much.

Yuri Dor: « Forbes estimated your condition of $ 3 million "

Garik Martirosyan:I adore Forbes for disclosing unverified information. They wrote Batrutdinov income of 2.8 million dollars. We scream over it, because at that moment he has no apartment and he drives on an ordinary foreign car.

Yuri Dor: "Why don't you lead your own show?"

Garik Martirosyan:Very limited circle of persons who can be invited to the show. In Russia, people really want to be beautiful, do not want to be laughing at them.

Yuri Dor: "Oximiron or purulent?"

Garik Martirosyan:Practice to the Russian turnip negatively. It just can not be. Rap is a social protest.

Yuri Dor: "TV or Internet?"

Garik Martirosyan:Of course TV. And if we talk about the future, then the Internet.

See the full version of the interview

Angelika Cherednichenko interviewed Yuri Dudia


Garik Martirosyan and Arthur Janibekyan Vasily Kudryavtsev

01.04.2015 Alexander Folin

10 years - the age is frozen by human standards, but weighty for telecast. For Comedy Club, everything is so: the ether anniversary is celebrated and fun and solid. Thr met with the creators of this "laughter's factory" - the general producer Artur Janibekyan and creative producer Garick Martirosyan - and learned all the secrets of the famous show.

A meeting with the bosses of the Main Show TNT was appointed on the Meshchanskaya, where the office Comedy Club Production is located. We were warned that it would be necessary to choose in which of the two stylish offices interviews and shooting: Arthur and Garik This difficult solution was transferred to THR. After a small, but impressive excursion stopped at the maritime office of Martirosyan, decorated in black and white tones, with portraits of musicians and a collection of guitars. The hospitable host between that was communicated with the guys from the trio "Ivanov, Smirnov, Sobolev", which shared the idea of \u200b\u200bSketch, Garik was surprised - they just discussed with someone from residents almost the same. That's certain ideas are twisted in the air! ..

By legend, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating Comedy Club. Born during the American Commands of the KVN team "New Armenians", in which you both have once consisted. Like, you visited the stedap clubs in the states and decided to do something similar ...

Garik: I can't say anything about this because Comedy Club. Came one of the latter. In addition, I never visited Standap-clubs and do not know what it is.

ARTHUR (Signing a cigar): Garik, really, did not have a direct relationship to the birth of the first parties of the club, although he spoke on stage from the very beginning, and the only one for free ... As for me, I, by and large, almost accidentally turned out to be among the opposites: just Only I had $ 600 to organize our debut show. This is a fact - what is there to be dark ...

These were the first investment - everything is correct. Steve Jobs also started with a small one.

ARTHUR: Well, let's not compare with the saint! One way or another, now we are already unlikely to remember who the first and how invented Comedy Club.. Just at some point by a group of comrades, in which I entered, it was decided to organize a party with former cavancers who wish to perform solo. The resulting televersion has become a logical continuation by the time of the popular and successful club show. And we would not be able to turn it without Garik.

TNT was the first channel with whom you communicated about this?

ARTHUR: In general, at first we did it for STS ...

Garik: No, before the STS we did it for MTV! From there they came talented guys ...

ARTHUR: ... Filmed our New Year's party, but did not go further. Six months later, in the summer of 2004, we were for $ 22 thousand. Filmed a pilot version of the project, which produced and edited Garik.

Garik: AND Sasha Tsecalo.

ARTHUR: Yes, we invited him, he came, saw him liked ...

Garik: Sasha very much wanted the project to go to the STS, and in every way pushed us to this.

ARTHUR: We once met with him to discuss everything. He wanted the program to be called "Comedy Club", but not Comedy Club.. But nothing came out. For two reasons, in my opinion. The first is that STS at that time already did the roll towards the family format, and we ...

ARTHUR: And the second, as I understand it, is that at that time the head of the canal Alexander Rodnyansky It was more busy with its main television asset - the Ukrainian channel "1 + 1". So the adoption of such a difficult decision as hit Comedy Club. At STS, delayed. In turn, we could not wait - we had a lot of social and financial reasons to start something as soon as possible.

Garik: By the way, we are a cassette (then there were still cassettes!) With our pilot release sent almost all of the channels. But nothing turned out, and after a while suddenly they called with TNT.

ARTHUR: Somewhere in October - November 2004 I called me Roma Petrenko (in 2002-2013 General Director TNT. - Thr.) And said that this is just the direction in which they are willing to invest and in which they are ready to move on. And everything is spinning.

Since you emphasize your attention on the difference between parties and speaker, I can not help but ask how the percentage of the scene shown on the stage gets on the screen.

Garik: The program does not include percent sixty. The recording goes 2.5 hours, and on the air we have only 45 minutes. Almost two hours we just throw out.

ARTHUR: As a production marriage.

And who decides to leave, and what not?

Garik: Nobody decides with us. It's obvious.

Just by how the public reacts?

Garik: Yes, we have a very honest hall. The first three rows are invited stars and their familiar, who does not have absolutely no reason to laugh in unbearable places. And with them most often at all are not connected. Further go people who bought tickets to our party, they also do not cheat: they paid money to laugh to laugh, and very upset when they are not funny. And on the balcony, general students are sitting. That is, we have such a detractive public that, if all the audience laughs, it means that it is really funny, and vice versa, no matter how cool you consider your speech, if no one smiles, it means that it is not funny, but only pleases you .

And the residents themselves do these fun or not very numbered numbers?

Garik: Yes, all the guys who speak at Comedy Club, write themselves. But we have a scenario group. What you see on the screen is in 95% of cases the joint creativity of residents and the team of the authors. It works like this. Suppose the guys are sitting and discussing: "It would be nice Pasha Volia. On May 9, he read a monologue that American superheroes: Spiderman, a cat and so on - fake, just chmosh dolls in stupid dresses, and our grandfathers and grandparents who fought in the Great Patriotic War are real. " They share the idea with Pasha. He answers: "Oh, cool! I am now on tour, I'll throw jokes, but you will write. " Then they meet in a week, Pasha says: "I came up with such a joke that Superman is a bad superhero, because something and that ..." Guys say: "Class! You can still say so ... "I am lying down. I will make a reservation: I tell the example of the will, but it happens to everyone. So, Pasha takes this monologue and reads it, let's say, at its solo concert in Novosibirsk. Then the guys on Skype: "So: these are these four jokes - super, two jokes did not go, and the patriotic ending when I started talking about the war, in general, with a bang passed. I inserted a joke there on Americans, who introduced sanctions against us, and the hall exploded at all. Let's remove the unstable jokes and leave funny. " Then he returns to Moscow to shoot, reads it all in Golden Palas ( an entertainment complex where the shooting shows. - Thr.), We put the most funny jokes on the installation, and already in such a form of the monologue see the viewers.

Members Comedy Club. Almost automatically become stars. Doesn't you confuse some odiousness of your glory?

Garik: I am convinced that people who are sick of one phrase Comedy Club., lots of. We cannot fully appreciate the scale of the disaster only because there is no site, wherever the critics speak out. However, if you get up somewhere on the patriarch ponds and arrange a survey passing by: "What do you think about Comedy Club.? " - At least half will say that this is a disgusting phenomenon. Only for the reason that scold Comedy Club. Fashionably no longer to a lesser extent than to watch. Moreover, to scold us - the same thing that scold ... life. If someone says: "I hate Comedy Club., You are all vocals and moral freaks, "I feel sorry for this person, because he simply does not understand life. May not like Vadim Galygin

ARTHUR: What is normal!

Garik: ... but I can't like at the same time Galygin, Ruslan White, Pavel Will, Garik Harlamov, Zurab Matubecause they perform in completely different genres, they talk about completely different.

ARTHUR: People, dress!

Garik: I want to say to all critics Comedy Club that they, alas, are not enough mind and insight to understand that the disgusting moments in Comedy Club. They are pure forting and provocation.

ARTHUR: I would like to soften, in fact ...

Garik: I urge not to love Comedy Club. all soul ...

ARTHUR: And I urge!

Garik: ... and refer to Comedy Club. Slightly more rational.

ARTHUR: If you do not specify the next question, Garik can another two hours on this topic. (Laugh.)

And your audience has changed greatly for 10 years?

Garik: It becomes all youth and youth every year and grows as a yeast.

ARTHUR: Otherwise it can not be. The fact is that the audience of the TNT television channel during this time increased by 4.5 times.

And your, respectively, too.

ARTHUR: And our, respectively, even more. Because Comedy Club. It turns out on average with a rating of 18-20% of the total number of watching TV at that time.

Garik: What's in Fridays Podim Time - Truly monstrous numbers!

ARTHUR: And for the audience 14-44 we definitely ahead of the planet.

How many projects do your company make now?

ARTHUR: Comedy Club Production 15 permanent projects on the air and as much in the honeycomb at one or another stage of readiness - something at the level of the already approved, ready for the pilot ether, something is removed. Unfortunately, the fall of the advertising market, which began a few months ago, made the embodiment of some of our ideas impossible ...

Garik: In any case, not so fast as before.

And how many regional clubs do you have?

ARTHUR: During the expansion period, in 2007-2008, when we won the market, there were 53 of them. After the crisis of 2008, there were clubs that worked with the smallest profitability, close. Those that remained turned out to be the main source for the emergence of new residents of the club, as well as program participants like "Comedy Battle".

You have a lot of newcomers appear seems to be from nowhere. And in parallel with them - the KVN stars: recently became residents of Comedy Club Andrey Skorokhod from Smolensk, guys from "Sports station" ...

ARTHUR (throws up with a smile): They are from KVN?!

Well, laid good guys! I, in fact, wanted to ask if the importance is that they are already promoted person.

Garik: It is absolutely not important! All the same, who speaks in Comedy Club.- the main thing is to be funny. We even came Zhirinovsky.

That is, you are not included for someone concrete, but simply because they know that ...

Garik: ... at some point will definitely be fun.

ARTHUR: Comedy Club. It happened as a format when a separate resident, the farther, the less, is ...

Garik: ... programmory link.

ARTHUR: We are 10 years old. Somewhere about 500 original issues you looked at this time. If we take into account that each of them was repeated only on TNT approximately 10-20 times ... 10 thousand ether Comedy Club.! And if multiplying 10 thousand to 42 minutes is ...

Garik: ... monstrous! I call through your edition TNT TV channel not to repeat Comedy Club Never.

ARTHUR: Do not repeat our mistakes!

Comedy Club is not only a transfer. Preparing for an interview, I even read the term "umbrella brand", which is applicable to your brainchild and which you, Arthur, as an economist by education should appreciate.

ARTHUR: Our brand has spread primarily for two projects - "Comedy Battle" and Comedy Woman.. They naturally, nothing in common - especially in the creative sense - with the program Comedy Club. Dont Have. But for the viewer, this is very closest stories that, of course ...

Garik: ... are aimed at raising a man's mood.

ARTHUR: And when Friday ether begins with Comedy Woman., then goes Comedy Club., what next "Comedy Battle"This trio shows the multi-faceted path of our creative path.

Garik: And when our spectators are daunting and falling asleep, fans of the House 2 program come to replace them.

ARTHUR: Which, as you understand, is still funnier than Comedy Club..

Garik: Spectators "House 2" is funnier than Comedy Club.

What makes you laugh? Is there any show that you love?

Garik: I basically do not watch any shows to accidentally not steal the idea from there. Many humorists have such a disease - watch American comedians close to the stand. I do not know anyone! In general, I have no idea.

ARTHUR: I do not look for another reason. I have already from dense communication with the guys from the club and their endless jokes-additives regularly occurs overdose humor. But one thing you can say: if someone comes to the competition between Comedy Club. And any other humorous transfer, we will defeat one left!

Garik: Including any American program.

ARTHUR: And in any quantity.

Garik: We will write rooms and monologues in English and just destroy them in the competition! Any humorists in general!

In the first game of the new season of the Higher League KVN, one new team issued a joke. Like, the oils sits in front of the TV, switches the channels and sentences: "My ... my ... my ... again my ... And here it is not!" - Titres went, list of scripts. - "Oh, here they are!"

ARTHUR: And there is! Was it a number? In KVN, began to show the truth? (Laugh.)

This is what I mean. Do you strive for the fact that someday you will also sit and repeat: "My ... my ... mine ..."?

ARTHUR: I strive, but only in a different sense - not my people, but programs.

In your safe, probably, the world capture plan lies?

Garik: Of course not!

ARTHUR: Oh sure!

So write.

Garik: Moreover, I will say: I have no safe. Seriously, there is no safe for me! Only scales that do not work from the first day.

Looks like a question with the choice of a gift for the anniversary date resolved ...


    Garik Martirosyan, and without that successful person, it seems that he decided to give way to other residents, in particular, Batrudinova - let them learn.

    And Martirosyan himself does not lose a grip - he is a creative producer of this show and now is engaged in its transformation from the conversational genre in a humorous representation with actions.

    I think the main reason for this is that Garik Martirosyan does not consider it necessary for himself at the moment. But he is present on the show, he can also be said by Master Show Comedy Club. And there are other projects where he manifests himself. Such an extremely developed personality in all senses as Garik Martirosyan is limited to this show destructive.

    Even Martirosyan. It does not go on stage, it does not mean that he is not there.

    If you have noticed, he serves a replica to various plots and is in the program, just invisible for the audience. And this is because he rose in this program and is its producer or someone else. And he doesn't have to stand on stage now.

    They gradually refresh this program and we see new faces in the latest issues that have become residents. And came out of Comedy Battle and other programs.

    And recently, he was asked such a question in one of the interviews, to which he replied that

    he is more screenwriter, and writes scripts, as well as the organizer of the show, not an artist.

    Indeed, many have noticed that the Comedy Club resident Garik Matirosyan does not go on the stage of the Comedy and is increasingly distinguished from this show, it happens because Garik convert Comedy Club After all, he has long been an adult and more adults and more concerts and events.

    Charismatic and sparkling Garik Martirosyan is still in the Comedy Club. But on the stage as a performer, he really stopped going out. In fact, this means that in the career of Showman and humorist, he moved to a new step, becoming not just a performer, but a screenwriter, artistic director and even a condrider of the transfer. So for Garika Yuryevich can, of course, be happy. But personally, I miss it on the scene.

    The life of Garik Martirosian is not looped on the show Comedy Club. He created this project with friends and continues in it and other projects from Comedy Club to attend as a producer. But at the same time, he constantly leads some kind of the main scenario dancing with stars. At the same time, Garik, as he himself says, spends all his free time with his family. On the show Comedy Club It is often also present, but as a viewer. Sometimes his replica is heard in the hall, but as a resident he does not protrude.

    Garik Martirosyan is one of the founders Comedy Club. And since he is a cozer, artistic director and Resident; Show Comedy Club, then it is likely that he decided to move away from speeches on stage. In addition, Garik takes part in several successful and successful projects on different channels and it is possible that he does not have enough time for everything.

    Garik Martirosyan occupies the wizard of the creative producer of the QUOT project; Comedy Club.

    Garik, as a rule, can supplement the jokes of some, and also represents residents before going to the scene.

    Garik Martirosyan Bird is a higher half, than just a resident, which is why this show he looks at the complex for improvement, and not in particular the development of his personal number.

    Well, just Garik Martirosyan, in my opinion, is relatively different from the so-called residents Games - Club. He already rose from this swamp, it would be time for him and a fresh air, but will feel free to feel. And the current Comedy Club Himo has long been leaning for a barrier for a long time, he never did humor humor.

    Because Garik Martirosyan at this stage of life has other projects and lack of time on the gum. He is still a producer of the gum and it also takes time. It leads various events, concerts, writes scripts. Many residents of the project gradually leave projects and raise new opportunities and projects.