
The most famous residents Comedy Club are the photos of the participants of the scandalous project. Success History "Comedy Club Old Participants Comedy Club

What is the name of residents of the Comedy Club and got the best answer

Answer from the orbital grouping [Guru]
Artashes "Tash" Sargsyan - a leading show, an entertainer.
Garik "Harry" Martirosyan is his own humorous monologue, miniatures.
Pavel "Snezhok" will - ridicules those present on the program of celebrities, not embarrassed in expressions.
Garik "Bulldog" Kharlamov - miniatures (usually a duet with Timur Batrutdinov). Characters "Eduard Stern". From September 12, no longer participates (temporarily).
Timur "Kashtan" Batrutdinov - miniatures (earlier, often, together with Garic Harlamov).
Alexander "A" Revva - miniatures and monologues. Characters "Grandma" and "Arthur Pogots".
Gavr (Gabriel Gordeyev) and Oleg Vereshchagin - miniatures and dialogues between the "waiter" (Gavr) and "guard" (Oleg Vereshchagin), also "Majers" and other miniatures.
Dmitry "Lyusyok" Sorokin, Zurab Mataa and Andrei Averin - Musical sketches.
Duet "Sisters Zaitsev", now Duet "Lesha and Roma" (Alexey Likhnitsky, Roman Yunusov) - Miniatures, parody proverbs.
Duet named after Chekhov (Anton Lirnik and Andrei Milk) - miniatures with a Ukrainian color.
Alexander Nellobin - humorous monologues on the relationship between a man and a woman.
Mitya Crustalev - Miniatures (acts in a duet from Vasilyev).
Vitya Vasilyev - Miniatures (performs in a duet with clamps crustala)
Sergey Immortal - monologues, satirical ads in newspapers, etc.
Duet "Butterflies" (Alexander Nellobin and Igor "Elvis" Meerson) - Dialogues, usually sarcastic comments and teasing each other.
Lunda Arachaga (Black African from Zambia) - humorous monologans, stories from the life of a foreigner who came to Russia.
Vadim "Rembo" Galygin - performed in miniatures and with monologues.
Tair (Tair Mamedov) - parodies on the "Maximum program".
Timur Rodriguez and Max Perlov are musical rooms and parodies.
Duet "Good evening" (Andrei "Burym" Burym and Sergey "Elk" Stakhs) - Short miniatures.
Duet "Beatles"
Also in the program you can see the performances of residents from the regional branches of Comedy Club, the participants of the Killer League, the KVN participants (took part Andrei Rozhkov, Alexander Pushnaya, Mikhail Galustyan, Sergey Svetlakov), Estradi Stars (Prime Minister Group, Anton Zaitsev, Boris Retelur, Mikhail Boyarsky, Grigory Leps, Group "Tea together", Soso Pavliashvili, Timati), politicians (Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Grigory Yavlinsky).

What can we collect all the TV on the day off? Of course "Comedy Club"! Residents of this club will help to recharge the portion of humor.

History of creation

Few people know that Comedy Club founded the KVN team "New Armenians" in 2003. Artashes Sargsyan conceived the basis of a humorous show back in 2001, when he was in America and visited the comedy club there. The search for people, not deprived of mainly there were immigrants from KVN. On the air of the Channel TNT "Comedy" appeared only in 2005. The founder of the TV show did not stop at the result and began to create new projects, since "Comedy Club" had large income because of his colossal rating. The TV shows appeared his own channel "Comedy TV", the new projects are constantly published. The club actively leads production activities and formed its company - Comedy Club Production. Residents will be recognized not only in Russia, but also countries of near and far abroad. Probably, that is why so popular "Comedy Club". The composition changes periodically, all new residents appear on the scene. In just a few years, the project reached incredible vertices. Each time, including TV, viewers are waiting for the "Comedy Club". His composition always hit his diversity, and in the future the emergence of new stars is expected.


Garik Martirosyan is the main resident of the show, as he is a leading. The Armenian emphasis attaches to all his speeches a special trembling humor. As a child, all the teachers complained about the disgusting behavior of the guy, most likely, that is why he received a diploma of the psychotherapist. The manifestation of all his talent of improvisation, he demonstrates every time leaving the scene. Communication with the guests of the club is the main trick of the resident. Garik Martirosyan and Pavel Will As a result of a conversation with the stars, the viewers are cheerful with selected jokes in their direction, but at the same time they retain a high level of communication.

Pavel Snow Volia

By education - the teacher of the Russian language and literature, but this does not mean that he is a calm and depressive person. In Penza, and he often mentions his hometown. Like most residents, Pasha had previously played KVN, was a member of the Valeon Dasson team. But, playing only one game, from the club was excluded. This man came to Moscow and worked as an ordinary foreman, and before that in his city was a DJ on a radio channel. After the first release of the "Comedy Club" the popularity of the "glamorous scum" began to grow inexorably up. Pavel Will, except for performances on the Comedy Club stage, is filmed in the cinema, and quite in serious films, which is only his role in the film "Moms". Sometimes the resident compares Mikhail Zadornov, but there are significant differences in their work, and humor is focused on different publics. But, undoubtedly, his sleep and comic greeting of guests of the club remain the most basic chief. Resident "Comedy Club" Pavel Will, by the way, voiced the famous Masyan. Of course, the stock of humor has not yet been exhausted. Resident "Comedy Club" Pavel Volya still remains a business card of the club.


Garik Harlamov - a man with a rubber face, his outstanding comicness, makes a laugh even an avid pessimist. For a long time, resident lived in the United States, where he was educated at the theater school. The future star starts his career in the subway, transitions and on Arbat, there he tells the jokes and sings the songs, thereby earning their first money. In Moscow, Garik Harlamov enters the Institute, where he gets to the KVN team of the Moscow national team (previously known as "Unlimited Youth"). Harlamov quickly becomes the leader of the team, after which another member appears - Timur Batrutdinov. As a result, two friends - Garik and Timur - Fall on the stage "Comedy Club", where the popularity of residents start increasing every day. Bulldog Harlamov stands with other no less talented humorists - Garicom Martirosyan, Demis. He is also filmed in films, in his piggy bank there are already quite a large number of roles. The first role was obtained throughout the famous "Elash". Most recently, Garik Bulldog Harlamov married for the third time - combined with a marriage with Christina Asmus.

Vadim Galygin

A very famous resident of the club who participated in the first releases of the program. Born in the family of the serviceman and himself was officers of the Armed Forces of Belarus. Again, Vadik Rambo Galygin in a military school consisted of a team of KVN and, like most residents, hit the scene "Comedy Club" from there. Vadik possess artistry and the ability to improvise. Mostly speeches were associated with monologues. Now on the stage of the club Galygin - a rare guest, since its own business takes too much time. But nevertheless, the resident sometimes comes and pleases with his unique humor, speaking with Kharlamov, Martirosyan, Batrutdinov and other participants. What to say, the best humorous show is, of course, "Comedy Club." The composition of the participants is superfluous.

Duet named Chekhov

As part of Duet and Anton Lirnik. According to the tradition of "Comedy Club", both friends came from the team "Alaska" KVN. Fame glory brought miniatures about a successful businessman and his blonde wife. But this does not mean that in the repertoire of Minsk residents the same type of rooms. They successfully reincarnate in a traffic cop and driver, in realtors or boxers. The scenarios of their number residents write strictly. Viewers always meet these people with applause.

Alexander Revva

This person without exaggeration can be called a reincarnation master. Who he just did not become in the entire history of the speech in the "Comedy Club". He was Arthur Piery, Alexandra Kuzminic, bodybuilder, street magician, fitness instructor, even the lord of the rings. Revva reincarnated repeatedly for the entire work experience in the "Comedy Club". The composition of the participants of the show, thus received another magnificent actor.

Revva began his humorous activity in the KVN team "Burnt by the Sun". Artist was born in Ukraine, in the city of Donetsk. Alexander Revva has good physical data and mimic specificity. It is worth noting that the resident is filmed in the cinema and voiced movies. And he began his career with the post of electrician at the mine.

Alexander Nellobin

Perhaps the only resident thing about the life of which is removed a whole series. Right from the provincial town of Polevsky, Sverdlovsk region. Since childhood, I wanted to become a banker, but worked in a bank just a couple of weeks, I realized that it was not for him and went to conquer the scene. During training at the university consisted of KVN team. The first acquaintance with the "Comedy Club" took place in the Yekaterinburg club, where he worked as a sound engineer. Having moved to Moscow, Nellobin removes the apartment with his countryman Svetlakov. The main theme for himself Alexander leaves relationships with beautiful floors. He ironically rises the behavior of girls, but it does it so that all his jokes do not come off. Therefore, Alexandra Nezlobin has a huge number of fans and female.

Semen Slepakov

The appearance on the stage "gum" slapakov causes a squall of applause. Since his songs under the guitar are filled with a real humor, forcing people of people glowing smiles. In the past, Semen was the captains of the KVN team "National team Pyatigorsk". Do not everyone know that the blinders produce such series such as "universal" and "Intern" on TNT. From his songs, the whole country learned how Lyuba girl became the "YouTube" star, etc. Undoubtedly, the emergence of such a talent as Semen Slepakov, he burned another star in the Show Sky.

Residents "Comedy Club", the names of which will be remembered for a long time not only the Russian audience, but also fans from other countries, continue to delight us with their humor from the club's scene. And we, in turn, are waiting for the appearance of new humor nuggets on the TV screens.

Comedy Club, Comedy Woman and Stand Up Comedy - on your holidays!

Who does not know the Comedy Club residents? Pavel Volya, Garik Martirosyan, Garik Harlamov, Timur Batrutdinov, Vadim Galygin, Alexander Revva - these and many other names are known to the whole country. But how did this club appear? Thanks it is worth saying the brand of twe. And it was so ... At the end of the 19th century, the famous American writer often performed at various public events with humorous numbers. Thus, he laid in the USA the basis of the Genre of Standap-Gum. In the post-war time, this genre literally blew (in a good sense) the country - comedy clubs for the speech of humorists opened at every step.

How Comedy Club conquered Russia ...

After dozens of years, already at the beginning of the 21st century, in one of the American clubs a member of the KVN team "New Armenians" Artashes Sargsyan visited. Comedy Club incredibly impressed him, and the artist, returned to his homeland, decided to organize a similar institution. So in 2003, the first Comedy Club opened in Russia. And already in 2005, he twisted on TV channel TNT, where and today successfully develops. Among the participants of the show regularly appear new persons, sometimes invited comedy club artists appear on the scene. Changes occur in the design of the club. For example, in 2010, he radically changed the image, began to look solid and modern.

Comedy Cland residents perform in different genres. Some read the breathtaking monologues (Garik Martirosyan, Pavel Will, Alexander Nellobin). Others, protruding duets or trio, beat funny miniatures ("Zaitsev's sisters", "Duet of the Chekhov", "Smirnov, Ivanov, Sobolev"). Third people come up with interesting images and funny stories for them (Alexander Revva, Garik Harlamov). Fourth comprehensive sappead songs (Semen Slepakov, Dmitry Sorokin). Comedy Club is joking about show business, sports, politics and all other spheres of society. An important component is improvisation on the scene. Often residents attract to this public. In other words, with the artists of the Comedy Club will definitely do not get bored! They will greatly decorate any holiday.

Show version from beautiful half

The sea of \u200b\u200bpositive emotions are able to give and charming girls from the Comedy Woman TV show, which appeared in 2008. It is often referred to as the female commander the clan, but the transmission format is somewhat different. There are also monologues here, but in general, performances are more theatrical, there was a lot of space for songs and dances. Comedy Woman actors are the former participants of the KVN teams. Each girl has its inimitable image, within which events develop on the stage of the Comedy Vumen develop. Tatiana Morozova is a simple Russian woman, Polina Sibagatullina - poetess and part-time Slow alcoholic. Blonde girl's hope of Sysoeva, a few opposite person - a sort of gopnitsa - depicts Maria Kravchenko. The role of an unmanaged and crazy girl went to Natalia Medvedeva. And the present sex symbol of the show serves Catherine Varnava. These are just some images forcing laughing thanks to the talent of the participants of the Comedy Vumen!

And one more funny project ...

These humorous shows belong to Comedy Club Production. There are engaged in the production of comedy television programs, serials and films. One of the latest projects - TV show Stand Up, released in 2013. The name emphasizes that the show is also removed in the standap-gum format. However, if the Comedy Club residents are mainly from KVN, the ordinary people who have passed casting, as well as the former participants of such TV projects, as laughter without rules, a slaughter league, Comedy Battle becomes artists. The finalists of these shows are also creative as Comedy Club artists, so their presence on the holiday will make the evening unforgettable funny!

Garik Martirosyan

It is he who gives the show an Armenian flavor, being constantly on the air transfer. This is a person confirming the saying that if talented, then talented in everything.

Its formation, erudition, resourcefulness and artistism can only be envied. As a child, he was distinguished by poor behavior and, probably, therefore, in the context of self-education, eventually learned on a psychotherapist.

True, he treats people now with the help of humor, and not the recent achievements of medical science. Although, probably, medical education and helps him communicate on stage with the United Sexi Boise group. At least, the diagnosis of each of its participants can be delivered.

Look at their living, although it is impossible to say that there is a uncomfortable communication live by choosing one gear in HD quality on our website to make sure that.

But the real starry hour of Garik on the transfer is its discovery and communication with guests. That is where his artistism and talent for improvisation reveals.

By the way, the initial part of the transfer eventually has changed over time. It was removed typical of the West vulgarity in a conversation with the guests of the Club and the level of communication was significantly increased.

In many ways, this is due to it. His constant partner in this friendly worker is.

Pavel Volya

The "glamorous subdomains" was born and grew up in Penza, and received a wide fame of a leaving from the KVN "Valeon Dasson" team in Moscow.

Also, by the way, talented not only in humor. Paul, who received the nickname "Snowball", plays a movie and writes songs. He worked as a DJ for a long time on the radio.

He moved to Moscow even before he became famous and received a residence permit in the "Comedy Club", at first he worked here a member.

By the way, he himself mentions this itself in his speeches not as often as what has the formation of a teacher of Russian language and literature. It is even interesting to become, which would teach children such a "glamorous soup". At least their essays would certainly not be boring!

But since the first broadcast broadcast, his popularity began to grow every day. It is known for its cynical jokes (especially at first career in the "comedy"), ridicuing show business figures.

This all happened during the greeting of the guests and said right in the eye. That is why he became a "glamor paternal".

Who was not forced to lie on the floor of his song about the girl of any, who became the star of the Utyuba, about the Friday adventures of the middle manager, about the growing part of Ani Kuznetsova's body (here he was lucky to all her full themes in real life after this song).

Its more than thirty songs have long been cleaned for quotes. Their texts are always on the verge of permitted than attractive to the listener. Their topics are always relevant, and the texts are saturated with humor.

By compatibility, the famous bard produces. What, apparently, it turns out very well, because the speeches of the "Comedy" team are becoming more popular so far. He also produces and participates in the role of the director in such serials as "universal" and "Interns".

Vadim Galygin

Another old frame that participated in the first releases of Comedy Club, after which it was engaged in his own business, and now began to appear on the release of the program again.

Who would have thought that Vadik Rambo The Son of the Military and himself was the senior lieutenant of the Armed Forces of Belarus.

Apparently, strict military discipline did not like the soul and he rushed there, where it was mostly welcomed most of all. Forwards to the stopping relationship in the "comedy" he rushed again through KVN, whose teams "lit up" from the Military School.

He started from the standau, where he succeeded to such an extent that his speeches were diverged by recordings on mobile phones and other recording devices. Vadik Galygin at that time was associated with the word "bag".

In the current role, he shines in scenes with, and others.

It has many bright scenic images, playing which manifests an outstanding sense of humor and artistry. His ability to improvisation was amused during the times of performances in the genre of Standap.

Demis Caribidis

This hot guy with an inexhaustible temperament was born in Tbilisi. The star "Comedy" also became after performances in KVN. In general, Comedy Club settled well, having such a blacksmith staff like a club resourceful merry.

As the name obliges, the club finds talents, and "comedy" takes them into residents. In this case, the acquisition turned out to be very valuable, since (real surname of the star) carried here a new wave of positive and energy.

With it and rushing charisma, and the rooms with his participation are unrealized by a visual hall.

The Comedy Club has many more residents who will not let the public. It is both Standapovets, and the leading separate heading "Preliminary caress" Serge Gorey (in everyday life Sergey Gorleikov), and introducing a variety of club entertainment with photoidiotism Victor Vasilyev.

Such stars are also here as, and sometimes even himself - V.V. Putin. His role is performed.

Today there are a lot of interesting projects on television worthy of viewers.

Sometimes I want to see something funny and cheerful to unload brains, switch, forgetting about problems and difficulties.

Without a doubt, humorous projects are beautiful and the fact that they simply raise the man's mood, allowing you to distract and recharge your positive for a long time.

Among the very successful comedian projects, the most popular popularity and love of the audience won the "Comedy Club" project, which appeared with the easy hand of Artashes Sargsyan. It was he who created a program similar to the American show.

The first participants in the Comedy Club became the colleeners from the New Armenian team, many of whom are still happy about the fans of the show.

Comedy Club residents were glad to shared jokes with spectators, giving them a perky humor, which was personally written by them, and covered a lot of areas of the life of ordinary people.

All the favorite participants of Comedy Club came to the project gradually, adding a fun new breath, new fans, even greater fame.

Comedy Club residents have become celebrities, which were compared in popularity with celebrities cinema and show business.

The clubs from Comedy Club were increasingly invited to different talk shows, the guys created new projects, and thanks to considerable earnings managed to develop Comedy Club, improving it.

Participants in the Comedy Club became nominees of the Teffe Prize in the category "Leading Entertainment Program", "Humorous Program / Show".

And by the way, everyone's favorite Sitcoma, as Sashahatany, "Interns", "University", demonstrating the lives of students, interns, lovers also appeared thanks to the ideas of the participants of our show.

Today we offer you the top 30 residents of Comedy Club, all the favorite and most popular humor in the world.

And who from Comedy Club do you like? Who would you add to our rating?

The most talented and famous residents Comedy Club: photo of participants

Stars Comedy Club: Mikhail Galustyan

Comedy Club Residents: Pavel Will

Participants Comedy Club: Marina Kravts

Residents Comedy Club: Martirosyan Garik

Comedy Club Residents: Garik Harlamov

Residents Comedy Club (Comedy Woman): Natalia Andreevna

Participants Comedy Club: Timur Batrutdinov

Residents Comedy Club: Victor Vasilyev

Comedy Club Residents (Comedy Woman): Catherine Bulkina

Comedy Comedy Club: Vadim Galygin

Comedy Club participants (Comedy Woman): Catherine Varnava

Stars Projects Comedy Club: Ruslan White

Stars Comedy Club (Comedy Woman): Marina Fedunkiv


Participants Comedy Club: Semyon Slepakov

Singer and resident Comedy Club: Timur Rodriguez

Participants Comedy Club: Gabriel Gordeev (Gavr)

Residents of the best comedy show Comedy Club: Sergey Kurtergin

Stars Comedy Club: Andrey Averin

Participants Comedy Club: Zurab Matu


Residents Comedy Club: Dmitry Sorokin

Stars Comedy Club: Sergey Svetlakov

Next resident Comedy Club Andrey Milk

Participants Comedy Club: Alexander Nellobin

Comedy Club Residents: Demis Coribidis

Participants Comedy Club: Andrey Skorokhod

Comedy Club Residents: Dmitry Kitomoma

Stars Comedy Club: Ivan Pyshenko

Residents Comedy Club: Dmitry Grachev