
Comedy Monologists Lirnik and Andrey Milk. Andrei Milk in Comedy Club watch online. Children's Years and Youth

Andrei Milk - Resident Comedy Club

Andrei Milk, from the Zhytomyr region (Ukraine), became extremely popular in Russia as one of the residents of the club's comedons. He performs brilliant rooms with their own partner.

Moreover, the actor game is so explosive that the audience is waiting for their performances with delight. His energy and how much laid out Andrei in speeches, just amazes.

He studied at the Kiev Agrarian Institute, and, as True Gourmet, being a graduate student, wrote work on the topic of the beef market. It was not thoroughly studying it, since graduate school was thrown, and the future star of humor completely surrendered to a more creative occupation.

Milk (judging by the resulting formation of meat-milk) still, being a student, participated in the games of different teams of KVN, where he met at one time with.

Andrei's energy was enough to be in teams simultaneously by the administrator, the leading actor and the creative center. Thus, the study of the beef market has grown into the study of the humor market, and the goods of Andrei dairy began to acquire demand both in Russia and Ukraine.

Using such sales centers, like "Comedy Club Ukraine". At least, he received some benefit from studying at the institute. In the last courses, he met his future wife and real love by Natalia.

KVN was a favorite program of dairy from childhood. He knew attending the most popular jokes from there and repeated them in front of her friends. With such artistry that the theater institute was referred to him.

But the path to the star humor lay still through the agricultural. The Higher League of KVN became a start to create a duet "Dich" and registering in. It was he who was the creator of Comedy Club Ukraine, a project that existed from 2006 to 2010. In 2008, his project "Fayan Yucrayna" started.

However, Andrew's greatest fame has exactly as one of the participants. Together with they independently create miniatures, which are subsequently destined to become a classic humor. Their performances want to watch again and again, they regularly become nailing programs of the Cland's Comedy.

The fruitfulness of their creativity seems to not know the borders. It's amazing how the guys can find a funny grain in completely household, sometimes even enough negative situations. And they create all new creations, more than 800 have already typed. After all, situations in which no jokes do not understand, in our life an incredible set.

To date, the duet has many fans who consider them the best comedians on the Russian stage. The riddle of his name reveal the guys themselves, telling that they are obliged to.

The intellectual from after their viewing issued a Tirade that this duet of crazy unexpected, who do not even know the name Chekhov. Now this name knows absolutely everything! Thus, comedians carry enlightenment into the masses. And do it very funny.

Member name: Anton Anatolyevich Lirnik

Age (birthday): 23.09.1976

City: Kirovograd, Ukraine

Education: KDPU them. V.Vinnicheka.

Family: married

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With this article read:

Anton Lirnik was born and grew up in Ukraine, was an ordinary boy and none of his relatives could even think that he would become an artist.

After school, he entered the Pedagogical Institute by choosing the Faculty of Journalism.

Two years later he i decided to translate to philologicalHowever, after the first semester, it was expelled and the reasons for this are still not known. But, most likely, Anton skiddd the KVN, in which he took part, combining entertainment with study.

As part of the KVN team "Alaska" Anton even managed to visit the Higher League
And speak from the scene of Maslyakov - how later the little girl tells, this experience has determined a lot in his life.

In 2006, he unites with Chekhov's duet. Along the guys actively storm the scene of the Ukrainian Comedy Club, and then Russian.

The success of the duet was ambitious guys easily could conquer television And then, however, the tragedy in the life of Anton became a hindrance to further career growth.

The daughter of Mary was discovered brain cancer, the family fought in vain with the ailment, a number of operations conducted a number of operations, but the child could not be saved.

From now on, Anton's life has lost all meaning, the artist decided to leave the country, and as far as possible, to not see anyone and do not listen to constant condolences.

For more than two years, Anton lived abroad, trying to put up with horror, and it was friends who returned his life.

Since then, Anton has been working at the "Good" Empire - Studio is engaged in creating scripts to serials and films. He also returned to the team of Andrei Dairy, becoming the director and the author of the plots to the project "Swallow Nest".

At the same time, Anton is engaged in a musical career - he is the author of the songs for the LiRnik Band group, performs some hits, and easily find clips with his participation. Lirnik also an active blogger, its accounts in social networks are quite popular.

Personal life Anton Lirnik, too, began to gradually improve - he married the second time on Valeria Borodina, And soon she gave him the daughter of Sofia.

However, the marriage did not last long, and the spouses divorced. Now Lirnik is married for the third time, Marina Gurudko became his chief, but there are no common children yet.

Also Anton Lirnik continue to perform in duet them. Chekhov, together with Andrei Dairy.

Photo Antona

Anton Lirnik has instagram where you can often see photos and videos from his life.

Anton Anatolyevich Lirnik - comedian, TV presenter, screenwriter and musician from Ukraine. Resident "Comedy Club" (as part of the "Chekhov Duet" with Andrei Dairy), a former KVNSC.

Children's Years and Youth

Anton was born and grew up in a creative intelligent family. His father in his youth played in the Odessa Student Theater together with Mikhail Zhvanetsky And Roman Kartsev and possessed a wonderful sense of humor, which was transferred to the children: Anton and the two senior brothers.

As a child, the little girl was a versatile child: I read a lot, I learned a lot of violin for four years in a music school, I was engaged in sports. Having received a certificate of secondary education, the young man entered the Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Journalism, although their relatives wanted to see him by a lawyer. After the second course, I was transferred to another university to Filfak, but I did not graduate.

In the student years, he was carried away by the game in KVN, played for the Gulf Stream team, parallel to the leading entertainment programs on top television.


In 2000, Lirnik was invited to learn in the Kiev School of Journalism. He took advantage of this proposal, moved to the Ukrainian capital and did not return to Kirovograd. After graduating from an educational institution, Anton worked as a journalist, wrote scenarios, led the program on the radio and on the Inter TV channel.

In parallel, he played in KVN for the team of "Alaska" and during one of the speeches I met Andrei dairy, my future partner on Duet Chekhov.

In 2006, Anton became one of the creators of the "Comedy Club UA", the Ukrainian analogue of the Popular Show. Then the "duet of Chekhov" was born, which instantly became popular both on the territory of Ukraine and beyond. Soon, the talented humorists became residents of the Russian "Comedy Club", traveled to Polmir's tour and won the sincere love of connoisseurs of good humor.

"Duet named after Chekhov". In jeweler

On the account "Duet named after Chekhov" - more than a hundred sketch. Among them - the most popular numbers "How Taxi drivers are swearing", "Kolkhoz Oligarch buys yacht", "Husband with a wife from a sexopathologist", "Partisans in captivity" and many others.

In 2012, the Ukrainian "Comedy Club" closed. The "Real Comedy" project came to his place with "duet them. Chekhov "as honorable residents. Anton Lirnik took the position of director-director of the project.

Lirnik Band - "Zhiguli"

In parallel, Anton took up musical activities, created the group "Lirnik Band", writes the texts for their songs and shoots clips on them. The song "Zhiguli" was so accounted for by representatives of AvtoVAZ, which they decided to make it a business card of the enterprise. In 2012, the first collection of the Platinum Album group was published, which included not only original compositions, but also comic parodies on the hits of popular performers.

With a talented Ukrainian screenwriter Andrei Zabiika, the Lirnik organized that the "Empire of Good", which is engaged in the production and creation of films and entertainment programs, such as the series "Swallow Nest" and a comedy tank "Taxi".

Anton is a member of the jury of the Ukrainian Laga League, and since 2016 - a star guide in the author's program "VIP-guide".

Lirnik - a participant in the sensational performance "Male Cracked", the central female role in which performs Olga Buzova.

Personal life Anton Lirnik

The first time Anton married early, and already in 22 years already became the father of the baby Masha. In the eight years, the girl died from the incurable oncological disease. The death of the daughter from the brain cancer became a terrible blow to her parents. Anton and his spouse Tatiana could no longer stay together and parted.

There is no way to survive. It's impossible. You can only get used to this thought. She should just ask the chest as a ashes.

From depression, a man saved his favorite job in which he left his head. The humorist did not decrease for a long time to create a new family, but the acquaintance with Valery Borodina again returned his interest in life. In 2009, the spouses had a daughter Sonya, however, and this marriage collapsed in a few years.

Librik - Passionate Bibliophile, reads a lot, collects rare editions and recently wrote the book "Three in Thailand, not counting dogs."

Anton Lirnik now

In 2017-2018, Anton, along with a colleague by "Comedy claw" Roman Yunusov He worked on the new entertainment TV show "Weekend Show". They (as well as Polina Sibigatulline) tried on the role of leading. The transmission did not have clear genre boundaries: it combined both standap, and sketchi, and a parody, and a popular genre "VIN" in the video blocks. The pilot release of the show was shown at STS in the summer of 2017.

All issues of "duet them. Chekhov "online:

About duet them. Chekhov (Dich)

That is what the appearance await the audience with impatience, looking. And always causes intrigue what the situation will be played this time.

Whether this is a visit to the elite French restaurant, whether the scene is from the life of realtors, whether there are cases with the delivery of building materials, etc. The duet's special "chip" are their scenes from the family life of a large businessman and his glamorous blonde wife.

At the same time, an expressive portion of performances, connected to the usual imperturbability of anton of the leather, is simply generated by endless explosions of laughter, both in the auditorium and the other side of the television screen.

The artists know how to intrigue and start the public. For many viewers, even the origin of their small, but very well-coordinated team is a mystery. Asks, where are Chekhov?

Maybe this is a hint of intelligence of their humor and high-quality literary texts? Or the fruitfulness of their creativity? But, if you use this approach, it would be more logical to call the duet with the name of Tolstoy. After all, more than 800 texts have been created.

If you release a complete collection of the works of the duet (and they write their guys themselves), then the volume will not be less than in the four volumes of "War and Peace". To the quality of literary processing of texts, too, the questions seems to not arise, although at the very beginning it was for this that they received a portion of criticism in their address from.

By the way, the intrigue of the appearance of the duet on the light is revealed. After the first viewing on the selection in Martirosyan, he stated that it was impressed as if they didn't even know the name of Chekhov. Since then, the guys decided to immediately cut off such suspicions: they not only know the name of the Great Writer, but also carry "game" to the masses (DIC-reduced duet name).

For a long time, he tried to combine his promotion in the field of education (they were not completed by the candidate thesis on the topic of the conjuncture of the beef market) with the game in KVN. She was carried away by Andrei, still, being a student. Moreover, his energy was enough to be the captain and administrator of the teams in which he opposed.

In the last - Kiev "Alaska" he meets with