
Eco method ixi: what is it, what are the pros and cons of this method of artificial insemination? Pros and cons of IVF: disadvantages of the procedure and its advantages Cons of eco for a woman's body reviews

Unfortunately, not every woman is destined to become a mother due to many reasons. If earlier this had to be put up with, today there is a reproductive technology called in vitro fertilization, thanks to which, as such, conception occurs outside the body, in a test tube, and a woman is already carrying a child on her own or using the services of a surrogate mother. What are its pros and cons?

Advantages of IVF fertilization

The first and most important advantage of using this method of artificial insemination is birth of a child. Many couples are forced to give up their dream of becoming parents due to health problems, but fortunately, modern technology makes it possible to carry out artificial insemination. If a woman’s health allows her to carry a child on her own, then under the supervision of a doctor, she bears the baby herself, in case of gynecological and other diseases, you can turn to a surrogate mother. At the same time, the sex cells attracted belong to the spouses, that is, the newborn is their biological child.

The procedure is not complicated, although, of course, a woman and a man have to take some tests before the procedure. Their main goal is to determine the possibility of conception, pregnancy and childbearing. Fertilization by mixing germ cells (sperm and egg) takes place in a test tube, after which the embryo is introduced into the uterus. Before the procedure, a woman has to take hormonal drugs, which increase the chances that the IVF procedure will be successful. Pregnancy occurs, as with natural fertilization, childbirth also occurs naturally in the absence of indications.

Thanks to the IVF method, many children were born, which is natural solves the demographic problem, due to which the population is rapidly falling, and the death rate exceeds the birth rate. The advantage of IVF fertilization is that the embryo, before being introduced into the uterus, is subjected to a thorough examination, during which it checks for the presence of genetic and hereditary abnormalities. This increases the chances of having healthy children without pathologies.

Cons of in vitro fertilization

The controversy around artificial insemination does not subside, since the IVF procedure is still not fully explored. So there is statistics according to which children born using this method have a higher probability of developing cancer in the future. There is an opinion that they also have problems with childbearing in the future.

The IVF procedure also has implications for a woman's health. Due to artificial stimulation of strengthening the work of the ovaries and causing a temporary menopause in the expectant mother, in the future she may experience gynecological problems and hormonal imbalance may occur. Stopping the menopause itself is unpleasant, it is accompanied by severe headaches, nausea and constant mood swings. Taking hormonal drugs, due to which the number of eggs increases, also have significant consequences for women's health. Rapid weight gain is just one of them, it also includes weakness and malaise, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.

After the introduction of hormones often appear thyroid problems. She simply cannot cope with the huge influx of hormones, and therefore, after giving birth, it is advisable to check her condition in order to conduct therapy in time. The heart also suffers, since estrogen intake negatively affects the permeability of blood vessels.

Many associate artificial insemination with risk of developing cancer in the future. In fact, cancer and IVF procedure are not directly related, but at the same time, doctors do not exclude the possibility that if a woman is predisposed to oncology, in vitro fertilization can become one of the concomitant causes of this disease.

A significant disadvantage of IVF fertilization is also considered multiple pregnancy. Often, several embryos take root in the uterus at once, which a woman is not able to endure, since after hormone therapy her health is greatly weakened. If there are indications, reduction is carried out, during which part of the embryos is removed from the uterus. Unfortunately, this procedure often ends in miscarriage.

In vitro fertilization is a very expensive procedure ( about 10,000 dollars), therefore, not every family can afford to become parents through artificial insemination. This is also its disadvantage.


For most women, becoming a mother and raising children is the main goal of her life. Unfortunately, infertility and other gynecological problems often interfere with this. Therefore, IVF fertilization has become a salvation for many families dreaming of a child.

The artificial insemination procedure involves hormonal therapy, which gives rise to a lot of negative consequences for women's health, problems with the cardiovascular system may appear, since after the introduction of hormones, the heart muscle weakens. Overweight appears, frequent pains in the lower abdomen appear, often the symptoms include a headache. Due to hormonal failure, menopause can begin early, during which health is greatly weakened. However, according to most women, all the disadvantages of IVF are covered by the main plus - they have a long-awaited child.

Many couples face physical problems by the time they are ready to conceive a child. Reproductive technologies, such as IVF, help such couples fight infertility. What kind of procedure is this, what are its advantages and disadvantages - we will discuss in this article.

What is IVF

In vitro fertilization or, as it is also called, "test tube" conception, is a technology for artificial insemination, shown in case of infertility of one of the partners and the impossibility of treating it with another method.

Important! With poor sperm quality, fertilization is carried out using miniature instruments, introducing the male cell "manually".

IVF is carried out in medical institutions under the strict supervision of a team of specialists. To extract a mature egg, the female body is stimulated with hormones, and then the egg is removed using a puncture.

The female cell and spermatozoa are placed in a nutrient solution close to the natural environment where fertilization takes place.

The embryo develops for a certain time under the supervision of doctors in a special incubator. Then it is placed into the uterine cavity using a special catheter, anesthesia is not required, the procedure is painless.

After transplantation, the expectant mother is monitored by specialists of the center where IVF is carried out, they control, among other things, the level of the hCG hormone. 2-3 weeks after replanting, they are carried out.

Advantages of IVF

Since the appearance of the procedure, its following advantages have been noted:

  • the opportunity to become parents with a diagnosis of partner infertility;
  • 35% success rate;
  • the ability to freeze the material for a future procedure;
  • the ability to predict the sex of the baby;
  • the probability of having two or more children;
  • the selection of healthy material after careful examinations gives more chances to give birth to a child without pathologies.

Did you know? In 1986, the first child was born in Moscow, conceived with the help of in vitro fertilization, a female baby was named Elena.

Cons of IVF

The procedure also has a number of disadvantages:

  • high cost is not available to everyone;
  • risks of hyperstimulation;
  • health complications at the stages of egg retrieval;
  • there is a risk of ectopic and missed pregnancy;
  • high probability of multiple pregnancy requiring surgical intervention.

Opinions of doctors: all for and against

Doctors' opinions about the procedure were initially mixed:

  • opponents talked about risks, about ethics, about interfering with the natural course of nature and a low success rate;
  • proponents considered the method a lifesaver for many childless couples, their only chance of becoming parents.

Important! A complex technology requires constant monitoring of a group of doctors, including a geneticist, gynecologist, reproductologist and others, in order to avoid complications.

Some doctors, in particular, A. Baranov (Chief Pediatrician of Russia) say that 75% of children "from a test tube" are born with disabilities.

However, obstetricians and geneticists argue that the risks of having a baby with a pathology as a result of IVF and after natural conception are approximately equal.

Oksana Gayvoronskaya, obstetrician-gynecologist, candidate of medical sciences, said: “Since sperm and egg donors undergo a thorough examination before the procedure, there is every reason to believe that the method gives desperate couples every chance for healthy offspring.
In addition, future parents are interviewed by psychologists, receive recommendations and appointments on daily routine, nutrition, etc.”

There is also an opinion that children born as a result of artificial insemination are subsequently doomed to infertility themselves. However, a vivid refutation of this myth is the children of Elena Dontsova and Louise Brown (the first children who appeared from the “test tube”), conceived naturally.

Did you know? Since the advent of IVF to the present day, thanks to the method, 6 million people have already been born: this is more than the population of Norway.

As for complications, it depends on many reasons:

  • the age of the patient;
  • her state of health before the procedure;
  • sperm quality and sperm donor health;
  • heredity of both partners;
  • the psychological mood of the future parents, their implementation of the doctor's recommendations is also important.

And all these factors are taken into account before the conception procedure. No wonder the technology has a number of contraindications. There are relative, for example, benign tumors or infections, after the treatment of which conception is allowed.

But there are absolute contraindications:

  • life-threatening pathologies;
  • pathology of the uterus;
  • severe hereditary diseases.

To summarize: any intervention in the natural processes of the body has its own difficulties and risks, but despite this, the WHO has recognized the IVF procedure as one of the most effective today. The final decision is made by couples who want to become parents.

More and more modern women resort to the IVF procedure, IVF gives many families the opportunity to have children, although a few decades ago medicine could not help them. But, like any medical intervention, IVF has its pros and cons. Moms of the forum site discuss the consequences of IVF, the cost of the procedure and share their experiences.

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IVF and consequences

Mom Golda shares her experience : « Hi all! Girls, I did 4 IVFs, all with no result, and then I just got pregnant. But I'm here on a different matter: IVF treatment can cause cancer. I do not dissuade you from IVF, I just ask you to be vigilant about your moles and skin changes».

Mom Svetliashok : “Double opinion. A bunch of questions and it’s scary to ask: either to congratulate you on the fact that you were able to get pregnant, or to start a conversation about the topic of the disease. If she touched you."

Mom Mriya2014 : “There are other side effects after IVF. They are not so scary. It is not customary to talk about them for two reasons: for whom everything went well, it’s a sin to complain, and for those whose attempts are unsuccessful - so as not to frighten those who have not yet used this chance. When I went to IVF, I was sure of success. Someone tolerates it easily, but it was hard for me: dizziness, nausea, emotional lability, it is unrealistic to concentrate. To achieve a dream, it's the little things. But for several months after the breakdown, I have been constantly sick: either cystitis, or bronchitis, or gastritis, or the flu, or kidneys, and I have gained weight. These are, of course, trifles, but if I were pregnant, how I would cope with this, I myself do not know. We must understand, going to IVF, that not everything is as harmless as one would like to believe.”

Mom A_Deev : “We came across IVF. Unsuccessfully. Thank God, there were no such consequences that you write about. This is to understand that I'm slightly in the subject. And now the main thing: dear ladies, if you have at least one ovary and at least one tube, never go against yourself, against your body on IVF. IVF can be indulged when there is no physical opportunity to conceive. You need to try other means. In most cases, women can benefit from ovarian failure drugs that help increase their receptivity to conception. Unfortunately, in my case, these drugs will not help. But I will strongly advise my soul mate (we have a democracy) not to continue playing roulette called IVF. And it's not about the money. There is always the opportunity to adopt a baby. If the maternal instinct insistently demands, it is possible to realize it in the best manifestation in relation to a non-consanguineous person, but who has become spiritually close for life.

Mom Svetliashok asks : « I have a friend who has already made 4 IVF attempts. A friend asks what to pay attention to next, what additional examinations may be needed?

Mother Iruka : "After 2 failures, I passed the NK and APS, I will do a hysteroscopy before the next time."

Mom Natalia : “Did your friend get checked thoroughly by a normal gynecologist before going for IVF? Because the problem may not be in IVF at all, but in hormones. I know from my own experience that doctors in reproductive clinics are only responsible for their part.”

Mom Pushinka : “The doctor chooses additional examinations in each case individually, it is difficult and incorrect to apply the collective mind here. If the doctor has no ideas about other options - this is bad, but my friend would be advised to take a break and temporarily switch. I know it’s trite and infuriating, but it helps!”

Mother Sorbier : “There were two IVF attempts, 6 cryo transfers ... Now we are preparing the docks for adoption, peace and tranquility in my soul. But this is completely off topic. Good luck and be patient."

You can join this discussion at.

Currently, the IVF procedure is becoming more and more accessible. In this regard, the number of children born after artificial insemination is also growing. Therefore, the consequences of IVF for a woman's body are of interest to many. And before deciding to carry out this type of fertilization, it is worth considering all the pros and cons.

With proper preparation and conduct of the procedure, the consequences of IVF for a woman are not significant. All possible consequences after IVF can be divided into two groups:

  1. Consequences that negatively affect the child.
  2. Negative effect on the body of a woman.
Impact of IVF on a child

Let's figure out what the consequences after IVF can be and the effect of the procedure on the health of the child. It is known that this type of fertilization increases the risk of intrauterine development and fetal hypoxia. If a woman is over 30 years old, and her own egg is used for IVF, then the likelihood of developing various pathologies in the child increases. First of all, the consequences of IVF for a child are dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems, neurological disorders, chromosomal abnormalities and other malformations. It is also not excluded the complicated course of pregnancy and the appearance of complications in childbirth. Such as placental abruption, premature birth and even antenatal fetal death.

The risk of developing the consequences of IVF with a donor egg is much lower. This is due to the fact that the donor is selected very carefully and undergoes a large number of diagnostic measures. This includes genetic diseases.

The negative impact of IVF on the body of women

The consequences of IVF on a woman's body can be the following:

  1. Allergic reactions to injected drugs. No study is immune from this.
  2. There is an increased risk of developing hypertension during pregnancy.
  3. Bleeding.
  4. Inflammatory processes associated with the introduction of an infectious agent or with the "awakening" of a chronic process.
  5. Multiple pregnancy. To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, several embryos are placed in the uterus. And one can attach to the wall of the uterus, or maybe several. Therefore, if more than two embryos take root, it is necessary to carry out reduction, that is, to stop their existence. And here another problem arises - during the reduction of one embryo, all the others may die.
  6. Negative consequences of IVF associated with the use of hormonal drugs.
  7. It rarely develops.
  8. One of the stages of IVF is the puncture of the ovarian follicles for egg collection. And the consequence of follicle puncture during IVF may be moderate general weakness, dizziness. Such consequences for a woman after IVF are associated with the introduction of drugs for anesthesia, so they should not scare. Also, after the procedure, the presence of soreness in the lower abdomen is characteristic. Minor bleeding is also possible.

Negative aspects of hormone use before IVF

The consequence after an unsuccessful IVF can be serious hormonal disruptions, which are exacerbated by feelings and depressive disorders.

Therefore, it is worth considering separately the consequences of taking hormones during IVF and their effect on the woman's body. The main consequence before IVF is the syndrome overactive ovaries. The basis of this pathology is an uncontrolled response of the ovaries to drug stimulation. In this case, the ovaries significantly increase in size, cysts form in them. The clinical picture is characterized by the presence

In vitro fertilization is a common variant of assisted reproductive technologies. It is used when a couple has difficulty conceiving a child. The difference between IVF and other methods of artificial insemination is that the egg merges with the sperm outside the human body - in the laboratory. After selecting a viable embryo, it is placed in the uterus of the expectant mother for gestation.

The method was first applied in 1978, and since then the controversy around it has not subsided. There are both supporters and opponents of IVF. However, thousands of childless couples around the world have already become happy parents thanks to in vitro fertilization technology.

IVF Benefits:

  1. Thanks to this assisted reproductive technology, a woman with congenital or acquired disorders of the reproductive system can become a mother. So, pregnancy occurs even with obstruction of the fallopian tubes.
  2. During the entire period of gestation, a woman is observed by a doctor, which makes it possible to detect problems and anomalies in the development of the embryo at an early stage. Any deviations will be immediately noticed and eliminated.
  3. The chances of giving birth to a completely healthy child tend to be 100%, as long-term observations show.
  4. Women in their 40s and 50s who find it difficult to conceive naturally can get pregnant.
  5. It is believed that children conceived with the help of IVF are intellectually more developed. In addition, parents pay maximum attention to such long-awaited babies, so they grow up in a wonderful atmosphere and become successful people.

IVF Disadvantages:

  1. The main risk is the development of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (1.2% probability). involves obtaining several eggs for further fertilization. But in the female body, only one follicle matures every month. Therefore, hormonal stimulation of the ovaries is carried out. Incorrect dosage selection is fraught with an increase in the size of the ovaries, pain, accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, digestive problems and fever. This can be avoided by accurately calculating the dose of drugs.
  2. There is a possibility of an ectopic pregnancy, when the embryo is fixed not in the uterus, but in the fallopian tube or abdominal cavity.
  3. Taking medications can cause malfunctions in the digestive tract, liver, as well as allergic reactions and other disorders.
  4. There is a chance of multiple pregnancy (25%), but many couples are positive about this.
  5. Not everyone is positive about IVF for religious or ethical reasons.

According to 2007 data for Russia, in vitro fertilization ends with pregnancy in 36% of cases, when using frozen embryos - in 26%, with donor gametes - in 45%. In 2009, the European Congress of Reproductive Medicine stated that the number of children born in the world thanks to IVF is 4,000,000.

Given this information, couples who want to conceive a child weigh the pros and cons and make a decision to use or refuse ART.