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Is it possible for children to have sweets and how to start giving chocolate? When can a child start giving sweets? Is it possible to give a child if

Hello dear parents. As you begin to expand your toddler's diet, you become increasingly concerned about when to introduce a particular product. Today's article will be devoted to juice. We will look at the most frequently asked questions on this topic. You will find out at what age the juice is given to the child, how useful it is for the body of your crumbs and how to properly introduce it into complementary foods.

Beneficial features

What are the benefits of juice?

  1. The composition includes vitamins and minerals, as well as organic acids. Serves to strengthen the whole body.
  2. Juice with pulp is characterized by the presence of pectins and dietary fiber. Improves the functioning of the digestive system.
  3. Apple juice contains a sufficient amount of vitamin C and iron (especially green varieties). Therefore, it strengthens the immune system and favorably affects the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  4. Carrot, apricot, peach, pumpkin juices have a predominant content of beta-carotene. And this helps to improve the vision of the baby, and strengthen the teeth and gums of the child. In addition, pumpkin is saturated with B vitamins (active participation in metabolism).
  5. Pomegranate juice is characterized by a high content of iron. It is especially often prescribed to children with anemia.
  6. Banana and apricot are high in magnesium and potassium. They have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart, the transmission of nerve impulses, strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

What juices to give the child

Do not give a child under a year of juice prepared by one's own hands. At home, you will not be able to conduct sufficient heat treatment of the ingredients of this product. And as a result, you run the risk of introducing an infection to the little one.

Therefore, you have no choice but to give preference to industrial manufacturers. The main thing you should pay attention to when choosing juice:

  1. Compound. Be sure to read the label carefully. High-quality juice for your child should not contain anything other than, in fact, fruits or berries, some small amount of sugar is allowed. Flavorings and dyes are strictly prohibited for crumbs.
  2. Be sure to look at the date and expiration dates. Buy only fresh products for your baby.
  3. On each jar of juice, the allowed age for drinking this drink is indicated.

You need to know what juices when you need to introduce into the baby's diet:

  1. The first is to give juice from apples of green varieties, charmingly clarified. Let's say from four months.
  2. The next in the baby's diet will include pear (also clarified), peach, carrot, banana, apricot, pumpkin. They are allowed from five months.
  3. When the baby is six months old, new types of juices are introduced: cherry, plum, currant (from black berries), cranberry, beetroot. Two or more component products are also already allowed.
  4. But with juices based on red fruits and citrus fruits, you should wait until a year, or even longer.
  5. A certain juice can be prescribed as an auxiliary element in the treatment of a particular ailment.

How many months to give the baby juice

It used to be that juice could be given to a baby from two months old, but today it is reliably known that this should not be done until the age of four months. A child up to three or four months old has a completely weak digestive system, the enzymatic system is not sufficiently developed. It is very difficult for his stomach to cope with such an innovation. And in cases where mothers still decide to give juice, even apple juice, before four months, they risk seeing how their child will suffer from bloating, upset or rash.

However, the ideal time to introduce juices into the baby's diet is the moment when the little one has already tried at least some fruit purees. His body has already become familiar with this group of products and was able to adapt. Thus, the risk of developing allergies will be reduced.

So, the optimal time for the introduction of juices is the seven-month age of your little one.

I unknowingly gave my son clarified apple juice at 6 months. At that time, we tried only vegetable puree. The baby has a rash. I was very scared then. The doctor explained why. And the second time I introduced juices after 7 months, and even the most harmless ones.

Input rules

  1. It is advisable to give juice after the feeding process. If this is done before feeding, then the baby may refuse the usual food, because the juice is “tastier”.
  2. For the first input, it is better to use purchased juices specially designed for breastfeeding. If you still decide to give a drink of your own preparation - do not forget to dilute it by half with water for baby food.
  3. The first in the baby's diet should be single-component juices, in particular clarified apple and clarified pear.
  4. Then you can enter other fruit, vegetable and berry juices. It is worth abstaining from red fruits, exotic representatives and citrus fruits, at least up to a year, but better up to 18 months. Grape juice can provoke flatulence and colic in a baby.
  5. The first complementary foods should be given no more than a teaspoon. Observe the child's reaction. If all is well, gradually increase the portion. If there are signs of an allergy, stop the injection of juice, postpone it for several months.
  6. Try to teach your baby to immediately drink from a spoon or drinking cup, and not from a bottle. He is slowly becoming an adult.

How much juice can children

This is a very important question. If the baby is not given enough of this drink, then it will not bring any benefit. Giving too much can hurt. The child will have an excess of fructose and possibly even vitamins. And if the juice was with pulp, it will definitely cause problems in the digestive system.

The first time, as you know, the baby should be given 5 ml, no more. In a favorable environment, increase the portion and bring it up to a year in 100 ml (daily rate).

Actually, there is a formula by which you can calculate the correct amount of juice for your little one. To do this, you just need to multiply the age of the crumbs (in months) by 10 ml. So, for example, for an eight-month-old child, the norm will be 80 ml of juice per day, and for a one and a half year old - 180 ml.

I told you about the rules for introducing juice into your child's menu. Now you know when and how much of this drink your baby needs. Follow these recommendations, and your little one will grow up healthy and cheerful.

Persimmon is a berry. The juicy fruits of this plant have a beneficial effect on the human body. Adults and children are happy to gobble up this juicy fruit, because it is rare when food is not only tasty, but also healthy. Persimmon appears on the shelves of supermarkets in the winter months, when we suffer the most from vitamin and microelement deficiencies. Many parents are interested in whether it is possible to give persimmon to a child after a year? From how many months can this product be introduced into the diet? Let's talk more about this wonderful fruit.

Data. Persimmon is the food of the gods. This is how the name of the berry is translated from Latin.

Why is persimmon so useful?

  • Persimmon contains vegetable fibers that help the digestive tract, while improving intestinal motility. Proper use of the fruit eliminates stool problems: the baby will forget about constipation, flatulence and diarrhea. The pectin contained in the fruit is responsible for the regulation of appetite and helps maintain optimal blood sugar levels;
  • Iodine regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland, prevents malfunctions of this organ;
  • Manganese contributes to the regulation of metabolic processes in the body, full growth and development;
  • Iron prevents the development of anemia, renews the composition of human blood;
  • Magnesium has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, and also improves the condition of teeth and bones. Vitamin B6 is useful for the nervous system, it is simply necessary for those children in whom the process of excitation prevails over the process of inhibition;
  • Calcium strengthens bones and teeth;
  • Potassium is involved in the regulation of water-salt balance, it prevents many heart diseases;
  • Vitamin P strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • The vitamin A found in the fruit is what makes the persimmon so vibrant in color. Carotene is involved in the restoration of cells and protects the eyes from harmful effects;
  • Vitamin C in bright orange berries increases the protective functions of the body, improves metabolic processes and the state of blood vessels.

Data. Persimmon acts like activated charcoal, removing excess from the body. It is considered even healthier than apples.

Is there a place for persimmon in baby food?

The gastrointestinal tract of a small child is not yet fully formed and is vulnerable to various influences. Therefore, the question of whether a persimmon can be given to a baby should be answered in the negative.

Young mothers should feed their babies with breast milk, and introduce only after consulting with a specialist who should be asked all the questions of interest in order to avoid mistakes in feeding. The gradual, competent and consistent introduction of new products is the key to the well-being of the crumbs.

Persimmon is considered a hard-to-digest food, the gastrointestinal tract experiences exorbitant loads during its digestion.

The berry belongs to the category of heavy food, even an adult should eat it with caution. The tannin contained in persimmon can provoke constipation, as it strengthens. It is this substance that makes persimmons so astringent.

Persimmon is an allergic product, so do not be surprised that excessive consumption can cause a rash on the baby's body. Allergic reactions can occur even after a small piece.

Data. Persimmon is considered a natural antidepressant.

Intolerance is far from the biggest threat to the body. You should not allow persimmons to be given at an early age due to the possible formation of intestinal obstruction, which can be eliminated only with surgical intervention. Late treatment to a medical institution threatens with serious complications.

When to start giving persimmon?

In the list of the most difficult foods for the human body to digest, persimmon is on a par with eggplant and mushrooms. Doctor - pediatrician E.A. Komarovsky advises avoiding this exotic fruit until adolescence (up to 11 - 12 years).

A number of experts impose a taboo on the use of this fruit up to six years, and someone only up to three years! It is worth starting acquaintance with a new product with small pieces. Parents should monitor the child's condition for 2-3 days. The absence of an allergic reaction removes restrictions on the use of persimmons, now it is allowed to give the baby more pulp. However, it is worth giving preference to small portions: eating five pieces a day is contraindicated even for an absolutely healthy adult who has never been diagnosed with an allergy.

Young mothers, due to inexperience and their ignorance, give persimmons from 9 months or even six months of age! Apparently, the parents believe that it is not worth waiting for 5 years, but you can enjoy the taste of a juicy fruit in a few months without experiencing any inconvenience. In this case, you should not listen to the opinion of friends and acquaintances, because your child's body can react unpredictably. Up to a year, you should not experiment in this matter, wait at least 3 years. A newborn baby will grow and develop perfectly, eating only mother's milk.

It is worth giving preference only to ripe persimmons. Before use, the fruit allowed to the child should be peeled and the bones removed. Persimmon should not be eaten with dairy products and foods that are rich in protein. This combination can cause indigestion.

Data. Korolek, or chocolate, is a variety that does not knit.

How to give?

Vegetables, berries, fruits are of maximum benefit only fresh. In this case, vitamins, trace elements and minerals enter the body unchanged. There are many cooking options: they make persimmon puree, add it to confectionery, and also cook steamed jams and jams from berries.

Persimmon has an astringent effect due to the tannin it contains. This substance strengthens, so fixing will exacerbate existing problems with the stool. Many babies do not like this taste of persimmon, but dried persimmon does not create such unpleasant sensations in the mouth.

This method of preparing persimmon helps to preserve almost all the useful properties of the product, but vitamin C practically disappears, and the sugar content becomes much higher. Therefore, you can give persimmon in this form only to those who do not have problems with blood sugar levels.

Data. Persimmon is suitable for those who follow extra pounds, because it contains only 60 kcal per hundred grams.

What to choose in the store?

Only fresh and high-quality products are not always on the shelves of our supermarkets. Persimmon should be chosen, adhering to several rules:

  • The main thing is to pay attention to the shade and shape;
  • The fruit should be round and uniform: no dark spots or damage;
  • The color of the persimmon also says a lot: it is worth giving preference to berries of a rich orange color, a brownish tint is allowed in some varieties;
  • Ripe fruits have dark leaves.

Not quite ripe persimmon, which knits strongly, it is recommended to put it in the freezer for about four hours, then it will become juicier and sweeter.

A varied and high-quality diet is the key to a child's health, but not all products are recommended for use by young children. Is it possible for children to eat pomegranate, how to use it? Or should you not rush and postpone acquaintance with the southern fruit until the baby grows up?

Pomegranate contains many useful substances, but can cause serious allergies in a child.

Pediatricians say that you can give your child a pomegranate, this is a permitted product. Moreover, its use brings undoubted benefits for a growing organism. The value of the fruit is due to its rich composition.

  • Amino acids. There are 15 types of organic compounds in the edible pulp, they ensure the production of enzymes and proteins, improve brain function, and affect the functioning of the central nervous system.
  • Vitamin C . Ascorbic acid is primarily a strong antioxidant, an active participant in metabolic processes, affects the endocrine and nervous systems.
  • Vitamin B. Metabolism also depends on it, thiamine stimulates the growth of muscle tissue, and is responsible for the conduction of nerve impulses.
  • Vitamin B. He is involved in the formation of hemoglobin, the synthesis of substances responsible for the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Folic acid. This is vitamin B9, it is necessary for the quality of the immune system, participates in the interaction of amino acids, positively affects the functions of the nervous system, hematopoiesis.
  • fruit acids. Promote the absorption of trace elements.
  • Polyphenolic compounds. They are powerful antioxidants that protect the child's body from harmful substances.
  • Potassium. The element gives strength to the heart muscle, normalizes water balance.
  • Phosphorus. It nourishes the brain, is a constituent component of bone tissue, almost all processes in the body depend on this element.
  • Calcium. These are strong bones, hair and nails.

Pomegranate contains more amino acids, vitamins, microelements and fruit acids.

Also in the garnet are nickel, aluminum, silicon, sulfur, copper. There are fewer of these trace elements, but they are necessary for the human body and, in combination with other products, give the child the opportunity to fully develop.

There are many tannins in the pomegranate peel, which makes it possible to use the dried peel as a medicine for diarrhea. But a child cannot be treated with this popular folk remedy. There is a danger of poisoning, it is better to use the appointments of a specialist.

The use of pomegranate by a child has a positive effect on his development and growth.

  • This is an excellent prevention of colds and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.
  • Immunity is strengthened, it will become easier for the baby to resist colds and fight viruses.
  • The composition of the blood improves and the nervous system strengthens.

Pomegranate in small quantities has a beneficial effect on digestion and intestinal microflora.

Is there any harm

Can pomegranate harm babies? Although children can use pomegranate because it is extremely beneficial for a growing body, it is important to know that the fruit can harm the baby when given to a child.

  • allergic reactions. Pomegranate is not classified as a strong allergen, its status is much lower than that of citrus fruits, but in some children the immune system may react negatively with reddening of the skin, rash, and itching. If a child has signs of an allergy after eating pomegranate, he will have to be excluded from the diet.
  • Stomach diseases. Pomegranate contains a large amount of acids, substances activate the production of gastric juice, irritate the mucous membrane, increase the outflow of bile. If children have digestive problems, gastritis (especially hyperacid), pancreatitis is diagnosed, the use of the fetus is contraindicated.
  • Oxaluria. Children who have a tendency to form oxulates are also not recommended to eat pomegranate.

This fruit should not be consumed if the child is prone to allergies, has digestive problems, or is prone to oxaluria.

Therefore, when giving pomegranates to children, these properties of the fruit should certainly be taken into account.

When a child eats a pomegranate, it is important to make sure that he does not eat the pericarp or peel: they contain an alkaloid, and for a child it is poison. If suddenly the baby swallowed this part of the fetus, it is necessary to induce vomiting and seek qualified help.

When and how to give fruit

When can you taste pomegranate for the first time? It is allowed to give fruit for the first time when the child is one year old, provided that he does not have a tendency to allergies. They start with juice, but children react differently to it, so it's important to do it right.

  • At first, pomegranate juice is given to children a little: a teaspoon, it is first diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1.
  • If there is no allergic response, the dosage is increased gradually over two weeks, constantly monitoring the condition of the skin of the crumbs.
  • A one-year-old baby is allowed to drink no more than 100 ml of diluted juice, but not every day, but once or twice a week.
  • When, after taking a pomegranate, the baby begins to itch, red spots or a rash appear on the skin, acquaintance with the southern fruit will have to be postponed for up to three years.
  • If everything is fine, from the age of three, the dosage can be increased to a glass, when the child is 7 years old, it is allowed to give more: up to 400 g per day.

Pomegranate juice should be given in a volume of no more than a teaspoon, diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 1.

It is better for children to drink pomegranate juice through a straw so that the enamel of the teeth is not damaged, and it is good to rinse your mouth or brush your teeth after drinking it.

The pomegranate fruit is useful, but when offering it to the baby, one should remember how to give the pomegranate so as not to harm the developing organism. The fruit will show its valuable properties with reasonable and moderate use.

At what age can you give pomegranate pulp to a child?

  • The fruit itself is given to children from 2 years old, but even if he really likes the taste, more than a quarter of the fruit should not be given.
  • It is possible to increase the volume of the product eaten to half the fruit only after 3 years.

At what age can you eat whole pomegranates? A child will be able to eat a whole pomegranate when he is 7 years old. By this age, the effect of acids on the gastric mucosa will no longer be so aggressive.

Pomegranate has an astringent effect. When a child has frequent constipation, its use is another reason to provoke stool retention.

Are bones dangerous?

Some parents do not give grenades to children, fearing that the baby will eat hard seeds and this will provoke the development of appendicitis. Is it really possible to eat pomegranate with seeds? After all, the baby does not always spit them out, but swallows them along with the pulp. Whether the inflammation of a shoot in the subsequent is possible or probable?

A few swallowed pomegranate seeds will not cause harm, but it is better to avoid it.

This theory is not fully confirmed by doctors, but such a development of events cannot be ruled out. If the baby swallows a few pieces, no big trouble will happen, they will come out along with the feces naturally. But when there are too many of them, most likely, digestion will occur, intestinal obstruction will develop, which is also extremely dangerous.

Therefore, the question of whether a child can swallow seeds is obvious: this is highly undesirable. Moreover, it is dangerous for children, because they can choke on them, so the presence of an adult is necessary when the baby eats pomegranates.

To prevent a negative development of events, it is recommended for young children to buy varieties with a small seed content.

How to make juice

Pomegranate juice is easy for children to prepare, but there are tricks here too.

  • Squeezing juice through an electric juicer is impractical: you get a lot of cake, and there is too little liquid.
  • It's easy to make juice using a citrus press. The fruit is cut in half with a sharp knife and squeezed out like an ordinary orange.
  • You can do this with your hands, gently pressing on the peel with your fingers. Then you need to make a hole and squeeze the juice into a glass.
  • There is another option: after peeling the pomegranate, the grains are poured into a sieve, and on top they are crushed with an ordinary pusher.

You can prepare pomegranate juice using a regular sieve.

Too sour fruits should not be given to the baby, even a large amount of sugar will not correct the taste. To soften the acid, the juice is diluted in a ratio of 1:2.

How to choose

Now, mostly sweet types of pomegranates are sold in stores, so the amount of acids depends on the maturity of the fruit. But how to choose the most ripe and delicious fruit, because it is difficult to guess what is hidden under a thick peel?

  • It is better to buy pomegranates in trusted stores in order to be sure that not a sour wild, but a cultivated sweet fruit will come across.
  • Ripe fruit has a pink-brown color, dry rough peel. Ripe grains give the thin skin a peculiar tuberosity.
  • The fruit must be picked up in order to feel its heaviness, it should be hard and rough to the touch, the peel without cracks or damage.
  • If you like a pomegranate with green spots, a glossy even skin, it should be put aside. He is not mature yet.
  • Do not take soft fruits. Most likely, they have already been damaged during transportation, and the process of decay has begun inside.

Cracks in the peel indicate the overripeness of the fruit; it is also not worth buying for a child: pathogenic bacteria can penetrate.

"Senade" is a well-known and time-tested drug. Many parents wonder if this medicine can treat constipation in children. The answer to this question is discussed in this article.

Release form

Senade tablets, familiar to many parents since childhood, have a characteristic dark brown color and a subtle grassy smell. The medicine is practically tasteless. Tablets are usually produced in blisters of 20 pieces. Depending on which pharmaceutical company produces the drug, it is packaged in cardboard boxes of various sizes. In addition to conventional tablets, in recent years, chewable lozenges and Senade tablets with vanilla and chocolate flavors have also appeared.


The raw material for the production of "Senade" is hay or cassia. This plant grows in a subtropical climate and is distinguished by its characteristic narrow leaves with pointed ends. It is cassia leaves, containing many useful substances, that are collected to produce the extract. The mild laxative effect of the plant was noticed by the inhabitants of the areas of its growth many years ago.

The tablet "Senade" contains 93.33 mg of cassia extract, while the so-called sennosides A and B - 13.5 mg. Also, auxiliary components are added to the tablet or lozenge to help preserve the beneficial properties of the extract and its better absorption (lactose, starch, cellulose).

Operating principle

With constipation, peristalsis, i.e., bowel contraction, is usually reduced. Derivatives of sennosides A and B increase peristalsis, which gives a laxative effect. "Senade" does not violate the digestion process, but at the same time normalizes stool . The drug acts gently, after 8-10 hours, i.e., when taken in the evening, morning stools are provided without the effect of diarrhea. In some cases, the effect occurs after 2-3 days of administration.


Constipation in children has a different etiology. "Senade" works effectively if the cause of a rare stool in a child is poor intestinal motility. This condition often accompanies hypotension of the intestine, or rather, the colon. Sluggish contractions lead to the retention of contents inside the intestines, which causes constipation.

However, it is impossible to use "Senade" for a long time or even constantly with difficulties with stools in children. In case of frequent constipation, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

In some cases, gastroenterologists advise treating so-called psychological constipation in children with Senade. For example, if a child after a surgical operation was in the general ward and was forced to go to the "duck", he may develop this type of constipation. It will take time and delicacy of parents to solve this problem. However bowels should be emptied regularly. This is where Senade tablets will help.

At what age are they prescribed?

"Senade" can be given to children over six years old. This recommendation is indicated in the instructions for use of the drug. At an earlier age (for example, at 2 years), the impact on the muscles of the intestines of the child with active components will be excessive. If the drug is taken several times, then the child may experience such an unpleasant disease as irritable bowel syndrome.


In addition to early age, contraindications to the treatment of constipation "Senade" in children are individual sensitivity to the drug, as well as acute diseases of the abdominal cavity and bleeding.

Do not give "Senada" to children with pain of unknown origin. They can be symptoms of internal bleeding, peritonitis, intestinal obstruction. Taking the drug can only worsen the condition of the child. It is also better to refuse Senade if the child has cystitis, kidney or liver disease.

Side effects

Some time after taking Senade, the child may experience pain that recurs at short intervals. Pain can be caused by too active intestinal motility.

Flatulence can be another unpleasant consequence. If such symptoms appear, the drug should be discontinued.

Instructions for use

Children over the age of 12 can take Senade in an adult dosage - once a day. If the laxative effect is not achieved, you can increase the intake to two tablets.

Children from 6 to 12 years old can start treatment with half a tablet once a day, if necessary, gradually increasing the daily intake to one or two tablets. It is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the child, for example, weight, tendency to constipation, diet, taking other drugs.

It is advisable to take the medicine in the evening, before going to bed.. Take the tablet with a sufficient amount of drinking water. This will make bowel movements easier.

If the effect has not been achieved within three days, you need to stop taking "Senade" and immediately consult a doctor.


In children, an overdose of the drug can be caused by two reasons. The first is too long a course of treatment. If the reception lasts 2 weeks or more, then the child can quickly get tired, complain of skin rashes, nausea, diarrhea, confusion, convulsions. During the examination in such children, violations of water and electrolyte metabolism, protein in the urine are detected. With the appearance of such consequences, the reception of "Senade" should be stopped and consult a doctor.

The second reason for an overdose of the drug may be the simultaneous administration of several tablets. This can also happen by accident if the medicines were stored in a place where a small child could get them on their own. What to do if the baby drank the medicine without a doctor's prescription? You must immediately call an ambulance.

Interaction with other drugs

In clinical trials with Senade, it was found that the laxative interferes with the absorption of tetracyclines. With prolonged use (more than two weeks), hypokalemia may develop, that is, a lack of potassium. The laxative can also interfere with the action of anti-arrhythmia drugs and cardiac glycosides.

Terms of sale and storage

You can buy "Senade" in any form without a prescription. The shelf life is three years. It is necessary to store the tablets at an air temperature of no more than 30 ° C.

Your baby is growing. Every day he learns something new. The same applies to products: the baby wants to try everything. It is during this period that parents think about what can be given to the child and what is not. Today we will talk about whether children can be given ice cream, and at what age this treat is allowed.

There are no exact answers to these questions, since each child has individual characteristics of the body.

The benefits of ice cream

The famous children's doctor Evgeny Komarovsky assures that milk is the only product that includes a large amount of calcium in its composition. For this reason, the child needs to be given about 1 liter of milk daily. If the baby does not like milk, it can be replaced with ice cream.

Experts claim that ice cream contains all the components of milk: amino acids, minerals, protein, vitamins. At the same time, the dairy ingredients in ice cream are in a homogenized form. That is why this favorite children's sweetness is so easily absorbed by the body.

In addition, ice cream, like many other sweets, raises mood, as it activates the production of serotonin. The carbohydrates found in ice cream are easily digestible. In addition, it is a necessary food for the brain of any student. Yes, and the feeling of hunger disappears after one serving of ice cream.

Many parents with the help of ice cream, the neck of the child is hardened. At the same time, it is important to give it daily with a small spoon so that the child's body gets used to it and receives only benefits.

Negative points.

Komarovsky warns parents that ice cream is not a complete food. And kids use it in most cases between meals, which negatively affects the condition. teeth child. And the appetite after ice cream is not so good.

Of course, it’s not scary if the baby eats ice cream after the main meal - on dessert. However, parents should give the child ice cream about 2-3 times a week, not more often, as tooth decay may occur.

After ice cream, the child must necessarily fast his teeth or at least rinse his mouth.

To whom is ice cream contraindicated?

If the baby has diseases gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the biliary tract and cholecystitis, then ice cream in this case is contraindicated.

Yes, and for children overweight also ice cream is not recommended. And even popsicles are not an option, as they contain a lot of sugar.

Ice cream is also not allowed for babies who have allergy on the proteins that make up milk, as well as those little ones who often have pharyngitis, tonsillitis and tonsillitis. With caries and diabetes, it is also worth abandoning this delicacy.

Which ice cream do you prefer?

Definitely better to buy ice cream maker and make this sweet at home. Although it can be done without this device.

If, on a walk, a child requires this delicacy, give preference to a simple ice cream, without fillers and dyes.

At home, you can treat your child to a milkshake, which includes ice cream, fruit and milk.

When buying ice cream, be sure to look at packaging expiration date and composition. Ice cream for children should not include vegetable fats and lard. If you see the inscription "Ice cream with a combined composition of raw materials" - put such ice cream aside if you want your baby to be healthy.