
Extracurricular reading lesson based on Mark Twain's "The Prince and the Pauper." Reader Working with the text of the work

Extracurricular Reading Lesson

"Oh, in mercy there is double grace ..."

(We analyze the novel by M. Twain "The Prince and the Pauper").

Lesson Objectives:

Analyze the main ideas of the work, the actions of the heroes and the events of the novel;

Observing the psychology of a person in power;

Discourse about mercy as one of the best qualities of a person.

Equipment: portrait of Mark Twain; the epigraph to the novel was written, taken by the writer from Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice": "Oh, there is double grace in mercy: Blessed are the one who has mercy, and the one Whom he has mercy on. It is all the stronger in the hands of the strong; for kings It befits more than a crown ... "

During the classes:

1) Organizational moment.

2) Analysis of the novel; conversation on questions (following the author).

The teacher announces the topic of the lesson, which is the final stage in the study of the work of the American writer Mark Twain.

Teacher: Often a piece begins with an epigraph. What is an epigraph? An epigraph is the words of an author that clearly demonstrate the main idea of \u200b\u200ba given work, thus the writer reveals his author's intention in the epigraph. Let us turn to the words that Mark Twain borrowed from Shakespeare as an epigraph. (The teacher asks one student to read the epigraph and addresses the class with the question: "How do you understand the meaning of the word:" mercy "? The students answer that mercy is one of the best qualities of a person, it is philanthropy). Having explained the meaning of this word, at the end of the lesson we will again turn to the epigraph in order to find out the meaning of this entire Shakespearean phrase applicable to Twain's novel.

Teacher: Let's turn to the beginning of the novel and read Chapter I, The Birth of a Prince and the Birth of a Beggar. (One fifth grader reads this chapter emphatically, and then begins analyzing the novel on the questions that the students were asked for homework.)

Teacher: Let's see, in what conditions do the Kenti family live?

Pupil: The Kenti family's home was in a smelly dead end, and they lived in a shabby closet on the third floor. The children (Tom and his two sisters) were sleeping on the floor. Father and grandmother often got drunk and got into fights, beating up children. They taught children to beg, but they could not make them thieves. Being in this terrible world, Tom did not feel unhappy, despite the constant need, cold and hunger.

Teacher: Yes, he was not unhappy, because a dream lives in the soul of the poor boy. Which one?

Pupil: Day and night Tom was haunted by one desire: to see the real prince. He often began to play a prince, dreaming of being in the place of a rich heir.

Teacher: One day Tom comes face to face with the Prince. Let's remember how it happened.

Pupil: (reads from Chapter 3 the most vivid episodes of this meeting, starting with the words: "Poor little Tom in pitiful rags approached the fence ...").

Teacher: Why did the Prince want to become Tom Kenti for a while?

Pupil: The prince wanted to become Tom for a while in order to frolic in plenty, to play with the guys the way he wants it, since the prince had neither friends nor pranks in his life. He always had to remain a prince, who was not allowed what was allowed to a simple tomboy ...

Teacher: What troubles awaited the Prince?

Pupil: The prince had a hard time: they let the dogs down on him, the ragamuffins chased him, they mocked him, over his words that he was from the royal family. And then there was also a meeting with John Kenti, who dragged the Prince home, mistaking him for Tom's son.

Teacher: How did other family members receive our hero?

Pupil: The grandmother and father laughed at his words that he belonged to the royal family; talked of his madness. Only Tom's mother treats him with love and self-sacrifice, she tries to save him from John's heavy hand.

Teacher: How did Tom feel in the new place?

Pupil: At first it amused him: he looked with interest at the rooms in the palace, admired his reflection in the mirror, but after half an hour he was overcome by fear: how to behave like a king so that no one would suspect the fake Prince. The king decided that not everything was in order with the prince: the son did not recognize him at first.

Pupil (quotes): “The further Tom walked between the two rows of gilded courtiers bowing low to him, the more he became discouraged, realizing that he was a prisoner here and, perhaps, would not break out of this gilded cage at all - an unfortunate prince who had not a single friend, if the Lord God, by his mercy, does not take pity on him and return his will to him. "

Thus, barely becoming a prince, Tom dreams of returning to his former free life.

Teacher: Tell us about how Tom helped people avoid death.

Pupil: Tom saved the lives of three people: he took pity on those people who were awaiting the death penalty. He really worried about their fate. People were delighted with Tom's deed, they did not expect such mercy from the prince.

Teacher: But despite this, the authorities temporarily changed Tom. Prove it using text.

Pupil: (reads excerpts from chapter XXX "Tom's Success", which talks about Tom's conceit, how he enjoys power, forgetting about his family, about the real prince).

Teacher: What events take place during the coronation?

Pupil: Tom meets the Prince, during which Tom proves to everyone that the Prince is real. This scene is interesting to read, as it is not very easy for the characters to prove in the palace that the Prince is real. In the end, they succeed.

Teacher: What does the conclusion say about Tom? Read it.

Pupil (reads): “Tom Kenti lived to a ripe old age; he was a handsome gray-haired old man of stately and meek appearance. Everyone sincerely respected him and honored his strange ... clothes. When he appeared, everyone parted, gave him way and whispered to each other:

Hats off, this is the royal pupil!

Teacher: What is the fate of the king?

Pupil: Edward VI did not live long, but with dignity, he did not cause excessive embarrassment and torment to anyone. He was just, since he himself had once experienced hardships and knew firsthand about the life of the common people.

Teacher: Let's get back to the epigraph of the work. How can we interpret it now?

Pupil: Mercy is the main quality of the king, since he himself knew what humiliation and insult from the powerful are. Doing good to people, the person himself is no less happy than the one for whom this good is done. Therefore, "there is double grace in mercy." It is to charity as a remarkable human quality that M. Twain dedicated the novel The Prince and the Pauper.

3) Summing up the lesson.

Summing up the results of the lesson, we draw the students' attention to the following problem: what qualities should a person endowed with power and authority possess?

4) Assignment for home:

Prepare an oral story about the history of the creation of the novel "The Prince and the Pauper" or act as an oral illustrator for the novel.

History, its meaning, its lessons interested Twain especially strongly. And it is not surprising that all these reflections fill the pages of The Prince and the Pauper. Twain had never before turned to historical prose. But he wrote "The Prince and the Pauper" for his daughters and wanted to talk with them about the most important thing - about how nature created man and how the conventions and absurdities, injustices and cruelties that everyone encounters when entering adulthood change his nature. He was creating a philosophical tale. History was much richer material for him than modernity.

But difficulties arose immediately. IN historical genre there is its own tradition and there are its own luminaries - they at that time, and even later, were Walter Scott and Fenimore Cooper. First of all, Scott. Today we also consider Cooper a historical novelist: but for his first readers he was quite topical: after all, the events he writes about are America's war for independence, early years froptlra, in other words: a time still very close to the time when the author of "Pathfinder" himself lived - "Prairie", the Last of the Mohicans. And Scott described a really distant era - the Middle Ages, the Crusades, the struggle of Scotland against the British, the exploits of knights and commoner heroes.

Eo between the Scottish bard and the creator of: Leather Stocking, for all that, there are many similarities. Both of them loved to portray people who were strong and independent, leading them to the stage of characters who had only a distant resemblance to real historical figures and, rather, embodying the romantic ideal of personality. Both had the ability to convey not just color, but the very essence of the era described, and therefore they were so highly appreciated by their contemporaries, for example, Belinsky, who spoke of both Scott and Cooper with the deepest respect. Both have done more than a century in order to transform the historical novel from entertaining reading into real literature.

It was just wrong to think that no one could write about history other than Scott and Cooper. Meanwhile, this was exactly what was believed. Imitated both of them just slavishly, Scott in particular. And Twain was so annoyed by these incompetent copies that he ceased to notice the merits in the original itself - in Ivanhoe or in Rob Roy and Quentin Dorward,

Of course, he was wrong when he judged his predecessors with such partiality, who created the historical novel as a complete literary genre... The crux of the matter was not that Twain did not accept Walter Scott. This realistic school did not accept the romantic one. This happens all the time in literary history. The romantics also rejected those they replaced - the classicists and the enlighteners, II were just as unfair as Twain was towards them.

From the distance of time, it is clearly seen that every major phenomenon in art is necessary for a fruitful tradition to develop and an organic continuity to arise. But this distance must arise. In the meantime, it is not there, it seems as if the nearest predecessors wrote in a completely different way.

not all as it should be. And they argue with them much more furiously than with writers who have been working for a long time.

That is why Vogue shot so many poisonous arrows at Walter Scott when, at the same time as he was working on The Prince and the Pauper, he was completing a series of essays on life in the Mississippi during his youth. Subsequently, Cooper will also get a lot from him - for the melodramatic feelings of the characters and their flowery speech, for disrespect for common sense and adherence to pathos, for being an ignorant hunter, he expresses himself as if he spent a decade among the court nobles, and for others " literary sins ”. But he denounced Walter Scott even more caustically. It seemed to Twain that Scott had not only instilled a pompous style in literature, but had a detrimental effect on his many fans. Indeed, instead of teaching honesty and courage, Scott, with his novels, "makes the whole world fall in love with dreams and visions, with rotten and bestial forms of religion, with stupidity, emptiness, imaginary greatness ... a mindless and insignificant, long-disappeared society." Twain believed that the manners in the American South, with their arrogance and fanaticism, were a direct result of the book craze of Sir Walter. And that means, "he caused immeasurable harm, perhaps the greatest and most persistent harm of all writers who have ever lived."

Twain cared not so much about the reliability of the pictures of the past he created, but about making them think again and again what is true and what is deeply false and shameful in the motives and aspirations of people, their way of thinking, their behavior, in general, unchanging , as, in fact, the person himself is unchanged in all eras. He did not have the slightest admiration for antiquity. On the contrary, antiquity - and even more so the Middle Ages - did not attract him, but repulsed him. He once said to one of his friends that he does not like to bury himself in the books of historians: "What they write about is too humiliating for us."

And with Walter Scott, he argued not only directly, as in the pages of his essays on the Mississippi of the past, he polemicized with the great Scotsman when he described in his historical works medieval customs, concepts of l orders of burned time. Scott, with enthusiasm and pathos, portrayed the splendor of royal palaces, refined etiquette of knights, refined dignitaries, fearless and pure-hearted aristocrats. And Twain, on the margins of the memoirs of the Duke of Saint-Simon, who spent many years at the court of the Fratschuze kings Louis XIV and the young Louis XV, - the author of The Prince and the Pauper read this book while working on his church history story - writes: just a bunch of hungry dogs and cats, desperately fighting for a piece of the falling. Already in the story of the London street ruffian Tom Kenty and the heir to the English throne Edward, Prince of Wales, the court nobility - the weight of these lords, earls, peers and chancellors look comical, so as not to slip - it's a pity. Fourteen years later, telling about Joan of Arc, Tvei will show King Charles VII and his entourage not just cutesy and funny clowns, but criminals.

the environment is not just cutesy and funny clowns, but criminals.

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Prepared by: teacher of the Russian language and literature Mytnik Valentina Gavrilovna

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"All American literature came out of one book - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, written by Mark Twain." American writer E. HEMINGUEI
"The purest pleasure I got from the charming epic of youth - Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn." English writer D. GOLSUORSY

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MARK TWIN (Samuel Clemens) (1835-1910)
“Even the most serious, the most businesslike American, when they talk about this world famous boy, begins to smile and his eyes become kind.” I. ILF and E. PETROV about Tom Sawyer
“I am reading your Prince and the Pauper for the fourth time. And I know: this best book for the youth of all ever written. " American writer Harriet BEACHER-STOW
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Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) was born on November 30, 1835 in America, in the small village of Florida, Missouri. He was a lively, inquisitive boy and passionately loved the river. The parents knew that if Sammy disappeared, he should be found on the river. Not far from the Clemens' house there was a small stream that flowed into the Mississippi. He was not yet five years old when he fell into the water and began to sink. Fortunately, negro boys floated by. They dragged the wet, shaking Sammy into their boat.
House in Florida, Missouri, where Samuel Clemens was born

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The family soon moved to the town of Hannibal on the Mississippi River. This great American river is called the teacher of Mark Twain. The rich passengers sported fashionable clothes on the ships. Black musicians entertained passengers. As a child, Mark Twain had no desire more cherished than to become a sailor, put on a white cabin boy's uniform or an oiled mechanic's jacket, learn the words that river wolves sported, and someday walk along the streets of Hannibal with the swinging gait of a pilot, accustomed to rolling and storms.
School in Hannibal

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For five years, Mark Twain worked as a pilot on the river. He also took a pseudonym from the river: "mark twain - mark two" - this meant that the depth was sufficient so that the ship did not run aground. To overcome the river at night, in high water, when it changes its course, was a challenge for the young pilot. The river opened the way to a vast world.
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Mark Twain traveled a lot around America, mined silver and gold, worked in newspapers. And most importantly, he looked closely at people, studied their characters. In 1865, he wrote his first story, The Famous Jumping Frog of Calaveras. And he immediately became famous.

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The cover of his very first book was decorated with a huge frog of bright yellow color. There are no such frogs in nature. But Twain, after all, wrote about an extraordinary frog - she knew how to jump especially far. This story has been making readers laugh for the second century.
"And a frog can make a person famous"
"Leap to Fame" - such a funny caricature was drawn by American artist W.J. Welch on the young writer
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In 1876, Mark Twain's most famous book, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, was published. Tom - a mischievous boy, an inventor, an adventure lover, has remained the most beloved hero of many generations of readers. He knows how to turn everyday life into a true fireworks display of invention and fantasy, romance and games.
Artist V.Sergeev

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Tom is kind and sensitive to someone else's trouble. It is necessary to save Becky from the rods - and he, a real knight, takes the blame and suffers a whipping without a single groan. It is necessary to protect the innocent Meff Potter, who is threatened with execution - he speaks at the trial, feeling the heavy gaze of Indian Joe on him. Huck Finn is not far behind Tom in anything.
Tom and Huck will never grow old

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No wonder friends in the town of Hannibal - literary heroes - put up a monument.
Tom and Huck will never grow old
Monument to Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn in Hannibal
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In 1884 the book "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" was published in England, about which the American writer Ernest Hemingway said: "All American literature came out of one book -" The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn ". Huck's meeting with Jim the Negro moves the reader from a game situation to another situation where a moral choice is needed. The fugitive slave Jim, for the first time, felt like an equal with an equal here on the raft, next to Huck.

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Orphan Huck understands life incomparably more subtly than Tom. No wonder Mark Twain leads the story in this novel from the first person, from Huck's perspective. Concentrated, like an adult, Huck thinks about the inability of people to arrange their affairs fairly and reasonably, so as not to deceive each other, not to pursue dishonest earnings, not to pursue a person only for skin color.
"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"
Artist V. Goryaev

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Having started as a game, as a fun adventure, swimming became a struggle for justice, for an honestly arranged life, when all people are free and all people are brothers.
"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"
Artist A. Vlasova
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“Do you think Tom calmed down after all the adventures that were with us on the river — well, those when we freed Jim's Negro and when Tom was shot in the leg? Not at all. He went even more apart - that's all. This is how the story "Tom Sawyer Abroad" (1893) begins, where Tom, Huck and Jim travel to Africa in a balloon, spend the night in the desert, get acquainted with the pyramids in Egypt.
Artist A. Vlasova
Novels about Tom Sawyer

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Two years later, the book "Tom Sawyer the Detective" was published. Once again, the book is written on behalf of Huck Finn, who tells how Tom managed to solve a convoluted case involving theft of diamonds and murder.
Novels about Tom Sawyer
Artist A. Vlasova
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Honest mischievous people have always been dear to Twain. So on the English throne, he puts the ragamuffin Tom Kenti - the protagonist of The Prince and the Pauper.
"Prince and the Pauper"
Tom only wanted to look at the prince, but the chance gave him the opportunity to meet with the real Prince of Wales, very similar to Tom, change clothes with him and become the English king for a while.

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Tom is not a fraud at all, he tries to explain to the courtiers that he accidentally got into the palace, but they do not want to listen to anything and declare him insane. And the boy is sad in the palace, he wants to go back to his beggarly yard, but gradually gets used to his new position and even hesitates to scratch his nose himself, because there are servants for this. The royal wardrobe seems sparse to him. And he orders new outfits by the thousands. And the royal seal finds a worthy application: he splits nuts with it.
"Prince and the Pauper"

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Only chance puts everything in its place. And the real suffering prince, who got acquainted with the life of ordinary people, returns to the palace. Why did Mark Twain write this fascinating tale? Not just for the entertainment of your readers. He wanted them to understand: at all times the people suffered injustice and at all times there were people who rebelled against injustice. Telling a tale about the distant past, Mark Twain wanted readers to reflect on what the inhabitants of Middle Ages England and the people of the modern world have in common.
"Prince and the Pauper"
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“In the notebooks of Mark Twain we read:“ I imagined myself as a wandering knight in armor in the Middle Ages. The needs and habits of our time; the resulting inconvenience. There are no pockets in armor. I can't scratch myself, runny nose - I can't blow my nose, I can't get a handkerchief, I can't wipe my nose with an iron sleeve. The armor gets hot in the sun, lets in dampness when it rains, in frosty weather they turn me into ice. When I enter the church, there is an unpleasant clanging sound. I can't get dressed, I can't undress. Lightning strikes me. I am falling and cannot rise. " It was such a poor fellow that the writer dreamed of, and he decided to write the novel "Yankees from Connecticut at the court of King Arthur."

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The novel begins with an incredible event. In a fight, someone grabbed the main character Hank Morgan in the head. When the victim woke up, it turned out that he had moved from the American city of Hartward to the British Isles, and from the nineteenth century to the sixth, during the time of King Arthur, the Knights of the Round Table, Lance Lot, Guinevere and the sorcerer Merlin.
"Yankees at the Court of King Arthur"
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Mark Twain considered the book about Jeanne d "Arc the main business of his life. The author introduces the novel with the words of Lajos Kossuth:" Let's pay attention to one important feature. Since the writing of history, Jeanne d "Arc is the only one among women and men who ever - or at the age of seventeen he held the post of commander-in-chief of the country's armed forces. " The Sieur de Comte, on whose behalf the story is being told, is a fictional figure.
"Personal memories of Jeanne d'Arc"

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Louis de Comte explains the strength of Jeanne: "She came out of the people and knew the people." Great in battle, she was even greater in her ability to inspire the desperate. She turned the tide of the Hundred Years War, fought for her desecrated homeland, for justice, so that the war would cease to devastate the French land. Jeanne, the Maid of Orleans, was burnt at the stake in May 1431 at the age of nineteen.
And almost all other characters are named real faces and depicted as they appear from the pages of court records and chronicles of the 15th century.Let's live in such a way that even the undertaker would feel sorry for us when we die. Go to

Out-of-class reading lesson summary.

Theme: "To remain a man ..." based on the story of T. Kudryavtseva "The Prince and the Pauper"

Goal: Revealing the idea of \u200b\u200b\\ u200b \\ u200bwork, the education of certain moral categories through the attitude to the concept of "friendship" and to the concept of "self-education"


- study in detail the content of the text (through the word, artistic means, ways of organizing speech);

Explain to students that the title of the work itself carries a huge semantic load;

Formulate the concept of true friendship;

Lead students to a correct understanding of the meaning of learning and self-education.

The tasks of forming the UUD:

Cognitive UUD:

Ability to acquire new knowledge, find answers to questions based on what you read;

Work with text and literary terms.

Communicative UUD:

Develop the ability to listen and understand the speech of others, express your opinion and argue your answer;

Carry out joint cognitive activities;

Formulate your thoughts verbally and in writing.

Personal UUD:

Develop the ability to express your attitude towards the heroes, evaluate actions in accordance with a specific situation;

To educate spiritually - moral feelings and willingness to commit positive actions.

Regulatory UUD:

- determine the goal of the lesson activities (own goal setting);

Summarize your activities in the lesson;

Evaluate your learning activities.

Technologies used: elements of ICT, elements of technology of critical thinking, technology of productive reading (STRATEGY "ANTICIPATION" Anticipation (lat. aticipatio, from aticipo - anticipating) - anticipation, a preconceived idea of \u200b\u200bsomething). It is possible to use the technology "Brainstorming", "Glossary! "," Dissection of the issue ", etc.

Equipment : video, presentation, working materials for students, text of the story by T. Kudryavtseva "The Prince and the Pauper"

During the classes

Stage "challenge" on the technology of critical thinking

(Stimulating interest in obtaining new information)

(movie on click)

Slide - 1

2 slide - Mark Twain

Guys, we have a lot of guests today, but you shouldn't be ashamed of them. I offered them the same working materials as I offered you. They, too, will work the whole lesson.

And I would like to start the lesson with such a video, look, listen and think about which work it will point to?

OR illustration for the book "The Prince and the Pauper"

So, what piece did you recognize in the musical?(Appendix No. 1)

Watching a video

One of the most famous works of the American writer Mark Twain is The Prince and the Pauper (1880).

Formulation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

(3 slide - T. Kudryavtseva)

(Appendix # 2)

Imagine, today we will read the story "The Prince and the Beggar" by Tatyana Kudryavtseva, which was published in 2013.

(On the slide there is a record of T Kudryavtseva's story "The Prince and the Pauper" ___________________)

"Brainstorming" What do you think will be discussed? Who can be the main characters of the work?

"Dissection of the question"

Read the title and divide it into semantic groups

"Glossary" Write down the words associated with understanding these words.

We have formulated part of the topic of the lesson, you will call it later).

Now set the tasks for the lesson for yourself personally and write them down in a notebook.

1. Study the content of the story.

2. Make up the initial possible idea of \u200b\u200bthe heroes of the story.

Find out the meaning of the words "Prince" and "Beggar", write down the words with which associations are associated with the concepts of "Prince" and "Beggar".

The concept of "social inequality". (must come to the discovery of this concept themselves)

3. Reveal the artistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe work?

(The teacher writes on the board as he speaks)


(close the presentation)

You have sheets on your tables, turn them over. Fill out the box on the left yourself and get ready to talk. 5 minutes to work.

(Appendix # 3)

They work independently.

Guys, it will be better if you build the answer in the form of coherent text.

Does anyone have a different opinion?

Discuss what was written.

Working with application # 3

Be kind: fill in the box after reading the text, if the point of view has not changed, then you can not write again. You 5 minutes to work. I repeat the answer to give, based on the text, quotes in the text can be highlighted in pencil.

Answer questions after the text.

Working with a title - introducing a new term"quid pro quo" - 4 slide

Many of you (or all of you) agreed that the title of the story is related to the theme of poverty and wealth, social stratification in society. So the story with the title "The Prince and the Pauper" tells about an adventure based on the situationquid pro quo ,

when one character is mistaken for another, when characters change places (most often by accident)

They look at the slide, write down the definition in a notebook.

Quipo - misunderstanding (who instead of whom)

Acquaintance with the work

"Reading in a circle" Teacher - student. With questions.

Let's get to know the story?

They follow the text, read at the suggestion of the teacher. Prepare verbally questions on the text.

Text analysis

Did your point of view change after reading the story? Why? Collective discussion of answers.

Enter into a discussion.

Deepening the understanding of the text based on the teacher's answers.

Slide 5

Why did Alice start calling Lisa "Poor"? Find in the text and read.

We will study this work next year, if you want you can read it now.

What topics explicit and hidden does the author raise in the story?

What questions did you have as you read the text?

Would you like to have a friend like Alice? -And Lisa?

Read a quote from the text

Possible student responses:

Social stratification in society

The relationship of adolescents

Friendship is true and false

The problem of superficial learning in school

The attitude of family members to the quality of the child's knowledge and "the price is the quality of knowledge in the manual. Writing in the notebook of possible syncwines on the concept of" true friendship "and" false friendship "

Slide 6 -12 ("Forest River")

Physical education.

And what else can you say about Lisa, what did she try to tell Alice about in the cafe?

Sit back and enjoy these landscapes while listening to music: James Last "The Lonely Shepherd"

Knows the canvases of Polenov and Levitan.

Slide 13-14

I hope that many of you are familiar with the work of Polenov and Levitan, but what confirms that Lisa was seriously interested in painting?

Read the quote

Decrease the sound

Return to title

Tell me, why did Lisa decide to enter into a dialogue with the television crew?

Let's go back to the beginning of the lesson, remember the video for the novel by Mark Twain. The novel is based on a historical plot about the young King Edward VI. The events in the book take place in the 16th century. And the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel is simple and obvious for people of any society: only justice and kindness make a person human.

What else besides kindness and justice?

I decided to help Alice, as I considered myself her friend.

Mercy, responsiveness, the ability to love and be friends.

Ability and desire to be a developed personality.

Slide 15.

Then what can we call our lesson?

The main thing is that in any situation?

"To remain a man ..."

Or "Friendship is true and false."

Slide 15-16

Let's go back to the goals you set for yourself? What questions did we answer?

What is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe piece.

Is this the only thing Tatyana Kudryavtseva speaks about?

(Why not Alice, but Lisa was noticed by the TV people?)

Striving for self-development, learning, self-improvement

At this stage of the lesson, you can use the poem by A. Demeniev

Friend is known in trouble

Also sometimes, as in trouble,

If he doesn't hide his soul,

Feelings are not kept in check ...

A friend is known in luck.

If luck is yours

A friend is not happy - it means

Your friend is as crafty as a snake.

Or bitter envy

Reason overshadowed him,

And, on your success, shame on,

He will not forgive anything.

He will not forgive. But otherwise

Tell you about it.

A friend is known in luck

More at times than in trouble.


Is there a common theme in the story and the poem?

What or what topic is this?

You can include a video with penalties about friendship.

You can remember the proverbs and sayings Make a syncwine.

Questions are being discussed.

The ability to be friends makes a person a person.

She knew a lot.

Have accurate knowledge, not superficial and approximate. You need to study for yourself, for general development, in order to be able to maintain a conversation, and this requires solid knowledge, not superficial. Study not forRE, but to gain knowledge. Friendship is true, not false.

Slide 16

And I knew a lot because I worked hard.

Striving for self-development, learning, self-improvement,

She knew a lot.

Discuss in the group what is the author's position

(If we do not have time - home)

Which of the tasks we have not yet completed?

Slide 17

Ellipsis at the end of the text.

Slide 15-16

Painting "Chocolate Girl")


Look, but in relation to the heroes, the author cannot express his opinion with the words of the TV people:

Alice at first mumbled something, but these sharp-toothed sharks of the ether did not laugh raised her knowledge "

- “Well, that's something! Look what a look! Straight "Stranger" from Blok. The girl clearly has a face. "

Guys, Is this topic relevant today?

Is the situation described in the story possible at the present time?

Was the lesson interesting?

What new things have you learned about friendship?

What is it like?

Do you want to have friends like Lisa? And people like Alice?

Guys are looking for quotes


Determined with a choice

The song is playing

    Write a continuation of the story

    The composition "Is friendship a gift or a work?"

    Composition - reasoning "Friendship is true and false" with a continuation (answer to the questions: Will Alice want to become a real "Princess" in everything? Will she study hard? Will she be sincere friends? Do you want to have such a "FRIEND" like Alice?) When writing an essay - reasoning, arguments are given from the text (you can indicate the number of the sentence (s) and an example from personal experience (a case from life).


List of references

    A.G. Asmolov Reading as part of universal educational actions / Formation of universal educational actions in basic school: from action to thought. A manual for teachers, ed. A.G. Asmolov. - M .: Education, 2010.

    Galperin I.R. Text as an object of linguistic research. - M: KomKniga, 2006 .-- 144 p.

    Ovsyannikova T.G., Movnar I.V., Shishigina T.L. Formation of the reading competence of students in the lessons of the Russian language and literature. -Vologda -2016

    Teaching reading strategies in grades 5-9: how to implement the federal state educational standard. A guide for teachers / N.N. Smetannikov. - M.: Balass, 2012 .-- 128 p. (Educational system "School 2100").


District MO of teachers of Russian language and literature

MBOU VMR "Kubenskaya high school named after A.F. Klubova "

Teacher: Nina Vasilievna Shchavina

Outline of an extracurricular reading lesson in grade 7

Theme: "To remain a man ..." based on the story of T. Kudryavtseva "The Prince and the Pauper"

Goal: Revealing the idea of \u200b\u200b\\ u200b \\ u200bwork, the education of certain moral categories through the attitude to the concept of "friendship" and to the concept of "self-education"


- study in detail the content of the text (through the word, artistic means, ways of organizing speech);

Explain to students that the title of the work itself carries a huge semantic load;

Formulate the concept of true friendship;

Lead students to a correct understanding of the meaning of learning and self-education.

The tasks of forming the UUD:

Cognitive UUD:

Ability to acquire new knowledge, find answers to questions based on what you read;

Work with text and literary terms.

Communicative UUD:

Develop the ability to listen and understand the speech of others, express your opinion and argue your answer;

Carry out joint cognitive activities;

Formulate your thoughts verbally and in writing.

Personal UUD:

Develop the ability to express your attitude towards the heroes, evaluate actions in accordance with a specific situation;

To educate spiritually - moral feelings and willingness to commit positive actions.

Regulatory UUD:

- determine the goal of the lesson activities (own goal setting);

Summarize your activities in the lesson;

Evaluate your learning activities.

Technologies used: elements of ICT, elements of technology of critical thinking, technology of semantic reading (STRATEGY "ANTICIPATION" Anticipation (lat. aticipatio, from aticipo - anticipate) - anticipation, a pre-formed idea of \u200b\u200bsomething).

Equipment : video, presentation, working materials for students, text of the story by T. Kudryavtseva "The Prince and the Pauper"

During the classes

Stage "challenge" on the technology of critical thinking

(Stimulating interest in obtaining new information)

(movie on click)

Slide - 1

2 slide - Mark Twain

Guys, we have a lot of guests today, but you shouldn't be ashamed of them. I offered them the same working materials as I offered you. They, too, will work the whole lesson.

And I would like to start the lesson with such a video, look, listen and think about which work it will point to?

So, what piece did you recognize in the musical?(Appendix No. 1)

Watching a video

One of the most famous works of the American writer Mark Twain is The Prince and the Pauper (1880).

Formulation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

(3 slide - T. Kudryavtseva)

(Appendix # 2)

Imagine, today we will read the story "The Prince and the Beggar" by Tatyana Kudryavtseva, which was published in 2013.

(On the slide there is a record of T Kudryavtseva's story "The Prince and the Pauper" ___________________)

We have formulated part of the topic of the lesson, you will call it later).

Now set the tasks for the lesson for yourself personally and write them down in a notebook.

1. Study the content of the story.

2. Get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe heroes of the story.

3. Reveal the artistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe work?

(The teacher writes on the board as he speaks)


(close the presentation)

You have sheets on your tables, turn them over. Fill out the box on the left yourself and get ready to talk. 5 minutes to work.

(Appendix # 3)

They work independently.

Guys, it will be better if you build the answer in the form of coherent text.

Does anyone have a different opinion?

Discuss what was written.

Working with application # 3

Be kind: fill in the box after reading the text, if the point of view has not changed, then you can not write again. You 5 minutes to work. I repeat the answer to give, based on the text, quotes in the text can be highlighted in pencil.

Answer questions after the text.

Working with a title - introducing a new term"quid pro quo" - 4 slide

Many of you (or all of you) agreed that the title of the story is related to the theme of poverty and wealth, social stratification in society. So the story with the title "The Prince and the Pauper" tells about an adventure based on the situationquid pro quo ,

when one character is mistaken for another, when characters change places (most often by accident)

They look at the slide, write down the definition in a notebook.

Quipo - misunderstanding (who instead of whom)

Acquaintance with the work

Let's get to know the story?

They follow the text, read at the suggestion of the teacher.

Text analysis

Did your point of view change after reading the story? Why? Collective discussion of answers.

Enter into a discussion.

Deepening the understanding of the text based on the teacher's answers.

Slide 5

Why did Alice start calling Lisa "Poor"? Find in the text and read.

We will study this work next year, if you want you can read it now.

Read a quote from the text

Slide 6 -12 ("Forest River")

Physical education.

And what else can you say about Lisa, what did she try to tell Alice about in the cafe?

Sit back and enjoy these landscapes while listening to music: James Last "The Lonely Shepherd"

Knows the canvases of Polenov and Levitan.

Slide 13-14

I hope that many of you are familiar with the work of Polenov and Levitan, but what confirms that Lisa was seriously interested in painting?

Read the quote

Decrease the sound

Tell me, why did Lisa decide to enter into a dialogue with the television crew?

Let's go back to the beginning of the lesson, remember the video for the novel by Mark Twain. The novel is based on a historical plot about the young King Edward VI. The events in the book take place in the 16th century. And the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel is simple and obvious for people of any society: only justice and kindness make a person human.

What else besides kindness and justice?

I decided to help Alice, as I considered myself her friend.

Mercy, responsiveness, the ability to love and be friends.

Slide 15.

Then what can we call our lesson?

The main thing is that in any situation?

"To remain a man ..."

Slide 15

Let's go back to the goals you set for yourself? What questions did we answer?

What is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe piece.

Is this the only thing Tatyana Kudryavtseva speaks about?

(Why not Alice, but Lisa was noticed by the TV people?)

The ability to be friends makes a person a person.

Slide 16

And I knew a lot because I worked hard.

Striving for self-development, learning, self-improvement,

She knew a lot.

Discuss in the group what is the author's position

(If we do not have time - home)

Which of the tasks we have not yet completed?

Slide 17

Ellipsis at the end of the text.

Slide 15-16

Painting "Chocolate Girl")

Look, but in relation to the heroes, the author cannot express his opinion with the words of the TV people:

Alice at first mumbled something, but these sharp-toothed sharks of the ether did not laugh raised her knowledge "

- “Well, that's something! Look what a look! Straight "Stranger" from Blok. The girl clearly has a face. "

Guys are looking for quotes


Determined with a choice

The song is playing

    Write a continuation of the story

    The composition "Is friendship a gift or a work?"


List of references

    A.G. Asmolov Reading as part of universal educational actions / Formation of universal educational actions in basic school: from action to thought. A manual for teachers, ed. A.G. Asmolov. - M .: Education, 2010.

    Galperin I.R. Text as an object of linguistic research. - M: KomKniga, 2006 .-- 144 p.

    Ovsyannikova T.G., Movnar I.V., Shishigina T.L. Formation of the reading competence of students in the lessons of the Russian language and literature. -Vologda -2016

    Teaching reading strategies in grades 5-9: how to implement the federal state educational standard. A guide for teachers / N.N. Smetannikov. - M.: Balass, 2012 .-- 128 p. (Educational system "School 2100").