
How they are assigned to the army. How are the place of military service and the type of troops determined? What happens at the collection point

The first step towards military service should be called the registration of a young man in the military registration and enlistment office. This happens after the age of 17. In accordance with Russian law, the time allotted for this is the period between January 1 and the last day of March.

At the same time, your son is sent to the medical commission, during which the decision is actually made whether he is suitable for service in the Armed Forces.

If the child has any health problems, then parents will need to collect relevant certificates confirming the diagnosis before the medical examination. On this basis, he will be able to receive either a deferment or a complete exemption from military service.

However, those who did not succeed in doing this should not worry too much - the verdict of the first medical commission is not considered final, and is not taken into account when a decision is made to call the young man later.

After that, the young man is handed a registration certificate, and he becomes a conscript.

Second phase

When the guy turns 18, another examination awaits him. He is invited to the medical examination by a personal notice - a summons. It is handed over against receipt personally to him. It is worth noting in this regard that should not be considered legal:

  • telephone invitation;
  • transmission of the agenda through the parents.

Having received a notice, the young man is in the military registration and enlistment office on the specified date and time to undergo a medical examination. The following physicians are required to be on the committee:

  • surgeon;
  • therapist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • neuropathologist;
  • dentist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • otorhinolaryngologist.

If necessary, it is allowed to invite other specialists.

The task of physicians, among other things, includes the obligation to determine the fitness category for each young man. From this, in particular, will depend on his future service. So:

  • group "A" means that the young person is fully fit for military service without any restrictions;
  • "B" - there are some contraindications;
  • "B" - suitability for military service is significantly limited;
  • "G" - temporarily unable;
  • "D" - completely unsuitable for health reasons.

The first two categories are subject to conscription. The third assumes that the young man is sent to the reserve, with the issuance of a military ID in his hands. He will be drafted into the army only in the event of a full-scale war.

Those who fall into the “G” group receive only a reprieve.

Persons with the following diseases will not join the Armed Forces:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • epilepsy;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • hypertension;
  • chronic kidney disease;
  • congenital anatomical defects;
  • oncological diseases;
  • blood pathology;
  • poor eyesight;
  • mental problems, etc.

A delay is given to those who are seriously ill, but a cure is guaranteed to occur. For example, category “G” includes young men with fractures.

Possible problems

It is quite obvious that doctors are not able to make a diagnosis during the examination. Thus, if your son has a certain disease, he needs to write a statement, which should contain a requirement to send him for an additional examination to a specialized medical institution.

In a situation where military registration and enlistment office workers refuse to do this, stating that they do not see any health problems with the young man, a complaint is written to the chairman of the draft commission. When this does not help, then the claim is sent to his higher authorities.

If the parents do not agree with the conclusion of the doctors of the military commissariat, they have the right to send the child for an independent examination. However, you should be prepared to fork out - this procedure is usually paid.

Conscription commission

As noted above, upon completion of the medical examination, the young man must appear directly at the draft board. This body, having familiarized itself with the opinion of specialists, makes the final decision. Here a young man can receive, depending on his state of health:

  • respite;
  • release.

Also, if he has no significant problems, then he will be recognized as fit.

Among other things, the above-mentioned body determines which troops the conscript will serve on the basis of:

  • medical restrictions;
  • level of education;
  • available skills;
  • the youth's own desire.

If there are any circumstances that give the right to apply for a deferment, the young man will need to present supporting documents to the commission.

It is worth noting that until the moment the young man passes the medical examination, he cannot apply for a deferral due to:

  • study;
  • the occurrence of family circumstances.

This means that if, for example, all the necessary papers of the husband are brought by the spouse, he will not be able to receive the release. Failure to appear at the military commissariat is regarded as evasion, which is punishable by law.

The decision of the above body can be challenged by filing a complaint with a higher authority or by going to court.

If the draft board does not find reasons or does not want to release the young man from the army or grant a deferment, then he is sent directly from the military registration and enlistment office to the so-called collection point. From here, he, along with others fit for military service, will be sent by military units. Time begins to count down after the young man receives the status of an ordinary.

Sending to the army directly after school

Are they eligible to call after graduation? Not! It is worth noting that even those young men who are already 18 years old are given the opportunity to enter a university. According to Russian law, after passing the final exams, he will automatically have a delay until September inclusive. This time is enough to enroll in the Institute.

Among other things, the law indicates that the right to deferment is granted to those who have received satisfactory marks in the final exams. Thus, this category includes everyone who passed the exam more or less successfully.

It is worth noting that a student cannot be taken away from the institute if he is a full-time student, even when he turns 20 years old. Thus, having received a summons for a medical examination, they should not worry - a medical examination and a call are far from the same thing.

For conscripts in the army, there are both general requirements, for example, the absence of serious illnesses, disabilities and other ailments that clearly interfere with service, and special ones. The latter include the physical data of the future soldier, on which his entry into one or another branch of the military depends.

Closer to the sky

Physical data is crucial for selection in elite units, primarily in the airborne troops. In Soviet times, in addition to heroic health, a conscript to join the army elite had to pull himself up 20 times, do push-ups at least 50, and also run a marathon distance.

Little has changed these days. Physical development, the absence of diseases - it goes without saying. Those whose height is from 175 to 190 centimeters, and whose weight is in the range from 75 to 85 kilograms, can get into the paratroopers. Roughly speaking, the paratrooper should not be below average height and approximately equal to the average male build. Too tall, as well as weighing more than 85 kilograms, are not quite suitable for skydiving.

At the same time, the presence of bad habits had an impact on the chances of getting into the Airborne Forces. Addiction to alcohol, smoking - all this was a "black mark" for those who wanted to serve in the "landing troops", because heavy loads are contraindicated for them, and they are in the Airborne Forces at every turn.


Like the Marines, the Marines are an elite military unit. The conscript had a good chance of getting into this branch of the army if he had a height of 175 centimeters, a weight of about 80 kilograms, and the absence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, mental and other ailments.

The presence of sports categories greatly increased the chances of serving in the Marine Corps: among others, track and field athletes were valued. Due to endurance, agility and flexibility, they surpassed their colleagues and were usually sent by command to the most dangerous areas.

Small and nimble

Short and compact soldiers, who at the same time had visual acuity of at least 0.5, were more likely to hit the tank troops. As for any other serviceman, they have a minimum height limit of 150 centimeters and a weight of at least 44 kilograms. The upper height bar for tankers is 170-175 centimeters.

Compact conscripts are preferred for tank service because there is very little space in a combat vehicle. A soldier must be agile and agile, not experiencing difficulties when moving in tight quarters. A man of large complexion, of course, does not fit these requirements.

Missed the tank - welcome to the submarine

Low and compact, the path to the submarine fleet is also open. At the same time, only contract soldiers and career officers are currently serving on submarines in the Russian army.

Ever since the Soviet era, those wishing to serve on a submarine were determined by the average height of the group. To do this, each candidate was measured, the median height of the group was calculated, and then all those who were above the average were cut off. Those who are below enlisted in the service.

The fact is that the submarine has narrow passages and low ceilings. It will be difficult for tall people to move around the compartments of the vessel and not constantly bend in compact cabins. [S-BLOCK]

The way to the submarine is booked for servicemen with claustrophobia - fear of closed space. Sailors can stay within the submarine for weeks, so strong psychological stability and moral readiness to live in extremely cramped conditions is a necessary condition.

By the way, height and weight also affect the ability to get into the air force. For pilots, the ideal height is 165 centimeters. It has been proven that lean and short people endure stress in jet planes more easily due to their higher body density.

The draft board will help

Conscripts who had the right to drive vehicles of category "B" and "C" had a chance to serve the entire term for the steering wheel. To obtain a driver's license, the military registration and enlistment office sent a conscript to study at the Society for Assistance to the Army, Aviation and Navy - DOSAAF.

In 2015, in addition to driver training, the society began training those wishing to serve in the airborne troops. Conscripts were trained at the rate of young fighters - a total of 200 hours of combined arms training, as well as several parachute jumps. Thus, their chances of serving in the Airborne Forces have increased dramatically.

Military registration

The first stage is the initial registration of the young man for military registration. It is held from January 1 to March 31 in the year in which he turns 17 years old.

When registering, the first medical examination is carried out, at which it is decided whether the young man is fit for military service. The young man and his parents must provide the military registration and enlistment office with all certificates and documents on the state of his health, if he has reason to receive an exemption or deferral from service.

At the same time, you need to know that the decision of the commission on the suitability of a young man for service during the initial registration is not final and is not taken into account automatically when deciding on a draft. In a year, he will have to undergo a medical examination again.

According to the results of registration, the young man must receive a registration certificate.

Medical examination

When a young man turns 18, he receives a summons to the military commissariat against receipt. He must receive the summons in person; calls to the military registration and enlistment office, for example, by phone or through parents are not considered legal.

Having received the summons, the conscript must appear at the military registration and enlistment office for a medical examination, which is carried out by a therapist, surgeon, neuropathologist, psychiatrist, oculist, otorhinolaryngologist, dentist, and, if necessary, doctors of other specialties.

A - fit for military service;

B - fit for military service with minor restrictions;

B - limited fit for military service;

G - temporarily unfit for military service;

D - not fit for military service.

A young person may be recognized as unfit, temporarily unfit or partially fit for military service if he has such diseases such as tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, hypertension, epilepsy, stomach ulcers, blood diseases, cancer, chronic kidney disease, congenital anomalies, fractures, hypertension, eye diseases and reduced visual acuity, deafness, HIV infection, mental disorders, etc.

Serious diseases often cannot be identified on the spot. Therefore, if a conscript has, for example, a stomach ulcer, he must apply for a referral to a medical examination at a medical facility.

If the doctors refuse to issue a referral for examination and declare that the conscript does not have any disease, you need to write a complaint to the chairman of this draft commission. If the complaint is ignored, you should contact the higher draft board.

It is impossible to blindly trust the conclusions of the medical board; in case of disagreement with the conclusion of the doctors, it is worth going through an independent military medical examination, although it will be paid, unlike a free examination at the military registration and enlistment office.

Conscription commission

Read also:

After a medical examination, you must appear at a meeting of the draft commission, which, based on the conclusion of the doctors, will decide whether to call the conscript for military service or to release him from service or to grant him a deferment.

Based on the state of health, education, skills, for example, the ability to drive a car and the possession of a driver's license, as well as the young man's own desire, the draft board will determine the branch of the army where he will be sent - to the ground forces, navy or aviation.

If the conscript has documents giving the right to exemption or deferment from service, they must be provided.

It is very important that the conscript cannot receive a deferral or release for study or family reasons until he passes a medical examination. Therefore, if mom, dad or another relative brings documents for him, the draftee will not be given a deferment. He must himself appear at the military registration and enlistment office, otherwise he may be recognized as a deviationist.

If the draft board has made a decision with which the recruit himself does not agree, he has the right to appeal this decision. Your complaint must be submitted either directly to the recruiting commission, or to the court.

collection point

If a decision is made to draft a young man into the army, then he gets from the military enlistment office to the assembly point, from where he, along with other conscripts, will be sent to the place of service. The term of service of a young man begins from the day when he is awarded the rank of private.

At the collection point, conscripts are registered, their personal files are checked. They again undergo a medical examination, they are given clothing and uniforms. The issued form must be measured and, if it does not fit, change. If the recruit does not do this immediately, he will subsequently have to walk around in a uniform of the wrong size for several months.

Then an officer from the military unit conducts a conversation with each conscript at the assembly point. In the same place, teams of conscripts are finally formed. Fully equipped teams are then sent to the military unit, where they will receive initial military training. Its term cannot be more than two months. After it, the conscript will continue to serve in other military units.

At the same time, it is likely that the conscript will not go far from home - since 2008, conscripted military personnel have been allowed to serve in their region, although now there is talk of reintroducing the principle of extraterritoriality, since there is a problem of recruiting military units in certain regions of the country such as, for example, Siberia and the Far East.


After initial military training, a young man who joins the ranks of the military is sworn in. Only after that he can be fully involved in the performance of combat missions, can be appointed to a military position, weapons and military equipment can be assigned to him.

The swearing in is a very solemn event, during which military personnel with weapons line up on the parade ground in ranks. The commander of the unit in his speech reminds the servicemen of the significance of the military oath, after which they are called out one by one.

The conscript is sworn in before the State Flag of the Russian Federation and the battle flag of the military unit and publicly reads the text of the oath:

“I, (last name, first name, patronymic), solemnly swear allegiance to my Fatherland - the Russian Federation. I swear to sacredly observe the Constitution of the Russian Federation, to strictly comply with the requirements of military regulations, orders of commanders and superiors. I swear to fulfill my military duty with dignity, to courageously defend the freedom, independence and constitutional order of Russia, the people and the Fatherland.

After that, the conscript must sign in front of his last name in a special list.

At the end of the ceremony, the unit commander congratulates the servicemen, the orchestra plays the anthem of the Russian Federation, and then the military unit goes through a solemn march. Relatives and friends of recruits are allowed to attend this event.

What is a year in the army like? What happens to a soldier during these 365 days? What is he going through and what is he preparing for?

Today I want to tell you about what a year in the army consists of for a conscript. Of course, the sequence of events described in this article is not true for everyone. It is a specific case for me and my comrades in the Training Battalion of junior specialists of the VI ZhDV and VOSO.

But I assure you that after talking with many comrades, friends and acquaintances who have already served or are serving now, the sequence described in this article is as close to the truth as possible. To what we go through in 1 year in the army really.

Right now about what we have already been through, what we are doing now, and what lies ahead for us.

KMB or Young Fighter Course

When I learned about the meaning of this concept for the first time in my life, I had such a picture before my eyes.

Over there, on the left in the distance - it's me!

I, with all the ammunition, weapons, body armor and full equipment, run 10/20/30 km with my comrades. We run through the fields, jump over obstacles, crawl under barbed wire in the rain. Our clothes are dirty like pigs in a pen and so on ... In general, everything is like in American films about fur seals.

Probably, I even partially prepared for this. But it was exactly until the moment when I found out that there is a quiet hour in the army, and in the dining room they give 2 dishes to choose from. After that, my expectations from the army changed significantly. Including about KMB.

Until recently, I did not believe that we would have it. However, I and my friends had to take this course.

In my case, it lasted 5 weeks. Some have less, some have more. The maximum term of the course of a young fighter was with my colleagues, who were called up on June 2.

The whole point is that KMB goes to the oath. We took the oath on August 1st. Therefore, some KMB had not 1, but 2 months.

So what is this young fighter course now?

To be honest, it's not at all what I expected. We didn't have any forced marches or anything like that.

Our KMB consisted of the following elements:

  • Drill.

Where without her. The basis of army life is drill training. It's like a deadlift for bodybuilders. All free time in the first month was given to the drill. And rightly so. We still couldn't walk. But practice works wonders!

  • Cramming of the Statutes.

By the way. For those who don't know. There are more charters in the RF Armed Forces than one. A lot more! That is why in our KMB special attention was paid to the acquaintance and analysis of individual chapters of the statutes. General military, drill, disciplinary and others.

  • General military disciplines.

As I said in one of my articles, our studies began already on the third day of service. And then the second.

  • Shooting.

My favorite day in the first month. It was unbelievably cool! Shot from AK-74. I got a combat machine and 6 rounds. Out of 60 possible points, I knocked out 56. I am waiting for the next shooting to understand whether this figure was an accident ...

In general, I don’t remember anything else special. Study took up most of the time. So it was before the oath, and after taking the oath, our life has changed somewhat.


Someone calls "training" just the period when we had KMB - the first month of service before the oath. Perhaps it is. But I can’t name the current period of service otherwise. All due to the fact that now there is even more study!

Couples go every day except Sunday, from 09.00 to 16.30 minimum. With a lunch break, of course. But still!

This is a real study in the truest sense of the word. Stroeva has become many times smaller, and instead of the Charters, we now read each other books with poems by foreign poets in the evenings.

All due to the fact that someone swore during the day, and this was heard by the responsible officer.

Yesterday, by the way, it was. As many as 4 delinquents took turns reading 3 verses in front of the whole company. With such intonation, so sincerely! You should have heard it...

In addition to more studies, there were more “workers”. Guys are now actively used in the canteen, in warehouses, at individual institute facilities, and in general for little things. For example, paint the parade ground. The job is responsible. It seems to be simple, but it takes all day.

As the officers told us: “Until you have taken the oath, we cannot demand practically anything from you. Here's how you get…”

And so it turns out. Now the soldiers here make up the free labor force.


I'm talking to you. This is a real university, school and army together. All in one. Exams will be in each discipline around the end of October - beginning of November 2015. By November 5, I think, 3 out of 4 companies will have already passed all the exams. And then we all wait...

High school graduation

This event is more like an oath. At least those that take place on a large parade ground and in the presence of parents.

Only instead of the sacred words of the oath, we will receive diplomas on the development of a specialty, and some will get shoulder straps of junior sergeants.

Here's how it went half a year ago.


Literally the next day after graduation, distribution to the troops will begin.

The scheme is approximately the same as I described in my article about the first day in the army with the "purchase" of conscripts in the unit. Only here buyers will come to our unit and pick up from here. In the rest - everything is the same.

Immediately after the distribution, or even during it, recruits will drive up to our unit. From the very first day of their arrival, we will all become And the real one will begin. Only not the one you thought of, but the real one described in my article.

Service in the troops

At this point, I have so far little information. There are only a few acquaintances who have already managed to leave for the troops. They talk about how they spend the whole day on the "work".

That is, they paint, repair, clean, clean, build. What they just don't do. After all, we are soldiers. We must know everything!

military unit in Red village is considered top for our guys. It is actively promoted by officers, sergeants, and military personnel themselves. Everyone wants to go there. But when I ask what to do there, and why it is good, I don’t get a reasoned answer.

One of my good friend-colleagues once said that there is an opportunity to serve at the checkpoint in that unit. Kind of a security guard. What a good place, in my opinion. You sit quietly, you look at the cameras. Or even more to a computer with internet. Coffee/tea/water. Everything a soldier needs to be happy!

I also know some information about a military unit 40 km from Moscow. called 2nd Guards Taman Motor Rifle Division. If you do not go into details, then "Guards" means that its soldiers, at one time, distinguished themselves in the battles for the Motherland for the better.

As for the service there, I had a good impression of it. I even consider it an elite part.

The impression was formed on the basis of communication with three officers from there. It's not at all like ours.

I would say that we have a kindergarten here compared to what is happening there. They have real anxiety rises. With running around, withdrawing equipment and so on. This event takes half a night, not 1 hour, as we had here.

Plus, 29 people from ours were taken to this division. They say it's better there than here. Better is a loose concept, of course.

For example, I like it here! ;-)

By the way, about me. The last point about distribution will not affect me the way it will affect my friends. They will disperse to different parts of the country, to different branches and types of troops.

And I will stay here to continue my service until the demobilization. And you know what? I'm happy about it!

Of course, everything has its pros and cons. But here I found more pluses for myself than I could find for military service.

However, there are still a few weeks before distribution. Therefore, you can think about everything.

By the way, my predecessor himself expressed a desire and left for distribution to the troops, no matter how my commanders asked him to stay here. And on the second day, he sent an SMS to my boss with the text: “I should not have done this.”

Pretty instructive story, don't you think? But he took the place of the one who rushed there with all his might!

This is what happens in our life. Friends, once again I want to recall one of the laws of our life, which I understood precisely thanks to the army: “Everything that is done is all for the better!”

I wish you every day better than the previous one, see you soon!

Each future conscript, before joining the army, asks himself two questions, where is it better to serve in the army and how to get into the right unit. To answer this question, you need to understand what goal you want to achieve by going to serve in the army. It is worth deciding on the presence of some specific skills and acquired knowledge in civilian life.

Passing the draft board, each conscript will be asked where the conscript would like to serve. The draft office will make a note about the preferences of the conscript, where it is better to send him, taking into account his medical characteristics and abilities.

True, often this mark does not play a special role. The distribution at the recruiting station takes place according to the needs of the "buyers" who came for the young replenishment. However, in some cases, the wishes of the conscript are taken into account, and the region in which the conscript lives is also taken into account. In some cases, he may be left to serve near the house, if there are certain reasons for that. Then, the conscript should take care of this issue in advance and choose for service those troops that are in his home region.

Types of troops

What are the troops and what skills do you need to have in order to get into these troops. All troops can be divided into three types: land, fleet, aviation. It is impossible to single out any type of troops in the category of elite. Each type of troops performs certain tasks and has its own goals. Therefore, it is better to worry in advance and decide where it is better to go to serve in the army.


  • Tank forces. They are the main attacking force of the ground forces. The tasks of defense and offensive in battle are carried out. For these troops, recruits are selected no more than 174 centimeters tall, preferably of a strong physique, with no significant visual problems.

Find out: School of sergeants, what textbooks do military personnel use

  • Motorized rifle. They have versatility and the ability to perform any combat missions in any weather and in any terrain. There is no special selection for these troops. The health category goes from A1 to B4. The troops include many units, so everyone will be assigned to the service.
  • Railway troops. Participation in military operations carried out with the participation of trains, as well as the elimination of the consequences of natural disasters on the railway tracks. A conscript with not very good health has every chance of being in this type of troops.
  • Special Forces. Performing special tasks that are beyond the power of any military unit. Recruitment to this unit is conducted from candidates who have already served military service. The strictest selection and testing is carried out.


  • Airborne troops. Conducting special operations on enemy territory. Organization of sabotage activities and disruption of control and communications, as well as the capture of enemy facilities. A candidate for these troops must meet very high requirements. Health category not lower than A1, physical endurance and psychological stability.

  • Aerospace Forces (VKS, Strategic Missile Forces, Air Defense). Protection and control of the aerospace of the Russian Federation and the repulsion of enemy attacks from the air. Conscripts of technical and engineering specialties are more likely to get into these units. When selecting, the emphasis is on the psychological qualities and mental abilities of the conscript.


  • Navy. Performing combat missions on sea and ocean waters, repelling enemy attacks on the water and conducting offensive operations from the sea. Includes surface, submarine troops, as well as naval aviation and marines. In order to be called up for military service in the Navy, you must have a height of at least 180 centimeters, a health category of at least A3 and good mental stability.

Where to go

If one or another branch of the armed forces is considered prestigious, then this issue is very controversial. Any army has its own elite units, such as intelligence and special forces. It is honorable and prestigious to serve in such units, but you will also have to work decently. Getting into such units is not an easy task. For service in these units, some recruits initially need to be in good physical shape and mental stability. In such a platoon, it is more likely to learn useful skills, such as hand-to-hand combat, weapons and other types of special skills.

Find out: Armament and equipment of the RF Armed Forces, what weapons the Russian army uses

But at the same time, as practice shows, the selection of recruits takes place without the knowledge of the conscript. At the recruiting station, "buyers" usually say that the best troops are exactly where they came from, their task is to take the best with them. If a recruit goes to the recruiting station with certain knowledge, then there will be fewer problems with him in the combat unit. But after the oath is taken, a second distribution is carried out. At this point, in most cases, attention is paid to what virtues a young soldier has. In accordance with his skills, there is a division into divisions of the unit.

In order to get into good troops, before going to serve in the army, you must take the following steps:

  1. Increase physical activity. Good physical shape is appreciated everywhere.
  2. To raise organization and independence, you need to learn self-discipline.
  3. Get a profession. In the army, soldiers with any skills are in demand.

Pre-conscription training

It is worth mentioning the pre-conscription training of a conscript, because it is advisable to think in advance about where to go to serve. If there is a strong desire to go to serve as a driver or in the airborne brigade, it would be nice to take care of this in advance. In Russia, in every major city, there are DOSAAF branches that are engaged in pre-conscription training. Through this training system, you can not only get rights, but also increase the chances of serving at the wheel of any military equipment.