
What do the Virgin Marys do on Nativity? Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary: what you can and cannot do on this day. History of the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Christmas Holy Mother of God, also called the Feast of the Virgin Mary, is celebrated on September 21, 2018. This day is considered a joyful event, families go to church services together and do not take on hard work. What to do on this day and what is prohibited is further in the material.

On September 21, Christians of the Eastern rite celebrate the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, or the “Second Most Pure Mother of God” or “Osenina”, since on this day folk calendar autumn is coming. Christians have long turned to the Mother of God, who became the unifying principle between God and the human race, and asked her for protection and blessings.

The feasts of the Mother of God are celebrated magnificently in places where churches were consecrated in her honor. Temple (throne) holidays usually take place with a divine service and a meal following it. Living rooms are always arranged, where all relatives gather around a round table.

What to do on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

This holiday is also traditionally considered women's holiday, when a woman should be revered as a continuator of the family. Women who have no children prepare dinner and invite the poor - “so that the Mother of God may pray for their children.” Women also order services in the church, and after the service they invite people to their place for lunch. They say that prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos of expectant mothers for the health and happiness of the children they are expecting have special power on this day.

Since ancient times, also on this day, women tried to go to the pond early in the morning. It was believed that if a woman washed her face with water before sunrise on this day, her beauty would remain until old age. And for good health, children were doused with water on the doorstep.

On the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, it is customary to wash cold water from open waters

Also on this day, onion week began - housewives removed this vegetable from the beds. And by the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the owners tried to collect the entire harvest; at this time, beekeepers began to prepare the bees for wintering - cleaning the hives. It usually gets cold at this time, so before the Second Most Pure Day the potatoes should have been completely dug up and the ground sown with rye.

From the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, it was possible to send matchmakers to girls. Also on this day it is good to have a wedding and visit families.

What not to do on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated as a holiday of true joy. Therefore, on these days they did not fast, but after prayers they gathered cheerful feasts in the temple.

You can’t work on this day or do heavy work. physical labor. For example, cleaning, chopping wood, fixing something. On the holiday, it is forbidden to swear or show anger. This is especially important in relation to loved ones.

The Nativity of Our Blessed Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary is the full name of the holiday that Orthodox Church celebrates September 21, new style (September 8, old style).

This is one of the twelve Orthodox holidays. The twelfth holidays are dogmatically closely connected with the events of the earthly life of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Mother of God and are divided into the Lord's (dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ) and the Theotokos (dedicated to the Mother of God). Nativity of the Virgin Mary - Feast of the Mother of God.

The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary means the triumph of faith over illnesses and failures, the appearance to the world of the mother of Jesus, the son of the Lord, the birth of the great woman throughout history, for her appearance was a miracle, as was the appearance of her son, Christ.

History of the Feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary

According to legend, the Virgin Mary was born in the city of Nazareth into a family of righteous people. Her father's name was Joachim, and her mother's name was Anna. Joachim came from a royal family, and Anna was the daughter of a high priest. The couple did not have children for a long time. They did not complain, and even when they reached old age, they prayed to God to give them a child (the Jews believed that if there are no children in a family, then such a family is rejected from God).

One day, after a long and frantic prayer in the desert, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the righteous Joachim and said that he would soon have a daughter, who should be named Mary and that through her salvation would be granted to the whole world.

“Your prayer is heard by God, and you will conceive and give birth to a blessed daughter, above all earthly daughters. For Her sake all generations of the earth will be blessed. Name her Mary.”

Soon the righteous Joachim and Anna had a daughter. On this day, believers come to churches and pray to the Most Pure Virgin.

Until the age of three, Maria lived in her parents’ house, heard their prayers, with which they turned to God. The righteous made a vow to dedicate their child to God: at the age of three, she entered the Jerusalem temple without fear, where she served until adulthood. It was Mary who became the link between the earthly world and the heavenly world.

How to celebrate the Nativity of the Virgin Mary

Starting from the sixth century, the Nativity of the Virgin Mary began to be celebrated as a great holiday. On this day, believers in festive clothes come to churches, where solemn services are performed. All believers glorify the wonderful day when the Lord gave people hope of the Savior coming into the world. Also for the holiday, special bread was baked with the letters “P” and “B”, which meant “Nativity of the Virgin Mary”. Festive bread was distributed to all family members, placed under icons, where they were kept until the Nativity of Jesus Christ. It was believed that the bread could help a sick person, so they were given to everyone who was sick.

On this bright holiday, Orthodox people rush to churches to pray to the Mother of God. Therefore, the main thing that you should definitely do is to go to church on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The heavens open on this day and the Higher powers will certainly hear your prayers. Be sincere, repent for past sins.

The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary on September 21, 2017 is a great chance to ask for forgiveness from your parents. You definitely need to pray for their health on this holiday.

Folk signs for the holiday of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

September 21 is the day autumn equinox, after which the days become shorter and the nights longer. According to the weather that was on the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Rus' they determined what autumn would be like and judged the coming winter.

If birds fly into the sky on the Mother of God, then autumn is still far away, but if they huddle close to the ground and look for food, then the winter will be cold and hungry.

If in the morning the sky is filled with stars, clear and clean, then this foreshadows dry weather and the imminent onset of cold weather.

Fog in the morning foreshadowed the approach of rain.

If the fog quickly dissipated, then this foreshadowed the alternation of rainy and clear weather.

Rain that falls in the morning can last for another 40 days and lead to an early and very cold winter.

The dew that fell on the grass on September 21 was evidence that exactly a month later frost would fall on the ground.

If the morning sun quickly dries the dew, you can expect a winter with little snow, and if the dew dries before lunch, then a very snowy winter is ahead.

Large and bright stars in the morning sky - expect cold mornings. The dim stars indicated that the warmth would continue for a long time.

Wind on the Nativity of the Virgin Mary - expect a winter with little snow and wind.

Warm in the morning, cold in the afternoon? Frosts and a harsh winter with low temperatures are just around the corner.

The bright and warm sun on the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary indicated that there would be many thaws in the winter.

Traditions and rituals for the Nativity of the Virgin Mary

It is believed that children born on September 21 will be happy in life, since the Virgin Mary herself will shelter them from all troubles and misfortunes.

Quarrels on this day are extremely displeasing to the Lord, as they upset the Virgin Mary.

If it rains heavily on this day, it means the Mother of God grieves for people and their sins.

Drinking wine on the Nativity of the Virgin Mary is a grave sin: the drinker will be sick and suffer all year.

On September 21, it is customary to treat any woman with special respect, remembering the original divine spark in each of us.

In the old days it was believed that on this day women and girls should wash their faces before sunrise clean water. For the first it promised the preservation of beauty until old age, for the second it foreshadowed a quick matchmaking before the end of the year.

On this day, they visited the newlyweds, listened to their stories about life, and taught them to avoid mistakes. The young housewife baked a pie and treated the guests. If she was successful, the family was given gifts.

On this day, the young people also went to visit relatives: they dressed in elegant clothes, took a festive cake and walked around the village. The young wife attached a ribbon with the letters “P” and “B” (Nativity of the Virgin Mary) to her belt - protection from the evil eye and special protection of the Virgin Mary. An untied ribbon meant that the young people were envied and wished harm on them....

September 21 according to the folk calendar is the Harvest Festival. On this day the entire harvest must be harvested. This promised prosperity and happiness next year. It was customary to prepare dinner for the whole family from the harvested crops on the holiday.

To visit young people - to teach them wisdom. On this day, bridesmaids began among the people: the groom’s parents began to look for a bride for him. They visited potential wives for their son and assessed her talents in housekeeping.

To make life prosperous, renew the fire. Among the people, the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary was considered the beginning of the new year. From this day the account of a new stage of life began. Therefore, on this day it was customary to relight the torch. Houses used to have standby torches, which were not extinguished even at night - other torches were lit from them, and stoves were lit. This good tradition can be implemented in our time - light a candle in your home, let the fire attract only the best to you.

Getting your hands dirty on this day is a good omen. It was believed that if a person accidentally got his hands dirty, he would have good luck in his career and money.

It was believed that if a woman does not give to those who ask on the Feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, then she may become infertile. And vice versa, if a woman was generous and did not spare food and small money, then the Lord gave her prosperity in the house and many children.

Prayer for the Nativity of the Virgin Mary

ABOUT, Holy Lady, Christ our Savior, God-chosen Mother, asked from God with holy prayers, dedicated to God and beloved by God! Whoever does not please You or who does not sing Your glorious Nativity. Your Christmas was the beginning of the salvation of people, and we, sitting in the darkness of sins, see You, the dwelling of the Impregnable Light. For this reason, the florid tongue cannot sing songs about Thee according to its heritage. Thou art more exalted than the Seraphim, O Most Pure One. Otherwise, accept this present praise from Your unworthy servants and do not reject our prayer. We confess Your greatness, we bow down to You in tenderness, and we boldly ask Your child-loving and compassionate Mother, who is quick in intercession: pray to Your Son and our God to grant us, who have sinned a lot, sincere repentance and a pious life, so that we may be able to do everything that is pleasing to God and useful to our souls. Let us hate all evil, strengthened by Divine grace in our good will. You are our shameless hope at the hour of death, grant us a Christian death, a comfortable procession through the terrible ordeals of the air and the inheritance of the eternal and ineffable blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven, so that with all the saints we silently confess Your intercession for us and let us glorify the one True God, in Holy Trinity worshiped, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Ever-Virgin Mary according to the Orthodox calendar is celebrated on Thursday, September 21. This is the first of the twelve feasts of the church year, which began on September 14.

© Sputnik / Kirill Kallinikov

history of the holiday

The New Testament contains very scant information about the earthly life of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and, in particular, nothing is said about the birth and parents of the Virgin Mary. Details of the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary are known from the apocryphal text of the mid-2nd century, “The Proto-Gospel of James.”

The Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary was established by the church in the fourth century. The first mentions of him can be found in the Patriarch of Constantinople Proclus (439-446) and in the breviary (liturgical book) of Pope Gelasius (492-426). And in Palestine there is a legend that the holy Queen Helen, Equal to the Apostles, built a temple in Jerusalem in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

© Sputnik / Mikhail Voskresensky

Place of Birth

According to legend, the Blessed Virgin Mary was born in the small Galilean city of Nazareth in the house of her parents, which was located in the northeastern part of Jerusalem. Now this is the territory of the Muslim Quarter of the Old City, near the Lion Gate. However, Orthodox and Catholics indicate the exact location differently, and these places are approximately 70 meters apart from each other. The monastery of St. Anna was built on an Orthodox site; on the ground floor there is a church in honor of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, and under the monastery building itself there is a cave, which, according to legend, was part of the house of Joachim and Anna. Catholics indicate the location of the house in the immediate vicinity of Bethesda and built the Basilica of St. Anne there, in the crypt of which there are also ancient underground rooms.

The story of the birth of the Virgin Mary

Her parents were Joachim from the family of the prophet and king David and Anna from the family of the high priest Aaron. Having reached old age, the couple never had children. Infertility was considered God's punishment for sins, so Joachim and Anna suffered humiliation. So, on one of the holidays, Elder Joachim brought his sacrifice to the Jerusalem Temple as a gift to God, but the high priest did not accept it and said: “I should not accept gifts from you, because you have no children, and, therefore, no blessing from God.”

Joachim, in deep grief, went into the desert to pray, and his wife remained at home and also prayed. At this time, an angel appeared to both of them, who informed them that the Lord had heeded their prayers. “Your prayer is heard by God, and you will conceive and give birth to a blessed daughter, above all earthly daughters. For her sake, all earthly generations will be blessed. Name her Mary,” the Angel said to Mary.

After this gospel, Joachim and Anna met at the Golden Gate of Jerusalem. After the required period of pregnancy, righteous Anna gave birth to a daughter, whom she named Maria.

The couple made a vow to dedicate their child to God and, as was the custom then, to give him to the Jerusalem Temple to serve until he came of age.

How to celebrate the Nativity of the Virgin Mary

The bright holiday of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated by all Christians.

On this day, it is customary to go to church and perform various rituals to maintain the health and happiness of your family. There are also many signs for the weather, harvest and marriage associated with this bright holiday.

Its very essence concerns not only the story of the birth of the Ever-Virgin Mary, but also her good deeds on earth. That is why on the Nativity of the Mother of God you should sincerely and touchingly congratulate all Christians you know on the great day.

What can you eat on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary?

The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2017 falls during Lent, but the church allows fish and seafood. As traditional dishes, pies filled with fish were served to the table. Mushroom pies were also popular. All women in every home were required to give generously to the poor and needy. If this could not be done for any reason, it was considered a great disaster - the woman risked remaining infertile, and well-being and prosperity could leave the house.

Signs for the holiday

Many signs were also associated with this day. For example, they wondered what kind of winter it would be, and the birds helped with this. If they fly high, the cold weather is far away, and if they fly near the ground, expect a long and cold winter. A rainy day predicted another seven weeks of bad weather, and dew on the grass meant imminent frost and frost.

The girls tried to meet the dawn by the water - if any of them succeeded, it meant that she would soon be betrothed. Married women certainly had to wash themselves at the pond, also before dawn - this action promised her beauty for the whole next year.


© Sputnik / Balabanov

Troparion of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, tone 4

Thy Nativity of the Virgin Mother of God, joy to proclaim to the whole universe: from Thee has arisen the Sun of righteousness, Christ our God, and having destroyed the oath, given blessing, and having abolished death, given us eternal life. Your Nativity, Virgin Mary, proclaimed joy to the whole universe: for from You the Sun of righteousness, Christ our God, shone, and, having destroyed the curse, He gave a blessing, and, having destroyed death, He gave us eternal life.

Kontakion of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, tone 4

Joachim and Anna were reproached by childlessness, and Adam and Eve were freed from mortal aphids, O Most Pure One, in Thy holy Nativity. Then Thy people also celebrate, having been freed from the guilt of sins, always calling upon Thy: the Mother of God and the nourisher of our life gives birth to barren fruits. Joachim and Anna were freed from reproach for childlessness, and Adam and Eve were freed from mortal death by Your holy Birth, Most Pure One. It is also celebrated by Your people, who have been delivered from the burden of sin, loudly exclaiming to You: the barren gives birth to the Mother of God and the nourisher of our Life.

The Greatness of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary

We magnify You, Most Holy Virgin, and honor Your holy parents, and glorify Your birth all-gloriously.

First prayer for the Nativity of the Virgin Mary

Oh, Most Holy Lady, God-chosen Mother of Christ our Savior, asked of God by holy prayers, dedicated to God and beloved by God! Whoever does not please You or who does not sing Your glorious Nativity. Your Christmas was the beginning of the salvation of people, and we, sitting in the darkness of sins, see You, the dwelling of the Impregnable Light. For this reason, the florid tongue cannot sing songs about Thee according to its heritage. Thou art more exalted than the Seraphim, O Most Pure One. Otherwise, accept this present praise from Your unworthy servants and do not reject our prayer. We confess Your greatness, we bow down to You in tenderness, and we boldly ask Your child-loving and compassionate Mother, who is quick in intercession: pray to Your Son and our God to grant us, who have sinned a lot, sincere repentance and a pious life, so that we may be able to do everything that is pleasing to God and useful to our souls. Let us hate all evil, strengthened by Divine grace in our good will. You are our shameless hope at the hour of death, grant us a Christian death, a comfortable procession through the terrible ordeals of the air and the inheritance of the eternal and ineffable blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven, so that with all the saints we silently confess Your intercession for us and let us glorify the one True God, worshiped in the Holy Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Second prayer for the Nativity of the Virgin Mary

Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of heaven and earth, we bow down to Your miraculous image with a tender expression: look mercifully on Your servants and through Your omnipotent intercession send down what everyone needs. Save all the faithful children of the Holy Church, convert the unfaithful, guide those who have gone astray to the right path, support old age and weakness of strength, grow the young in the holy faith, guide courage for good, bring sinners to repentance and hear the prayers of all Christians, heal the sick, assuage sorrows, those traveling travel. You weigh, O All-Merciful One, as we are weak, as sinners, as we are embittered and unworthy of God’s forgiveness, otherwise be of help to us, so that by no sin of self-love, temptation and the devil’s seduction we anger God: Thee are the Imams, the Intercessor, Whom the Lord will not reject. If you so desire, you can bestow everything upon us, like a source of grace, who faithfully sing to You and extol Your glorious Nativity. Deliver, O Lady, from sins and misfortunes of all who piously call upon the holy your name and those who worship Your honest image. You cleanse our tuna with your prayers of iniquity, so we fall down to You and cry again: drive away from us every enemy and adversary, every misfortune and destructive unbelief; Through Your prayers, giving timely rains and abundant fruitfulness to the earth, put Divine fear in our hearts to fulfill the commandments of the Lord, so that we may all live quietly and peacefully for the salvation of our souls, for the good of our neighbors and for the glory of the Lord, for He is the Creator, Provider and Savior All glory, honor and worship are due to us, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Third prayer for the Nativity of the Virgin Mary

Oh, Most Pure and Most Blessed Virgin, Lady Theotokos, born from barrenness according to promise and for the sake of purity for the sake of Your soul and body, worthy to be the Matter of the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, with Him now residing in heaven and having great boldness to Holy Trinity, from Neyazhe, like a Queen, you are crowned with the crown of eternal reign. In the same way, we humbly resort to You and ask: intercede for us from the All-Merciful Lord God the forgiveness of all our sins, voluntary and involuntary; salvation, peace, silence and piety are restored to our suffering fatherland, times are peaceful and serene, the sedition of the evil is not involved; to the abundance of the fruits of the earth, the air of goodness, the rains are peaceful and well-timed. And ask us for everything that we need for life and salvation from Thy Son, Christ our God. Most of all, let us make haste to be adorned with good morals and good deeds, so that, as powerfully as possible, we will be imitators of Your holy life, with which You adorned yourself from your youth on earth, pleasing the Lord; For this reason you appeared, the most honest Cherub and the most glorious Seraphim. To her, Most Holy Lady, be our quick Helper in everything and the wise Teacher of salvation, so that by following You and being helped by You, we may be considered worthy of being the heir to the existence of the Heavenly Kingdom, through the sufferings of Your Intercessory Son, and fulfillers of His promised holy commandments. For You are, Lady, our only hope and hope according to God, and we commit our whole life to You, hoping for Your intercession and intercession that we will not be put to shame at the hour of our departure from this life, and at the Last Judgment of Your Son, Christ our God at His right hand to be worthy of standing, and there to rejoice forever with all those who have pleased Him from time immemorial, and to silently glorify, praise, thank and bless Him with the Father and the Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

The material is compiled from open sources.


Thanks a lot! May the Most Holy Theotokos help everyone who turns to her! Amen!

Most Holy Theotokos, pray to God for us! I hope that she will hear all our prayers and requests.
On September 21, Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas (Second Most Pure Day). The holiday is traditionally considered women's day, when a woman should be revered as a continuator of the family.

It is believed that on this day you need to ask for the most secret things - and the Mother of God will definitely help. For those married couples who do not have children, it is especially important to pray for the birth of a child on this holiday.

I want to tell you about a miracle that happened to me on this day, 11 years ago. It was very difficult, I didn’t really believe then, I didn’t go to church.

My husband drank and went out, I found out that I was pregnant. There was no money. I was leaving the hospital, and there was despair in my soul... I accidentally went into the temple, prayed and burst into tears. Some woman came up and said: “Don’t cry, she will help”... My soul somehow felt better. And two months later I met good man, I realized that I was falling in love... I told him that I was married and that I was pregnant from another man. He admitted that he loved him, asked me to marry him and said that he wanted to raise this child... Now we are together, I have an amazing husband who dotes on my daughter Mashenka...

history of the holiday

The holiday was established by the Church in the 4th century and is the first twelfth holiday of the church year, for according to the old style the church year begins on September 1. Tradition told us about the circumstances surrounding this event.

In the small Galilean city of Nazareth lived an elderly couple - Joachim and Anna. Both spouses were righteous and pious. The holy spouses Joachim and Anna were childless for a long time and cried that they had no children. One day, on a great holiday, Joachim brought gifts to the Lord God to the Jerusalem Temple. But the priest did not want to accept Joachim’s gifts, because he was childless, and children were considered a blessing from God.

Meanwhile, his wife, who was at home, also heard that the high priest in the temple refused to accept their gifts because they were childless. She also learned that her husband, grieving and crying, had gone into the desert, and she began to cry. Anna went into her garden, sat down under a laurel tree, sighed and, looking at the sky with eyes full of tears, noticed above, on a tree, a nest in which little chicks were squeaking. “Even birds have children, but we don’t have such consolation in old age,” thought Anna.

Suddenly her Lord. He said, “You will conceive and bear a Daughter, blessed above all. Through Her, all earthly peoples will receive God's blessing. Through Her, Salvation will be given to all people. Her name will be Mary."

At the same time, an angel appeared in the desert to Joachim. He said: “Joachim! God has heard your prayer, and He is pleased to bestow His grace on you. Your wife Anna will conceive and bear you a Daughter who will be a joy to the whole world. Here is a sign for you that I am telling you the truth: go to the temple in Jerusalem, and there, at the Golden Gate, you will find your wife Anna, to whom I told the same thing.”

Surprised Joachim, thanking God with all his heart, joyfully and hastily went to Jerusalem, to the temple. There, as the angel told him, he saw Anna praying to God at the Golden Gate, and told her about the angel. She also told her husband everything she had seen and heard about the birth of her Daughter. After praying to the Lord and worshiping Him in the temple, the couple returned home.

Nine months later, Anna gave birth to a Daughter, the purest and most blessed. Above everything that has ever been created, the beginning of our salvation, our intercessor before God. Heaven and earth rejoiced at Her birth. On the occasion of Her birth, Joachim brought great gifts and sacrifices to God, and received the blessing of the high priest, priests and all the people for having been worthy of God’s blessing. Then he held a great feast in his house, and everyone rejoiced and praised God.

The Holy Church rightly calls Joachim and Anna Fathers of God, because Jesus Christ was born from their Most Holy Daughter, the Virgin Mary.

Traditions: what to do on this day

Mother of God, Mother of God, mother of the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ. She is considered a “prayer woman,” an intercessor for women before God.

This holiday was called the Harvest Festival. The more people harvested, the longer the holiday lasted. It could last from three days to two weeks. These days, it was customary to visit each other and treat each other to dishes that were prepared from what was collected. And the more hospitable the table, the better the harvest will be next year. In this way they tried to appease nature so that next year would be no worse than this one.

To visit young people - to teach intelligence. When all the cleaning work was completed, weddings began to take place among the people. So, if a wedding was recently celebrated in the village, then on that day all the old people living in the village went to the newlyweds. Of course, their parents and grandparents always came to visit the young people. The young housewife had to do her best on this day, set a rich table, greet her relatives and guards. People who had lived a long life treated themselves and taught the young people how to live, what and how to do correctly. By the way, it was at such gatherings that knowledge was passed on to young people in the form folk signs. And if the young people did not shy away, but listened and were at their best, then their lives after that turned out just fine, both in family terms and in material terms.

In ancient times, women tried to go to the river early in the morning and meet this day by the water. It was believed that if a woman washed her face with water before sunrise on this day, she would be beautiful until old age. And if a girl washed her face before sunrise, she will be matched this year.

Renew the fire for a prosperous life. There was such a sign that from this day human life begins a new circle that will last one year. Such circles began every autumn on this day. This is a kind of New Year. Usually, in village houses, the so-called duty torch always burned, which was never extinguished, but a new one was lit from it. There were no matches then. But on this day it was customary to extinguish this torch and relight it. It was believed that if you do this on this day, then all illnesses and troubles will remain in the past. And in New Year you will take with you only the best, otherwise what you want to get rid of will remain in your old life.

The believer prays - the Mother of God smiles. On such a day, it was customary for the people to pray to the Most Holy Theotokos for everything that troubled the soul. It was believed that not a single prayer said on this day would go unheeded. Although, it should be noted that no matter what day you turn to the Mother of God, she will always help if a person needs her help. But this sign does not mean turning to the Blessed Virgin with requests. This means that the Mother of God will rejoice if believers simply offer prayers of thanks to her.

What not to do:

One of the important points is that on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary You should not eat meat and non-lenten foods, as well as alcohol. On this day you need to fast, refuse physical activity, homework, quarrels with loved ones, condemnation. Relatives, relatives, and friends gather together for the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

We have already talked about what they do on this day. But I would like to add that Orthodox people should not only pray and fast, but also maintain spiritual purity, do good deeds, help with words and warmth of soul.

On September 21, 2017, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary - the first twelfth holiday after the advent of the new year, the church new year. We will tell you what the essence of this holiday is, what you can and cannot do on this day, how to ask the Mother of God for health, prosperity, love and family well-being.

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary: the essence and history of the holiday

The Feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary is a great consolation for childless spouses. This day opens a new church year - the whole history of the New Testament begins with the birth of a little girl, who will be called the Throne of God, who will become the Door through which the Savior of the World Christ will appear.

The holiday was established by the church in honor of a miraculous event that is described in the Bible:

The mother of Jesus Christ, Mary, was born in the city of Nazareth from pious parents, Joachim and Anna. They lived to an old age, but were childless, which became the source of their grief and caused public censure. One day, the high priest did not accept a sacrifice from Joachim, and he, inconsolable, withdrew into the desert, where he began to pray fervently. Anna stayed at home and also prayed. At this time, an angel appeared to both of them and announced to each: “The Lord has heeded your prayer, you will conceive and give birth, and your offspring will be talked about all over the world.” Having learned the good news, the couple met at the Golden Gate of Jerusalem. And soon a daughter was born into their family. The happy couple made a vow to dedicate their child to God and gave their daughter Mary to the Jerusalem Temple, where she served until she came of age.

Nativity of the Virgin Mary: fasting or not, what you can eat

You should fast on the day of the Nativity of the Mother of God only if the holiday falls on Wednesday or Friday - fast days. But even in this case, the church allows the consumption of fish and seafood.

In 2017, the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated on Thursday, this is not a fast day, which means housewives can prepare both Lenten treats and meat dishes.

In every family, it is customary to set a large table in honor of this holiday. It is believed that the more richly the housewife prepares for the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the more bountiful the harvest will be next year. Therefore, do not forget to pay tribute to nature by placing a basket of apples, pears, plums and grapes on the table.

What you can and cannot do on the Feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary

There are no special or special prohibitions on September 21, but, like any other religious holiday Believers should adhere to certain rules.

According to tradition, on the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary they try:

  • do not engage in physical labor unless absolutely necessary.
  • You cannot do “dirty” household work on this day - washing floors, cleaning the house, burning garbage in the yard, etc.
  • You should not start cleaning the house on a holiday;
  • It is considered a great sin to sweep crumbs from the festive table onto the floor;
  • On this day, women did not pick up a needle and scissors, did not cut bread, did not sew or embroider.
  • On a holiday you can’t quarrel or make trouble.

Here's what you need to do on this day:

What to pray for on the Nativity of the Virgin Mary

On this day they pray for the gift of a child. If there are no children in the family for a long time, then they turn to both the Mother of God and Her parents Joachim and Anna, who, as is known, did not have children for a long time.

On the Feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary they also pray during troubles and difficulties. family life. Righteous Joachim and Anna are a Christian example of family life.

The prayer of the Mother of God on her Nativity will not go unanswered: ask the Mother of God for what you sincerely desire with all your heart and your wish will certainly come true.

Prayer to the Mother of God for healing from infertility and conceiving a child

“Oh, my Most Holy Lady Theotokos, my indestructible hope, accept these prayers with great hope and faith in Your immeasurable mercy, have mercy on the servant of God (name) and grant me healing from my infertility and the opportunity to conceive a child from my husband "

“Oh, Most Pure and Most Blessed Virgin, asked of God by holy prayers, dedicated to God, beloved by God, and chosen for purity for the sake of Thy soul and body by the Mother of the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ. Who will not please You or who will not sing of Your glorious Nativity for the Birth Yours is the beginning of our salvation.

Accept your praise from us, the unworthy, and do not reject our prayer. We confess Your greatness, we fall to You in tenderness and we ask Your child-loving and compassionate Mother to intercede quickly: ask Your Son and our God to give us sinners, sincere repentance and a pious life, so that the opportunity to live is pleasing to God and beneficial to our souls.

O Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of heaven and earth, look mercifully on Your servants who have not yet been able to bear offspring and through Your all-powerful intercession have granted them healing from infertility. O Mother of God and Nourisher of our life, help us and save the faithful children of the Holy Church, hear our prayers, heal the sick, quench sorrow, direct courage for good.

In the same way, we humbly resort to You and ask: ask us from the All-Merciful Lord God for forgiveness of all our sins, voluntary and involuntary, for salvation, peace, silence and piety for our suffering fatherland. And ask us for everything that is so necessary for our life and salvation from Your Son, Christ our God.

You are our hope in the hour of death, grant us a Christian death, and the inheritance of the eternal and ineffable blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven. Together with all the saints, we tirelessly ask you for your intercession and glorify the one True God, worshiped in the Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."