
Name days in May, Orthodox holidays in May. Women's name days in May according to the Orthodox calendar Orthodox women's name days in May

Name day in May: what name to give a child born in May Orthodox calendar? Full list You will find May names according to the calendar in our article.

Calendar of Orthodox female and male names for May

1 – Anton, Vasily, Victor, Vissarion, Efim, Ivan, Kuzma, Tamara, Felix.

2 – Anton, Victor, George, Ivan, Matrona, Nikifor, Tryphon, Christopher.

3 – Alexander, Anastasius, Gabriel, Gregory, Nikolai, Fyodor, Theodora, Theodosius.

4 – Alexander, Alexey, Denis, Ivan, Kondraty, Nikolay, Fedor, Yakov, Januariy.

5 – Vitaly, Vsevolod, Gabriel, Dmitry, Clement, Luke, Plato, Fedor.

6 – Alexandra, Anatoly, Ivan, Georgy, Lazar.

7 – Alexey, Valentin, Elizabeth, Innokenty, Leonty, Luka, Nikolay, Savva, Sergey, Thomas.

8 – Vasily, Mark, Nika, Sergey, Sylvester.

9 – Vasily, Glafira, Ivan, Nestor, Nikolai, Peter, Stepan.

10 – Anastasia, Georgy, Ivan, Hilarion, Maria, Nikolay, Pavel, Peter, Semyon, Sergey, Stepan.

11 – Anna, Vitaly, Kirill, Maxim.

12 – Artemy, Vasily, Fedot, Filimon.

13 – Vasily, Ephraim, Ignatius, Clement, Maxim, Nikita, Yakov.

14 – Gerasim, Eremey, Efim, Ignatius, Makar, Nina, Tamara.

15 – Afanasy, Boris, Gleb, David, Ivan, Zoya, Mikhail, Roman.

16 – Mavra, Nikolai, Pavel, Peter, Timofey, Theodosius.

17 – Anton, Athanasius, Valerian, Ivan, Cyril, Clement, Lazarus, Leonty, Maria, Nikita, Nikifor, Nikolai, Pelageya.

18 – Adrian, Irina, Yakov.

19 – Vasily, Denis, Ivan, Illarion, Kasyan, Pakhom, Savva.

20 – Anton, David, Ivan, Ilya, Joseph, Mikhail, Pakhom, Sidor, Stepan.

21 – Adrian, Arseny, Ivan, Nikifor.

22 – Vasily, Gabriel, Dmitry, Joseph, Nikolai, Christopher.

23 – Anisim, Vasily, Lavrenty, Simon, Taisiya.

24 – Alexander, Joseph, Cyril, Methodius, Michael, Nicodemus, Rostislav.

25 – German, Denis, Ivan, Peter, Semyon, Fedor, Philip.

26 – Alexander, Vasily, Gabriel, George, Glikeria, Efim, Ivan, Irina, Makar, Nikifor, Sergei, Taras, Theodosius, Christopher.

27 – Leonty, Maxim, Nikita, Peter, Sidor.

28 – Anastasia, Dmitry, Ignat, Pakhom.

29 – Alexander, Arkady, Georgy, Ephraim, Kasyan, Lavrenty, Modest, Muse, Nikolai, Peter, Fedor.

30 – Adrian, Athanasius, Evdokia, Euphrosyne, Nikolai, Stepan, Feofan.

31 – Alexandra, Anastasy, Andrey, Vasily, David, Denis, Claudia, Leo, Makar, Matrona, Mikhail, Pavel, Peter, Semyon, Faina, Fedor, Fedot, Christina, Julian, Julia

Church Orthodox holidays in May

Blessed Matrona of Moscow

St. Athanasius the Great

May 15 the church remembers one of the holy fathers - St. Athanasius, Archbishop of Alexandria, who lived in the 3rd-4th centuries. From childhood, he was distinguished by great piety and desire to study the Holy Scriptures. Patriarch Alexander watched his spiritual growth and over time ordained him to the ranks of deacon and presbyter. After the death of the patriarch, Afanasy at the age of 28 was elected as his successor. For 47 years the saint ruled the Alexandrian Church, and he was especially strong in its support during the years of persecution of Christians. He died peacefully in 373, leaving behind numerous theological writings.

Holy passion-bearers Boris and Gleb with their lives

On the same day, we remember the transfer of the relics of Roman and David, who were killed by order of their brother Svyatopolk in 1015, to the Vyshgorod temple in Holy Baptism.

The memory is celebrated May 21. One of the closest followers of Jesus Christ, John was the only one of the disciples who did not leave the Lord during His crucifixion. The Apostle lived for more than a hundred years, preaching the Gospel in many countries. The celebration was established in remembrance of the annual descent on this day of the finest pink ashes, which were collected by believers for healing from various diseases, to the place of his burial.

St. ap. and Evangelist John the Theologian

May 22- the day of the transfer of the relics of the Archbishop of Myra of Lycia from Myra to the Italian city of Bari. This event took place in 1087 to avoid desecration of the shrine by Muslims.

St. equal to app. Cyril and Methodius

A common day of remembrance is celebrated May 24. The brothers, born in the Greek city of Thessaloniki, knew the Slavic language well and translated many liturgical books into it. At the end of the 9th century. they established Slavic worship in Moravia, while Methodius became the archbishop of Moravia and Pannonia, and he baptized the Czech prince Borzhivoj and his wife Lyudmila. On this day the namesake of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' is celebrated.

The name Rada is Slavic and means “pleasure.” The name comes from the word “rainbow”, which was considered a heavenly sign, a living creature and foreshadowed joyful events - the appearance of gods, children and the harvest.

This name is popular in Poland and Ukraine.

The name Rada evokes a rainbow mood and is a symbol of the forces of light and day. Rada captivates the person who communicates with her with the whiteness of daylight. There is something elusively beautiful in a smile, in a manner of speaking, so that a person is enveloped in oblivion. As if he drank water from a stream with magical water and forgot his past life, a person gains a new perception.

Rada, born on May 5, is open to all types of art and magic! We must not forget that she is the daughter of Rainbow. In the old days, the rainbow was considered a living creature. They said about Rainbow that “you can’t make her angry, otherwise she will eat you.” The Rada may not “eat it,” but it won’t make a “ring of oblivion.” Be friends with the Rads!

The Rada can make a “ring of oblivion” for other people. It's not difficult: a silver ring is placed in the ground, and a white rose needs to be planted above it.

The ring should remain in the ground until the rose blooms. Such a ring gives peace to those who have experienced a crisis, opens the third eye and gives strength for a new life. Rada can make such a ring for herself too. But in order to heal her soul, she still needs Slavic rune, which in its modern version is called “Rainbow”.

This rune looks like the first letter of the name - the capital letter “P”. The first letter of the name for any person is a strong Talisman of the name. This rune brings joy to huge amount energy, helps to get on the right road, find your way in creativity, and successfully complete tasks that seem endless.

Amber or a piece of resin that Rada carries with her, preferably closer to the body, will protect against the power of illusions. This is necessary because Rada is amorous, has a violent temperament and does not understand how she could lose her head so much over a man. Amber also helps when you need to free yourself from an impossible desire: for example, to become a ballerina at the age of forty.

Dreaming of a rainbow on name day night means good luck, walking on a rainbow means danger, eating a rainbow means you shouldn’t start a new path.

Mstislav is a Slavic name, derived from the words “revenge” and “glory”. Many centuries ago, the word “revenge” had a different meaning than it does today. “To take revenge” meant “to wonder, to dream,” when they said “you never know what’s going on at night,” then “to take revenge” meant “to dream.”

Another meaning of the same word is “to have an intention.”

The ending of the name with “slav” indicated the merits of this person, the feats accomplished. This is also what they called the leaders of fighting squads.

This is how it turns out: “Mstislav” - “the one who sings of dreams.”

Despite the gloomy shroud that envelops any obsession, the name Mstislav is an emblem of the sun and heavenly fire. This name brings kindness and wisdom. Mstislav has its own “Golden City”, to which it is ready to invite every person. Although legends say that the “Golden Cities” are located “far away,” for Mstislav this city is where it is. Mstislav makes reality truly golden, bringing peace and harmony everywhere. In his “Golden City” golden apples grow, the same ones that bring eternal youth, health and beauty.

To regain strength, Mstislav needs to imagine himself walking in the “Golden City” among the heavenly trees.

Name day meditation is allowed, in which you need to imagine yourself as a tree of paradise. This Name Day Meditation increases psychological protection and cures diseases. But not only meditation helps restore strength and provide protection.

The first letter of the name is a golden letter "m" - a rune meaning "dreams". Dreams, or illusions, have enormous energy, the main thing is to be able to correctly transform this energy. For full interaction with the energies that the rune opens, it is advisable to carry its symbol with you.

The rune helps to properly process energy, destroys unnecessary connections, and helps to free oneself from the past.

If in a dream he dreams that Mstislav is walking through the Garden of Eden with golden apples, he will be happy.

Lighting a lantern in a dream means upsetting the intrigue; gossips will be brought to clean water. Carrying a lit lantern on name day night will make the situation clearer. Turning off the lantern means things will get completely confused.

As often happens, in the Orthodox calendar and the church calendar for 2019 on May 5, name days are presented only for male names, but we do not find female ones for this period.

In particular, today you can congratulate those who were baptized by Vitaly, Vsevolod, Gabriel, Dmitry, Clement, Luka and Ostap on Angel Day. These male names worth choosing for boys born today.

And in order to choose suitable female names for girls who are born on this day, you need to move their name day to eight days, as they did in the old days, and name them in honor of the saints revered on the specified date.

The main birthday people of this day are Fedora, because on May 5 the Orthodox Church honors the memory of their heavenly patron, the Monk Theodore Sikeot. This fact must be taken into account when choosing a name for boys born today.

If a person is named after a patron saint, then the name becomes a powerful amulet for him, before which any evil is powerless. There is a sign that along with a name a person receives certain character traits.

Therefore, we can say in advance that Fedor, who is celebrating his name day today, will be a decisive, independent, purposeful and hardworking person.

Having lost his father early, Theodore was raised by his mother, who dreamed that in the future the boy would do military career. However, Saint George, who appeared to the woman in a dream, indicated that the child was born to serve the Lord.

Elder Stefan is considered the spiritual mentor of Theodore, who found shelter in his house. Together with him, Theodore, being very young, strictly observed fasts and spent all his time in the temple.

Thanks to his spiritual achievements and wisdom, already at the age of seventeen he was ordained to the priesthood. Theodore was an example for the brethren and parishioners, and possessed the gift of healing.

It is known that he lived as a recluse for about two years in a buried cave; during his fasts he not only put on chains, but also locked himself in a narrow cage. Many believed in his holiness, and he was appointed to the episcopal see of his hometown.

In this post, he helped the needy, built churches, fought against heretics, but his soul longed for solitude, so he soon went back to the monastery, where he continued to do good deeds and high spiritual deeds.

Parents, when naming their baby, not only carefully study the characteristics and meaning of the name, but also try to familiarize themselves with the lives of the saints who will be the child’s patrons throughout life. It will be useful for them to know which name days are celebrated in May. Female names By church calendar presented in our article. It also tells in detail about the lives of saints who are especially revered Orthodox Church.

Orthodox women's name days in May

When naming their child, parents often look into Orthodox calendar. By turning to a church source, it is easy to find out which name days are celebrated in May or other months of the year. When naming their daughter, parents can choose the name of the patron saint whose memorial day is celebrated on this date. For example, if a girl was born on May 10, then she should be named Anastasia or Maria. You can also choose a name that follows your birthday. This is done if name days in May (women's) are not celebrated on a specific date.

Orthodox calendars contain names both rare and common. When choosing them, you should pay attention to this fact so that the child feels confident in the future.

Name day in May from 1st to 10th

In the first ten days of May, many women's name days are celebrated. What can you choose for a girl? Among the names there are ancient ones that are extremely rare today. The most popular today are Anastasia, Maria, Elizabeth.

Name days in May (women's) from the 1st to the 10th are celebrated by all girls who bear the following names:

  • 1 - Tamara;
  • 2 - Matrona;
  • 3 - Philippi;
  • 5 - Alexandra, Sofia;
  • 7 - Elizabeth;
  • 8 - Ivanna, Magdalena, Maria, Martha, Nika, Salome, Tamara;
  • 9 - Glafira;
  • 10 - Maria, Anastasia.

In May, on the 4th and 6th, there is no holiday. Women's name days are not celebrated according to the Christian church calendar.

The Russian Orthodox Church especially reveres Saint Matrona of Moscow, whose feast day falls on May 2. She was born in 1881 into a peasant family with many children in one of the villages of the Tula province. From birth the saint was blind, without eyeballs. Matrona’s gift of healing manifested itself already at the age of eight, and then she began to predict the future.

In children's and teenage years Matrona traveled a lot with the daughter of a local landowner. The saint visited the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, various cities and shrines of Russia. After the revolution, Matrona moved to Moscow, where she lived with distant relatives, friends and acquaintances. Until her death, she received people, healed them and gave advice on what to do in this or that case. At night, Saint Matrona prayed fervently. According to one version, even Stalin himself came to Matrona for advice.

In 1952, on May 2, Saint Matrona died, having predicted this event 3 days before her death.

Women's name days from May 11 to 20

Many women’s name days are celebrated in the second ten days of May. These days the church honors the memory of the saints who bore these names. What might be right for today's newborns?

Name days in May from the 11th to the 20th are celebrated by the owners of the following female names:

  • 11- Anna;
  • 14 - Tamara, Nina;
  • 15 - Zoya;
  • 16 - Ulyana, Yulianna;
  • 17 - Pelageya;
  • 18 - Irina.

In May, there is no holiday on the 12th, 13th, 19th and 20th. Orthodox women's name days are not celebrated.

Queen Tamara of Georgia, who is canonized in Orthodoxy, made a special contribution to the development of Christianity. She was the daughter of the Georgian king George III and left behind a significant mark on history. During Tamara's lifetime it was built large number monasteries and temples, and Christianity spread throughout almost the entire territory of Georgia. Thanks to the reign of the queen, the Georgian state expanded and strengthened.

Women's name days in May (third decade)

In the last 10 days of May, Orthodoxy honors the memory of saints who accepted the death of martyrs for their faith and beliefs.

Women's name days in May, in the last ten days (from the 21st to the 31st), are celebrated by the owners of the following names:

  • 23 -Taisia, Isidora;
  • 25 - Evdokia;
  • 26 - Irina, Glykeria;
  • 28 - Anastasia;
  • 29 - Muse;
  • 30 - Evdokia, Euphrosyne;
  • 31 - Matrona, Faina, Christina, Julia, Alexandra, Claudia.

There is no holiday from the 21st to the 22nd, as well as on the 24th and 27th of May. Women's name days are not celebrated.

The last day of May is very important. 31st The Orthodox Church venerates the seven holy virgins - Te-ku-sa, Alexandra, Fa-i-na, Euphrasia, Claudia, Mat-ro-na, Julia. From a young age, women devoted themselves to the Lord, adhered to abstinence, fasting, prayed tirelessly and lived until old age. During the reign of the ruler Diocletian, terrible persecutions were carried out against Christians, who, due to their refusal to accept paganism, were subjected to cruel torture and execution. After refusing to renounce their Christian faith, the women were drowned in the lake. The holy virgins were buried by the martyr Theodotus, whose memorial day is also celebrated on May 31.