
Lyudmila Orthodox name day. When is the day of the angel Lyudmila according to the church calendar? Congratulations on Lyudmila's name day

Luda's name day is celebrated in September. Angel Lyudmila's Day or, in other words, the date of the name day church calendar celebrated on September 29.

Great Martyr Saint Lyudmila

The patron saint of women named Luda is the Holy Great Martyr Princess Ludmila of Bohemia. She is the first patroness of the Czech Republic. It is believed that in 921 she was strangled by her own relatives, who preached a pagan religion. At this time she was 60 years old. The grandson of the Great Martyr Lyudmila later became the ruler of the state. His grandmother raised him in the traditions of Christianity. The Holy Great Martyr Princess Ludmila of Bohemia was canonized in 1144, and now the day of the Angel Ludmila is celebrated on the day of her memory. The remains of St. Lyudmila are still kept in Prague, in the Cathedral of St. George the Victorious. The Holy Great Martyr Princess Lyudmila of Czechia is the patron of teachers, educators, grandmothers and mothers.

How can you congratulate Lyudmila on Angel Day?

Each of us has at least one friend Lyudmila, and on this day we congratulate Lyuda on her little holiday - Angel Day. Every Lyuda will be pleased to receive a small token of attention on her name day, such as a small card. It’s even better if Lyudmila’s name day is marked with congratulations in verse. After all, poetry is very cute! Any friend of yours, Luda, will appreciate poems if you compose them yourself for congratulations.

In general, when people compose poems on their own in order to congratulate a loved one, they put a piece of their soul into these poems. Congratulations in verse can be funny and a little sad. It depends on the attitude of the author of the poems towards the birthday girl Lyudmila. In the case of Luda’s name day, in your own poems you can convey your special attitude towards the owner of this beautiful name. By the way, there are several variations of this name.

Shortened versions of the name Lyudmila

Origin of the name Lyudmila, character of Lyudmila

The name Lyudmila comes from the Old Church Slavonic language. Means: dear to people. The name leaves an imprint on a person’s character, so all owners of this name are really sweet, cheerful, cheerful girls and women. Who, growing up, turn into no less sweet, optimistic, cheerful and cheerful women and grandmothers Lyudmil.

And if Lyudmila’s name day coincides with her actual birthday - September 29, then all her character traits are strengthened many times over! Parents simply must name a girl born on this day Lyuda. Then on Lyudmila’s name day she will always have my sincere congratulations, poems, cards and gifts.

Unfortunately, except positive traits, the duality of the name gives the character of Lyudmila some not very good properties. This is the fragmented nature of the owner of the name. Lyudmila can be very efficient and at the same time fall into outright laziness, sometimes be strong and sometimes weak, be passionate and emotionally cold.

Lyudmilas are also very flirtatious, a little touchy, and sometimes crafty. Our Lyudmila can dote on a person today, but tomorrow she can pass by without even paying attention to him. But the most “progressive” Lyudmilas find a way out of the passions that engulf them. They constantly work on themselves, read specialized literature and undergo personal growth training. By the way, the name Lyudmila in Russia is only a female name. But, for example, in the Czech Republic there is a male version of this name - a man there can be called Lyudmil.

According to the type of appearance, Lyudmila is often blonde, although there are also brunette Lyudmila. Then these are women of strict beauty with piercing black eyes. With age, Lyudmil's beauty does not fade, but turns into a pleasant feminine appearance. Of course, there may be exceptions to this rule.

The great actress Lyudmila Gurchenko looked great even at age, always wore high heels and charming dresses, applied makeup and took care of her hair. She achieved such a result because she had an iron character and enormous power will. These same personality traits helped Lyudmila Gurchenko become not only a talented actress, but also a director, screenwriter, and singer. She lived a long and very colorful life, the whole world mourned when the actress passed away.

How to celebrate the day of Guardian Angel Lyudmila

Not every person knows when their guardian angel day is. The most famous Guardian Angel Day in our country is Tatiana's Day, which is celebrated on January 25 and coincides with Students' Day. Among the well-known days of the angel, one can also name Ilyin’s day - August 2, it is believed that on this day the water in reservoirs becomes cold and from this day on it is undesirable to swim in them.

It is also believed that Guardian Angel Day occurs only among baptized people. But in any case, there are never too many holidays, and if you have a great desire to celebrate the day of your guardian angel, no one can prohibit it! So, how can you celebrate your name day in an original way? If Angel's Day falls in the warm season - late spring or summer - you can have a great time outdoors with friends. In the summer, go to a river or lake, take badminton, frisbee with you, you can even take tents to spend the night in nature. Near the fire, sing songs with poems dedicated to the birthday boy, come up with entertaining outdoor games.

In summer, a lot of fruits ripen, it’s easy to buy delicious ripe vegetables, cool drinks - all this will help organize an unforgettable picnic in honor of the birthday angel’s day. If the day of the Guardian Angel falls on one of the winter months, then you can get out of the house with a group of friends or relatives on a frosty, clear, snowy day. Take your sleds, skis, and skates with you, because there is nothing more beautiful than active recreation in the fresh air. You can organize a competition in your company. For example, who can slide down an icy mountain on a sled the fastest, or who can do the most beautiful pirouette on ice skates. You can also ride on a cheesecake; they have been very popular lately, and unlike sleds, they are very soft and comfortable. And after this wonderful relaxation, you can warm up and raise a toast to the birthday person celebrating the day of the angel using a thermos with freshly brewed aromatic tea or coffee taken from home, while snacking on homemade pies or buns. In honor of the name day, you can fry in a beautiful winter forest delicious kebab. This holiday will be remembered for a long time for its originality.

Lyudmila's name day, which falls on September 29, can be celebrated by going to the forest to pick mushrooms. By this time, honey mushrooms will appear in the forest. You will be able to wander through the forest, rustling autumn leaves. And the birthday girl Luda can be celebrated with a royal wreath of golden maple leaves. Having collected several buckets of mushrooms, Lyudmila can prepare many delicious holiday dishes for a group of friends - fried mushrooms, cream of mushroom soup, and casserole with mushrooms.

Holy mu-che-ni-tsa Lud-mi-la, Princess of Boh-ri-voy . Su-pr-gi received Holy Baptism from Saint Me-fo-diya, ar-hi-episco-pa Mo-rav-skogo, about -sve-ti-te-la sla-vyan. Having become Christians, they showed their concern for the enlightenment of the light of the true faith of their subjects, build churches and invite priests to perform God's services in them. Prince Bo-ri-voy died early, at the age of 36. Saint Lyud-mila, having remained a widow, led a strict, good life and continued to care for the Church -you are in the reign of her son Vra-ti-slav-va, which lasted 33 years. Vra-ti-slav was married to Dra-go-mir, and had a son from her, Vya-che-slava. After the death of Vra-ti-slav, 18-year-old Vya-che-slav ascended the throne. Taking advantage of the inexperience and youth of his son, Dra-go-mir began to plant pagan customs in the country -teas and morals. Holy People came back to this. Dra-go-mira fetched her mother-in-law's blood and tried to beat it. When the holy Lud-mi-la retired to the city of Te-chin, Dra-go-mira sent two warriors to her to kill her. At that time, when the holy Lu-mi-la was praying, the murderers entered the house and executed Dra-go- worlds. The relics of the holy mu-che-ni-tsy People were buried in Te-chin near the city wall. From her coffin many ill-effects began to occur. Prince Vya-che-slav carried the body of Saint Lud-mila to Prague and placed it in the church of St. George.

See also: "" in the text of St. Di-mit-ria of Ro-stov.


Troparion to the Martyr Lyudmila, Princess of Bohemia, tone 4

Leaving the darkness of idolatry/ and with ardent love accepting the light of the Orthodox faith of Christ,/ you appeared, Saint Lyudmila, like the morning star,/ and the light of your holiness// and The true day of worship of God in the Honor of the Earth has begun.

Translation: Having left darkness and with ardent love accepting the light of the Orthodox faith of Christ, you, Saint Ludmila, appeared like the morning star, beginning the true day of worship in the Czech land with the light of your holiness.

Kontakion to the Martyr Lyudmila, Princess of Bohemia, voice 2

Your all-honorable temple, / as all faith has found spiritual healing, / we cry loudly to you, / to the great martyr Lyudmila, the great one // pray to Christ God unceasingly for all of us.

Translation: Having found your all-holy temple as a healing for souls, all of us, the faithful, loudly cry out to you: “Virgin Martyr Lyudmila, whose name is glorious, pray to Christ God unceasingly for all of us!”

Prayer to the Martyr Lyudmila, Princess of Bohemia

Oh, holy saint of Christ, martyr Princess Lyudmila, first saint of the Czech country and the capital city of Prague, adornment, warm prayer book for us before God! Here we, many sinners, humbly fall down and pray to you: do not let us perish in the mire of our sins, but offer up a prayer for us to the Lord, may he have mercy on us and grant us repentance. Oh, blessed mother Lyudmilo! Do not forget to visit your children, even if you passed away from us to the heavenly abodes, together with your grandson, the holy martyr Vyacheslav. Moreover, his holy mother, ask for us, sinners, God’s blessing on our children and on all of us, and we, many sinners, will thank the Lord for the gift of His grace and together with you, We glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and your great intercession about us forever and ever. Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Song 1

Irmos: Immerse the chariot of Pharaoh, sometimes work miracles with the rod of Moses, striking the cross in the shape of a cross, and dividing the sea, but save Israel the fugitive, save the pedestrian, singing the song of God.


Give the gift of the Word of God, Christ, with my words, so that I may sing to You, Inexhaustible Belly, and may I glorify Your martyr Lyudmila, singing Your song: I will sing to the Lord, gloriously I have been glorified.

Holy martyr, Lyudmila, pray to God for us.

Having received the imperishable crown in your suffering, pray, Lyudmila, for the Glorious God to grant us crowns of light, so that, having received it, we will sing: we will sing to the Lord, gloriously we have been glorified.

Glory: Like an immaculate lamb you were led to the slaughter, not a single word was said in defiance; Otherwise, you sang the song of God: I will sing to the Lord, gloriously you will be glorified.

And now: You, the Most Pure One, will be blessed by all generations, as if you bore the Eternal God in your womb. To the Unmanly One, pray for the world, together with the martyr Lyudmila, who sings: let us drink of the Lord, for gloriously we shall be glorified.

Song 3

Irmos: Establish first the Heavens with your mind, and founded the earth on the waters, establishing me, Christ, on the stone, Thy commandments, as there is nothing more holy than Thee, the One Lover of Mankind.

Holy martyr, Lyudmila, pray to God for us.

Angels of light met in the air your most radiant soul, whitened by innocent suffering, adorned with prayer, illuminated by love, singing the song of God: holy art thou, O Lord, and my spirit singeth unto thee.

Holy martyr, Lyudmila, pray to God for us.

Like a fiery star, like a bright angel, your soul has ascended to Heaven, Lyudmila, transfixed by the grace of the Holy Spirit, singing: Holy art thou, Lord, and my spirit sings to Thee.

Glory: We pray to you, glorious Lyudmila, pray for peace to the Lord, and help everyone, help those who hope, comfort the mourning, rejoice the despondent, so that they too cry out to the Lord: Holy art thou, Lord, and my spirit sings unto Thee.

And now: We bless You all, O Mother of God, as the Mother of our God, as You prophesied, and we sing to You with Lyudmila the martyr, and we call to the Lord: Holy art Thou, Lord, and my spirit sings to You.

Song 4

Irmos: You are my strength, Lord, You are my Strength, You are my God, You are my Joy, do not leave the bosom of the Father, and having visited our poverty, I call You with the prophet Habakkuk: Glory to Your strength, Lover of mankind.

Holy martyr, Lyudmila, pray to God for us.

Your death, O martyr, was honorable before the Lord, for you received a crown that was not like that, an incorruptible crown, so pray to the Lord, that He may also give us the crowns of the Kingdom, that we may sing to Him forever: Glory to Your power, O Lord.

Holy martyr, Lyudmila, pray to God for us.

When those who killed you cursed you, you blessed them, like Christ, to whom you dedicated your entire life; In the same way, grant us, in times of sorrow, to sing to the Master: glory to Thy power, O Lord.

Glory: There are no idols of yours, - you advertised, Lyudmila, to your relatives, who thirst to turn you away from the true faith, for which you accepted innocent death, - but there is One God, God is Holy, to Him the Church of Christ cries: glory to Your power, Lord.

And now: We all confess Thee, Most Pure Virgin Mary, as the True Mother of God, Who bore in the womb the True God, Who took flesh from Thee and unfaithfully incarnated on earth, Who lived, and who was Crucified, and who was Resurrected, crying out to Him with Lyudmila: Glory to Thy power, Lord.

Song 5

Irmos: Thou hast cast me away from Thy face, O Light of the Unstoppable, and the alien darkness of the accursed has covered me, but turn me, and direct my paths to the light of Thy commandments, I pray.

Holy martyr, Lyudmila, pray to God for us.

To the Heavenly King, Whom you see clearly, pray, Lyudmila, for everyone who seeks help, and save all those who are perishing from the depths of despair, and give peace to all who call: Lord our God, give us peace.

Holy martyr, Lyudmila, pray to God for us.

All my bright life I longed to see Him, and to serve Him faithfully, now see Him clearly, pray to Him, Lyudmila, to save our world from the malice of the devil, from enmity and division, and to grant salvation to those who sing: Lord our God, give us peace.

Glory: Lyudmila, lamb of God, in vain now the Lamb is face to face and enjoying this fellowship, do not forget us sinners, who have gone astray in enmity, who do not lead the song: Lord our God, give us peace.

And now: Your Yuzhiks, Lyudmilo, having slain you like a lamb, your kindness and faith are in vain; In the same way, pray for us with the Most Pure Virgin Mary and all the saints, saying: Lord our God, give us peace.

Song 6

Irmos: Cleanse me, O Savior, for my iniquities are many, and bring me up from the depths of evil, I pray: I have cried out to You, and hear me, O God of my salvation.

Holy martyr, Lyudmila, pray to God for us.

The tree of the cross saved the entire human race by the power of Christ our God Crucified on it, and also, kissing and crying out with Lyudmila, who humbly bore her cross: like the prophet Jonah, save us, Lord.

Holy martyr, Lyudmila, pray to God for us.

You have acquired unceasing prayer to God, walking before Him, like Enoch, without sacrifice, so teach us truer prayer, so that, turning to repentance, let us pray to God for the world, saying: like the prophet Jonah, save us, Lord.

Glory: Having confessed the Lord before everyone, having been confessed as the Lord before the Angels, having received a crown of bright joy, she was ignorant of the Lord, Whom she had hoped to see all her life, and cried out: like the prophet Jonah, save us, Lord.

And now: God-glorifying Lyudmila, your memory is celebrated with light, we remember your suffering, and we marvel at your meekness, and we pray to you: pray to the Mother of God, may she forgive us our iniquities, may she pray to the Lord for us, singing: like the prophet Jonah, save us, Lord.

Kontakion, tone 6.

You received the love of God from heaven, and you were also killed by your relatives, O most bright Lyudmila, pray for all of us who faithfully honor you.


Let us all sing to the immaculate lamb, Lyudmila, faithful in heaven, who is seen in heaven, praying for us unceasingly: Rejoice, you who sacrificed yourself to God; Rejoice, you who entered heaven from the Angels. Rejoice, fragrance of the peace of Christ; Rejoice, illuminated by Divine virtues. Rejoice, our warm representative before God; Rejoice, ascended to the heavenly chambers. Rejoice, you who listen to the prayers of the faithful; Rejoice, you who fulfill every good desire. Rejoice, righteous woman, who fed all the hungry, Rejoice, who comforted all those who cried with good love. Rejoice, like gold in the furnace, purified; Rejoice, partaker of Heavenly glory. Rejoice, holy martyr Lyudmila, dear to God and His people.

Song 7

Irmos: Exalted Lord of the fathers, extinguish the flame, O irrigated youths, singing in agreement: God, blessed art thou.

Holy martyr, Lyudmila, pray to God for us.

The Czech Church rejoices in your prayer to God in vain now, Lyudmila, and we also rejoice, for we have found a faithful intercessor, giving us Heavenly joy, and we call everyone to God, who gave you to us: God, blessed are you.

Holy martyr, Lyudmila, pray to God for us.

Dressing yourself today like a robe with light; clothed today in Christ's love, remember, Lyudmila, your peace, remember your sisters and brothers, unite them all into one and vouchsafe to sing to the Lord: God, blessed are you.

Glory: You drove away demonic flattery, O immaculate Lyudmila, and you served God with all your life, and you loved Him with all your heart and soul, and you clung to Him alone, so do the same, so that we can do the same, always crying out within ourselves: God, blessed you are.

And now: Much about You, O Most Blessed Mary, we thank our God, for You are the intercessor of all of us, and the protection of the Russian land, save us, We call to You, as the Mother of all Lords, and teach us to sing to God, together with Lyudmila: God, blessed you are.

Song 8

Irmos: With the sevenfold, the Chaldean tormentor furiously kindled the cave of the pious, and seeing that they were saved by the best power, they cried out to the Creator and Savior: children, bless, priests, sing, O people, exalt to all ages.

Holy martyr, Lyudmila, pray to God for us.

You have been honored with divine glory, O Lyudmila Martyr, and enjoying the love of God today, you hoped to have it in yourself; In the same way, pray for us, that we may love one another and, with one mind confessing the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, let us sing: Sing to the Lord, O works, and exalt ye unto all ages.

Holy martyr, Lyudmila, pray to God for us.

Oh, Lyudmila, bright martyr, wearing a holy wedding robe, fragrant indescribably, illuminated by the Divine virtues, adorn us with them, so that we may sing with all our hearts: Sing to the Lord, O deeds, and exalt ye unto all ages.

Let us bless the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Lord.

Glory: Inspire our words, O Lord, just as you heeded the ancient calling of the three youths in the cave of Babylon, and grant us love and compassion, peace and joy with meekness, with the prayers of the holy martyr Lyudmila, calling: Sing to the Lord, O deeds, and exalt unto all ages.

And now: Angels serve Thee, Most Holy One, fleeting minds, the Trisagion hymn of God, chanting and glorifying Thee unceasingly, as the Mother of God, our Intercessor, singing: Sing to the Lord, O works, and exalt ye unto all ages.

Song 9

Irmos: Heaven and the ends of the earth were terrified at this, for God had appeared as a man in the flesh, and Your womb was more spacious than Heaven. Thus Thea, the Mother of God, the Angels and the people of the ranks are magnified.

Holy martyr, Lyudmila, pray to God for us.

Nourish us, Lyudmila, guide us on the true path, teach us the justification of Christ, which we have fulfilled in our lives and become sanctified; give us wisdom and strength, so that we may know God’s truth, and let us glorify God and the Mother of God in songs.

Holy martyr, Lyudmila, pray to God for us.

Don’t forget us, Lyudmila, who was dear to people in your earthly life; standing before the throne of God, intercede for us, so that we may appear before this terrible throne without condemnation, and may we dare to glorify His Mother there: We magnify the Mother of God in song.

Glory: Singing an angelic song to God in Heaven today, teach us a truer prayer, do not leave us sinners, but intercede in troubles, visit in despondency, heal in illness, convert in iniquities, O Lyudmila, let us remember your life and call the Mother of God: Mother of God we magnify in songs.

And now: Let us all glorify God, who created us and gave us you, Lyudmila, as intercession, may we all be saved, may we see His face, may His holy name be on our foreheads, and may we sing with the Angels of His Mother: We magnify the Mother of God in song.


Rejoice, grace-filled Lyudmila, for you illuminated the entire Czech country with the light of Orthodoxy, accepted death for the Lord, ascended with your soul to Heaven, and now you help us.

Kontakion 1

Chosen by God from the heterodox pagan race of the Czechs, called into the language of the holy, servant of new grace, the holy, all-praised martyr of Christ Lyudmila, in your suffering she received the incorruptible crown of martyrdom from the hand of the Almighty and with the Angels now stands before His Throne, with songs we praise you to love, the saint of Christ, and We pray to you: with your prayers free us from eternal torment, troubles and sorrows, calling:

Ikos 1

The cohabitant of angels and the intercessor of men, you truly appeared, O martyr Lyudmila, worthy of praise, by the good will of all the Creator, Christ God, Whom you loved and suffered for unworthily, even to the point of death in your unshakable confession; Likewise, accept this praise from us:

Rejoice, thou who hast endured much sorrow for the name of the Lord;

Rejoice, adorned with the crown of confession from God.

Rejoice, O full-fledged martyrs;

Rejoice, fearless preacher of the Christian faith.

Rejoice, for you gave away your perishable wealth to the poor;

Rejoice, you who have found incorruptible things in Heaven for your sake.

Rejoice, you who lost your soul for Christ’s sake in order to save it;

Rejoice, like a light, shining gloriously in the darkness of wickedness.

Rejoice, blessed Princess Lyudmila, holy martyr and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 2

Seeing Christ the Lord your soul, prepared for the reception of the seed of the Word of God by purity and almsgiving, enlighten you with the light of His knowledge, blessed Lyudmila, and make you a community of the saved parts in the Heavenly Kingdom, where you eat with the Angels Holy Trinity song: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

God-enlightened reason was given to you, holy martyr Lyudmila, with which you clearly understood the soul-destroying vanity of your daughter-in-law’s evil faith, which wants to destroy you. Knowing this, you withdrew to the city of Tetin, seeking refuge for salvation for the sake of your soul, and you sought Christ with all your soul. We also appeal to you:

Rejoice, blessed follower of Christ;

Rejoice, most sincere lover of His commandments.

Rejoice, thou who has known the almighty power of Christ’s grace;

Rejoice, you who escaped the cruel demonic slavery.

Rejoice, you who have counted earthly wealth for nothing;

Rejoice, you who despised idolatry from your youth.

Rejoice, you who through the hands of the wretched have sent your treasures to grief;

Rejoice, you who have called idolatrous people to the True God.

Rejoice, blessed Princess Lyudmila, holy martyr and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 3

The power of God's grace fell on you, blessed Lyudmila, when you received Holy Baptism with your husband Borivoy (Borzhivoy), Prince of Bohemia, in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. This is the power of God to bring you to piety and teach you to glorify the One God and sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having infinite mercy for every person, but especially for those close to you, holy blessed princess Lyudmila, raising your children in the passion of God, you appeared to the good mother of your grandson, the holy prince Vyacheslav, raising him in piety; help us, the martyr of Christ, to pass through this earthly field in good deeds, so that we magnify you with these titles:

Rejoice, blessed mother Lyudmila, martyr of Christ;

Rejoice, you who bore your widowhood honorably and gloriously.

Rejoice, after the death of the prince, your spouse, you surrendered to the will of God;

Rejoice, for you are also our helper in our sorrows.

Rejoice, you who teach us to turn to God in our needs;

Rejoice, you who raised your grandson, holy Prince Vyacheslav, in the truths of the faith.

Rejoice, for he too suffered a martyr’s death, just as you did, and honor him;

Rejoice, for for this a treasure of eternal blessings has been prepared for you.

Rejoice, blessed Princess Lyudmila, holy martyr and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 4

A storm possessed by evil thoughts, your wicked daughter-in-law was greatly disturbed when she saw you, a faithful servant of Christ, enlightening the Czech country in faith and piety, tearing down idolatrous temples and building Christian ones, glorifying the Trisagion of God and singing a song of praise to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Having heard from Saint Methodius, Equal-to-the-Apostles, Archbishop of Moravia, the word about purity, fasting, prayer and all the virtues befitting a Christian, you accepted it in your heart, and for these virtues the Lord loved you and gave you strength and strength. In the same way, teach us, blessed Lyudmila, to fulfill the commandments of the Lord and to magnify you:

Rejoice, diligent listener of the words of the Divine;

Rejoice, zealous doer of the law of Christ.

Rejoice, having cleared the field of your heart from the thorns of soul-harming passions;

Rejoice, you who have watered me with tears of repentance.

Rejoice, thou who in widowhood preserved immaculate purity;

Rejoice, having pleased God through abstinence, prayer and martyrdom.

Rejoice, you who were united with Christ through suffering;

Rejoice, thou who deliverest from troubles and sorrows the faith and love of those who have for you.

Rejoice, blessed Princess Lyudmila, holy martyr and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 5

The God-bearing star appeared to you, the holy princess martyr Lyudmila, when you were clothed with the richly woven robe of holy Baptism and spiritually strengthened with the incorruptible food of the Most Pure Body and Blood of Christ, and you clung with all your heart to the One Jesus; In the same way, the whole Czech country, enlightened by you, sings to God with one mouth: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing, holy blessed princess Lyudmila, all the people of the Czech land immersed in the darkness of idolatry, you diligently tried to enlighten those with the light of Christ's faith, striving to build the temples of God and strengthen the Orthodox faith in the land of the Czechs; We sing and magnify you like this:

Rejoice, who taught people with wise words to leave the darkness of pagan wickedness;

Rejoice, you teach us to seek comfort in sorrows only from God, and not from men.

Rejoice, you who taught your grandson Vyacheslav to worship the One and True God;

Rejoice, because your sister is equal to the apostles Olza, Princess of Russia.

Rejoice, having taken away the sorrow from your mind;

Rejoice, you who have made your heart the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, you who have given yourself entirely to Christ God the Lover of Mankind;

Rejoice, first from the Czech land to be canonized.

Rejoice, blessed Princess Lyudmila, holy martyr and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 6

As a spirit-bearing preacher, an apostle, imitating blessed Lyudmila, glorious princess, with your tearful prayers you watered and fragrant all the cities and villages of the nearby city of Prague, leading, very powerfully, people to the faith of Christ and teaching them to chant to the One, glorified God in the Trinity: Alleluia .

Ikos 6

In the city of Prague you were a merciful mother, a beloved child of the Orthodox Church, a worthy saint of Christ, blessed Lyudmila, for you mercifully opened your heart to the requests and needs of those who came to you. Receive us too, good mother, who come running to you with love and cry out:

Rejoice, for you were a mother to orphans and a nourisher to widows;

Rejoice, for you were a merciful giver to the poor and a good protector of the offended.

Rejoice, having lived with the prince, your husband, in piety;

Rejoice, you who raised your children in the passion of God.

Rejoice, for your good branch, holy Prince Vyacheslav, will suffer a martyr’s death;

Rejoice, for you too, with your primordial matter, have entered into the Kingdom of Heaven.

Rejoice, faithful prayer book for all Christians before the Throne of God;

Rejoice, gracious mentor of those who seek the path to salvation.

Rejoice, blessed Princess Lyudmila, holy martyr and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 7

If there is a crown decorated with many beads and precious stones, shining more than the sun, which the Lord gave to you, blessed holy princess Lyudmila, for you fought a good fight in the confession of faith and you showed us the image of a holy life; For this reason, we run under your roof, seeking salvation, and we cry out to God with gratitude for you: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

Your wicked daughter-in-law Dragomira has invented a new inhumanity, running for you to the city of Tetin, wanting to hide from it, the holy missus Lyudmila. Because she, taught by satanic power, desired to destroy your soul with a shameful death, sent after two evil boys, betraying you to cruel suffering, like the lamb of Christ, for the sake of envy. Then, having gathered together a multitude of wicked people, breaking open the doors of the prince’s palace and betraying your immaculate body by strangulation, more shameful than death. We, remembering your terrible death, cry out to you:

Rejoice, blessed Lyudmila, strangled along your neck by the evil bolyars;

Rejoice, you who in this way pleased God and suffered as a martyr.

Rejoice, you who gave up your soul to the Lord on Saturday, at one hour of the night;

Rejoice, you who had sixty and one years from your birth, prepared by the Lord for torment.

Rejoice, for God is marvelous in you in His saints;

Rejoice, for the Lord has glorified your relics with grace and incorruption.

Rejoice, praise and affirmation of the Czech and Slovak cities;

rejoice to all who wear your name ambulance and prayer book.

Rejoice, blessed Princess Lyudmila, holy martyr and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 8

The city cannot hide, stand on top of the mountain, so, holy martyr Lyudmila, after your death the Lord glorified your relics and the place of your burial, under the city wall of the city of Tetin. We ask you, the saint of God: be an intercessor for us to the Lord for the forgiveness of our sins, and we, together with you, will sing to the Great and Wonderful God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

You were all enveloped in indescribable joy, blessed mother Lyudmila, seeing your people being baptized by the command of the Angels, and in tenderness you gave praise to the Savior God, earnestly praying to Him that He would look upon His converted people, that He might strengthen them in faith and piety, and that He would glorify the Name Its own in the Czech country. We, remembering this joyful event, bring you songs of gratitude and praise:

Rejoice, never-failing source of mercy to this people;

Rejoice, our spiritual mother, who asked God for enlightenment by our forefathers.

Rejoice, you who have made Christians rejoice at the manifestation of the power of God upon you;

Rejoice, in the name of the Almighty Lord you have crushed all the idols in the land of Czechs.

Rejoice, pre-kind martyr of Christ;

Rejoice, wonderful prayer book before God.

Rejoice, for through your prayers the deceit of the demons has been abolished;

Rejoice, you who received the crown of victory from the hand of Christ the Giver of Life.

Rejoice, blessed Princess Lyudmila, holy martyr and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 9

To all the ends of the Czech land and beyond its borders, your great name will be glorified, blessed martyr mother Lyudmila! For you had the spirit of wisdom, as if you had conquered the wise words of the foolish, and the spirit of the fear of God, as if you had purified the soul with godly deeds. Moreover, having presented yourself to the Throne of the Most High with a host of Angels, you sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Vegetations of multi-proclamation cannot adequately depict the greatness of your good deeds, holy martyr Lyudmila, the land of Czechs and other countries of idolatry, where you established the Divine faith, delivering people from pagan darkness and eternal destruction, opening for them the path to salvation. For this reason, with thanksgiving, we piously sing:

Rejoice, you who have turned your soul to the light of Orthodoxy;

Rejoice, you who have enlightened many in spiritual understanding.

Rejoice, for you opened your heart to the requests and needs of those who came to you;

Rejoice, for you have nourished strangers and the poor.

Rejoice, for with faith we venerate your most honorable icon;

Rejoice, for in honoring your memory we praise the Lord.

Rejoice, having adorned the Church of Christ with your suffering;

Rejoice, for, looking at your sufferings, the faithful glorify the Name of the Most High.

Rejoice, blessed Princess Lyudmila, holy martyr and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 10

We all sincerely wish to be saved, pray for us at the Throne of the Lord, the chosen one of Christ, blessed Lyudmila, and with your prayers you assist us in the difficult journey of earthly life, which makes us worthy to die in repentance and piety, as the Lord has endowed you with Divine power, so that you may convert all infidels and teach everyone to sing to the Creator God with tender hearts: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

The wall appeared to your country, indestructible, God-wise Lyudmila, and an irresistible protector to all who call on you, so the Lord, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, was so kind to you, glorifying His saint, as signs and wonders were performed at your tomb, and rumors spread throughout the whole country, and forced Prince Vyacheslav solemnly transfer your incorrupt body from the city of Tetin to the city of Prague, to the church of the Holy Great Martyr George, built by his father. From the depths of our hearts, with sighs to God, we speak these songs:

Rejoice, our prayer book is warm before God;

Rejoice, for the broadcast of your miracles has gone out throughout the whole country.

Rejoice, for a blind man received his sight when I touched the earth from your grave;

Rejoice, for your grandson bore your honorable body with glory.

Rejoice, glorified by God in Heaven and on earth;

Rejoice, for your Dormition makes the Orthodox Church triumphant.

Rejoice, you who brought joy to the infant Czech Church with the appearance of your relics;

Rejoice, martyr of Christ, greatly revered in the lands of Russia and Serbia.

Rejoice, blessed Princess Lyudmila, holy martyr and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 11

We offer tender singing to you, the saint of God, and we humbly pray to you: pray for us, the only God who loves mankind, that He may not turn His Face away from us and grant us, through your prayer, holy martyr Lyudmila, forgiveness of many of our sins. We, glorifying God for you, cry out: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Mount illuminated with the luminous Trinity radiance, holy martyr Lyudmila, illumine our hearts, covered with the darkness of sin, so that with the oil of good deeds, having kindled our extinguished lamps, we may be worthy to enter into the bridal chamber of Christ, where you rejoice and hear this praise from us:

Rejoice, you who now stand before the Lamb of God in the person of the martyrdom;

Rejoice, for even after your repose you remain with us.

Rejoice, moon, enlightened from the never-setting Sun of Truth;

Rejoice, guide, showing us the right path to eternal salvation.

Rejoice, for Christ, after your torment, brought you into His palace;

Rejoice, for what follows you, and we will find the kingdom of heaven.

Rejoice, special patroness of the Czech and Slovak Orthodox people;

Rejoice, for us, people related to you, close to God in the prayer book.

Rejoice, blessed Princess Lyudmila, holy martyr and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 12

Ask for the grace of the Most Holy Spirit for us, the saint of Christ, the holy martyr Lyudmila, from the All-Bountiful God and our Savior, admonishing and strengthening us in the work of salvation, so that the seed of the holy faith planted in us by you will not be fruitless, but may it vegetate and produce the fruit worthy of which we nourish Our souls until the next life and with all the saints will sing a song to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your repose, we bless your martyrdom and honor your memory, holy martyr mother Lyudmila, mighty intercessor of the lands of Czech, Slovak and Serbian, let us also cry out to the Lord for the Russian people:

Rejoice, clothed in the grace of the Holy Spirit;

Rejoice, you who appear to Him who lives in the unapproachable light.

Rejoice, rule for widows to live a life pleasing to God;

Rejoice, warm intercessor, given to all Orthodox by God.

Rejoice, partaker in Heaven of the lot of the righteous of the faith of Christ;

Rejoice, you have been honored to sing the Trisagion with the saints of God.

Rejoice, from the Lord all good things to us who pray to you, giver;

Rejoice, for all Orthodox Christians who prayerfully call upon you will soon come to your aid.

Rejoice, blessed Princess Lyudmila, holy martyr and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 13

Oh, holy martyr and faithful servant of Christ Lyudmila! Please accept this little hymn from us, pray to our merciful God that the shrine of the Orthodox faith may dwell and be fragrant in our hearts, that the oil of good deeds may increase in our lives, that our lamps may not go out at the midnight hour of the meeting of the Heavenly Bridegroom, and that we may be honored to be taken out together with you. sing to Him in the everlasting kingdom: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)


Oh, holy saint of Christ, martyr Princess Lyudmila, first saint of the Czech country and the adornment of the capital city of Prague, warm prayer book for us before God! Behold, we, who have committed many sins, humbly fall down and pray to you: do not let us perish in the mire of our sins, but offer up a prayer for us to the Lord, that He may have mercy on us and grant us repentance. Oh, blessed mother Lyudmila! Do not forget to visit your children, even if you passed away from us to the Heavenly Abode, together with your grandson, the holy martyr Vyacheslav. Moreover, his holy mother, ask us, sinners, for God’s blessing on our children and on all of us, and we, who have sinned greatly, will thank the Lord for the gift of His grace and together with you, let us glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and your great intercession about us forever and ever. Amen.

Patron saint of wearers
Holy Martyr Lyudmila,
Princess of Bohemia

Holy Martyr Ludmila, the first Christian princess of the Czech Republic, is revered as the patroness of grandmothers, mothers and Christian teachers. The meaning of the name Lyudmila is very simple: dear to people. Nowhere are there so many women wearing glorious holy name Lyudmila, like here in Russia. Even in the Czech Republic, the homeland of the great saint, her name is almost forgotten. A bunch of Russian women They saw and see her as their heavenly patroness. How does an icon protect, what does an icon help with,
how to pray in front of the icon of the Holy Martyr Lyudmila, Princess of Bohemia

Biography of Saint Lyudmila

The holy martyr Lyudmila lived at the end of the 9th - beginning of the 10th century. Being the daughter of a Serbian prince, Lyudmila was married to Borivoj, the ruler of the Czech Republic. Lyudmila immediately took her husband’s homeland into her heart and fell in love with the Czech people. Lyudmila and Borivoj became the first Christian princely couple in the Czech Republic. They were led to the Christian faith by the preaching of Saint Methodius, Equal-to-the-Apostles, one of the two great brothers - Slovenian teachers. Saint Methodius baptized the pious couple around 871. As true Christian rulers, Prince Borivoy and Princess Lyudmila sought to introduce all their people to the faith that had been revealed to them, built churches, and took care of the needs of the clergy.

The peaceful Christian reign was interrupted by the early death of Borivoj, who died when he was 36 years old. Saint Lyudmila, even after the death of her husband, led a strict, pious life, spent her time in prayers and works of mercy, according to the testimony of her Life, “she distributed all her property to the poor.” She continued to care for the Church during the reign of her son Vratislav. Saint Lyudmila’s favorite was her little grandson Vyacheslav (Vaclav), she raised him in the spirit of Christian commandments, and the child grew up pious and loved his grandmother very much.

Unfortunately, Vratislav's wife, Dragomira, was a Christian only in words, her soul strove for pagan amusements, but while her husband was alive, she did not give free rein to her passions. When Vratislav died, the rightful prince Vyacheslav, a pupil of Saint Lyudmila, became the ruler. But the boy who entered the reign was still very young to prevent his mother from starting the revival of the pagan world. Idol temples began to be built in the Czech Republic, and the newly enlightened people were again drawn into pagan customs.

It was very painful for Saint Ludmila to see how the sprouts of the Christian faith, so lovingly nurtured by her together with her husband, were dying, and how the Czech people were again beginning to plunge into the darkness of paganism. Saint Lyudmila openly expressed dissatisfaction with her daughter-in-law. In Dragomira's soul, power-hungry ambitions were intertwined with pagan madness; from this explosive mixture, hatred of her pious mother-in-law and the plan to kill her were born.

Following the word of Scripture - to avoid all evil, Saint Lyudmila, having learned about her daughter-in-law’s decision, left the capital for the city of Techin. But this did not moderate Dragomira’s hatred, and Saint Lyudmila was strangled in Techina by assassins sent in 927. The Life of the saint says: “In this way, blessed Lyudmila, pleasing God, suffered as a martyr.” The relics of the holy martyr Lyudmila were buried in Techina near the city wall. Miraculous signs and numerous healings began to take place over her grave.

The noble Prince Vyacheslav grieved the death of his grandmother, who was spiritually closer to him than his own mother. Having learned about the miracles performed at the grave of Saint Lyudmila, the prince transferred the holy relics to the city of Prague and placed them in the Church of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious, where they rest to this day.

Vyacheslav, who was grieving the loss of his grandmother, succumbed to the sly advice of the boyars, expelled his mother Dragomira to the city of Budech. But soon the prince, raised by Saint Lyudmila in Christian traditions, remembering the commandment to honor parents, repented, realized that he had no right to judge his mother, called her back to the capital and surrounded her with respectful care and love. Dragomira's hardened heart was touched by the kindness of her Christian son, she saw with a new spiritual gaze the entire horror of the crime she had committed and, a repentant sinner, returned to the faith of Christ. “Love covers all sins” (Proverbs 10:12), having understood this truth, Dragomira became a faithful assistant to Saint Vyacheslav in matters of state and in matters of piety.

The grandson of Saint Ludmila, the holy warrior-martyr Vyacheslav, is the patron saint of the Czech land. Just as Saint Princess Olga converted her grandson Prince Vladimir to the faith, so in the Czech Republic, only a century earlier, Saint Lyudmila raised her grandson Vyacheslav in the Christian faith. Here, in Prague, everyone loves Saint Vyacheslav - both Catholics and Orthodox Christians pray to him and seek his protection.

How an icon protects

The icon of the Holy Martyr Lyudmila, Princess of Bohemia protects from hatred, discord in the family, and from evil intent. Before this image they pray for the well-being of children or grandchildren. The holy icon will protect them from sin.

What does an icon help with?

The icon of St. Ludmila of Bohemia helps in raising children and grandchildren. Before her they pray for the younger generation, so that the children take the path of the Christian faith. If there is a conflict in the family, a prayer addressed to the saint will reconcile relatives. The icon will help a woman named Lyudmila turn to the heavenly intercessor, who will certainly help her survive troubles and solve everyday problems.

How to pray in front of an icon

Oh, Holy Saint of Christ, martyr Princess Lyudmila, First Lady of the Czech country and the capital city of Prague, an adornment, warm prayer book for us before God, behold, we, who have committed many sins, humbly fall down and pray to you, do not allow us to perish in the mud of our sins, but lift up us prayer. Oh, Most Blessed Mother Lyudmila, do not forget to visit your children, even if you passed away from us to the heavenly abodes. Together with the Holy Martyr and your grandson Vyacheslav, when the youth Vyacheslav grows up, his father, your son, according to the custom of that time, ask the Bishop and the priests with all the clergy to call upon him the blessing of God. The bishop, having served in the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos, placed the youth on the steps of the temple, and blessed him as follows: “Lord God Jesus Christ, bless this youth, as you blessed your righteous ones, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and crown him, as you crowned Orthodox kings, equal to the apostles Constantine and Helen." In the same way, you, his holy foremother, ask us, sinners, for God’s blessing on our children, and on all of us, who have sinned greatly, let us thank the Lord for the gift of His grace. May we together glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and your great intercession for us forever and ever. Amen.

Prayerful invocation of the saint whose name you bear,
in all prayer books it is given in general form:

Pray to God for me, holy servant of God (name), as I diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for my soul.

Troparion to the Holy Martyr Princess Lyudmila

You shone brightly in your suffering, the passion-bearer, covered with your blood, and like a red dove you flew to the sky, Lyudmila, pray in the same way for those who honor you.

When is the holy day of remembrance

Which churches have an icon of the saint?

In Russia, the icon and monument to the holy martyr are located in Moscow at Podvorye Orthodox Church Czech lands and Slovakia in the Church of St. Nicholas in Kotelniki. Every year, on the day of memory of Saint Lyudmila, a particle of her relics is brought to this church. Also, an icon and a particle of the relics of St. Lyudmila of Czech are in the Church of St. Vyacheslav of the Czech in Barvikha.

Meaning of the icon

The icon of Saint Ludmila of Bohemia tells us about the life of the princess. But her troubles, which she bravely endured, also happen in the lives of ordinary women. Loss of a loved one, problems with relatives. The story of this saint teaches us to overcome difficulties, remaining true to ourselves, our faith, giving love and helping people.


The meaning of the name Lyudmila

The meaning of the name Lyudmila is “dear to people.”
Origin – ancient Slavic

Horoscope named after Lyudmila

*Guardian planet - Venus.
*Talisman stone - yellow sapphire.
*Talisman color - beige, purple, bluish, lilac, combination of bright white with matte turquoise
*Plant talisman - chrysanthemum, nut, mistletoe
*Animal mascot - Persian cat, rooster
*The most successful day is Friday.
*Predisposition to traits such as -
perseverance, pragmatism, talent, resilience,
sociability, activity, sexuality, caring, indulgence.

Copy the prayer by hand and always carry it with you, it will be your protection, you can read it at any time when you have problems, and also do not forget to praise your protector - Saint Ludmila of Bohemia

On September 29, Orthodox believers celebrate Lyudmila Day 2017. The martyr defended the common people and paid for it with her life. In honor of the saint, today is the Day of the Angel Lyudmila. publishes best congratulations on Angel Lyudmila's Day.

Lyudmila Day 2017: history

Saint Ludmila was born into a noble Serbian family. She was given in marriage to a Czech prince.

For a long time the couple were pagans. But after they learned about Christ, the family was baptized and began to glorify the Christian faith.

It is known that the couple built many temples and also enlightened their subjects with the faith.

Even after the death of her husband, Lyudmila continued to take care of the education of the peasants and financially supported churches and temples.

After the death of the prince, the son of Saint Ludmila Bratislav and his wife Dragomira ascended the throne. And after his death, his son Vyacheslav, who was barely 18 years old, began to rule. Dragomira took advantage of this.

The woman wanted to revive paganism in the country and therefore began the persecution of Christians. Dragomira executed Christians, destroyed churches and glorified paganism.

Lyudmila came to the defense of the common people, thereby generating hatred from her daughter-in-law. People warned the Saint that Dragomira wanted to live her. Therefore, the princess took refuge in the city of Techin.

But the evil daughter-in-law found out about this place and sent the boyars to kill the princess. The attackers broke into her house and strangled Lyudmila, who was just turning to God in prayer.

Believers began to come to the burial place of the Saint.

Lyudmila Day 2017: best congratulations on Angel Day

Luda, Lyudochka, Lyudmila,

Always be as sweet as you are.

Any dream

It was implemented in two clicks.

May you always live in abundance,

With a stable salary.

So that there is a sea of ​​positive

Life brought you, Lyudmila!

So that you don’t get bored at all,

I didn’t forget about my relatives.

There's a foreign car in the garage,

Well, life is always in order.

You are reasonable, sweet and patient,

No wonder they call her Lyudmila.

Everyone around you just needs you,

You are the most devoted friend in the world.

And on your bright day I wish you

Good luck, joy, love and kindness,

Health, lightness, enthusiasm,

So that your dreams come true in an instant.

So that you love and love in return

In fact, I was sincere

Lyudmila, my dear Lyudmila,

May your soul always bloom!

She eclipsed everyone with her beauty

Birthday girl Lyudmila!

To shock her

Let's read the congratulations!

Younger every year

Surprising people!

Let troubles be afraid of you,

And problems are avoided.

So that all problems are solved!

Happiness, faith and good luck!

Congratulations to you, Lyudmila.

Today we wish you

Health, happiness and success,

Smiles, joy and laughter.

We wish you family happiness,

And let bad weather bypass the house,

And peace reigns in the heart.

May it always be like this with you.

Beautiful Lyudmila,

May you have fabulous luck

Have a villa in the Maldives,

There are eight vacations per year.

From a loved one - gifts,

Loyalty, tenderness and flowers.

Do not be ill! Be bright

Beauty Queen!

And don't let it tear you apart

Never heart sadness,

Bright joy and happiness

Let your life shine!

Every year, those named Lyudmila celebrate their Angel Day twice in September: on the 28th and 29th. The dates for the celebration were chosen for a reason. On September 28, Orthodox Christians honor the memory of the holy martyr Lyudmila Petrova, and on September 29, Lyudmila of Czechoslovakia. These days you need to congratulate everyone involved and send and cool congratulations and postcards.

Happy name day to you, beautiful Lyudmila,

May the angel protect you, you are simply a miracle,

Always be loved and sweet to people,

May everything be wonderful in your life.

May your every day not be in vain,

Let him bring with him work and leisure,

And let him give you a fatal meeting,

So that a dear friend appears in your life.

I wish you joy, not to know heart wounds,

Be as attractive for many years to come

Let no evil, misfortune, deception befall you,

So that you become happy, Luda, for sure.

Let the name day be as clean as cotton wool,

Let there be a lot of light, not to measure,

Be healthy, Lyudmila, be rich,

I wish you to live long and trust people.

On your name day, Lyudmila, I wish

So that there is comfort in the family nest,

Let your beloved husband please you,

So that his heart never grows cold towards you.

Let the morning with the gentle trill of a nightingale

A successful new day awaits you,

Let the whole family congratulate you today,

And even the sun will not go into the shadows today.

Lyudochka, Happy Angel Day to you!

Congratulations on the holiday today,

After all, we can’t forget about name days,

On my own behalf I wish you:

Clear skies and sunny days,

Good and faithful girlfriends and friends,

There is always prosperity and comfort in the house,

Let trouble not knock on his door.

Health, success, smiles in the eyes,

Faith, hope, good luck in business,

In the family there is understanding, warmth and love.

Let the flame of youth not go out in the blood!

Postcards and funny congratulations in prose on Lyudmila Day

Dear Lyudmila, congratulations to you! Let me wish you a bright shine in life and warmth, the sincerity of loving hearts and understanding friends, simple female happiness, love and respect, high achievements and prosperity.

Congratulations, dear Lyudmila, I wish you a juicy life, like a watermelon, rich and joyful emotions, bright and magnificent ideas, fun and useful ventures, self-confidence and amazing mood, irresistible beauty and eternal charm.

Dear Lyudmila, dear Lyudochka, I sincerely congratulate you and wish you great happiness in life and good luck in every day, great victories and grandiose successes, constant good luck and beautiful ideas, great mood and wonderful inspiration.

Dear Lyudochka, I sincerely want to congratulate you and wish the proud and beautiful diva to continue her journey, surprising those around her with her talents and achievements, giving loved ones the light of love, filling her life with moments of happiness.

Postcards and funny SMS congratulations on Lyudmila's Day

Lyudmila, my dear!
I wish you well
I wish you joy and happiness,
Lots of good luck and warmth.

Always be happy
Beloved and sweet.
We congratulate you,
Our Lyudmila!

Health, wealth,
Soulful moments
Not a drop of sorrow
Persistent aspirations.

I want, Lyudmila,
You were the happiest
The most feminine, beautiful,
Witty, kind, sweet.

I wish you, Lyudmila,
May there always be happiness.
To the holidays, fun
They lifted my spirits.
May every day be successful
And all the problems are inconspicuous.
So that there is no hassle,
Let laughter live in your soul.
To be appreciated and loved,
May you be beautiful.

The history of the feast of the holy martyr Lyudmila Petrova on September 28

Holy Martyr Lyudmila (Petrova Lyudmila Vladimirovna) was born on February 26, 1879 in Rostov. She worked as a needlework teacher all her life, and retired in 1924. In 1930, she was arrested as “a member of an anti-Soviet church-monarchist group” and sentenced to three years of exile in the Northern Territory.

After her release, Lyudmila Vladimirovna returned to hometown. In 1936, she was arrested again on charges that she “corresponded with the exiled Metropolitan Joseph and provided him with financial assistance,” and was sentenced to three years of exile in Kazakhstan.

On July 10, 1937, Lyudmila Petrova was arrested in exile for the third time on charges of “belonging to a counter-revolutionary group of churchmen in the South Kazakhstan region,” and on August 23 she was sentenced to death. On September 27, 1937, the sentence was carried out. She was canonized as the holy new martyrs and confessors of Russia at the Jubilee Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church in 2000 for church-wide veneration.

The history of the feast of the holy martyr Lyudmila of Bohemia on September 29

The Holy Martyr Ludmila of Bohemia was born around 860 and was married to Borzivoj I, the first Christian prince of the Czech Republic. They showed concern for enlightening their subjects with the light of the true faith, built churches and invited priests to perform divine services in them.

After the death of her husband, Princess Lyudmila led a strict, pious life and continued to care for the Church during the reign of her son Vratislav, which lasted 33 years. After the death of her son, on the orders of her daughter-in-law Dragomira, on the night of September 15-16, 921, she was strangled in her own chambers.