
Congratulations to Dmitry on his name day. Angel Dmitry's Day: sincere congratulations in prose and poetry. Pictures and congratulations for Dmitry on his name day in prose

Every year on October 26, all Dmitrys in Russia celebrate their name day. At this time they receive beautiful pictures and poetry. They will definitely like this attention.

Dima, today is your birthday, congratulations,
A guardian angel flies over you,
Saves from troubles, from failures and evil,
The right path always shows.
We wish you joy, good luck, happiness,
Let the rain wash away all the bad weather,
May the sky be peaceful above you,
Let love and peace settle in your home.

We celebrate Angel Day with joy,
He always blesses our path,
Name day is a bright and big holiday,
May luck, Dmitry, never leave you.
Let everything planned come true,
Let all sorrows be forgotten,
May you be lucky in everything, always,
Let your life be like a fairy tale.

May the Angel who invisibly protects you
Spread his ghostly wings!
Having covered you with them from life's adversities,
He will turn all your troubles into dust.
Let the pain in your soul tire of singing hymns
Despair, disbelief and boredom!
Learn, my dear, to love, not to endure,
Feel my gentle hands!
Dimitri, my hero, my prince, my dream...
My dear, stay like this!
Both crying and laughing, I always love you:
I so want to be your Angel!

As dedicated to Demeter,
I wish you a little
We can. Let on every meter
A shelter and a bed awaits you,
A plentiful table and an old friend,
Ready dinner to share,
So that in the entertainment of the innocent
I could live my whole life.
Let good luck in all matters
Accompanies you. And the one
Which has been destined since childhood,
May he always intercede!

Congratulations to Dima,
After all, it’s Dima’s name day!
We are ready to congratulate
Glorify Dima's name.
Dima means “mother earth”
This is your strength!
You are generous, Dima, with your creations
And you don't expect any reward.
At least work for three,
At least love for four -
You have enough strength for everything:
Apparently the name helps.
You are dear to us, we love you -
May you be an angel!
We wish you well
And hearty congratulations!

Pictures and congratulations for Dmitry on his name day in prose

Dmitry, happy holiday! I wish you all kinds of blessings and new sensations. Feel great and achieve any goals. Be healthy, beautiful, lucky, positive and always with an open mind! Good luck to you and all kinds of pleasures!

Congratulations to you, Dima, on your wonderful holiday. I wish you happiness in life and success in your activities, prosperity in your home and bright light in your soul, sincere love in your heart and incredible vigor in your body, interesting ideas in the head and good health in the body.

Dimka, dear, congratulations from the bottom of my heart. I want to wish you strength and courage, determination and prudence, courage and health, kindness of soul and true love, noble deeds and brave ideas, high goals and the radiance of happiness.

Pictures and congratulations for Dmitry on his name day in SMS

Dmitry is a winner,
Patron of lovely women.
He is very brave and courageous,
Yes, and outwardly coolly coordinated.

He always moves forward
He takes what he likes.
And not a coward, and not a scoundrel,
In general, Dima is a great guy.

Dima, may your cherished dreams
Will be implemented easily and without problems,
I wish you to be the happiest of all,
Let you only dream of sorrows!

I want to wish you new successes,
Health, peace and comfort in the soul,
Always step forward confidently
And smile every minute

You are open and sociable
Cute and simple
So have significant success,
Our dear Dimulya!

Reach heights quickly
Be on horseback all the time
Act, Dima, judiciously
And be completely happy!

History of the holiday of Dmitry's Day

The Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki was the son of the Roman proconsul in Thessaloniki (modern Thessaloniki, Slavic name - Thessaloniki). It was the third century of Christianity. Roman paganism, spiritually broken and defeated by a host of martyrs and confessors of the Crucified Savior, intensified persecution. The father and mother of Saint Demetrius were secret Christians.

In a secret house church that was in the house of the proconsul, the boy was baptized and instructed in the Christian faith. When his father died, and Demetrius had already reached adulthood, Emperor Galerius Maximian, who ascended the throne in 305, summoned him and, convinced of his education and military-administrative abilities, appointed him in his father’s place as proconsul of the Thessalonian region.

The main task entrusted to the young strategist was to defend the city from barbarians and exterminate Christianity. It is interesting that among the barbarians who threatened the Romans, our ancestors, the Slavs, occupied an important place, especially willingly settling on the Thessalonian Peninsula. Having accepted the appointment, Demetrius, instead of persecuting and executing Christians, he began to openly teach the inhabitants of the city the Christian faith and eradicate pagan customs and idolatry of death.

When Maximian learned that the newly appointed proconsul was a Christian, and converted many Roman subjects, carried away by his example, to Christianity, the emperor’s anger knew no bounds. Returning from a campaign in the Black Sea region, the emperor decided to lead the army through Thessalonica, full of desire to deal with the Thessalonian Christians.

Having learned about this, Saint Demetrius ordered his faithful servant Lupp in advance to distribute the property to the poor with the words: “Divide the earthly wealth among them - we will seek for ourselves heavenly wealth.” And he devoted himself to fasting and prayer, preparing himself to accept the crown of martyrdom.

When the emperor entered the city, Demetrius was summoned to him, and he boldly confessed himself to be a Christian and exposed the untruth and vanity of Roman polytheism. Maximian ordered the confessor to be imprisoned, and an Angel came down to him in prison, comforting him and strengthening him in his feat. Meanwhile, the emperor indulged in gloomy gladiatorial spectacles, admiring how his favorite strongman, a German named Liy, threw the Christians he had defeated in the fight from the platform onto spears.

A brave young man named Nestor, from Thessalonica Christians, came to his mentor Demetrius in prison and asked to bless him for single combat with the barbarian. With the blessing of Demetrius, Nestor overpowered the ferocious German with the prayers of the holy saint and threw him off the platform onto the spears of the soldiers, just as a pagan murderer threw off Christians. The angry ruler ordered the immediate execution of the holy martyr Nestor (October 27) and sent guards to the prison to pierce with spears Saint Demetrius, who blessed him for his feat.

At dawn on October 26, 306, warriors appeared in the underground dungeon of the holy prisoner and pierced him with spears. The faithful servant Saint Luppus collected the blood of the holy Great Martyr Demetrius on a towel, removed the imperial ring from his finger, a sign of his high dignity, and also dipped it in the blood. With a ring and other shrines, consecrated with the blood of Saint Demetrius, Saint Luppus began to heal the sick. The emperor ordered to seize and kill him.

In addition to the official birthday, every year each Dmitry celebrates another holiday - name day or angel day. This date is associated with the day of remembrance of the saint who is the patron saint of a person named Dmitry. Usually it coincides with the birthday or falls on the date closest to it. On what day is the day of the angel Dmitry celebrated? church calendar, we will tell you in our article. Here we will tell you how to congratulate the person who bears this name, in poetry and prose.

When is Angel Dmitry's Day celebrated?

The name Dmitry comes from the ancient Greek goddess Demeter, so in ancient times it sounded like Demetrius. The Church Slavonic form of the name is pronounced as Demetrius. But, despite the difference in pronunciation, the names have identical meanings and the same patron saints.

According to the church calendar, Angel Demetrius Day is celebrated every month:

  • January - 4th, 8th, 21st, 31st;
  • February - 7, 9, 11, 17, 19, 24;
  • March - 4, 22, 23, 25, 31;
  • April - 1, 23, 26;
  • May - 5, 22, 28;
  • June - 1, 5, 10, 15, 16, 26;
  • July - 3, 17, 21;
  • August - 1, 14, 17, 20, 22, 25, 30;
  • September - 8, 9, 13, 19, 22, 24, 28;
  • October - 4, 9, 10, 17, 21, 28;
  • November - 1, 3, 8, 10, 14, 15, 22, 25, 27, 28, 29;
  • December - 2, 10, 14, 15, 17th.

Let us dwell in more detail on the individual patron saints of the name.

Dimitry Prilutsky: Memorial Day February 24

The Orthodox Church venerates the venerable and wonderworker Demetrius of Prilutsky on February 24, the day of his death, and on June 16. At the same time, the day of the angel Dmitry is celebrated.

Dimitry Prilutsky was born in the Yaroslavl region into a noble merchant family. In his youth he took monastic vows and soon built a monastery on the shores of Lake Pleshcheevo, where he became abbot. Demetrius of Prilutsky was a student of Sergius of Radonezh and became very close to him. Soon the abbot from the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky became known throughout most of Rus'. It is known that he even became the godparent of the children of Moscow Prince Dmitry Donskoy.

With the blessing of Sergius of Radonezh, Dimitri Prilutsky, together with his student, went to remote places, to the North. Here, on a river near Vologda, in 1371 he founded the Spaso-Prilutsky Monastery, which today is the largest and oldest in the Russian North. Here the saint reposed on February 11 (24), 1406. His relics are still kept in the monastery he founded.

Patron named after Dimitri Donskoy - June 1

From the age of 9, Dimitri Donskoy was raised by Metropolitan Alexy, who, after the death of the boy’s father in 1359, became the de facto ruler of the Moscow principality. From a young age, the young prince possessed amazing qualities that combined Christian piety and the talent of a leader wise beyond his years. He dedicated his entire life to the unification of Russian lands and the liberation of their territory from the Tatar-Mongol yoke.

The most significant thing in the life of Dimitri Donskoy was the victory in the Battle of Kulikovo, where he managed to defeat a horde of Mamai’s warriors. On the eve of this event, the prince turned to Sergius of Radonezh for a blessing. After the victory on the Kulikovo field, Prince Dimitri began to be called Donskoy. During his life, he built the Assumption Monastery and a temple on the graves of fallen soldiers.

Dmitriev's Day - November 8

On this day, not only a number of church, but also folk holiday- Demetrius Day - in honor of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica. This day was considered the beginning of winter among the Eastern and young Slavs.

Demetrius of Thessalonica was a true Christian and the son of a Roman proconsul. After the death of his father, he took his place, but instead of defending the country from external enemies, the emperor ordered him to exterminate Christians. Demetrius of Thessaloniki disobeyed this order and began to convert the pagans to the faith. For this he was captured and imprisoned. While awaiting imprisonment, Demetrius of Thessalonica distributed all his property to those in need, and he himself began to pray intensely.

In 306, Demetrius of Thessalonica accepted martyrdom. His disciples secretly buried the body of the martyr. A temple was erected on this site during the reign of Constantine the Great.

Congratulations in verse on the day of the angel Dmitry

Regardless of which date Dmitry celebrates Angel Day, he will be very pleased to receive congratulations from loved ones and acquaintances on this day. You don't have to buy an expensive gift. It will be enough to say a few kind words to him.

Congratulations on Angel Dmitry’s Day sound especially good in poetic form:

Always be an angel,

Know how to love, know how to be friends!

We also wish you, Dima,

To be the best in the world!

Such short congratulations are very convenient because they are quickly remembered. They can be sent as SMS messages or recorded on “Happy Angel Demetrius Day” postcards in electronic and paper form. Following short congratulations sounds like this:

May the angel protect Dmitry,
We are happy to congratulate him,
Let happiness run to his house,
Friends don't forget.

Such congratulations are often composed impromptu, that is, “on the fly”, without prior writing.

Dmitry's congratulations on Angel's Day in prose

If you wish, you can congratulate Dmitry on Angel’s Day not in poetry, but in prose. Such a congratulation would be appropriate during any feast with friends, since its content is more reminiscent of a toast. The following type of congratulation is suitable:

You, Dmitry, are very lucky in your life! Love and beauty surround you everywhere: you drive your favorite car, attract attention beautiful women, relaxing in interesting places. I congratulate you on your name day, Dmitry, and I wish that your guardian angel will guide you through life along the chosen path and continue to delight you and your loved ones.

Don't forget to write your congratulations on a postcard and give (send by mail) it to Dmitry.

November 8 marks Dmitry's name day. Angel Dmitry's Day or name day is the day when it is customary to congratulate all the guys who bear this name. Congratulations on Dmitry's Day in prose and poetry - further in the material.

Dmitry is one of the most popular names in Ukraine, so everyone definitely has acquaintances, friends or relatives with that name. Don't forget to congratulate them on this day! And so that your words are not banal and simple, we have collected sincere ones in prose and poetry.

Congratulations on Angel Dmitry's Day in prose

Today is your Angel Day - your attentive heavenly patron. It cannot be seen with your own eyes, but can be understood from those life changes that, as it seems to us, happened completely by chance. The will of chance is always in the hands of an angel, and I wish you to sincerely believe in his power and firmly, confidently walk through life, remembering his tutelage.

Please accept my sincere congratulations on Angel Day. May the Guardian Angel never leave you and give openness and beauty to your soul, wisdom and patience to your heart, sincerity and purity to your faith.

Congratulations to Dmitry on his name day in prose

My dear friend and faithful comrade, today you are celebrating your name day, I am very sorry that I am so far from you and will not be able to hug you in person and congratulate you on Angel Day. But I am with you in my thoughts and wish you a bright path in life and endless happiness.

On Angel Day, I would like to wish that your angel always protects you and helps you in all your affairs - at home and at work, so that all your endeavors are brought to life, so that good luck, prosperity and success always accompany you.

I congratulate you on Angel’s Day and wish that through his prayers your affairs will be settled and you will find peace both here and in future life. May the Lord God himself protect you for many good years. Happy holiday again!

Beautiful congratulations on Angel Day to Dmitry in prose

Happy Angel Day! May your heavenly guardian always be with you in moments of joy and in moments of sadness, love and divorce, every minute, every second. When you fall, he will lift you up, when you cry, he will make you happy, when you rejoice, he will also rejoice with you.

On this day you celebrate not your birthday, but the birthday of your angel. I want to congratulate him on this date. I don’t know how old it is, but today it is the most beautiful and the most beautiful. Well, I want to wish you that you never part, that your angel is always behind you, protecting you from all troubles and misfortunes. I wish you a kind and faithful assistant who will protect you from any bad weather with his wing!

Congratulations on Angel Dmitry's Day in verse

On Angel Day, Dmitro, I wish you love
And I have overcome the souls of the successful,
Happy birthday, happy health,
And may God protect you!

My kohaniya, my heart,
How happy you are - how happy we both are,
Because you are so smart, I won’t laugh,
For you, every evening I pray:
Hail the Lord God bless you from heaven,
Give a good share, it helps everyone,
And your patron angel will light your dawn,
Happy Angel Dmitra Day, I love you!

Wishing you Happy Angel Dmitry's Day at the Top

Each person has a burying angel,
Why write the book of our life,
And there is also a patron angel in the sky,
Why pray about your future?
Once upon a time you were a human being, like me,
And among people such as you and I are alive,
I love God the most,
And I served only you with faith.
Take a butt from someone else and try,
Live your entire life with faith,
If only the Lord could hug you right away,
And say this: Dmitro, you are my child!

The Day of Angels in the mouth is even richer,
That axis Dimi's Day has arrived today,
I hope you don't know evil,
That happiness is a treasure, so that you know everything in life.

Your name is Dmitro - the most beautiful of names,
How your mother blessed you,
And the angel took you under his protection,
To protect until the end of life!
May I walk along a long road with you,
I am happy and happy with you at the same time,
You trust me, because you won’t let me down,
There will be hope for a new future!

You Dmitro is a fighter with us,
And well done in work!
Love you all, girls,
Everything sticks, you are dumb,
You are proud in us, you don’t give up,
You don’t give in to love!
May you be lucky again,
And everything will be fine in life!

Strong, courageous and simple,
In a word – young!
You are the most beautiful in our world,
It’s just a miracle that you are like that!
We owe everything to you Dmitry,
Happy birthday to you,
And we tell you one thing -
Be gilded first!

Dmitro! Our comrade and friend!
This price is from reliable hands
Please accept and thank you for your good health.
We are all, my friend, as one,
In honor of your name day
It flows from broad love to you.
We thank you, Dmitro,
Without going to the metro,
And having reached the road behind the kerm of his car,
The share is in your hands
I'm shining, my blue bird,
And victory ended all your deeds!

I am not an Angel, but I promise to protect your happiness always and not only on your name day. Dmitry, you are the best husband in the world. Congratulations!

If you had chosen the career of a great scientist, perhaps the world would now be on the verge of some new, completely revolutionary technical invention. And you would have received Nobel Prize... Dmitry, it’s never too late to start over! I believe in you and congratulate you on your name day!

You have your own logic of life. You have your own goals and ambitions, unlike anyone else. You, like no one else, know how to take risks, and then celebrate a well-deserved victory. You can learn endlessly about planning your success. Dmitry, I congratulate you on your name day and wish that your business sense never lets you down.

Even when you were a boy, I knew that your life would be exactly as you wanted. You always knew how to get your way, no matter what it was. So may your Guardian Angel give you even more strength and perseverance to achieve those goals that were previously only dreams. Dmitry, happy name day!

Who's knocking on your door?
He is without a shoulder bag,
No cap on my head
And reads from a piece of paper:

“Honor to the birthday boy,
Dmitry – credit for everything”?
It's him, it's him
The congratulatory boy came to the house.

It's your name day,
We congratulate you lovingly,
And with all responsibility
Let's confess our devotion!

A good holiday - a birthday,
But name days are even better.
This is the day when diligently
Guardian Angel of life teaches.

Let him teach you, Dmitry,
How to catch Luck by the wing,
Which flies fast
Or get rich otherwise.

Is conscience the best controller? For you, Dmitry, yes! I don’t know a person more honest and right in a good way than you. This is probably why your friends value you so much, your colleagues respect you, and your family adores you. They say that changes are necessary for life, but today I wish you to have everything in this area without them. Happy name day!

It’s not easy to be friends with you, but despite this you are an ideal friend! And on your name day, Dmitry, I wish you to remain as different and always interesting.

Greeting Cards no longer in fashion. And you, Dmitry, always kept an eye on this capricious friend. So here's an SMS for you. Happy name day!

It turns out that beauty surrounds you everywhere. You attract beautiful women, choose beautiful things and go to beautiful places. Dmitry, congratulations on your name day and I wish that your Guardian Angel does not betray his good taste and continues to delight you and those around you.