
Step-by-step master class: how to draw a city. How to draw a city with a pencil step by step Life in the future drawing

Dear friends! Feron company (manufacturer of Viferon drug) invites you and your children to take part in the children's drawing competition!

From November 30 to December 23 in the city information portal there will be a children's drawing competition "Build the City of the Future".

City of the future - a place where kind, smart people live, happy people... They skillfully build houses that they design themselves, lay railways wherever they want to go. In this city, everyone loves to read good kind books and draw. And most importantly, NOBODY GETS SICK here! Dream and fantasize on paper!

Conditions for participation in the competition:Ask the children to draw a picture on the theme "City of the Future" and get a chance to win valuable prizes and gifts.

Works by children under the age of 16 (inclusive) are accepted for the competition in the form of drawings, collages, comics, made in any artistic technique. The maximum size of the picture should not exceed A4 format (210 mm x 297 mm). In the composition of the work, the theme of the city of the future must be reflected.

We look forward to your children's drawings!

Creative work for the competition can be submitted in the following way:

  1. Upload a pre-scanned drawing into a special form for adding works, placed below on the Competition page.
  2. Bring the drawing in paper form or on electronic media to the editorial office of the portal of the company "Info-City" at the address Orel, st. Revolutsii, 1, rooms 19, 21, 27 from Monday to Friday 9.00 to 18.00.
  3. Send, having previously scanned, a drawing by e-mail [email protected]site in JPEG format marked "Application for participation in the competition" City of the Future ", leaving the following information: name of the participant, his age and phone number for communication with the representative of the participant.

Deadline for accepting works: from November 30 to December 16, 2015 (inclusive). Online voting on the portal began on December 17, 2015.

The final exhibition of children's drawings sent to the competition and the awarding of the winners will take place on December 27, 2015. in Oryol in the Studio of the Holiday "Gala" at nab. Dubrovinsky, 60

All participants of the competition will have an interesting entertainment program: the room will be equipped with a mobile playground for children, where many different constructors and all the favorite trains on the children's railway will be assembled.

For adults:

  1. Master class in drawing from the art studio "The World in Color" - the first and only one in Oryol art studio for adults
  2. Lecture by a visiting pediatrician on strengthening immunity and using the drug.

We wish you good luck and inspiration!

Of course, you want to master the basic skills of urban landscape, since you are on this page. Well, you've come to the right place. This is where the most detailed instructionshow to draw a city. Moreover, the first part of the master class is devoted to two-dimensional drawing, and the second gives the basics of a three-dimensional image, as they say now, in a 3D format.

The secret ... in geometry

Have you ever wondered why even the most inexperienced viewer is hypnotized by the sight of a painted city? There is no mysticism in this. The secret is that the human brain loves order, system, repetition of lines. It seems to him bewitchingly beautiful. Symmetry and asymmetry, the severity of the lines, the smoothness of the circles and the accuracy of the angles fully correspond to this rule. Geometry, in a word. You will do the right thing if, in addition to a pencil, an eraser and a thick sheet of paper (for drawings), you stock up on a ruler.

Lesson 1: "Skyscrapers"

To understand how to draw a city, just follow the illustrations. Repeat the details of each step. The gray lines will "prompt" new shapes to be drawn at the moment.

Only two rectangles of different height (future skyscrapers) - and the beginning of the picture was laid:

Draw a couple more skyscrapers:

Add rectangular elements for the facades of the buildings in the background:

Draw pictures of the house farthest from the foreground:

Pay attention to the most inconspicuous components of the architectonics of the drawing:

Draw some small fragments, emphasize the details:

Despite the fact that the windows in the picture are the smallest details, they are far from secondary in importance. Carefully, under the ruler, draw each of them, and you will not regret the time spent:

Remove all extra lines. Here's what you should end up with:

Like? It's only the beginning! Ahead - 3D graphics!

Lesson 2: How to Draw a City with Perspective

To achieve a volumetric effect, you need to follow simple rules of perspective. To make the drawing dynamic, first of all, you need to determine the horizon line - the place where the sky meets the ground, and the vanishing point - the area in which objects, decreasing, disappear.

Here, take a look at in which the perspective "runs away" into the distance:

And here is the drawing and the final version, where the perspective tends upward:

A master class will show you how to draw a city with two vanishing points:

Divide the sheet in half with a vertical line. Mark on the horizon the vanishing points equidistant from the vertical on both sides. Extend vertical working lines from them to the central part, as shown in the figure:

Mark the barely noticeable auxiliary lines with light movements. Add three parallel lines, and the outline of the first, key building appears in front of you:

Pay attention to how the buildings are located, moving away from the viewer to the horizon. Label each:

Now is the time to finish painting the doors, windows, signs and other significant details. Remember, the more elements (poles, sidewalks, footpaths, even traffic lights), the more naturalistic the picture. At the end of the work, erase all unnecessary lines, draw the contours well. Add shadows and your drawing will come to life. Do not forget to take into account the direction of the sun's rays when shading. The most illuminated places should be the least painted over.

This is how you learned how to draw a volumetric city. In fact, there can be not only two points of convergence, but more. Five, for example. Then your drawing will be as if the city was filmed with a fisheye lens. In this case, the image takes on a convex appearance, as if the houses had an intention to jump out of the drawing.


The more unexpected the angle and the artist when looking at the urban landscape, the more fascinating and lively the picture is. No less interesting are the motives for the future. How to draw the city of the future? There can be no single answer to this. For the landscape being created is a figment of the artist's imagination. Who can know what pictures stand in front of his mind's eye? And the basis is one, and we have just told you about it, and we have shown it. Try, create! And who knows, maybe it will turn out to be not even fiction, but a prediction ...

Every year the construction industry is improving, offering people more and more comfortable and beautiful houses and apartments for living. If you just think about how the houses have changed in one century, you can close your eyes to visually imagine how much everything can change after some more time. You can talk on this topic indefinitely. However, not every person can express their thoughts on paper. Therefore, in today's article we decided to push our readers to creativity, demonstrating how the house of the future pencil drawing can be original and unique. The photo below offers ideas that can be used in creating a dream home, well, or as a model for sketching.

How to draw the house of the future pencil drawing?

To draw a house of the future with a pencil, you must prepare in advance all the tools for drawing a drawing. Besides a simple pencil with a hard lead, you must have on hand several white A4 sheets, an eraser, crayons, paints or felt-tip pens for coloring the finished work. Also, artists recommend to think in advance about the house of the future in your understanding. For example, will it look like a royal castle, a spaceship, geometric shape or a flower.

Do not forget about the facade of the house. It can have a panoramic view, unusual windows in the form of geometric polygonal shapes, and even the absence of doors.

House of the future - pencil drawing in the photo

Below are more than 20 options for houses that differ in appearance and internal content in the cut. Each model is unique and inimitable in its own way, has its own characteristics and unusual details.

If we compare each dwelling with each other, one cannot fail to note the discrepancy in form, material, parameters and even details necessary for a comfortable life. We are talking about the windows, the front door, the foundation of the house and even the external facade. After all, the decision on the landscape of the adjacent territory is up to the owner.

Think over all the details of the house of the future, visually presenting every detail. This will help depict the home in a short time without resorting to help.

Make sure all drawing attributes are at hand.

Use your dream home idea without sketching from a finished layout.

Any paints, pencils and felt-tip pens are suitable.

Without artistic skills, it is better not to take on complex work... It is better to opt for one-story, uncomplicated living quarters, painted in one color.

Drawn houses of the future by children, pencil drawings in the photo:

With all the perspectives of the ends of the world, our planet has a very sad future, and yet one can utopianly dream of a world without plastic bags and grange pop artists who will be genetically eradicated. Nevertheless, when one evil dies, a new larger one is born in order to maintain the balance of power in this world. I will tell you how to draw the future with a pencil. And as an example I took the cityscape famous cartoon Futurama. Such a city is a futuristic representation of how a person will live in conditions of increased radiation and a constant struggle with overpopulation, lack of food without GMOs and the birth rate of the Chinese. It will be built after the era of dark Jedism and will be called Apocalypse City or Fast Food. At the entrance there will definitely be a stand with the inscription Democracy - byaka, and the city itself looks like Vasya's attempts to explain the structure of the atom. The cars will fly in the air, which means that instead of the usual holes there will be air holes if you are in ethnically Russian airspace. There should be a chair at the head of such a city, for nothing else holds so much depression and sadness as a lonely chair. Native language - Russian, because only with the help of a powerful vocabulary can you express all the sensations from such a life. The city is in an amorphous state, on the one hand, it has rotted to the ground since its inception, on the other hand, it is being built and developed all the time, and so it will be until the end of the centuries, amen. What can be seen in the future:

  • Huge two-meter rats that used to live in the subway, but changed their minds. Now they have received a residence permit and are looking for a job as a sales manager for rat poison;
  • The ruins of a McDonald's whose food became too healthy in the future. Now it is the food of the elite, and is sold only in limited quantities for persons close to the emperor;
  • Beer;
  • Human-flavored perfume;
  • Robots acrobats and robots stuntmen. And also robotic nurses who save the first two;
  • Discs by Potap and Nastya Kamensky for big money at Sotheby's as pearls of classical music;
  • Expired medication for brain cancer and calcaneal nerve ischemia;
  • Cluster smallcraft of external radiation that was used to ionize oloproth embryos.

Now let's grab our nanopencils and get down to business.

How to draw the future with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's make a sketch, outlines of buildings. AHTUNG! If you can't see the picture, just click on it and it will enlarge!
Step two. Let's start drawing from the left side of the picture, gradually moving to the right. There is a shop selling twenty feet from Venus and a suicide booth that will help you commit suicide for only 5 bucks.
Step three. Go ahead. Add more buildings and hatch the background.
Step four. We draw an antiquarian supermarket. They sell digital technology and touchscreen mobile phones with Android OS.
Step five.
Step six.
This is what our city will look like in about 1000 years. Hope you enjoyed the tutorial. Try to think of your future and draw it. And then attach your work below under this article! See more related drawing lessons.