
Why do you dream of a throat according to the dream book? “Why do you see a throat in a dream? If you see a Throat in a dream, what does it mean? Dream interpretation of a sore throat to see in yourself

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing your throat in a dream means that you will be able to convince your partners that you are right and achieve success if you wish. Seeing yourself in a dream with your throat cut, but alive, is a harbinger of success or good luck. If you were cut in a dream...

Dream meaning - Throat

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

For the sleeper. Not in order - to failure. Cut - successful completion of business.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Throat?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing your throat means trouble. A married woman sees her throat - unfortunately for relatives. If your throat hurts in a dream, it means success in business. The patient sees his throat swollen - a long illness.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Throat?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

In a dream, cutting someone's throat promises you troubles that people who love you will involuntarily cause you. If the wound is small, it portends your spouse’s infidelity.

The essence of sleep - Throat

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Swollen - to see in a dream foreshadows illness; cutting someone's throat means that the person who saw this dream will involuntarily upset someone. Having your throat cut and not dying foretells the fulfillment of hopes and success in an enterprise.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Throat?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If anyone sees himself in a dream suffering from a runny nose and feels that the phlegm of the nasal mucosa has dropped and filled almost the entire throat, then let him know: This dream announces that he will soon have to suffer from a lack of funds for...

I had a dream “Throat”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Cutting your throat means you will achieve great success. Scratching your throat in a dream means sadness. Feeling a sore throat is a sign that your actions are driven by envy.

Press (take) by the throat - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To loss of peace, to prolonged worry. They put pressure on you by the throat - your oxygen in your work will be seriously “cut off”, they will interfere with you in every possible way, and with great success.

What does the dream mean - Throat

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To enemies, tormentors.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Throat?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A sore throat can symbolize imminent disappointment in a close friend. If in a dream you saw a healthy throat, this is a symbol of improving your situation. Perhaps career growth. If in a dream you saw someone choking at the table, then in reality you may...

Throat - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A healthy, strong throat dreams of stabilizing or improving your financial and social situation. If you dreamed that you had a sore throat, it means that you are mistaken about your friend. You will be afraid to accuse him (her) unfairly, and he (she) will perceive it as his own...

Dreaming of “Pressing (taking) by the throat” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Pressing someone by the throat in a dream, or, in other words, taking someone by the throat in order to shake out what they want - in reality you also always do this well. If they put pressure on you by the throat, they are trying to squeeze some information out of you.

Dreaming of "Throat" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A sore throat in a dream means a sore throat in reality.

Dream - Throat

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing your throat in a dream means that you will be able to convince your partners that you are right and achieve success if you wish. Seeing yourself in a dream with your throat cut, but alive, is a harbinger of success or good luck. If you were cut in a dream...

What does a dream about Throat mean?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

There is a lump in the throat” - annoyance, resentment, rejection. “take by the throat” - coercion. “I'm fed up” - refusal of some activity as a result of overexertion, reluctance. “stand across the throat” - very annoying, an obstacle. “to shut someone's throat” - to force them to remain silent. "tinned...

The meaning of a dream about the Throat

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Swollen is happiness. A slit throat means success in what was intended. Swallowing with difficulty or sensitivity is good luck. Sore throat in reality sore throat. See Idiomat. Sl.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Throat?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

There is a lump in the throat - annoyance, resentment, rejection. To take you by the throat is coercion. I'm fed up - refusal of some activity as a result of overexertion, reluctance. To stand across the throat is very annoying, an obstacle. To shut someone's throat is to force them to remain silent. Tinned...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Throat?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you see a healthy, flawless throat in a dream, it will be a harbinger of an improvement in your situation. If your throat hurts in a dream, it means that you are mistaken in your assessment of your friend, and soon this will become the cause of your concern.

Dreaming about Throat - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A clean, healthy throat will improve your situation. Swollen, sick - to sadness. If a man sees the naked throat (neck) of his beloved woman close up, their marriage will not take place.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Throat?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Find out from the online dream book why the Throat is dreamed of by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

Why do you see a throat in a dream?

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about Throat and what does it mean:

Cutting your throat in a dream means that you will be able to achieve great success in reality, scratching your throat in a dream means sadness, feeling pain in it is a sign that your actions are guided by envy.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Throat in a dream?

Throat – A healthy, spotless throat is a harbinger of improvement in your condition. If your throat hurts in a dream, then you are mistaken in your assessment of your friend and soon this will become the cause of your concern.

Idiomatic dream book

Why do you dream about throat?

“There is a lump in my throat” - annoyance, resentment, rejection; “take by the throat” - coercion; “I'm fed up” - refusal of some activity as a result of overexertion, reluctance; “stand across the throat” - very annoying, an obstacle.

“Shut someone’s throat” - force them to remain silent; “tinned throat” - eloquence; “up to my neck” - a lot of work; “like a bone in the throat” - a problem, an obstacle; “to tear the throat” - to strain unnecessarily, to speak loudly in vain, to shout.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

The throat is not in order - good luck, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about Throat?

Throat - sadness; to cut yourself - to win the case, as the dream book - the fortuneteller reports.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about throat?

Scratching your throat means sadness; swollen - illness; to be cut, but to be alive is success.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the throat from your dream

A swollen throat is happiness; cut - success in what was planned; swallowing with difficulty or sensitivity is good luck; a sore throat in reality (sore throat).

Ancient French dream book

Why do you dream about throat, interpretation:

In a dream, cutting someone's throat promises you troubles that people who love you will involuntarily cause you. If the wound is small, it portends your spouse’s infidelity.

Islamic dream book

Why do you dream about throat?

If someone sees in a dream that the phlegm of the nasal mucosa has descended and filled the throat, this means the scarcity of food and the proximity of death, this is how the dream book interprets your dream.

Persian dream book of Khubayshi Tiflisi

Throat in the ancient sense

If someone sees himself in a dream suffering from a runny nose and feels that the phlegm of the nasal mucosa has dropped and filled almost the entire throat, then let him know that this dream announces that he will soon have to suffer from a lack of means of living and a lack of good food; he will also have to fully experience the proximity of death.

Ancient Russian dream book

I dreamed of a sore throat

A swollen throat portends illness; cutting someone’s throat means that the person who saw this dream will involuntarily upset someone; having your throat cut and not dying foretells the fulfillment of hopes and success in an enterprise.

Dream Book of Arnold Mindell

In a dream, you seem to have a sore throat - a close friend will disappoint you - with smart speeches, he will commit short-sighted, stupid actions, and show himself to be an egoist; perhaps you will become disillusioned with friendship altogether and give preference to strong (but at a distance) partnerships.

It’s as if you are paying attention to your throat, it doesn’t hurt - your position in society will be strengthened; your business will generate more and more income; finally the future will seem bright to you.

Dream book for the whole family by E. Danilova

Why do you dream about the Throat, how to understand?


Modern dream book for 365 days

Why do you dream about Throat by day of the week?

Experience a sore throat. For a woman - A dream on Monday night means that you should pay attention to your health; on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to minor troubles; seen on Saturday or Sunday night, it means that you will no longer have any desire to talk with one of your old acquaintances.

For a man - A dream on Monday night says that you should pay more attention to your diet; dreamed on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, it says that you should take care of your health; and on the night of Saturday or Sunday, to quarrels and scandals.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

To enemies, tormentors.

For those born in May, June, July and August

A sore throat in a dream means you will never be bothered by pain in reality.

For those born in September, October, November, December

A sore throat in a dream means a sore throat in reality.

Nightmarish visions in a dream should not always be taken literally and scared. Often scenes of violence and horror promise very favorable things. But in order to understand why you dream of having your throat cut, you should mentally return to the dream and remember the details that will help you absolutely accurately answer the question about the meaning of the image.

Favorable interpretations of dreams

According to the dream book, seeing one’s own throat cut is considered a sign of pleasant changes in business, personal life, new friends and the successful completion of protracted problems. Good luck awaits you in court cases. Some dream books believe that a wounded throat foreshadows the fulfillment of a dream, great luck and fortune, which will accompany the dreamer for a long time on the path of life.

Surviving after such a trauma means a new opportunity to implement all the riskiest projects. The time has come for those who have long put their ideas in the back drawer to act. Don't miss the chance to accomplish everything you have planned, and the result will not be long in coming.

You are not the victim

Why do you dream of a stranger having his throat cut? To troubles due to the fault of those who do not want your career advancement. It's all about envy.

If a pet was killed in this way, be on alert, says the dream book. The cut throat of a dog or cat indicates that imaginary friends are spreading dirty rumors behind your back and are trying with all their might to tarnish your reputation.

Seeing a crime against a stranger in a dream means problems in business. Unscrupulous partners will try to cut off your air for their own benefit. Now is not the best time to sign contracts and make deals, no matter how profitable they may seem.

Warning dreams

Killing an aggressive dog means getting rid of an old enemy and weakening his strength. However, the dream book considers the cut throat of a dog that was behaving peacefully to be a sign that in real life someone very close will suffer because of the dreamer. Another interpretation: society’s opinion about the sleeping person can greatly change for the worse.

A murdered child in a dream is a sign that you should consult a psychologist and figure out the reason for such darkness in your head. However, the dream book considers this only a sign of upcoming difficulties.

Why do you dream about the cut throat of the woman you love? To jointly overcome all obstacles and difficulties that arise along the way. Support and concern for each other.

Conflict situations

Did you dream about the death of your closest family members? In connection with this crime, you need to be more tactful and try not to offend them. Perhaps the dreamer does not notice how he causes suffering to his loved ones.

Killing a friend in a dream is also a sign that the dreamer can easily cause him moral harm and cause him distress.

Lovely affairs

For single people, seeing someone's throat being cut in a dream means that they will remain without a partner for a long time.

Those who are married will be upset to learn that a slit throat, but with a small wound, foreshadows the betrayal of a loved one.

If you dreamed that you were attacked and stabbed to death, you should expect disappointment in your loved one, quarrels and separation are possible.

Dreams from Sunday to Monday 11/25/2019

Dreams from Sunday to Monday carry the psychological and emotional characteristics of the sleeper. Through the pictures that appeared during sleep, you can analyze the degree of workload, ...

Almost every part of the human body carries certain symbolism that is used to decipher a dream. The throat is the most important organ, endowed with several functions. Can’t imagine why this symbol is in your dreams? The dream book believes that it personifies your emotional state and sense of self in your current life. Remember everything you saw in your dream down to the smallest detail and start interpreting the plot!

Idiomatic Dream Book Predictions

If you dream that there is a “lump” in your throat, get ready to experience in reality a very unpleasant feeling of annoyance, strong resentment, and rejection. Don't try to overcome negative emotions. It’s better to feel them until the very end, and then let them go. Your soul will immediately feel extraordinarily light.

If in a dream you are grabbed by the throat and strangled, in reality someone will force you to submit to their will. Perhaps it will be parents or the other half, but moral pressure from a previously unfamiliar person is also possible. The idiomatic dream book advises simply stopping any contact the moment you feel even the slightest psychological discomfort.

If you dreamed that your throat hurts and there is inflammation, then expressing your opinion will be very difficult, but possible. The main thing is to choose the most appropriate moment for an important statement. If you can figure out the best time, you will certainly be heard.

Tsvetkov's opinion

In a dream, pulling hair out of your throat means various troubles. Tsvetkov’s dream book predicts a difficult conversation, the need to make a not very profitable decision, empty troubles. If at the same time your throat hurts and there is bleeding, then the problems will not go away without a trace, and a turning point will occur in your life.

Biting someone directly by the throat means victory over the enemy. The dream is a symbol of your triumph over your competitors. Just don’t relax too much from a series of victories and rest on your laurels in advance. Remember that at any moment you can find yourself in the place of the loser.

If you dream of a sore throat and a red, sore throat, difficulties will arise in your current case. You should not try to deal with them alone. Better turn to your friends for support.

Miller's explanation of the dream

If you dream about a healthy throat, current events will play into your hands. The current situation will improve and everything planned will come true exactly as you need. Did you dream that a dog was biting your throat? Miller's dream book is convinced that you will make a mistake in choosing a friend. Do not try to trust this person with your innermost thoughts, they will still be misunderstood.

Grabbing a criminal by the throat and strangling him in a dream means excessive emotional stress. Trying to cope with trouble will lead to emotional burnout. You will become too irritable and somewhat unbalanced. Sedatives will help you get through this difficult period with minimal mental shock. Dreaming of your throat being torn out is a sign of heavy losses.

Variations from the Modern Interpreter

Cutting your neck in a dream and seeing a lot of blood means that in reality you will win a difficult court case. If you dreamed of a lot of scarlet blood, then winning will be easy for you. If you dream that they are cutting your neck, someone will manage to put you in an awkward situation. In this case, the Modern Interpreter recommends treating the incident with humor. This will help alleviate the awkwardness significantly.

In a dream, killing a person with a knife by cutting his throat means achieving success. The modern dream book warns that for his sake you will have to make a deal with your conscience. Are you ready to sacrifice moral principles for the sake of material gain or such short-term glory?

If you dreamed that a sore larynx prevented you from swallowing and eating, then insurmountable circumstances will force you to radically change your plans.

Many different predictions

Seeing in a dream how an animal's throat is cut with a knife and blood flows - to doubts in one's own abilities. The Wanderer’s Dream Book is convinced that if the wound turns out to be fatal, then it will not be possible to overcome one’s own complexes. A similar description is given of what one dreams about if a living creature is being strangled.

Today we have prepared a complete description of the topic: the dream “sore throat”: what the dream means and a full interpretation from various points of view.

what does it mean if your throat hurts in a dream

You dream of a sore throat in your own eyes as a warning against mistakes in a person close to you, whom you trust too much. You should exercise caution and vigilance in reality.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

sore throat in sleep

A sore throat in a dream means future failures.

Muslim dream book (Islamic)

interpretation of sleep sore throat

A sore throat means lies from people who enjoy your trust. It may also most likely indicate the fact that the sleeper will complain in reality about a representative of the authorities.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

sore throat in a dream what is it for

If the excruciating pain in a dream is sharp, betrayal from your loved ones is possible. But if the pain is intense, as if you have a sore throat, then go back to a routine task in reality, which you do not want to do under any circumstances. If you are sure that the cause is scarlet fever, then in reality an enemy will appear, forcing you to compromise.

Modern dream book

dreamed of a sore throat

A sore throat - to colossal disappointment in his close friend, with smart words, he will commit stupid, short-sighted actions, and will be selfish. You will probably have to completely give up on friendship.

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Almost every part of the human body carries certain symbolism that is used to decipher a dream. The throat is the most important organ, endowed with several functions. Can’t imagine why this symbol is in your dreams? The dream book believes that it personifies your emotional state and sense of self in your current life. Remember everything you saw in your dream down to the smallest detail and start interpreting the plot!

Idiomatic Dream Book Predictions

If you dream that there is a “lump” in your throat, get ready to experience in reality a very unpleasant feeling of annoyance, strong resentment, and rejection. Don't try to overcome negative emotions. It’s better to feel them until the very end, and then let them go. Your soul will immediately feel extraordinarily light.

If in a dream you are grabbed by the throat and strangled, in reality someone will force you to submit to their will. Perhaps it will be parents or the other half, but moral pressure from a previously unfamiliar person is also possible. The idiomatic dream book advises simply stopping any contact the moment you feel even the slightest psychological discomfort.

If you dreamed that your throat hurts and there is inflammation, then expressing your opinion will be very difficult, but possible. The main thing is to choose the most appropriate moment for an important statement. If you can figure out the best time, you will certainly be heard.

Tsvetkov's opinion

In a dream, pulling hair out of your throat means various troubles. Tsvetkov’s dream book predicts a difficult conversation, the need to make a not very profitable decision, empty troubles. If at the same time your throat hurts and there is bleeding, then the problems will not go away without a trace, and a turning point will occur in your life.

Biting someone directly by the throat means victory over the enemy. The dream is a symbol of your triumph over your competitors. Just don’t relax too much from a series of victories and rest on your laurels in advance. Remember that at any moment you can find yourself in the place of the loser.

If you dream of a sore throat and a red, sore throat, difficulties will arise in your current case. You should not try to deal with them alone. Better turn to your friends for support.

Miller's explanation of the dream

If you dream about a healthy throat, current events will play into your hands. The current situation will improve and everything planned will come true exactly as you need. Did you dream that a dog was biting your throat? Miller's dream book is convinced that you will make a mistake in choosing a friend. Do not try to trust this person with your innermost thoughts, they will still be misunderstood.

Grabbing a criminal by the throat and strangling him in a dream means excessive emotional stress. Trying to cope with trouble will lead to emotional burnout. You will become too irritable and somewhat unbalanced. Sedatives will help you get through this difficult period with minimal mental shock. Dreaming of your throat being torn out is a sign of heavy losses.

Variations from the Modern Interpreter

Cutting your neck in a dream and seeing a lot of blood means that in reality you will win a difficult court case. If you dreamed of a lot of scarlet blood, then winning will be easy for you. If you dream that they are cutting your neck, someone will manage to put you in an awkward situation. In this case, the Modern Interpreter recommends treating the incident with humor. This will help alleviate the awkwardness significantly.

In a dream, killing a person with a knife by cutting his throat means achieving success. The modern dream book warns that for his sake you will have to make a deal with your conscience. Are you ready to sacrifice moral principles for the sake of material gain or such short-term glory?

If you dreamed that a sore larynx prevented you from swallowing and eating, then insurmountable circumstances will force you to radically change your plans.

Many different predictions

Seeing in a dream how an animal's throat is cut with a knife and blood flows - to doubts in one's own abilities. The Wanderer’s Dream Book is convinced that if the wound turns out to be fatal, then it will not be possible to overcome one’s own complexes. A similar description is given of what one dreams about if a living creature is being strangled.

If you dreamed that you heard a shot, always be on alert! Changes are coming, which means there is an increased risk of getting into trouble.

If in a dream you pulled out needles or paper clips from your larynx and at the same time felt how it hurt, then in reality unforeseen circumstances will confuse all the cards. Aesop's Dream Book recommends not placing excessively high hopes on your friends. They won't help.

Taking a bone in a dream and holding it in your hand to pierce your throat means illness. The family dream book advises taking better care of yourself.

Idiomatic dream book

Dream about Throat, what does it symbolize?

Throat - “There is a lump in the throat” - annoyance, resentment, rejection; “take by the throat” – coercion. “I'm fed up” - refusal of some activity as a result of overexertion, reluctance. “stand in the throat” - very annoying, an obstacle. “to shut someone’s throat” - to force them to remain silent; “tinned throat” – eloquence; “up to my neck” – a lot of work; “like a bone in the throat” - a problem, an obstacle; “tear the throat” - to strain unnecessarily, to speak loudly in vain, to shout.

Seeing a throat in a dream - in most cases, if you simply dream about your own or someone else’s throat, for some reason you noticed it or you had to examine it, the dream foretells you sadness in reality. But if you cut your own throat in a dream, despite such a terrible scenario, the dream is considered a positive sign. He says that in reality you will be able to win some business, remain victorious in a dispute, or beat your competitors.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about Throat in a dream:

The meaning of a dream in which you see a throat can be different, depending on its circumstances and the events taking place. Injuring your own throat in a dream, for example, cutting it, is a good positive sign. In reality, you will be able to achieve significant success, perhaps you will win some kind of dispute, a case in court, or bypass your competitors. If you dreamed that you had a sore throat - think, you are probably jealous of someone, which makes you do not entirely worthy things in relation to this person. Scratching your throat in a dream is not a very good omen, which means that sad events or news await you that will make you upset.

What does it mean to dream about your throat? In most cases, it is negative. So, if your throat is swollen and hurts, you are forced to treat it, the dream can be called prophetic, it really predicts illness for you in real life. However, it is not necessarily associated with the throat. Be that as it may, you will have to see a doctor. If you dreamed that you were scratching your throat, in reality you will be upset about some events or news. And only if you dreamed that your throat was cut or you did it yourself, but remained alive, the dream is considered a good sign. It predicts professional success, advancement in business, or victory over your rivals.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

If you saw a dream, the events of which developed around your throat, and want to interpret it, remember what exactly was discussed there. If your throat is swollen and painful in a dream, this dream can equally foreshadow some happy events for you, good luck in business, or an actual throat disease in reality. The dream in which you could not swallow something, it did not go down your throat, has the same meaning. You dreamed of your own throat being cut, but at the same time you remained alive, despite the bloody nature of such a dream, it has a positive meaning, predicts success in planned affairs and victory over competitors.

If for some reason you are concerned about a dream in which you saw someone else's throat, and you would like to understand its meaning, remember the events that took place in it. When you dream that you cut someone’s throat, for example, out of jealousy or for another reason, the dream warns that in reality you will have to experience many unpleasant moments that will be brought to you by the people who love you. However, their excuse is that they will do it unintentionally. If the wound on the throat turns out to be small, and the person who suffered at your hands remains alive, such a dream says that your chosen one or spouse will be unfaithful to you.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

Why does the dreamer dream about the Throat:

Seeing your throat in a dream - the meaning of the dream depends on how exactly you dreamed about it. If your throat was bothering you, but upon examination, for example, by a doctor, it turned out to be healthy and flawless, the dream is positive and suggests that although your affairs may not be in the best way now, very soon everything will significantly improve. If you dreamed that you had a sore throat, it turned out to be really sick and required treatment, the dream warns that you are completely in vain to trust one of your friends. In the very near future, this person will cause you considerable concern.

According to the Holy Quran and Sunnah, a dream in which you see your throat or a doctor examines your throat and finds it sick is very negative in nature. If you dream that your throat is filled with phlegm and secretions from the nasal mucosa, this is a prediction that a poor life and meager food awaits you. You cannot earn enough money to support your family. In some cases, such a dream may even indicate the proximity of death.

Persian dream book of Khubayshi Tiflisi

Why do you dream about the Throat - an astrologer’s interpretation:

Seeing yourself in a dream suffering from a runny nose and a sore throat is a bad sign. If you dreamed that you felt that the mucous membrane of your nose was sinking into your throat and completely filling it so that you could neither breathe nor swallow, such a dream is a warning about a significant deterioration in your financial situation. You will not have enough money for even the most basic things, and your food will be extremely meager, which is why you will suffer greatly. It is also likely that you will have to fully feel the proximity of death.

If in a dream you saw your own swollen throat, you suffered from pain and had difficulty swallowing even small pieces of food - the dream predicts illness for you in reality. It is possible that it will also touch your throat, but this is not necessary. When you have a dream in which you are fighting with another person and cutting his throat, be prepared for the fact that one of your friends or acquaintances will be disappointed in you. Very soon you will greatly upset one of them, although perhaps unwittingly. If you dreamed that you cut your own throat, or that someone else did it, but you remained alive, this is a good sign that foretells success in business and victory over your rivals.

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

What does it mean if you dream about the Throat:

You dreamed of a Throat - It’s as if your throat hurts in a dream - a close friend will disappoint you - with smart speeches he will commit short-sighted, stupid actions, and show himself to be an egoist; perhaps you will become disillusioned with friendship altogether and give preference to strong (but at a distance) partnerships. It’s as if you are paying attention to your throat, it doesn’t hurt - your position in society will be strengthened; your business will generate more and more income; finally the future will seem bright to you. Throat - vulnerability.

You dreamed of Throat - Experiencing a sore throat. For a woman - A dream on Monday night means that you should pay attention to your health; on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to minor troubles; seen on Saturday or Sunday night, it means that you will no longer have any desire to talk with one of your old acquaintances. For a man - A dream on Monday night says that you should pay more attention to your diet; dreamed on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, it says that you should take care of your health; and on the night of Saturday or Sunday, to quarrels and scandals.

Dream interpretation of birthday people

Taking into account the date of birth, what does the Throat mean in dreams:

If you were born in the spring, why dream about your throat - to enemies, tormentors.

If you were born in the summer, why did you dream of a sore throat in a dream - in reality you will never be bothered by pain.

If you were born in the fall, why did you dream about a sore throat in a dream - a sore throat in reality.

If you were born in winter, dreaming about your throat being out of order means good luck.

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

Dream Interpretation of O. Smurova

Why do you dream and what does Throat mean:

Throat - If you dreamed about your throat, this means that you will be able to convince your partners that you are right and achieve success if you wish.

Seeing someone with their throat cut but alive is a harbinger of success or good luck. If in a dream your throat was cut with a knife, then you will be insulted, which you will be very worried about.

Seeing yourself cutting another person's throat means that you will greatly offend him and bring him a lot of grief.

See also: why do you dream of a tongue, why do you dream of teeth, why do you dream of a head.

Dream Book of G. Miller

Why do you dream about the Throat - psychological interpretation:

Throat - If you dreamed of a healthy, flawless throat, then this will be a harbinger of an improvement in your situation.

If in a dream your throat hurts, then you are mistaken in your assessment of your friend and soon this will become the cause of your concern.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

If you dream about the Throat, what is it for:

Throat - If you dreamed of someone’s throat with a strongly protruding Adam’s apple, then expect your affairs to improve. If in a dream you feel a sore throat, then this indicates your mistake in assessing your friend, which will soon become the cause of your concern.

If you see that it seems to you that your throat hurts due to a sore throat, then you will have to complete an unpleasant task or do an unbearably boring task.

To have a sore throat affected by scarlet fever in a dream means that you are in danger of illness or you will be forced to submit to the conditions dictated to you by your enemy.

To see that your child complains of a throat and it turns out that he is sick with croup - then in real life this will bring joy and prosperity to your home.

Scratching your throat in a dream means sadness. Cutting your throat in a dream means you will win the case. Seeing a woman's throat open means a failed marriage or a scandalous incident.

Dreaming of Throat? See the following interpreter.

Lewis's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Throat, for what reason:

Throat – Dreams in which the dreamer feels that his throat is tight or hoarse may indicate an inability to easily and fully express his thoughts and feelings.