
A musical instrument that responds to hand movements. Lev Theremin - theremin - theremin. Simultaneous game session

The price is for 2 instruments that were in the parcel. The parcel arrived very quickly in 2 weeks. A cardboard box of 2 shoe size contained 2 gift sets in the form of colorful booklets

Among the hieroglyphs is the Russian language, which emphasizes the Russian origin of the instrument.

The booklet was aligned with the box, and a plastic tray with details covered with transparent film was placed.

A soldering iron is not required to assemble a subject - everything is already soldered. Although there are hieroglyphs in the booklets, the figures describe the assembly process very clearly.

There are no difficulties in the assembly process. And the result is such a device.

Well, now let's figure out what's what.


Thereminvox (lat.Theremin or thereminvox) is an electric musical instrument created in 1918 by the Russian inventor Lev Sergeevich Theremin. Playing the theremin consists in the musician changing the distance from his hands to the instrument's antennas, due to which the capacitance of the oscillating circuit changes and, as a consequence, the frequency of the sound. The vertical straight antenna is responsible for the tone of the sound, the horizontal horseshoe - for its volume. To play the theremin, it is necessary to have a well-developed ear for music: while playing, the musician does not touch the instrument and therefore cannot fix the position of his hands relative to it and must rely only on his own ear.
The instrument is designed to perform any (classical, pop, jazz) musical works in professional and amateur music practice, as well as for creating various sound effects (birds singing, whistling, etc.), which can be used in sounding films, in theatrical performances, circus programs.
There are several varieties of theremin, differing in design.
Currently, there are both serial and master theremins, as well as various schools of playing on it.

Requires 4 AA batteries for operation, no external power supply provided.
The lever on the right is a switch, it also limits the volume to half. There is no smooth volume control. There is no output to an external amplifier, although the pictures show that in some cases a minijack is connected. Although it is not difficult to modify it by connecting the 3.5 mm jack in parallel to the speaker.

A screwdriver is attached to the bottom to adjust the sound stability, this must be done every time you turn it on

The trimmer resistors should be in approximately this position, the sound is affected by a fraction of a millimeter.
The range is about 2 octaves. To master a light song on the instrument, you need to spend a lot of time on exercises. Another's video from YouTube. By the way, I noticed that all the videos are on the topic of many years ago.

Great toy, but price aaa. But you have to pay for the exotic. We don't have that. Yes, and overseas a heifer is a half, and a ruble is transported. It looks like the Japanese have rights to this instrument
Review of the second devise from the premise - analog synthesizer - next time I plan to buy +5 Add to favourites Review liked +11 +20

In Petrograd.

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    1 / 3

    ✪ Thereminvox - music out of thin air. Lev Sergeevich Termen.

    ✪ Our everything. Lev Theremin

    ✪ ENSEMBLE AMY p⁄u Vyacheslav Meshcherin


History of creation

At first, the Theremin measuring device was a generator of electrical oscillations on a cathode lamp. The test gas was placed in a cavity between metal plates and became an element of the oscillatory circuit - a capacitor, influencing the frequency of electrical oscillations. In the process of working on increasing the sensitivity of the installation, the idea arose of combining two generators, one of which gave oscillations of a variable frequency, and the other - oscillations of a certain constant frequency. Signals from both generators were fed to a cathode relay; a signal with a difference frequency was formed at the output of the relay. The relative change in the difference frequency from the parameters of the test gas was much greater [ what?]. Moreover, if the difference frequency fell into the audio range, then the signal could be perceived by ear. The device turned out to be very sensitive: it reacted to the slightest changes in the capacity of the oscillating circuit, caused, for example, by a change in the position of a person's hand in space. As the capacity changed, the frequency of the sound changed. That is, the sound arose when a person's hand moved.

Choosing a melody was not a big deal for Termen, since he was fond of music from childhood. In November 1920, at a meeting of the circle of mechanics named after Professor Kirpichev, the physicist Theremin gave his first concert. The electronic musical instrument he invented was originally called etheroton (sound from the air, ether), was soon renamed in honor of the author and began to be called the theremin.

When creating the instrument (in addition to electrical sound generation) Theremin paid special attention to “the possibility of very fine control without any expenditure of mechanical energy required to press strings or keys. Performing music on an electric instrument should be done, for example, with free movements of the fingers in the air, similar to conductor's gestures, at a distance from the instrument. "

In March 1922, Lev Sergeevich Termen and a member of the board of the People's Commissariat, Chairman of the Radio Council A. M. Nikolaev came to the Kremlin to see V. I. Lenin to demonstrate the instrument. After performing Scriabin's Etude, Saint-Saens's The Swan, and Glinka's Lark, theremin began to help Lenin play the theremin. However, it soon turned out that Lenin could play independently. Lenin completed the performance of Glinka's Lark without the help of the inventor. In addition, an alarm was demonstrated on a capacitive relay, the principle of which was similar to the principle of the theremin.

Having highly appreciated the prospects of the invention, Lenin wrote a note to the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs Lev Trotsky:

As a result, despite all the difficulties of that time, a decree was signed on the establishment of a pri, where the inventor continued his research.

Use in the performing arts

Playing the theremin consists in changing the distance between the musician's hands and the antennae of the instrument. In this case, the capacitance of the oscillatory circuit changes and, as a consequence, the frequency of the sound. The vertical straight antenna is responsible for changing the tone of the sound, and the horizontal horseshoe is responsible for changing the sound volume.

The instrument is intended for the performance of any (classical, pop, jazz) musical works in professional and amateur musical practice, as well as for creating various sound effects (birdsong, whistling, etc.), which can be used in sounding films, in theatrical performances, circus programs.

There are several varieties of theremin, differing in design. Both serial and piece models are produced.

Over time, various schools of playing the theremin developed.

Varieties of theremin

Classic theremin

The theremin is considered a classic, designed like the first theremins created by Leo Theremin himself. When playing such instruments, the sound is controlled as a result of the free movement of the performer's hands in an electromagnetic field near two metal antennas. The performer plays while standing. The change in pitch is achieved by bringing your hand closer to the right antenna; the volume is controlled by bringing the other hand closer to the left antenna.

Lev Theremin created several concert models of the theremin:

  • theremin for Clara Rockmore - one of the first students of Lev Theremin;
  • theremin for Lucy Rosen (English);
  • theremin for Natalia Theremin - the daughter of the inventor;
  • two theremins for museums: the Polytechnic (where the instrument is kept) and the Central Museum of Musical Culture, located in Moscow.

The classical theremin model became widespread in different countries the world. The most widespread variety of the classic theremin is considered to be the instrument of the American company "Moog", which started the production of theremins from the moment of its foundation - in 1954.

Theremin of the Kowalski system

Theremin of the Kowalski system is a theremin constructed by Konstantin Ioilevich Kovalsky, the first performer and student of Lev Theremin. When playing such an instrument, the pitch is adjusted with the right hand, the left hand controls general characteristics sound using a button pad, the volume is controlled by a pedal. The performer plays while sitting.

The theremin of the Kovalsky system was not as widespread as the classical theremin; nevertheless, it continues to be used thanks to the students and colleagues of Kovalsky - Lev Dmitrievich Korolev and Zoya Alexandrovna Dugina-Ranevskaya, who created their own school of playing the theremin in Moscow. The designer Lev Korolev (1930-2012) developed and improved the theremins of this system for many years: he created the instrument "tershumfon" (a kind of theremin, the sound of which is a narrow-band noise with a pronounced pitch), created an optical indicator of the current note of the theremin - a visualizer.

Performers - Olga Milanich, Pyotr Theremin (great-grandson of Lev Theremin, the inventor of the theremin).


Matremin is a musical instrument created in Japan by Masami Takeuchi, the head of the theremin school. It is a theremin with automatic setting [ what?], hidden in the matryoshka body. When playing the instrument, the frequency of the sound changes as the hand moves away and approaches the matryoshka. Matremina performers gather in large ensembles - up to 270 people.

Virtual Theremin

A virtual theremin is a virtual analogue of a theremin in the form of a program for a smartphone or PDA equipped with a touch screen. The program draws on the screen a rectangular coordinate system with sound frequency on one axis and sound volume on the other; when you touch the screen with a stylus or a finger, the program determines the coordinates of the touch point, converts the coordinates into frequency and volume in accordance with the coordinate system displayed on the screen and reproduces the sound of a certain frequency and volume; so, for example, moving the stylus or finger horizontally of the screen may change the pitch, and moving vertically - the volume of the sound. For example, the "SunVox" program of the Russian programmer Alexander Zolotov implements a virtual theremin as an additional function for quickly checking filters and other frequency-dependent elements of the created instruments (it is convenient to set several, for example, five or eight, octaves on the screen; but this instrument cannot be used in the composition created by the program) ...

Learning to play the theremin

The only school in the post-Soviet and European space that teaches playing the theremin is called "Russian Theremin School" and operates in Moscow and St. Petersburg under the leadership of Peter Theremin (great-grandson of Lev Theremin, who created the first theremin).

There is also a theremin school in Japan and is led by Masami Takeuchi.

  • Albert Einstein and Charlie Chaplin tried to play the theremin.
  • For the first time, Leo Theremin's daughter Natalia Theremin used palm-width tuning of the theremin. Now this method is used by many thereminists all over the world. With this setting, an octave is located between the "closed" and "open" hand positions.
  • The American group Lothar and the Hand People was one of the first in rock music to use the theremin as a leading instrument. (eng.)russian», Which released in 1968-1969 two albums in the style of space psychedelia. Moreover, the word "Lothar" in the name of the group is a proper name, the name of the theremin, and the band's musicians positioned themselves as "the first group in the world whose frontman is not a musician, but a musical instrument."
  • Theremin is used in the songs of the "Picasso Children" rock group.
  • The group "Led Zeppelin" used the theremin, in particular, on the song "Whole Lotta Love".
  • In 2001, a theremin concert was performed as part of the interstellar radio message "Children's Message" to other civilizations under the METI program.
  • In October 2010, the first Russian-language theremin portal was opened -.
  • At the end of August 2011, the first music festival of modern theremin culture was held in Moscow, called "Thereminology".
  • The introductory video for the British television series Doctor Who is performed on the theremin.
  • The project has been operating in Moscow since October 2011. Every two weeks pass free master classes and lectures on the Theremin and Lev Theremin.
  • In the novel by Thomas Harris "Hannibal" the main character masters playing the theremin.
  • On the TV series The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon Cooper plays the theremin, including a snippet of the song “Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen”.
  • In Murders in Midsomer, a theremin melody is played during the credits.
  • In the film "Angels of the Revolution" the heroes play the theremin.
  • In the series “

Not so long ago, musical instruments of even pop orchestras - be it a saxophone, violin, accordion, piano, double bass and even a drum - gave their listeners their natural, "natural" sound. Nowadays, music has changed - now "electronic" sound is in vogue.

The fantasy that the creators of various electromusical techniques show seems at times limitless. The instruments themselves and amplifying equipment, acoustic systems, devices for synthesizing sound effects - everything is stuffed with electronics to the limit. Today, musicians have little to surprise - after all, they are armed with such creations of engineers that allow you to get thousands of the most diverse shades of sound: strings, winds, keyboard.

A modern electric musical instrument (abbreviated as EMR) is a very complex device. Not even every experienced radio engineer is capable of making one at home. And then what to say about those who are just taking their first steps in mastering electronics?

There is only one way out - to start, collecting so far only the simplest EMPs. We want to tell you about several of these constructions.

When do you think the history of electronic music began? Many people probably believe that in the late 50s and early 60s, when electric guitars and electric organs were born, and vocal and instrumental ensembles began to appear like mushrooms after rain. But it turns out that everything happened much earlier.

The honor to be called the creator of electronic music belongs to the Soviet scientist, engineer-physicist L. S. Termen. It was he who invented the world's first EMP. Experimenting with a device for measuring the dielectric constant of gases, he discovered the influence of the hand on the distribution of the electric field. This phenomenon was the basis for the action of the first electro musical instrument, called "ether waves". In 1921, the inventor presented his "brainchild" at the VIII All-Russian Electrotechnical Congress. L. S. Termen's contemporaries highly appreciated his device. "The invention of an electric musical instrument opens up great prospects ... By means of electrical excitation, one can obtain such sounds, such intonations, which until now have not been known to music ..." - this is how the Pravda newspaper wrote in 1927.

Over time, the first electro-musical instrument began to be called the theremin - a combination consisting of the surname of the inventor Theremin and the word "woke" - a voice distorted from English, which means "voice".

So what is a theremin? The principle of operation of this instrument is based on a change in the electric field that is created around the EMP from the movements of the human body. By changing the position of the body or its individual parts, for example, arms, the performer thereby affects spatial picture fields. EMP perceives these influences and converts them into sound signals, the tonality of which depends on the manipulation of a person and becomes higher or lower in time with his movements.

To understand how the spatial movement of the hand can be turned into sound, let's look at the theremin device. Its functional diagram is shown in Figure 1. The instrument consists of two high-frequency generators, one of which is connected to a WA antenna, a mixer, an audio frequency amplifier and a VA dynamic head.

Figure: 1. Functional diagram of the theremin.

As long as the performer is at a sufficient distance from the antenna, RF generators generate signals of the same frequency, which are fed to the mixer. Let us assume that the frequencies of both generators in the initial state are equal to 90 kHz. What happens when two signals are mixed? To understand this, it is necessary to note one feature of the mixer - it selects oscillations at its output with a frequency equal to the frequency difference of the input signals. And since in the initial state the frequencies of both generators are equal, therefore, there is no signal at the mixer output in this case and there is no sound in the dynamic head.

Figure: 2. Schematic diagram of EMP.

But the performer raised his hand to the antenna. What will happen now? Human body becomes, as it were, a capacitor connected between the antenna and the electrical circuits of the upper generator according to the scheme, that is, the capacity of the performer's body begins to influence the operation of this generator. As a result, the frequency of the oscillations generated by it changes. Suppose it became equal to 91 kHz. Now, when signals are mixed, so-called beats occur - oscillations with a frequency equal to the difference between the frequencies of both generators. In our case, this difference will be 1 kHz. The signal with such a frequency will be selected at its output by the mixer. Then it will be amplified, and a sound will be heard in the dynamic head.

By continuously changing the distance between the palm of the hand and the antenna, the performer thereby constantly varies the capacitive parameters of the frequency-setting circuit of the upper one according to the generator circuit. This changes the beat frequency, and sounds of different tonality are extracted from the instrument. If, as a result of manipulations performed by the performer, the frequency of electrical oscillations at the output of the first HF generator changes within the limits, say, from 90 to 100 kHz, then the musical range of the theremin will lie in the range from 0 to 10,000 Hz.

So, the performance of a piece of music on the theremin consists in moving one or both hands near the antenna of the instrument. To get a smoother change in pitch, the palm can be kept motionless, and all manipulations are performed only with the fingers of the hand. In any case, in order to “feel” such a musical instrument and master the technique of playing it, you need good training and, of course, the presence of hearing.

For 70 years creative activity L. S. Termen created many of the most varied modifications of his EMP, and no less original. For example, one of his creations - terpsiton - is an electro-musical instrument made in the form of a flat platform. Standing on it and making various movements, as if in a bizarre dance, a musician can perform any piece on such an exotic instrument.

It is curious that such “non-musical” devices as security devices for industrial buildings, warehouses, safes were created on the basis of the theremin. Such a device even guarded one of the halls of the Leningrad Hermitage. The electronic "watchmen" developed by LS Termen, like his EMP, reacted to changes in the picture of the electric field near the guarded object and, when strangers appeared, gave an alarm signal.

But back to the theremin's musical ability. We have already got acquainted with the principles underlying the operation of this tool. Now it's time to move on to their practical implementation.

The Theremin, the description of which we bring to your attention, is assembled on only two logical microcircuits, is simple to set up and does not require scarce parts. Of course, such a device is far from a professional instrument, but nevertheless, having assembled it, you will in practice get acquainted with the design, the principle of operation and the technique of performing musical works on the theremin.

The first generator is assembled on logical elements 2I-NOT DD1.1 and DD1.2 of the DD1 microcircuit (Fig. 2), and the second - on the elements DD2.1 and DD2.2 of the DD2 IC. Inverters DD1.3 and DD2.3 act as decoupling devices, preventing the mutual influence of generators on each other. The logic element DD2.4 is used as a mixer. The low-frequency amplifier is assembled on the VT1 transistor according to the electronic key circuit. Resistor R6 limits the base current of the transistor, and R7 is used to adjust the sound volume of the BA1 speaker. Capacitors C4-C6 and resistors R4, R5 form low-frequency filters that exclude the mutual influence of the generators on each other through the supply circuits. The device is powered by a 9 V GB1 battery.

Both high-frequency generators are assembled according to the schemes of single-ended multivibrators, with the operation of which you are already familiar (see "MK", \u200b\u200b1990, No. 1, "Six homemade products on one IC"). Resistors R1, R3 and capacitor C2 form the frequency setting circuit of the first generator, and R2 and C3 form a similar circuit of the second generator. The trimmer R1 is required to "equalize" the operating frequencies of both generators. The WA1 antenna is connected to the instrument via a blocking capacitor C1.

The theremin elements are placed on a 50X30 mm circuit board made of foil-clad getinax or fiberglass with a thickness of 1-2 mm (Fig. 3).

Figure: 3. Instrument mounting plate with layout.

The following parts are suitable for an electric musical instrument. Transistor - KT602AM (BM) or KT815, KT817, KT819 with any letter index. Oxide capacitors C4-C6 brand K53, the rest are small-sized ceramic, for example, KM5, KM6. Fixed resistors - VS, MLT, OMLT, C2-23, C2-33 with a power of 0.125 W, trimmer - SP3-1b, SP4-1b, variable - type SPO-0.25, SPO-0.5, SP1, SP2. Dynamic head - 0.5GDSH-2 or any other with a power of 0.1-0.5 W with a coil resistance of 4-8 Ohm. Toggle switch - small, brands PDM, MT1, MTD1. Power supply battery - "Corundum" or six disk accumulators with a voltage of 1.5 V (for example, SC-30).

The theremin parts are housed in a metal case of suitable dimensions. If this is not found, you can use any plastic box, having previously pasted over it from the inside with foil. The metal housing or foil must be electrically connected to the power supply common of the instrument. Antenna - copper or aluminum rod Ø 2-4 mm and 25-40 mm long - is mounted on the front panel of the case on a rubber or plastic insulator (Fig. 4). In addition, on the front panel there are a power switch, a variable resistor R7 equipped with a decorative handle, and a dynamic head; the “speaker” cone is covered with a thin colored fabric. On the side wall of the case there is a hole for the engine of the trimmer resistor R1. Installation connections are made with thin stranded wires in insulation.

Figure: 4. The appearance of the theremin.

With correct installation and serviceable parts, the tool starts working immediately after turning on the power. Setting it is reduced to setting the zero beat frequency of the generators. If, after turning on the power, there is no sound in the dynamic head, then there is no need for adjustment. If the sound appears by rotating the trimmer slider, make it disappear. After that, the theremin is ready to go.

It may happen that the sound of the EMP is unstable. In this case, play the melody by manipulating with one hand near the antenna, and with the other touching the metal parts of the case. If you used a plastic box covered with foil from the inside, then on its front panel you need to install a special metal plate approximately 20X20 mm in size, connecting it to the common power wire.

... Theremin was the world's first electric musical instrument. Over the decades that have passed since then, many new EMPs have been created, which is easy to see when looking, for example, at the equipment of a modern rock group. Electric organ, electric guitar, electric accordion, electronic drum kit - the list of musical instruments with the prefix "electro" can be continued. We will talk about some of them in the next issues.

The set includes a set of radio parts, from which you can assemble two devices: a simple musical electronic instrument "Theremin", the sound of which is controlled by approaching or moving the hand to the antenna, and "Metal detector", which is obtained as a result of a slight change in the design scheme. First, let's assemble the Thereminvox: the circuit consists of two independent generators on K561LE9 microcircuits, each of which contains three logical elements "3OR-NOT". The generator frequency is several hundred hertz. The frequency of the generator on DD2 (lower in the diagram) is set by the position of the variable resistor R2, the frequency of the generator on DD1 (upper) is fixed. The signals from the outputs of both generators (pin 10) are mixed through capacitors C4, C5 and fed to the input of the diode detector VD1, VD2 and then to the headphones. The human ear perceives sounds well in the frequency range of 20 - 20,000 hertz, so the signals generated by the generators cannot be heard in the headphones. When the frequency of the second generator approaches the first by several kilohertz, the detector begins to select the audio range of the sum or difference frequency. The signal heard in the headphones is the beats of the frequencies of the generators (a high-pitched sound appears in the headphones, decreases in frequency to zero and rises again until it disappears). The frequency of the first generator is fixed, but it is affected by the capacity of the antenna connected to the generator input through the capacitor C1. The approach / removal of the hand to the antenna changes its capacity and, accordingly, by a small amount the frequency of the generator, which is reflected in the sound in the headphones. The optimal position of the variable resistor is selected by listening to the sound in headphones and simultaneously moving the palm to and from the antenna. A small alteration will turn the Theremin into a Metal Detector - the antenna, capacitors C1, C2 and resistor R1 are removed from the circuit. Instead of C1, a jumper is installed (terminals 1,2,8 are connected with 6,11,12,13), and instead of R1, a coil L1 is installed and a capacitor C8 is installed in parallel to it. Setting up the Metal Detector consists in choosing the position of the variable resistor R2 precisely those beats of frequencies
in which the approach and removal of a metal object to the search coil will maximally change the tone of the signal heard in the headphones. Ferrous and non-ferrous metals in the coil area sound different. The common (ground) wire is not used in the headphone jack and plug. phone capsules are connected in series to increase load resistance.

Observe the pinout when installing the microcircuits into the sockets and the polarity when connecting the battery
to the diagram. Violation of these rules will result in exit
out of order microcircuits!

Content of radio constructor 034:
1. Microcircuits K561LE10 (2 pcs.),
2. Sockets for microcircuits (2 pcs.),
3. Circuit board,
4. Detector diodes D9 (2 pcs.),
5. Capacitors:
C1 - 390 pF,
C2, C3 - 15 pF (2 pcs.),
С4, С5, С7, С8 - 1n (4 pcs.),
C6 - 47 MKF,
6. Variable resistor R2 - 10k,
7. Plastic handle for variable resistor,
8. Fixed resistors:
R1 - 27k (Cr / F / Op),
R3 - 22k (Cr / Cr / Op),
9. Headphones (headphones),
10. Headphone jack,
11. Coil for metal detector (50 turns),
12. Power supply battery 9V,
13. Battery connector (red - plus),
14. Antenna wire,
15. Installation wires,
16. Scheme and description.

New Year's holidays are getting closer and more and more small gadgets are appearing on the market that could be great new year gift... It is clear that the best gift can be a small but very unusual electronic musical instrument. Especially if it's compact and relatively inexpensive.

Electronic musical instrument "Thereminvox mini" is sold on the website

On the website of the online store ThinkGeek for only $ 39.99 you can purchase an unusual musical instrument in all respects - the theremin mini.

A few words for those who have not yet come across such musical instruments. Theremin is an electro-musical instrument that you don't even need to touch. All you need to make sound is plug in the instrument and place your hands next to its antennas. The tone and volume of the sound are controlled by the position of your hand relative to the antenna.

The gadget is rather interesting as a gift or a toy, because this model is much smaller than real tools. But if you love original gadgets, then you will love this theremin. How the tool works can be seen in the videos at http://onegadget.ru/og/23110#more-23110. Despite the unusualness of this device, as it turned out, it has a very long history. It's very IT-friendly!

What is a theremin?
Thereminvox (lat.theremin or thereminvox) is an electric musical instrument created in 1918 by the Russian inventor Lev Sergeevich Termen. Playing the theremin consists in changing the distance from his hands to the instrument's antennas by the musician, due to which the capacitance of the oscillatory circuit and, as a consequence, the frequency of the sound change. The vertical straight antenna is responsible for the tone of the sound, the horizontal horseshoe - for its volume. To play the theremin, it is necessary to have a well-developed ear for music: while playing, the musician does not touch the instrument and therefore can fix the position of his hands relative to it, only relying on his ear.

The instrument is intended for the performance of any (classical, pop, jazz) musical works in professional and amateur musical practice, as well as for creating various sound effects (birds singing, whistling, etc.) that can be used in sounding films, in theatrical performances, circus programs.

Lev Theremin himself believed that the most successful work to demonstrate the capabilities of the theremin was "Vocalise" by S. Rachmaninoff.

Lev Theremin

He is called the father of electronic music, a resident of Soviet intelligence in America, a millionaire and an ingenious inventor. His biography can first be divided into several parts, and then, based on the content of each of these parts, a separate adventure novel can be composed. Many books have been written about him, but little is known for certain. His name was Lev Theremin.

Termen Lev Sergeevich (1896-1993) - Russian inventor, physicist, musician.

Creator of the world's first electronic musical instrument, the theremin (1919); one of the first television vision systems (1925); the world's first rhythm machine rhythmikon (1932); security alarm systems, automatic doors and lighting; the first and most advanced listening devices, etc.

The biography of Lev Termen can be found or

There are several varieties of theremin, differing in design.

Currently, there are both serial and artisan theremins, and there are also schools of playing on it.

The idea of \u200b\u200ba theremin was further developed in an instrument called the terpsiton, where the frequency and amplitude of the sound are determined by the change in the position of the performer's entire body.

Etherwave Theremin, assembled from parts by Robert Moog

Classic Scheme Instruments Classic Theremin
In the first, classical models, created by Leo Termen himself, sound control occurs as a result of the free movement of the performer's hands in an electromagnetic field near two metal antennas. The performer plays while standing. The pitch change is achieved by bringing your hand closer to the right antenna, while the volume is controlled by bringing your other hand closer to the left antenna.

It is this theremin model that has become the most widespread in the world. There are a number of companies that manufacture tools of this type.

The technique of playing this type of theremin was masterly mastered by one of Lev Theremin's first students - American Clara Rockmore and Lev Theremin's daughter Natalia Theremin.

Theremin Etherwave
The Etherwave theremin, designed by Robert Moog, is the world's most popular theremin constructor. You can easily build your own Etherwave from a custom set of parts. This does not require any special knowledge of electronics. In addition, Moog Music supplies assembled Etherwave series instruments in various modifications.

The main board is assembled and configured at the factory. The kit also includes nickel-plated antennas, a wooden case and an external power supply.

Theremin Classic

Theremin Classic, designed by Andrey Smirnov, built according to classic pattern theremin. Thanks to the use of modern element base, the tool is characterized by low weight, high stability and linearity of the working range, reliability and endurance. The use of the original circuitry allowed, while remaining within the framework of the classical design, to solve the problem of staccato and fast dynamics. The effective working range of the instrument is 6 octaves. Smooth tone control.

Theremin "T-vox tour"
Theremin "T-vox tour" was developed by the husband of the Russian theremin singer Lydia Kavina, George Pavlov was released in a limited edition. The instrument features an original timbre, a range of 8 octaves.

Barbara Bukhgolts, Lydia Kavina, Olesya Rostovskaya play on "T-VOX".

Olesya Rostovskaya, famous theremin performer

In 2006 year russian performer Lydia Kavina and Berlin performer Barbara Buchholz have jointly created the international project Touch! Don’t Touch !, within which four Russian and five German composers composed contemporary music for the theremin.

Alternative scheme of the Theremin Kowalski system
In the theremin system of Konstantin Kovalsky (the first performer and assistant Lev Theremin), the pitch is still controlled by the right hand, while the left hand controls the general characteristics of the sound using a button pad, the volume is controlled by the pedal. The performer plays while sitting.

Konstantin Kovalsky (1890–1976) himself masterly mastered the technique of playing this type of theremin.

This model was not as widespread as the classical theremin, nevertheless, the tradition continues thanks to K. Kovalsky's students and colleagues - L. Korolev and Z. V. Ranevskaya, who created their own school in Moscow.

Designer Lev Korolev (1930–2012) developed and improved the theremins of this system for many years. He also created an instrument - a kind of theremin - "Tershumfon", the sound of which was a narrow-band noise, with a pronounced pitch. L. Korolev created an optical indicator of the current note of the theremin - a visualizer.

The modern version of the theremin

Theremin virtual
There are also virtual analogues of the theremin, in the form of applications that are found mainly on smartphones and PDAs equipped with touch screens. The program of the Russian programmer Alexander Zolotov SunVox has this function as an additional one for quick testing (it is convenient to set several, for example, five to eight octaves on the screen) filters and other frequency-dependent elements of the instruments being created. Unfortunately, you cannot use this tool in the composition created in SunVox. The virtual theremin is a kind of coordinate graph, moving the stylus or your finger over which, you can extract sounds. Similar to using a real theremin, moving the screen horizontally changes the pitch, and moving vertically changes its volume.

However, using this mode on a PDA with a sufficiently high screen resolution (640 x 480), if the screen is split into 1 or 2 octaves, you can play and not only for fun. Practice shows that you can play vocal parts. Amplitude and frequency vibrato is used, which, by the way, gives expressiveness to the sound of a real theremin. It is convenient to enter two types of vibrato by making continuous movements with the stylus in a circle or ellipse.