Driving lessons

Real-time driving teaching. Simulator exercises "Snake

Who did not dream to learn how to drive a car? This is what many want: both boys and girls. You can understand them, after all, driving a car is a very useful skill and significantly simplifies life. If you have a car and you know how to drive it, then you can forget about crowded stuffy buses, trains, trams and more. You have a car, so you are free as the wind, go wherever you want and whenever you want. If there is a car, but no rights, then it is worthwhile to quickly correct this annoying moment, because a car without a driver is some kind of nonsense. Obtaining rights, of course, is not as easy as we would like, but it is possible. Doubt your strength? Then first practice on driving simulators, learn the rules and after that run to a driving school.

Driving: From Beginner To Pro

Surely at least once in your life have you ever driven a car, or maybe you didn’t just sit, but steadily control the car: press the pedals, turn the steering wheel, turn on the headlights? So a good driving simulator will allow you to remember those moments, for this you do not need to look for a real car, go somewhere, strain; you just need to choose the simulator that suits you personally and take advantage of all its advantages.

If you are a beginner and have not previously driven, content with a passenger seat, then choose a simulator easier, without any extra functions, they are unlikely to be useful to you at the initial stage, but they can confuse and frighten. And vice versa, if you have already “tested” a lot of simulators, you can not deny yourself anything and take everything from the genre.

Although, by and large, whatever the simulator, he has one task - to fully convey the driving atmosphere and teach you to feel confident behind the wheel. Training takes place in an easy manner, but still not without rules, for example, most tasks (park, turn around, overtake, call on a narrow bridge and so on) are limited in time, so take a raven and wait for help from somewhere outside not worth it. We got the task, got behind the wheel, drove off; did it - excellent, get a reward and take the next task; no - repeat attempts until victorious.

All your actions can be scored, for example, five is excellent, one is bad. Or a verdict may just be issued - did you manage or failed the exam. In any case, if something does not suit you, you want to consolidate the lesson or improve the result, then you can go through the tasks again. Gradually, the complexity of the lessons increases, less time is allotted, there are more cars on the roads and pedestrians. In general, you will really learn, and not just drive around the streets of the city and do whatever you want. And in the event that you fail more than three tasks, you can be kicked out of classes for poor progress.

With a car on “you”

You can start practicing virtual driving at any time at your convenience. Before this, you should seriously approach the choice of the simulator itself, a training car and a mode. Most often, driving lessons are offered at inexpensive, not very cool cars, but sometimes come across more interesting options. Trucks, jeeps, SUVs, scooters, motorcycles, ATVs also require training.

You will start with simple lessons and you will be able to understand why every detail in the cabin is needed. The first tasks will take place on a special platform for driving, and only after you successfully travel around it from all sides, you will be released into the city. At first, you will have to ride on an busy street with an instructor, although in some simulators they are forgotten, so you find yourself in splendid isolation. You will have a variety of tasks, starting with the elementary “get started”, “buckle up”, “pull off” and ending with complex overtaking and extreme driving.

Each successfully completed task will bring you a few coins or bills to the piggy bank (differently everywhere), as well as experience points, in fact, for the sake of them you study. If on a special site the maximum that threatens you is to crash into a plastic fence, then in the city you can fly into a car and knock down a pedestrian. So do not lose vigilance, look at both, do not be distracted by anything, do not risk from scratch. When you have enough experience, you, of course, will be able to cut off the arrogant drove, ride by your own rules, exceed and demonstrate your superiority in every way, but for now you are a green beginner.

Money earned in simulators can be spent on pumping your own skills (attentiveness, quick reaction in difficult situations, endurance) or on upgrading or buying a car. In the first case, you will be asked to repaint the body, change wheels, tires, wheels, upholstery, improve brakes, engine. In the second, much more money will be needed, because cars are not cheap, but new transport can be more powerful and faster.

The Internet has long overturned people's perceptions of learning. Now, to get an education at Harvard or Oxford, you do not need to apply for a visa, fly several thousand kilometers and rent housing. It is enough to have a computer, laptop or tablet. With their help, you can, along with other students, listen to lectures by professors and take exams.

Naturally, such a rapid development of training systems could not but affect the automotive industry. The time has come for boring cramming the rules for the textbook, now there are driving simulators.

A simulator is a program that can work both in a browser and from a hard drive. In the latter case, the future driver receives a more detailed schedule. Nevertheless, this is not a reason to abandon the online driving simulator.

The fact is that in order to learn the rules you do not need extremely complex graphics of well-thought out game mechanics. Simply put, here the main role is played by the realism of physics. When managing a virtual machine, you must be sure that it will behave the same on the road.

The benefits of modern driving simulators include authenticity. They can exactly repeat the streets of your hometown. You will not travel in a fictional metropolis, but in a very real Tambov or Moscow.

Attention! Typically, driving simulator map databases contain a limited list of cities available for exploration. But large cities are often there.

What you need to travel on the simulator

This question is asked by millions of novice motorists, because it is so tempting to learn to drive without tiring cramming for an exciting game. But not so simple.

It’s worth starting with the fact that there are different types of driving simulators, some of which are thought-out and logical training systems that gradually immerse the student in traffic rules. Others just throw the newcomer into the streets, and he can do whatever he wants there.

Therefore, you need to be extremely careful about the training course, moreover, a simple mouse and keyboard will not be enough for a complete immersion. Better spend some money and buy a steering wheel, pedals and gearbox. Now such a computer kit is not very expensive. At the same time, he pays for his value with interest.

With the help of the steering wheel you can feel a collision through vibration, not only that, you will have to exert a certain force for turns, and the ability to work with the gearbox costs a lot.

An ordinary mouse and keyboard will not make you a good driver. Rather, on the contrary, sitting behind a real wheel you will feel insecurity and fear. Many students try to save money and buy joysticks to complete the driving simulator. Believe me, this is not worth doing, because it is not with his help that you will control your vehicle?

A little about the training system

Now there are many skeptics who find driving simulators useless. Such people can be advised only one thing - talk with the pilots who spend dozens of hours behind the simulators, studying the highest aerobatics.

It all started back in the 70s. That's when driving simulators were first used military equipment. The main objective of the military was to reduce the risk of an accident due to inexperience or ineptitude of drivers.

The results exceeded all expectations. Within a few years, driving simulators were used at most military bases. This practice has made it possible to significantly increase the skills of pilots and drivers of military equipment with minimal costs and the preservation of human lives.

Attention! The main thing in a training system based on working with a driving simulator is constant practice. Without it, it doesn’t matter how much time you spend on the monitor; you won’t learn to drive.

When working with a driving simulator, clearly analyze the information that the system gives you. Reporting violations will allow you to correct your gaps in theory and succeed in this exam.

What can a driving simulator give

If you use this program correctly, then it will allow you to forget about the fear of driving. When using the steering wheel with each race you become more confident in yourself. In addition, modern driving simulators with 3-D graphics allow you to completely immerse yourself in the simulation.

The program fully reproduces the traffic situation, imitating not only the streets, but also traffic. Simply put, you can be cut or rammed on the road. It all depends on the degree of danger of the road and the level of difficulty. Other advantages of immersion in virtual reality include:

  1. Adjustable traffic intensity. With the movement of the mouse you can change the number of cars on the road. If you wish, you can remove them altogether and ride around the empty city for your pleasure.
  2. A huge number of various car models. You should already know that the control of each machine has its own characteristics. Modern driving simulators allow you to choose the car on which you practice in reality or will pass the exam.
  3. The system of electronic control over the player. In the program you will have your own traffic cop. Strict and incorruptible artificial intelligence without the slightest mistake will indicate your mistakes, which you can later correct.
  4. Electronic Rules Guide traffic. It is very convenient when in search of the necessary information there is no need to wool the Internet. Virtual manul is easy to use, and finding the necessary information in it is a matter of a few seconds.

As you can see, modern driving simulators have many advantages. By the way, they are also dynamically updated. Simply put, if another change to the traffic rules is accepted, the program will display this.

The main goal of the simulator

It is best to consider a driving simulator as a course of a young fighter.  It is very useful and allows you to overcome certain internal mental barriers, however, this is not a panacea. Nobody canceled the direct work with the instructor.

Scientists and psychologists have long proved that the highest results are obtained by the exchange of knowledge in a personal form. When you drive the roads of your city with an experienced instructor hour after hour, your driving skills grow much faster than on a simulator.

Important! With the help of a driving simulator you will not become a professional racer and will not gain any incredible skills.

Driving simulator is, first of all, an alternative to a textbook and an addition to it. With it, you will be able to master the complex rules of the road in a game form with little or no difficulty.

The best driving simulators

There are many simulators online that offer free driving instruction. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. Yes, and training systems are very different.

3D Car Driving Simulator 2

This 3D driving simulator has already managed to prove itself quite well, judging by the number of positive reviews. It provides novice drivers with a good level of graphics quality and fairly realistic game mechanics. Education is available in cities such as:

  • Moscow,
  • Minsk,
  • St. Petersburg,

These are just the main points. In fact, the list is quite wide. It has almost all the big cities. To start training, you do not need a top-end computer. This simulator has low system requirements, so almost everyone can take a virtual course.

City Driving Simulator

The program has great capabilities for fine-tuning. The real pleasure of using this driving simulator can be obtained only with the steering wheel and pedals.

Attention! On the keyboard, the control system is not very conveniently implemented.

This driving simulator will be useful for those who are just starting to learn. If this is your first time driving, then you simply cannot find a more useful program. You will not only be able to consolidate the knowledge of traffic rules in practice, but also gain confidence in your abilities.

This driving simulator is extremely simple. There are no tasks forcing a player to travel around the city doing something. All you need is to confidently turn the steering wheel, shift gears and be attentive to signs on the road. The program has three levels of training:

  • cadet
  • beginning,
  • experienced.

The main advantage of this driving simulator is its excellent training system, which involves a gradual increase in complexity. Simply put, to jump over the level will not work. That is why this program will not be interesting for more experienced students.

It’s not possible to go to a new level just because of the rolled hours in this driving simulator. It is necessary to pass a special exam, including tests on knowledge of theory. You will also need to demonstrate certain practical skills.

This driving simulator can be very useful in the future when doing exercises such as:

  • the snake
  • parallel parking
  • slide.

Everything is done very realistically. Therefore, after working with a driving simulator, it will be easier for you to repeat everything learned in practice. In the process, a virtual instructor will help you. AI will give recommendations on how to perform this or that exercise.

In addition to all of the above, a virtual instructor in the driving simulator will give you a rating after each exercise. The program will definitely not let you get bored.

ADrive 1.6 is considered one of the best driving simulators. He develops driving thinking, and also teaches to notice signs on roads even in the most unexpected places. The program consists of three main components:

  1. Management training.
  2. Virtual driving.
  3. Crossroads.

If you rely on numerous reviews online, this driving simulator has helped many people pass driving exams. This is not surprising, because the program recreates the classic exam with almost one hundred percent certainty.

As a result, after several sleepless nights of passing the exam in this driving simulator, you gain psychological confidence in your abilities. In addition, the program helps to hone already acquired skills and work out especially difficult moments for you.

In the driving simulator, you are given a choice of a certain number of routes that are most often chosen by examiners. Of course, each location is tied to a specific city.

When passing a route in a driving simulator, you are given the opportunity to commit three violations or create one emergency. After this, the exam will be considered failed. But you can still continue to the end.


Driving simulators allow you to learn driving with much greater efficiency. The main thing is to approach this process with due responsibility and acquire the necessary accessories like steering wheel, pedals and gearbox.

Simulator exercises "Snake"

Simulator exercises "Snake"

  To control the movement of the car in the online simulator, use the arrow keys; to look back, press the space bar The online simulator is intended only to get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to observe the trajectory of movement while in the car using rear-view mirrors.

The snake is the very first exercise that is practiced when driving training in a driving school, this exercise is also one of the control when passing the exam in the traffic police.

Requirements for a candidate for drivers when performing the exercise "Snake".

Job candidate for drivers

  1. At the command of the examiner, the candidate for drivers must: take a place in the car; prepare for the move; start the engine.
  2. At the command of the examiner, the candidate for drivers must perform: starting off at the starting gate; movement along a given trajectory; stop in front of the STOP line.
  3. After stopping the vehicle, the candidate for drivers must: switch on neutral gear; apply the parking brake; switch off the engine; leave the vehicle.

Actions of examiners.

The examiner monitors the correctness of the assignment using the checklist and puts a mark for the exercise. During the exercise, the examiner controls the “snake” and stop zones, and his assistant controls the start zone.

Performance technique

  1. When approaching the “start” line, try to position the car perpendicular to it. If we get into the car located in front of the “start” line, pay attention to what angle the front wheels are turned, if necessary, after landing in the car, put them in the direction of travel by turning the steering wheel.
  2. Make sure that the car is started before the start of the exercise, is on the hand brake, your landing in the car is comfortable and contributes to the full control of the car.
  3. Start moving. Gently release the clutch pedal, start the movement and immediately turn our attention to the initial trajectory of the car (correctly, if the car crosses the start line at a right angle, this allows you to have free space in order to avoid the control chips). As soon as the movement starts, start working with the wheel - turn the steering wheel all the way to the left and wait until the middle of the car crosses the center line on which the racks are installed.

    Suppose your car has a different trajectory than ideal:

      The car begins to move and deviates from the control post, which must be bypassed, to the right. Your actions - the speed of the car is the smallest (you can also turn the steering wheel on a standing car) a sharp turn of the steering wheel to the left side and wait for the car to enter an acceptable trajectory. The car begins to move and deviates from the control post, which must be bypassed, to the left side. Your actions are again, the vehicle’s speed is the smallest, depending on the initial steering angle, we very smoothly turn the steering wheel (if necessary) to the right and move until the car reaches the necessary path, after that the steering wheel to the left and continue to exercise.
  4. Roundabout. As soon as the car begins to move the center line on which the racks are installed, we are preparing to bypass the first control rack, the front right door is aligned with the rack - we start to turn the steering wheel to the right (remember the direct dependence of the steering speed on the speed of the car). With the correct trajectory of the car, the steering wheel must be turned quickly and completely. We go around the first pole and again approach the center line.
  5. Detour of the second rack. We go around the first rack and again approach the center line. We are preparing for a change in the trajectory of the car, as soon as the car begins to move the center line, on which the racks are installed, we change the trajectory of the car, turn the steering wheel quickly left to the stop.

    When bypassing the control racks, constantly pay attention to the location of the car inside the overall corridor. The ideal trajectory is unattainable. Competent passage of the snake lies in the ability to use the free space of the overall corridor and to predict the trajectory of the car, depending on its speed and speed of the wheel.

  6. Detour of the third and fourth racks  similar to the passage of the first and second control racks.
  7. End of exercise. We go around the fourth rack so that the car moves towards the stop line.


  • The car must stop in front of the stop line (front bumper must not cross the stop line)
  • The car must not protrude beyond the boundaries of the overall corridor
  • after stopping the car, it is necessary to shift the gearbox to neutral, put the car on the hand brake



The checklist is taken from the methodology for conducting qualification exams for obtaining the right to drive vehicles. Approved by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on 09.08.2001

Summary:  to successfully complete this exercise, you must learn to control the speed of the car, measure the steering angle with the speed of the car, constantly predict the trajectory of the car.

Performing exercises on the online simulator

The exercise on the online simulator occurs in a similar way, given that you have only a computer keyboard at your disposal, so you cannot practice using the controls of this car. The online simulator is intended only to get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to observe the trajectory of movement while in the car using rear-view mirrors.

Good day to all experienced motorists! Hello and those who are just thinking about going to a driving school, today's publication is dedicated to you! To be more precise, we’ll talk about modern tools that will help hone your driver’s skill, as well as gain long-awaited confidence while driving. After all, every experienced motorist knows that it is impossible to coward on the road, in any case, something will probably happen that is amiss - checked personally! The simulator for driving a car will recreate problematic situations for you, allowing you to conduct a fruitful training. That is, fill virtual bumps before a real game.

Despite the fact that this type of technology provides the future driver with a practice that best matches the real situation on the roadway, not everyone appreciates it from a positive side. Drivers of the old school perceive innovation exclusively as a video game, although by and large they are not able to evaluate its effectiveness, since at the time of their youth such technologies did not smell. Young people, on the contrary, are enthusiastic about this practice, praising the driving simulator right and left. What generation of drivers is reasoning correctly? Now we will discuss the subject of the dispute, after which, I hope everyone will understand who the winner is.

The device of the "virtual car"

At first glance, a computer simulator is a common set of attributes for a PC, which includes:

  • Actually, the computer itself;
  • Three monitors - a windshield;
  • Steering wheel;
  • Manual Transmission;
  • Standard amount of pedal;
  • Software.

I know, it really reminds a set of a young gamer, but you should not be misled. A driving simulator will definitely help you realize your role in the rapid urban traffic due to high detail, which is no worse than the famous Need for Speed \u200b\u200b"race car". Moreover, residents of the metropolis can download software with maps of their region (and completely free of charge), which will greatly enhance the effect of training. It’s easier to learn on your native streets! By the way, on the Internet, you can also find online versions of car simulators, which will significantly save installation time.

The excellent quality of the picture viewed through the virtual windshield, with the real arrangement of things, will contribute to the speedy study of existing routes, where you can meet signs of traffic, markings, traffic lights and, of course, other traffic participants, just like in the real carriageway.

There are also full-fledged installations for learning to drive a car using the latest 3D technology. Naturally, they are much more effective than their "flat counterparts", but the price that manufacturers of specialized equipment break practically excludes the purchase of the system by an ordinary Russian. However, the high cost of the unit did not prevent the purchase of such computer installations in many driving schools in the country and this cannot but rejoice, because the level of driver intelligence in our country will certainly grow with their help, I am absolutely convinced of this!

Driving simulator features

Virtual driving helps the student to select a variety of nuances during certain maneuvers, tests and tasks are provided for this. Passing them, the fear of another turn or overtaking will disappear. Experts highlight the following advantages of virtual exercise machines:

  • The voluminous world around us: the road (thank God without pits), cars, buildings - all at the highest level.
  • Ability to adjust the intensity of movement.
  • The choice between mechanical and automatic transmission.
  • The prompter, who is armed with the official version of the SDA (can be found in the help section), plays the role of a traffic inspector.

Of course, the most important thing for us is that after such an unrealistic driving from a monitor, my own car in the garage was left without a single scratch.

What will the practice on a driving simulator give?

But to be serious, the main thing is the gained experience and skills. “Skills?” You ask. Yes, dear friends, that’s it. Probably the most difficult technique for beginners, which is the process of starting the movement (most novice drivers stumbled on an even combination of "gas" and "clutch"), you can hone it in a virtual machine without any problems. It’s right, why torment the real! The car simulator will not stop there, with it you will learn:

  • The device controls and the proper use of them.
  • Reversing.
  • Gear Shift Procedure.
  • Different methods of braking.
  • Examination tickets from the base of the traffic police.

In other words, the virtual simulator is capable of effectively preparing the future student of a driving school, after which the basic manipulations with the vehicle control units will be brought to automaticity.

In conclusion, I would again turn to experienced drivers. Comrades, “experienced”, I hope you can recognize your own mistakes, because in this case the saying “everything is new is well forgotten old” is inappropriate. I’ll give you future conquerors of domestic freeways, I will give you advice. When traveling around the city, take the prompts of the program very seriously; you should not perceive a voice from afar for a real car inspector. All warnings come with the aim of teaching, not robbing. On this major note and finish! Good luck in learning, we will be glad to see you on the roads of our native country!

Ever heard of a simulator? This article will talk about this thing and about whether, in general, is it worth mastering an online simulator, and what will it give? Some believe that such a simulator is an unreliable thing and will only spoil everything, since you need to learn in real conditions. Others, on the contrary, argue that simulators significantly increase driving skills, making our reaction faster. Let's figure it out.

Mastering a driving simulator for the purpose and features of the ride is certainly useful. Although to become a professional driver, working only on this simulator is impossible. You will still have to study the techniques and special rules that are given in a driving school.

What is it and why disputes arose

So. The young generation of drivers who grew up on computer games, know about the simulator firsthand. From childhood, they trained driving skills, playing various races and chases. But can they get real online training and become a good driver? The game is one thing, the real situation is another. That's the question.

Drivers of the old school will not answer such a question. For them, learning to drive online is tantamount to learning to swim in an empty pool, without water and practical training. But let's find out what a simulator is?

The latest and most developed is considered a simulator. safe driving and 3D compliance. This tutorial, or simulator (whoever wants to understand it) is designed to study and strengthen knowledge of the rules of the road. Also, first of all, he develops the driver’s thinking - one that must be used as part of driving on a road or highway. The simulator teaches how to pass without intersections, road markings, traffic lights, etc.

The developers of this simulator apparatus themselves say that it can be used as a supplement. And there are such innovators who, in general, say that soon because of these programs, training in driving schools will not be needed. We will see.

So far, the simulator helps to study quite well the roads along which you will have to pass an examination for driving licenses in the traffic police, and develops, as mentioned above, driver's thinking.

So does it really help? The question is rhetorical, since each person is a mystery and has his own individual perception. What immediately becomes clear to one driver is a problem for another. Recall a shot from the movie “Taxi”, where Emilien can’t pass the driving test in any way, although everything turns out perfectly on the same simulator. What is this talking about? About the same - the individuality of each person.

Okay, let's not get distracted from the topic. But no one says that training on a simulator makes a person. As it was written above, the program developers themselves claim that this is just an addition.

See here how it works:

The real track is exactly the same. Even in turns, the car comes believably. Interesting, right? Let those who believe that this is nonsense, watch this video. Everything is as close as possible to the real situation. Cool? Not that word!

The main goal of the simulator and a little philosophy

So. The simulator as such is not intended to make a professional driver out of a young man. This does not cause any quarrels and disputes. Both sides agree with this: a conservatively tuned, mostly more adult category of drivers and representatives of the younger generation, developers and all those who believe that progress does not stand still and should not stand.

Driving simulator in the first place - this. It’s like a young fighter’s course for a novice driver, and not a way to learn how to twist a wheel professionally. Maybe even more means of psychological preparation of young people for real trips to the road.  The program is endowed with all these advantages and benefits, and this should not be underestimated.

If even for an experienced driver of mature years, who knows the rules of driving like the back of his hand, the program does not give anything, you still can’t write it off.

On the video - driving training on a simulator:

Why? No one disputes the fact that an individual can learn well and quickly directly from another person. An information connection arises between them, and the learning process is much faster. For the same purpose, schools, higher educational institutions, etc. were invented. But even in this case, since the time of V.I. Lenin, there have always been methods of distance learning and the ability to take exams externally.

No one argues that the valuable information received by a student or schoolchild was learned at lectures or in the process of practical activity, when a person became a scientist or someone else. But you can’t forget about the hours when he pored over textbooks at home, studying the system and trying to find his own individual approach to science.

And why go so far? Psychologists themselves, novice drivers and all those who are familiar with the simulator, as one argue that the simulator is able to eliminate uncertainty and remove the fear of driving a vehicle. Why? Yes, because it really reproduces the road situation. A 3D-simulator, the video of the ride on which was given above, and even better, it represents the real situation.

What gives the simulator

Now consider the features that a driving simulator is capable of giving. No matter how hard it was to be convinced, this is a real and three-dimensional display of the road situation. These are not just words. Today, simulators are already appearing that display real cities with their roads, traffic lights and intersections. Everything in such a 3D space reflects the real world, and all this was invented in order to develop a dynamic driving stereotype. The driver, as it were, automates the skills that he will apply in real life.

In addition, any driving simulator is able to train the driver, giving him the ability to adjust the intensity of movement. This will help to train not only novice motorists on the simulator-simulator, but also drivers with some experience. The traffic intensity in this case may imply not only the variable speed of the cars moving nearby, but also driving along a street completely free from movement or, conversely, in a traffic jam.

The simulator makes it possible to control models of different cars, which in practice is not always possible. This gives the skills that the driver will later need when he transfers from one vehicle to another. The fact that even an experienced driver is difficult to do this will be confirmed by experienced drivers.

On the video - bus driving simulator:

Traffic Laws. They can be studied by actually moving in the city. And again, maybe it depends on the age psychology, young people thus master the canons faster and, most importantly, with pleasure!

Today, an online driving simulator is used by masses of boys and even girls, without suspecting it. They play games, changing the mouse and keyboard to a special steering wheel, get real pleasure and learn to drive so fast that an adult can only dream. The mystery of the human brain has not yet been solved, and we still do not know what we can achieve if we want. Maybe the driving simulator is the beginning of the progress of all mankind, when you can control the car without leaving your house and putting your clone in the car. Who knows what awaits us in the future?