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Artur Janibekyan family. Artur Janibekyan - biography and personal life. KVN team “New Armenians”

The wives of popular showmen are usually in the shadow of their talented husbands. But not Elina Dzhanibekyan, the wife of Artur Dzhanibekyan, CEO of the TNT TV channel and head of the Gazprom-Media Entertainment Television sub-holding. This stately Armenian woman dreamed of becoming an actress since childhood. On December 1, her dream finally came true: on the stage of the Moscow state theater On the stage, the premiere of the play “Oh, women!”, In which Elina played the main role, took place. She told PEOPLETALK how she was able to make her dream come true.

You play the main role in the play “Oh, women!” at the Variety Theatre. Tell us about this project.

"Oh women!" - a performance of four one-act plays by the classics of world literature. These are English lyrical comedy, Italian tragicomedy, French farce and Soviet melodrama. Different countries, temperaments and situations associated, of course, with the relationship between men and women. There are four different female roles in this performance, and literally in a matter of seconds I have to transform from an English simpleton into a Soviet-era “kikimora”, from a fool into a hysteric, and the like ... The director of the performance, Mikhail Borisovich Borisov, staged it at the Yermolova Theater many years ago. During this time, many different actresses played in it. But we came up with the idea that all the female roles would be played by one actress. A difficult task was set. I am a self-critical person, sometimes I criticize myself very harshly, but I was aware of the responsibility I was taking on myself, and I really hoped that everything would work out for me.

The performance "Oh, women!" – your first acting project in a long time, how did you feel after returning to the stage?

Going on stage with a new performance was scary. We rehearsed for a long time, but did not know how the material would be received. I was very worried, but the excitement passes when you see the reaction of the audience, their smiles, emotions, joy. A happy viewer is the best praise.

Elina Janibekyan

How did your family react to your decision to take part in a theater project?

I have a large family, and everyone was quite supportive of my desire to play on stage. The only person who needed to be persuaded was my husband. We had to go for a long time to the fact that I can be not only a mother, wife, hostess, but also a theater actress who can adequately play on stage.

Why are you interested in this project?

For me, the stage is an adrenaline rush, an incomparable feeling that you get when you are alone with the audience. And I always wanted to be an actress, I wanted to play in the comedy genre, to make the viewer laugh and delight, so that he would receive absolutely positive emotions, relax, laugh and leave happy. At the same time, there have never been actors in our family: my grandfather was the first oncologist of the Republic of Armenia. Grandmother is a gynecologist, father is a dentist, mother is a nurse. The dynasty of doctors was interrupted for me and my brother, because we cannot stand even the sight of blood!

How did you get interested in art?

Since childhood, I have been in love with the stage and everything connected with it. I got my very first acting experience back in kindergarten. There were trainees in our group who put on Little Red Riding Hood. I got this role and was the only child in the production of adults. And I have visited all dance mugs who were just in Yerevan, and I really liked it. At the age of 12, I was accepted into the "Theater of Dance and Soul" under the direction of Sophie Devoyan, and I became one of the soloists. We toured a lot, but my most vivid memory is my solo dance at the Cairo Opera House. At the age of 16, the dance part of my life was interrupted, as I met my future husband, and he did not really welcome my dancing. A year later, we got married and moved to live in Moscow. In Moscow, I entered the institute, because I needed to get a higher education. I bought a guide to universities at the Book House on Novy Arbat and chose the Russian International Academy of Tourism. It was not difficult to enter, as I knew languages ​​​​and passed the exams without difficulty. But studying there did not inspire me. After graduation and much persuasion, I received my husband's permission to try to enter GITIS. Now I understand that he hoped for my failure. Result: the second higher education that one could dream of: the pop faculty of GITIS, the course of Mikhail Borisovich Borisov, the head of the course, the graduation performance in the top eight students, the solo vocal and dance number in the graduation concert and a red diploma. But for me, the process itself, emotions and the realization that I was finally doing what I loved was important.

Elina Janibekyan

What are your good habits? And harmful?

I don't have good habits. (Laughs.) And there are plenty of harmful ones. For example, I do not go in for sports, although I understand that this is bad, that I am a mother of three children, I need to take care of my health. I have never exhausted myself with strict diets. If I feel like eating candy or a piece of cake, I will. Of course, I can limit myself in something, if I understand that I have gained extra pounds. For example, during the last pregnancy she recovered by as much as 25 kg! But she coped with them herself, without resorting to a hunger strike, thanks to mom and dad for genetics. It's a terrible habit to be late. As far as I know myself, I struggle with it as best I can, so far without much success.

What performances do you go to? What are your favorites?

I love the theater very much, but I prefer to go to "tested material". He is advised by people who are well versed in the arts, whose theatrical taste I trust. For example, recently in New York, which is noteworthy, we got to the amazing play "Shukshin's Stories", in which wonderful actors Chulpan Khamatova (41), Yulia Peresild (32) and Evgeny Mironov (50) play. I liked him. I also love ballet. I went to the Giselle ballet six times, and the last time I took my daughter with me. She also really liked it, and, despite the age of five, she watched all the action and shouted “bravo”. She probably inherited her love for ballet from me. I love it when everything in the theater is beautiful, enchanting, solemn and tasteful.

Do you have any special hobbies?

I love doing things with my hands. For example, I have a whole collection of headbands hand made. I can buy a thing only because I want to remake or decorate it. It can be hats, dresses and so on. Among other things, I myself was engaged in repairs in our house, without resorting to the services of designers. I studied this issue thoroughly. So, if someone needs to tell the width of the plinth or choose the right color according to the table, I can help. (Laughs.)

Who today does not know about the Comedy Club project? The artists who take part in this program are idols for millions - for residents of both Russia and the CIS countries. The author of this grandiose project is Artur Dzhanibekyan, one of the most successful Russian producers. Of course, to achieve such heights in Russian show business, he had to go through long haul up the career ladder.

Artur Janibekyan: biography and origin

The famous Artur Otarievich from the very day of his birth was distinguished by originality. It turns out that he was born on the rarest day of the year, or rather on the day that occurs only once every four years - February 29th. His parents did not want to change the date of birth of their son and write down his metrics in the “date of birth” column on February 28 or March 1 (as many who find themselves in such a situation do), but left everything as it is.

So, in the producer's birth certificate it is written that Dzhanibekyan Artur Otarievich was born on February 29, 1976 in the USSR, in the capital of the Armenian SSR, the city of Yerevan. Parents: father - Otari Dzhanibekovich Akopyan, mother - Ella Eduardovna Akopyan. As you can see, not everything here is the same as everyone else! If you notice, Arthur's parents have the surname Hakobyan, and he - Dzhanibekyan. It turns out that according to the old Armenian tradition, the grandson is given either the name of the grandfather or the surname after the name of the ancestor, adding the ending “yan” to it. Artur's grandfather's name was Dzhanibek, and therefore it was decided that from now on the boy would walk through life not with his father's surname - Hakobyan, but as Dzhanibekyan.

By the way, this surname in Armenia is borne by a dynasty of talented theater and filmmakers. Perhaps it was she who put an imprint on the further fate of Arthur, in whose family no one ever had anything to do with these types of art. Artur Dzhanibekyan's father was a high-ranking party official in Soviet times, and his mother was a dentist.

Childhood and youth

In 1983, Artur Dzhanibekyan went to one of the Yerevan Russian schools. He studied with pleasure, but was a big naughty and prankster. He had an excellent memory and had extraordinary mathematical abilities. In addition, the boy was eloquent and inventive, and even in his school years he played in the KVN team. After school, he entered the Faculty of Economics of the Yerevan State University.

KVN team “New Armenians”

In 1993, Artur Janibekyan, together with a group of like-minded people, decided to create the New Armenians KVN team. Initially, the team was called "Relatives from Yerevan". The debut of the team on the Russian stage took place in the southern capital of our country - in Sochi. The guys from Armenia, with their humor and resourcefulness, were able to conquer the audience and the authoritative jury, after which they got into the First League of KVN.

For a whole year (from 1994 to 1995), the team, which was renamed "New Armenians", played in the seasons of the 1st League, and after becoming a finalist, went to the Premier League. Thus, the guys from Armenia (including the now famous producer comedy club A. Dzhanibekyan) became widely known in Russia and up until 1998, the “New Armenians” played in the major league of KVN, had many victories and defeats, but left, becoming the owners of the 1998 summer cup.

Carier start

In 1999, Artur Dzhanibekyan graduated and said goodbye to playing KVN. He needed to decide what to do next. And so he, like some of the guys in his team, decided to try himself in Russian show business, but not as an actor and performer, but as a producer. In addition, he really wanted to use his knowledge of an economist and help his friends, creative people, improve their financial situation.

He went to Moscow. Thanks to the connections established during performances in KVN, he got a job at a new entertainment channel STS creative producer. In 2000, he became the producer of the "New Armenian Radio" program, and a year later - the co-producer of an entertaining TV show on the STS channel "Good evening with I. Ugolnikov." Arthur considers these projects failed and does not like to think about them.

"Comedy club"

In 2003, Artur Dzhanibekyan and his teammates (Artashes Artur Tumasyan, Garik Martirosyan and others) founded one of the most successful projects on Russian television in the last decade. This program was launched on TNT channel. It was a completely new comedy genre, which was an alternative for both KVN and Full House. Later, in 2007, Arthur founded his production center Comedy Club Production.

Popular recognition

In the same year when KKP was founded, Artur Dzhanibekyan was elected Man of the Year in the nomination “Producer of the Year” according to “JK” magazine. A year later, he founded a new round-the-clock television channel Comedy TV. In 2012, Artur received the "Media Manager of Russia - 2012" award. By this time, he managed to start a family. His wife, the beautiful Elina Dzhanibekyan, is a creative person who graduated from GITIS. Today, two kids are growing up in their family: son Narek and daughter Eva.

commercial activity

At the end of 2009, A. Janibekyan's company, together with the Tashir Corporation, founded the Comedy Cafe chain. He also owns another network of Jazzve coffee houses in Yerevan, in the south of the Russian Federation, in Los Angeles. He is the owner of the ATV channel on Armenian television, as well as a co-owner of the Seven Art company, which produces the youth series Univer and Interns. In 2011, the most grandiose deal on Russian television was carried out: Artur Dzhanibekyan (photo - in the article) sold KKP to the TNT television network. As a result of the deal, he received $350 million. Today, one of the most successful Russian producers is Dzhanibekyan Artur. His fortune is estimated at about half a billion dollars.


Artur Dzhanibekyan's creative work includes many comedy projects, serials, comedy films. Here is an incomplete list:

  • "Killer League"
  • "Our Russia".
  • "The best movie".
  • "Laughter without rules."
  • "Our Russia: Eggs of Destiny".
  • "Univer".
  • "Interns".
  • "Killer night".
  • "Show News".
  • "Comedy Women".
  • "House 2".
  • "Destroyers of proverbs".
  • "Two Antons".
  • "Killer Evening"
  • "Nezlobin and Gudkov".
  • "Ideal man".
  • "Comedy Battle".
  • “The best movie - 2”.
  • “The best movie - 3” in 3D.


Artur Janibekyan is today one of the most successful people belonging to the world of television. One can only admire the flight of his imagination and the power of his mind. The story of his career can serve as an example for many young people who want to reach the same heights as the legendary Comedy Club producer. Today he lectures and shares his knowledge and experience with young people at the Skolkovo training center. However, he considers his greatest achievement to be able to gather such a powerful team of professionals around him, and he calls his friends the greatest pride in life, who have always been there and with whom it is easy to overcome any difficulties in life.

Thank you for the make-up and hairstyle of the heroine of the masters of the network of salons Prive7.

Do you have family traditions?

Since all our relatives are in Yerevan, we usually either go to Armenia for the holidays, or meet somewhere and spend time together, being together is our main tradition!

Judging by your figure, it is very difficult to say that you are really a mother of three! How do you do it?

I love different sweets and other things that are forbidden for the figure. During the third pregnancy, she recovered by almost 25 kg, but then she quickly got into shape. Of course, I can say that this is a genetic predisposition, but also, as an adequate person, I understand that this advantage only works up to a certain age and genetics alone can no longer cope. You need to start exercising and watch your diet!

In general, this is very difficult for me, because I absolutely do not know how to deny myself food! Of course, there is no logic in this, but I can sit on a diet all day, and then at night I can get a pack of some sweets and .... But, I can say that after the self-flagellation done, I will not suffer, because the main thing is to enjoy life, and if this pack of harmful sweets brought me joy in the night, then I won’t scold myself for it later. After all, this is my only bad habit! 🙂

- Don't tell anyone how old you are, you don't look your age at all!

I do not hide my age and I am happy that at 35 I already have three children. And you can always look young, if you do not overdo it with cosmetics. By at least, I have so. 🙂

Well, if a person is ugly from the inside, then no matter how hard they try, no matter how hard they try to hide it with makeup or something else, nothing will work, one way or another it will manifest itself somewhere, because the most important thing is the beauty of the heart, and the rest is details!

- Tell us about the traditions of raising children in your family.

The most important thing is that children understand that the family is the most important thing and that they should be close to each other throughout their lives, always support and be the closest people to each other.

- What are your plans for children?

Our daughter is very creative, she sings wonderfully, draws well, invents a variety of dresses for dolls and, like a mother, wants to play in the theater. Let's see what can come of it! She started first grade this year.

- Tell us about your sons?

The eldest son is 12 years old, he is a mathematician! He is also fond of geopolitics: he learned the position of all countries on the map and loves to discuss this topic. Definitely my dad's son and looks a lot like him. We are friends with him, he is already a head taller than me, and sometimes it seems to me that he is my brother, not my son! And the youngest in our family is the most mischievous. A real gentleman and macho. He is incredibly happy and loves everyone. Always shares these feelings with people. I am calm for my sons: our dad is engaged in their upbringing, and I know that everything will be fine!

- Tell us about you and about fashion.

Still, when a person is creative, it manifests itself in all his actions, decisions and deeds. Madly in love with redoing things and get great pleasure from this process! I can buy an expensive dress or, on the contrary, something quite inexpensive and remake it beyond recognition. For me, there is no such thing as a "must have". I always choose things that I see myself in, and no fashion can force me to wear something that I don’t like, but is a must have.

- Do you somehow instill taste in children?

When my daughter was born, I sewed headbands with bows for her, different hats for each outfit. My friends and I laughed that when she could already speak, she would demand torn jeans and sneakers instead of dresses.))

But this did not happen, until the age of five, Eva wore only floor-length dresses and kept asking: “Mom, I want a dress to the shoes!” Now, of course, it is not so, and thank God. Everything has its time. For sons, it doesn’t matter at all what they are wearing, especially for the eldest, for him the main principle is “to be comfortable”!

The wives of popular showmen are usually in the shadow of their talented husbands. But just not, the wife of the general director of the TV channel TNT and head of the sub-holding "Gazprom-media Entertainment TV" Artur Dzhanibekyan. This stately Armenian woman dreamed of becoming an actress since childhood. On December 1, her dream finally came true: on stage Moscow State Variety Theater premiere of the play "Oh women!" in which Elina played a major role. She said PEOPLETALK How did you make your dream come true.

You are the main character in the play. "Oh women!" V Variety theater. Tell us about this project.

"Oh women!" - a performance of four one-act plays by the classics of world literature. These are English lyrical comedy, Italian tragicomedy, French farce and Soviet melodrama. Different countries, temperaments and situations associated, of course, with the relationship between men and women. There are four different female roles in this performance, and literally in a matter of seconds I have to transform from an English simpleton into a Soviet-era “kikimora”, from a fool into a hysteric, and the like ... The director of the play, Mikhail Borisovich Borisov, staged it in Yermolova Theater many years ago. During this time, many different actresses played in it. But we came up with the idea that all the female roles would be played by one actress. A difficult task was set. I am a self-critical person, sometimes I criticize myself very harshly, but I was aware of the responsibility I was taking on myself, and I really hoped that everything would work out for me.

Play "Oh women!"– your first acting project in a long time, how did you feel after returning to the stage?

Going on stage with a new performance was scary. We rehearsed for a long time, but did not know how the material would be received. I was very worried, but the excitement passes when you see the reaction of the audience, their smiles, emotions, joy. A happy viewer is the best praise.

How did your family react to your decision to take part in a theater project?

I have a large family, and everyone was quite supportive of my desire to play on stage. The only person who needed to be persuaded was my husband. We had to go for a long time to the fact that I can be not only a mother, wife, hostess, but also a theater actress who can adequately play on stage.

Why are you interested in this project?

For me, the stage is an adrenaline rush, an incomparable feeling that you get when you are alone with the audience. And I always wanted to be an actress, I wanted to play in the comedy genre, to make the viewer laugh and delight, so that he would receive absolutely positive emotions, relax, laugh and leave happy. At the same time, there have never been actors in our family: my grandfather was the first oncologist of the Republic of Armenia. Grandmother is a gynecologist, father is a dentist, mother is a nurse. The dynasty of doctors was interrupted for me and my brother, because we cannot stand even the sight of blood!

How did you get interested in art?

Since childhood, I have been in love with the stage and everything connected with it. I got my very first acting experience in kindergarten. In our group there were interns who set "Little Red Riding Hood". I got this role and was the only child in the production of adults. And I also attended all the dance clubs that were only in Yerevan and I really liked it. At the age of 12 I was accepted into "Theatre of dance and soul" under the direction of Sophie Devoyan and I became one of the soloists. We toured a lot, but my most vivid memory is my solo dance at the Cairo Opera House. At the age of 16, the dance part of my life was interrupted, as I met my future husband, and he did not really welcome my dancing. A year later, we got married and moved to live in Moscow. In Moscow, I entered the institute, because I needed to get a higher education. I bought a guide to universities in "House of the book" on New Arbat and chose Russian International Academy of Tourism. It was not difficult to enter, as I knew languages ​​​​and passed the exams without difficulty. But studying there did not inspire me. After graduation and much persuasion, I received my husband's permission to try to enter GITIS. Now I understand that he hoped for my failure. Outcome: the second higher education that one could dream of: pop faculty GITIS, well Mikhail Borisovich Borisov, head of the course, graduation performance in the top eight students, solo vocal and dance number in the graduation concert and a red diploma. But for me, the process itself, emotions and the realization that I was finally doing what I loved was important.

What are your good habits? And harmful?

I don't have good habits. ( laughing.) And there are plenty of harmful ones. For example, I do not go in for sports, although I understand that this is bad, that I am a mother of three children, I need to take care of my health. I have never exhausted myself with strict diets. If I feel like eating candy or a piece of cake, I will. Of course, I can limit myself in something, if I understand that I have gained extra pounds. For example, during the last pregnancy she recovered by as much as 25 kg! But she coped with them herself, without resorting to a hunger strike, thanks to mom and dad for genetics. It's a terrible habit to be late. As far as I know myself, I struggle with it as best I can, so far without much success.

Thank you for the make-up and hairstyle of the heroine of the masters of the network of salons Prive7.

Do you have family traditions?

Since all our relatives are in Yerevan, we usually either go to Armenia for the holidays, or meet somewhere and spend time together, being together is our main tradition!

Judging by your figure, it is very difficult to say that you are really a mother of three! How do you do it?

I love different sweets and other things that are forbidden for the figure. During the third pregnancy, she recovered by almost 25 kg, but then she quickly got into shape. Of course, I can say that this is a genetic predisposition, but also, as an adequate person, I understand that this advantage only works up to a certain age and genetics alone can no longer cope. You need to start exercising and watch your diet!

In general, this is very difficult for me, because I absolutely do not know how to deny myself food! Of course, there is no logic in this, but I can sit on a diet all day, and then at night I can get a pack of some sweets and .... But, I can say that after the self-flagellation done, I will not suffer, because the main thing is to enjoy life, and if this pack of harmful sweets brought me joy in the night, then I won’t scold myself for it later. After all, this is my only bad habit!

Don't tell anyone how old you are, you don't look your age at all!

I do not hide my age and I am happy that at 35 I already have three children. And you can always look young, if you do not overdo it with cosmetics. At least that's how it is for me.