English language

Bashlachev biography. Alexander bashlachev biography. Brief chronology of records

Bashlachev Alexander Nikolaevich("SashBash") is a Russian poet and musician, author and performer of his songs. A key figure for fans of Russian rock, one of its most important representatives - a poet among rockers, a rocker among poets.

Born in Cherepovets, in the family of the head of the thermal power shop of the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant, Nikolai Sergeevich Bashlachev, and a teacher of chemistry at the branch of the Leningrad North-Western Polytechnic Institute, Nelli Nikolaevna Bashlacheva. According to Alexander Bashlachev, he composed his first rhymed lines at the age of three. According to the recollections of childhood friends, at the age of six he did not just read "Tom Sawyer", but read it aloud to his friends in the yard, already in 1971 he composed his first (albeit "imitative") song based on the motive from the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus" with words “Canadians are running past, cutting ice with skates”.

IN music school Alexander, as his mother recalled, did not want to go, but when his parents bought a piano, he mastered it almost independently to the level of performance " moonlight sonata", which he loved very much and often played "for himself", without flaunting his skill in any way. Throughout his school years, Bashlachev continued to write poetry, “Spread Raspberry” (1978) is far from his first poem; earlier ones survived only in fragments in the memoirs of childhood friends, and he himself never took these poetic experiments seriously.

In 1977, after graduating high school, tried to enter (together with his fellow countryman Leonid Parfyonov) at the journalism department of Leningrad University, since September he worked at the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant as a graphic designer, on April 4, 1978 - he quit and soon entered the Ural University (Sverdlovsk) at the faculty of journalism. During the period of study, he actively participates in the work of the faculty "Theatre of Three Actors", writes miniature plays for him, songs for productions; at the same time, he became close to the local rock community, publishing problematic articles about rock and roll.

Since 1979, he began to write lyrics for the Cherepovets Rock-September group created by his friend Sergei Gerasimov, but, according to friends, Alexander will then be embarrassed by these texts of his. In 1982, on the air of the BBC, in the program of Vsevolod Novgorodtsev, the Rock-September song "Mannequin" sounded, after which all the group's performances were immediately "cut off the oxygen". In 1983, Bashlachev, unexpectedly for many, began to write poetry of a much higher level than before, which immediately struck everyone who heard them. In the same year, his first well-known song appeared - "Griboedovsky Waltz" and several others. famous works. In 1985, one of his friends asked him how he writes his songs. “And I asked them to give them to me. And they gave me ... ”Bashlachev answered.

In September 1983, Alexander graduated from the university and returned to Cherepovets. For a year he worked as a correspondent for the Kommunist newspaper, wrote articles about the Cherepovets plant, sometimes using journalistic clichés so figuratively that it looked more like banter. But, nevertheless, he was in the newspaper "in good standing", and he was even allowed in January 1984 to open the author's column "Seven Notes in a Notebook."

In September 1984, at the apartment of his friend Leonid Parfenov, Bashlachev showed his songs to the disgraced music critic and journalist Artyom Troitsky, whom he had met shortly before. At the suggestion of Troitsky, a month later, Bashlachev left Cherepovets for Moscow with a series of "kvartirniks", and then traveled around the country all the next year, striking his admirers with more and more new songs. He plays countless apartment concerts in Moscow, Leningrad, Novosibirsk and other cities of the country, without participating in events such as "rock festivals". In March 1985, his first public performance took place in Leningrad (in the sixth auditorium of the Leningrad Veterinary Institute, Moskovsky Prospekt, 99 - this concert took place immediately after the III Festival of the Leningrad Rock Club, therefore it was called the “Fourth Day of the Festival”) when he, together with Yuri Shevchuk, sang several songs at an unofficial concert (a recording of this concert in 1995 was published by Manchester Files under the title "Kochegarka"). In April 1985, in Cherepovets, Alexander Bashlachev and Evgenia Kamenetskaya registered a marriage, later they did not dissolve it, which allowed Bashlachev to keep his Leningrad residence permit.

In 1986 Bashlachev moved to Leningrad, January of this year is an unusually active concert month, several professional studio recordings of his songs were made in the first half of this year. He sings for the actors of the Taganka Theater, in the editorial literary newspaper, academic institutions, it is listened with great interest by such different people, like Voznesensky and Grebenshchikov, Pugachev and Gurchenko - everyone admires his overflowing energy, talent and originality ... but Bashlachev has “too much” of all this, his organics do not fit “into the format” (folk-punk in Europe is still only - is just emerging), and he remains, in essence, lonely and of little demand in his song poetry. Since March 1986, Bashlachev has been officially employed in the Kamchatka boiler house (which had already become legendary). In May, in Cherepovets, the last (surviving) song - "Cherry" - was written. In late 1986 / early 1987, Bashlachev, according to the recollections of his friends, is experiencing an acute creative crisis, "It's like he's been replaced"- he became very reluctant to sing; said that he did not have new poems - this, apparently, greatly oppressed him and drove him to depression.

Spring 1987 - shooting in the documentary film by Alexei Uchitel "Rock", Bashlachev participated in the oral edition of the magazine "Roxy", in May he joins the Rock Club. The main event of this year is a performance at the V St. Petersburg Rock Festival from June 3 to 7, where he received the Hope prize. Fragments of his performance were filmed for the film "Rock", but in the process of filming Bashlachev refused to participate in them, and all frames with his participation were removed from the film. In August, the last song was written - "The Archipelago of revelers", but it has not been preserved. In the same summer-autumn, he took part in the film "The Bards Leave the Yards" (at the box office - "The Game with the Unknown"), but for unclear reasons at the last moment he refused to act. Unfortunately, the attempt made at the same time to professionally record Bashlachev for a record at the Leningrad branch of Melodiya did not succeed.

In a short period of time, Bashlachev created about a hundred songs belonging to his "gold reserve". Although the formation of his style and poetic language was undoubtedly influenced by the song poetry of Vladimir Vysotsky and Alexander Galich, the songs of Boris Grebenshchikov and Mike Naumenko, the poetic experiments of the beginning of the century and the ancient Russian epic poetry, Bashlachev created his own art world.

IN Last year In his life, he clearly experienced an internal crisis, the causes of which remained not completely clear. In early 1988, Bashlachev's mood seemed to have cleared up: he gave several concerts in Moscow (including January 29 at Marina Timashev's apartment - Bashlachev's last concert) and planned his new performances. However, on the morning of February 17, Alexander Bashlachev fell out of the window of the eighth floor of house 23 on Kuznetsov Avenue in Leningrad, where he lived at that time - it seems that this decision was not made under the influence of the moment, but was the result of a painful choice. He was buried near St. Petersburg at the Kovalevsky cemetery: 3 quarter, 3 section. And almost six months later, on August 3, Yegor, the son of Alexander Bashlachev, was born.

Alexander Bashlachev became one of the most significant phenomena in Russian bard rock. In his multi-layered poems-songs, full of unexpected associations, paradoxical humor and virtuoso wordplay, bold rhymes and complex meters, archaism and modernity, epic stories and the realities of rock life, lofty tragedy and outright buffoonery are intricately intertwined. When Petersburg music journalist Andrey Burlaka suggested in 1987 that Alexander make a collection of his poems - he replied that the only option that would suit him was to present each text as a single word without spaces or punctuation marks. A few months after Bashlachev died, Bulat Okudzhava and Andrei Voznesensky jointly wrote an article about him. Yevgeny Yevtushenko dedicated a poem to him, and also included his works in his anthology Stanzas of the Century.

Alexander Bashlachev, of course, is not a science fiction writer as such, but his poems "Griboyedov Waltz" and "Galactic Comedy" are pure fantasy.

© (compilation from the web)

In 1960, in the Vologda region, Alexander Nikolaevich Bashlachev, also known as SashBash, was born, the future poet and performer, who became one of the brightest and most iconic representatives of Russian rock.

SashBash's father, Nikolai Alekseevich Bashlachev, worked at a local plant as a site manager in a heat and power shop. Mother, Nelli Nikolaevna, worked as a chemistry teacher in secondary school No. 4 in the city of Cherepovets.

Study and first songs

Sasha Bashlachev went to first grade in 1967, and graduated from the ten-year school in 1977. In the same year, he failed the entrance exams to the university and got a job as an artist at the metallurgical plant in the city of Cherepovets.

The following year, Bashlachev nevertheless managed to enroll in the first year of the Faculty of Journalism of the Ural state university in Sverdlovsk. While studying at the university, he regularly traveled to his homeland by train No. 193, following the Sverdlovsk-Leningrad route, which he later sang in one of his hits. In those years, Bashlachev composed texts for a little-known group from Cherepovets - "Rock-September". However, these poems had little to do with his subsequent work. These were just “pen tests”, milestones on the way to becoming a songwriter)

In 1983, when Alexander Bashlachev graduated from the Faculty of Journalism, songs appeared that became famous - for example, "Griboedovsky Waltz". After university, Bashlachev was assigned to work for a newspaper with the promising title Kommunist in Cherepovets. There he worked for the next year. I had to describe the achievements of the local plant in the industry of the region. As Alexander's mother later said, this was very depressing for the beginning “shark of the pen”.

The first album and apartments of Alexander Bashlachev

In May 1984, Bashlachev went to a rock festival in Leningrad. There he bought himself a guitar. In the same year, already in September, while visiting Leonid Parfyonov (the future famous TV presenter), SashBash met the cultural critic and music critic Artemy Troitsky. The novice bard showed him about a dozen of the songs available at that time. Troitsky recommended that the musician conquer the capital - go to Moscow or Leningrad. It was there, according to Troitsky, that they would gladly accept the young talent.

Later, Artemy Kivovich helped Bashlachev organize a series of apartment concerts in these and other large cities of Russia, bypassing participation in various rock festivals. One of the first apartment dwellers was at the house of the artist Nikola Ovchinnikov. A few days later, in the house of the poet Gennady Kravtsov, the second concert of the musician took place.

Alexander for some time "interrupted", playing the apartment in Moscow. Then he moved to Leningrad. Still, Bashlachev decided to stay in the northern capital.

Alexander Bashlachev - "Time of Bells"

Bashlachev's move to Leningrad

The first public performance of SashBash in St. Petersburg was a joint concert with Yuri Shevchuk, which took place in the early spring of 1985, in auditorium No. 6 of the Veterinary Institute. The concert took place the day after the closing of the third festival of the St. Petersburg rock club and went down in history under the name "Fourth Day of the Festival". Later, a recording from this concert was published under the name "Kochegarka".

The recording of the first album, called "The Third Capital", took place in 1985 at the home studio of musician Alexei Vishnya. The organization of the recording was actively promoted by one member of the St. Petersburg rock club, Sergei Firsov, who was later considered the director of Alexander Bashlachev.

Popularity and the last years of Alexander Bashlachev's life

In January 1986, Alexander Bashlachev actively gave concerts, and this left a legacy in the form of two recordings that were published as studio recordings: an audio recording at Ageev's home and an audio recording made during a concert at the Taganka Theater. At this time, Bashlachev finally moved to live in Leningrad and began performing at a local rock club. A little later, he got a job at the legendary Kamchatka boiler house.

In April 1986, the musician recorded an album at the studio called "Eternal Post". True, six months after the publication, Bashlachev erased the original.

The bard wrote the last song that has come down to us in Cherepovets in May 1986.

Alexander Bashlachev - Staff (good quality)

In 1987, SashBash occasionally performed at apartment houses. In the spring, he starred in a documentary directed by Alexei Uchitel - "Rock", but later refused to participate in the filming process. The scene of Bashlachev's funeral was later captured on film by the film crew and released as an addition to the film.

In June 1987, the musician took part in the fifth festival of the Leningrad Rock Club, and received the Hope prize as a result of the event. Before the festival, Bashlachev attempted suicide. In the same month, he played at a rock festival in Chernogolovka.

In August, Alexander composed his last song, but its lyrics have not been preserved.

At that time, Bashlachev was in a long depression, which was reinforced by everyday disorder. The negative was also added by the fact that he could not officially marry his common-law wife Anastasia. Then the musician tried to commit suicide more than once.

In September of the same year, 1987, SashBash starred in the film "Bards Leave the Yards." True, the project turned out to be unfinished for him - he refused to continue acting in this tape. In early 1988, Bashlachev gave several more concerts in Moscow. His last performance took place on January 29, 1988 at an apartment concert in the house of Marina Timashevskaya.

  • Kovalevskoe cemetery
A country Professions singer-songwriter, journalist, poet Years of activity - Tools guitar Genres author's song, bard rock, folk punk Aliases SashBash bashlach.chat.ru Media at Wikimedia Commons

Alexander Nikolaevich Bashlachev(May 27, 1960, Cherepovets - February 17, 1988, Leningrad) - Russian poet, rock bard, author and performer of songs. One of the representatives of the Soviet underground.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    ✪ Absolute watchman - Bashlachev



An unfamiliar young poet should come into literature not with a smooth suitcase of neatly fitted verses, but with a bag full of sharp nails that stick out in all directions and hurt me and hurt me, and his pain becomes my pain.

He talks about the familiar world around me in familiar words, but located in unusual combinations, which is why the construction of this world appears to me as voluminous. He reveals to me the multi-layered meaning of phenomena and such depths, under which there is not emptiness, but a new meaning. Then, struck by his vigilance, I scream, weep with him and rejoice with him, because his world becomes, as it were, mine.

This is how I perceived the poems of A. Bashlachev, an unfamiliar but true poet, who spoke his word with genuine inspiration and unquenchable pain.

Alexander Bashlachev was born on May 27, 1960 in Cherepovets in the family of Nikolai Alekseevich Bashlachev, head of the heat power shop section, and Nelly Nikolaevna, a chemistry teacher.

After graduating from school in 1977, he tries to enter the journalism department of the Leningrad University. Zhdanov, however, does not enter due to the lack of publications. Nevertheless, during his arrival, Bashlachev met the future journalist Leonid Parfenov.

In 1977-1978 he worked as an artist at the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant. In 1978-1983 he studied in Sverdlovsk at the Ural State University at the Faculty of Journalism. After university, he returned to Cherepovets, where he worked for a year in the Kommunist newspaper.

In September 1984, in Cherepovets, he met Artemy Troitsky, at whose invitation he played a series of “kvartirniks” in Moscow and Leningrad.

In March 1985, he made his first public performance in Leningrad together with Yuri Shevchuk in the 6th auditorium of the Leningrad Veterinary Institute (Prospekt Moskovsky, 99). This concert took place immediately after the III Festival of the Leningrad Rock Club, therefore it was called the "Fourth Day of the Festival". A recording of this concert was published under the title "Kochegarka" .

The following year, he finally settled in Leningrad, where he joined the Rock Club. With the help of the same Firsov, since March 1986, he has been officially employed in the Kamchatka boiler house. In June 1987, at the Fifth Leningrad Festival, he received the Hope prize.

June 1987 - performance at the fifth Leningrad rock festival in LDM, performance at the rock festival in Chernogolovka.

August 1987 - filming in the film "Bards Leave the Yards" (Kyiv), in which he refused to participate in the process.



  • 1989 - Bell Time () - recorded in January 1986, during a one-day session held at the apartment of the administrator of the Moscow rock laboratory Alexander Ageev, Bashlachev sang 24 songs. The fragment was published on vinyl by Melodiya. The album contains a song with the same name.
  • 1990 - Everything will be fine () - recorded in January during a one-day session held at the apartment of the administrator of the Moscow rock laboratory Alexander Ageev, Bashlachev sang 24 songs. The fragment was released on vinyl by the Moscow Rock Laboratory and the Metadigital studio.
  • 1990 - The Third Capital (), (2CD) - recorded on May 30, 1985 in Leningrad in the home studio of Alexei Vishnya. Sound engineer: Alexey Vishnya.
  • 1992 - Tagansky concert (3), (2CD) - recorded by Andrei Zachesov on January 22, 1986 at the Taganka Theater.
  • 1994 - Eternal post - recorded in May 1986 in the studio of the group "Zvuki Mu" at the dacha of Alexander Lipnitsky (Moscow, Nikolina Gora). Sound engineer - Vyacheslav Egorov "Aquarium".
  • 1994 - Likho (2CD) - recorded on January 20, 1986 at Alexander Ageev's home studio (Moscow).
  • 1995 - Kochegarka (Fourth day of the Third Festival) - recorded March 18, 1985 with Shevchuk. The extended part of Alexander Bashlachev's concerto was released in 1997 under the title... In the city of Pushkin and rock and roll...
  • 1996 - II - recorded by Oleg Kovriga at a home concert with Marina Terganova and Alexander Nesmelov (Moscow) in April 1985.
  • 1996 - IV - recorded by Oleg Zamovsky at his home in Vladimir in June 1986, Tatyana Nilova and Yuri Morozov at the Dom Radio studio (Leningrad) for the documentary film by Pyotr Soldatenkov "Bards leave the yards or Playing with the Unknown" (Dovzhenko Film Studio, Kiev ) in June 1987 and Igor Vasilyev at Alexander Ageev's house (Moscow) on January 20, 1986.
  • 1998 - First concert in Moscow - recorded by Artemy Troitsky in Moscow on October 20, 1984 at Sergei Ryzhenko's apartment.
  • 1998 - I - recorded by Viktor Alisov and Igor Vasiliev in a home studio in Moscow on September 17-19, 1984, at a home concert in Cherepovets in the summer of 1984 and by Sergei Firsov at his home in Leningrad in September 1985.
  • 1998 - III - recorded by Oleg Kovriga at a home concert with Yegor Yegorov (Moscow) on October 4, 1985.
  • 1998 - V - recorded by Igor Vasiliev at Alexander Ageev's house (Moscow) on January 20, 1986, by Mark Kopelev at a concert in Novosibirsk on December 21, 1985 and in the summer of 1986, presumably in Leningrad.
  • 1998 - VII - recorded by Oleg Kovriga at a home concert at Yegor Egorov's (Moscow) on January 14, 1988 and at a home concert at Marina Timasheva's (Moscow) on January 29, 1988. The recording is also known as "The Last Concert".
  • 1999 - Chernobyl Bobyls at the end of the world - recorded by Sergei Firsov on August 15, 1986 on household equipment. Guitar, vocals - Alexander Bashlachev; guitar - Andrey Shatalin; keys - Pavel Kondratenko; bass, percussion - Svyatoslav Zaderiy
  • 2002 - VI - 1, 2, 7 - recorded by Oleg Kovriga at a home concert in Moscow in October 1986. 3-6 - recorded by Boris Pereverzev at a home concert at Artemy Troitsky's in Moscow on January 15, 1986. 8-11 - recorded by Oleg Kovriga at a home concert at Yegor Yegorov's in Moscow on January 14, 1988. 12, 13 - recorded by Kirill Kuvyrdin at his home in Moscow on July 5, 1987. 14 - recorded at the Mitkov exhibition in Leningrad in July 1987; harmonica- Boris Grebenshchikov. 15-20 - recorded by Sergei Firsov at his home in Leningrad on August 22, 1986.
  • 2006 - "Seven Circles of Restless Mode", the first tribute to Alexander Bashlachev. Created on the initiative of Svyatoslav Zaderiy (the founder of the Alisa group), it is notable for the participation of Konstantin Kinchev.
  • 2014 - " Silver and tears”, a tribute album dedicated to the memory of Alexander Bashlachev, recorded in 2010 and released in November 2014. Many well-known rock musicians from Russia and the post-Soviet space participated in the project, most of whom personally knew Alexander. The author of the idea and almost all the arrangements is Dmitry Revyakin and his band Kalinov Most, they also recorded most of the accompaniment.

Brief chronology of records

"Official" album titles are in bold type. Roman numerals in brackets ( I-VII) indicates which anthology collection contains songs from this album.
  • 1984, September - “Still in Cherepovets” (or in the summer) ( I)
  • 1984, October 17 - The first "studio" (recorded by V. Alisov and I. Vasilyev, Moscow, Klenovy Boulevard) ( I)
  • 1984, October 20 - First concert in Moscow (with Sergei Ryzhenko)
  • 1984, November - "Songs in a whisper" ( I)
  • 1984, November - “Tolokonny foreheads” (recorded by V. Alisov and I. Vasiliev, Moscow, Klenovy Boulevard
  • 1985, January - First concert in Leningrad (with Pavel Kraev)
  • 1985, March 18 - SashBash & Shevchuk "Kochegarka I" (Leningrad)
  • 1985, March 18 - SashBash & Shevchuk "Kochegarka II" (In the city of Pushkin and RnR)
  • 1985, April - Alexander Lipnitsky (Moscow, Karetny Ryad)
  • 1985, May 19 - Vladimir Kuznetsov (Moscow, Yasenevo)
  • 1985, May 30 - The Third Capital (Leningrad, studio of Alexei Vishnya)
  • 1985, December 21 - Concert for the Novosibirsk Association of Rockers ( V)
  • 1986 - Concert at Katya's (Bashlachev and Olesya Troyanskaya)
  • 1986, January 20 - Likho 2CD (Moscow, Alexander Ageev studio)
  • 1986, January 20 - Time of bells / Skladen / Staff (Ageev's recording, based on albums) ( IV, V)
  • 1986, January - Tagansky concert 3LP, later reissued as 2CD
  • 1986, May - Eternal fasting (Nikolina Gora, at Lipnitsky's dacha).
  • 1986, August 15 - SashBash & Alice. Chernobyl bobyly at the end of the world
  • 1986, August 22 - Firsov's apartment (Zadery and Bashlachev) ( VI)
  • 1986, December 5 - Apartment building on Kantemirovskaya (Moscow)
  • 1987, May 24 - Concert in the Palace of Culture of Ilyich
  • 1987, June 7 - V Rock Club Festival (Leningrad)
  • 1987, June - Bards leave the yards (for the film) (Kyiv) ( IV)
  • 1987, July 5 - At "Kira" - Kirill Kuvyrdin (Moscow) ( VI)
  • 1987, July 8 - At the opening of the Mitkov exhibition (Leningrad) ( VI)
  • 1988, January 14 - Concert at the "River Station" (Moscow)
  • 1988, January 29 - The last concert at Marina   Timasheva (Moscow) ( VII)





File:Memorial bust of A. Bashlachev in Cherepovets.jpg

Bust of A. Bashlachev on the wall of the building of the Cherepovets Philharmonic

Festivals and concerts

  • February 21, 1988 [ ] hosted the first concert in memory of Alexander Bashlachev.
  • On May 27, 2010, the first Sasha's Day festival dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Alexander Bashlachev was held at the Palace of Culture of Metallurgists of Cherepovets. Organizer - public figure Svetlana Kunina.
  • In February 2011, the page of the museum appeared on the website of the Creative Movement "Palette N".
  • On May 27, 2011, the second Sasha's Day festival took place at the Palace of Culture of Cherepovets Builders. The head of the city, Oleg Kuvshinnikov, announced that in the future the Sasha's Day festival would be held annually with the support of the city administration.
  • On May 27, 2012, the concert "Rock-Cherepovets" took place, organized and sponsored by the mayor's office of Cherepovets. This event is not a successor to the Sasha's Day festival.
  • On May 26, 2013 Rock-Cherepovets-2 took place in the Ice Palace of Cherepovets. Founder and sponsor - Cherepovets mayor's office.
  • On May 25, 2014, "Rock-Cherepovets-2014" took place with the participation of fellow countryman Bashlachev - Nikolai Noskov, the Finnish group Face of God, Full pockets, Marmalade and others. Unlike previous concerts, the host was not Artemy Troitsky, but Alexander Lipnitsky.
  • On May 24, 2015, the rock festival "Time of the Bells" was held, dedicated to the anniversary of Alexander Bashlachev, in which the soloist of the Cherepovets Rock-September group Oleg Hakman, the groups Klyuchevaya, Pilot, Surganova and Orchestra, Crematorium took part , "Kalinov Most" and its leader Dmitry Revyakin, "Chayf". The performers presented a tribute to the songs of Alexander Bashlachev.
  • On May 27, 2015 the festival was held in Moscow under the original name "Sasha's Day". Organizer - public figure Svetlana Kunina. The festival was held on private donations, which were collected through the Planeta.ru platform. The main sponsor of the festival was presented acoustic guitar with autographs of the masters who supported the festival: Boris Grebenshchikov, Vyacheslav Butusov, Yuri Shevchuk, Konstantin Kinchev, Oleg Sakmarov, Fedor Chistyakov, Seva Novgorodtsev.

Musical dedications

May no one die today

And he will sing about love again
And every house will be happy with him
And he'll take a toothbrush
Open the door and close the window
After all: “love is the train Sverdlovsk-Leningrad - and back!”

"Different people", 19??

As for Bashlachev, we were friends with him. His death left an unhealed wound. This is, perhaps, one of the first losses in my life, that is, I lost friends, and I lost a person close in arms for the first time. Therefore, in The Sixth Forester there is a song that I dedicated to him in order to somehow try to get him out of the depression he got into. The song is called "Sun for us". Failed. He decided as he decided, so for more than twenty years he has not been with us.

  • in Alexander Logunov's song "Bdi, brother" there is a line dedicated to Bashlachev.
  • The group "A Little Nervously" in the song "You and your women" has a line „I have no Bashlachev, no Letov, No snake venom, no doors of perception.”.
  • in the song "Life is Beautiful" from the album "Transparent" (group "DDT") there is a line dedicated to Bashlachev. (“I recognized you at the hour of the birth of apples, leaves, humane designs, and in the Bashlachev flood I will find a couple more main words”)
  • Yuri Naumov dedicated the song "Night Flight" to Bashlachev:

Night Flight (part 2)

Step out the window...
Thirst for spring more than sleep;
and I took off above the ice madness,
over the nerve plexus
stone bodies.

"Yuri Naumov"

  • Songs are also dedicated to the memory of A. Bashlachev:
    • "Someone to break the birch" - Dmitry "GARM" Levin [ ]
    • "Russian Field" - Maxim Kasyanov
    • "Cry about him" from the album "It's not a problem" by Chaif
    • "Farewell" - Sergey Kalugin (group "Orgy Righteous")
    • "In memory of Alexander Bashlachev" - Alexander Shcherbina
    • "Winter Ballad" - group "Goodwin and Bandana"
    • "Cartridges" - Nikolai Makeev (group "M4") [ ]
    • "Roads" and "Whistled" - Yuri Shevchuk (group "DDT") (mentioned in the film "Time  DDT")
    • "Cossack" and "Washed by the Rain" - Dmitry Revyakin (group "Kalinov Most")
    • album "Alexander Bashlachev's Parachute" by Yermen Anti (Adaptation)
    • Alexander Vasiliev (“Spleen”) at concerts admits that he dedicated the song “Life Flew” to Bashlachev
    • "Scream" - Konstantin Kinchev (group "Alisa")
    • Album "Shame and disgrace", song "About devils" - Yana Diaghileva [ ]
    • "Crows" - Eduard Starkov (Chimera group)
    • "In memory of A. Bashlachev" - group "Notes of the Unknown"
    • "In memory of Alexander Bashlachev" - performer Decorator
    • "In the test" - group Silver
    • "SashBash" - Alexey Vitakov
    • "Scout" - NATE!
    • "In memory of Alexander Bashlachev" - Maxim Tsepelev (group "Children of the same river")
    • "Lies" - Olga Stupina
    • Storming the Sky - Louna
    • "Twilight" - Alice

Poetic dedications

  • Yanka Diaghileva's poem "A. B."
  • Poem by Alexander (Shaman) Krasovsky "In Memory of Bashlachev"
  • Poem by Nikolai Starodubtsev (Zvezdodub) "Manifesto of the Surprised"


In November 1988, at the Chita theater-studio "Under the old chandelier" staged musical performance"Accept your guilt" based on the songs of Bashlachev.


  • Bashlachev A. N. Pososhok: Poems / Entry. Art. and compilation by A. Zhitinsky. - L.: Lit. ed.-ed. agency "Lira", 1990. - 78 p. ISBN 5-85490-001-7
  • Bashlachev A. N. Poems / Note. A. Kamentseva and others - M., 1997. - 189 p.
  • Bashlachev A.N. Like a blade. - M.: Time, 2005. - 254 p. (Poetry Library) ISBN 5-9691-0059-5
(Republished: M.: Vremya, 2007. ISBN 978-5-9691-0065-7)


  • Naumov L. A. Alexander Bashlachev: a singing man. - St. Petersburg: Amphora, 2010. - 439 p. ISBN 978-5-367-01398-6
  • Naumov L. A. Alexander Bashlachev: a singing man. Second edition - St. Petersburg: Amphora, 2013. - 543 p. ISBN 978-5-367-02389-3
  • Naumov L. A. Alexander Bashlachev: a singing man. Third edition - M.: Vyrgorod, 2016. - 608 p. ISBN 978-5-905623-06-6
  • Naumov L. A. Alexander Bashlachev // In the series "Legends of Our Rock" - St. Petersburg: Amphora, 2014. - 94 p. ISBN 978-5-367-03403-5
  • Gorbachev O. A. Alexander Bashlachev: poetry, phonography, bibliography. - Tver: Tver. state un-t, 2001. - 217 p. ISBN 5-87049-205-X
  • Gavrikov V. A. Mythopoetics in the works of Alexander Bashlachev: dis. ... candidate of philological sciences. - Yelets, 2007
  • Glinchikov V.S. The phenomenon of author's song in school studies: A. Galich, V. Vysotsky, A. Bashlachev. Dissertation of the candidate of pedagogical sciences. - Samara, 1997
  • Belonogova A.V. Alive (an article in the book of dedications "Became the wind") - M. - St. Petersburg, 2011, with the assistance of the publishing house "Pomatur", ISBN 978-5-91832-020-4
  • Yarko A.N. Variation of rock poetry: based on the work of Alexander Bashlachev: dis. ... candidate of philological sciences. - Tver, 2008
  • A. Golev. Bleeding sign. Alexander Bashlachev through the eyes of his contemporaries. - St. Petersburg: Limbus Press, 2011. - 469 p. ISBN 978-5-8370-0570-1
  • Alexander Bashlachev: research creativity / comp.: L. N. Dmitrievskaya. - M.: Russian school, 2010. - 144 p. ISBN 978-5-91696-008-2
  • Gavrikov V. Russian song poetry XX century as text. Bryansk: OOO "Bryansk SRP VOG". 2011. - 634 s.
additional literature
  • Alekseev A.S.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Alexander Nikolaevich Bashlachev (May 27, 1960, Cherepovets - February 17, 1988, Leningrad) - singer, songwriter and performer. A key figure and icon for fans of Russian rock, one of the most important representatives of the Soviet underground.

Alexander Bashlachev was born in Cherepovets, Vologda Oblast, in the family of Nikolai Alekseevich Bashlachev, head of the heat power shop section, and Nelly Nikolaevna, a chemistry teacher.

In 1977-1978 he worked as an artist at the Cherepovets Iron and Steel Works. In 1978-1983 he studied in Sverdlovsk at the Ural State University at the Faculty of Journalism. After university, he returned to Cherepovets, where he worked for a year in the Kommunist newspaper.

In September 1984, in Cherepovets, at the apartment of Leonid Parfyonov, he met Artemy Troitsky, at whose invitation he played a series of apartment games in Moscow and Leningrad. In autumn 1984 he left Cherepovets, first for Moscow, then for Leningrad.

Bashlachev's first apartment concert in Moscow was held in the apartment of the artist Nikola Ovchinnikov, the second - a few days later in the apartment of the poet Gennady Katsov in Tekstilshchiki

In March 1985, he made his first public performance in Leningrad together with Yuri Shevchuk in room 6 of the Leningrad Veterinary Institute (99 Moskovsky Ave.). This concert took place immediately after the III Festival of the Leningrad Rock Club, therefore it was called the “Fourth Day of the Festival”. A recording of this concert was published under the title "Kochegarka".

At the same time, he recorded his first album, the recording was organized by Sergei Firsov in the home studio of Alexei Vishnya, later this recording was released under the name "Third Capital". From that moment on, Firsov considers himself the director of Bashlachev.

The next year he finally settled in Leningrad, where he joined the Rock Club. With the help of the same Firsov, since March 1986, he has been officially employed in the Kamchatka boiler house. In June 1987, at the Fifth Leningrad Festival, he received the Hope prize.

1987, spring - filming in the documentary film by Alexei Uchitel "Rock". In the process of filming, he refused to participate in them. Later, when Bashlachev died, Alexei Uchitel's group filmed his funeral and included footage of this event in one of the versions of the film.

June 1987 - performance at the fifth Leningrad rock festival in LDM, performance at the rock festival in Chernogolovka.

August 1987 - filming in the film "Bards Leave the Yards" (Kyiv), in which he refused to participate in the process.

On January 29, 1988, Bashlachev's last concert, preserved on record, took place at the apartment of Marina Timasheva.

Between 7 and 9 o'clock in the morning on February 17, 1988, he fell out of the window of the eighth floor of house 23 on Kuznetsov Avenue in Leningrad, died on the spot. The most likely version of death is suicide, however real reasons falls are not well established. February 23, 1988 - buried in Leningrad at the Kovalevsky cemetery.
The late Bashlachev is sometimes included in the 27 club along with musicians who died at 27.

Alexander's favorite bands were The Doors and Aquarium.

“An unfamiliar young poet should come into literature not with a smooth suitcase of neatly fitted verses, but with a bag full of sharp nails that stick out in different directions and hurt me and hurt me, and his pain becomes my pain.

He speaks about the familiar world surrounding me with familiar words, but located in unusual combinations, which is why the construction of this world appears to me as voluminous. He reveals to me the multi-layered meaning of phenomena and such depths, under which there is not emptiness, but a new meaning. Then, struck by his vigilance, I scream, weep with him and rejoice with him, because his world becomes, as it were, mine.
This is how I perceived the poems of A. Bashlachev, an unfamiliar but true poet, who spoke his word with genuine inspiration and unquenchable pain.
- Bulat Okudzhava, 1988

The purpose of this article is to find out the cause of the death of the author and performer of songs, one of the most important representatives of the Soviet underground, ALEXANDER BASHLACHEV, according to his FULL NAME code.

Watch in advance "Logicology - about the fate of man".

Consider the FULL NAME code tables. \If there is a shift in numbers and letters on your screen, adjust the image scale\.

2 3 28 40 41 65 72 75 76 88 94 105 123 124 138 143 160 174 184 195 210 222 223 229 232 242 266
266 264 263 238 226 225 201 194 191 190 178 172 161 143 142 128 123 106 92 82 71 56 44 43 37 34 24

1 13 19 30 48 49 63 68 85 99 109 120 135 147 148 154 157 167 191 193 194 219 231 232 256 263 266
266 265 253 247 236 218 217 203 198 181 167 157 146 131 119 118 112 109 99 75 73 72 47 35 34 10 3






266 = 225-\ 148-END OF LIFE + 77-FALL FROM...\ + 41-WINDOW.


Let's check the reliability of this decryption with a table (No. 1):

8 18 27 41* 70 86 103 109*126 129 130 142*143**161**190* 191**195*210**224 234 266*
266*258 248 239 225* 196 180 163 157*140 137 136 124**123**105* 76** 75* 71** 56* 42 32

We see a match of 4 columns: 124**\\143** 123**\\161** 76**\\191** 210**\\71**


Let's check the reliability of this decryption with a table (No. 2):

10* 28* 50 65* 70 84 85* 88* 94** 105** 123**124**137 152 172*174*184**194*212 231*234 235
266*256*238*216 201* 195 182 181*178**172** 161**143**142*129 114 94* 92** 82* 72* 54 35* 32

236 247**266*
31 30** 19*

We see a match of 6 columns: 94**\\178** 105**-172** 123**\\161** 124**\\143** 184**\\92** 247** \\thirty**


3** 17 27 36 46 55 70 81 95 96 112*113 118*124*138**148*154**
266**263*249 239 230 220 211 196 185 171 170 154*153 148* 142**128*118**

157**171 181*190* 200 209 224 235 249 250 266*
B L N W I Z O K N A P...
112**109* 95 85* 76* 66 57 42 31 17 16

We see a match of 4 columns: 3**\\266** 138**\\142** 154**\\118 157**\\112**

10 19 34* 45 59 60 63* 77 87 96 112* 122 131* 146**157**171 172* 175 189 199 208
I Z O K N A V N I Z P... + I Z O K N A V N I Z
266*256 247 232*221 207 206 203*189 179 170 154*144 135**120**109* 95 94* 91 77 67

224 225*230 236 250 260 266*
58 42 41* 36 30 16 6

We see a match of 2 columns: 146**\\135** 157**\\120**

Moreover, in this table, both columns are located in the center - to the left and to the right of them - 13 letters each.


Let's check the reliability of the decryption with two tables:

18 24 37 51 52 57 80 81 100**115**121** 142 148*151 168 169 181 213
213 195 189 176 162 161 156 133 132**113** 98** 92* 71 65* 62 45 44 32

4 14 16 22 34 63 77 92* 98** 113**132** 148*165 193 201 212 213*
213*209 199 197 191 179 150 136 121** 115**100** 81* 65* 48 20 12 1

We see the coincidence of three columns, going sequentially one after another:

121**\\98** 115**\\113** 100**\\132

Code for the number of full YEARS OF LIFE = 86-TWENTY + 66-SEVEN = 152.

According to the table (No. 2): 152 \u003d 105-EXODUS FOREVER + 47-SELF \ murder act \.

We look at the column in the upper table of the FULL NAME code:

123 = 86-TWENTY

161 - 123 \u003d 38 \u003d SU \ icide \.


Oddly enough, but almost everyone who refers to the reasons for Bashlachev's suicide agree that it is impossible to explain them. Here are just a few statements of people who tried to uncover the secret of a voluntary farewell to the life of Sasha Bashlachev “His death still remains a mystery”; “It is still a mystery why he left when, it would seem - after unbelief and darkness - his bell time began. Or maybe it’s not necessary, it’s not worth guessing this riddle.
For the explained poet is no longer a poet”; “What did his voluntary farewell to life mean - this roar of an open window to nowhere”; “I would not want to delve into the reasons and motives for what he did, so as not to breed gossip, especially since these reasons are not public, they were hidden in himself”; Why Sasha Bashlachev passed away. Maybe from the feeling of being alien to the present. As if he got into a temporary whirlpool, he could not get out of the past ... ";
“Why he decided to end his life (and therefore poetry) is also a mystery, and you should not dress it up in romantic clothes of fatality, supposedly inevitable for a poet of early death”; “And when the world is so unsettled, imperfect and so merciless to everything that is loved, one can probably survive this too. Probably you can. He could not. And this is not his fault”; “We will never know the answer to the question of why he decided to take this step. A step into an open window, a step into nowhere, into darkness and insensibility.
No one - neither his relatives, nor his friends, nor his beloved woman - can say why he took this step not at a time when our lives were ruled by stupidity and self-satisfied mediocrity, when everything talented was desperately losing or quitting the game without even trying to win. He left this life when we all had hope, when everyone was choking on the permitted freedom, the variety of opportunities and plans. He received lucrative offers, could go on stage and sing his songs. But he preferred silence ... Or maybe even then he foresaw the appearance of chaos, which gave birth to uncertainty and swallowed up hopes for a normal life. human life, to harmony in the soul and in the house .. However, he was far from politics, but he acutely felt the sadness and loneliness of life, the changeable fragility of the beautiful and the “cheerful” humor of evil ... ”There are also opinions that, Bashlachev, as a Russian poet, poet with a capital letter, he simply could not do otherwise. “And could a poet, so devoted to the life-creating concept and possessing such an extremely tragic voice, end his life differently.” Many try to reduce the reasons for his suicide to mental disorders, drugs and even politics "Probably real medicine could save him from depression - the kind of medicine that we do not have"; “He was prone to bouts of depression, was treated in a psychiatric clinic”; “How it happened, we were able to understand, but here’s why ... I still think that it wasn’t suicide - according to at least, suicide in its classic form. I tend to think that mushrooms are to blame. And mushrooms act on the psyche in a very strange, unpredictable way - especially on such a receptive psyche as Sasha had. Can push to the most incredible actions. It seems to me that at that moment it seemed to him that he could fly. And he flew ... ”(Zadery).


His common-law wife, Anastasia Rakhlina, said that Alexander was constantly in a state of depression, which has intensified recently. He felt lonely, despite his seeming sociability. People did not understand him, and life did not turn out the way it should. Many did not see what he felt and understood: this depressed Bashlachev, who was constantly in anguish.


He, like a meteor, broke into the cultural life of the country and also quickly left. Now, bit by bit, they are collecting his legacy, trying to unravel the phenomenon of his mysterious genius. Books, articles, philological studies and dissertations have been written about his work.

What kind of universe was this - Alexander Bashlachev? What was trying to speak to us through him?
Sasha himself repeatedly said that his poems literally overshadowed him. “A ray of light, such a pillar, then - poetry” - as he himself said about the process of insight to his friend Sergei Smirnov. And once he answered another friend of his, Mark Kopelev, to the question of how it happens with him: “You know, it seems to me that it’s not me ... writing. Who? I don’t know… Someone is there…” and pointed upwards with his eyes. Often he did not fully understand the meaning of what was written, and only in the process of processing the incoming material did he begin to delve into the essence. All this only says that there was an action of a high spiritual being who, choosing Sasha as a vessel, inspired him. One way or another, many creative people experience this kind of inspiration, only all this, with varying degrees of talent, eventually reaches the world. The level of inspirers, their belonging to different, often polar spiritual spheres, determine the deeds of their earthly co-creators in very different ways.

From September 1984 to May 1986, Sasha wrote in such an inhuman, dense rhythm that it was simply amazing. Almost 60 songs were written then, many of which, like “Egorkina epic” and “Vanyusha”, already went beyond just a song at one time of performance. These were real mysteries, a kind of epic confession, 15-20 minutes each. And there were also “Name of Names”, “Eternal Fast”, etc., also rather big ones.
And in May 1986, the stream of light dried up. There was silence. Sasha probably did not immediately understand that this was the end of the gifts. He was exhausted and thought it was time to take time out and take a breather. Human strength is not beyond. He was pumped out and creativity and concerts. But it was already a predetermined end creative way. In fact, everything that happened from May 1986 to February 1988 can only be called agony.

To this proposal (you can’t call it otherwise than agony) the following decoding of the code of the FULL NAME OF ALEXANDER BASHLACHEV is suitable:

266 = 76-AGONIA + 190-\ 102-KILLED HIMSELF + 88-IN AFFECT \.

In the table (#1): 190 = LIFE IS INTERRUPTED.

The Creative Spirit that had given him so much left him. Sasha did not give up, looking for a way to him. But time passed, and absolutely nothing happened. In the summer of 1987, Sasha and his wife Nastya sat in a village near Cherepovets for about a month and this was the last attempt to start writing again. Nastya assures that he wrote a lot during this month, sat all night long with a guitar, tried to clothe poetry in songs. But then he destroyed everything written, and left hitchhiking with his friend Slava Zaderiy to Central Asia for several months. Obviously, he understood that this was not the level of "Vanyusha", "Eternal Lent" and his other great ones. It was already he himself, helpless before that incredibly high bar, below which he already had no right to jump.

“He was a poet - this is what makes him interesting” (I. Smirnov); “Closest of all, of course, is the word ‘poet’, but in its original natural meaning merging with the play of the elements”;
“Bashlachev is a poet, not a historian and philosopher” (A. Zhitinsky); “I knew that Sasha Bashlachev was a poet, not a text writer” (N. Naumenko); “a true poet, a poet from God, sooner or later he had to take a place in literature” (I. Karney); “Bashlachev was a brilliant poet” (A. Rakhlina); “Rock was “beheaded”, having lost its best poet” (G. Frolova); “The more time passes, the more mysterious this figure seems. Personality. Poet "(E. Borisova); "A. Bashlachev took place as a poet ”(V. Koshelev, A. Chernov); “A true poet, a poet in the highest sense of the word” (A. I. Nikolaev); “If the literary merits of many rock texts can be discussed for a long time, then the fact that Bashlachev is a poet is indisputable” (O.V. Paliy).

To complete the picture, here are reviews on the publication of Bashlachev's works: “One thing is absolutely clear - a poet lived in the world. A poet unfamiliar, but true, who spoke his word with genuine inspiration and unquenchable pain” (B. Okudzhava); “His talent was supposed to adorn the Russian poetry of the 80s ... He had much more rights to recognition than many of those whose poetry collections have been gathering dust for years on store shelves” (“Interlocutor”, August 1988); “One thing is clear even now: Bashlachev is our national poet” (A. Zarubin); “On the bank of the Aksai, we wrote in letters, probably ten by ten meters in size:“ All power to the poets ”” (Zaderiy).

Later, the vocalist of the Rock September rock group Oleg Hakman said: “Bashlachev was a very chic poet with us. Everyone was happy. We have already recorded our songs.
No one knew Sanya. What is a group poet? Nobody knows what it is. Me there with the bass guitar, Slavka…. It's clear. And what are the verses? And then only, after the passage of time ... Sanya Bashlachev is a poet. We are the stars. Sanya in her arms, I remember, was carried to the hall on her birthday. He was exactly that poet - branded, real.
And what he did later with the guitar was already really there ... It was nonsense for him to write these hits. For him, it was not important at all. Although these hits are known all over Russia. "Hey, help! it’s very difficult for me alone ... ”- the genius wrote! Now I think that Bashlachev is a genius. Words, listen to the words:

The rain fills all the roads,
The sky is like a sieve.
My island was left on the edge
And no one swims here.
Where are you friends?
What happened to you
In a world as quiet as a dream?
Only farewell beeps
Your phone answered me.
Hey help!
It is very difficult for me to be alone.
Hey you understand
Which I don't understand myself.

This is genius. Not in the sense: the poet is a genius, but he is a genius in essence. He was ahead of his time. He came up with, told me: "Oleg, let's make an alphabet." With such an intonation, only Bashlachev could come up with an alphabet. intonation game. He felt all this - a word, a syllable, intonations - this is very important for a poet. And now they have already remembered Bashlachev. Although, in principle, they did not see him, did not know him, no one perceived him. The paradox is that life puts everything in its place in time. Now I understand why Sasha burned down. In general, he is also not a man of the metropolis. He is a kind, normal person who thought, one might say, while sitting there, on Engels 61. He saw more and knew more, he was very smart talented person. He saw, he knew everything. He is this life that we live now, he knew it, he already felt it. I am now singing these songs and they seem to have been written just about, just now. And 20 years have already passed. Here's what I think we need to focus on. Because we cannot evaluate ourselves. For people, Bashlachev is nostalgia, first of all. Because it was "Rock September", and without Bashlachev it does not exist. And maybe there is no Bashlachev without “Rock - September”, because he absorbed it all, because for him, this period was such a starting point, such a platform - the House of Culture.

The listeners accepted Bashlachev's songs with enthusiasm, he played apartment houses in Moscow, and Leningrad, and in Siberia, and in Central Asia, writing many songs on these trips. The peak of his work came in 1985, during which the songs "Vanyusha", "The Road", "Egorkina Bylina", "On the Life of Poets", "Absolute Watchman" and "A Case in Siberia" were written. Bashlachev himself said that the songs simply “overshadowed” him, and he guessed the meaning of some lines months later. All these works performed by Bashlachev made an indelible impression on the audience. So, for example, the epic "Vanyusha" brought listeners into a stupor, showing the Russian soul turned inside out with all its contradictions, torn edges, ugliness and beauty. Bashlachev forgot about everything when he sang "Vanyusha", and the listeners, waking up with the last chord, usually noticed that the guitar was splashed with blood, as Bashlachev broke his fingers, making the listeners have tears in their eyes, and there was a feeling confessions in the heart.

In the last year of his life, Bashlachev was clearly experiencing an internal crisis, the causes of which remained unclear. Perhaps it was the inadequacy of the perception of the surrounding reality. He made repeated suicide attempts, one of which occurred on the eve of the fifth rock festival. In early 1988, Bashlachev gave several concerts in Moscow and planned new performances, but a concert at Marina Timasheva's apartment on January 29, 1988 turned out to be his last performance. On February 17, 1988, Alexander Bashlachev, after returning to St. Petersburg, committed suicide by throwing himself from the ninth floor of an apartment on Kuznetsova Avenue.

Bashlachev left a completely unique legacy to his descendants. In a short period of time, he created more than sixty songs, the formation of the style of which and his poetic language was influenced by the song poetry of Vysotsky and Galich, the songs of Grebenshchikov and Naumenko, poetic experiments of the beginning of the century and ancient Russian epic poetry. Bashlachev created his own artistic world, the influence of which, in turn, is noticeable in many songs of the groups Alisa, Kino, Kalinov Most and many other rock bands.

About Alexander Bashlachev, a documentary film "Deadly Flight" was shot.

When Sasha Bashlachev began to sing, he turned from a small, frail young man into a fabulous giant in a few seconds. Many have seen this transformation. Many listeners could not stand the nerves from severe mental and emotional overstrain. There were cases when the ladies present at the apartment buildings fainted. Marina Timasheva once told Sasha that when she listens to his songs, it’s like a microstroke happens in her brain, that every second it’s like a small bomb explodes there. Sasha calmly listened to her and answered: “Now, Marina, imagine what I experience inside myself, what I carry in myself.” Sasha had an understanding of his cross burden.

It's time to pull Sasha out of the closed rock and roll community, and bring it to the level of Russia's national treasure. Yes, and cultural figures, it's time to finally understand that in his person they overlooked the last genius of a bygone era.

Alexander Bashlachev - the last genius of a bygone era

Let's continue with a few more columns:

82 = IN AFFECT \ e \

195 - 82 = 113 = SUICIDE.

266 = 152-TWENTY-SEVEN + 113-SUICIDE + 1-A.

266 \u003d 195-COMMITTED HIMSELF + 71-POCON \ Chill ... \.


190 - 88 = 102 = KILLED HIMSELF.

266 = 99-IN DEPRESSION \ and \ + 167-WAY OF DEATH.

167 - 99 = 68 = KILLED HIMSELF.

266 = 109-DEPRESSION + 157-WAY OF DEATH\ and \.

157 - 109 = 48 = SUI \ cid \ = ...ICID.

157 = PATH OF DEATH\ and \


167 - 109 = 58 = FALL.

71 = ACTION\e\

210 - 71 = 139 = BRAIN.





Bearing in mind that the human brain is a colossal computer, we, having adjusted the numbers 85 and 181, will get the following reading of the FULL NAME code:

181 - 1 = 180 = DEATH PROGRAM; 85 + 1 = 86 = SUICIDE.

180 - 86 = 94 = FALL DOWN, DEATH.

Summarizing the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:


162 - 104 = 58 = FALL.

The reader can easily find the numbers 162 and 104 in the bottom table. The number 162 is located between the numbers 157 and 167, and the number 104 is between the numbers 99 and 109.

If we replace the expression 167 = WAY OF DEATH with 167 = MATRIX OF DEATH, then, for example, the incomprehensible death of ZHEMUKHOV ARTUR UMAROVICH will become clear to us (the article "A. U. Zhemukhov. The place of death cannot be changed"):

264 = 167-DEATH MATRIX + 97-\ 57-ROAD + 40-Accident \, MURDER.

But what, according to the myth-makers, pushed Bashlachev to commit suicide? Confidence that glory is guaranteed only after death? The theatrical effect that suicide was supposed to produce on the public? Or something else?

The daily audience of the Proza.ru portal is about 100 thousand visitors, who in total view more than half a million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

(1988-02-17 ) (27 years) A place of death Years of activity A country


Professions Genres Aliases Cooperation

Rock-September, Alice, Yuri Shevchuk

Alexander Nikolaevich Bashlachev(May 27, Cherepovets - February 17, Leningrad) - an outstanding Russian poet, author and performer of songs. One of the brightest representatives of Russian rock.

The late Bashlachev is sometimes included in the 27 club along with musicians who died at 27.


Father - Bashlachev Nikolai Alekseevich, head of the section of the heat power shop.

Mother - Bashlacheva Nelli Nikolaevna, teacher of chemistry.

In 1977-1978 he worked as an artist at the Cherepovets Iron and Steel Works.

In 1978-1983 he studied in Sverdlovsk at the Ural State University at the Faculty of Journalism.

After university, he returned to Cherepovets, where he worked for a year in the Kommunist newspaper.

In September 1984, in Cherepovets, at the apartment of Leonid Parfyonov, he met Artemy Troitsky, at whose invitation he played a series of apartments in Moscow and Leningrad.

In autumn 1984 he left Cherepovets, first for Moscow, then for Leningrad.

In March 1985, he made his first public performance in Leningrad together with Yuri Shevchuk in room 6 of the Leningrad Veterinary Institute (99 Moskovsky Ave.). This concert took place immediately after the III Festival of the Leningrad Rock Club, therefore it was called the “Fourth Day of the Festival”. A recording of this concert was published under the title "Kochegarka".

At the same time, he recorded his first album, the recording was organized by Sergei Firsov in the home studio of Alexei Vishnya, later this recording was released under the name "Third Capital". From that moment on, Firsov considers himself the director of Bashlachev.

The following year, he finally settled in Leningrad, where he joined the Rock Club. With the help of the same Firsov, since March 1986, he has been officially employed in the Kamchatka boiler house. In June 1987, at the Fifth Leningrad Festival, he received the Hope prize.

1987, spring - filming in the documentary film "Rock" by Alexei Uchitel. In the process of filming, he refused to participate in them. Later, when Bashlachev died, Alexei Uchitel's group filmed his funeral and included footage of this event in one of the versions of the film.

June 1987 - performance at the fifth Leningrad rock festival in LDM, performance at the rock festival in Chernogolovka.

August 1987 - filming in the film "Bards Leave the Yards" (Kyiv), in which he refused to participate in the process.

On January 29, 1988, Bashlachev's last concert, preserved on record, took place at the apartment of Marina Timasheva.

On the morning of February 17, 1988, he fell out of the window of the eighth floor of house 23 on Kuznetsov Avenue in Leningrad, died on the spot. The most likely version of death is suicide, however, the true causes of the fall have not been precisely established.

Son Yegor was born to Alexander's beloved Anastasia Rakhlina after his death, on August 3, 1988 (Anastasia went to give birth in Cherepovets).

Alexander's favorite bands were The Doors and Aquarium.


Major editions

  • 1989 - Bell Time () - recorded in January 1986, during a one-day session held at the apartment of the administrator of the Moscow rock laboratory Alexander Ageev, Bashlachev sang 24 songs. The fragment was published on vinyl by Melodiya. The album contains a song of the same name.
  • 1990 - Everything will be fine () - recorded in January during a one-day session held at the apartment of the administrator of the Moscow rock laboratory Alexander Ageev, Bashlachev sang 24 songs. The fragment was released on vinyl by the Moscow Rock Laboratory and the Metadigital studio.
  • 1990 - The Third Capital (), (2CD) - recorded on May 30, 1985 in Leningrad at the home studio of Alexei Vishnya. Sound engineer: Alexey Vishnya.
  • 1992 - Tagansky concert (3), (2CD) - recorded by Andrei Zachesov on January 22, 1986 at the Taganka Theater.
  • 1994 - Eternal post - recorded in May 1986 in the studio of the Sounds of Mu group at the dacha of Alexander Lipnitsky (Moscow, Nikolina Gora). Sound engineer - Vyacheslav Egorov "Aquarium".
  • 1994 - Likho (2CD) - recorded on January 20, 1986 at Alexander Ageev's home studio (Moscow).
  • 1994 - VII - recorded by Oleg Kovriga at a home concert with Yegor Yegorov (Moscow) on January 14, 1988 and at a home concert with Marina Timasheva (Moscow) on January 29, 1988. The recording is also known as "The Last Concert".
  • 1995 - Kochegarka (Fourth day of the Third Festival) - recorded on March 18, 1985 with Shevchuk.
  • 1996 - II - recorded by Oleg Kovriga at a home concert with Marina Terganova and Alexander Nesmelov (Moscow) in April 1985.
  • 1996 - IV - recorded by Oleg Zamovsky at his home in Vladimir in June 1986, Tatyana Nilova and Yuri Morozov at the Dom Radio studio (Leningrad) for the documentary film by Pyotr Soldatenkov "Bards leave the yards or Playing with the Unknown" (Dovzhenko Film Studio, Kiev ) in June 1987 and Igor Vasilyev at Alexander Ageev's house (Moscow) on January 20, 1986.
  • 1998 - First concert in Moscow - recorded by Artemy Troitsky in Moscow on October 20, 1984 at Sergei Ryzhenko's apartment.
  • 1998 - I - recorded by Viktor Alisov and Igor Vasilyev in their home studio in Moscow on September 17-19, 1984, at a home concert in Cherepovets in the summer of 1984 and by Sergei Firsov at his home in Leningrad in September 1985.
  • 1998 - III - recorded by Oleg Kovriga at a home concert with Yegor Yegorov (Moscow) on October 4, 1985.
  • 1998 - V - recorded by Igor Vasiliev at Alexander Ageev's house (Moscow) on January 20, 1986, by Mark Kopelev at a concert in Novosibirsk on December 21, 1985 and in the summer of 1986, presumably in Leningrad.
  • 1999 - Chernobyl Bobyls at the end of the world - recorded by Sergei Firsov on August 15, 1986 on household equipment. Guitar, vocals - Alexander Bashlachev; guitar - Andrey Shatalin; keys - Pavel Kondratenko; bass, percussion - Svyatoslav Zaderiy
  • 2002 - VI - 1, 2, 7 - recorded by Oleg Kovriga at a home concert in Moscow in October 1986. 3-6 - recorded by Boris Pereverzev at a home concert at Artemy Troitsky's in Moscow on January 15, 1986. 8-11 - recorded by Oleg Kovriga at a home concert at Yegor Yegorov's in Moscow on January 14, 1988. 12, 13 - recorded by Kirill Kuvyrdin at his home in Moscow on July 5, 1987. 14 - recorded at the Mitkov exhibition in Leningrad in July 1987; harmonica - Boris Grebenshchikov. 15-20 - recorded by Sergei Firsov at his home in Leningrad on August 22, 1986.

Brief chronology of records

"official" album titles are in bold. Roman numerals in brackets ( I-VII) indicates which anthology collection contains songs from this album.
  • 1984, September - Back in Cherepovets (or in the summer) ( I)
  • 1984, October 15 - Fish Day. Recorded by Viktor Alisov (Moscow)
  • 1984, October 17-19 - Recorded by V. Alisov and I. Vasiliev (Moscow) ( I)
  • 1984, October 20 - First concert in Moscow (with Sergei Ryzhenko)
  • 1984, November - Songs in a whisper ( I)
  • 1984, December - Tolokon foreheads (Moscow, at Lipnitsky)
  • 1985, January - First concert in Leningrad
  • 1985, March 18 - SashBash & Shevchuk "Kochegarka I" (Leningrad)
  • 1985, March 18 - SashBash & Shevchuk "Kochegarka II" (In the city of Pushkin and RnR)
  • 1985, April - At Lipnitsky (Moscow)
  • 1985, May 19 - Vladimir Kuznetsov (Moscow)
  • 1985, May 30 - Third Capital (Leningrad, at Alexei Vishnya)
  • 1985, December 31 - Concert in Novosibirsk
  • 1985, December 21 - Concert for the Novosibirsk Association of Rockers ( V)
  • 1986 - Concert at Katya's (Bashlachev and Olesya Troyanskaya)
  • 1986, January 20 - Likho 2CD (Moscow, Alexander Ageev's studio) ( IV, V)
  • 1986, January 20 - Skladen (Ageev's recording, except for the 1st all in Likho) ( IV, V)
  • 1986, January - Tagansky concert 3LP, later reissued as 2CD
  • 1986, May - Eternal fast (Moscow, at Lipnitsky's dacha).
  • 1986, August 15 - SashBash & Alice Chernobyl bobs at the end of the world
  • 1986, August 22 - Firsov's apartment (Zadery and Bashlachev) ( VI)
  • 1986, December 5 - Apartment on Kantemirovskaya
  • 1987, May 24 - Concert in the Palace of Culture of Ilyich
  • 1987, June 7 - V Rock Club Festival (Leningrad)
  • 1987, June - Bards leave the yards (for soundtrack) (Moscow) ( IV)
  • 1987, July 5 - Kira - Kirill Kuvyrdin (Moscow) ( VI)
  • 1987, July 8 - At the opening of the Mitkov exhibition (Leningrad) ( VI)
  • 1988, January 14 - Concert at the river station
  • 1988, January 29 - The last concert at Marina Timasheva (Moscow) ( VII)



The grave of Alexander Bashlachev at the Kovalevsky cemetery.


In 2012, the city administration announced the creation of a monument to the poet, however, the placement and sculptor of the monument raised a number of questions from some Cherepovets activists, as well as from most admirers of Bashlachev's work throughout Russia.


Musical dedications

May no one die today

And he will sing about love again
And every house will be happy with him
And he'll take a toothbrush
Open the door and close the window
After all: “love is the train Sverdlovsk-Leningrad - and back!”

"Different people", 19??

As for Bashlachev, we were friends with him. His death left an unhealed wound. This is, perhaps, one of the first losses in my life, that is, I lost friends, and I lost a person close in arms for the first time. Therefore, in the "Sixth Forester" there is a song that I dedicated to him in order to somehow try to get him out of the depression he got into. The song is called "The Sun is for us." Failed. He decided as he decided, so for more than twenty years he has not been with us


  • Play Bolshoi Theater dolls "Bashlachev. Singing Man"
    • Premiere: February 17, 2011
    • A musical performance about the life and work of Alexander Bashlachev, the author and performer of songs, one of the brightest representatives of Russian rock. This is a man who managed to express the spirit and meaning of rock in our country. He organically went into rock culture, without betraying himself in anything, sang with a guitar, first in apartments and basements, and later, when “it became possible” - at the Leningrad, Chernogolovsky, Sverdlovsk festivals. In a matter of years, Bashlachev created about sixty songs, each of which contains a whole world, like epic poems of antiquity.
  • Show Creators:
    • Production director - Ruslan Kudashov Director - Pavel Grigoriev
    • Concertmaster - Regina Chertkova
    • Vocal teacher - Pavel Grigoriev, Maria Sayapina
  • Participation in festivals:
    • VII All-Russian theater festival them. Alexandra Volodina (sketch of the performance, February 2011, St. Petersburg)
    • International Festival "KukART - X" (June 2011, St. Petersburg)
    • XI All-Russian Festival "Real Theater" (September 2011, Yekaterinburg)
    • Out-of-competition program of the festival of the Higher theater award Russia "Golden Mask" "Mask Plus"

Performance on the website of the Bolshoi Puppet Theater


Editions of poems and songs

  • Bashlachev A. N. Pososhok: Poems / Entry. Art. and compilation by A. Zhitinsky. - L.: Lit. ed.-ed. agency "Lira", 1990. - 78 p. ISBN 5-85490-001-7
  • Bashlachev A. N. Poems / Note. A. Kamentseva and others. - M., 1997. - 189 p.
  • Bashlachev A.N. Like a blade. - M.: Time, 2005. - 254 p. (Poetry Library) ISBN 5-9691-0059-5

About him

  • Alexander Bashlachev: poetry, phonography, bibliography. - Tver: Tver. state un-t, 2001. - 217 p. ISBN 5-87049-205-X
  • Alexander Bashlachev: studies of creativity / comp.: L.N. Dmitrievskaya. - M.: Russian school, 2010. - 144 p. ISBN 978-5-91696-008-2
  • Naumov L. Alexander Bashlachev: a singing man. - St. Petersburg: Amphora, 2010. - 439 p. ISBN 978-5-367-01398-6
  • Gavrikov V. A. Mythopoetics in the works of Alexander Bashlachev: dis. ... candidate of philological sciences. - Yelets, 2007.
  • Glinchikov V.S. The phenomenon of author's song in school studies: A. Galich, V. Vysotsky, A. Bashlachev: dis. ... candidate of pedagogical sciences. - Samara, 1997.
  • Yarko A. N. Variation of rock poetry: based on the work of Alexander Bashlachev: dis. ... candidate of philological sciences. - Tver, 2008
  • A. Golev. Bleeding sign. Alexander Bashlachev through the eyes of his contemporaries. - St. Petersburg: Limbus Press, 2011. - 469 p.