English language

We will be familiar with questions about Mr. Oster's tale. Presentation on the topic "grigoriy bentsionovich oster". Working with the biography of the writer

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Slide captions:

Slide 1
BORN 1947
Polyakova G.V. Teacher early. classes of school No. 878 of the Southern Administrative District of Moscow

Slide 2
Harmful advice G. Oster

Slide 3
If a friend for his birthday invited you to his place, you leave a gift at home - it will come in handy yourself. Try to sit next to the cake. Do not enter into conversations. You during a conversation Eat half the candy. Choose smaller pieces, To swallow faster. Do not grab the salad with your hands, You will scoop more with a spoon. If you suddenly give nuts, Rash them gently into your pocket, But do not hide there jam - It will be difficult to take out.

Slide 4

Slide 5
A funny tale about microbes - about little Petka and his friend Anginka living in the third glass of ice cream.

Slide 6
In the attic lived a kitten named Woof. When the neighbor's cat learned that the kitten's name was Woof, he said: “In the yard of a kitten with that name, only troubles await.” - What is this trouble and why are they waiting for me? And where are these troubles? It is necessary to examine everything around. Something I don't see any trouble

Slide 7
In one African forest lived a boa constrictor, a monkey, a baby elephant and a parrot. Every morning they met and started new game... Therefore, they were never bored. And you, so as not to get bored, read a book about their adventures.

Slide 8

Slide 9
And now let's check if you were attentive today? Tell me which of the animals: The smartest? The most polite? What did the boa convey to the monkey? What mathematical action did the monkey love? The hero of Auster's fairy tale, whose length is 38 parrots? What was the name of the microbe - the hero of Auster’s fairy tale? Is Petit a microbe? Is the name of the kitten in Auster's tale? A friend of the kitten named Woof? What advice does G. Oster give to children? Grigory Oster is the name and surname of the writer whose books we talked about today. Read them, they are very interesting!

Reading lesson in grade 2

Topic: G. Oster. "Let's get to know each other"

Objectives: Objectives of the lesson:

  1. educational

To acquaint with the work of G. Oster

Expand children's knowledge of this writer

Improve expressive reading skills

2) developing

Develop the creativity of each child, thinking, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions

Develop students' speech

3) educating

Foster a love of reading

Foster qualities such as kindness, respect for each other


Chalkboard entries

Multimedia installation, computer, projector, screen

Exhibition of books by G. Oster

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

- So, friends, attention -

After all, the bell rang

Sit comfortably -

Let's start the lesson soon!

II. Homework check.

Reading poems by I. Tokmakova.

III. Speech warm-up. Introduction to the topic

1) Reading a clean phrase.

To speak clearly and beautifully, let's work on a clean phrase

Slide 1.

Who wants to talk?

We will talk.

He must pronounce.

And we will pronounce it.

Everything is correct and intelligible.

So correct and intelligible.

So that everyone understands.

So that everyone understands.

Read with "buzzing" reading;

Read slowly and sadly;

Read quickly and cheerfully.

2. Solving a "fun" problem.

Slide 2.

Read the text on the board to yourself. What do you think it is?

“40 grandmothers came to one grandfather for the name day. Each grandmother brought 2 combs as a gift. How many combs did a completely bald birthday boy get from grandmothers? " (This is a task.)

What a strange task. Do you know where she is from? (The problem is from the Problem Book written by Grigory Bentsionovich Oster.)

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the work of G. Oster.

Do you know why G. Oster created such a "Problem Book"? (Children do not like to solve problems, but he wrote such that it was more interesting to solve. And by these problems he teaches children not to do bad deeds.)

What does this task teach us? (She teaches us to choose and make gifts correctly. So that they please and not upset a person. It is unlikely that this grandfather stayed in good mood after his birthday, because he was bald, and he was given a lot of combs. Even one such person will feel bad.)

IV. Learning new material.

1. Introductory conversation.

Guys, what other books by G. Auster have you read? (Children call.)

2. The teacher's story about the writer.

Slide 3, 4, 5 ..

G. Oster was born in Odessa on November 27, 1947. He began to write as a child - the first poems of the writer were published in the newspaper when he was still a schoolboy. However, his first children's book was published only in 1975.IN 1970 G. Oster arrives in Moscow, enters the Literary Institute. M. Gorky to the department of drama.
Grigory Oster wrote plays for children's and puppet theaters, such as "The Man with a Tail", "All Wolves Are Afraid", "Hello to the Monkey", "The Secret Fund", as well as scripts for fairy-tale films "Boy and Girl". "How the Gosling Got Lost" and "Got You Who Bite!"
But the greatest fame to Grigory Oster was brought by his cartoons "A kitten named Woof", "38 parrots", "Exercise for the tail", as well as wonderful children's books "Boa constrictor" and "Bad advice".

3. Primary reading of an excerpt from a fairy tale by children to themselves.

And now let's get acquainted with G. Oster's fairy tale "Let's Know".

Who do you think this tale is about?

Pay attention to the title. What do you think will be discussed in this tale?

4. Checking understanding of the content.

Who is this tale about?

Where did the heroes of the tale live?

What did they usually do?

Why did they decide to "disperse and disperse"?

V. Physical education.

Now let's take some rest. Stand by your seats. Let's check how attentive you are. If I name a word that occurs in a fairy tale, you jump in place twice, if there is no such word in a fairy tale, then you clap your hands twice.

Monkey, rhino, boa constrictor, crocodile, tree, jump rope, hippo, parrot, lizard, baby elephant, hunter.

  1. Consolidation of the learned.

1. Work on the textbook. Completing tasks 1, 2, 3 on p. 158.

2. Selective reading.

What are the best qualities that the monkey has noticed in her friends? Read it.

Prove with text that they were pleased to meet again.

3. Reading by roles with preliminary text markup.

Vii. Physical education "Seven-color flower"

VIII. Consolidation and generalization of the material.

1. Viewing a book exhibition.

Guys, I think you would love to read Auster's Tail Exercise. Besides fairy tales and fairy tales G. Oster wrote stories, myths and legends for children.

This means that G. Oster is a writer. ABOUT erased scripts not only for cartoons, but also for your favorite children's magazine "Yeralash". So G. Oster -screenwriter ... And here are the poems known to you "Harmful advice". Why does G. Oster write Bad Advice?

Previously, scientists believed that harmful advice could only be given to naughty children who do the opposite. If such a child hears bad advice, does it differently, and it will turn out just right. And here is what G. Oster himself says: "... I never tire of repeating that my books are vaccinations for children against stupid, wrong and wrong actions ...".

2. Reading a poem by a teacher.

Now listen to "A Very Scary Story."

A very scary story

Once a spider

Slipped on the wall

And fell to the floor

Hitting the stool.

The stool fell -

Parquet cracked.

And the floor collapsed and the house fell apart.

And since this house stood

On a hillock

I jumped into the river

Wide -


The river fell asleep

There was a flood.

And everything sank:

Valleys and mountains

Trees and stones

Grass and fences.

Floating on the waves

Only a birch branch

A poor spider is sitting on a bitch,

The one that

Fell off the wall

He sits, sighs

And scratches her knees.

Is this a "scary story"?

G. Oster wrote poetry, so he -poet.

IX. Lesson summary.

So, let's conclude, who is Grigory Oster?

Where was Grigory Oster born? (In Odessa)

What advice does the writer give to naughty children? ("Bad advice")

Should you follow bad advice?

Name a few cartoons based on the scripts of G. Oster

What do G. Oster's books teach?

X. Homework

1. Find the book by G. Oster "Bad Advice", write one piece of advice in a notebook on reading and prepare to read expressively in class.

XI. Reflection

Choose petal and glue toour flower

Lesson topic: G. Oster "Let's Meet"

Lesson Objectives:


    To acquaint students with the work of G. Oster "Let's Know";

    Improve the ability to anticipate the content of the text by title, the ability to answer questions about the content of the text, the ability to independently pose questions;


    Develop the ability to emotionally respond to work of fiction, the ability to express independent judgments about the read;


    Foster tolerance, friendship, good manners.

During the classes

    Organizing time

Hello guys. My name is Victoria Vladimirovna. Today I will give you a lesson in literary reading. Now I suggest you repeat after me.

Let's say hello with our hands!

Let's say hello with our eyes!

Let's say hello with our mouth -

It will become joyfully around.

Today in the lesson I will give out cards for correct answers. At the end of the lesson, we will check who collected the most cards, the score will be higher.

Stages of working with text:

First step. Before reading.

Guys, today we will get acquainted with the work of Grigory Oster. He now lives in Moscow. He is 69 years old. He has a big family. He wrote all his books for his children and published those that were interesting to them.

Take a look at the slide. Do you know these heroes?

Read what work we will get acquainted with today in the lesson.

Do you know the heroes of this work?

Who do you see. (baby elephant, monkey, boa constrictor, parrot)

Now I suggest you watch a fragment of the cartoon without sound, and your task is to think about what these characters are talking about.

View fragment.

Guess what they are talking about?

Now, let's see with sound.

View fragment.

Guys, what are they doing?

What genre do you think this work belongs to? (On the screen: riddle, story, poem,story )

Why? Prove that this is a fairy tale, not a story.

Where does the action take place? (on-screen: Africa, Jungle, North Polis, Mountains, Desert)

Second phase. Reading a work by a teacher, children listen

G. Oster


Hello, dear Child!

A children's writer is writing to you. This writer is me. My name is Grigory Oster. What is your name, I do not know, but I guess.

And I also guess that you want to hear some fairy tale. If I guess correctly, then listen. And if I guess wrong and you don’t want to listen to a fairy tale, then don’t listen. The fairy tale will not go anywhere, it will wait for you.

- How can a piece wait for us?

Come when you want, and you will hear it all from beginning to end.

But you, dear Child, do not linger too long, otherwise you will become an adult and it will not be so interesting for you to listen to a fairy tale about an elephant, a monkey, a boa constrictor and a parrot.

- Why will we not be interested in listening to him already? (children's assumptions)

This baby elephant, parrot, boa constrictor and monkey lived in Africa.

Every day they got together and came up with something interesting.

- What could they come up with? (children's assumptions)

Or just talking. Or the monkey sang funny songs, and the boa constrictor, the elephant calf and the parrot listened and laughed. Or a baby elephant asked smart questions, and a monkey, a parrot, and a boa constrictor answered. Or a baby elephant and a monkey took a boa constrictor and twisted it like a skipping rope, and a parrot jumped over it.

And everyone had fun, especially the boa constrictor. The baby elephant, parrot, boa constrictor and monkey were always happy that they knew each other and played together. Therefore, everyone was surprised when the monkey once said:

    Oh, what a pity that we know each other!

    Aren't you interested in us? - the parrot was offended.

    No, you did not understand me! The monkey waved her hands.

- And how did the monkey wave her hands? Show

That's not what I wanted to say. I wanted to say: what a pity that we already know each other.

- Why is the monkey sorry that they already know each other? (children's assumptions)

It would be interesting for all of us to meet again. I would love to meet you, baby elephant, you are so polite, with you, parrot, you are so smart, with you, boa constrictor, you are so long.

    And I, - said the boa constrictor, - would love to meet you, monkey, with you, elephant, and with you, parrot.

    And I, said the elephant. - With pleasure.

    But we already know each other! The parrot shrugged.

- How did the parrot shrug? Show

    So I say, - the monkey sighed. - What a pity!

- How did the monkey sigh? Show (use of live painting)

    Friends! - Suddenly said the boa constrictor and waved his tail. - Why don't we meet again!

I suggest that you digress a little from the text and carefully observe what is happening on the screen. Capture every new element.

Visual physical training

    You can't get to know each other twice in a row! - said the parrot.

- Why can't you meet two times in a row? (children's assumptions)

If you know someone, then this is already forever. Nothing can be done about it.

    And we, - suggested the elephant, - let's take it and get to know each other first!

    Right! - said the boa constrictor. - Let's disperse, and then meet by chance and get to know each other.

    Oh! - the elephant was worried.

- Why is the baby elephant worried? (children's assumptions)

What if we don't meet by chance?

    Well, that's just not a problem! - said the parrot. - If we do not meet by chance, then we will meet on purpose.

- And how is it "on purpose"? (children's assumptions)

The monkey covered her eyes with her hands and shouted:

One, two, three, four, five!

I'm starting not to know you!

Disperse, disperse

To meet again!

- Now read this rhyme all together.

When the monkey opened its eyes, no one was there. Then an elephant came out from behind the tree. A boa crawled out of the grass. And a parrot came out from under the bush. Everyone looked at each other kindly and began to get acquainted.

- What does it mean to look kindly? Like this? (children's assumptions)

The monkey shook the wing of the parrot.

- Squeeze each other's "wing" (use of live pictures, children shake hands)

The parrot shook the elephant's trunk. The baby elephant shook the boa's tail. And they all said to each other: "Let's get to know each other!" And then they said: "It was very nice to meet you!"

And it really was so nice that since then they got to know each other twice a day.

In the morning, when we met, and in the evening goodbye, before going to bed.

(From the book "Tail Exercise")

Now show how many cards you have. Show them to your teacher and she will grade you.

Stage three. Working with text after reading.

Why do we need this story?(children's assumptions)

And what can we learn from it?(children's assumptions)

How did the heroes treat each other?

What did you do when you got together?

Why were they once surprised by the words of the Monkey? What did she suggest?

Why did the animals repeat the game several times?

Stage four. Reflection. Lesson summary.

Today we got acquainted with only one story printed in the book "38 parrots". There is another ode in this book interesting storycalled "Hello". Let's see a snippet from this story.

Watching a cartoon

I suggest you say hello to Monkey. You have a palm on your desk. Color it in the appropriate colors. If you liked the lesson and everything was clear - in green. Those who experienced difficulties - in yellow. And who was not interested in the lesson - red.

(analysis of palms)

Now put your palms in my basket and I will definitely convey your regards to Monkey.


At home, I suggest you draw your own book cover.

What should be on the cover of a book? (author, title of the tale, illustration)

Slide 2

Grigory Bentsionovich Oster - writer of the 21st century

65 years old 11/27/1947

Slide 3

Objective of the project:

The main subject of research is the work of G. Oster, a contemporary children's writer... Determine the role of Auster's books in contemporary children's literature. Show children how to joke about serious problems. ATTRACT THE ATTENTION OF STUDENTS TO THE CREATIVITY OF G.B. OSTER IN OUR DAYS, TO SHOW INTEREST IN THE PERSONALITY OF THE WRITER, TO PROVE THAT OSTER G.B. IS A WRITER, PUBLIC ACTOR OF THE 21 CENTURY.

Slide 4


Research the biography of the writer. Reveal the personal qualities manifested in the work of the writer. To study the rating of children and adults on the writer's website. Draw conclusions about the significance of the writer's creativity today.

Slide 5

Relevance of the project

One of the most acute and intractable problems is the loss of interest in reading by children. The child is surrounded by many attractive things. These are objects that are alive and interesting in his ideas. A screen, diagrams, a computer are replacing the book from childhood. Secondly, the market is filled with “cheap” literature: comics, crosswords. The new generation's reluctance to read good books Is a path to nowhere. Acquaintance with the work of G. Oster, with his modern books, gives a positive result. Reading Auster's books, the child gets involved in highly artistic children's literature.

Slide 6

Grigory Oster

Slide 7


He spent his childhood and youth in Yalta. In 1966 he served in the Northern Fleet. In 1970 he entered the department of drama of the Literary Institute. M. Gorky in Moscow, which he graduated in 1982. Author of many works for children, such as "A Tale with Details", "Papamalogy", "Education of Adults", "Boa Constrictor Granny", "Harmful Advice", "Divination by Hands, Legs, Ears, Back and Neck". Wrote scripts for cartoons "38 Parrots", "Gotcha Who Bite!", "A Kitten Named Woof", "Monkeys", etc., feature film "Until the first blood." He is married with a third marriage, the father of five children.

Slide 8


Children's writer. Born on November 27 in Odessa in the family of a port mechanic. After graduating from high school in 1966, he served in the Northern Fleet for three years. In 1969 he returned to Odessa. In 1970 he came to Moscow, entered the Literary Institute. M. Gorky to the department of drama. Studying by correspondence. In 1982 he graduated from the institute.

Slide 9

Puppet show

Over the years, he wrote plays for puppet theaters

Slide 10

Grigory Benzionovich Oster (literal pseudonym "Oster";

genus. November 27, 1947, Odessa, Ukrainian SSR) - Russian writer, screenwriter, playwright, honored art worker Russian Federation (2007). Creator of the Harmful Advice genre and author of the first Russian hypertextual novel A Tale with Details

Slide 11

Slide 12

In 2004, at the suggestion of the Putin Administration, he developed the website “President of Russia to Citizens school age". Since September 7, 2008, together with the singer Glukoz'oy, he has been conducting the "Children's Pranks" program on STS. In the anthology of children's literature published in Canada, Grigory Oster with his "Harmful Advice" was the largest circulation - 12 million copies, while other authors were awarded a maximum of 300-400 thousand copies.

Slide 13

"Good Deed" (1975) "The Man with the Tail" (1976) "All Wolves Are Afraid" (1979) "Thirty-Eight Parrots" "A Kitten Named Woof" (1979) "Hello Monkey" (1983) "Secret Fund" (1986) ) "Grandma boa constrictor" "Divination by hands, feet, ears, back and neck" "Children's superstitions" "Bad advice" (1996)

Slide 14

Slide 15

Slide 16

One of the developers of the website of Russian President Vladimir Putin

  • Slide 17

    Auster Films

    "Before the first blood" (1990) - a film about the military-patriotic game of the pioneers "Zarnitsa".

    Slide 18

    Theatrical performances

    Performance "Harmful Advice" at the Moscow Theater "School of Modern Play". The play "Harmful advice" at the theater-studio "Obraz" directed by Vladimir Shokhin. Musical performance "Scraps in the Back streets" at the New Drama Theater, at the Kamensk-Uralsky Theater "Drama Number Three" staged by Lyudmila Matis. Play "Hello Monkey!" at the Kamensk-Uralsky Theater "Drama Number Three" directed by Irina Simanova.

    Slide 19


    GB Oster invented new sciences, for example, "Nothing Science", "Candy Eating", "Vritteratura", "Quarter Science" and others. Textbooks on these useful subjects have already been published. opened the "School of Horror", the manual "Vizgultura or Family Rocking", tasks for parents "Nasty tasks", books on fortune telling "Fortune telling by the hands, feet, ears, back and neck", books about signs and superstitions, questionnaires, encyclopedic articles and stories without endings (readers can invent them themselves).

    Slide 20

    schedule of lessons

    1. Papamalogy 2. Durematics 3. Cannibalism 4. Confectionery

    Slide 21


    Laureate of the State. RF Prize (2002). Awarded by Decree of the President of Russia No. 1327 of October 3, 2007

    Slide 22

    The essence of his work:

    “I have always dealt with children [...] gave bad advice when the Soviet authorities were fooling them. I tried to explain that if a large number of obedient children gather at one point of the planet, then they grow into a large number of obedient adults "

    Slide 23

    Its exclusivity:

    The Auster phenomenon in contemporary Russian culture and children's literature is unmatched. With the exception of Ouspensky, his status is difficult to compare with that of any other contemporary children's writer. His "Harmful Advice" sells out in fantastic print runs, his cartoons became classics during the author's lifetime, his authority in television and radio programs on raising children and reading children is unshakable.

    Slide 24


    Numerous "bad advice" has become a noticeable phenomenon of modern Russian culture. Just like Oster's jokes, they can be bought almost everywhere: at the airport, at the train station, at the kiosk. If you ask for advice on what kind of entertainment book to buy for your child, you will most likely be advised of some of Oster's jokes.

    Slide 25

    Slide 26


    1. Grigory Bentsionovich Oster (b. 1947) // I know the world: Det. encyclopedia: Literature. - M .: AST, 1997 .-- S.298-301. 2. Elin G. Grigory Oster: “Where does love come from” / G. Elin // Moscow news. - 1994. - No. 65. - P.5. 3. Kachuk G. Dad is soft. He will forgive ... / G. Kachuk // Worker. - 1995. - No. 10. - P.10-12. 4. Korf O. "A beloved guide" in mathematics, or "Can I and children love semolina" / O. Korf // Primary school. - 1995. - No. 3. - S. 92-93. 5. Mishukova A. A. Oster Grigory Bentsionovich / A. A. Mishukova // Essays on children's writers: A guide for teachers primary school... - M .: Balass, 1999 .-- S. 151-153. 6. Internet sites: http://www.uznay-prezidenta.ru/index.php?p\u003d3-4&v\u003dfi01 http://www.oster-detyam.ru/ http://lib.ru/ANEKDOTY /osterwred.txt

    Grigory Oster
    Completed by: Popovich Yulia Pavlovna primary school teacher of the Moscow State Educational Institution "Roshchinskaya School" p. Roshchino Dzhankoy District, Republic of Crimea

    Born November 27, 1947 in the city of Odessa in the family of a port mechanic. He began writing poetry at the age of 16. After graduation in 1966 high school served in the Northern Fleet for three years. In 1970 he entered the M. Gorky Literary Institute. Since 1973 he has been a professional writer. In 1996 Oster became a laureate of the readers' sympathy contest "Golden Key".

    Grigory Bentsionovich Oster - Russian children's writer
    Obviously, G. Oster's five children inspire him to create more and more games and new characters, not giving him the opportunity to forget his childhood.

    Grigory Bentsionovich Oster - Russian children's writer
    Literary pseudonym - Oster. Co-author of the website "President of Russia - to school age citizens". Since 2008, together with the singer Glucose, he has been broadcasting “Children's Pranks” on STS. Honored Art Worker of Russia (since 2007) Currently lives and works in Moscow.

    G. Oster's books

    Read without mistakes!
    hello - hello dear - respect I guess - guess delay - stay talked - talked to get acquainted - get acquainted with pleasure - run away with a boa constrictor - run away

    A fairy tale about a baby elephant, a monkey, a boa constrictor and a parrot

    Find answers to questions in the text
    Where did the heroes of the tale live? What did they usually do? What did the monkey suggest? What are the best qualities that the monkey has noticed in her friends? How did the animals meet?