
Nikolay Voronov white dragonfly. Musician Nikolai Voronov: biography, creativity and personal life. Participation in the Comedy Club

17-year-old Muscovite Nikolai Voronov is a real child prodigy, who was never called that at home in order to protect him from psychological trauma. The boy, who was born into a family of a psychologist and accompanist, from the age of three showed outstanding talent for mathematics and music. At the age of five, he began studying pianist at the Moscow Gnessin Secondary Special School for especially gifted children. Nikolai's absolute pitch and unique musical memory led to the fact that, in parallel with the general program, they began to study composition with him. At the age of ten, Kolya Voronov, on a simple synthesizer, composed the song "White Dragonfly of Love", which in six years was destined to become internet hit and bring fame to the author. And now a first-year student of the composing department of the Moscow Conservatory began a pop career - he was invited to perform at corporate events, the New Year's light on the 2x2 channel, in the Solyanka and Ikra clubs. The young musician was showered with offers of cooperation from representatives of show business, requests for television filming and interviews. Fans, having found out the address of the Voronovs, began to gather at his entrance. What is called a serious hype has risen.

The current situation worries Kolya Voronov's parents a lot, who fear that excessive public attention will prevent their son from completing his education and thereby ruin his talent. OPENSPACE.RU decided to find out what is on Kolya Voronov's mind.

Location: a cafe on Izmailovsky Boulevard. Characters: correspondent OPENSPACE.RU Denis Boyarinov, Nikolay Voronov and his director Alexander. Voronov studies the menu, then places an order: meat in a pan, two bottles of mineral water.

- You bite your nails.

Yes (laughs shyly)... I can't break the habit.

- This is some characteristic for pianists. Horowitz also gnawed his nails in his youth.

For pianists, this is such a disaster. By the way, Horowitz - yes. And Stravinsky did not gnaw.

- Can we start the interview?

And how.

Perfectly. Your mother and the piano teacher told me in detail about your, so to speak, becoming as a classical musician and pianist. But the moment when you became interested in pop music, they, by their admission, did not notice.

In fact, my mother probably noticed, but did not tell. I became interested in pop music at the age of ten. I turned on the TV and listened to songs. Anyone - listened to the group "White Eagle", Viktor Tsoi ( laughs) ... What else is there? Decl! ( Declares.) "And who are you? Who are you? Who are you? And who are you? Who are you? Who are you?" Really good songs. And Tsoi is generally wonderful ...

Well, I'm talking about the fact that it was all interesting to me in principle. But I took up pop music when my dad bought me a synthesizer at the Savelovsky market Casio CTK 571... This synthesizer has become my attribute.

- Do you still play on the same synthesizer?

Yes! And I don't want to change it!

- Does it work well - the keys don't stick?

Works well. On the contrary, the keys sometimes feel like ripping out. Root! ( He laughs.) No, I'm afraid, I'm afraid to buy a new one. ( In a conspiratorial tone.) Do you know why I'm afraid?

- Why?

Because the new one will not have the "Dragonfly" rhythm. No - if new, then only Casio, only Casio... And it is interesting that on the new synthesizer it will be possible to make a remix of "Dragonfly". Actually, I'm glad you heard Dragonfly. It's incredible! It is surprising! Why is there suddenly such an attraction to the song? All of a sudden! That song was not there, now it appeared - and suddenly it happened. And now everyone says that Nikolai Voronov is my idol. ( He laughs.)

- What are you listening to now?

Now - classical music... She has something to tell me energetically.

- What period?

Modern. Not even modern, late XIX - early XX century.

- Modernists?

Not quite modernists yet, but already ... The early avant-garde - Debussy, Scriabin, Mahler, Ravel are already smaller. Everything is post-Chopin. Rachmaninov is included, of course. Naturally, dodecaphonists, the Novovensk school - Berg, Schoenberg, Webern.

- I know you compose symphonic works yourself.

Yes, I do, of course. On the computer, I have three programs. I write in them, the programs are immediately voiced. This is very important: you compose and immediately hear what you are composing.

- How would you describe the style of your symphonic works?

I have different ones. Perhaps this is the return of the classics. Modern harmonies ... No, this is how I must say: I am trying to show modern harmonies in a classical style. In general, it is a combination. Even "Dragonfly" is a combination. Combining pop-rock with disco.

- Do you give titles to your symphonic compositions?

- "Opuses". Opuses under numbers. I don't have time for the names. I give numbers to songs. Now song 68 is on.

- So you have composed 68 songs in total?

- Why do you play the same ten pieces at concerts?

- 15. Because they are the most hit. And so far I have only learned them.

Contemporary composer Nikolay Voronov was born in 1991 in Moscow and from the age of five studies at the Moscow Secondary Special Music school named after the Gnesins in the piano class with a talented teacher, Honored Worker of Culture Tatyana Abramovna Zelikman.

The first composition ("Classical" etude for piano) - N. Voronov wrote at the age of 8. Later he began to try his hand at the pop genre, creating about 70 different compositions accompanied by a synthesizer. In 2003 Nikolay returned to classical music again. In just two years N. Voronov wrote more than a dozen pieces for piano, several pieces for various chamber ensembles and three pieces for a symphony orchestra.

In the past few years, Nikolai has been studying composition under the direction of A.A. Prishchepa, participating in numerous competitions and creative evenings. N. Voronov is a laureate of the 1st prize of the competition "Piano Miniature in Russian Music" A.G. Rubinshtein (St. Petersburg, 2005) and laureate of the 1st prize of the chamber music competition of the Vozvrashchenie festival (Moscow, 2007). He studies at the conservatory, performs at concerts.

It was a sinful thing to want to post "Dragonfly of Love" and some excerpt from the epic program "Let's Get Married" with Nikolai's participation. But I was smart enough to go to social. network and get a glimpse of his work. I share.

Song "Struzh" (text, there is a song, I advise you to listen)

A happy dream pierced me!

Far away, a horse was screaming over the empty dew.
I wanted to shout too!
I went outside and started screaming.
No one heard me, although everyone saw me.
I kept screaming.
And suddenly a thought struck me ...
They don't want to understand us.
They want to understand themselves, but we think that we.
They do not spare others - themselves.
Praise is not others - themselves.
They love not others - themselves.
If you don't love anyone, then you don't love yourself.
Knowing everything about yourself means you know everything about others!
If you think that this does not happen (that you can know everything), then you yourself do not know.
A terrible secret was revealed to me.
And, you know, after that you don't want to think.
I want to swim in the fog, not understanding anything,
I want to scream!
Oooooooooo !!
AAAA !!!

Song "Destiny" (text, there is a song, I advise you to listen)

May nights, foggy nights

You pass as a shadow, they won't see you
You will tell what you saw and then you will forget
And only the lake will remember, drying up in the sun.

Wake me up, oh life!
Tell me what else?

Wake me up, oh life!
Tell me what else?
Dissolving in the barely audible breath of the streets
In which my trace will dissolve

On green grass, obliquely to fate,
You walk diagonally, but in fact - straight,
The masses follow you, but in reality -
It is you who follow everyone, smiling at the sun!

Wake me up, oh life!
Tell me what else?
Dissolving in the barely audible breath of the streets
In which my trace will dissolve
Wake me up, oh life!
Tell me what else?
Dissolving in the barely audible breath of the streets
In which my trace will dissolve

In work operas "Janis" and "USSR"

Symphonic poem "Trees" it took only a few hours - started and finished on August 30, 2012.
Plot: musicians on stage. They play different music, improvise. After a while, a person suddenly appears on the stage from nowhere. He tries to ask the musicians how to get through, but gets no answer. The musicians continue to go about their business as if nothing had happened. The man tries to explain that he is late, that he needs to meet with the girl, that she will not understand him if he does not meet with her. The musicians don't respond. He looks for a door that leads, according to him, to the street, finds it, breaks it in and gets to the meeting point, but the girl is not there. He's at a loss. He asks the musicians if they have seen this girl, no one answers him. Then he approaches one of the musicians, asks who he is, and, having not received an answer, begins to tell him about himself, about how he met a man who told him that "love will save our world," but he does not trust this words, as they are spoken too brightly. He is looking for how to achieve popularity, fame, reflects on this, says that this person whom he met is very kind, sincere, loves people, nature, a woman, but such people are not needed now. He says that now is the time to achieve this popularity, and he has everything to achieve recognition. Only he has a problem - no one hears him.
He asks: "Where is my home?" - and, having received no answer, leaves the stage. The orchestra continues to improvise.

but in general he had a lot of pleasant and harmonious music. It will be necessary to swing, listen.

And finally, I quote the post of Nikolai Voronov on the topic of the day (I have italicized what I agree with):

"How I would like the murders and terror in Ukraine, and indeed just to stop once and for all. Someone provokes such actions - but there is no need to respond to provocations! I can compare this to a game - someone sits down with you at the table play, but you don't have to sit down with him at this table! To sit down means to accept the rules of the game - the rules of murder, terrorism. You yourself become a murderer! No need to fight with anyone! In general, with anyone. This is stupid. the fact that people have turned into animals is in general nonsense, I don't even know how to talk like that. You can always negotiate with any person, even a murderer, we just don't always know how. But you can. Don't blame the US for provocations, don't blame us, Russians, Ukrainians for the problem - we NO ONE will find out who is really to blame, because so much has already happened that no history will clarify it.Now I personally expect only one thing - that everyone who has a weapon will throw it away once and for all and, finally, will understand the value of human life - first of all, their own. How do you want everything to settle down !!! "

What can I say. GENIUS! Let's wish him a good positive muse-keeper of the hearth to find and create a sea of \u200b\u200bgorgeous works!

Again, who saw alive. Tell us.

17-year-old Muscovite Nikolay Voronov - a real child prodigy, who was never called that at home in order to protect him from psychological trauma. The boy, who was born into a family of a psychologist and accompanist, from the age of three showed outstanding talent for mathematics and music. At the age of five, he began studying to be a pianist at the Moscow Gnessin Secondary Special School for especially gifted children. Nikolai's absolute pitch and unique musical memory led to the fact that, in parallel with the general program, they began to study composition with him. At the age of ten, Kolya Voronov, on a simple synthesizer, composed the song "White Dragonfly of Love", which in six years was destined to become internet hit and bring fame to the author. And now a first-year student of the composing department of the Moscow Conservatory began a pop career - he was invited to perform at corporate events, the New Year's light on the 2x2 channel, in the Solyanka and Ikra clubs. The young musician was showered with offers of cooperation from representatives of show business, requests for television filming and interviews. Fans, having found out the address of the Voronovs, began to gather at his entrance. What is called a serious hype has risen.

The current situation worries Kolya Voronov's parents a lot, who fear that excessive public attention will prevent their son from completing his education and thereby ruin his talent. OPENSPACE.RU decided to find out what is on Kolya Voronov's mind.

Location: a cafe on Izmailovsky Boulevard. Characters: correspondent OPENSPACE.RU Denis Boyarinov, Nikolay Voronov and his director Alexander. Voronov studies the menu, then places an order: meat in a pan, two bottles of mineral water.

- You bite your nails.

Yes (laughs shyly)... I can't break the habit.

- This is some kind of characteristic feature for pianists. Horowitz also chewed his nails in his youth.

For pianists, this is such a disaster. By the way, Horowitz - yes. And Stravinsky did not gnaw.

- Can we start the interview?

And how.

Perfectly. Your mother and the piano teacher told me in detail about your, so to speak, becoming as a classical musician and pianist. But the moment when you became interested in pop music, they, by their admission, did not notice.

In fact, my mother probably noticed, but did not tell. I became interested in pop music at the age of ten. I turned on the TV and listened to songs. Anyone - listened to the group "White Eagle", Viktor Tsoi ( laughs) ... What else is there? Decl! ( Declares.) "And who are you? Who are you? Who are you? And who are you? Who are you? Who are you?" Really good songs. And Tsoi is generally wonderful ...

Well, I'm talking about the fact that it was all interesting to me in principle. But I took up pop music when my dad bought me a synthesizer at the Savelovsky market Casio CTK 571... This synthesizer has become my attribute.

- Do you still play on the same synthesizer?

Yes! And I don't want to change it!

- Does it work well - the keys don't stick?

Works well. On the contrary, the keys sometimes feel like ripping out. Root! ( He laughs.) No, I'm afraid, I'm afraid to buy a new one. ( In a conspiratorial tone.) Do you know why I'm afraid?

- Why?

Because the new one will not have the "Dragonfly" rhythm. No - if new, then only Casio, only Casio... And it is interesting that on the new synthesizer it will be possible to make a remix of "Dragonfly". Actually, I'm glad you heard Dragonfly. It's incredible! It is surprising! Why is there suddenly such an attraction to the song? All of a sudden! That song was not there, now it appeared - and suddenly it happened. And now everyone says that Nikolai Voronov is my idol. ( He laughs.)

- What are you listening to now?

Now - classical music. She has something to tell me energetically.

- What period?

Modern. Not even modern, late XIX - early XX century.

- Modernists?

Not quite modernists yet, but already ... The early avant-garde - Debussy, Scriabin, Mahler, Ravel are already smaller. Everything is post-Chopin. Rachmaninov is included, of course. Naturally, dodecaphonists, the Novovensk school - Berg, Schoenberg, Webern.

- I know you compose symphonic works yourself.

Yes, I do, of course. On the computer, I have three programs. I write in them, the programs are immediately voiced. This is very important: you compose and immediately hear what you are composing.

- How would you describe the style of your symphonic works?

I have different ones. Perhaps this is the return of the classics. Modern harmonies ... No, this is how I must say: I am trying to show modern harmonies in a classical style. In general, it is a combination. Even "Dragonfly" is a combination. Combining pop-rock with disco.

- Do you give titles to your symphonic compositions?

- "Opuses". Opuses under numbers. I don't have time for the names. I give numbers to songs. Now song 68 is on.

- So you have composed 68 songs in total?

- Why do you play the same ten pieces at concerts?

- 15. Because they are the most hit. And so far I have only learned them.

Nikolai Voronov is a Russian singer, lyricist, songwriter and composer. The talented pop singer became famous thanks to his YouTube channel, on which he posted a song of his own composition and performance “White Dragonfly of Love”. The track became an instant hit. The music critic jokingly compared the performer with.

Childhood and youth

Nikolai Voronov was born in May 1991 into an intelligent Moscow family. His father, Alexander Voronov, teaches at the department of sociology and the humanities of one of the capital's universities, and his mother has an accompanist education. It was she who first noticed her son's musical abilities.

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Nikolay Voronov as a child

Musical biography the boy began in childhood. At the age of 5, Nikolai Voronov sat down at the piano. He began to study at the Moscow Gnesins Special School, where especially gifted children studied. The boy showed perfect pitch and excellent musical memory. This was the reason for additional training in composition.

According to Nikolai Voronov, he wrote his first piece of music at the age of 8. The boy named it "Classical Study for Piano". Later, the musician received his higher education within the walls of the Moscow Conservatory, where he entered in 2008 to study with Roman Ledenev.


The composition that glorified the young poet, performer and musician, he wrote at the age of 10. It was the song "White Dragonfly of Love". Nikolai Voronov attributed it to the thrash-pop style and remembered about it 6 years later.

As Voronov admitted, he took up "pop" after his dad gave a synthesizer to Casio. This tool pushed the guy to write the first three songs. First, the composition "I am waiting for you" appeared, and some time later two more - "People who immediately" and "White dragonfly of love". The latter became a hit after Nikolai Voronov posted it on Youtube in 2008. A funny video with a catchy rhythm and words was watched by thousands of users. Kolya woke up famous.

At first, the interest in the song was rather humorous, users sent each other a funny clip with a catchy motive. But later she found a viral effect, and the author of the composition became popular and received a number of offers to appear in shows on federal channels. Users were surprised and amazed by the fact that Nikolai wrote the song itself as a child, and predicted the viral Internet success of the composition 4 years before he posted the recording on YouTube.

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Nikolay Voronov

In November 2008, Nikolai was invited to give a concert in the fashionable metropolitan club "Solyanka", which he willingly did. The hall was sold out. One and a half thousand people came to look at Voronov and listen to his "live" performance. According to the musician, this was the only performance in his life in front of such a large audience.

Nikolay was also invited to the festive concert, which was broadcast on the 2x2 TV channel on New Year's Eve from 2008 to 2009.

In 2009, Artemy Troitsky spoke in favor of Nikolai Voronov going to Eurovision with his hit. The critic supported the initiative group that nominated Voronov's candidacy with a video message. The song was supposed to be performed by the Quest Pistols. But the musicians were refused, since the composition had already been performed by the end of October 2008.

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Nikolay Voronov

In the same year, Nikolai Voronov was awarded the prize "Steppenwolf" in the "Something" nomination. The peculiarity of this nomination is that here the judges evaluate not music or text, but the social influence of a person or an event.

Another wave of popularity hit the musician in December 2015, when the parodist Maxim Galkin quite accurately portrayed Kolya in the TV show "Toch-in-Toch".

Today the musician's discography consists of dozens of compositions. Only a few have become popular, including "People who at once", "Fruit tenderness" and "Run". But these songs failed to achieve the popularity that the hit "White Dragonfly of Love" achieved.

Nikolay Voronov on stage

Gradually, the popularity of the musician faded away. In an interview in 2016, Nikolai said that he had stopped making pop music, and completely concentrated on a professional career. He plans to create serious classical works... Today, on his account - a poem for a male choir and orchestra, pieces for violin and orchestra, 25 electronic symphonies and other works.

Nevertheless, in September 2016, the musician took part in the X-Factor show.

In July 2017, the musician again caught the attention of the Internet community. Nikolai began regularly uploading videos to his YouTube channel, where before that he had posted only classical music of his own performance. In the new videos, the artist behaved extravagantly and defiantly. IN social networks Voronov also began writing short, incoherent messages.

Fans and the press suspected that the musician had gone mad, but there was no official confirmation of such a diagnosis from relatives. Later, a psychiatrist commented on Nikolai's behavior, without confirming a specific mental illness. According to the specialist, the young man experiences problems with the nervous system, and not with the psyche, which is most likely associated with a birth trauma. Over the years, Voronov learned to cope with the problem and even made it his own feature.

Personal life

The Runet trash star does not like to talk about this side of his life. The personal life of Nikolai, whose height reaches 195 cm, is almost a blank sheet.

On the program, which appeared on the air in 2013, Nikolai admitted that he likes tall and curvy blondes, and older than his age. A similar friend has already been in the life of a guy. Voronov mentioned the girl Nastya, with whom he periodically communicates.

Nikolay Voronov and Sveta Yakovleva in the show "Let's Get Married"

According to Nikolai, he does not want to have children yet. And he is not ready for marriage either, because he is frightened by the hysteria and greed of the girls of his friends. Moreover, "the ideal woman needs to suffer." The program also revealed that the young man was being examined in a psychiatric clinic for nervous tics. At the end of the broadcast, the musician made a choice in favor, which was among the contenders for the title of Voronov's girl and bride.

Nikolay Voronov now

Now Nikolai continues to communicate with fans through a social network.