
Jokes - pictures, video jokes, funny stories and anecdotes. Odessa phrases and aphorisms From the Odessa slang dictionary

Ah, Odessa

For a wonderful dictionary - thanks to Ela Myers (I don't know who the author is, but I found it from her)

Yes! (as a statement), Taki yes ?, Taki yes!(as negation) - a universal phrase, the meaning depends on the intonation of pronunciation
Let me pass! - Let the steam go!
(by the way, a well-known trick to pass through the crowd hysterically screaming: "be careful with boiling water" or something like that
Not the same - Two big differences
Watch out! - Legs!!!
Note! - Moment!
Take it please - Here you are!
Sad facial expression - Lemon muzzle
Drunk - Gassed
Knife - Rezhik)) (I like it the most)
Well, you turned the price down !!! - Won't you vomit?
Is free - On the ball
Expression of surprise - " Hello to you! "
Don't consider me a sucker - Do not hold me for a fraer!
Shut up! - Breathe through your nose!
Disagree - "Why yes?"
Stop doing that! - End these things for me !!!
You weren't in line! - You weren’t standing here!
Stop telling me! - Get off the wheel !!!
I am a participant in the Orange Revolution - I was on the Maidan
What do I have to do with it?! - No need to beat questions to mine!
Yes, I won't even budge! - Right now, I'll stroke the laces on the slippers!
I'm a little tired of you - I just start to like you!
Stop talking! - Close your mouth, the seals will fly out!
I apologize! - I apologize wildly!
Taxi - Headlight
Zaporozhets - Charlick
Customer - A patient
Listen - Hear here!
The problem is - Gambel
How much is - Lope of money?
I do not understand! - At least shoot me in the head!
Microphone - Matyugalnik
Are you the smartest to climb forward of all ?! - Make way, sea, shit floats
What's the matter? - And what is it?
Holy simplicity - Blue naive

A is the first letter of the alphabet, which often becomes the last in Odessa ...
Bora, get out of the pestilence! (I mean, from the sea)
Also, the letter<<А>\u003e often begins phrases with a negative connotation.
Ah, the weather! (bad)
HOOT IS NOT GOOD? -<<Больше ты ничего не хочешь?>>
And SHO is the most convincing argument in the dispute.
ADIOT is an idiot, short form is ADYA.
And ITZIN TRACTOR - imagined.
ANTON (also known as APPARATUS) is a male reproductive organ.
ARTEL<<НАПРАСНЫЙ ТРУД>\u003e - the work performed by the Sisyphean team.

BANANA (same as Anton see)
BANAN VAM is a delicate form of expression<<Банан тебе в грызло>>
PREGNANT HEAD - swollen from unnecessary conversations.
TAKE AN EXAMPLE FOR ME - instruction.
BLADS - not what you thought, but 1) dance evening; 2) a date.

YOU WERE NOT STANDING HERE - a polite warning of a possible conflict.
SEA VIEW AND BACK TO SEA - depends on intonation: either bad or good.
VITAMIN DE - money
VITAMIN CE - products: salce, pivtse, vinse, meat, etc.
TAKE EYES IN HANDS - look more closely.
GIVE ALL - THE BED WILL BREAK - a saying, like<<самому мало>>.
Torn out YEARS - chores.

GAVRIK is a subordinate.
GAS-URAGAN - the strongest intoxication.
HELEMTER-YOUNG - an inept, whose hands do not grow from there ...
GESHEFT - a deal, a deal. GESHEFTMAKHER is a businessman.
GEC is a hot-tempered person.

YES - with Odessa intonation, rather not.
TWO NUCKLES IN THREE ROWS - a couple of idiots who are not equal in idiocy
TWO RUBLES? YOU WANT IT WELL! - a dispute in the bazaar.
MAKING ANYONE FUN is causing trouble.
DOLPHIN is a corpse found at sea.
BEFORE KARI OCHI - complete indifference.

JEWISH HAPPINESS is the opposite of happiness.
Hedgehog, SAME F - same.
RIDE is a traditional readiness of Odessa citizens.

ZAY A MENSH -<<будь человеком>\u003e (Spanish -<<будьте любезны>>, <<прошу Вас>>)
SILENCE YOUR MOUTH - stop talking.
LEAVE - Borrow.

FROM -<<из>\u003e, but maybe<<с>>…
OR - otherwise!
HAVE HAVE - a delicate form of mat.
YOKALAMENE - among cultured people it is used when you want to say
specific words, but you have to be content with only individual letters.

KABYZDOH is a popular nickname for pets.
EVERYONE - anyone.
HOW DO YOU LIKE IT - what do you say to that?
JUST THAT CASE - you will wait a long time.
SAUSAGE TRIMS - a reproach for professional unsuitability.
RUN CIRCLE - in the end.
TO TURN THE BUTTONS - to be headstrong.

LEMON MOUTH - sour mine.
CATCH GAV - yawn.
PEOPLE! - a cry from the heart, designed for everyone.

BENIN'S MOTHER is a hospitable woman who can accept and warm everyone
they send to her.
DEAD BJOLI DO NOT FOOT - equiv.<<тяжелое алкогольное опьянение 3-й тяжести>>
TO MY ENEMIES THIS LIFE WITH THAT SMALL -<<хорошо>\u003e lives in our
YOUNG MAN - an appeal to a man aged 18 to 70 years.

ON MEDICINES - a threat.
FOR A MINUTE -<<ничего себе!>>
OUR MAN is a Jew.
DO NOT SEE TICKETS! - pay the fare.
DO NOT COLLECT INTO COMPOTE - THE TOMATOES WILL SURROUND - don't dig another hole, you yourself will fall.
WELL! -<<и вы мне еще об этом рассказываете?>>

ABOUT! - one of the most Odessa words, can include almost any
feeling and experience.
WHAT WE SEE ABOUT is the result of life observations.
OYTS is a tragedy in life.
OTSIM-POTSYM (OTSN-POTSN) - inappropriate, suddenly. Expression indicating
extreme annoyance.
OTSYM-POTSYM, TWENTY-EIGHT - the next, stronger degree otsym-potsym.

STOP SAYING - and don't say; don't be silly.
UNDER IT THE FLOOR RISES UP - he can barely keep on his feet.
LOST (AYA) - a rude curse.

WORKING FOR A UNITAZ is a job, the earnings from which are only enough for food.
Smearing porridge - talking a lot in vain.
CRACKS - shrimps.
ROGOMET is a native of the village.

SAM is one.
FREE EARS - a grateful listener.
SIT-RIDE - approximately,<<расслабься, и не мешай серьезным людям заниматься
business! \u003e\u003e
TITS AND PITS - Meat pies or pasties, for the manufacture of which
minced meat was used from beef selected for these purposes.
SLIP THE WATER! - stop unnecessary conversation.
SPECIALIST is a portch.
ASKING A QUESTION - a question arises.
AMONG HERE - in this place. Opposite. - AMONG THERE.

SO ON SO - for no reason.
TAKI is an amplifying particle.
GOODS TO THE HOME - return things.
VICK ON NERVES - pronounce.
THIRD TOAST - trad.<<за тех, кто в море>>.

KILL WITH A Broom! - pleasant surprise.
ALREADY OR STILL - a traditional question in the bazaar means: you have already dropped the price,
it is taken into account that the day ends, or the product costs the same as
in the morning.

FITTING MONEY - wasting.
A pound of raisins is a unique measure of measurement.

HA - you will tell me.
COLD PHOTOGRAPHER - taking pictures in the street.
GOOD LITERATE - smart, business-like.
GOOD WANT - To desire too much.

CENTRAL LAUNDRY - there you can send any complaint, bypassing the authorities
structures, the result is the same.
CIRCUS - funny on the one hand, and sad on the other.

THROUGH WHY - because of what?
WHAT WILL I HAVE WITH IT? - the main question of philosophy.
WHAT YOU KNOW - hack into your nose.
FOR YOU TO DIE - a universal Odessa wish.
SO YES, SO NO - not exactly.

SHA! - quieter!
SHAMIL TO CATCH - to drink to the squirrel.
SHANETS - a chance, but a small one.
IS THIS? - what is the noise and there is no fight?
NECK WASHED - readiness No.1.
SHOB I KNEW AS I DON'T KNOW - I have no idea.

NOW! -<<разбежался!>>…

Y is a letter that many Odessans cannot pronounce.

EXPRESSIONISM - express train Odessa-Moscow, on which<<сионисты>\u003e went to
the capital of Russia to fly from there to Israel.
a big man, but in Odessa ...

I PLEASE YOU - 1) do not worry; 2) there would be something to talk about (iron.)
I COUNTED YOU - I learned everything about you
I KNOW? - I find it difficult to answer.

Young lady, will you tell me what time it is?
- Oh, you know, I forgot the clock at home, come to me, and we'll see!

Thank God, are you leaving, or are you staying, God forbid?

I don't know much, but I want to.

There is a crush on the Odessa tram:
- Man! I'm already all under you! Do it, Schaub, I pleasantly recalled this route ...

In which fireproof closet did you hide your shame?

Mom, he's old!
- And you sho, new?

Do not fool the place where the back ends its noble name!

I'm on your side, buy yourself a tractor, and shoot yourself for change!

A sign in the Odessa tram: "Schaub, you arrived as you paid ..."

Bora, you just went to look at the moon, and now you take cheese with the same hands.

Well, I'm not a gold piece to please everyone.

Kindly, what should I sit on to get to Deribasovskaya?
- Sit on your ass, you are already on Deribasovskaya!

Syoma, iron your shirt, otherwise they'll say sho, I'm not doing anything with you.

It great master predict the weather for yesterday.

Senya, eat borscht, you are dead, you must get better !!!

Do you eat fish from a spoon or from a fork?
- Oh, I don't care if only yes!

Good evening, Sara Abramovna! How is your headache?
- Oh, he's gone to play cards ...

Madam, your beautiful eyes make me forget the cases.

There is a crush on the Odessa tram:
- Man, your leg is already across my throat!

Oh, such a familiar face, somewhere I saw you ...
- Oh, do not remember me, otherwise I will remember you!

How do you iron delicate lingerie?
- By hand.

Moisey Abramovich, what kind of holiday did you have yesterday?
- Sarochka celebrated the tenth anniversary of her fortieth birthday.

Tell me, doctor, are you by any chance a gynecologist?
- No, but I can see!

Don't throw your eyebrows over your forehead.

Sonya, don't tremble the sofa: you will burst all the springs!

Oh, you know, Izi has such grief, such grief!
- What grief?
- He died!

Sarah! Sarah! Your son is eating from the trash heap!
- Abrasha! Don't eat much, dine soon!

How much is it worth bury? And without the deceased?

About too open a dress with a deep neckline: "Madam, you have your heart out!"

And sho vi go broke without a penny of money?

Either I have feelings for the girl, or the girl is not worth me.

I have a couple of questions ...

Sarah! A teal jumped into me!
- Shaw, really?
- No, near.

Man, I understand everything. You are so charming, well, not to the same degree!

Where is this boy's crazy mother? He is still here, she - no one knows where, but he will grow up and leave, and where can she return all this to her?

Shout down from the top floor of the brothel:
- Madame Zosia! Order the stokers to heat less! The client is sweating and slipping!

Come on, make your mother an orphan.

Sarochka! You look great today!
- Ha! I still feel bad!

Don't make me nervous - there is still a lot to spoil them!

Moishe, when you are not at home, the neighbors say this about you! ..
- Oh, when I am not at home, let them even beat me!

Do not fool me with madabeytsyly.

You drive mom into the coffin and even deeper!

Haim, how could you have such an ugly wife?
- You know, she is inwardly beautiful ...
- Shlimazl, why don't you let her turn inside out ?!

How much is this meat worth?
- Why not tell? Have we quarreled with you?

Shaw you are warming up like a mouse on a delivery.

The elevator does not lift down.

Fima, you are insulting!

I'll show you where the chicken has boobs ...

I am not such a fool as your father's children.

Or do you think you weren't late? So I'll tell you, yes.

Don't twist my faberges for me!

The inscription on the monument: The famous Odessa dentist Boris Rafailovich Katz is buried here. And his son Monya receives in his office on Prokhorovskaya, 21.

If you agree that I fry eggs in your lard, I will allow you to boil your meat in my soup.

Sarochka is not about you and turn off the radio altogether ...

Bora, get out of the pestilence!

What does little mean? Sarah also shouted: "Not enough!" - and then nursed seven bandits, not counting the girls!

Mom shouts to her son who climbed a tree:
- Monya, or you will now fall and break your neck, or you will now get off and I will kick your face!

Don't get my brains pregnant!

He married Rose with a veranda and hot water ...

Well go, sho you tear my heart!

I had the nail on which the portrait of your grandfather hung.

Tell me, if I go down this street, will there be a train station?
- You know, he will be there, even if you do not go there!

These are two big differences.

You lived as you are poor!

Or do you have to sing?
- We have a drink, this is a shop, not a conservatory!
- Or do you have a drink, Schaub was sho to sing?

Don't give me a pregnant head!

So will you buy or will I forget you forever ?!

Two Odessans are talking in the middle of the street. A third approaches them. He listens for a long time in silence, turns abruptly and, leaving, says:
- Oh! Don't fool me ...

Do you need to go to Deribasovskaya? And you yourself will be from somewhere, not from Mariupol, it's a pity, it's somewhere over there or over there, go wherever you want, gradually you will find where she will go!

Schaub You lived the way I laughed at it.

Shut up your mouth.

Tell me, do you know where Deribasovskaya is?
- I do not know where Deribasovskaya is? I don't know where Deribasovskaya is! Yes Schaub you are dead if I do not know where Deribasovskaya is!

Wee make me laugh.

Yesterday I saw crayfish for three rubles, but big. But three rubles each. But large, but three rubles, but very large. Today there were two, but small, but two, but small, but two, but small, but two. And yesterday - three, but very large, but three.

It's not interesting for me to walk around Odessa alone.

Tell me, did you pull my Abramchik out of the hole yesterday?
- Yes...
- And may I ask - then where is his hat?

Syoma, look at those calloused hands! This person does not want to work with his head at all!

Don't comb my nerves!

I do not have the talent to say beautifully, so I will speak from the heart.

Fima, close your mouth on the other side, let the doctor calmly make an opinion for himself!

Odessa computers are loaded with the inscription "Are you on business, or just poke?"

Schaub I saw you on one leg, and you me with one eye!

Do not wave your hands, catch a cold.

If you already managed to be born in Ukraine, then, thank God, sho in Odessa!

Grandma, I'm bored ...
- Right now, I'll make you a scandal, and it will be fun!

Do not tear the tonsils, catch a cold, heals for a long time.

Tsilya, see how my new perfume smells?
- Well, kaneshna! Shaw, in your opinion, am I blind, or what?

Mom, how to write mine correctly - "flask" or "flikonchik"?
- Oh, write "pizurok", and that's it!

Senya, don't run so fast, otherwise, God forbid, you will catch up with your heart attack.

Tsilya! Don't you ask me how I live?
- Rose, how do you live?
- Oh, Tsilya, and don't ask!

Monya, do you live by the law or by conscience?
- I beg you, according to the situation, of course!

Announcement: “I am looking for a woman who loves fishing and has a boat! Photo of the boat is required !!! "

Semyon Markovich, you are wearing such a suit! Now they don't even bury them.

Borya! Don't hit Izu so hard! You will sweat!

Oh, no need to persuade me, I will agree anyway!

Stop making me sick!

Two women from Odessa swear:
- Oh, you old bitch!
- And what does age have to do with it ?!

Tell me, in honor of what today are tomatoes not a ruble, but a ruble and a half, in honor of what?
- In honor of our meeting with you, madam.

You know, Abrasha, today I saw a line where people stood for a drink. So they had such eyes as if they were for the kill!

What will I have from this?

And where is your horse?
- Shaw you say, what kind of horse, I sell chickens, where are you looking?
- I'm looking at the price ...

Do you already know that, which I haven't told you yet?

On Privoz:
- Mila, are the tomatoes already good, or will they be cheaper later?

Tell me, is this tram going to the train station?
- It goes, but now it is moving in back side - even sit there facing.

Is it true that you are marrying your Simochka?
- Of course, we give out ... a little bit

Stop warming your ears!

Shaw are you making eyes at me?
- And sho, should I build a cooperative for you?

Schaub I knew as well as I do not know.

I will only stroke the laces.

Don't make surprised hand movements.

And sho you ask me how I am doing. Ask my neighbor, he knows better ...

Right now you will have something to listen to.

Let's go visit each other. You are to our name day, and we are to your funeral!

Catch my words with your ears.

Is it true that in Odessa they always answer a question with a question?
- Who told you that ?!

Well, what are you fucking with her? We already have things to do for the tonsils!

Doctor, will I live?
- And sho, without this in any way?

Why not, when yes?

Where can you see old Odessa?
- At the cemetery.

Stand there and listen here.

Mom, you gave birth to an idiot!

Citizens swimming, be careful on the water. Yesterday, citizen Kudryashova drowned, and only selfless actions were able to save her.
- Oh, I saw this scene. They did everything, but from the wrong side! AND! This is artificial respiration from the wrong side. She laughed like crazy.

Abram, what is fate?
- Oh, if you are walking down the street and a brick falls on your head!
- And if by?
- Means no luck.

I saw you walking along Deribasovskaya ...

Oh, what do you know ... this is such a rich woman, so rich ... You should have seen what kind of carpet she wanted to buy!

At the pharmacy: "Young man, and I will accidentally replace calcium chloride cyanide potassium gave! Finish off another 45 kopecks to the cashier! "

Wash your feet first, and then do a pedicure!

Go to the delivery, buy a rooster and twist the beytsy for him ...

How is Izya?

- I saw two girls swimming on the beach yesterday! Taki completely naked!
- I beg you, in such cold ... Walruses, probably!
- Well, the one that is older is like a walrus, and the second one, nothing - pretty ...

Moishe, is it true that you're only marrying Sarah because of hers?
- Abrasha, and you believed what these people speak for me ?! Lies! I'm going to marry her because I don't have a penny.

A 100-year-old Jew fell ill. An old 105-year-old friend comes to him and asks:
- What's the matter with you, Abram, how do you feel?
- Azokhn vey, Izya ... Probably, you will have to appear before God!
- Abram, then I have a small request for you. If he asks you: “How is Izya? What's Izya? " - you haven't seen me, haven't heard, and you don't know anything about me.

The airport customs officer asks an old Jew:
- Where did you come from?
- What profits are you? These are some losses ...

Rose, my darling, finish with the dishes. You, not the dishwasher. Go wash the floor!

In an atheism lesson at school, a teacher gives an assignment to children:
- Children, shout to the sky - "There is no God!", - all together begin to shout "There is no God!"
And then she notices that one Jewish boy is standing in silence. She asks him:
- Yasha, why are you silent?
To which Yasha replies:
- Still, if there is no one there, then why shout? And if there is someone there, then why spoil the relationship?

So you can come to Israel and have your own guide?
- It is not necessary to have a guide, he will tell you everything about the country!

Rabinovich, do you remember last year you borrowed a hundred rubles from me?
- Young man, anyone can tell you for my phenomenal memory. I remember everything perfectly, and what?
- And if you remember, tell me, when will I get them back?
- How do I know? I sho, prophet?

Father - daughters:
- Marry Abram. He really loves you for sure.
- Are you sure, Dad?
- Absolutely! For six months now I have been borrowing money from him, but he still continues to visit us.

Moishe died of a broken heart while playing cards. It is necessary to inform his wife, but no one dares to do it. The choice fell on Aron, who was the calmest. He comes to the house of the deceased, knocks on the door:
- I am from Katsman.
- Is it from who my hubby is all the time sticking out, playing cards?
- Yes.
- And plays?
- Yes.
- And, probably, as always, loses?
- Exactly, loses.
- Schaub he's dead, you bastard!
- So already!

Rabinovich, will you come in for some tea?
- Why not?
- Well, no, so no.

Conversation between two Jews:
- Monya! Do you play the clarinet?
- Not.
- And your brother?
- Yes!
- What "yes"?
- Also no.

Buyer in Abram's store:
- Tell me, do you have a yellow cloth?
Abram shows a roll of cloth. Buyer with a smile:
- So it's black.
Abram takes out two more rolls from the warehouse. Buyer:
- Excellent quality, the only pity is that one roll is red and the other is blue !!
- You know, so that it is completely yellow, still not.

Moishe, where are you in such a hurry?
- To the stop ...
- Shaw, are you going somewhere? Are you already late?
- No, Aunt Tsilya makes me a jacket, asked me to collect buttons ...

Sarochka, I beg you, do not go out, I am worried about your health.
- And what is it?
- Yesterday in the pharmacy I heard that a maniac appeared in Odessa who still kills prostitutes ...
- Do not fool me, Rose, and what have I to do with it ?!
- You didn't listen to me - and bl @ dey too.

Two Jews meet. One says to the other:
- Yesterday, for the first time in my life, I listened to the Beatles live, I absolutely didn’t like it. Fake, list, horror!
- Where did you listen to them?
- I did, Moishe sang.

Do you remember Moyshu who lived opposite the prison?
- Yes, and sho?
- Now he lives opposite the house ...

Yet cool and funny anecdotes for the Jews, Odessa and? So we have them.

A is the first letter of the alphabet, which often becomes the last in Odessa.
Bora, get out of the pestilence! (I mean, from the sea)
In addition, the letter "A" often begins phrases with a negative connotation.
Ah, the weather! (bad)

HOOT IS NOT GOOD? - "You do not want anything else?"
And SHO is the most convincing argument in the dispute.
ADIOT is an idiot, short form is ADYA.
And ITZIN TRACTOR - imagined.
ANTON (also known as APPARATUS) is a male reproductive organ.
ARTEL "NAPRASNY TRUD" - work performed by the team of Sisyphus.

BANANA (same as Anton see)
BANANA VAM - a delicate form of expression "Banana in your gnawing"
PREGNANT HEAD - swollen from unnecessary conversations.
TAKE AN EXAMPLE FOR ME - instruction.
BLADS - not what you thought, but 1) dance evening; 2) a date.

YOU WERE NOT STANDING HERE - a polite warning of a possible conflict.
SEA VIEW AND BACK - depends on intonation: either bad or good.
VITAMIN DE - money
VITAMIN CE - products: salce, pivtse, vinse, meat, etc.
TAKE EYES IN HANDS - look more closely.
GIVE EVERYONE - THE BED WILL BREAK - a saying, like "the smallest".
Torn out YEARS - chores.

GAVRIK is a subordinate.
GAS-URAGAN - the strongest intoxication.
HELEMTER-YOUNG - clumsy, whose hands do not grow from there.
GESHEFT - a deal, a deal. GESHEFTMAKHER is a businessman.
GEC is a hot-tempered person.

YES - with Odessa intonation, rather not.
TWO NUCKLES IN THREE ROWS - a couple of idiots who are not equal in idiocy.
TWO RUBLES? YOU WANT IT WELL! - a dispute in the bazaar.
MAKING ANYONE FUN is causing trouble.
DOLPHIN is a corpse found at sea.
BEFORE KARI OCHI - complete indifference.

JEWISH HAPPINESS is the opposite of happiness.
Hedgehog, SAME F - same.
RIDE is a traditional readiness of Odessa citizens.

ZAY A MENSH - "be human" (Spanish - "be kind", "I ask you")
SILENCE YOUR MOUTH - stop talking.
LEAVE - Borrow.

FROM - "from", but may be "from".
OR - otherwise!
HAVE HAVE - a delicate form of mat.
YOKALAMENE - among cultured people it is used when you want to say specific words, but you have to be content with only individual letters.

KABYZDOH is a popular nickname for pets.
EVERYONE - anyone.
HOW DO YOU LIKE IT - what do you say to that?
JUST THAT CASE - you will wait a long time.
SAUSAGE TRIMS - a reproach for professional unsuitability.
RUN CIRCLE - in the end.
TO TURN THE BUTTONS - to be headstrong.

LEMON MOUTH - sour mine.
CATCH GAV - yawn.
PEOPLE! - a cry from the heart, designed for everyone.

BENIN'S MOTHER is a hospitable woman who can receive and warm everyone who is sent to her.
DEAD BJOLI DO NOT FOOT - equiv. "Severe alcoholic intoxication of the 3rd severity"
FOR MY ENEMIES SUCH LIFE WITH THAT LITTLE - "good" lives in our state.
YOUNG MAN - an appeal to a man aged 18 to 70 years.

ON MEDICINES - a threat.
FOR A MINUTE - "wow!"
OUR MAN is a Jew.
DO NOT SEE TICKETS! - pay the fare.
DO NOT COLLECT INTO COMPOTE - THE TOMATOES WILL SURROUND - don't dig another hole, you yourself will fall.
WELL! - "And you still tell me about this?"

ABOUT! - one of the most Odessa words, can include almost any feeling and experience.
WHAT WE SEE ABOUT is the result of life observations.
OYTS is a tragedy in life.
OTSIM-POTSYM (OTSN-POTSN) - inappropriate, suddenly. An expression indicating extreme irritation.
OTSYM-POTSYM, TWENTY-EIGHT - the next, stronger degree otsym-potsym.

STOP SAYING - and don't say; don't be silly.
UNDER IT THE FLOOR RISES UP - he can barely keep on his feet.
LOST (AYA) - a rude curse.

WORKING FOR A UNITAZ is a job, the earnings from which are only enough for food.
Smearing porridge - talking a lot in vain.
CRANKS - shrimps.
ROGOMET is a native of the village.

SAM is one.
FREE EARS - a grateful listener.
SIDI-RIDE - approximately, "relax, and do not interfere with serious people doing business!"
TITS AND PISTS - Pies with meat or pasties, for the manufacture of which minced meat was used from beef selected for these purposes.
SLIP THE WATER! - stop unnecessary conversation.
SPECIALIST - a portch.
ASKING A QUESTION - a question arises.
AMONG HERE - in this place. Opposite. - AMONG THERE.

SO ON SO - for no reason.
TAKI is an amplifying particle.
GOODS TO THE HOME - return things.
VICK ON NERVES - pronounce.
THIRD TOAST - trad. "For those at sea."

KILL WITH A Broom! - pleasant surprise.
ALREADY OR STILL - a traditional question in the bazaar means: you have already dropped the price, it is taken into account that the day is ending, or the product costs the same as in the morning.

FITTING MONEY - wasting.
A pound of raisins is a unique measure of measurement.

HA - you will tell me.
COLD PHOTOGRAPHER - taking pictures in the street.
GOOD LITERATE - smart, business-like.
GOOD WANT - To desire too much.

CENTRAL LAUNDRY - there you can send any complaint, bypassing the authorities, the result is the same.
CIRCUS - funny on the one hand, and sad on the other.

THROUGH WHY - because of what?
WHAT WILL I HAVE WITH IT? - the main question of philosophy.
WHAT YOU KNOW - hack into your nose.
FOR YOU TO DIE - a universal Odessa wish.
SO YES, SO NO - not really.

SHA! - quieter!
SHAMIL TO CATCH - to drink to the squirrel.
SHANETS - a chance, but a small one.
IS THIS? - what is the noise and there is no fight?
NECK WASHED - readiness # 1.
SHOB I KNEW AS I DON'T KNOW - I have no idea.

NOW! - "ran away!"

Y is a letter that many Odessans cannot pronounce.

EXPRESSIONISM - the Odessa-Moscow express train, on which the "Zionists" traveled to the capital of Russia to fly from there to Israel.
THIS IS YOU AT KIEV GROYSE HUKHEM, AND IN ODESSA - BELIEVE POTS - you are a big man in Kiev, and in Odessa.

I PLEASE YOU - 1) do not worry; 2) there would be something to talk about (iron.)
I COUNTED YOU - I learned everything about you
I KNOW? - I find it difficult to answer.

Odessa slang (jargon, dialect)

Let's talk about Odessa? In films about Odessa and Odessa citizens, the most touching is Odessa slang. "Oil painting" or the expression "Sho do you want from under me?" - certainly bring a smile.

To repeat “As they say in our Odessa”, “Talk for here” - try to duplicate Odessa slang. I have something to tell you ...

27 bright phrases of Odessa slang

  1. Thank God you are leaving? Or stay, God forbid?
  2. I'll make you a scandal and you will have fun.
  3. You prevent me from being impressed!
  4. Schaub I have forgotten you as I remember you!
  5. Your foot is across my throat.
  6. Don't hit so hard! You will sweat!
  7. On you, throw this out! Took it and died in the midst of complete health!
  8. Sho do you want from my life?
  9. Don't ask questions.
  10. Don't run so fast, or you'll catch up with your heart attack!
  11. You can quarrel with the brains?
  12. Smile! Tomorrow will be even worse.
  13. Get the opinion out of your face!
  14. You will buy? Or should I forget for you forever?
  15. Man, why are you pushing ahead of me?
  16. What a wonderful hip composition! (compliment to the lady)
  17. The place where the back ends its noble name.
  18. Here you are telling this in all seriousness, without risking anything.
  19. I'm definitely starting to like you!
  20. The man got married. Well, sorry for him, of course.
  21. How many seven eight will be depends on whether we are buying or selling.
  22. If you think you're not late, then I'll tell you, yes, yes.
  23. Do not persuade me, otherwise I will agree.
  24. Bikitser, this bodega has good wine.
  25. They pounced on all the gamuz.
  26. Take a break from this thought!
  27. So this is a completely different matter! Two big differences!

Only a few examples of Odessa slang need explanation, and only because they appear in the text without reference to the action. That is, there is a need to explain when there is no clarity. And where there is a scene with actors, Odessa slang is understandable completely and absolutely.

  • Finish these things for me!
  • Listen!
  • What is it? (what exactly is the matter?)
  • Breathe through your nose! (don't be nervous and keep quiet)
  • I am ready to listen for your request.
  • You weren't standing here.
  • Let the steam go. (let go)
  • You sho, hurry up faster than we ?!
  • Briefs for swimming. (Swimming trunks)
  • Won't you feel sick? (Aren't you taking on a lot?)
  • I respect you, although I have already forgotten why!
  • I'm wildly sorry! (polite cockiness)
  • This poz has something to say to me?
  • I cannot hear you because I cannot see you.
  • Get off the wheel! (Don't point me to)
  • Close your mouth, the seals will fly out!
  • Everyone who is hot in the head, unite!
  • Fima, don't comb my nerves!
  • Scared the cat with a sausage.
  • Do not mine these details!
  • Take your goat from under my window!
    - Does she graze badly there?
  • I'm not interested in walking around Odessa alone!
  • You are a figure there, but in Odessa you are nobody.
  • Are you shouting so much in the middle of the street?
  • Oto CementoVoz. (There's a police car over there)
  • Mentality. (police department)
  • Some impudent fellow touched me with all his hands behind here!
  • And where are these hands with him now?
    - Already gone.
  • Speak for the poor. (idle chatter, chatter)
  • Where does the foreign body in the house come from? (about the uninvited guest)
  • I didn't get it! And yet what do you offer?
  • As arrogant as a traffic cop from a prestigious intersection.
  • Do not play around!
  • Kill yourself with a broom! (Who do I see!)
  • Do I know? (I doubt it)
  • Do not mine a pregnant head!
  • Can you still be adopted?
  • Shchaz, ran away! (I do not want)
  • I know myself, and you think to yourself.
  • You will laugh, but our country has suffered a great loss! (about the magnificent funeral of the national leader)
  • Well, you look at this patriot at my expense!
  • And you will have a gesheft. (luck)
  • How do you have yourself? (how do you feel)
  • I don’t understand! I need it? (extreme bewilderment)
  • What are you fumbling about in sausage scraps? (A hint of your complete incompetence)

Odessa anecdote in Odessa slang

The Bundes is full of tsimes! First, I receive three benefits: as an unemployed person, as a refugee, as a descendant of the victims of the Holocaust. Schaub you lived like that! Secondly, there is a good climate, beautiful chicks and tasty, although not kosher, food. Thirdly, mit compote, I have a wonderful job - I work in a crematorium. Naumchik, we are burning the Germans! And yesterday I watched the program - the Beni Lux countries. This Odessa Jew managed to buy half of Europe!

From the dictionary of Odessa slang

  • Shiksa - blonde
  • Most Tzimes situations (Essence; in principle, can mean any thing)
  • Poz (bad boy, fool)
  • Bikitser (in short)
  • Hamuz (crowd)
  • Bodega (basement inn)