
Irina Sashina - I am a very active person. TV presenter Irina Sashina: I am surrounded by four real men! Awards and achievements

Welcome to the official website of the agent Sasha Irina. This famous TV presenter is a native of the Leningrad Region. She was born in late spring in 1977. The girl received an excellent education. First, she graduated from two faculties of Moscow State University (philological and economic), then retrained in special courses to become a professional worker in television and radio broadcasting. After some time, Ira studied abroad (in Japan and England). As a result of many years of work, Sashina received the title of candidate of philological sciences, linguist and international economist.

Creative achievements

Irina Sergeevna began working on television in 1997. The debut performance on television took place in the "Date" program, which was broadcast on the "TV Center" channel. Just a couple of years later, the girl received a leading position on the Stolitsa TV channel, where she oversaw the organization of work on the creation of various television programs. In 2004, Sashina returned to work at the TV Center channel, as she accepted an order for the position of host and editor-in-chief of the Delovaya Moskva program.

Since 2009, Irina Sashina worked as an economic observer at the NTV channel, and a year later she became the General Producer at the MTTs TV channel. In 2011, for several months, the girl served as head of the economic and legal department on the morning channel "Mood". In the same year, Sasha will finally retrain as a presenter of business and analytical programs. As a result, she became the face of the REN TV channel, on which she hosted two TV programs at once - Novosti 24 and Economic Review.

In the winter of 2013, Irina returned to work on the TV Center channel as the host of the morning program “Mood”. During her solid career, Sasha received many awards and titles. In 2009 she received the Golden Mercury prize and was named "The Most Charming TV Presenter". In the arsenal of the TV personality there is a diploma "For contribution to the propaganda healthy way life ".

Irina Sergeevna got married in 2000 to businessman Alexander Arutyunov. With her beloved man, a woman brings up four children - Alexander, Herman, Roman and Maria. The best time for a successful and sought-after presenter is to attend concerts and other interesting events with your family. As a hobby, the journalist chooses skiing and playing tennis.

Every morning the TV Center TV channel broadcasts an exciting and incendiary program "Mood", where the host is Irina Sashina. The recognizable face of the TV channel has been giving positive emotions on the morning air for the fourth year already, and Irina Sergeevna is known to the Russian viewer thanks to her rich biography.

Childhood, adolescence and university years

Journalist, mother of four children (3 sons and 1 daughter), author and simply amazing woman Irina Sergeevna was born in the city of Gatchina on April 20, 1977 (St. Petersburg region). Her path from an ordinary girl to a famous TV presenter was difficult and long. Irina's father was a military man, which is why the formation of perseverance and goal achievement began from childhood. In her school years, the future TV presenter studied at the musical theater of a young actor, where Natalia Gromushkina and Nikolai Baskov were her classmates. Sashina Irina Sergeevna entered the Moscow State University at the Faculty of Philology (Romano-Germanic department), where she was an excellent student. Thanks to her diligence at the philology department, Irina was able to enter an additional faculty - economics. Ultimately, the famous TV presenter defended two diplomas in one year. During her university years, Irina managed to try herself on a Moscow TV channel, where there was a serious selection of TV presenters. A few months later, Irina Sashina became the host of the analytical program "Events of the Week". She now holds a PhD in Philology and is fluent in three foreign languages: French, English and Italian.

TV presenter success

Irina Sashina has always achieved success. In an interview, the TV presenter often mentioned that she is a perfectionist and activist in life. Irina's working day is scheduled by the minute, but despite the tight schedule, she manages to invest equally in the TV channel and in the family. An amazing trait and feature of the TV presenter is the incredible energy that helps Irina to achieve success. She feels comfortable among people, easily overcame her fears in front of the camera, always remains herself and admits that her life is a continuous wheel that moves without stopping.

Journalistic activities

Irina Sashina is a TV presenter with 20 years of experience. In 1997, it first aired. Her debut took place on the TV Center TV channel in the Data program. The path from an ordinary correspondent to a TV presenter was only 2 years, when in 1999 Irina Sergeevna left to work for the Stolitsa TV channel. After 5 years, namely in 2004, Irina Sergeevna returned to "TV Center" again, where she remained to work to this day. The host herself, always laughing, said that her roads lead to the TV Center. For 13 years Irina Sashina has hosted such programs as "Business Moscow" and "Useful Economics". Changes happened in the life of the TV presenter, and she briefly left her home channel for other programs (Novosti 24 - REN TV, Morning on NTV - NTV). From 2013 to this day she is a recognizable TV presenter of the program "Mood" ("TVC"). Irina Sashina today is a professional journalist who has gone from an ordinary correspondent, bank employee, author and editor to a recognizable personality.

Awards and achievements

Irina Sashina conducts master classes for young journalists, but she does not dare to teach at the university due to lack of time. Despite this, the TV presenter was awarded the diploma of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation "For contribution to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle", where the TV presenter fights for the ecological situation in Moscow. Irina Sergeevna herself goes in for sports and loves the skating rink, which she visits with her family. Irina also received a special prize of the Golden Mercury 2009 award as the most charming TV presenter in Russia, and this is true. Irina is one of the most attractive, recognizable, beautiful and sexy presenters on Russian television. Irina Sashina is a TV presenter, educated journalist, polyglot and idealist who was able to receive a diploma from the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation "For active participation in the Second International Forum on Intellectual Property: Expopriority 2010".

Sasha Irina is an example that proves that all dreams can come true if they strive for them. The TV presenter calls for movement and believes that this is the real meaning of life. Irina herself shows that, despite a busy schedule and a large family, you can have time to visit the theater, cinema, play tennis and ski, listen classical music, teach, bring up four children and at the same time conduct the morning program "Mood".

Irina Sergeevna Sashina. She was born on April 20, 1977 in Gatchina. Russian TV presenter.

Graduated with honors from the philological and economic faculties of Moscow State University. Lomonosov. She also studied at (Nene College of Higher education) and Japan (under the Yeltsin-Hashimoto program). Fluent in English, Italian and French. Candidate of Philology, linguist, international economist.

While studying at Moscow State University she won the title of "Miss University-95".

She graduated from the Institute for Advanced Studies of Television and Radio Broadcasting Workers, the announcer department of the Ostankino Television School. He calls Igor Kirillov, Dina Grigorieva and Bela Gaimakova his teachers.

On Russian television since 1997. She works as a correspondent and host of the daily program "Date" on the channel "TV Center".

In the period from 1999 to 2004, he conducts and directs television programs on the Stolitsa TV channel.

In 2004, Irina returned to TV Center, where from 2004 to 2011 she worked as a host and editor-in-chief of the Business Moscow program.

From 2009 to 2010 he acts as an economic observer on NTV.

She was the host and moderator of the Expopriority forums in 2010 and 2011, and in 2012 she was the host of the Russian Journalists' Ball.

In 2010 - general producer of the Doverie TV channel.

From April to September 2011, she was the head of the economic and legal department, as well as the author and host of the Useful Economy section of the Mood morning channel.

In September 2011, Irina Sashina becomes the face of the REN TV channel, where she hosts the Novosti 24 program and the Economic Review.

Since January 2013 he has been conducting the morning program "Mood" on the TV Center channel.

She completed an internship in England (Nene College of Higher education) and Japan (under the Yeltsin-Hashimoto program). Fluent in English, Italian and French.

She was awarded a diploma as "The most charming TV presenter" and a special prize of the "Golden Mercury-2009" award. He also has a diploma from the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry "For the promotion of a healthy lifestyle."

Irina Sashina's height: 170 centimeters.

Personal life of Irina Sashina:

Since 2000 she has been married to businessman Alexander Arutyunov. The couple have four children: Alexander, German, Roman and Maria.

TV presenter "TV Center" told the site about knitting while driving, love of crossovers and car trips with four children.

You have a BMW. How did you choose and on what basis?

Before that, I had a Toyota RAV4, but wanted something new.

I chose on the basis of cheap and cheerful. The BMW X3 is a fairly economical car: it uses very little fuel. In addition, in the 4 years that I have had it, we have hardly repaired it.

Why a crossover and not a sedan?

I think it started from childhood. Perhaps compensation for growth. I have only 168 centimeters, so I like everything big: both men and cars.

In a sedan I feel uncomfortable, I cannot control the situation on the road, but in a jeep everything is perfectly visible. Once I drove a Zhiguli, which was given to my mother at work for $ 100: the car was "written off" in production.

I was then a 3rd year student at Moscow State University and only recently got my license. We lived on Dmitry Ulyanov, it was convenient to get to the university: in a straight line, but even this became a test because of the fear that everyone might cut me off or I myself might not fit into the turn. Mom literally forced me to get behind the wheel, but now I understand that after the Zhiguli I am not afraid of anything.

When I moved to a foreign car, it seemed that it was some kind of alien ship. It doesn't mean at all that I didn't like the "six". On the contrary, having learned to drive mechanics, I can now freely paint my eyes and lips on an automatic transmission. My skills often help me, when we rent a car abroad, there is a mechanic.

Do you cut on the roads yourself?

Only as a last resort. For example, children urgently need to stop.

Men miss on the road?

Yes, but most often women do not. There are situations when I see myself being ignored on purpose. In this regard, I am more loyal and always ready to give way.

Tell us the most memorable car incident.

Probably when the whole family went to Ples, Levitan's homeland. By the way, now I can confidently give advice: the car should always have a spare wheel, a lot of coffee and good music. Our hotel was located on the top of a hill, it was difficult to climb there due to the rainy weather. While we were climbing, we punctured a wheel, but thanks to the spare wheel everything ended well.

More from experience: before the trip, I make a selection of funny tracks, children will certainly wake up a second wind after I turn on these songs. We also often stop near a beautiful place to take pictures. Over time, I realized that there was no need to wait for a second chance, it is quite possible that this beautiful moment might not happen again.

Who changed the wheel when it was punctured?

All together, the boys helped! A very useful lesson. During the trip, the husband grumbled when they began to be mischievous, but what can you do, these are children. Jokingly, we threatened to lock them in the trunk. One threat was enough.

How old are the children?

It's like in a fairy tale about little sons and a sweetheart daughter: the boys are 14, 11 and 8 years old, and the baby is 3 years old. Due to the fact that the sons are playing hockey, the car has become a second home. Often you have to go somewhere for training camps in Pereslavl, Peresvet, have recently been in the Crimea.

Where would you advise to go?

I definitely advise you to visit Etnomir in the Moscow region - an ideal place for families with children. I also really liked the city of Dzerzhinsk, there is simply amazing nature. The feeling that you have some French landscapes in front of you. I would love to go back there. The road takes only 4 hours, even 3 hours without traffic jams, but a lot of impressions.

I believe that Russia is a wonderful place, where many places are still unknown. And I try to drag my children out somewhere. The only thing that saddens is that eco-tourism in our country seems to be developing, but compared to Europe, it is still weak.

What do you do in traffic jams?

I used to sit in social networks or wrote messages, but then stopped. I noticed that my eyesight was getting low: my eyes always jump from the road to the phone. Now I have found something more interesting: I started knitting blouses for my daughter while driving. It is convenient, its size is small, and less distracting than gadgets.

By the way, because of the gadgets, I somehow had to urgently slow down. The car in front stopped abruptly, and I barely had time to react. We collided, but not much. The man was caught adequate, quietly parted.

Buckling up?

Yes, definitely. And I force the whole family. The incident with my sister taught me this: she somehow did not fasten her seatbelt and flew all over the cabin, the car flew into a ditch. Fortunately, everything worked out.

What speed do you usually drive?

In the city no more than 60 km / h, and on the highway 100-110 km / h. On the road, I try not to violate, because fines of 3 in thousands discipline.

Today we had a photo session on a motorcycle. Would you like to change to a bike?

Hardly. My dream is just to ride. As a child, I liked the boy who rode me on a motorcycle, since then I really want to remember these emotions. Today I got on a bike for the second time in my life, but I don’t think I’ll dare to drive. Nowadays you need to be a virtuoso to ride it.

What are your plans for the future?

I will not talk about all the projects. Now I have been the host of the Mood program on TV Center for 4 years. I feel that I am in my place. I am also writing a book about how to live in a big city.

Who are you inviting to the program?

We have stars, chefs, psychologists, esoterics and numerology. We are about everything and everyone. We are looking for the most relevant information, what attracts people.

Name three famous personalitiesguests of the program who impressed you the most.

The singer Zara became a real discovery. An amazing girl with amazing energy. There is nothing stellar in her, she is an amazingly smart, intelligent, kind, sincere and open person. Most of all I was amazed when she came to our program immediately after the tour, came up and asked: "Girls, can I sleep here on the couch in the dressing room for 15 minutes?" I even have a photo on Instagram where she lay down, curled up into a ball and fell fast asleep.

Ivanushki International turned out to be very decent and not arrogant. Despite the fact that they have been in show business for a long time, they managed to maintain positive moral qualities and good energy. Recently Soso Pavliashvili came with his wife Irina. Here is a stellar couple, but they are also very real.

Text: Vladislava Kolodzinskaya
Photo: Alexander Isaev