
Council of Foreign Ministers. Decision on the regulations on the Council of Defense Ministers of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States Council of Defense Ministers of the CIS

Created by the Decision of the Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States on February 14, 1992.

It is the body of the Council of Heads of State on issues of military policy and military development of the member states of the Commonwealth.

Members of the CFR are the Ministers of Defense of the CIS member states (except Moldova, Turkmenistan and Ukraine) and the Chief of Staff for Coordination of Military Cooperation of the Commonwealth member states.

The Headquarters for Coordination of Military Cooperation is a permanent working body of the Council of Defense Ministers.

Meetings of the CMO are held as needed, but, as a rule, at least once every three months.

Council of Defense Ministers:

    considers conceptual approaches to issues of military policy and military development of the member states of the Commonwealth and, if necessary, makes proposals for consideration by the Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States;

    coordinates the military cooperation of the Commonwealth member states;

    develops proposals for coordinating the efforts of the Commonwealth member states aimed at preventing armed conflicts on the territories of the Commonwealth member states and their external borders; on the convergence of regulatory legal acts of the Commonwealth member states in the field of military development and social protection of military personnel, persons dismissed from military service, and members of their families;

    organizes the activities of military observer groups and collective peacekeeping forces in the CIS.

Chairman of the Council of Defense Ministers - Sergey Borisovich Ivanov, Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Created by the Decision of the Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States on July 6, 1992. It is a collegial body of the Council of Heads of State and the Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States on issues of coordinating the protection of the external borders of the Commonwealth and economic zones of the CIS member states

Members of the Council of Commanders are the commanders (chiefs) of the Border Troops (or other authorized representatives) of the CIS member states (except Azerbaijan, Moldova and Ukraine), as well as the Chairman of the Coordination Service of the Council of Commanders.

The Coordination Service is a permanent working body of the SKPV, ensuring the implementation of the functions assigned to the Council.

Meetings of the SKPV are held as necessary, but at least once a quarter.

Functions of the Council of Commanders of the Border Troops:

    coordinates the efforts of the CIS member states to implement the decisions of the Council of Heads of State, the Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth and their own decisions, as well as the provisions of the CIS Charter relating to border issues;

    coordinates the efforts of the Border Troops in the field of protecting external borders and economic zones, as well as ensuring a stable situation on them;

    develops friendly relations between the Border Troops of the Commonwealth member states;

    promotes the development and strengthening of the Border Troops of the Commonwealth member states through the convergence of national legislation on border issues and their protection, mutual exchange of information, cooperation in the field of military-technical policy and personnel training.

The heads of state - participants of the Commonwealth of Independent States decided:

1. Approve the Regulations on the Council of Defense Ministers of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States in a new edition (attached).

2. Declare invalid.

3. This Decision comes into force from the moment it is signed.

Done in Moscow on April 15, 1994 in one original copy in Russian. The original copy is stored in the Archives of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, which will send its certified copy to the states that signed this Decision.


Notes: The decision is not signed by the Republic of Moldova, Turkmenistan and Ukraine.

The Republic of Azerbaijan signed the Decision with reservations.

Notification of the Republic of Georgia

It is hereby confirmed that the Republic of Georgia signs the Decision on the Regulations on the Council of Defense Ministers of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States, signed at the meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States in Moscow on April 15, 1994.

Chairman of the Parliament,
Head of the Republic of Georgia
E. Shevardnadze

Approved by the decision of the heads
member states of the Commonwealth
on the Regulations on the Council of Defense Ministers
member states
Commonwealth of Independent States
dated April 15, 1994

Regulations on the Council of Defense Ministers of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States

This Regulation defines the functions, structure, composition and organization of activities of the Council of Defense Ministers of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States, formed in accordance with the Decision of the Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States of February 14, 1992, the duties of the Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Secretary of the Council of Defense Ministers of the member states Commonwealth of Independent States, as well as the status of Representative of the Council of Defense Ministers at the Executive Secretariat of the Commonwealth of Independent States.


1. The Council of Defense Ministers of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States, hereinafter referred to as the Council of Defense Ministers, is the body of the Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States on issues of military policy and military development of the member states of the Commonwealth.

2. The Council of Defense Ministers in its activities is guided by the Charter of the Commonwealth of Independent States, agreements and other documents of the Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the field of defense, as well as these Regulations.


3. Composition of defense ministers:

3.1. Considers conceptual approaches to issues of military policy and military development of the member states of the Commonwealth and, if necessary, makes proposals for consideration by the Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

3.2. Carries out coordination of military cooperation of member states of the Commonwealth.

3.3. Develops and submits for consideration, respectively, the Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States proposals:

3.3.1. To coordinate the efforts of the member states of the Commonwealth aimed at preventing armed conflicts on the territories of the member states of the Commonwealth and their external borders.

3.3.2. To bring together the regulatory and legal acts of the Commonwealth member states in the field of military development and social protection of military personnel, persons discharged from military service, and members of their families.

3.3.3. For the post of Chief of Staff for Coordination of Military Cooperation among Commonwealth Member States.

3.3.4. On shared contributions and the need for appropriations to support the activities of the Council of Defense Ministers and its working bodies.

3.4. Coordinates the efforts of the ministries of defense of the Commonwealth member states on the following issues:

3.4.1. Implementation of agreements and other documents of the Council of Heads of State - members of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the field of defense and military security of member states of the Commonwealth.

3.4.2. Creation of a military-scientific base, development of command and control systems for troops (forces), operational equipment of the territories of the member states of the Commonwealth.

3.4.3. Ensuring environmental safety at military facilities of the Commonwealth member states.

3.5. Considers proposals on the preparation and use of Military Observer Groups and Collective Peacekeeping Forces in the Commonwealth of Independent States, as well as proposals from the Headquarters for coordinating the military cooperation of the Commonwealth member states on issues provided for by the Regulations on this Headquarters.

3.6. Exercises control over the activities of the working bodies of the Council of Defense Ministers.

3.7. Reviews the staff of the Headquarters for the coordination of military cooperation of the member states of the Commonwealth, gives consent to the Chief of Staff to approve this staff, and can also make necessary changes to the structure of the said Headquarters.

3.8. Establishes the procedure for staffing the Headquarters for Coordination of Military Cooperation among the member states of the Commonwealth with personnel and appoints the first deputy and deputy chiefs of this Headquarters.

3.9. Approves the Regulations on the Secretariat of the Council of Defense Ministers, its staff, samples of seals and stamps of the permanent working bodies of the Council of Defense Ministers, and also determines the procedure for storing documents adopted by this Council.

3.10. Creates a commission and establishes a procedure for monitoring the financial and economic activities of the working bodies of the Council of Ministers of Defense, reviews the annual report on the use of appropriations to support the activities and maintenance of personnel of these bodies.

3.11. Addresses heads of state and heads of government of member states of the Commonwealth on issues related to the activities of the Council of Defense Ministers.

3.12. Creates, if necessary, committees, commissions, working groups and groups of experts working on a temporary basis to implement decisions higher authorities Commonwealth of Independent States, preparation and consideration of other issues related to the activities of the Council of Defense Ministers.

3.13. Performs other functions that the Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States deems necessary to assign to it.


4. The Council of Defense Ministers consists of the Chairman of the Council of Defense Ministers, the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Defense Ministers and members of the Council of Defense Ministers.

To ensure the activities of the Council of Defense Ministers and interact with the relevant bodies of the Commonwealth of Independent States, permanent working bodies of the Council of Defense Ministers are created: the Headquarters for the coordination of military cooperation of the member states of the Commonwealth and the Secretariat of the Council of Defense Ministers, which carry out their activities in accordance with the provisions on these bodies , approved respectively by the Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Council of Defense Ministers.

5. By decisions of the Council of Defense Ministers, the Secretary of the Council of Defense Ministers and the Chairman of the Council of Defense Ministers under the Executive Secretariat of the Commonwealth of Independent States are appointed.

6. Members of the Council of Ministers of Defense are the ministers of defense of the member states of the Commonwealth, the heads of which signed the Decision on these Regulations, and the Chief of Staff for the coordination of military cooperation of the member states of the Commonwealth.

Members of the Council of Defense Ministers have equal rights. When making decisions, the principle applies: one state - one vote.

7. The Chairman of the Council of Defense Ministers is elected from among the members of the Council of Defense Ministers - the defense ministers of the member states of the Commonwealth. The chairmanship of the Council of Defense Ministers is carried out in the manner established by the Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

8. The Deputy Chairman of the Council of Defense Ministers is the Chief of Staff for the coordination of military cooperation of the member states of the Commonwealth.

9. The Secretary of the Council of Defense Ministers, within the limits of the duties assigned to him by these Regulations, enjoys the rights corresponding to the status (rank) of the head of the Main Directorate of the General (Main) Staff of the Armed Forces of the state, on the territory of which the location of the permanent working bodies of the Council of Defense Ministers is determined.

10. The representative of the Council of Defense Ministers at the Executive Secretariat of the Commonwealth of Independent States is appointed by a decision of the Council of Defense Ministers in agreement with the Executive Secretary of the Commonwealth of Independent States, reports to the Chairman of the Council of Defense Ministers and his deputy and, within the powers determined by this Council, enjoys the rights corresponding to the status (rank) ) the head of the department of the General (Main) Staff of the armed forces of the state, on whose territory the location of the permanent working bodies of the Council of Ministers of Defense is determined.

11. Ministers of Defense or their authorized representatives of member states of the Commonwealth, whose heads have not signed the Decision on the Regulations on the Council of Defense Ministers, may participate in meetings of this Council as observers.


12. The Council of Defense Ministers organizes its activities in accordance with these Regulations, the Regulations of the Council of Defense Ministers and, if necessary, interacts with the bodies of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the working bodies of the Collective Security Council of the states party to the Collective Security Treaty of May 15, 1992 and the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

13. The main form of activity of the Council of Defense Ministers is meetings, which are held as necessary, as a rule, at least once every three months. Extraordinary meetings of the Council of Defense Ministers are convened by decision of the Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Chairman of the Council of Defense Ministers, as well as by the proposal of any member of this Council, supported by at least one third of the members of this Council.

14. Meetings of the Council of Defense Ministers are held, as a rule, in the city of Moscow (Russian Federation). The organization of preparations and logistical support for the holding of these meetings is carried out by the working bodies of the Council of Ministers of Defense at the expense of appropriations allocated to support their activities.

By decision of the Council of Defense Ministers, its meetings may be held on the territory of any member state of the Commonwealth. In this case, logistical support for the preparation and holding of meetings of the Council of Defense Ministers is carried out by the Ministry of Defense of the state on whose territory the meetings are held.


15. Chairman of the Council of Defense Ministers of the Commonwealth member states:

15.1. Presides over meetings of the Council of Defense Ministers.

15.2. Organizes the implementation of instructions from the Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States and decisions of the Council of Defense Ministers.

15.3. Represents the Council of Defense Ministers at meetings of the Council of Heads of State, the Council of Heads of Government and other statutory bodies of the Commonwealth of Independent States, as well as in relations with member states of the Commonwealth and other states and international organizations on issues related to the activities of the Council of Defense Ministers.

15.4. Organizes the provision of information to the media about the activities of the Council of Defense Ministers.

15.5. Performs other assignments of the Council of Defense Ministers.

15.6. Resigns his powers upon expiration of the term of chairmanship or by decision of the Council of Defense Ministers.

16. The Deputy Chairman of the Council of Defense Ministers performs duties at the direction of the Chairman of the Council of Defense Ministers.


17. Secretary of the Council of Defense Ministers:

17.1. Provides general management of the activities of the Secretariat of the Council of Defense Ministers.

17.2. Organizes the development of work plans for the Council of Defense Ministers, submits them for consideration by this Council and monitors the implementation of the activities provided for in these plans.

17.3. Organizes and controls the preparation of documents for consideration by the Council of Defense Ministers.

17.4. Participates in meetings of the Council of Defense Ministers, as well as, at the direction of the Chairman of the Council of Defense Ministers or his deputy, in meetings of other statutory bodies of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

17.5. Coordinates, on behalf of the Chairman of the Council of Defense Ministers, with the relevant bodies of the member states of the Commonwealth, as well as bodies of the Commonwealth of Independent States, issues related to the activities of the Council of Defense Ministers.

17.6. Takes part in informing the media about the activities of the Council of Defense Ministers.

17.7. Organizes and ensures control over the implementation of decisions and instructions of the Council of Defense Ministers.

17.8. Performs other duties and assignments assigned to him by the Council of Defense Ministers and the Chairman of this Council.


18. The working language of the Council of Defense Ministers is Russian.

19. The permanent location of the working bodies of the Council of Defense Ministers is the city of Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, 41.

20. Financing of the activities of the Council of Ministers of Defense and the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers of Defense is carried out through the share contributions of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States, determined by the heads of these states to finance the Headquarters for the coordination of military cooperation of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

21. The amount of allocations to support the activities of the Council of Defense Ministers and its working bodies is approved by the Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

22. Providing the personnel of the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers of Defense with all types of allowances is carried out in the manner and according to the standards provided for the personnel of the Headquarters for the Coordination of Military Cooperation of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

The text of the document is verified according to:
"Bulletin of International Treaties",
N 11, 1994, pp. 6 - 11.

The Council of Foreign Ministers was created by the Decision of the Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth of September 24, 1993 to coordinate foreign policy activities. By the decision of the Council of Heads of State on April 2, 1999, a new version of the Regulations on the Council of Foreign Ministers was adopted, where the latter was defined as the main executive body ensuring cooperation in the foreign policy activities of the CIS member states. The Council of Foreign Ministers in its activities is guided by the goals and principles of the UN Charter and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the fundamental documents of the CIS, and treaties.

The main tasks of the Council of Foreign Ministers are:

Implementation of decisions of the Council of Heads of State and the Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth;

Promoting the development of cooperation between participating states in the foreign policy sphere;

Finding ways to peacefully resolve disputes and conflicts, creating the foundations for peace, harmony and stability;

Promoting the consolidation of friendship, good neighborliness and mutually beneficial international cooperation.

Meetings are held at least once every three months, extraordinary - by decision of the Council of Heads of State, as well as at the proposal of one of the members, supported by two others.

Within the framework of the Ministerial Council and for the implementation of the Agreement on groups of military observers and collective forces for maintaining peace in the CIS, as well as the following Tashkent Protocols to this Agreement, a permanent advisory commission on peacekeeping activities has been created. Currently, the Chairman of the Council of Foreign Ministers is Grishchenko, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

On November 29, 2001, a meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers was held as part of the anniversary summit. The heads of foreign policy departments considered 16 issues. They approved an action plan to improve the efficiency of coordination of foreign policy activities of the CIS member states, and analyzed the status of implementation of the plan for multi-level interministerial consultations within the Commonwealth for 2001. The initiative was supported to prepare a draft document that would regulate the procedure for organizing and conducting joint anti-terrorism activities on the territory of the CIS member states.

On March 26, 2003, a regular meeting was held, at which 30 issues were considered and appropriate decisions were made. The questions concerned cooperation in the field of combating the theft of vehicles and ensuring their return, combating organized crime and others. dangerous species crimes (in particular, drug trafficking), approved the Regulations on the CIS Observer Mission for presidential and parliamentary elections, as well as referendums.

The heads of foreign policy departments supported the Russian Federation's proposal to consider the problem of non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction at their meetings, and also decided to consider at the next meeting the issue of preparation of the CIS member states for the 2005 Review Conference on the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

The initiative was also supported Russian Federation on the creation of a regional group like the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).

It was created by a decision of the Council of Heads of State of the CIS on February 14, 1992. It is the body of the Council of Heads of State on issues of military policy and development of the member states of the Commonwealth.

The members of the CFR are the ministers of defense of the CIS member states (except Moldova, Turkmenistan and Ukraine) and the Chief of Staff for the coordination of military cooperation of the CIS.

The Headquarters for Coordination of CIS Military Cooperation is a permanent working body of the Council of Defense Ministers. The RMO has a Chiefs of Staff Committee and a Coordination Committee on air defense, Military-technical and committee.

RMO meetings are held as needed, but, as a rule, no less than once every three months.

The Council of Defense Ministers performs the following functions:

Considers conceptual approaches on issues of military policy and military development of the Commonwealth states and, if necessary, makes proposals for consideration by the Council of Heads of State of the CIS;

Coordinates military cooperation between CIS member states;

Develops proposals for coordinating efforts aimed at preventing armed conflicts on the territories of the CIS member states and their external borders; to bring together the regulatory frameworks of states in the field of military development and social protection of military personnel, persons discharged from military service, and members of their families;

Organizes the activities of military observer groups and collective peacekeeping forces within the CIS.

The Chairman of the Council of Defense Ministers is S. Ivanov, Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

At a meeting of the CIS Council of Defense in June 2002, the issue of expanding the participation of Commonwealth member states in peacekeeping operations in the zone of the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict and proposals for changing the “peacekeepers’ mandate” were considered. The military component of cooperation is characterized by periodic military exercises of the Collective Rapid Reaction Forces, including the Southern Shield of the Commonwealth military exercises.

The military-political cooperation of a number of CIS countries is characterized by their signing of the Collective Security Treaty (CST) on May 15, 1992 (the “Tashkent Treaty”). In April 1999, a decision was made to extend its validity. The participants of the CST are Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan. On May 14, 2002, at a meeting of the Collective Security Council with the participation of the heads of state parties to the CST, a decision was made to increase the status of this organization, turning it into a full-fledged international military-political structure, “an agreement was reached to accelerate the development of a charter and additional legal documents regulating its activities. GKB, as well as about the new name of the organization - “Collective Security Treaty Organization” (CSTO).