
Anatoly canvas personal life. Fedya Karmanov. Biography. Fedya Karmanov now

Anatoly Polotno is a singer who, back in the 1980s, firmly took a place in Russian chanson. However, the artist’s creativity is not limited to one genre. The unique timbre of his voice allows him to play with styles and directions: in the artist’s songs, tango, elements of rock, and gypsy melodies with romances are heard along with thug chords.

Childhood and youth

Anatoly was born into the Perm family of Polotnyanshchikovs. Among his friends he received the nickname Canvas, which later became his stage name. When the boy was two years old, his parents divorced and the heir was sent to live with his grandmother. He returned to his mother at the age of 9, after the death of his grandmother. The house was located in one of the most “thieves” districts of Perm, where, according to Anatoly, life is still built “according to concepts.”

The street contributed to the boy's upbringing. I studied well at school, but after the third grade the thirst for knowledge disappeared - it was more interesting on the street. I somehow made it to the eighth grade, and then entered a vocational school.

Music lived with Tolik since childhood: his grandfather masterfully played the accordion, his father entertained guests with the accordion on all holidays, his mother and his aunts sang drinking songs well. Little Tolik sang along with his relatives, and as a teenager he wanted to learn the guitar. The instrument was found in the attic of my father's house.

But none of the relatives knew the basics of playing the guitar, so the guy went to his gypsy neighbors. Uncle Vasya Kharitonov’s family was musical; the father, children and relatives played guitars and sang touching gypsy compositions. For Anatoly, this became the most vivid impression of his early years.

Already at the age of 13, Canvas put together his own ensemble, which included Kharitonov’s son, Geshka the Gypsy, but for some reason the guy was given drums instead of a guitar. Tolik first tried his hand at a leadership position, and since then this has been his role throughout his life.

After school I entered school No. 19. One day, a teacher at the Institute of Culture drew attention to the talented musician, advising him to enroll in a university. But after graduating from vocational school, Anatoly was called upon to repay his debt to his homeland. They offered to join the ranks of the music platoon in their hometown, but at the insistence of their conservative mother, the young man chose “normal” service and ended up on the shores of Lake Balkhash. Later, he still entered college.


Canvas brought music to vocational school, creating VIA. The group quickly gained fame, which spread far beyond the boundaries of the school. Soon the whole city knew the guys’ work. The musicians played classic rock and roll, having grown stronger, they changed their location to the House of Culture. They performed on city dance floors, earning good money at the same time. According to Anatoly, he even came for a scholarship once every six months.

In the 80s, not only Perm sang the songs of the new artist; the whole of Russia gradually became familiar with the repertoire. Canvas created another group called “Lots-Man”. Viktor Batenkov volunteered to be Anatoly’s co-author, and they were joined by another friend, Sergei Motin (future chanson performer Sergei Kama).

The trio surprised with their fruitfulness; in a short period of time, the “Lots-Man” group accumulated a lot of material, enough for several albums. The guys decided to record their first record, which required a serious amount of money. I had to sell the garage.

Song by Anatoly Canvas “Down the Lena River”

The debut album “Oh, Leli-Leli” was born in 1988. It harmoniously mixed different directions: notes of chanson and rock are discernible, urban romance and gypsy motifs are woven into it. The record is full of “male” romance – the characters in the compositions are street hooligans, people disillusioned with life, and fearless sailors.

This work glorified the team, and they learned about the group in Moscow, inviting them to the filming of “Morning Mail.” In a popular Soviet program, Canvas performed the song “Black Sea,” which became an instant hit.

The discography was rapidly expanding. The musical group recorded album after album. In 1989, three works were released at once - “For Girls”, “Pop-Non-Stop” and “Street Guy”. And a year later, violinist Farkhat Karamov, an old comrade and fellow countryman of Polotnyanshchikov, joined the group. Together, the young people released the album “Greetings from Lenka Panteleev.”

In the mid-90s, a new position appeared in the creative biography of Anatoly Canvas. He tried his hand at producing. Karamova undertook to promote it, which with his light hand turned into and acquired albums that included Canvas songs.

The friends began going out to concert venues together, becoming a full-fledged duet in the eyes of fans. Although the singers themselves consider themselves two independent performers, and the duet is only a mini-version of the “Lots-Man” group. The collaboration of the musicians resulted in the album “Kiss Me, Luck” (2007), where both voices are heard for the first time. Sometimes other artists join the duo. For example, Olga Obolenskaya sang well with them.

Anatoly Polotno often dedicates records to acquaintances and idols. So, in 2007, the disc “Eh, Rossiyushka...” was released, which he “gave” to his wife Natalya. A year later, the album “Hello, My Respect” was released, created in honor of the 70th anniversary and in memory of this artist. In it, the singer performed the famous compositions of the chanson legend, including “Marseille”, “Narva”, “Skokar”.

Song by Anatoly Canvas “Kiss me, good luck”

In the second decade of the new century, Anatoly Cloth slowed down, delighting fans with albums less often. Notable is the disc “Rubli” (2010), the main song of which was born on a bet right during a feast in honor of a friend’s birthday. Then three more discs were released - “Don’t be sorry” (2011), “Our side” (2015) and “Shore” (2016).

The “Lots-Man” group, although battered by time, remained alive, managed to withstand perestroika and avoid many crises. However, the team lost half of its members. But the main backbone remained - Motin-Kama, Karmanov and, of course, Cloth.

Personal life

In 1986, grief happened in Anatoly’s personal life - his wife died. The artist still has his little daughter Lisa in his arms. The parents of the departed wife helped raise the child. The singer admits that he could not stand the trouble then and started drinking. But over time I pulled myself together.

Later they managed to create a second family, in which two more children appeared - daughter Olga and son Kirill. The chosen one was a girl named Natalya, whom the chansonnier met on the Black Sea shore in Yalta. The couple separated, but fate brought the young people together again. Natalya came to Anatoly’s concert, which took place in Moscow, and went up on stage with a bouquet of flowers for the artist. The musician dropped out of pop life for three years, devoting all his time to arranging the family nest.

In addition to music, Anatoly Polotno’s hobbies include playing preference, backgammon and debertz. Loves to fish or go hunting. And the man also paints pictures. Wife Natalya comments on her husband’s passion for drawing:

“Painting is a completely different layer of Tolin’s consciousness. In this it is similar to a polyhedron. I saw how sketches and sketches are born: he sits, draws something, completely immersed in himself. It seems to me that the paintings are in some ways more consistent with his inner world than the songs. There is a certain tension in him, as if there is continuous work going on in his head.”

Anatoly Canvas now

The canvas continues to travel around Russia on tour. Together with Fyodor Karmanov they organize concerts and participate in evenings where the best of Russian chanson performs.

In the spring of 2018, the performers held a series of concerts in honor of the anniversary - they have been “cooking” in this musical direction for 30 years. In February, Anatoly Sergeevich presented a new album, which he called “Russian Destiny”. His official website, full of photos and videos from concerts and everyday life, talks about the artist’s creativity and latest news.


  • 1988 - “Oh, leli-leli”
  • 1989 - “Street Guy”
  • 1989 - “For Girls”
  • 1989 - “Pop-non-stop”
  • 1990 - “Greetings from Lenka Panteleev”
  • 1991 - “In the Kitchen”
  • 1992 - “Baba Lyuba”
  • 1993 - “Ball No. 8”
  • 1995 - “Golden Carriage”
  • 1999 - “We’ll Survive”
  • 2001 - “Against the Wind”
  • 2003 - “Lucky punks”
  • 2005 - “In the North”
  • 2005 - “Steamboat”
  • 2007 - “Oh, Russian girl...”
  • 2008 - “Hello, my respects”
  • 2010 - “Rubles”
  • 2011 - “Don’t be sorry”
  • 2015 - “Our Side”
  • 2016 - “Shore”
  • 2018 - “Russian Destiny”

Born March 13, 1955. Fedya's family lived in Perm; they lived in a trailer and in a barracks... Who in Russia can be surprised by this? And yet, despite the difficulties, the parents enrolled their son in a music school at the age of six. There he studied violin for 7 years.

Confirmation of his musical nature was his admission to the Perm College of Music in 1972 in the violin department. He would be drawn to the classics later, in adulthood, and young Fedya Karmanov began working in the Perm ensemble “Rowan-Yagody” in 1976. And the tavern whirlwind began! Since 1977, Fedya’s violin could be heard in such central Perm restaurants as “Rock Crystal”, “Kama”, “Neva”, “Central”.

The next turn of fate occurred in 1980, when Fedya left for Moscow and began working as a violinist in the famous night restaurant Gloria. There he began to sing. At that time, “Italianism” was at the peak of popularity and the young, handsome brunette was right at home. Of course, a tavern is a tavern, and in Karmanov’s repertoire there were songs of a different style - thieves.

In 1984, Fedya Karmanov left for Sochi, where he played and sang in one of the “cool” restaurants - “Saturn” - until 1989. The most memorable event of those years was his recognition as the “Golden Violin of Sochi”. (And you thought! No more, and no less!.. Know, ours, Perm!)

Returning to Moscow in 1990, he began playing in the group “LotsMan”, which at that time was already working in the capital. His activity in the group of the then already popular fellow countryman Anatoly Polotno was not limited only to violin parts - almost all the songs featured his backing vocals, and there was also a solo performance of Anatoly Polotno’s song “Islands” in the 1991 album “In the Kitchen”. True, work at “LotsMan” was interrupted twice for six months (1992-93) - Fedya Karmanov worked in Japan under a contract. And since 1993, he has been Anatoly Polotno’s permanent partner, violinist and vocalist.

Fedya Karmanov's violin and vocals have been heard in all of Anatoly Polotno's albums since 1989. Anatoly thinks Fedya Vocalist with a capital letter. Their true male friendship led to the fact that Anatoly Polotno began writing songs specifically for Fedya Karmanov. In 1999, the album “Tramp” was released (produced by Anatoly Polotno, arranger Konstantin Krasnov), where he sang more than a dozen popular criminal songs, including “Chiki-briki” by Anatoly Polotno (album “For Girls”, 1989) , “Taverns - tavern smoke” by Sergei Nagovitsyn (album “City Meetings”).

In 2001, STM-Pecords (Kyiv) published Fedya Karmanov’s album “Time is Money!” (the author of all songs is Anatoly Canvas), which the authors dedicated to their talented fellow countryman, friend - the untimely deceased Sergei Nagovitsyn. The album was recorded in Perm at the 9M studio (producer Anatoly Polotno, arranger Eduard Andrianov, sound engineer Mansur Askakov).

Fedya Karmanov is one of the best violinists in Moscow and Russia. He continues his concert activities together with Anatoly Polono, working by invitation in the best restaurant spots in Moscow. Favorite recreation is rafting on northern rivers and fishing. Over the past few years, he and Anatoly have walked through the Polar Urals, Pechora, Laptopai (Yamal Peninsula). But he doesn’t like to hunt - except maybe shoot at beer cans... Other sports passions include tennis (mastered in Japan), boxing (Anatoly Polotno: “More than once I had to defend myself back to back!”). Married, adores his wife Lena and daughter Marcela.

Yuri Kuznetsov-Tayozhny: “I’m drawn to the theater. I’ll even play a crazy person!”

Everyone is surprised by the incredible similarity between Yuri Kuznetsov-Taiga and the king of Russian chanson, Mikhail Krug. The creators of the series “Legends of the Circle” took advantage of this feature of the artist and invited him to the main role. However, Yuri himself is involved in film production. In an interview with Radio Chanson, the artist talked about whether he ever gained weight for a role, why he started making children’s films, and what his “shaitan brigade” does...

Today is September 3rd. And “Radio Chanson” simply could not miss this date indifferently. After all, one of the main hits of our radio station performed by Mikhail Shufutinsky is dedicated to today. We contacted Mikhail Zakharovich and asked him to comment on this date and talk about how the maestro himself feels about the song...

Car sales in Russia are not stable. Either growth or decline. However, a similar trend can be seen all over the world. In England - because of Brexit, in the United States - because of the trade war with China. In the Middle Kingdom itself - due to the unprecedented development of the automotive industry. That's how the idea of ​​selling was born...

So, another hockey season has started. I will not talk much about the opening match, in which, according to tradition, the finalists of the Gagarin Cup played. This time it was CSKA and Avangard, and the Omsk team won a long-awaited victory, since the previous nine games ended in favor of the army team. It’s just that the winners have an ambiguous attitude towards the prize awarded for winning such matches. You can’t pick it up, they say, then you’ll have no luck in the Gagarin Cup. Hockey players are superstitious people. And what a set of superstitions I was traveling with...

Anatoly Cloth, whose biography is full of various events, was born in Perm (02/18/54). During his career, the singer and musician managed to travel almost all the vast expanses of our homeland. The artist is slightly stern, strong in spirit, but at the same time he is a sincere and fair person.


As Anatoly Polotno, whose creative biography began at the age of 13, says in his interviews, the craving for creativity was instilled in him by his father, who famously played the button accordion. The artist was born into a simple family, like all teenagers - he played pranks and had fun. When he was two years old, his parents divorced, and the boy lived with his grandmother and learned the mores of the “street” well.

Despite his craving for creativity, Tolik was not forced to go to music school; he studied at a vocational school and served in the army. While still at school, the guy founded a vocal and instrumental ensemble, which was a stunning success in his region. At the final exams at the school, the musician’s talent was noticed by the head of the department of the Perm Institute of Culture. It was he who advised him to enter a university, although Anatoly was not distinguished by his meek disposition and discipline.

Carier start

Canvas Anatoly, all of whose songs are permeated with a mixture of “thieves’ romance,” life’s realities and hope for the best, as a student, he worked in taverns in the evenings, performing songs of the corresponding genre.

In 1986, trouble came to the musician’s house: his first wife died, leaving behind his little daughter Lisa, whom his wife’s parents, who lived in Perm, helped raise. At first, Anatoly started drinking, then he pulled himself together. Together with V. Batenkov and S. Motin, he organized the ensemble “Lots-Man”. The guys found their own style and created six albums in just one year.

During the perestroika period and the time of crisis, half of the staff left the team. Now this group consists of arranger Sergei Motin and the popular duet A. Polotno and F. Karmanov. In their album “We’ll Survive,” the guys reveal topical topics in the form of veiled ditties.

New love

After the next album “Oh Leli-Leli”, in which the artist invested all his savings, a new love came to him. It happened on the shores of the Black Sea when the artist met the beautiful Natalya. After their short separation, fate brought them together again in Moscow.

Anatoly Polotno, whose biography is filled with various events of a lyrical nature, was very surprised when Natasha came out to him at one of the concerts in the capital and gave him flowers. This meeting turned upside down not only the musician’s personal life, but also his work, in which the lyrics significantly increased.

In 1991, the artist who recorded the first vinyl record in the chanson style fell out of this crowd. This was due to the birth of his second daughter; the new father began building and improving the family nest. The singer released a new album in 1994, its name is “Shara No. 8”.

Anatoly Canvas: biography, criminal record

The album mentioned above turned out to be as close as possible to the “thieves” theme. This is due to the fact that attacks on the musician began from officials and law enforcement agencies. The singer was credited with unearned income and evasion from paying child support to his first child. As the artist himself explains, all these claims are associated with envy and misunderstanding of the new stage in music.

It is noteworthy that law enforcement agencies from his native Perm “invited” the singer to places not so remote. Many artists in those days suffered a similar fate. As with Canvas, most often the charges were fabricated. However, in this case the case did not go to court. Thanks to Radio Maximum, information about the arrest reached the capital’s program “Man and the Law,” and a television correspondent went to Perm. After this, Anatoly was released, warning that he would be re-arrested if there was any hype and any disclosure on TV again.


Anatoly Polotno, whose biography is very similar to the biography of many chansonniers, actively begins releasing albums in 1995. A CD is being released with the singer's best songs over the past six years. Solo concerts are organized, the artist is invited to various programs along with other popular artists.

Anatoly Polotno, whose discography includes hundreds of songs, remains a real Russian man with a soul, a reverent attitude towards friendship and loved ones. Among the musician’s albums the following works can be noted:

  • “Oh, leli-leli” - 1998
  • “Greetings from Lenka Panteleev” - 1990
  • "Golden Carriage" - 1995
  • “We’ll Survive” - 1999
  • "Steamboat" - 2005
  • "Rubles" - 2010

This is only a small part of the artist’s achievements.


In conclusion, it can be noted that Anatoly Polotno, whose song continues to delight fans throughout Russia and beyond, is a singer with a special style and presentation. In his free time, the musician enjoys hunting, fishing, painting, preference, and horse riding. Such a unique artist won the hearts of tens of thousands of people with compositions in a mixed style.

Yuri Kuznetsov-Tayozhny: “I’m drawn to the theater. I’ll even play a crazy person!”

Everyone is surprised by the incredible similarity between Yuri Kuznetsov-Taiga and the king of Russian chanson, Mikhail Krug. The creators of the series “Legends of the Circle” took advantage of this feature of the artist and invited him to the main role. However, Yuri himself is involved in film production. In an interview with Radio Chanson, the artist talked about whether he ever gained weight for a role, why he started making children’s films, and what his “shaitan brigade” does...

Today is September 3rd. And “Radio Chanson” simply could not miss this date indifferently. After all, one of the main hits of our radio station performed by Mikhail Shufutinsky is dedicated to today. We contacted Mikhail Zakharovich and asked him to comment on this date and talk about how the maestro himself feels about the song...

Car sales in Russia are not stable. Either growth or decline. However, a similar trend can be seen all over the world. In England - because of Brexit, in the United States - because of the trade war with China. In the Middle Kingdom itself - due to the unprecedented development of the automotive industry. That's how the idea of ​​selling was born...

So, another hockey season has started. I will not talk much about the opening match, in which, according to tradition, the finalists of the Gagarin Cup played. This time it was CSKA and Avangard, and the Omsk team won a long-awaited victory, since the previous nine games ended in favor of the army team. It’s just that the winners have an ambiguous attitude towards the prize awarded for winning such matches. You can’t pick it up, they say, then you’ll have no luck in the Gagarin Cup. Hockey players are superstitious people. And what a set of superstitions I was traveling with...