
Does the character of the measure of faith change over the course of. Manifestation of Pechorin's character in relations with Grushnitsky, Werner, Faith, Princess Mary. Relationship with Princess Mary

The novel "A Hero of Our Time" by M.Yu. Lermontov is considered one of the best works classical Russian literature. You can talk about it for a very long time - there are more than enough interesting topics for discussion. Today we will focus on one of them - we will try to understand what Pechorin's attitude to Mary was.

Pechorin's character

First, you need to understand the character of the protagonist. It must be admitted that this is a person, in terms of his development, higher than the society that surrounds him. However, he was unable to find application for his talents and abilities. 1830 years - a difficult period in Russian history... The future of young people of that time was "either empty or dark." Lermontov in Pechorin captured the features of the younger generation of those years. The portrait of his hero is composed of the vices of all time. It looks like there are two people in it. The first of them acts, and the second observes his actions and discusses them, or rather, condemns.

Negative character traits of Pechorin

In Pechorin, you can see many negative features, including selfishness. Although Belinsky could not agree with this. He said that selfishness "does not blame itself," "does not suffer." Indeed, Pechorin suffers from the fact that he is bored among people belonging to the "water society". The desire to escape from it lies in the fact that the hero wastes himself on various small matters. Pechorin risks his life, seeking oblivion in love, substituting Chechen bullets for himself. He suffers greatly from boredom and realizes that living the way he lives is wrong. The hero is ambitious and vindictive. Wherever he appears, misfortunes happen.

Why did the hero deceive Mary?

This hero inflicted a deep wound on Princess Mary. He deceived this girl, betrayed her love for him. What was his goal? Exclusively your own satisfaction. In this, Pechorin and Princess Mary were completely different. The relationship between the heroes is characterized by the fact that the princess seeks to make her lover happy, and he thinks only of himself. However, Pechorin is well aware of the thankless role he played in the life of this girl.

Development of relations between Pechorin and Mary

In order to understand what Pechorin's true attitude to Mary was, let us briefly trace the history of the development of their very unusual novel. Mary is a young and beautiful daughter of Princess Ligovskaya. However, she is too naive, and also overly trusting of other people, including Pechorin. At first, the girl did not pay attention to the main character, but he did everything to interest her. He lured Mary's fans over to him by telling them funny stories. After Pechorin won her attention, he tried to make a good impression on the princess with stories and stories from his life. His goal was for the girl to begin to see an extraordinary person in him, and he achieved his goal. Pechorin gradually conquered the girl. During the ball, he "saved" the princess from a drunken impudent person who molested her. Caring attitude Pechorin to Princess Mary did not go unnoticed by the girl. She believed that the hero is sincere in his actions. However, the girl was cruelly mistaken. He just wanted to conquer her, she was another toy for him. One evening Pechorin and Mary went for a walk. Their relationship by that time had already developed enough for what happened during her. The princess felt unwell as she crossed the river. Pechorin hugged her, the girl leaned on him, and then he kissed her.

Was Pechorin in love with Mary?

Pechorin asserted and tried to convince himself that Mary's infatuation did not mean anything to him, that he was seeking the love of this girl only for his own pleasure. However, in fact, Pechorin's attitude to Mary was somewhat different. The hero's soul longed for true love. Pechorin begins to doubt: "Have I really fallen in love?" However, he immediately catches himself thinking that affection for this girl is "a pitiful habit of the heart." Pechorin's love for Mary died in the bud, since the hero did not allow her to develop. And it's a pity - perhaps he would have found happiness by falling in love.

Thus, Pechorin's attitude to Mary is contradictory. The hero assures himself that he does not love her. Before the duel, he tells Werner that he took out only a few ideas from the storm of life, but did not endure a single feeling. He admits that he has long lived with his head, and not with his heart. He weighs his own actions and passions, examines "with strict curiosity", but "without participation." At first glance, the way Pechorin treats Mary confirms this idea of ​​the protagonist about himself, which testifies to the cruelty, ruthless coldness of his game. but the main character not as dispassionate as he tries to appear. Several times he feels that he is carried away, even becomes agitated. The protagonist reproaches himself for the ability to feel: after all, he assured himself that for him happiness lies not in love, but in "saturated pride." His nature is distorted by the inability to find a high purpose in life and eternal discord with others. However, Pechorin in vain believes that this "saturated pride" will bring him happiness. Both Mary and Vera love him, but this does not bring him satisfaction. And relations with these heroines are developing not only at the behest of Pechorin.

While the hero sees in the princess a secular young lady spoiled by worship, he takes pleasure in insulting the girl's pride. However, after the soul appears in her, the ability to sincerely suffer, and not just play love, is revealed, the main character changes his mind. However, the author does not end the story with a happy ending - Pechorin and Princess Mary remain alone. The relationship of these two heroes led nowhere. Fear, not indifference, makes him reject Mary's feeling.

How should you treat Pechorin?

Probably Pechorin ruined the life of this girl forever. He disappointed her in love. Now Mary will not trust anyone. You can treat Pechorin in different ways. Of course, he is a scoundrel, unworthy of another person's love and even self-respect. However, he is justified by the fact that he is a product of society. He was brought up in an environment where it was customary to hide true feelings under the guise of indifference.

Did Mary deserve her fate?

And what about Mary? You can also treat her in different ways. The girl saw the perseverance of the protagonist. And from this she concluded that he loved her. Mary heard what strange speeches this hero made, and realized that he was an extraordinary person. And she fell in love with him, disregarding the laws of society. After all, Mary was the first to dare to say about her love. This means that she believed that the hero would reciprocate her. However, he was silent.

What was Mary's fault

We can assume that Mary herself is to blame for everything, since she was both naive and arrogant, self-confident and blind. In her there is no reckless devotion inherent in Vera, there is no sincerity and passionate power of Bela's love. But the main thing is that she does not understand Pechorin. The girl fell in love not at all with him, but with a fashionable hero. Her feeling for him can be compared with the feeling for Grushnitsky - Mary sees in such different people one and the same: the tragedy of Pechorin's disappointment does not differ for her from Grushnitsky's mask of disappointment. If the main character had not come to the water, most likely, the girl would have fallen in love with Grushnitsky, married him, despite the resistance of her mother, and would have been happy with him.

What excuses Mary

However, can you blame the heroine so unconditionally? After all, it is not her fault that she is young, that she is looking for a hero and is ready to find him in the first comer. Like any woman, Mary dreams of being loved by a lonely and the strong man, for which she is ready to become a whole world, to warm it and comfort it, bring it peace and joy. In this sense, Pechorin and Princess Mary were the products of their environment and time. The relationship between them is characterized by the fact that each played a role. And if the hero invented it himself, then the heroine played the natural role of a woman whose mission is love.

Perhaps, if Pechorin had not appeared in her life, she would have found her happiness. The girl would live her whole life with the illusion that Grushnitsky is a special creature, that she saved him from loneliness and misfortune with her love.

The complexity of human relationships

The complexity of human relationships lies in the fact that even in love, which is the greatest spiritual intimacy, people are often unable to fully understand each other. In order to remain calm and confident, you need illusions. Mary and Grushnitsky could have retained the illusion of the need for a loved one, but that would have had enough of a quiet home, the love and devotion of the princess. Something similar, perhaps, would have happened if Pechorin and Mary had not parted. The relationship between them, of course, would hardly have lasted long due to the nature of the protagonist, but misunderstanding in this pair, of course, would also take place.

In relations with Grushnitsky, Pechorin displays such character traits as bored neglect. and passion, however, rather sluggish, for psychological games.

The same can be said about his attitude towards Princess Mary, adding enormous self-esteem, directed at will. At the same time, he could not resist on the brink of the cold analysis of an outside observer and himself was greatly carried away by the princess's considerable inner strength. You could even say - fell in love. But as a person accustomed to giving himself a detailed account of all the movements of his soul, he clearly understood that he would not be happy in marriage at all and would soon be disappointed. Therefore, he even showed a willingness to give up love, just to preserve freedom or what he meant by freedom, because real love undoubtedly, the person is not embarrassed.

Communicating with Werner, Pechorin enjoyed the understanding that had been established between them. But it was a very cold and mechanical understanding, according to at least from the side of Pechorin. Even with a relatively close-minded person, Pechorin could not relax mentally, he continued to mock the intellect, using an intelligent listener and amusing himself with those puzzles that the doctor suggested to him to solve.

Princess Mary and Vera awakened in him a cold calculating passion, despite the fact that Vera Pechorin undoubtedly appreciated as a person who managed to penetrate his inner world. However, this actually did not affect his actions with her in any way.

The rupture of feelings and logic - this is what Pechorin constantly demonstrates, no matter who he comes across. The basic property of his personality is the duality of a person who discovered the world of constant reflection, but failed to establish the reverse reunification of the picture being torn apart. The desire for deep self-observation, in itself laudable, pulled Pechorin into the funnel of narcissistic narcissism. Since this quality is contrary to human nature, he lost the opportunity for the fruitful use of creative forces, became cold and lethargic even in relation to himself. The finished expression of this type of person appears in the figure of Stavrogin from FM Dostoevsky's novel The Demons.

"Hero of Our Time" as a work differs in that the characters of all the characters are predominantly static. The characters of Vera and Mary are no exception. Another thing is that Pechorin's attitude towards them is changing, and the attitude is situational, and they accordingly show certain reactions. However, in order to seriously talk about character changes, there is too little material - a relatively short period of time is covered and no attention is paid to the past of this or that character at all. The purpose of the author's narration is exclusively Pechorin himself.

Mary is used to being the center of attention, she takes Grushnitsky's courtship for granted, but she, as a sensitive girl, was much more attracted by Pechorin's figure, filled with genuine energy. When it turned out that Pechorin had laughed at her, she found the strength to maintain her dignity.

As for Vera, we do not know the background of her relationship with Pechorin. Probably, she was able to understand the essence of Pechorin, because, like Pushkin's Tatiana, she managed, forgetting herself, to plunge into the spiritual world of a loved one. Only, unlike Tatyana, she did not distance herself, understanding his real aspirations, but on the contrary, she became even more attached. Apparently, she had a strong desire for passive patience in her character, she received emotional satisfaction from artificial romantic relationships, even knowing the whole background of Pechorin's character. Outwardly, it was a desire to preserve the remnants of independence, inwardly - a desire to be unhappy, but certainly beautiful.

In relations with Grushnitsky, Pechorin shows such character traits as bored neglect and passion, however, rather sluggish, for psychological games.

The same can be said about his attitude towards Princess Mary, adding enormous pride, directed at will. At the same time, he could not resist on the verge of a cold analysis of an outside observer and himself was greatly carried away by the princess's considerable inner strength. You could even say - fell in love. But as a person accustomed to giving himself a detailed account of all the movements of his soul, he clearly understood that he would not be happy in marriage at all and would soon be disappointed. Therefore, he even showed a willingness to give up love, just to preserve freedom or what he meant by freedom, because true love, of course, does not bother a person.

Communicating with Werner, Pechorin enjoyed the mutual understanding that had been established between them. But it was a very cold and mechanical understanding, at least on the part of Pechorin. Even with a person who was relatively close in spirit, Pechorin could not relax mentally, he continued to mockingly intellectualize, using an intelligent listener and amusing himself with those puzzles that the doctor suggested to him to solve.

Princess Mary and Vera awakened in him a cold, calculating passion, despite the fact that Vera Pechorin undoubtedly appreciated as a person who managed to penetrate his inner world. However, this actually did not affect his actions with her in any way.

The rupture of feelings and logic - this is what Pechorin constantly demonstrates, no matter who he encounters. The basic property of his personality is the duality of a person who discovered the world of constant reflection, but failed to establish the reverse reunification of the picture being torn apart. The desire for deep self-observation, in itself laudable, pulled Pechorin into the funnel of narcissistic narcissism. Since this quality is contrary to human nature, he lost the opportunity for the fruitful use of creative forces, became cold and lethargic even in relation to himself. The finished expression of this type of person appears in the figure of Stavrogin from FM Dostoevsky's novel The Demons.

"Hero of Our Time" as a work differs in that the characters of all the characters are predominantly static. The characters of Vera and Mary are no exception. Another thing is that Pechorin's attitude towards them changes, and the attitude is situational, and they accordingly show certain reactions. However, in order to seriously talk about character changes, there is too little material - a relatively short period of time is covered and attention is not paid at all to the past of this or that character. The purpose of the author's narration is exclusively Pechorin himself.

Mary is used to being the center of attention, she takes Grushnitsky's courtship for granted, but she, as a sensitive girl, was much more attracted by the figure of Pechorin, filled with genuine energy. When it turned out that Pechorin had laughed at her, she found the strength to preserve her dignity. Material from the site

As for Vera, we do not know the background of her relationship with Pechorin. Probably, she was able to understand the essence of Pecho-rin, because, like Pushkin's Tatiana, she managed, forgetting herself, to plunge into the spiritual world of a loved one. Only, unlike Tatiana, she did not distance herself, understanding his real aspirations, but on the contrary, became even more attached. Apparently, she had a strong desire for passive patience in her character, she received emotional satisfaction from artificial romantic relationships, even knowing the whole background of Pechorin's character. Outwardly, it was a desire to preserve the remnants of independence, internally - a desire to be unhappy, but certainly beautiful.

I throw in combinations:

    Character has a positive effect on appearance: 1) due to volitional qualities, a person can modify his appearance (lose weight, gain muscle mass, fight problem skin, etc.); 2) a sense of beauty, harmony, taste can help a person to look more attractive; 3) a wide range of qualities can affect the appearance with age (resistance to stress saved from alcohol and smoking with their manifestations, for example; or a lively mind finds a way out in the eyes); 4) due to positive features a person can be perceived by others as beautiful; 4.1) self-confidence and adequately high self-esteem can "inspire" others that a person is beautiful.

    The character negatively affects the appearance - here everything is the other way around: 1) you can "start yourself up" by eating a large amount of food, addictions, non-observance of hygiene standards; 2) bad taste in hairstyles and clothes spoils beautiful people; 3) with age, character is visible on the face and appearance: for example, people who are a lot of nervous become more wrinkled; 4) low self-esteem, self-deprecation (some, and maybe many people perceive themselves as ugly, despite the fact that this is clearly not so) or, on the contrary, inadequately high self-esteem, arrogance or other unpleasant character traits and characteristics inner peace a person are able to outweigh the external attractiveness of a person;

    Beautiful appearance has a positive effect on character: 1) beautiful people can be more self-confident, open and kind (personally, I often meet with this); 2) natural beauty can stimulate a person to improve it further; 3) compliments from others cheer up, and this affects the style of communication with other people and the perception of the world in general (and it seems like a trifle).

    Ugly appearance has a positive effect on character: 1) developmental compensation positive qualities personality.

    A beautiful appearance negatively affects the character: 1) a person does not know how to work on himself, since he has already been given a lot by nature; 2) such qualities as arrogance, spoiledness, selfishness are possible; 3) you can still earn aggressiveness and suspiciousness during the years of defense against envious people, since not everyone and not everywhere love beautiful people (those who worked in women's groups will understand).

    Ugly appearance negatively affects character: 1) anger, passivity, low self-esteem, isolation, etc. may occur.

But here it is worth noting that a beautiful / ugly appearance - oh, how conditional. Probably, I meant by beautiful those who are naturally harmonious by nature with their facial features and physique, by ugly - those who have obvious flaws in their appearance. And according to the law of normal distribution, most people are between, i.e. quite nice.

You can also consider such features of appearance as height, weight, etc. etc.

Oh, and I also noticed that many here wrote that handsome men are lucky. Here I disagree. There are handsome men who are ... mmmm ... embarrassed by the fact that they are beautiful. And, moreover, to beautiful people the attitude is not always positive. They may face envious or self-prejudiced attitudes. As an example, I can cite a stereotype that success beautiful girls due to her external data ... okay, here all adults have heard about "sucked". In addition, people may question their intellectual ability. In a number of professions, too beautiful appearance can become almost a contraindication (psychologists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, for example, do not want to be such).

Reading the work and getting acquainted with the work of the author in the literature lesson, we see how the image of the hero is revealed in relations with others actors... We observe the manifestation of Pechorin's character in relations with such heroes as Grushnitsky, Princess Mary, Vera and Werner. With all of the above personalities that were invented, the main character opens up from a new side for us.

Relationship with Werner

If we talk about the relationship between Pechorin and Werner, then rather it is a friendly relationship. The characters are connected by observation, special intelligence and resourcefulness. Only here we see Werner's passivity to life, which is an obstacle to Werner's actions, while the main character is in a constant search for adventure. Pechorin is active and loves to test his fate. In general, in these relations such a character trait of Pechorin as selfishness is manifested, where the hero does not recognize such a concept as friendship. After all, here you need self-forgetfulness and sacrifices for which he is not ready.

Relationship with Grushnitsky

The character of Pechorin manifests itself in a different way in relations with Grushnitsky, with whom he had at first good relations, which then grew into a kind of struggle. She led the heroes to a duel. When we see the relationship between Grushnitsky and Pechorin, we note that it is normal for the protagonist to have no such concepts as fear, anger, pity. These feelings completely disappeared, as the hero himself speaks of, who before the duel did not feel any of the above.

Relationship with Princess Mary

In relations with Mary, the contradictory nature of Pechorin is manifested. On the one hand, he has not lived with his heart for a long time, but on the other hand, several times he felt carried away. But in general, he has everything thought out, he weighs everything. It is ruled by calculation and a curious mind. He has not opened up to anyone for a long time and quickly becomes disillusioned with his companions. He was afraid of this disappointment in the case of relations with Princess Mary. Here the hero appears before us as a cold and selfish person, for whom Mary's infatuation is nothing more than a game. As for me, Pechorin is simply afraid of the ordinary, so he rejects female feelings, letting on coldness and indifference.

Relationship with Vera

It would seem that one can draw conclusions about the soullessness of Pechorin, maybe even some cruelty towards other people, if not for the meeting with Vera. Yes, this relationship does not have a happy ending, but we see that the hero is not soulless. He also has a small, barely smoldering flame of humanity in his heart. It’s a pity that Pechorin’s light, because of his egoism and coldness, quickly fades away.

Manifestation of Pechorin's character in relations with Grushnitsky, Werner, Vera, Princess Mary

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Pechorin and Grushnitsky essay on the topic Composition based on the work of Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" Composition: an episode of a fight with a leopard and his role in revealing the character of Mtsyri