
Ppr installation work. Project for the production of works in construction

PPR is a fundamental aspect of any construction that requires special attention and professionalism. The company PSK GORPROEKT LLC offers its services for creating PPR, focusing on relatively low prices.

Our company is actively engaged in the development of documentation regulating the construction process. Highly qualified specialists with extensive experience in the construction industry will help you understand any difficult situations related to the creation of project planning. We are committed to close cooperation, offering you our interactive resource that will save you from unnecessary waste cash.

The key to successful work of the company is an individual approach to any order; we completely exclude the development of standard projects. Taking into account the wishes of our clients, we develop a cost-effective project that can compete in the construction industry.

Development of PPR– these are not all the services that our company provides, in addition to the preparation of documentation, We control the process of project approval with the relevant authorities.

Certificates for development of PPR

Thanks to the competent and professional preparation of the PPR, the construction process occurs much faster and with better quality. This is explained by the fact that the PPR includes a construction plan for the facility, the preparation of a cost-effective estimate in combination with the budget, as well as the organization of construction installation work.

In order for the result to be excellent and you are happy with the constructed facility, it is best to entrust the development of PPR to specialized companies that guarantee you high-quality construction and significant savings in your monetary capital.

Factors influencing the cost of developing PPR

Factors influencing the timing of development of PPR

This range of services is provided by the company PSK GORPROEKT LLC, which operates on the principle of interaction between the customer and the general contractor, facilitating the rapid completion of construction work. We actively cooperate with administrative and technical inspections, significantly reducing the time to obtain the necessary permits. Our specialists will open an order regulating the construction and installation work in the shortest possible time.

By choosing our company's PPR, you:

– you have the opportunity to choose the most optimal solution for construction and installation work;

– receive a high-quality construction project in the shortest possible time;

– spend a minimum amount of money;

– ensure 100% safety for workers at the site.

It's no secret that drawing up a PPR is of enormous importance. It is the design and technological documentation that contributes to the thorough study of every aspect during the construction of the facility. In addition, the development of PPR allows you to organize construction and installation work, determine their order and draw up a budget.

Taking into account all the above nuances, it is worth noting that it is necessary to order a work project from specialized organizations that have been operating in this area for a long time. In this case, you transfer the solution of all related problems to the hands of professionals, which provides all the necessary guarantees.

PSK GORPROEKT LLC is engaged in similar activities and provides a full range of services. In particular, when developing the PPR for the main period (preparatory period and other types of work), we coordinate each item with the customer and the general contractor. This helps resolve all issues related to the organization of construction. In addition, having prepared a PPR, the price of which is very low, we will transfer it (if necessary) to the association of administrative and technical inspections. This will help open a warrant giving the right to carry out construction and installation work. To top it all off, the development of PPR in construction involves the preparation of as-built documentation.

Achieving high quality is determined by the extensive experience of our employees, who prioritize the development of PPR taking into account the individual preferences of the client.

Let's consider what aspects and regulatory documents the development of the PPR carried out by our company contains:

Explanatory note

  • (project plan, its description, technical standards, cost estimates for building materials);

Graphic part

  • construction plan - includes marking the location of the object and constructing the main constituent elements;

  • technological schemes for performing specific types of work - focused on the cost-effective use of time for the construction of a facility;

  • work schedule - consists of the phased implementation of construction and installation work;
  • labor flow schedule.

Each aspect of the project must be developed in strict accordance with organizational and technical solutions, and one should not forget about finding the most profitable solutions for supplying the facility with the necessary amount of building material that meets a high level of quality.

When developing PPR in the field of organizing facade work, our employees take into account the effective rental of mechanized equipment that operates strictly according to a schedule aimed at maximizing savings of time and resources.

PPR includes ensuring the safety of workers at the site, which consists of maintaining operational quality control. You can order our services through the interactive portal, which provides detailed information on the development of PPR. You will be pleasantly surprised at the comparatively low cost of creating a project design, despite the customer’s functional focus.

Our offer

Development of PPR in Moscow and regions of Russia.

You are determined to start building some kind of facility, and don’t know where to start, then feel free to contact our company, which develops competent and cost-effective project planning.

The range of services of PSK GORPROEKT LLC also includes consulting on any issues you are interested in related to the construction of facilities. A non-standard approach to order fulfillment, based on modern technologies and standards, allows us to provide single and complex services.

If you want to end up with a beautiful, high-quality construction project, then you should definitely contact our engineers, who work according to a strategy of careful execution of the order, in strict accordance with the requirements and wishes of the client.

Construction is a very serious area of ​​modern urban development. This direction has wide range work performed, control by the administration, supervisory authorities and requires precise, impeccable organization. In addition, construction must ensure the safety of the work process, promote labor productivity, and be technically feasible. Therefore, the entire preparatory part and the construction itself are regulated through regulations. These are requirements, rules, standards that establish the order and framework for carrying out construction activities.

What is project documentation

Before starting production work, it is necessary to draw up a plan. It will allow you to determine the plan for the future structure, calculate all the necessary loads, which will guarantee the safety of the structure, determine the amount of material required, costs, attraction of labor and equipment. Also at the preliminary stage, projects are drawn up that are responsible for organizing traffic and the entire construction process. Particular attention is paid to the work project (WPP), which is aimed at achieving the goals of ensuring the safety of persons carrying out work and located on the construction site. PPR in construction, what it is, is determined by sets of norms and rules governing a certain type of work performed. Often, the PPR is not fully developed for the entire facility due to its large volume, so it is formed from several parts and divided by type of work. These may be separately developed technological issues of scaffolding, roofing, installation of any structural elements, etc.

Why do you need a production project?

The requirements for PPR in the construction of houses are established by SNiP 3.01.01-85, which sets requirements and provides explanations for the development of a project necessary to begin construction of a house. The purpose of its creation, as the document prescribes, is to develop methods for construction activities for their effective implementation, reducing the cost of materials, labor costs, and the use of construction equipment.

Who can develop PPR

The development of PPR in construction requires the persons who work on it to have appropriate education, the ability to use software, etc. Because a correctly prepared project will significantly improve the quality of work and reduce the duration of construction of the facility. This is important in the modern construction industry, which is rapidly developing, introducing new technologies, methods, new equipment and equipment.

What is needed to create a PPR

To begin work, construction work will be required. What it is and how to compile it is determined by regulatory documents. To develop a project, specialists will need a number of documents on the basis of which a safe construction project will be created. The first thing you need is a task that is created taking into account the needs, wishes, requirements of standards, and building conditions of the customer. An executive plan for the planned facility and a construction project are also required.

Information is provided on the use of special machinery, equipment, labor, materials at the site, indicating suppliers. Data is provided on the study of already commissioned and used real estate objects, and also takes into account regional features for PPR in construction. What is it and what is it for? This is necessary so that the project is developed taking into account all the subtleties and possible negative natural factors. Information is used about the state of ambient air temperatures, its changes for specific construction periods, groundwater levels, humidity and other indicators that are important and can affect the progress of construction.

What does a production project consist of?

The composition of the PPR in construction is provided for by a set of norms and rules, which indicates the need to contain three documents in the project. This is a general construction plan (stroygenplan), and information that shows the features of construction, calculations, explanations, justifications. SNiP reveals in detail the content of these documents, fully describes the development scheme, requirements, the presence of certain indicators and calculations. Briefly describe the project blocks general concepts, to present a vision of what PPR consists of in construction. What it is and what it consists of needs to be known to those involved in its development, because each of the three main elements of the project is completed from a number of other constituent documents.

Work schedule

This is a kind of backbone, a model for the future PPR, because the reliability and quality of the future project, as well as the success of its implementation, will depend on its competent development. SNiP PPR in construction makes it clear that the calendar document is key in the entire project, because it establishes the sequence of work performed, which makes construction more rational in the execution process. It also elaborates and specifies all the deadlines, stages, periods, and sequence of work. A ready-made calendar plan makes it possible to proceed to the development of the next document included in the project of the facility.

Construction master plan

At this stage, it is initially necessary to consider and select the most suitable option for organizing the construction site, which will minimize construction costs. The construction plan also aims to create conditions for construction work that must meet safety requirements.

The plan must define the construction site area and take into account nearby buildings and structures. They should also provide for the construction of temporary buildings within the development boundaries necessary for the implementation of construction activities. The presence of existing utility systems near the construction site and the creation of temporary communications to support construction are being studied. It should be taken into account that when organizing work it will be necessary to install power lines, water supply and sewerage. The need will arise for access roads, maneuvering of large equipment, a tower crane and the delivery of materials to the site. The construction plan must provide a place for storing building materials, safe installation of the crane, its movement across sections of the site, and take into account the possibility of lifting to any part of the facility under construction.

Explanatory note

No less important than the rest is a component in PPR. The construction of a house can meet safe requirements only if the project is properly drawn up, and includes vital information. All characteristics that provide for the complexity of construction are spelled out. A number of information on maintaining and protecting the environment must be included.

Contains a document justifying the required areas, buildings on the site, communications, lifting mechanisms, equipment, and machinery that were indicated in the master construction plan. You can clearly see in the note all the calculations proving the needs, as well as the economic indicators of construction.

Work execution project (WPP) - this is a set of documents defining the procedure for performing work and providing them with resources. PPR can be developed for: the construction of individual structural elements, parts of a building and structure; for the construction of buildings and structures in general; for the performance of certain technically complex construction, installation and special construction works and for the work of the preparatory period.

Responsible for the development of the PPR are: for the PPR for the construction of new, expansion and reconstruction of enterprises, buildings and structures - the general contracting construction organization; for PPR for certain types of general construction, installation and special construction work - specialized construction organizations performing these works.

Organizations responsible for developing PPR can perform this work either on their own, or to involve design, design and construction organizations and design and technology trusts (Orgtekhstroy, Orgstroy, etc.).

The initial data for developing the PPR are:

    assignment for the development of a PPR with justification for the need to develop it for the building or structure as a whole, its part or type of work and indicating the development time frame;

    construction organization project;

    necessary working documentation and conditions for the supply of building materials, structures and equipment, use of the structure. body machines and vehicles, providing workers for construction workers in the main professions, production and technological equipment and transportation of construction materials.

The PPR for the construction of all or part of a building or structure includes:

    A calendar plan for the production of work on an object, in which the sequence and timing of the work must be established with the maximum possible combination of them.

    Site construction master plan (construction plan), which should show: the boundaries of the construction site and the types of its fences; existing and temporary underground, ground and air networks and communications; permanent and temporary roads, as well as traffic patterns for vehicles and machinery; installation locations, travel routes and coverage areas of construction and lifting machines; placement of permanent, under construction and temporary buildings and structures; locations of geodetic alignment signs; hazardous areas; ways and means of lifting workers to working tiers (floors): passages into buildings and structures; placement of sources and means of power supply and lighting of the construction site, as well as grounding loops; locations of sites and premises for storing building materials and structures, as well as devices for removing construction waste; sites for larger assembly of structures; location of premises for sanitary services for construction workers, drinking water installations and recreation areas; high-risk work areas.

    Schedules for the receipt of construction materials, structures and equipment at the site with data on their receipt for each contracting team with the attachment of picking lists.

    Movement schedules for workers and main construction vehicles around the site.

    Technological maps (schemes) for the performance of certain types of work with the inclusion of operational quality control schemes (OQC), a description of work methods, an indication of labor costs and the need for materials, machines, equipment, devices and protective equipment for workers.

    Solutions for the production of geodetic works, including layouts of signs for carrying out geodetic constructions and measurements and instructions on the required accuracy and technical means of geodetic control of construction and installation work.

    Safety solutions developed on the basis of SNiP 12-03-2001.

    Solutions for laying temporary networks of water, heat, power supply and lighting (including emergency) of a construction site and workplaces with the development, if necessary, of working drawings for connecting networks from power sources.

    Lists of technological equipment and installation equipment, as well as load slinging diagrams.

    Explanatory note.

The required sections include:

justification of decisions on the performance of work, including those performed in winter;

the need for energy resources and solutions to satisfy it;

measures aimed at ensuring the safety and preventing theft of materials, products, structures and equipment at the construction site, in buildings and structures;

measures to protect existing buildings and structures from damage;

environmental measures.

a list of inventory buildings and structures and devices with a calculation of the need and justification for the condition of linking them to sections of the construction site;

technical and economic indicators, including volumes, duration and cost of construction and installation work, level of mechanization and labor costs both in general and per 1 m3 of volume, 1 m2 of building area per unit of physical volumes of work, etc.

In accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.01.01-85*, the mandatory sections of the PPR for the construction of all or part of a building or structure are: calendar plan for the work on the facility; object construction plan; technological maps; decisions on geodetic work, safety precautions, laying temporary utility networks and an explanatory note.

The PPR for certain types of work includes:

Schedule plan for the production of work of this type.

Construction master plan (stroygenplan).

A technological map for the production of this type of work with the inclusion of an operational quality control scheme (OQC), a description of work production methods, data on the need for basic materials, structures and products, as well as the machines, equipment and devices used.

A brief explanatory note, including the necessary justification and technical and economic indicators.

In addition, the project for carrying out geodetic work must include: instructions on the accuracy and methods of work when creating a layout network of a building, structure and detailed layouts; layout diagrams of distribution network points, installation marks, beacons and methods of securing them; designs of geodetic signs; list of executive geodetic documentation.

The PPR for the preparatory construction period includes:

Schedule of work for the object (type of work).

Construction master plan (stroygenplan), which indicates: the location of temporary, including inventory buildings, structures and devices, off-site and on-site networks with their connections to places of connection and consumption, and permanent facilities erected during the preparatory period for construction needs.

Technological maps.

Traffic schedules for workers and main construction machines.

The schedule for the arrival at the construction site of the building materials, structures and equipment required during the preparatory period.

Schemes for placing signs for performing geodetic constructions, measurements, as well as instructions on the required accuracy and technical means of geodetic control.

An explanatory note, the content of which is similar to the content of the explanatory note included in the PPR, developed for the construction of the entire building (structure) or part of it.

Work execution project (WPP) - document developed by a construction organization;

The PPR must be transferred to the construction site no later than 2 months before the start of work.

PPR is developed, at a minimum, for the object or its stage.

Source material:

    development task with deadlines;

    working documentation, including PIC;

    conditions for the supply of material resources, equipment;

    use of construction machines, vehicles and provision of workers;

    materials of technical inspection of buildings and structures, reconstructed objects, or existing ones nearby;

    requirements for construction and installation works in the conditions of existing production (during reconstruction).

PPR composition:

1) Schedule plan for the facility by type of work.

2) Stroygenplan

3) Schedules for the movement of work crews, main construction machines and mechanisms around the site.

4) Schedules for setting mat. Resources, equipment for the site and distribution among teams.

5) Technological maps for certain types of work with operational quality control systems.

6) Geodetic works.

7) Technological equipment, installation equipment, labor protection and equipment


8) Explanatory note - justification for all decisions made, as well as measures to protect existing buildings and structures and environmental measures.

9) TZTs: volume of construction, duration of construction, specific

labor costs, level of mechanization, cost of work, profit. The PAR is developed for the preparatory period and the PAR for certain types of work.