
Description Holden Colfield. Source: Tale "Above the Distribution of rye" (1951). All characteristics by alphabet

Colfield Holden - Sixteen-year-old young man from the generation of teanagers of the 50s. Although he himself does not like to talk about his parents and "every Davidkopperfield Muti", but there is primarily in his family connections. His father is a man with the Irish surname - before marriage was Catholic. His parents of different faith, but, apparently, consider this fact insignificant. X. Not peculiar to religiosity, although he believes in the boundless kindness of Christ, who, in his opinion, could not send Judas to hell, and cannot tolerate the apostles. X. - The second child in the family in which four children. Senior Brother X. - D.V., - writing beautiful stories, works in Hollywood and, according to X., consumes his talent inust. During the war, he was four years old as the damned in the army, drove the general in the staff machine and hated the army service more than war. Younger brothers - X. And Alley - he said that if he had to shoot, he would not know who to put a bullet. The second brother X., Red-haired Alley, was younger than X. For two years and, as X., Once a fifty smarter. Ally loved poems to such an extent that he wrote out the lines from Emily Dickenon, who lived at the stream, his baseball mitten; He was very nice, loved to laugh. In the perception of X. Alley was a real sorcerer, because X. often felt when Alley looked at him. Ally died of Belokrovia, and then X., who was thirteen years old, broke all the windows with his hand in the garage, got into the hospital, and then his hand had twisted all the time and he could not squeeze her hard. The younger in the family was a ten-year-old Phoebe, to which X. was touchingly tied. X. Very sensitive to falsehood and above all in the relationship appreciates sincerity. He can not tolerate a movie, because it ruined the elder brother, which, while still lived at home, was a real writer. X. Even refuses to shoot in a short film when he is invited to shoot as a first-class golf. In the cinema it is crubbles the unnatural of acting behavior. He understands that it is precisely from cynoboevikov who are fantasy about the methods of cutting with offenders. He has his own idea of \u200b\u200bwhat should be Hamlet - the "eccentric, a little bit," - and he does not like in this role Laurence Olivier, who is more like some general. More X. Like the episode in which Poloniy gives the advice of Laerta, and Ophelia at the same time indifferently indulges: then the dagger will pull out of her scabbard, then it tends his doubt, and Laert pretends that he listens to the annoying tips. Because of intolerance to False X. It can not get along in any of the schools, the study is already in the fourth in a row (as it was with the writer himself), but it also turns out to be excluded because it does not take much and in teachers, and in students , and in existing schools in school.

The writing

Holden Colfield (Eng. Holden Caulfield) Hero-narrator Roman J.D. Salfier "Above the Gone in Rye" (1951). The key character of modern American culture, subsequently had many reincarnations - in the blessed hipsters-hipsters of the mid-50s (Jack Keroaca novels), in the scandalous Insurgents of the Rock and Roll era (like Jim Morrison), in cinematic "Buntari without a goal", " Bind-free rides "and" midnight cowboys "60s. Son of rich parents, student of a privileged school in Pennsylvania, seventeen-year-old H.K. Outwardly manifests itself as Ner-Wik-breeded Yunets, in whose dislike the impudent intolerance of the spoiled adolescent. In his confession, he scolds a "foolish school", "Kitinov" -Onnodnikov, "showers" -pieces. According to him, he hates everyone. And as if in retaliation violates the generally accepted rules. Sincere delight he causes a buddy, who loudly bunted in the church. Not wanting to obey the hateful "stupid" rules, he commercially pours exams, quarrels with a neighbor for a hostel and runs away from school to New York. There he meets with a long-standing girlfriend, but for some reason he insults her and receives a turn from the gate, then he visits his old teacher, but he provides him with very ambiguous signs of attention, and the fugitive has to be caught. He gets drunk, tries to "remove" a prostitute at the hotel. Finally, secretly comes to the parent house and tells about his misadventures younger sister. And the ten-year-old baby is trying in vain to instruct it on the right path. Image x.k. Has a deeper dimension. It is significant that his confession he leads, being on a survey in the sanatorium. The disease is common in the world literature sign of the Hero conflict with the medium, a symbol of rejection from society. Nervous disorder H.K., as, say, the epilepsy of Prince Myshkina or Chakhotka Hans Castorpa is the sign "ASOsocial ™" Hero, his youth from a system of normal public relations. As a literary hero, x.k. It has a long-standing pedigree, ascending at least to antique cynical eccentrics, to medieval vagatans and fair-sumps. Andersen child's "genes" of the Andersen Child, in the final of the famous fairy tale of the exaggement published: "And the king is naked!" H.K. It has a subtle gift of detached, unusual view, thanks to which the hypocrisy and falsity of many rituals of society - "Lipa and Showing", as it is expressed.

The literary role is x.k.- notice and ruthlessly expose, to shove and ridewine all sorts of ugliness and absurdity in life. Whether there are acne on the face of a classmate, or the mannered intonations of the school priest, or a well-minded vulgarity of Hollywood, or banal standards of the notorious "American lifestyle". In this sense, the image of H.K. It closes with a folklore manner "Fool", which by his actions and judgments undermines the behavioral and moral stereotypes of the society ridiculed by him (reliably treated the Red Hunting hat H.K.- than not the jester cap). So he is not just a hooliganity confused, and the rebel-moralist, which is an intermediate link between the outcasts and herds of American romanticism with their rejection of public morality XIX "SC. and the heroes of the "counterculture" of the rebellious 60s (the nearest follower of H.K.- "Psycho" McMurphy from "Flight over the cuckoo nest" K. Kizzy). Neither the cinema, nor television units x.k. there is no, because The author has banned the shields of the book.

Lit.: Belov S. Preface // Sallinger J. Tale and Stories. Vonnegut K. Callel for a cat ... M., 1983. C.3-9; Gaismar M. American contemporaries. M., 1976. C.268-275.

Other writings on this work

Transition of a teenager to the world of adults The main hero of the novel "Above the abyss of rye" Holden Colfield Spiritual World of Holden Colfield

(According to the novel by J. Sallinger "Above the Association in rye")

If someone called someone

Through thick rye

And someone hugged someone

What will you take from him?

And what is your concern,

If at Mezhi

Kissed someone someone

In the evening in rye! ..

Fragments of the poem taken as an appearance to the composition belong to the famous Scottish poet Robert Berns. A line from the poem, which gave the name of the Sallingeric work, sounded in the conversation of Holden, the main character of the novel, and Phoebe. "If you caught someone in the evening in rye ...", "says Holden, slightly changing the original. "You see, I imagined myself how little children play in the evening in a huge field, in rye. Thousands of kids and circle - neither soul, no adult, except me. And I stand on the very edge of the rock over the gone, do you understand? And my business - Catch the children so that they do not break into the abyss. "

Jerome Drevad Salinger - American Prose,

one of the most talented representatives of the "New Wave" writers who came into literature after World War II. In 1951, his only novel "Above the Gluff in rye" was published, which brought world fame to the author.

In the center of the novel - the problem is invariably relevant for each generation of people - the entry into the life of a young man who is encountered with the harsh realities of life.

Hero of Salliner Holden Colfield is a kind of symbol of purity and sincerity for a whole generation of graduates of schools and colleges. His naivety, the thirst for truth is opposed to the hypocrisy and falsehood dominant in society.

The Hero of the Roman - Seventeen-year-old Youth - dreamed that something was finally the writer, with whom I would like to contact by phone, consult and generally talk to souls.

I am also seventeen years old, so I chose this work for my essay. Something I like this novel and his hero.

Holden Colfield was one of the first to blame the modern America in complacency, hypocrisy, mental worn. The main accusation that the Sallinger Hero throws the world to the surrounding world is a charge of falsehood, in conscious, and therefore especially disgusting pretend.

At the beginning of the novel, the circle of everyday observations of the hero is narrow enough, but the examples of the example are too bright, so that they must be neglected. Here, Holden recalls the director of one of the private schools, where he studied. The director pronigiously smiled to everyone and everyone, but in fact he knew very well between the rich and poor parents of his wards.

After many reminders and warnings, Holden are excluded from Pency for the impossibility, and he will have a honest way home, in New York. In addition, he as the captain of the school team of fencers just worse than the most unforgivable manner. In the metro wagon, he left sports equipment by absentmifting

his comrades, and the whole team was removed from the competition. There is from what to come to the despondency and perceive everything around yourself exclusively in the gloomy light.

But, perhaps, Holden Colfield - in some kind of young Misanthrop, tormented on the whole world for the reasons for a purely egoistic property?

At times, Holden allows himself at all unforgivable tricks: he can let the smoke cigarette in the face of a pretty interlocutor to him, insult his favorite girl with a loud laughter, deeply zawn in response to the friendly admonition of the teacher located to him. "No, I still have an abnormal, honest word," these words do not accidentally sound in the novel of Sallinger.

However, on the other hand, the age-related maximalism of Holden Colfield is understood, its insatiable thirst for justice and openness in human relations is understood.

Holdene will not call a unborn young gentleman; It happens and lazy, and without particularly on the need of false, inconsistent and selfish. But genuine sincerity of the hero, willingness to tell about everything without a rustle compensate for many shortcomings of his still failure.

Looking at the future, he does not see anything, except for that gray commonness, which has already become the lot of the overwhelming majority of his compatriots, the so-called prosperous averages of Americans.

So, the inner crisis of Holden increases, his psyche does not stand up, the nervous breakdown comes, but Holden's reason works clearly, and his thoughts unusual for him first are visited. In the last chapters of the novel, it looks already much tolerant and increasing. Holden begins to notice and appreciate such positive qualities as a friendly, welcomes and pupils, so common among its fellow citizens in everyday communication.

Bouck Holden brings to a logical completion he himself, and his younger sister Phoebe, ready to rush towards a new life.

Brother and sister Colfield remain in New York, because

what to run is always easier than, having gathered with the Spirit, continue to defend the humanistic ideal - ineffective, obvious and difficult to achieve, as well as all romantic dreams of youth.

Bounce of the main character of Roman J. Sallinger "Above the Great in rye"

■ "Above the abyss of rye" - the central work of the prose of Slinger, over which the author worked even during the war. America is the beginning of the 50s, that is, the post-war times, the mood of which corresponds to the psychological atmosphere of the novel.

Sallinger chooses the form of novel-confession, the most expressive of possible novel forms. Seventeen-year-old Holden Colfield, the main character of the narration, being on cure in a sanatorium for nerve patients, tells about what happened to him about a year ago, when he was sixteen years old. The author introduces the reader with the hero at the moment of an acute moral crisis, when the encounter with the surrounding turned out to be unbearable for Holdane. Externally, this conflict is due to several circumstances. First, after many reminders and warnings, Holden are excluded for the impressability from Pansi, a privileged school, "he will have a sad way home, in New York. Secondly, Holden was sissing and as a captain of the school fencing team: in length, he left the metro to the sports equipment of his comrades, and the whole team had to return to school with a whole team because she was removed from the competition. Thirdly, Holden himself gives all grounds for complex relationships with comrades. He is very stronger, having obsessed, disliked, often it happens just rude, trying to stick to mocking, patronage tone in a conversation with comrades.

However, Holden is most oppressed by these personal

circumstances, but reigning in the American society the spirit of universal deception and distrust between people. It is outraged by the "showing" and the absence of the most elementary humanity. The circle of deception and hypocrisy, Lipa, as Holden would say. They lie in a privileged school in Penci, stating that in it "from 1888 they throw out bold and noble young men," actually raising narcissist egoists and cynics, convinced of their superiority over the surrounding. Teacher Spencer is lying, assures Holden that life is equal to all "game". "Good game! .. And if you get on the other side, where some kind of masisles, - what's the game here?" - Holden reflects. For him, sports games that are so fond of schools, become a symbol of the separation of society in strong and weak "players". The focus of the most terrible "linden" young man considers a movie, which is consolation illusions for "Mazil".

Holden is seriously suffering from hopelessness, the doomes of all his attempts to build their lives on the justice and sincerity of human relations, from the impossibility of making it meaningful and meaningful.

Most of all in the world, Holden is afraid to become such as all adults, adapt to the surrounding lies, so he reins against the "showing".

Random meetings with a fellow traveler, with nuns, conversations with Phoebe are convinced by Holden in the picness of the position of "Total Nihilism". It becomes tolerant and increasingly, in humans he begins to detect and appreciate the friendly, guilty and pupil. Holden learns to understand life, and his riot acquires a logical completion: instead of escape to the West Holden and Phoebe stay in New York, for now Holden is sure that it is always easier to run than to stay and defend their humanistic ideals. He still does not know what personality will come out of him, but already firmly convinced that "one cannot" live one.

Seventeen-year-old Holden Colfield, the main character of the narration, being on the treatment in a tuberculous sanatorium, says that it happened about a year ago, when he was sixteen years old. He, without all this "David Copperfield Kind of Crap" ["David Copperfield Muti" (7)], simply tells about the three days of his life, a very turbid, disabled and unbearable for him, trying not to miss any little things, calling everything Things with their own names. In these three days it happened so that Holded, leaving the school and had not yet come home, turned out to be suddenly knocked out of the habitual rut, from his respectable everyday life, and left alone with him. Not even stayed, but simply hung over a giant, boiling and deserted city of New York.

With the first acquaintance with Holden, he seemed to me too pessimistic and strange guy, which was always unhappy with something, but literally after a couple of pages we can easily realize that he simply does not hide those feelings that most of us are afraid to show even to themselves. In essence, Holden is the most ordinary teenager, no different from the rest. However, not every seriously thinks about what this world is, and how to live in it. I think, Holden Colfield is an inner, deep, subconscious what is in every person, but not everyone decides to admit to this and discover it for himself.

The Hero of Salinger feels completely reconciled from its surrounding society. It is too much unusual, alien for this world. Therefore, it is awarded with unflattering epithets: abnormal, eccentric, unsuitable. It is distinguished by a complex spiritual organization, deep impressionability and acute sensitivity, at which even minor irritation from the outside can cause a stormy reaction. Almost in all, we can see the personal point of view of the hero, different from others. "I Agree! Some Boys Get more Out of School. I AGREE THEY DO, SOME OF THEM! BUT THAT" S ALL I Get Out of IT. SEE? That "s My Point. That" S Exactly My Goddam Point "[" I agree that many school gives more. And me - nothing! Clear? I'm talking about it "]. Or, for example, that he appreciates in the behavior of a person, what kind of person looks like a real hero. Physical force - it's not the main thing, it reveals weakness and limitations. Heroism, in understanding Holden - not superman's fearlessness, but the victory of the Spirit who overcomed his own weakness. The only heroic act in the memory of Holden was not performed by an athlete, and an imperceptible slender boy, who, under threats and bullying hooligans, decides to jump out of the window, but do not abandon his words. Descriptions of the meaning of the Hero's life in the novel - this is the search for the Etlaon of Love, Good, Higher Man, Perfect Man. He reads a lot, trying to find an answer to your questions in the books. "I" M QUITE ILLITERATE, BUT I READ A LOT "[" In general, I am not very educated, but I read a lot "(7)] , "says Holden. But, one way or another, the collisions with real life cannot be avoided, that is why Holden conflicts with teachers, parents, classmates.

Colfield does not quite imagine what he wants to achieve in life and how to do it, but it is confident that in the world of adults the vital values \u200b\u200bare shifted. For him, the world of adults, which he will have to enter, immoral, false, and therefore unacceptable. Holden lives in complete agreement with him and its ideas. In response to the question of his younger sister Phoebe, "who would you like to become? Well, a scientist, or a lawyer, or someone else," Holden, completely rejecting the opportunity to become a scientist, argues: "Lawyers Are All Right, I Guess - But IT DOESN "T AppEal To Me," I Said. "I Mean They" Re All Right If They Go Around Saving Innocent Guys "Lives All the Time, and Like That, But You DON" T DO THAT OF STUFF IF You " Re a Lawyer "[" by lawyer, probably not bad, but I still don't like it ... You see, it's not bad if they save the lives of innocent people and are generally engaged in such matters, but in the same thing that lawyers are so not They are engaged in "(7)]. Of all the human affairs and classes, the only valuable and important, pure from lies, the Hero of the Salinger recognizes what he is busy here and now, when sitting with his beloved Phoebe's sister and chatting about anyone. Holden resists any attempt. Force it to do or think about your own motion. His tactics of resistance at the same time in the same time. Growth: From the frank yawk - the answer to force to listen to a long instructive speech - to the inventive lie - the answer to the direct response, "I" The Most Terrific Liar You Ever Saw in Your Life "[" I am a terrible liar - this you never In life, I did not see "(7)], and finally the ability to bypass, hide from other people's thoughts, thinking in the midst of a conversation with Spencer teacher about school or how the ducks in the park are wintering. Holden Colfield often talks about his so-called falsehood. Of course, no, he is not a lie, just he has a very rich imagination. He pulls him, fantasize, fool someone's head, turn life into the game. Holden is amazingly frank, he speaks of all the weaknesses, failures, about the feelings in which he is embarrassed and hurt to admit, for example, his conversation about bras or cheap suitcases. Interesting the fact that Holden is worth not to report anything that he considers himself a stupid, he is generally pretty ruthless to himself: "I" The Only Dumb One in the Family "[" In truth, I am alone in a family of such a stupid " (7)]. In fact, he knows well and understands the things he loves, for example, literature. Perhaps these words, he emphasizes the fact that it is already expelled from school for the fourth time. Not that he did not study badly - no, he was smart and could well continue training, but his spirit of school, tin and hypocritical. These two qualities Holden sees literally in everything, not only at school - ranging from their friends and girlfriends and ending with random familiar. At the same time, he knows that it is very different from them, and it is extremely oppressed. He understands that it is not able to change anything - the only thing he can do is to show an implicit protest against the order of things, without being actively taking anything. That is what the cause of his absenteeism, constant lies, contempt for the standards and rules that sometimes reach the hysteria. His monstrous marks, as well as an essay of a boxing glove - this is all the sincere manifestation of his internal protest against the training system, the very spirit of closed schools for secured children. Even in the very fact of escape from school, the rebellion is served: Holden is surprised suddenly among the night and shouts for goodbye: "Sleep Tight, Ya Morons!" I "LL BET I WOKE UP EVERY BASTARD ON THE WOCE FLOOR" ["Good night, Cretina! I pass that I woke up all these bastards!" (7)]. And here Holden leaves the lies in his own world. Returning home, in New York, he is surprised to notice that the pimp, prostitution, violence and deception coexist with mercy and kindness. Here are two nuns celebrated by Holden in the train, not only teach children, but also gather alms for the poor. The hero thinks a lot about it, gradually understanding how the meaningful life is important. "I Couldn" T Stop Thinking ABOUT THOSE TWO NUNS. I Kept Thinking About That Beat-Up Old Straw Basket The Went Around Collecting Money With Went The Weren "T TEACHING SCHOOL" ["These two nuns did not go out of my head. I remembered this old straw basket with which they walked to collect Lept when they did not have lessons "(7)]. Such thoughts now occupy the Hero of Salinger. Holden has no values \u200b\u200bin life, except for very vague ideas about how everything should be. A bright image is his dream, the very thing that he could do without disgusting to himself. Holden decides that it is necessary to save children from the abyss of adult life, where hypocrisy reign, lie, violence, distrust. "What i Have to do, I Have to catch everybody if the start to go over to go over the cliff - I Mean If They" Re Running and They Don "T Look Where They" Re Going I Have to Come Out from Somewhere and Catch Them . THAT "S ALL I" D DO ALL DAY. I "D Just Be The Catcher in the Rye and All", ["and my case - catch the children so that they do not break into the abyss. You see, they play and do not see where they run, and then I run up and catch them so that they do not break down. That's all my work. Krai guys over the abyss of rye "(7)] - such a cherished desire of Holden Colfield. Strange dream, but something in it really is .. save children, those creatures in which there is still no hated hypocrisy and narcissism that Holden He sees in all people - away from everything over the bottomless abyss. This desire also has a very deep meaning. Holdane has a desire to create a certain illusory world, where he wants to run from the dissatisfaction of his world real. This is an illusion, of course, but saving illusion. She It will not allow Holden back to the world, in which everything is false. In the end, this is already a calling, and the goal that can be devoted to. A very important point in the book is the one when Holden hears a song that a little boy sings on the street: "If a Body Catch a Body COMING THROUGH THE RYE" ["If you caught someone in the evening in rye ..." (7)]. In the punkle of his despair and unsuccessful struggle it looks like the light of hope, a sign that is not yet time to surrender, as if I dare did not live in this disgusting world.

Holden suffers from insulting him at every step of vulgarity, inhumanity, stupidity. He is hard from eternal loneliness and misunderstanding, only Phoebe supports him. The hero loves his phibery very much, admires and cares about her, just like her, Holden and dreams of "saving over the abyss of rye." Loneliness is the main topic. Holden Colfield is not just alone, he is alone to horror ("Lonesome As Hell"). This world is oppressed, and attracts. He is hard with people, without them - unbearably. He craves attention and suffers from the fact that the interlocutor does not notice, does not see, he does not hear or ignores His presence, as a teacher Spencer, allowing himself to do not hesitate to pick it in the nose ("I Guess He Thought It Was All Right to Do Because IT Was Only Me That Was In The Room ") [" Probably, he thought it was possible, because, besides me, there was no one "(7)]. Or because even making gifts a person does not take into account his personal taste and desires "She Bought Me Wrong Kind of Skates - I Wanted Racing Skates and She Bought Hockey - But It Made Me Sad Anyway. Almost Everyway Somebody Gives ME A PRESENT, IT ENDS UP MAKING ME SAD. " ["And she bought the skates not those - I needed running, and she bought hockey, - but still it became sad. And it always comes out - I give gifts, and I only take me to take me away from it" (7)]. And perhaps, this is another reason why many lovers like Holden. After all, in our society there are standard rules, a person tries not to show how he is bad in the soul, putting on a whole day smile. So that it happens, we enter the society are cheerful and carefree. Holden and all sorts of standards only oppress. "I Keep Making Up these Rules for MySelf, And Then I Break Them Right Away" ["I myself am inventing the rules of behavior and immediately violate them" (7)]. He often has a "sorry", often "sad". I imposed him the lifter prostitute, and she came. "She Was Young As Hell. She Was Around My Age" ["She was at all a girl, her God. Like me almost younger ..." (7)]; "I Thought of Her Going in A Store and Buying It Was A Probtute and All. The Salesman Probably Just Thought She Was A Regular Girl When She Bought It. It Made Me Feel Sad As Hell-- I don "T Know Why Exactly" ["I presented myself as she enters the store and buys a dress, no one suspects that she is a prostitute. Clay, probably thought that she was just an ordinary girl, and that's it. I was terribly sad, I myself do not know why "(7)]. It is surprising that Holden generally presented a prostitute in ordinary life, where the girls buy dresses and leaf magazines. In fact, this is a very rare human character trait - watch a man in the heart, and not judge by appearance. It is worth saying that the personality causes Holden infinite respect. Holden is ready to fight with a strledleter for one incorrectly uttered letter in the name Jane Gallacher. The name is inseparable from personality, and the essence of a person hurts indifference to it. For example, a scene, which seemed to them in the hotel window, when a man and a woman, having fun, spit to each other in his face, strikes his disrespect for the person and to the dignity of man.

The hero lives intense inner life. Any description goes to experience. Holden admits that it does not particularly like to describe houses and rooms, and instead of an impersonal school task, describe any place where you ever lived, choose a thing as close to him as a baseball glove of the deceased Brother Alley. It establishes a personal, intimate connection with objects, imperceptibly passes from the external to the internal: from the glove to the story about Alley and his death, and finally. For Holden, feelings, sensations, and not just the appearance of the "New York" s Terrible WHEN Somebody Laughs on the Street Very Laughs on the Street Very Late at Night. You can Hear It for Miles. IT Makes You Feel So Lonesome and depressed "[" New York is generally terrible when the night is empty and someone is coming. One hundred miles hear "(7)] He is always open to an unexpected. His behavior is unpredictable not only for others - a stupid streetter, which he constantly stuns the theme of the composition, then an unexpected attack, but also for himself. His sudden explanation of Sally in love , the decision to escape to the West is all the actions of instant, momentary, who are not connected with anyone with the previous one, with the subsequent behavior of the hero. Each Holden movement is directly and natural for this minute, because he does not think about the next minute. The logic of Holdane's actions depends only From his sensations and mood, he intends to call Jane Gallahher or go to the Ethnographic Museum, then at the last minute refuses to intent. All important internal states are experienced instantly, impulsively. "Then, All Of Sudden, I Started to Cry" "And then I suddenly cried .." (7)]; "All of A Sudden Then, I Wanted to Get The Hell Out of the Room" ["and suddenly I wanted to run to hells from e that room "(7)]. It feels the manifestation of his intuitive confidence in life. Unintentionally turns out to be the correct conscious choice and bestows unexpected joy. A boring neighbor in the room, it turns out, knows how to masterfully whistle, refuting the characteristic of the "boring", given to him earlier; The book that Holden was issued by mistake in a biblotek instead of the one he wanted to be concerned about the expectations of fascinatingly interesting. The present, the momentary has such authenticity, such a life force and right, that even a lie, at that moment, when she pronounced Holden, turns around the truth "IT Was A Lie, of Course, But The Thing Is, I Meant It When I Said IT" ["Of course there was a lies, but salt is that I myself was sure of this at that moment" (7)]. But Holdan knows about himself the truth that does not simplify and does not customize life under uniformity. He realizes that sometimes behaves like a thirteen-year-old, and sometimes much older than his years. He knows what lies when Sally says that he loves her and suggests to run to the West with him, but knows that at that moment when it says, he himself believes in his words. Truth is going on "here and now." Holden is constantly in motion, goes to a taxi, crosses the streets of New York, dancing, changes poses and movement. But it is not important in itself an external movement, but the fact that the inner rhythm of the Hero's life coincides with it. He really thinks on the go, the steps takes or changing the decisions. "All Of A Sudden, on My Way Out to A Lobby, I Got Old Jane Gallagher on the Brain Again" ["Suddenly, leaving the hall, I again remembered about Jane .." (7)]; "AND WHILE I WALKED I SORT OF THOUGHT ABOUT WAR AND ALL" ["and so far, everything thought about the war" (7)]. He is characterized by love for dynamics. All that Holden Like is in motion - the boy walking with the song by the side of the road, Phoebe on the carousel, moving the mouth of Jane during the conversation. He has a congenital sense of rhythm. And it is also peculiar to him dislike pauses, repetition of phrases, stereotypes. Even a photo annoying him with his deadly immobility. True beauty should not be fixed, otherwise it foreshadows death. The theme of death is more than once in the story of Holden, it sounds in the subtext, breaking through, then in a repeated desire to die "I Almost Wished I Was Dead" ["Fight wanted, honest word" (7)], then in the imaginary pictures of their own death, where Holden sees himself dying, melted and buried, then in an insurmountable fear, disappear, dissolve in the crowd, he often sees himself bloody. The type of own blood and terrifies and fascinates Holden.

Another important problem arising in the subtext of the words of the main character should be noted. This is a question of origin and in connection with the religion. Although Holden himself does not like to talk about his parents and about "every David Copperfield Muti," but there is primarily in his family connections. His father is a man with the Irish surname - before marriage was Catholic. His parents of different faith, but, apparently, consider this fact insignificant. Xoladen is unusual religiosity, although he believes in the boundless kindness of Christ, who, in his opinion, could not send Judas to hell, and cannot tolerate the apostles. In the story several times pops up the question of the religion of Holden and his parents. In the stage at the station, when Holden turns out a relaxed conversation with two nuns in the buffet, he in the end admits that this conversation gives him immaculate joy. He insists that he did not pretend, but adds it would be even more pleasant if he was not afraid that the nuns could ask the Catholic Lee every minute. In fact, his father was a Catholic, but marrying his mother, "threw this business" (7). Also in a situation where Holden and another cute boy from Chowon talk about tennis, and suddenly the boy asks if Holden noted in the city of Catholic Church. "That Kind of Stuff Drives Me Crazy" ["I just bend such things" (7)].

Holden describes us those days of their life when he was surrounded by big and small troubles when he was all bad: and the coat was stolen, and the swords for fencing competitions forgot in the metro car, and from school for the fourth time excluded and much more. All disgusting. In the heart of the longing and sense of hopelessness. So the Holden and Miscellaneous and Pesto-Worth, helpless in front of life, which does not suit him, in which to live is bad. It is not surprising that Holdden is greedy looking for at least some extenuine, eager for human warmth, participation and understanding. So the question arises, what he wants, how he thinks the future. It turns out that nothing really positive Holden can imagine. In the near future, he does not see anything but all the routine of his "ancestors": learn to deal with "Prone", and then "Working in Some Office, Making A Lot Of Dough, and riding to work in cabs" [" Work in some office, earn a lot of money and ride a job on the car .. "(7)]. Hence the naive dream of a simple mechanical work, which gives the opportunity to lead a quiet life with a deaf-and-dumb wife. At the same time, Holden and he himself would like to prech the deaf, to, as far as possible, break all ties with the world in which there is so uncomfortable. The unreality of such a plan is clear and Holden himself. He can find only the symbolic formula of his aspirations. He imagines a huge field of rye, where children play the edge of the abyss. He, Holden, the only adult on this field. He is the only one who can save and saves children from falling into the abyss. By the end of the novel, it becomes particularly clear that only the world of children, which, besides, can be protected from adults to the Bolden. They are not yet spoiled. But literally on each wall there are quite a real obscene inscription, and Holden can not, although it is passionately wants to erase these inscriptions. So, to fight with a disgusting world of Holden can not. "IF You Had A Million Years to Do It In, You Couldn" T RUB OUT EVEN HALF THE "FUCK YOU" SIGNS IN THE WORLD. IT "S IMPOSSIBLE" ["Be at a person at least a million years at its disposal, he still does not erase the whole of the Swabschina from all the walls in the world. Impossible is the case" (7)]. Holden is capable of seeing the ultimate sincerity, so show this world that his disgust is passed.

Bunge Holden against reality brings to a logical conclusion he himself, and Phoebe, with a huge suitcase gathered to flee to an unknown Far West. Ultimately, they, as it were, changed roles: Ten-year-old Phoebe is ready to touch the head of the new life, Holden involuntarily looking for elements of stability, connection with the past. Native school, music on the carousels in the central park a few steps from the house, the millennial mummy in the Museum of Natural History. And now, the brother and sister of Colfield remain in New York because it is always easier to run, rather than, gathering with the Spirit, continue to defend the humanistic ideal - a frequency, obvious and difficult to achieve, like all romantic dreams of youth.

When the Antolini teacher predicts Holden in the future, alcoholic life and hatred for everyone, he is fully sincerely responsible that he can hate scary, but always briefly. Looking back, remembering those whom he was earlier, but not long hated, he doesn't find anger in his heart, on the contrary, he experiences direct feelings - sympathy, compassion, almost tenderness. The permanent motive of the novel "I HATE IT" is interrupted by the other "I Felt Sort of Sorry for Him" \u200b\u200b["I was even sorry" (7)], and finally, recognition that he all lacks "I Sort of Miss Everybody I Told about ". ["I somehow lack those who told me about whom" (7)]. Still, responsive by Nature Colfield is such that he never remains indifferent to the people encountered, they seem to become part of him. In the last chapters of the novel, he looks much loyal. Holden begins to notice and appreciate such positive qualities as a friendly, welcomes and pupils, so common among its fellow citizens in everyday communication.

We can also notice that in the climax of Holden's book covers a sudden state of happiness, which is not very typical for him. His feelings show that in him actually something has changed. "I Felt So Damn Happy All Of Sudden, The Way Old Phoebe Kept Going Around and Around. I Was Damn Near Bawling, I Felt So Damn Happy, If You Want to Know The Truth. I don" T Know Why. It Was Just That She Looked So Damn Nice, The Way She Kept Going Around and Around, in Her Blue Coat and All. God, I Wish You Could "ve been there." ["I suddenly became so happy, because Phoebe was spinning on the carousel. I almost roared from happiness, if we say the whole truth. I myself do not understand why. Before it was honey, it's a sweetheart, it's a pity that it's a pity that it's a pity that You have not seen her, she, God! " (7)]

American writer, whose works saw the light in The New Yorker magazine in the 2nd half of the 1940s and in the 1950s. Sallinger has grown in Manhattan, began writing stories in high school.

Born in New York. He graduated from the Military School in the city of Valley Fortj, Pennsylvania. Here he composed his first stories. He listened to lectures in the New York University, attended lectures in Ursinus College (Pennsylvania), then received a Columbia University, where he listened to the course of lectures on a short story. However, none of the higher educational institutions he graduated.

In 1942, he was called up to the army, he graduated from the officer-Sergeant school of communication troops, and then in the rank of Sergeant was translated into counterintelligence and sent to the city of Nashville (Tennessee). He worked with prisoners of war, participated in the release of several concentration camps.

Writing Career Sallinger began with the publication of short stories in New York magazines. His first story "Young people" was published in 1940. And after the eleven years after the first publication, Sallinger released his only novel "Above the Absure in Rya", who met a friendly approval of criticism and still retains popularity.

In the last years of life, he practically did not communicate with the outside world, living in a mansion in the town of Kornish, New Hampshire, and dealing with various spiritual practitioners and alternative medicine.
Jerome David Salinger died in a natural death in his home in New Hampshire at the age of 91.

"The Catcher in the Rye"

Roman American writer Jerome Sallinger. In it on behalf of the 16-year-old young man named Holden frankly talks about his aggravated perception of American reality and the rejection of common canons and morality of modern society. The work was of great popularity as among young people and among the adult population, having a significant impact on the world culture of the second half of the 20th century.

The novel was translated almost all world languages. In 2005, Time magazine included a novel on the list of 100 best English-speaking novels, written since 1923, and MODERN LIBRARY PUBLISHER included it in the list of the 100 best English novels of the 20th century. However, despite this, in the US, the novel was often criticized and ban due to a large number of obscene vocabulary.

The early predecessors of the "Above the Pie" were the early stories of Sallinger, many of which are scheduled to themes, subsequently raised by the writer in the novel. During training at the Columbia University, they were written by the story of "Young guys", one of the heroines of which was described by researchers as "barely outlined prototype Sally Hace." In November 1941, a story was written under the name "Light Bunk to Madison-Avenue", which later turned into the seventeenth chapter of the novel: they describe Holden's quarrel from Sally after rink and his meeting with Karl Lewis. The "light riot to Madison-Avenue" became the first product of Sallinger, in which a character named Holden Colfield appeared. Another story, called "I am crazy," contains the sketches of two episodes from "Above the Great in Rya" (Farewell to Holden with a history teacher and his conversation with the mother of one of classmates on the way from school to New York); His main character also carries the name of Holden Colfield. In the story "Day before the farewell" (1944), his friend, Vincent Colfield, who tells his younger brother Holden, "which was driving out a hundred times from school, comes to the main hero of John Gladuoller. From the story it follows that Holdan served in the army and disappeared when he was not 20 years old. In 1949, The New Yorker accepted the ninety-building manuscript under the authorship of Sallinger, the main character of which was again Holden Colfield, but later the writer himself recalled the text back. The final version of the novel was released by Little, Brown and Company in 1951.

"H hellle in the abyss of rye" summary

The novel is written on behalf of the sixteen-year-old Holden Colfield, who is treated in the clinic: He talks about the history that happened to him last winter and preceding his illness. The events of which he narrates are unfolding in the pre-Christmas days of December 1949. Memories of the young man begins from the date of his departure from the closed school Pansi, where he was deducted for the abuse of.

Seventeen-year-old Holden Colfield, who is in the sanatorium, recalls the "that crazy history that happened to the past Christmas", after which he "almost gave the ends," he had a long time, and now it takes a course of treatment and soon hopes to return home.

His memories begin with the very day when he left Pency, a closed high school in Egerstown, Pennsylvania. He actually gone, not in his will - he was expelled for academic notices - from nine items in that quarter he fell five. The situation is complicated by the fact that Pancy is not the first school, which leaves the young hero. Before that, he already threw Elkton Hill, because, according to his conviction, "there was one solid lipa." However, the feeling of the fact that around him "Lipa" is false, pretense and showing, - does not let go of Colfield throughout the novel. And adults, and the peers with which he meets, cause irritation in it, but also to him to remain non-night.

The last day at school is replete with conflicts. He returns to Pency from New York, where he traveled as a captain of a fencing team for a match, which did not take place on his fault - he forgot in the Metro car Sports Equipment. A neighbor on the room Stredleter asks him to write an essay for him - to describe a house or room, but Colfield, who loves to do everything in his own way, tells about the baseball glove of his late Brother Alley, who wrote her verses and read them during the matches. Stredleter, reading the text, is offended by the author who rejected from the topic of the author, stating that he put a pig, but also Colfield, was distressed by the fact that Stredteer walked on a date with a girl who liked himself, he did not remain in debt. The case is ends with a scuffle and broken bow of Colfield.

Once in New York, he understands that he cannot come home and inform parents that he was excluded. He sits in a taxi and travels to the hotel. On the way, he asks his favorite question that does not give him peace: "Where are the ducks in the Central Park, when the pond freezes?" The taxi driver, of course, surprised by the question and is interested, whether the passenger does not laugh at him. But he does not think to mock, however, the question about the ducks, rather, the manifestation of the confusion of Holden Colfield before the complexity of the surrounding world, rather than the interest in zoology.

This world oppresses him, and attracts. He is hard with people, without them - unbearably. He is trying to have fun in the nightclub at the hotel, but nothing good comes out of this, and the waiter refuses to file him alcohol as a minor. He goes to the night bar in Glinic-Williage, where he loved to be His older brother D. B., a talented writer who was seduced by large scenario fees in Hollywood. On the way, he asks a question about Ducks with another taxi driver, again not receiving an intelligible response. In the bar he meets the familiar D. B. with some sailor. This girl causes this hostility in him that he leaves the bar as soon as possible and goes on foot to the hotel.

The liftor of the hotel is interested, whether he wishes a girl - five dollars for a while, fifteen overnight. Holden agrees "for a while", but when the maiden appears in his room, it does not find the strength to part with his innocence. He wants to chat with her, but she came to work, and since the client is not ready to match, requires ten dollars from it. He reminds that the contract was about the five. That is removed and immediately returns to the elephant. Another meal ends with another defeat of the hero.

The next morning he agrees to a meeting with Sally Heis, leaves a non-shirt hotel, renting the suitcases in the storage chamber and begins the life of homeless. In the Red Hunting Handpoint of the back in advance, bought in New York in that ill-fated day, when he forgot in the subway fencing equipment, Holden Colfield is elegted on the cold streets of the Big City. A visit to theater with Sally does not bring him joy. The play seems to be stupid, the public admiring famous actors with lants, nightmarish. The companion is also annoying it more and more.

Soon, as expected, a quarrel happened. After the play, Holden and Sally are sent to go skating, and then, in the bar, the hero gives the will the feelings overwhelmed his soul. Explained in dislike for everything that surrounds it: "I hate ... Lord, what I hate it all! And not only school, I hate everything. Taxi hate, buses where the conductor is yelling on you so that you go through the backdrop, I hate to get acquainted with the hammers, which are called the Lants "Angels", hate to ride in elevators, when you just want to go out, I hate to measure costumes from Brooks ... "

It annoys him that Sally does not share his negative attitude towards the fact that he has so much, and most importantly, to school. When he invites her to take the car and leave the week for two ride on new places, and she responds with refusal, judgingly reminding that "we, in essence, still children," there is an irreparable: Holden pronounces offensive words, and Sally is removed in tears.

New meeting - new disappointment. Karl Lews, a student from Princeton, too focused on his person to show sympathy for Holden, and he, remaining alone, drunk, Sally calls, asks for her forgiveness, and then wander around the cold New York and in Central Park, near Togo The pond itself with ducks, drops the plate, bought as a gift to the younger sister Phoebe.

Returning home - and to his relief, finding that parents went to visit, - he gives Phoebe only fragments. But she is not angry. She generally, despite his small years, perfectly understands the state of his brother and guesses why he returned home ahead of time. It is in a conversation with Phoebe Holdden expresses his dream: "I imagine myself how little kids play in the evening in a huge field in rye. Thousands of kids, and there are no soul, no adult, besides me ... And my business is to catch the kids so that they do not break into the abyss. "

However, Holden is not ready for a meeting with his parents, and, lent the money from his sister pending with her Christmas gifts, he goes to his former teacher to Mr. Antolini. Despite the late hour, he accepts him, arranges for the night. As a true mentor, he is trying to give him a number of useful tips, how to build relationships with the outside world, but Holden is too tired to perceive reasonable sayings. Then suddenly he wakes up among the night and discovers the teacher from his bed, who strokes his forehead. Suspending Mr. Antolini in bad intentions, Holden leaves his house and spends the night at the Central Station.

However, he soon understands that he missed the behavior of the teacher, stalled the fool, and this further enhances his longing.

Reflecting how to live on, Holden makes a decision to go somewhere to the West and there in accordance with the old American tradition to try to start all over again. He sends Phoebe a note, where he tells about his intention to leave, and asks it to come to the agreed place, as she wants to return money borrowed from her. But the sister appears with a suitcase and declares that it goes to the West with a brother. Volto or unwittingly small Phoebe plays himself to Holden himself - she declares that he will no longer go to school, and in general this life is tired of her. Holden, on the contrary, has to be involved in becoming a point of view of common sense, forgetting for the time about his all-negative. He shows prudence and responsibility and convinces her sister to abandon his intention, assuring her that he himself would not go anywhere. He leads Phoebe in Zoosad, and there she rides a carousel, and he admires her.

C Itaty and Aphorisms

Strange people these girls. Every time we mention some purebred reptile - very gravily or very self-limted, every time they speak with the girl, she will certainly say that he has a "incompleteness complex". Maybe this is true, but it does not prevent him from being a gad. Yes, girls. Once I introduced a girlfriend Robert Walsh with one my friend. His name was Bob Robinson, here he truly had an inferiority complex. It was immediately clear that he was shy for his parents, because they said "want" or "want", and everything is in such a kind, and besides, they were pretty poor. But he himself was not at all of the worst. Very nice small, but a friend of Robert Walsh he absolutely did not like. She told Robert that he would ask, but she decided that he was asked ..

In my opinion, he himself no longer understands, well he plays or not. But he has nothing to do with it. These nerds are blamed, which chloat him, they will spoil anyone, they only give will.

If a person died, he can not stop loving, damn it. Especially if he was better than all living things, do you understand?

Most of all, I hate to go to bed when not tired.

You can not find a calm, quiet place - there is no it in the world. Sometimes you think - and maybe there is, but for now you will get there, someone is pronounced before you and write the Pokhabshchina right in front of your nose. Check yourself. I sometimes seem to me - here I will die, getting on the cemetery, you will put a monument to me, you will write "Holden Colfield", and a year of birth, and the year of death, and under all that someone scratches inhabshche. I am sure that it will be so.

Always I say "I am very pleased to meet you," when I'm not nice to me. But if you want to live with people, you have to talk anyone.

In general, I am very uneducated, but I read a lot.

Just Because Somebody's Dead, You Don't Just Stop Liking Them, For God's Sake - EsceciLyally If the Were About the People You Know Thant the're Alive and All.

It would be better for some things not changed. Well, if they could be put in a glazed showcase and not touch.

And make me tackle such books that how to finish them to the end - you think right away: it would be nice if this writer has become your best friend and so that with him it was possible to talk on the phone when he wanted.

Do not dare to call me "Baby"! Heck! I go to your fathers, fools!
- No, you do not quit! .. First, I would not let you in my home on the threshold ...

When there is no mood, anyway nothing will come.

Anyway, I Keep Picturing All These Little Kids Playing Some Game in This Big Field of Rye and All. Thousands of Little Kids, And Nobody's Around - Nobody Big, I Mean - Except Me. And I'm Standing On The Edge of Some Crazy Cliff. What I Have to Do, I Have to Catch Everybody If the Start to Go Over The Cliff - I Mean If They're Running and the Don't Look Where the're Going I Have to come out from Somewhere and Catch Them. That's all i'd do all day. I'd Just Be The Catcher in the Rye and All. I Know It's Crazy, But That's The Only Thing I'd Really Like To Be. I Know It's Crazy.

I decided to do this: to pretend deaf-and-thematic. Then it will not be necessary for any unnecessary stupid conversations with anyone. If someone wants to talk to me, he will have to write on a piece of paper and show me. It is so in the end it is sootheless that I'll get rid of conversations for my whole life. Everyone will assume that I am an unfortunate deaf-dumb fool, and leave me alone.

Bad is that sometimes all sorts of nonsense give pleasure.

I misfortune to me with these girls. Sometimes you don't want to look at it, you see that she is a fool's fool, but it stands to do something cute, I'm already falling in love. Oh, these girls are fucking them. Crazy can be reduced.

I presented myself as little children play in the evening in a huge field, in rye. Thousands of kids, and a circle - nor soul, no adult, except me. And I stand on the very edge of the rock, over the abyss, you know? And my business is to catch the children so that they do not break into the abyss. You see, they play and do not see where they run, and then I run up and catch them so that they do not break down. That's all my work. Hearing guys over the abyss of rye. I know it's nonsense, but this is the only thing I want to truly. I guess I am a fool.

If the girl comes on a date beautiful - who will be upset that she was late? No one!

Damn money. Always because of them are upset.

In general, I often leave somewhere, but never and I don't think about any farewell. I hate it. I do not think, whether I feel sad, whether it is unpleasant. But when I part with some place, I need to feel that I really part with him. And it becomes even more unpleasant.

The abyss in which you are flying, a terrible abyss, dangerous. He who falls into it will never feel the bottom. It falls, falls without end. This happens with people who at some point in their life began to look for what they cannot give their usual surroundings. Rather, they thought that they could not find anything in their usual surroundings. And they stopped looking. Stop searching, not even doing any attempts to find something.

Make me such books that how to read them to the end - you think right away: it would be nice if this writer has become your best friend and so that with him you could talk on the phone when it wanted. But it rarely happens.

I do not like cars. You see, I'm not interested. It would be better for me to my horse, damn it. In horses, even though there is something human. With the horse, at least you can talk ...

Untraky girls are very bad. I sometimes feel them so that I can't even look at them, especially when they sit with some shirik, who tells them about their idiotic football.

He hated when he was called by Kretin. All cretins hate when they are called cretins.

Only we hugged stronger, I suddenly say her that I love her and all that. Of course, it was lies, but salt is that I myself was confident at that moment. No, I'm abnormal! I swear God, I'm crazy!

In general, if you take ten people from those who look like a lime picture and roars in three streams, so you can guarantee that from them will be in the soul of the world's sophisticated bastards. I seriously say you.

Source - Wikipedia,, Librebook.ME

Jerome David Sallinger - "Above the Absurement in rye" - a brief content and quotes Updated: December 31, 2017 by the author: website