
The exhibition "kindness will save the world. How to draw on the topic good and evil gradually? What can be drawn to good and evil

The most popular and beloved educators and parents form of work - leisure. It is at such events that the possibilities for the manifestation of creativity are most fully revealed. Regularly in our kindergarten, exhibitions of children's work on season, for holidays, environmental and as a final event of the thematic week are held.

So S. November 11 to November 24 there was an exhibition of children's drawings "kindness will save the world." She became the result of the work done by teachers - on the eve of preliminary work on the topic of "kindness" in groups, as well as joint creativity of children and parents. In his drawings, young artists showed their vision of kindness. The guys showed their fantasy and creativity.

What is kindness

Why, tell me soon
The world becomes kind?
Because someone is happy
From the simple word "Hello!"
And from laughter kids,
And from sunlight,
From snowdrops in the forest,
That I will bring mom.
From birch under the window,
What knocks on a branch in the house.
From the cool stream,
From the colored moth
And from the rainbow above the river,
And from firewood rushing in the stove,
Because there is a friend
And from grandmother's hands.
From snowflakes on eyelashes,
And from the fairy tale that we dream.
And from the smell of lilac,
And from nightingale trill.
The world is mysterious, huge,
Look what kind of good it is.
So come on and me and you
I will add kindness.

The theme of good and evil, black and white - eternal. It does not lose relevance and serves as a good story for creativity. It does not matter whether you write a book or draw a picture. The struggle of these two opposites gave a single masterpiece to the world. The topic of today's lesson will be "How to draw angel and a demon in stages"But with that nuance that they are in love with each other and we need it to show. The opposites are attracted and often wounded each other and all that ... trite, but the truth of our difficult life, but we only cost it to draw in black and white paints of the new drawing lesson.

Step 1.

Let's start with the fact that you draw two small ovals, which later turn into the heads, and spend the line from them down to outline the body.

Step 2.

Step 4.

His wing will draw in style. It envelopes a little back and goes beyond the head.

Step 5.

Fill out the resulting barrier by other trail lines. The edges of the wings should be pointed, do not forget about it.

Step 6.

Go to another wing. At this stage, we will capture only the upper part of it.

Step 7.

Let's make a young female person in profile. Draw the length of the hair and move on.

Step 8.

Draw part of the neck, then chest, back, belly and hips. After that, give her hand to her, which she stretches to the devil.

Step 9.

At this stage, we draw connected at the bottom of the lines forming a pointed element. On the top of the wings, draw small feathers.

Step 10.

Give the angelic wings to the shape of halves of the heart. The rear part of them should have a layered, fluffy texture.

Step 11.

Dorising feathers on the wings of angel and move on.

Step 12.

So, we draw a portion of the second wing and the nimb on her head. And then, as usual, we erase all unnecessary lines.

Step 13.

I drew the black "devilish side", and our drawing is ready.

Passing thirteen (hmm, what coincidence) steps, you will hope to learn draw angel and demonwhich are so different, but still together! Choose for yourself in sections and that another is your taste.

Evil on paper want to portray very many. Pondering how to draw good and evil, various images pop up in imagination. If you can choose angels, fairies, a child to choose the role of good, then the demons or a devil, who can sit surrounded by the flames and is an impersonation of absolute evil. Many in the form of evil choose a slim figure in a hood with a scythe. As a rule, both, and the other depends only from the fantasy of the artist, which sometimes issues the most unexpected stories. But in this article we offer as an evil to draw a demon.

Draw a demon

Before drawing an evil demon, it is necessary to think about the details of his appearance well, so that it was easier to portray them. After that, you can take a sheet of paper and pencil, and outline the composition of the drawing. If, in addition to the demon, other items and characters will be present on the sheet, then you should take place on paper and them. Light strokes need to be mentioned, the bottom and width of the demon of the demon. Then you should divide the figure to the details: oval heads, hands, torso, legs, and gradually add specifics, highlighting the angle of turning the head, turning the torso, the movement of the hand, and so on. As a result, the figure of the Demon should take free into a drawing.

After that, you can erase the extra lines and think, perhaps, in his hands you can draw any items. Now it is necessary to designate the shape of the wings of the demon, for this it is quite suitable for the shape of the wings of the angels, only dark color, can be painted them with broken or torn and thin, like a bat, or like a dragon strong and spiked. The body of the demon can be decorated with a tattoo, and head with horns or long hair. The main thing is that all the details have harmonized with each other. After that, you can draw muscles on the body of your evil, and move to smaller items - ears, claws, details of the clothes and the face of the demon. First you should schedule the location of the eyes, eyebrows, nose and mouth. As soon as the organic combination of forms and sizes will be found, you can proceed to their more detailed drawing.

And in conclusion, the drawing should be modified, washing unnecessary and resolutely delineating contour. After that, you can draw entourage pictures. That's all, drawing is ready! Now you know how to draw evil, and you can demonstrate your drawings to your friends.

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