
Tattoo people: what and why do KBDM members stuff themselves? Daniel Joy: Quest Pistols Show is more than a group The soloist of the group - Daniil Matseychuk: biography

You can treat the participants of the Quest Pistols Show project in different ways, but they will definitely not leave anyone indifferent. The guys are so different from other stars of show business that sometimes it seems like they were sent to earth by aliens: unusual style, mysterious tattoos, stunning energy and angelic appearance have made them real idols of modern youth. What unites all these creative people? How did such extraordinary personalities come together in one team who manage to create unique songs, dances and an amazing show? This was told by our today's guest - a dancer, singer, capoeirista and just an incredibly charming guy Daniel Joy (Daniil Matseychuk) ... His photos on Instagram collect hundreds of likes, and his performances - thousands of viewers. Recently, he became an involuntary participant in a fight, and traces of that scuffle are still visible in the photographs, but the artist not only does not hold any grudge against his offenders, he is trying to teach others a lesson by his example. Daniel inspired us with his philosophy of life, his story of incredible adventures and his belief in love. Sweater - Tommy Hilfiger, trousers - JOOP! We met the guys from Quest Pistols at a break dance competition many years ago.

We immediately found mutual language in spirit and kind of activity. We were united by the ballet Quest. There were a lot of dances, competitions and shows, we performed in dancers and looked better than the artist. Once I got a call from our producer and creator of the Quest ballet, and later the Quest Pistols - Yuri Bardash - and invited one of the members of the collective to perform at the Big Love Show. Of course, I agreed, then it was a one-time action. And then we decided to continue our cooperation. We have been together for a long time. Everyone is engaged in their own creative development. In 2011, I became a full member of the Quest Pistols. For a while we went to concerts as a four of us: Anton, Nikita, Kostya and me. For many years of active concert activity, some of the participants left, new ones appeared, like now - Mariam, Ivan and Washington. But in general, we always follow the same vector: development and creativity. And in order not to stagnate, sometimes you need to update yourself and your environment.

Jacket and trousers - JOOP !, T-shirt - Zara, belt - Strellson. I also left the team for a while and did something else, developed, began to study directions that I had dreamed of mastering for a long time, tried myself in new roles. And then our paths connected again, we are together again.

And so it was with each of the participants. Quest Pistols Show is more than a band, it has long been a brand in the music ring. Of course, there are different sides, different emotions, the stage and fame, constant training and touring life affect everyone in different ways. We have a very difficult schedule, but the result of our work speaks for itself. And if you do not engage in some kind of spiritual practices, do not cultivate humility and love in yourself, then sometimes you can break loose. But we are professionals, so we develop, try, keep friendship and peace. The philosophy of the Quest Pistols Show participants is that everyone should have the right to be happy.By helping others, you are helping yourself. I want to be happy, so if I make several people in this world happy, then I myself will be happy. I would like people to want to make people happy, not vice versa.

Jacket - Tommy Hilfiger, T-shirt - Zara, jeans - Acne Studios, sneakers - New balance, glasses - Ray-Ban, hat - the stylist's property. I came to my equation of happiness - it's simple good human relationships, friendship, love.

I believe the fittest survive. But many people misunderstand this phrase. Strength lies in love, forgiveness, admitting your mistakes, in repentance, and not in physical manifestation. We must cultivate love, but in good sense of this word, without going to extremes. We must respect ourselves and others. Recently, a story happened to me: my friend and I left a photo shoot, went to the supermarket at night, and on the way out we met a company that did not like my jacket from an Italian designer. They decided to measure their strength, because there were only 15 of them, and there were two of us. IN modern world people are very ignorant, they do not think about their actions, they easily hang labels.In the post-Soviet space, people lived for a very long time under the influence of tyranny, and this was reflected in the younger generation, but I know that soon people will begin to think differently.

There is no limit to perfection, you can constantly grow and learn.Then a person's life is filled with meaning and strength appears to do what he loves. I believe it will make the world a better place. In people, I am annoyed by the preconceived attitude and the habit of just going with the flow. In my close circle, I really appreciate people who motivate me and inspire me to further development. To be honest, as a child I wanted to be an astronaut. Now I'm joking that I have become one after all. But then I didn't know that I would be an artist. There are different people, and to each his own. Self-expression through creativity is important to me. If I don't, then I begin to wither like a flower without sun and water.
I am doing a job that I like, and I am very happy when I understand that someone also likes it.My fans are part of my whole. My creativity is me, and I give myself to it entirely. There were different problems in my life. I faced many troubles, went to work early - performed with a Brazilian show at the age of 13-14. But my parents always believed in me, gave me love and gave me support. I am very lucky to have incredibly cool friends, very sincere and honest.I grew up in Kiev, but I travel often since childhood, so many of my friends are from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, the USA and Europe. This is a small circle of friends, but they are always with me. We may not see each other and not communicate for a long time, but we cherish our friendship. Take care of love and value freedom.
I had unrequited love, and, of course, this is a very strong motivator for personal growth. When you realize that something is going wrong, you begin to improve. I had different relationships. This is a very strong energy that cannot be tamed. If you hit the network, then it already controls you. I believe this is necessary for creativity. Psychologically, love can crush, but you start to work on yourself and become better. This is not to say that I am amorous, but I am very strongly attached to people. I couldn't live without a relationship.Relationships give me a lot of energy and support, which is very important for a man. I am not a supporter of flaunting my relationship and saving my family hearth. And I am always serious in relationships.

When you work in public, you will be faced with different opinions anyway. I am grateful to every well-wisher and ill-wisher. Friends and enemies see one personality, but the former focus on qualities, the latter on shortcomings, this is all an incentive to growth. I am an introvert and can be alone with myself for a very long time.You can say that I spend a lot of time in the office, but for me the office is a studio, a dance hall where I train. I collect impressions and events, moods, smells and tastes. But sometimes I just like to lie down and do nothing. All my tattoos have meaning and are my personal artifacts. I believe in symbolism and affirmations, that is, everything you say and do attracts the same consequences. What goes around comes around. I got my first tattoo when I was 17, I don't know why, but I always wanted to get a lot of tattoos. Since childhood, I have drawn my hands, and they scolded me, they said that only prisoners walk like that. And for a long time I could not understand why people avoid tattoos so much. But when I read the history of tattoos, I became so interested that I decided to become a tattoo artist myself and often paint my friends.
T-shirt - Zara, jeans - Acne Studios. I have never judged or compared people.

It's unpleasant to do this. I have a business that I am doing. I have data that I got from my parents and from God. I develop them, cultivate my positive qualities. Envy is a big problem in today's world. My parents taught me that if you take on something, you need to bring it to the end.I learned this from childhood and I adhere to this principle in everything. By my zodiac sign I am Virgo. There is some truth in horoscopes. But I believe in God - it's much more interesting.

The word "shocking" does not apply to me. For some, my pictures are a provocation, but for me it means just being myself. I once dyed my hair in blue colour, and all my acquaintances asked me: "You were forced, right?" And I just wanted to change something. Each of us has the right to do as he sees fit. And even our mistakes sometimes benefit us in the future. In a way, I am ripe for starting a family and feel the need to take care of someone. Sooner or later, a man without a family begins to degrade. It's okay when you have children and there is a sequel after you. And the most valuable thing we can give is the right upbringing.

This article will talk about a unique Ukrainian group called Quest Pistols, in particular about the life and work of one of its members. Daniil Matseychuk, whose biography interests many, was part of the group for only a few years, but it was during this period that Quest Pistols gained insane popularity all over the world. How was the group created? How is the team different from many others? How did Daniil Matseychuk get into Quest Pistols? Read on for more details.

From the history of the creation of a shocking group

There are jokes that do not lose their relevance at all times - jokes that live forever. The reader will probably smile, but the Quest Pistols is also a joke that the listener liked and stayed with him for a long time. The idea to stage a performance for the dancing children came to the organizers of the TV show "Chance". On the notorious April 1, the guys had to cheer the audience with their debut song "I'm tired, I want love." But they not only managed to evoke smiles from those around them, but also to get their love and recognition. Over 60,000 TV viewers voted for the singing dancers, bringing Quest Pistols to the finale of the show. Now Konstantin Gorovsky, Nikita Goryuk and Daniil Matseychuk are real stars, despite the fact that some of the guys have already left the group.

Debut album

Even the producers of the show did not imagine such a success - the Quest Pistols became a new popular pop group. In the fall of the same 2007, the group released their debut album, which was called "For You". Soon, according to the results of sales, it became gold and in the spring of 2008 it was presented in Russia. The video for the song "I'm tired" almost immediately after the release hit the top ten hits on the MTV channel.

Quest Pistols

Initially, the team had three members - Anton Savlepov, Konstantin Borovsky and Nikita Goryuk. In 2011, another soloist appeared in the team - Daniil Matseychuk. After some time, Kostya Borovsky left the group, so there were three guys again.

In February 2011, information appeared in the press that Anton Savlepov was also leaving the group. A few days later, the artist announced that he had changed his mind. As he explained earlier, the reason for his thoughts about leaving was a mental crisis. After filming the video for the song "You are so beautiful" the artist decided to stay in the team.

Quest Pistols style and characteristics of its members

Quest Pistols have invented their own style of music - artists call it "agressive-intelligent-pop". Lyrics for compositions for children are written by Isolde Chetkha, who works under the pseudonym of Alexander Chemerov. Talented participant musical group "Dymna Sumish" finds strength, time and imagination not only to write songs for its band, but also for Quest Pistols. The only composition of the period from 2007 to 2012, which was not written by her, is called “ White dragonfly love. " The words were written by a novice musician Works recent years came from the pen of the soloist Goryuk.

The main feature of the youth team is that none of the participating children drink alcohol, smoke and visit nightclubs. They all lead healthy image life and adhere to a vegetarian diet. The guys tried to convey their views on life to the public in Belgium in September 2007, performing with the program "Dance Against Poison".

Team awards

The Quest Pistols received their first award at the MTV Ukrainian Music Awards in Donetsk, where they were recognized as the Debut of the Year. In 2008, 2009 and 2011, Quest Pistols received the Golden Gramophone award and in 2010 the Soundtrack award.

In the winter of 2011, "quests" began their successful tour of US cities - their concerts were held in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco. After an excursion into the life of the team, you can proceed to meet its member, to whom the article is devoted. Who is he - Daniil Matseychuk? How did you get into Quest Pistols? Why did he leave and what is he doing now?

The soloist of the group - Daniil Matseychuk: biography

The future soloist of the popular group was born on September 20, 1988 in the capital of Ukraine - the city of Kiev. Daniil Matseychuk (photo can be seen above) before becoming a star, worked as a model, dancer. In 2011, he was invited by old friends to become part of an already popular group. According to Anton Savlepov, Daniel once helped him through difficult times. When the Quest Pistols members thought about replenishment, he remembered a good old friend and decided to invite him to the team. In addition, Daniel shares the life principles of the children - he leads a healthy lifestyle and does not eat animal products.

recent years

Each of the children was given a good stage school by participating in "Quest Pistols". Daniil Matseychuk performed as a member of the group for several years, earned capital and recognition, and in 2013 went on a free voyage. Now he and Konstantin Borovsky, combining talents and efforts, have created creative association "KBDM", as well as his own brand of clothing called "KBDM Clothing" and the club project "KBDM DJ" s ". Now the young guy has millions of fans and they are naturally interested in his personal life. For a long time, Daniil Matseychuk and his girlfriend hid their relations for the sake of increasing the rating of the collective, but recently it became known that the couple lives together.

Vegetarianism is not just a diet

Daniil Matseychuk is a lacto-vegetarian, that is, he eats only dairy products and food of plant origin. For an artist, this type of food is not just a diet, it is a way of life. He is convinced that people who do not eat corpses of animals are spiritually more developed, their consciousness is cleaner, health is stronger, life is brighter. It is difficult to disagree with this, because the artist himself is an example of this.

By the beginning of the hot season, we are looking for tattooed people from a wide variety of fields that we would like to strip and photograph. Today, the creators of the creative formation KBDM are talking about what their tattoos symbolize.

Konstantin Borovsky

Occupation: Artist, designer, photographer, member of the KBDM group.

Age: 33 years.

Number of tattoos: 5 tattoos plus 1.5 sleeve.

My first tattoo was on Lauryn Hill's shoulder, now covered with a beautiful black spot. Then Polynesia, mehendi and Vedic yantras were added, which combined into the right "sleeve". Between the shoulder blades "tilak", symbolizing that my body is not my property, but belongs to God.

Between the shoulder blades "tilak", symbolizing that my body is not my property, but belongs to God.

On the collarbones there is a part of the ornament from vintage Indian openings. The maha-mantra (names of God) in Sanskrit is stuffed on the chest. On the left side is Hanuman, the hero of the two Indian epic, the embodiment of loyalty and courage. This tattoo would be nice to correct, but I keep putting it off: ribs are one of the most painful places to tattoo.

The left hand is not finished yet. I started filling her with yellow lotuses. The lotus is a symbol of inner purity that I would like to strive for. A wedding ring is pinned on the ring finger of my right hand, since my usual wedding ring is wide and heavy, and I sometimes take it off, for example, during concerts and while driving a bicycle.

A wedding ring is pinned on the ring finger of my right hand, since my usual wedding ring is wide and heavy, and I sometimes take it off, for example, during concerts and while driving a bicycle.

Almost all of my tattoos were made by Vyacheslav Bodrov (a.k.a Shket), which I am very happy about. I find sketches or draw myself.

It's funny when aunts on the playground, when I walk with my daughter, ask if it's forever. I answer that until this body is burnt in the crematorium.

Daniil Matseychuk (Daniel Joy)

Occupation: musician, designer, member of the KBDM group.

Age: 25 years.

Number of tattoos: 48,5.

Since childhood, I knew that I would be covered in tattoos. From an early age I drew mysterious symbols and patterns on the body, which now remain with me until the end. Tattoos are my textured ideas and views that make up my life position, which serve as both a reminder of something and a kind of talisman for my body. For me, the symbolism of the tattoo is more important than its external execution.

Since I have about 50 tattoos, the description of each of them will take a long time. Perhaps, I will confine myself to a story about arms, back and chest. I'll leave my legs next time.

On the phalanges of the fingers and on the ribs of the hand, I have Heart Must (right hand) Have Soul (left hand) written. These words mean that if there is no soul in the heart, the person is dead.

The right hand, according to the Vedic concept, represents the sun, action, future. The left one is emotions, the past. In other words, with this tattoo I seem to say: it is important to act according to the heart, but to feel with the soul. I have the Roman numeral XII on the phalanges of my thumbs. It is a symbol of time, cyclicality.

Tattoos are my textured ideas and views that make up my position in life, which serve as both a reminder of something and a kind of talisman for my body.

On my back I have the word FAMILY, which stands for Father and Mother I Love You. This applies to both my own family and the universe.

On my collarbone there is an inscription in Latin, "We doubt on the true path." I put it in the following sense: everything that we do selflessly is right. The two swallows holding this inscription mean freedom. And there is also a beautiful legend about sailors who believe that swallows send their souls to God after death.

On the chest is a lotus of the spiritual world... To be honest, this is my old partak, which I tweaked a lot. Swastikas on both shoulders invoke good luck and energy.

On the left shoulder is the Virgin Mary (sculpture by Michelangelo) and the credo of my family in Latin: “Each one is the smith of his own happiness.” Below is an image of St. Michael defeating the demon, which symbolizes the need to fight against his false ego, the personification of evil within himself. Further Pegasus is stuffed - a symbol of aspiration, upward movement, development. The triangles on the inside of both elbows represent the feminine principle. Hanuman is a symbol of devotion, Shiva is the patron saint of all the fallen. The anagram True upside down reads Love.

Now about the right hand. The graffiti tattoo from Vrindavan is dedicated to my mom. Red bracelets all over the body (a total of 32 are plated, while only 12 are filled) correspond to the 32 syllables of the maha-mantra. The sacred sea shell personifies sound, the whole world, vibration. Garuda is a symbol of service and selflessness, Brahma is the creator of our material world and the forefather of all living beings.

Several masters work with my body. This process usually takes a lot of time, always in different ways: it happens that we have time in one session, and sometimes several years are not enough to complete the work. My friends are masters Vyacheslav Bodrov, Sergei Voloboev, Slava Kononov, Jenna Booma and others. It is very important for me to prepare a sketch and arrange it for my body, of course, taking into account the professional opinion of the master, so all ideas are embodied in the best possible way.

"Can I touch it?" This is perhaps the strangest question people ask me about tattoos. It seems that everyone has a poor vision and cannot believe their eyes until they touch me.

In old age it will look even better, but in general, when I finish with all the ideas for tattooing on my temple of the soul, then modern technology will allow me to remove my old skin and replace it with a new one, just printed on a 3D biological printer. And I'll hang the old one in a safe place and wear it only on holidays.

Photographer - Yulia Chernykh.

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