
Thank you for participating in the competition. Congratulations on winning the competition in poetry, prose, SMS. Gratitude for active participation in the event in verse

In 2017 I became the Winner, winner of a grant from the President of the Russian Federation. And this is mine highest award. I won't hide it, Iflattered, grateful and proud to receive this award. On this wave, I want to strive for new successes.

It is generally very pleasant to receive awards, especially in such a beautiful, solemn hall and especially from the hands of the first person of the region. The award itself is impressive and obliges me to do a lot. I cannot consider this award the result of my professional growth. We can say this is just the beginning. During my pedagogical activity I have firmly learned one rule - a teacher must improve, otherwise he ceases to be a teacher.

The importance of the teaching profession is undeniable. Today, knowledge is becoming capital and the main resource of the economy, so the state places even greater responsibility on teachers. And it is very pleasant that today education, school, and teachers are the focus of attention of the government and the president. The annual holding of this competition is proof of this. All this is inspiring. Teachers have a natural desire to work even better to solve our main task -training and education of the younger generation.

I must admit that the full awareness of victory, what a great honor and responsibility it is, has only come now. I never planned to take part in this competition, I could not even imagine that I could join the ranks of winning teacherscompetition for cash incentives the best teachers our school. But thanks to my respected colleagues who supported me, our methodologist and, of course, my family, who were so confident in my victory, I achieved the highest result. And for this I would like to express my deep gratitude and appreciation to everyone.

And this competition became a reward for me
For the difficult path to the heights of mastery!

And I would like to congratulate all the teachers present in the hall on our professional holiday, Teacher’s Day. I wish you new achievements, success, great human happiness, health, and wonderful mood. May your hearts always be filled with kindness and wisdom, may the fire of creativity burn in your lessons, may the teacher’s patience and love reveal the abilities in each of your students. I wish you happiness, peace and prosperity.

    You can proceed to the list of assistants like this: “And I am especially grateful to several amazing people, whose help brought me to this stage today.” Then you can start calling names.

I thank all the organizers of the competition, which this year was held thoughtfully, interestingly and, undoubtedly, brought great benefits to all of us, since such professional forums always stimulate teachers. They awaken in him the desire to work more efficiently, encourage him to search for new approaches, new effective methods of teaching students, to use all modern teaching tools available in our schools.

Currently, we teachers feel great support from the management and.... municipality, (and not only moral, but also material), and the leadership of the Education Department, and from ...... in terms of equipping our schools with technological teaching aids.

Once again, I would like to express my gratitude to our competent jury, who will not only praise, but also suggest in which direction to put their efforts to the competitors.

If there were no teacher,

It probably wouldn’t have happened

Neither poet nor thinker,

    At the same time, to achieve success in the organization educational process, beginner specialist

    You know, there is such a good phrase: “The first five years a teacher spoils children, another five he studies, the next five he teaches.”

The capital's education is an example for many regions! We do not stand still, we are constantly developing and moving forward.
The competition once again emphasized the prestige and attractiveness of our profession and confirmed the public and social significance of the Teacher.
A teacher is a person on whom the future of the country depends today. The teacher maintains social stability in society.

The teacher takes a direct part in educating the new generation.
And with such Teachers as in the schools of the city of Izhevsk, there is no doubt that the future of our city, republic and country is in good hands!
The future starts here!

Speech of thanks (reply speech)

Dear Colleagues!

Once again, new bright stars lit up on the pedagogical horizon of Izhevsk.
I would like to wish you, dear participants of the Competition, not to stop there, every day to look for new highlights in your work, and most importantly, to remain faithful to our profession, because a teacher is not just a profession, it is a mission of serving children.

Congratulations to all participants and winners of the Competition, I wish you to always see only happiness, smiles and kindness in the eyes of your students!

Head of the Education Department S. G. Petrova

    Don't forget to say how much you appreciate and respect those presenting you with the award. This will give you the opportunity to warm their hearts, figuratively speaking. It doesn’t matter who gives you the award - a company or an acquaintance, take a few minutes to express your sincere gratitude to them.

    If the company is presenting you with an award, talk about how much you enjoy working there and how much you respect what the company does.

    If you receive an award from an outside party (for example, from an arts organization for, say, a film you made), then say how flattered you are that your efforts were noticed and appreciated by such and such an organization!

    If you receive an award from friends and family, tell them that you consider yourself extremely lucky to have met them.

    Tell a funny or appropriate story. This will look more than appropriate in a thank you speech, right! An anecdote or two about the events that brought you to the stage to receive your award never hurt anyone. If you manage to cheer up the audience present in the hall, this will only benefit you.

    You can tell a story about, say, a funny thing that happened while working on the project for which you are being honored today, or about the challenges you had to overcome.

    You can talk not only about yourself, but also about other people - your colleagues, bosses or anyone else.

    Mention the names of those who helped you. It would be very kind of you to mention by name all those who helped you. You can even make a list of colleagues, friends and relatives without whose help you would not have achieved anything.

    Consider who will be listening to you when you give your speech. If you know that your boss is sitting somewhere in the hall, then thank him too.

    This part of speech, oddly enough, can be one of the most difficult. Don't forget anyone who contributed significantly to your success, but don't thank people you don't know. Limit the list to those who really helped you.

    End your speech on a high note. When you finish listing those you would like to thank, know that you are, in fact, almost done. You can put the final point by thanking those gathered again and repeating your words of gratitude. If you want to make your presentation especially memorable, you can use the tips below:

    Say something encouraging. If you are accepting a reward for achievements achieved in the field of, so to speak, “non-commercial” work, then a phrase like “Our work is still far from finished, but it has already changed better life hundreds of people. We need to roll up our sleeves and keep working, even harder than before. If we have achieved such a dramatic change in just one year, what can we achieve in three years?”

    Dedicate the award to someone. You can dedicate it to, say, a loved one or your mentor. What can be said in this case? Let's say this: “And finally, I would like to say that I dedicate this award to my mother. When my teachers told her that my dyslexia would prevent me from even learning to read, she didn't back down or give up. She was the one who told me that one day I would become a great writer. It was her faith in me that allowed me to achieve everything. And here, receiving my first Pulitzer Prize, I want to say that I am eternally grateful to you, Mom. I love you".

I will not hide my feelings, I am very pleased to be named the winner of a professional competition"Teacher of the Year - 2014"

With all my heart I thank the competent jury and all the organizers of the competition, which was thoughtful and interesting and undoubtedly brought great benefit to all of us. The competition raises our profession to a high level. Thanks to everyone who believed inme :

To a competent jury,

To my colleagues in the competition,

Colleagues at work,

To those present in the hall,

Friends, family.

Most importantly, each of us gained additional work experience. AND

which is quite important, I summarized my own. Set a goal for yourself and go towards it.

Now I know - anything is possible! The main thing is to believe, strive and be!

Thank you speech
winner of the regional competition "Teacher of the Year"
Dear Colleagues!
I won’t lie, I am very pleased to be named the winner of a professional competition for teachers in the district. On this wave, I want to strive for new successes, and I promise to make every effort to adequately protect our region in the republic.
I thank all the organizers of the competition, which this year was held thoughtfully, interestingly and, undoubtedly, brought great benefits to all of us, since such professional forums always stimulate teachers. They awaken in him the desire to work more efficiently, encourage him to search for new approaches, new effective methods of teaching students, to use all modern teaching tools available in our schools.
Currently, we, teachers, feel great support from the leadership of the Koshekhabl municipal formation (not only moral, but also material), and the leadership of the Education Department, and from the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Adygea in terms of equipping our schools with technological teaching aids.
All this is inspiring. Teachers have a natural desire to work even better to solve our main task - training and educating the younger generation.
Once again, I would like to express my gratitude to our competent jury, who will not only praise, but also suggest in which direction to put their efforts to the competitors. Thank you very much for the support of all colleagues of my home school.
Thank you speech
If there were no teacher,
It probably wouldn’t have happened
Neither poet nor thinker,
Neither Shakespeare nor Copernicus.
And to this day, probably,
If there were no teacher,
Undiscovered Americas
Remained unopened.
And we wouldn’t be Icari,
We would never soar into the sky,
If only through his efforts we
The wings were not grown.
Without him there would be a good heart
The world was not so amazing.
And that's why it's so expensive
Every teacher's name!
administration of the Koshekhablsky district in the person of the head of the district, Khamirzov Zaur Askarbievich, for their attention to the district’s teachers and support, the Department of Education of the Koshekhablsky district for organizing and conducting this event, our competent jury for their patience and kindness, and our colleagues for their help in preparing for the competition. I would also like to add: we , the contestants became close friends from the very beginning and supported each other at all stages of the competition. And we decided for ourselves that in this competition for us, colleagues, there should be no winners and losers. Most importantly, each of us gained additional work experience and, importantly, generalized our own.
Set a goal for yourself and go towards it! All the best to you! Thank you!

Dear friends! I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday. We always try to solemnly celebrate Teacher's Day, understanding the special importance, responsibility and significance of this profession. On this day, we not only congratulate you, but also warmly remember the school, our teachers, who opened up the world of knowledge for us, taught us to think and make decisions, experienced failures with us and rejoiced at our victories. No matter how time and life change, the work of a teacher should always be surrounded by honor and gratitude. The teacher largely determines the success of his students, their professional choice, life path. Therefore, our beloved teachers always remain in our memory as people of high moral strength who gave us a piece of their heart. and sets large-scale goals - increasing the competitiveness of education. Modern young man New educational technologies are available, in his hands there are extensive technical capabilities for obtaining multifaceted information, but without smart mentors, without the spiritual care of teachers, it is difficult for the growing generation to succeed in life. No one and nothing can replace your wisdom and professional talent for the younger generation. Your noble work is always addressed to the best in a person and directed towards the future

Letter of thanks for participation in the event - text

If, for example, an employee is being encouraged, then such an appeal will look somewhat awkward and even insincere. In the end, such wording does not correspond to the norms of official business style accepted today.

First name and patronymic after the address “Dear” will be appropriate for personal gratitude. If the document is addressed to the team of the enterprise, then the phrase “Dear colleagues” is more suitable here.

The initiator can be both the management of the enterprise and a structural unit.

Words of gratitude for participating in the event

Depending on what kind of competition took place, the following ideas can be taken into account:

  • Reading gratitude to the sounds of rhythmic and cheerful music.
  • You can also say “thank you” together with all the organizers.
  • The presentation of gifts accompanied by words of gratitude for participation in the event is especially bright and memorable.

Each organizer, based on the audience that participated in the event, will be able to select the most emotional and striking idea. The example of gratitude for participation in the event falls entirely on the shoulders of those who became the instigators of the public event.

Who should present gratitude? Who should be entrusted with such a responsible and important mission as saying gratitude directly depends on where the event takes place.

Material on the topic: text options for letters of gratitude and certificates


Dear Colleagues! I, as a director, express my deep gratitude to the accounting department under the leadership...” What are they expressing gratitude for? Always thank you for something.

The message should not express gratitude “for everything.” In this case, there is nothing specific; it will be somewhat unclear to the addressee.

A person should know what exactly he is grateful for. You can be grateful for various things. For example, if the appeal is sent to an employee, then you can note his professionalism, vigilance, perseverance shown in some situations: “We express our gratitude for your creative work, dedication to the company for 20 years, loyalty in work, and we also want to note your high professionalism, determination, leadership qualities, which contributed to the achievement of significant successes and allowed the company to take a leading position in the market among its competitors.”

Letter of thanks for participation

Sample letter of gratitude from the organization for participation in the event Dear partners! The administration of the “Business Lines” company expresses deep gratitude to “Modern Press” LLC for active information support and participation in the organization of the regional conference “The World of New Technologies”. The demonstrated knowledge, experience and skill of the company’s employees in the process of preparing the event, efficiency in processing materials, processing the results of the conference - all this is confirmation of the high professional qualities each member of the team and the excellent management of the company as a whole.


We sincerely strive to be mutually beneficial and contribute to the achievement of your professional goals. We hope to continue working together in the field of information technology and maintaining our partnership in the development and promotion of subsequent projects.

Texts of certificates and letters of gratitude required at the end of the year.

Larionova” sincerely thanks you and expresses deep gratitude for the upbringing of your son... who has shown himself to be a student capable of thinking deeply, overcoming difficulties, showing excellent results, defeating worthy opponents. The victories of your child are our common joy. We wish you all the best, optimism, health, prosperity and more human warmth.

Director Kl. manager... June 2016 3. Letter of thanks to parents. Dear... The teaching staff of the MBOU “Cheremshanskaya Secondary School No. 2 named after S.A. Larionova” sincerely thanks you and expresses deep gratitude for the upbringing of your daughter... who has shown herself to be a student capable of thinking deeply, overcoming difficulties, showing excellent results, defeating worthy opponents.

Letter of thanks for participation in the conference (samples)

Awarded... for active participation in sports competitions, for courage, optimism, perseverance in achieving goals, for the will to win and the ability to find the right solution. We wish you to remain a leader in the area where you succeed, defeating worthy opponents.

Director Kl. manager... June 2013 5. Certificate of honor for the student Awarded..... For good studies and active participation in the life of the school. The world rests on activists and the school here is no exception. And the fact that our life is in full swing is your merit, without a doubt! Let optimism not dry up and inspiration flow like a fountain! We present you with a certificate for endless movement! We sincerely wish you prosperity and new achievements! Director Kl. manager... June 2013 6. Certificate of honor to the student Awarded..... for good study, for the kindness of soul and mind, for courage in mastering knowledge, for always coping with any difficult test.

Examples of thank you letter texts for an organization

For example, if the management of a preschool educational institution or school decided to transfer thank you letter the pupil's family. In such cases, the form contains the details of the organization. The structure of the document should be:

  • A cap. It should indicate the addressee. This can be an enterprise or a specific person to whom, in fact, gratitude is expressed. However, this item is considered optional.
  • Appeal.
  • Content. The essence of the letter should be reflected here.
  • Information about the compiler.

Let's consider these points in more detail.

Address The wording “Dear...” is traditionally accepted at enterprises. Such treatment indicates a respectful attitude towards the addressee.

How to write a thank you letter: sample text

We value stable partnerships, expansion of the scope of activity thanks to the participation of your company in the implementation of plans, and the opportunity to implement joint projects. The professionalism of the specialists of Zapchast LLC, the desire for interaction, and the friendliness of all staff are the key to the success of business and friendly relationships. We wish you personally and the team of the organization health and professional success in achieving your goals in the development of the company. We hope to further maintain partnership relations and implement new joint plans in the field of industrial construction. Sincerely, Director of Soratnik LLC S.S. Petrov 2.

Congratulations on your well-deserved victory in the competition! We wish you not to stop there, always move forward, conquer any peaks. May a lucky star always shine on you on your path to success!

Congratulations on winning the competition! I wish you not to stop at the achieved result and strive to develop and learn more and more. Let enthusiasm always burn in your eyes and opportunities open up. Forward to new victories!

Congratulations on winning the competition. It was a worthy performance and a vivid manifestation of your abilities, your talent, your charisma. And, as a result, victory is in your pocket. Well done! I wish to take part in such competitions more often and prove my genius to the whole world. I wish you confidence and determination, loyal support from loved ones and friends, as well as courage, determination and a positive attitude!

I sincerely congratulate you on winning the competition. I share this joy with you and want to wish you to always remain such a purposeful, active, determined, energetic, ambitious, talented and comprehensively developed person. And may there be as many victories in your life as possible, and may there be as few difficulties on the way to them as possible!

Hurray, it's done! Congratulations on your worthy and gallant victory in the competition. Let your soul be filled with bright emotions, let your close friends share this joy with you. Let this be far from your last victory, let life give you many more opportunities to prove yourself and win honor, respect, a lot of awards and prizes.

Congratulations on winning the competition! You managed to win thanks to your hard work, determination and patience, so never stop there! Move forward confidently and achieve new goals, overcoming all obstacles! All the best to you, success and lots of strength!

Congratulations on your victory in the competition and from the bottom of my heart I wish you to always be the brightest and most unique contestant, for whom a mountain of fans care and who always proves himself to the highest standard. Success, good luck, interesting projects and undertakings in life, undoubted victories and self-confidence!

Congratulations on your victory in the competition and I sincerely wish you a cheerful mood and real pride that everything worked out and victory is in your hands. I also wish you to bravely, dashingly and beautifully win any battle in life, and also diligently and with dignity to go to the heights of your successes, to your dreams. Good luck, support from family and friends, optimism and inner confidence.

With a great victory! So we managed to achieve what we had such a desire for! The main thing is faith in strength and support! I am proud, happy, smiling with you at this achievement!

Examples of thank you letter texts for participation in the event. A total of 10 samples are offered.

All names of organizations, first and last names in the texts are fictitious and used solely for convenience of presentation - do not forget to replace them with your own.

Sample texts for active participants are also available on the website.

Option #1

St. Petersburg city public organization for propaganda healthy image life “Eco Life” and the All-Russian Movement “For Saving Health”

To the preschool teacher in St. Petersburg " Kindergarten No. 1050" (St. Petersburg)

Petrova Isabella Ivanovna

We express our deep gratitude to you for your active participation in the educational campaign “Health Wagon” and holding joint events. We look forward to further cooperation.

Head of the action:

Skorodumov P. P.

Option No. 2

The Murzilka Inc. company expresses gratitude to the team of the Zvezdopad Group of Companies for their participation in the preparation and implementation of measures to maintain order on the territory of the facility entrusted for security - the residential complex "Seventh Element" at the address: Moscow st. Stepnaya, 215. And also, for assistance in apprehending offenders.

We believe in maintaining existing business and friendly relations and hope for further mutually beneficial cooperation.


Director of LLC "Murzilka Inc"

I. I. Ivanov

Option #3

Dear Sidor Albertovich!

The Office of the Federal Postal Service of Krasnodar - a branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" expresses gratitude to GBOU College No. 19 for its active participation in the All-Russian social campaign for Mother's Day "Mom, you are the best!"

Thanks to your support, the event aroused great interest among schoolchildren, who were able to express kind, nice words love and tenderness, respect and gratitude to the closest person in life - Mom.

We thank you for your high professionalism, hard work and dedication, we hope for further cooperation and mutual understanding.

Director of the Federal PS of Krasnodar -

Branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post"

Chapaev S.S.

Option No. 4

Administration of the urban settlement of Kuzemkino

Kuzemkinsky municipal district of the Republic of Karelia expresses sincere gratitude to the staff of the municipal budgetary institution additional education"House children's creativity"for active participation in the plasticine sculpture competition dedicated to the celebration of Kuzemkino City Day.

Thanks to you - people with active life position And positive attitude, managed to organize and hold such a wonderful event. The beautiful sculptures you created, amazing in their beauty, gave vivid impressions to the residents and guests of the city of Kuzemkino.

Sincerely, Head of Administration

urban settlement Kuzemkino

I.I. Tverdolobov

Option #5

Municipal autonomous institution ZATO Murinsk

"Education Resource Center"


Sidorova Marianna Ilyinichna,

teacher-speech therapist of preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 145”,

for fruitful cooperation with MAU ZATO Murinsk "RCO"

and active participation in the organization of the 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference “Formation of an open educational space in working with young children”,

Director of UIA

ZATO Murinsk "RCO"

I. Zh. Petrov

Option #6

St. Petersburg Technological Institute (branch) of Moscow State Technological University

named after Kovalevskaya S.

expresses gratitude to the Center for Youth Innovative Creativity (CYIT) of the Planet group of companies

for fruitful cooperation, assistance in organizing and conducting a youth career guidance event at the district level “Student Government Day” at the institute.

We wish the management and staff of CMIT professional and creative success, prosperity and dynamic development!


M. I. Ermakova

Option No. 7

To the director of MBOU Youth Sports School No. 19

Zavarykin S.I.

Dear Sidor Pavlovich!

The Culture Committee of the Uralsk city administration thanks you for your active participation in the cultural events held on Culture Day for the city population.

Your inexhaustible energy and creative determination contribute to the preservation and increase cultural traditions city ​​of Uralsk!

We hope for further development and strengthening fruitful cooperation based on mutual understanding.

We wish you good health, longevity, optimism, successful and fruitful activities, and prosperity.

Chairman of the Culture Committee

Administration of Uralsk

D. O. Pterodactyl

Option No. 8

Special thanks to

Holmes Company for hosting an interesting and entertaining event

dedicated to graduation from primary school.

Parents and students of grade 3 "A"

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 194

Option No. 9

Director of the concert program

Ivanova Lucia Albertovna

I express my gratitude to you for your high professionalism in preparing and organizing the gala concert of the VII festival of creative groups of fraternities, which promotes the development of friendly relations, supports socio-cultural ties of Moscow fraternities with the regions, promotes the culture and traditions of the regions and love for their small homeland.

With all my heart I wish you unshakable health, creative energy, prosperity and prosperity!

Prefect of the South-West

administrative district of Moscow

S. T. Tyrannosaurus

Option No. 10

To the director

Information Center for

innovation in the city of Kaliningrad

K. S. Sidorova

Dear Kamilla Sidorovna!

Administration and staff of the Kaliningrad City Children's Library named after. A.I. Ivanova express their deep gratitude to you for your cooperation with the library, holding interesting and meaningful events for children that popularize the achievements of science and technology.


Director of GB "Kaliningradskaya"

city ​​children's library

them. A.I. Ivanov"

  • The entire proposed text of the letter is written only after the header (at the very top) of the sheet with the words “Letter of Thanks” (these words should be placed in the center of the page in all cases)
  • Remember that a thank you letter for participating in something is a business letter and the style of presenting the essence in it is appropriate
  • Such a letter can be made “warmer” by diluting the formal style of presentation with a more with heartfelt words(wishes, words of admiration, etc.)
  • When you print it, know that the text layout is usually chosen - in the center (as shown in the examples above)
  • Choose an off-center layout only if there is no other way to format the letter according to the standard
  • The signature of the person (on whose behalf the letter is written) and his name are located at the bottom right of the letter (see examples above).
  • The last words of the letter “With respect” and the position of the person on whose behalf the letter was written are placed at the bottom left (see examples above). However, they can also be placed in the center (at the bottom of the page)
  • The very last line of the letter is the date. It can be indicated in full (day, month, year) or only the year.

No matter what event, competition or competition took place, the participants must be given their due. Gratitude for participating in events can vary. Analyzing what kind of celebration took place, you can present gifts to all participants, even symbolic ones. And also be sure to say words of gratitude for participating in the event. Of course, you need to prepare in advance so as not to lose important details later.

How to properly present gratitude for participation in an event

To say thank you to those who, without sparing themselves and with full passion, were active in important event, it is necessary. Depending on what kind of competition took place, the following ideas can be taken into account:

  • Reading gratitude to the sounds of rhythmic and cheerful music.
  • You can also say “thank you” together with all the organizers.
  • The presentation of gifts accompanied by words of gratitude for participation in the event is especially bright and memorable.

Each organizer, based on the audience that participated in the event, will be able to select the most emotional and striking idea. The example of gratitude for participation in the event falls entirely on the shoulders of those who became the instigators of the public event.

Who should give thanks?

Who to entrust with such a responsible and important mission as saying gratitude directly depends on where the event takes place. If we are talking about school relay races, then it would be best if the director says “thank you” in poetry or prose educational institution. Pronunciation of gratitude for company employees should be entrusted to the director or head of department.

Gratitude for active participation in the event in verse

The following rhyming speeches can be taken into account:

We want to say “Thank you” to all those

Who came out to stand up for the company.

We are very grateful to the employees,

They are always happy to defend the honor of the company and team.

You have walked the path with dignity,

Showed strength.

The gratitude cannot be counted,

Thank you that such people exist.

You defended the honor of the school with dignity,

Thank you for striving, breaking all barriers.

Worthy of the highest praise

The one who volunteered to help us.

You are best! Thank you for everything.

Today is the best day,

We know you weren't lazy

Arrange a real holiday,

Which is full of emotions and sparkling eyes.

To all those who spoke here with dignity,

We want to say “thank you”.

You are the best, brave, strong,

Good job guys, keep it up!

Please accept words of gratitude and certificates,

You didn't spend the day in vain today.

You passed all the relay races with perseverance,

We were the first to reach the finish line.

Thank you guys,

That we were not refused,

You carried yourself with dignity

And they supported us.

This could be gratitude for active participation in events, regardless of what the purpose of the event is. Participants will be glad that their efforts were not in vain.

Gratitude for activity in prose

A prosaic speech is also quite appropriate as an acknowledgment to the participants. The following words can be taken as an example:

"Today was not an easy day. Each of you walked the entire path of the competition with dignity, with your head held high. When organizing the events, we did not even think that there would be so many participants and that the event would turn out to be so exciting. The time has come for the end of the event, and we want to express to you your boundless gratitude. You can’t even imagine what a significant contribution you have made to our joint business! You deserve the title of the best of our team, keep it up!”

“Thank you everyone for sparing your time and actively speaking out for the honor of our organization. You have proven yourself to be true experts in your field. It is immediately clear that you are moving along the right path. After all, only when doing what you love can there be so much enthusiasm and excitement and zeal for victory. We thank everyone for their participation and invite you to the award ceremony."

Such a congratulation will pleasantly surprise those who took part in the competition. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to this nuance.