
Types of social and pedagogical work. Let us consider in more detail the main forms of work of a school social teacher. Subjects of social and pedagogical activities

Form of social and pedagogical work- this is a way of organizing the process, reflecting the internal connection of its various elements and characterizing the relationship between the social teacher and his students.

The concept of “form of organization of social and pedagogical work” can be used in a broad and narrow sense.

In a broad sense, the forms of social and pedagogical work characterize the organization of social and pedagogical activities as a whole, i.e. in various educational institutions, social institutions; with various problem groups of wards: about working in urban, rural, military environments. With this classification of organizational forms, we do not mean individual, one-time actions, but the entire process of social and pedagogical work.

In a narrow sense, the classification of organizational forms of socio-pedagogical work depends on how this work is organized: whether the majority of the population in society, a small group of interested persons or individual wards participate in it :

· individual social and pedagogical work;

· group social and pedagogical work (with a constant or changing composition of wards);

· social and pedagogical work in microsociety.

Or, a classification of forms of organization of social and pedagogical work depending on the methodology of educational influence. With this classification, forms are divided into groups:

· psychotherapeutic influence (occupational therapy, bibliotherapy, art therapy, etc.);

· passive social assistance (consulting, patronage, social services at home, etc.);

· active assistance (club and circle work, participation in socially useful public activities, etc.).

In the complex process of social and pedagogical work, one cannot be content with any one form of organization. An important requirement for social and pedagogical activity is the use of various forms of its organization that are adequate to the specific social situation.

Along with the concept of “form of work” stands the concept of “means of social and pedagogical work”- everything that social educators use to solve socio-pedagogical problems.

Means of social and pedagogical work can be consider in a broad and narrow sense. In the first case, these include activities that contribute to solving or preventing a social problem: education, work, sports, leisure, social work. In the second - material and ideal elements of reality, used as tools of activity (technical means, works of art, speech of a social teacher, etc.).

An integral element of the work methodology of a social teacher is the method.

Methods of work of a social teacher - ways of interaction between a specialist and a ward in order to solve a specific socio-pedagogical problem.

Each method acts as a tool with which the teacher influences the consciousness, feelings, behavior of the student, his relationship with the environment, and organizes a variety of social activities. The concepts of “method of social-pedagogical work” and “form of organization of social-pedagogical work” are close in content.

In the theory and practice of social and pedagogical activity, such a concept as “work practices of a social teacher”- an integral part, a detail of the method of social and pedagogical work. Therefore, sometimes methods are considered as a certain combination, a set of different techniques.

Reception- a stable, fixed in the general or professional culture of a social teacher, a method of action in certain conditions, a single, one-act action. For example, the method of persuasion is implemented using techniques such as suggestion, explanation, analysis of the situation, and conversation.

The choice of forms, methods and techniques of social-pedagogical work depends on the tasks and content of social-pedagogical activity, on the age and individual characteristics of the ward, his microsocial environment, level of education, adaptive abilities, as well as on the professional competence and skill of the social teacher.

The social nature of activity necessarily puts forward the need to consider the practical form of activity. Indeed, without the sociality of its forms, human activity could not be a purposeful and transformative activity, since linguistic interaction, coding, storage and transmission of information from person to person, from generation to generation would be impossible.

K. Marx emphasized the special genetic role of labor, on the foundation and in the process of which all forms of social existence and relationships of people develop. Labor acts as the substantive basis of all forms of a person’s relationship to the world around him, all forms of his activity.

Activity itself, being a specific form of subject-subject relationships, acts as a way of interaction between people. Because of this, the social characteristics of activity merge two of its aspects: substantial (activity as the basis of social substance) and relational (activity as a specific human value relationship to the world and other people).

The form of activity is to solve problems of a specific subject, based on the goals set by the founders, managers, etc. In this sense, any human activity has its own form, subject and purpose.

The form of activity of the organization (regardless of the subject and purpose of the activity postulated in the charter by its founders) is considered by system analysis How problem solving process. In socio-pedagogical activities, several stages of the process of achieving the goal can be distinguished: diagnosis, consultation, prevention, support, accompaniment, correction, rehabilitation, design, mediation, medical-psychological-pedagogical consultation and, as a general stage, assistance to the individual in realizing the pedagogical potential of society . On these grounds, in relation to social and pedagogical activities The following forms of activity can be distinguished: socio-pedagogical assistance, socio-pedagogical diagnostics, socio-pedagogical support, socio-pedagogical prevention, socio-pedagogical consultation, socio-pedagogical support, socio-pedagogical correction, socio-pedagogical rehabilitation, socio-pedagogical design, mediation between the individual and potential of society, socio-pedagogical monitoring, medical-psychological-pedagogical consultation.

In the real existence of society, all of the listed forms of activity are closely intertwined, complement each other and generally form a single integral system human life. Everything is determined by what type of activity this or that form of activity belongs to. In forms of activity, three types are distinguished: forms of production; forms of communication and forms of consciousness. Among the forms of production there are: forms of technology, forms of organization and forms of economics. In relation to social and pedagogical activities, the following should be highlighted: forms of organization. social and pedagogical assistance, social and pedagogical monitoring, medical, psychological and pedagogical consultation; forms of technology." socio-pedagogical diagnostics, socio-pedagogical design; social and pedagogical monitoring; forms of communication: socio-pedagogical consultation, socio-pedagogical mediation; forms of production: social and pedagogical education, social and pedagogical support, social and pedagogical support; socio-pedagogical correction, socio-pedagogical rehabilitation.

Some of the forms occupy a leading position, others are considered additional. Thus, in social-pedagogical activities, the leading position is occupied by social-pedagogical assistance, medical-psychological-pedagogical consultation, which can subordinate other forms of social-pedagogical activity, establish the sequence of their inclusion in the process of realizing the goals of social-pedagogical activity aimed at development or restoration social activity of the individual.

Forms of activity arise and disappear historically. Between in different forms activities may have different relationships - for example, one may include another (contain it inside as one of its elements). Two forms of social-pedagogical activity can be parts of the third: if we, on the one hand, carry out social-pedagogical prevention, and on the other, social-pedagogical support, then these two forms of activity will turn out to be parts of the third - social-pedagogical assistance, manifested as their comprehensive.

One form of activity can turn another into its subject and vice versa. For example, socio-pedagogical counseling can turn socio-pedagogical diagnostics into the subject of its influence.

One form of activity can act as an ideal for another form of activity and at the same time turn into the subject of a third form of activity. For example, socio-pedagogical support for an individual in a difficult social situation can develop into socio-pedagogical support, ultimately turning into socio-pedagogical assistance to the individual in resolving a problem that has dragged on for an indefinite period of time. Forms of activity can be contained in each other (socio-pedagogical diagnostics in certain conditions is an attribute of socio-pedagogical counseling, its first stage in the process of resolving the client’s problem). Forms of activity can be parts of a whole. They may be in complementarity relationships, etc. Let us consider the main forms of social and pedagogical activity.

Social and pedagogical assistance– is a form of social and pedagogical activity, including a set of multidisciplinary measures of a pedagogical, psychological, legal, medical, social and cultural-leisure nature, aimed at using the resources and capabilities of society in the interests of the vitality of children and adults in the process of their socialization with the aim of qualitative changes in their personality and developing the ability to independently solve their own problems, as well as to provide assistance to other people who find themselves in a similar situation.

Speaking about the content and structure of socio-pedagogical assistance, it should be noted the primacy and significance of this form of socio-pedagogical activity in the practice of a specialist, the essence of whose purpose is to provide assistance to a person who needs external intervention in his life, in his problems, and finally in his fate. A specialist can provide assistance in providing the client with the necessary resources and opportunities of society through various forms of socio-pedagogical activities: with the help of socio-pedagogical diagnostics, socio-pedagogical education, socio-pedagogical support, socio-pedagogical support, etc.

In practice, it is often assumed that social and pedagogical assistance is identified or replaced by any other form of social and pedagogical activity. Therefore, when considering any form of social and pedagogical activity, the question often arises: “What is the relationship between social and pedagogical assistance and, for example, social and pedagogical prevention?” In a broad sense, any form of socio-pedagogical activity acts primarily in the form of socio-pedagogical assistance: be it socio-pedagogical diagnostics, socio-pedagogical education, socio-pedagogical prevention, socio-pedagogical support or socio-pedagogical support. In a narrow sense, social and pedagogical assistance has different content, determined by the nature and complexity of the client’s problem. Therefore, social and pedagogical assistance does not always include a complete list of other forms of social and pedagogical activity. For example, depending on the severity of the client’s problem, socio-pedagogical assistance to a teenager with signs of alcohol dependence may or may not include such forms as socio-pedagogical support or socio-pedagogical rehabilitation, replacing them with simpler forms of socio-pedagogical activity, such as as socio-pedagogical support and socio-pedagogical correction.

Due to the fact that socio-pedagogical activity is a type of pedagogical activity, it solves the problem of assistance through social learning, social education and social development, using the entire arsenal of pedagogical means, forms and methods of achieving the final result.

That is why the result of social and pedagogical activity, and therefore the assistance provided, is a qualitative change in personality in the form of the emergence of social activity of the individual as a personal quality.

Socio-pedagogical diagnostics– this is a form of socio-pedagogical activity, which is a procedure for collecting information about the state of the pedagogical (educational) potential of society by all available methods (methods) of obtaining, processing and generalizing it. The goals of socio-pedagogical diagnostics are achieved by using three groups of methods: methods of collecting pedagogical information - sociological, psychological; data processing methods – mathematical; methods of generalization and verification of the obtained conclusions - actually socio-pedagogical ones. Socio-pedagogical diagnostics cannot be carried out for the sake of obtaining information about society in general. It is carried out within the framework and interests of a specific type, form or direction of social and pedagogical activity and is initially a providing means for building a program for using the educational potential of society to resolve individual problems.

This is a kind of implementation of an order for obtaining social and pedagogical information, on the basis of which specific measures of a training, educational or developmental nature are organized. The result of socio-pedagogical diagnostics is the characteristics of the pedagogical (educational) potential of society, all its components: teaching potential, educational potential and developmental potential, as well as the forms of its existence, significance for solving the goals of socio-pedagogical activities and accessibility for specialists and the individual himself. As a form of socio-pedagogical activity, socio-pedagogical diagnostics, its entire structure is aimed at its final result - the social activity of the individual, and therefore, it finds not just information about the potential of society, but information about those of its components that can be involved in the formation, development or improvement of the social activity of the individual.

Social and pedagogical consultation– this is a form of socio-pedagogical activity, which is a procedure for conveying to the individual who turns to a specialist, significant information about the presence and state of the necessary fragment of the pedagogical (educational) potential of society, the conditions of accessibility and forms of its implementation in the interests of resolving the individual’s problems. Being an integral part of social and pedagogical activity, it is oriented towards the ultimate goal - a qualitative change in the personality itself, i.e. development of her social activity. All efforts of a socio-pedagogical consulting specialist are aimed at this. Thus, social and pedagogical counseling is active in nature.

In turn, socio-pedagogical counseling is also one of the types of socio-pedagogical assistance to an individual who needs assistance in resolving the problems of his socialization and external assistance. During socio-pedagogical consultation, the specialist provides not only the necessary information, but also a description of the resources and capabilities of society intended to resolve individual problems, as well as information about the appropriate forms and methods of their use, the possible consequences for the individual and typical erroneous actions in this case.

Social and pedagogical counseling cannot be carried out for the sake of obtaining information about society in general. It is carried out within the framework and interests of a specific case, in order to resolve a specific problem and is initially a providing means for building a program for using the educational potential of society to resolve individual problems. This is a kind of provision of socio-pedagogical information, on the basis of which specific measures of a training, educational or developmental nature are organized.

The result of socio-pedagogical consulting is the individual’s assimilation of the characteristics of the pedagogical (educational) potential of society, all its components: teaching potential, educational potential and developmental potential, as well as the forms of its existence, significance for solving the goals of socio-pedagogical activity and accessibility for specialists and the individual himself. . As a form of socio-pedagogical counseling, its entire structure is aimed at its final result - providing the individual with information, forms and methods of transforming the potential of society into the social activity of the individual, and therefore, it finds not just information about the potential of society, but information about those of its components, which can be used to form, develop or improve the social activity of an individual.

Social and pedagogical support as a form of socio-pedagogical activity, it reflects the provision by society of its significant pedagogical opportunities, the resources of an individual who finds himself in a difficult social situation, in order to resolve problems by realizing the potential capabilities of both society and the individual himself and contributes to the formation of the social activity of the individual.

A person’s personality is formed and develops under the influence of numerous factors, objective and subjective, natural and social, internal and external, normal and abnormal, stressful, independent and dependent on the will and consciousness of people acting spontaneously or according to certain goals.

From this point of view, socio-pedagogical support represents one of the types of socio-pedagogical assistance.

In turn, socio-pedagogical assistance itself is a form of socio-pedagogical activity, but of a higher order and includes a set of multidisciplinary measures of a pedagogical, psychological, legal and medical-social, cultural and leisure nature, aimed at using the resources and capabilities of society in the interests of vitality children in the process of their socialization.

The concept of “social-pedagogical support,” in our opinion, is derived from the concept of “social assistance” and represents one of the significant phenomena in pedagogical science.

The object of socio-pedagogical support can be a situation that necessarily carries in its content any threat to the life, status, process of activity or communication of the student’s personality or his environment, preventing the normal development of the individual or the realization of his needs. This may be a situation preceding violence of various etymologies, a period of threats of such violence, or states subsequent to violence (post-stress states); unhealthy relationships with peers, fraught with fights or threats; strained relationships with a teacher or any adult, manifested in the appearance of emotional rejection, in the persecution of the student’s actions; a situation of misunderstanding of the actions of an adult or one’s peers, accompanied by a disruption of the normal structure of communication and the threat of loss or reduction of one’s status; a situation of loss of purpose in life, presuicidal moods or actions; a situation of a clear threat to others in any form or form, expressed in any way or action, etc.

Social and pedagogical support– this is a form of socio-pedagogical activity that reflects a set of subject-object and subject-subject long-term interactions in order to resolve the problems of socialization of an individual who finds himself in chronically difficult social circumstances, by introducing him to certain pedagogical resources, the capabilities of social institutions, social activities, social relations that form the basis of society and contribute to the formation of social activity of the individual.

Social and pedagogical support is a lengthy, meaningful and lengthy process, the main stages of which are:

  • – preparatory stage, including socio-pedagogical diagnosis of the potential of society and social needs, social abilities of an individual’s education, the essence and complexity of socio-pedagogical problems, as well as an information search for methods, services and specialists who can help solve the problem;
  • – the stage of choosing an option for social and pedagogical assistance, social and pedagogical technologies for its provision and ways to solve the problem;
  • – the stage of establishing by a specialist the interaction between the individual and the potential of society for the implementation of the chosen option of assistance;
  • – the stage of stimulating the individual to organize his own educational activities, which includes three stages: a) the stage of providing primary assistance to those accompanied at the beginning of the implementation of the action plan; b) the stage of active participation of the individual in the self-realization of his educational needs and c) the stage of improving his own personal experience of education based on the potential of society;
  • – the stage of independent activity of the individual, independently solving one’s own problems and making adjustments to one’s own educational activities;
  • – control and evaluation, or analytical, stage, including assessment of the results of social and pedagogical support, taking into account newly emerging problems and making adjustments to its process.

In turn, socio-pedagogical support can be transformed into other forms of socio-pedagogical activity and manifests itself as socio-pedagogical assistance provided by a specialist to an individual in the form of socio-pedagogical education, socio-pedagogical consultation, socio-pedagogical prevention, socio-pedagogical correction, social and pedagogical rehabilitation.

The initial stage of socio-pedagogical support is socio-pedagogical support, manifested in the same forms as socio-pedagogical support, but carried out in a shorter period of time, since it is aimed at solving not long-term, chronic problems, but situational problems.

Social and pedagogical prevention– this is a form of social and pedagogical activity, which is a complex of proactive socially significant measures that stimulate the pedagogical potential of society and the individual’s own potential to prevent a difficult social situation for her.

The subject of socio-pedagogical prevention can be either an individual specialist, a group (team of employees), or the individual himself, who communicates with the potential capabilities of society, acting as an intermediary between the individual and resources. Social activities, social relationships, social institutions (family, school, institutions) can be considered as means of social and pedagogical prevention. additional education, social welfare institutions, sports or socio-cultural institutions, medical institutions, political parties, public organizations and youth associations) and other elements of society.

Often in the practice of social and pedagogical activities they lead analogy between socio-pedagogical prevention and socio-pedagogical assistance.

Any longer and subsequent prevention turns into social and pedagogical assistance as such. First, at the basis of any social and pedagogical prevention are different kinds social and pedagogical assistance.

Socio-pedagogical prevention has a complex operational structure - it is both a form of professional activity of a social teacher, and the process of planning and implementing proactive socially significant measures that stimulate the individual’s own potential to prevent a difficult life situation for him, establishing effective contact of the individual with resources and using them, and a complex system of interaction between subjects and objects of social and pedagogical activity. Therefore, like any social phenomenon, socio-pedagogical prevention can simultaneously exist, and therefore, be considered as a specific activity, as an integral process and as a purposeful system of interactions. It seems that this approach allows us to form a holistic picture of it as the most important mechanism for an individual’s access to significant resources and opportunities of society to help him in a difficult life situation.

Social and pedagogical prevention as an activity. In the professional practice of social sphere specialists, socio-pedagogical prevention more often appears as part of their activities. This type of activity is distinguished by the presence of auxiliary goals, which give the specialist’s supporting actions a social character.

The goal of social-pedagogical prevention follows from the goal of social-pedagogical activity - the formation of social activity of an individual who finds himself in a difficult life situation.

Social and pedagogical prevention as a process assisting the client in preventing or preventing a difficult social situation. The effectiveness of this process is largely determined by the content of socio-pedagogical mechanisms for realizing the necessary resources or capabilities of society. In the case of orientation towards the resources of society, socio-pedagogical prevention, like any social process, has its own dynamics, in which the stages of realizing the pedagogical potential of society in the interests of the individual are most clearly identified.

The basis social and pedagogical prevention as a system consist of: the client with his problems (object); a specialist acting as an assistant, adviser, intermediary (subject); resources and opportunities of society that are significant for solving the client’s problem; technologies for their implementation in the interests of the client; a set of criteria for assessing the effectiveness of socio-educational prevention as a system, etc.

Social and pedagogical correction– this is a form of socio-pedagogical activity to restore and maintain lost social connections, relationships and functions in children and adults caused by the influence of negative factors of society or socialization based on the use of pedagogical resources and opportunities of society.

Depending on the subject of influence, socio-pedagogical correction can be individual or group.

Socio-pedagogical correction involves changing the system of social values, social needs and attitudes, ideas about the surrounding social environment and oneself, one’s activities both among individual group members and in a small social group, the formation of a positive attitude towards interaction with the pedagogical potential of society.

The opportunity to receive social and pedagogical assistance, in turn, poses diverse tasks for the individual and the specialist: first, organizational (it is necessary to find time and opportunities to carry it out); secondly, communicative (participation in socio-pedagogical correction (especially at the very beginning) inevitably gives rise to a feeling of dissatisfaction, necessity, resistance and reluctance to reveal some aspects of one’s life and one’s “I”); thirdly, intellectual (instead of receiving ready-made advice, individuals have to participate in discussions, complete exercises, tasks, etc.).

Social and pedagogical rehabilitation is a form of socio-pedagogical activity that reflects a system of restorative and developmental measures aimed at eliminating maladaptive manifestations in a person’s social experience and at restoring the status of an individual (social activity) in the social and cultural environment based on the realization of the pedagogical potential of society.

Socio-pedagogical rehabilitation is a system of measures aimed at eliminating or weakening the influence of unfavorable factors, restoring the status of the individual, providing assistance in mastering social roles in accordance with the status of the individual, changing behavior, intellectual activity, obtaining education based on the use of the pedagogical potential of society.

When carrying out social and pedagogical rehabilitation, two circumstances must be taken into account. Firstly, it is necessary to take into account the processes that occur in a person’s life in parallel in a specific period of time: socialization, education, training, self-education. They, on the one hand, should not contradict the direction of the rehabilitation process, but should consolidate the results obtained in the rehabilitation process, expand the area of ​​rehabilitation measures, make the rehabilitation process continuous, and on the other hand, the rehabilitation measures themselves should not disrupt the established positive processes of life.

The listed system of actions within the framework of social and pedagogical rehabilitation does not include actions to restore the biological functions of the body, to restore psychological processes, actions to vocational training, actions to provide economic and legal assistance, etc. These actions relate to other types of rehabilitation: medical, psychological, professional, economic, etc. If we consider the rehabilitation process comprehensively, then it is necessary to coordinate actions between different types of rehabilitation in order to optimize the activities carried out.

Social and pedagogical design– this is a form of socio-pedagogical activity, manifested in the design by an individual, group or organization of actions aimed at studying, implementing and developing the pedagogical capabilities of society in achieving a socially significant goal and contributing to the formation of the social activity of the individual.

Social and pedagogical design of the study of the pedagogical potential of society is manifested in the construction of relationships, interdependencies between the subject of study and the pedagogical potential of society in order to determine the level of development of its significant components.

Social and pedagogical design of the development of the pedagogical potential of society is manifested in the construction of relationships, interdependencies between the potential resources of society and the possible requirements and goals of social renewal of society.

Social and pedagogical design of the implementation of the pedagogical potential of society is manifested in the construction of relationships, interdependencies between society and an individual or social group in order to resolve the problems of their socialization.

In each specific case, social and pedagogical design includes the implementation of appropriate forms, methods and means of studying, developing or realizing the pedagogical potential of society.

Modern pedagogical technologies give preference to forms and methods of social learning and social education, designed to promote the identification and formation of professional competence of students based on the realization of the pedagogical potential of society, depending on their personal inclinations and interests.

Socio-pedagogical design differs significantly from socio-pedagogical modeling and forecasting, which tend to build models social development within the framework of the project itself and the probabilistic paths of development of the object for a certain time period, based on the needs of the social environment, the potential of which is primarily of interest to the designers themselves.

Thus, socio-pedagogical design is measures to determine options for the development of socio-pedagogical phenomena and processes, as well as to purposefully change social activities and social relations inherent in specific social institutions. In fact, designing means engaging in a selection of options and schemes for future interaction with society (developing a mechanism and forms for realizing its pedagogical potential).

Socio-pedagogical design is complex in its structure and can be divided into types: a) socio-pedagogical design of new relationships: b) socio-pedagogical design of new social institutions; c) socio-pedagogical design of new types of social activities.

Social and pedagogical mediation– this is a form of socio-pedagogical activity to resolve the client’s problems based on the search for pedagogical resources, the possibilities of society, establishing interaction with them and accompanying them until the final result is obtained, contributing to the formation of the individual’s social activity.

Mediation is presented as a multi-level, multifunctional socio-pedagogical phenomenon, as a significant attribute of socio-pedagogical activity. In relation to socio-pedagogical work, it has several interpretations and is considered as “facilitating an agreement, a transaction between the parties” or as “the technique of a specialist linking proposals with possibilities”, as “intervention in some matter in order to change the course of its development” and in at the same time as “assistance in the form of assistance, support in some activity.” The range of mediation in social and pedagogical work is quite wide: from the prescriptive functions of the activities of the client, specialist and society, determined by their rights, responsibilities and bound by normative legal acts or regulatory and administrative documents, before informal interaction. A significant part of these norms is enshrined in the regulations on the activities of social and pedagogical services in the form of functional responsibilities of officials.

Other forms of social and pedagogical activity also have their own specific features, the most significant of which are:

  • social and pedagogical education this is a form of socio-pedagogical activity, consisting in the wide dissemination of knowledge, significant information about the opportunities and resources of society necessary to resolve the problems of an individual or group and the successful socialization of children, adolescents and adults, and contributing to the formation of the social activity of the individual;
  • socio-pedagogical monitoring – this is a form of socio-pedagogical activity that reflects the estimated parameters of the impact of the pedagogical potential of society in time, space and movement in solving problems of socialization of the individual and contributes to the formation of his social activity;
  • medical-psychological-pedagogical council – this is a form of socio-pedagogical activity that reflects the interaction of specialists of various profiles in order to discuss the results of a comprehensive diagnosis of a socially maladjusted child and the development of a common position regarding the ways of his social rehabilitation and contributing to the formation of the social activity of the individual.

Task 1. Draw up a diagram “Forms, methods and techniques

The family acts as the first educational institution, with which a person feels a connection throughout his life. It is in the family that the foundations of a person’s morality are laid, norms of behavior are formed, and the inner world and individual qualities of a person are revealed. The family contributes to a person’s self-affirmation and stimulates his social and creative activity. In other words, the primary socialization of the child takes place in the family.

As a social institution, the family is called upon to perform a number of functions (reproductive, economic and household, educational, recreational and psychotherapeutic, etc. functions) and has a certain social status. The social status of a family is a combination of the individual characteristics of family members with its structural and functional parameters. The psychological and pedagogical literature describes4 family statuses :

    socio-economic status (family financial situation, living conditions, property security),

    socio-psychological status (favorable psychological climate),

    sociocultural status (general family culture, level of education of adult members) and

    situational role status (attitude towards the child and his problems).

The characteristics of the social status of a particular family determine its educational capabilities and the nature of parent-child relationships.

Family education has a number of undoubted advantages. These include a favorable emotional and moral-psychological climate, an atmosphere of love, care and support, closeness of parental influence, spiritual connection and continuity between generations, a constant example of adults, moral education of the individual, through the assimilation of a value system, family traditions, stereotypes of behavior and communication, etc. However, there are so-called dysfunctional families, in which upbringing, as a rule, deforms the personal development of the child. In addition, dysfunctional families are a source of social orphanhood. Researchers of the problem of social orphanhood (V.V. Chechet, L.I. Smagina, A.K. Vodneva, L.M. Shipitsyna, etc.) among the main reasons for this phenomenon point to the crisis of the institution of the modern family. We can name a number of factors that determine family dysfunction and influence the increase in the number of children deprived of parental care:

    Falling living standards, unemployment and low family incomes, worsening living conditions for children;

    Structural changes in families - the number of single-parent families is increasing, as well as children born out of wedlock to single mothers or minor mothers, due to which the number of abandoned children is growing;

    Absence or lack of emotional, trusting communication in families, a high level of conflict in relationships between adult family members and in child-parent relationships, an unfavorable emotional background in general, pedagogical incompetence of parents, etc.;

    The decline of the moral foundations of the family, alcoholism and drug addiction of parents, and hence - cruel treatment of children, neglect of their interests and needs.

In modern science there are many typologies of family. The characteristics of a particular family influence success/failure educational activities, the emergence of difficulties in the behavior of schoolchildren. The object of social and pedagogical support can be a family of any type. However, the degree of need for it will vary, just as the content of support will vary. Let us consider some typologies of families, which, in our opinion, most accurately determine the characteristics of social and pedagogical assistance provided to a particular family.

M.A. Galiguzova identifies a typology of families according to the level of social adaptation:

    Prosperous families successfully cope with their functions and practically do not need the support of a social teacher. If problems arise, one-time assistance within short-term work models is enough for them.

    Families at risk are characterized by the presence of some deviation from the norm, for example, an incomplete family, a low-income family, etc. They cope with the tasks of raising a child with great effort.

    Dysfunctional families, having a low social status in any area of ​​life, cannot cope with the functions assigned to them. Depending on the nature of the problems, the social teacher provides such families with educational psychological and mediation assistance within the framework of long-term forms of work.

    Asocial families. Families where parents lead an immoral, illegal lifestyle and in which living conditions do not meet basic sanitary and hygienic requirements, and, as a rule, no one is involved in raising children. The work of a social educator with these families should be carried out in close contact with law enforcement agencies and guardianship authorities.

B.N. Almazov also identifies four types of dysfunctional families that contribute to the emergence of “difficult” children:

    Families with a lack of educational resources, single-parent families; families with an insufficiently high general level of development of parents who are not able to provide assistance to children in their studies; families where they spend a lot of time maintaining material well-being, thereby creating an undesirable background for raising children;

    Conflict families: in such families, children, as a rule, are demonstratively conflicted and unbalanced; older children, protesting against the existing conflict, take the side of one of the parents;

    Morally dysfunctional families. Among the members of such a family, there are differences in worldview and principles of family organization, the desire to achieve one’s goals to the detriment of the interests of others, the desire to subjugate another to one’s will, etc.;

    Pedagogically incompetent families. The consequences of upbringing in such families can be neglect, lack of initiative, blind submission, etc.

The above indicates that the institution of the modern family is in a state of crisis, and this naturally attracts the attention of specialists from various fields of science: psychologists, teachers, doctors, sociologists and other scientists. The problems of the modern family require not only a deep, comprehensive study of them at a theoretical level, but also a practical solution at the level of the state, society and the individual.

In the practice of social and pedagogical work, a certain model of activity with problems has already developednoah family.

Types of work with families:

    family diagnostics,

    family counseling,

    psychological and pedagogical education of parents,

    correction of the attitude of parents towards the child,

    family psychotherapy.

Before resolving issues related to contacting a family with questions of consultation or assistance, it is necessary to clearly understand such basic concepts as a healthy (functional) family, a conflict (dysfunctional) family, an antisocial or dysfunctional family with drug problems and unlawful behavior of family members, a broken family.

For healthy family is characterized by a strong parental position with clear family rules; flexible, open relationships between younger and older family members with clear “patterns” of relationships and behavior; preserved, emotionally warm connections between generations, which form the basis of “family memory”.

For conflict (dysfunctional) families are characterized by “entangled relationships” between family members, for example, a family with a male father (stepfather) who is on the periphery of the family field; family with separated, conflicting parentsmi; a family with chronic hostility between individual family members, the older and middle generations, between relatives on the maternal and paternal lines. In such a family, family members constantly have problems with alcohol; especially in women.

Character traits behavior of adults and children in such a family:

Communication between them is at a low level, there is no care, humor, or joy from communication;

Interpersonal relationships are dominated by separation, hostility, and mutual shifting of blame; active reluctance of family members to discuss family problems with anyone around them, so the family actively avoids support from the school, social welfare services, or just neighbors;

In relation to family problems, states of anxiety and panic easily arise; There is often a tendency to resolve problems on an emotional level.

In a conflict (dysfunctional) or disharmonious family, there is a discrepancy between words and actions; between some messages from parents like: “I love you” and others - repulsive: “Go away, you’re tired, don’t interfere,” which causes contradictory feelings and reactions on the part of the child. Children experience anxiety in the face of an uncertain future; they may be burdened by home and linger outside of it for a long time. Children often project the cause of quarrels onto themselves, which leads to the formation of low self-esteem. Even more alarming is the situation when, during family discord, children begin to oppose one of the parents against the other. The child becomes disoriented in the choice of emotional relationships and this determines his subsequent attitudes for a long time.

For disintegrated families are characterized by a combination of hostile relationships with frozen, receding conflicts. Quite often, this situation is aggravated by the fact that members of a “broken family” are forced to continue to live together, which aggravates conflict and makes the relationship pathologically dependent. No less conflicting in its consequences is the option when a child’s behavior associated with the use of alcohol or drugs helps maintain a vicious vicious circle of relationships. For example, every time a son comes in smelling of alcohol or signs of drug intoxication, the mother calls her estranged spouse and demands his intervention. It is possible that behind this lies an unconscious desire by the teenager to restore a broken relationship. In many cases, it can be observed that children and adolescents may resort to the use of drugs as a kind of “blackmail” and to demonstrate their expectations from adults. At the same time, they, as a rule, do not realize that in this way they are only trying to change a conflictual family situation.

For antisocial ordysfunctional families with drug problems and unlawful behavior of family memberscharacteristic:
- a combination of protracted, conflicting intra-family relationships with criminological and drug addiction burdens;
- increasing social isolation with the family being excluded from trusting or supportive relationships with other families in the house or neighborhood.
Children living in such a family experience various forms of pressure: isolation and emotional rejection from parents, abandonment and violence, feelings of guilt and shame for the behavior of other family members, for example, an alcoholic mother and father. They are forced to measure their behavior and their relationships with the “double standard of rules” - immoral as the norm of behavior within their family and the moral requirements determined by the rules of behavior outside the family - at school, in communication with others. In such a situation, children strive to transfer the style of intra-family “patterns of behavior” to their relationships with others, to impose it if they do not meet resistance.

Currently, social educators are actively using the following models of family assistance:






The use of one or another model depends on the nature of the reasons causing the problem of parent-child relationships

The pedagogical model is based on the assumption that parents have insufficient pedagogical competence.
The subject of the complaint is the child. Using this model, the social teacher focuses not so much on the individual capabilities of parents, but on methods of education that are universal from the point of view of pedagogy and psychology.

Social model used in cases where family difficulties are the result of unfavorable life circumstances. Therefore, in addition to analyzing the life situation, the help of external forces (benefits, one-time payments, etc.) is necessary.

Psychological model used when the reasons for the child’s difficulties lie in the area of ​​communication or in the personal characteristics of family members. This model involves analysis of the family situation, psychodiagnostics of the individual, and diagnosis of family relationships. Practical assistance consists of overcoming barriers to communication and the causes of its violations.

Diagnostic model is based on the assumption that parents lack special knowledge about the child or their family. The object of diagnosis is the family, children and adolescents with communication disorders.
The medical model assumes that illness is at the root of family difficulties. Help consists of conducting psychotherapy (treating the patient and adapting healthy family members to the patient’s problems).

As a rule, a school social educator usespedagogical (educational) model in working with parents. As mentioned above, this model is based on the assumption that parents have a deficit of knowledge and skills in raising children. This model is preventive in nature; dysfunctional families especially need it, since it is aimed at improving the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents, expanding and strengthening the educational potential of the family. For these purposes, the following forms of work with problem families are used within the framework of the pedagogical model:

    Psychological and pedagogical consultations on the topics: “The role of the family in the development of the child”, “Family atmosphere”, “Marital conflict and the emotional state of the child”, “Child-parent conflict and ways to overcome it”, “Family cruelty”, etc.

    Pedagogical assignments, for example, organizing work in the family, a family holiday, a child’s daily routine, family reading or writing a letter to your child, etc.

    Pedagogical workshops on the following topics: “What kind of parent are you”, “How to help your child learn”, “What kind of child do you have”, “Claims against my child”, etc.

Object of influence The social teacher can be all adult family members, the child and the family itself, as a whole, as a collective. Acting in the interests of the child, the social teacher is called upon to provide the necessary assistance and support to the family. His tasks include establishing contacts with the family, identifying family problems and difficulties, encouraging family members to participate in joint activities, providing mediation services in establishing connections with other specialists (psychologists, medical workers, representatives of law enforcement agencies and guardianship authorities, etc.). Experts in the field of social pedagogy (M.A. Galaguzova, Yu.N. Galaguzova, E.Ya. Tishchenko, V.P. Dyakonov, etc.) believe that the activities of a social teacher with a family proceed in three directions: educational, psychological, intermediary.

Let's consider these areas of work.

Educational direction . Includes assistance to parents in training and education. Assistance in learning is aimed at creating a pedagogical culture for parents and educating them. Assistance in education is carried out by creating special educational situations in order to strengthen the educational potential of the family. This direction is based on the use of a pedagogical model of family assistance.

Psychological direction . Includes socio-psychological support and correction and is based on psychological and diagnostic models. Such support from the position of a social teacher is aimed at creating a favorable psychological atmosphere in the family. Providing support in conjunction with a psychologist becomes most effective. Correction of relationships is carried out when there are facts of psychological violence against a child in the family (insult, humiliation, neglect of his interests and needs).

Intermediary direction. This direction contains the following components: assistance in organization, coordination and information. Assistance in organizing consists of organizing family leisure (involving family members in organizing and holding holidays, fairs, exhibitions, etc.). Assistance in coordination is aimed at establishing and updating family connections with various departments, social services, social assistance and support centers. Information assistance is aimed at informing families about social protection issues. This direction is based on the use of a medical and social model.

When working with a family, a social teacher usually plays three roles: adviser, consultant, defender. Advisor - informs the family about the importance and possibility of interaction between parents and children in the family; talks about the developmental characteristics of the child; gives pedagogical advice on raising children. Consultant - advises on family law issues; issues of interpersonal interaction in the family; explains to parents how to create the conditions necessary for the normal development and upbringing of a child in the family. Defender - protects the rights of the child in cases when one has to deal with parents’ detachment from the process of raising children.

In practice, socialpedagogical work with families, mainly two forms of work are used, short-term and long-term. Among the short-term forms, there are crisis-intervention and problem-oriented models of interaction.

Crisis intervention model working with families involves providing assistance directly in crisis situations, which may be caused by changes in the natural life cycle of the family or by random traumatic circumstances.

Problem-oriented model is aimed at solving specific practical problems stated and recognized by the family, that is, at the center of this model is the requirement that professionals providing assistance concentrate their efforts on the problem that the family has recognized and is ready to work on. This model prescribes solving the problem through joint efforts. The work is carried out in a collaborative spirit with an emphasis on stimulating the capacity of family members to resolve their own difficulties. Successfully solving a problem creates a positive experience for solving subsequent problem situations on your own.

TOlong-term forms work includes socio-pedagogical patronage and supervision. Consulting work and educational training are universal, as they are used in both short-term and long-term forms of work.

Family diagnostics is a constant component in the work of a social educator, on which the system of assistance and support for the family is based. Carrying out diagnostic procedures requires compliance with a number of principles: complexity, objectivity, sufficiency, consistency, etc. You should not expand the diagnosis if there are no necessary indications. A new study can only be undertaken based on an analysis of previous diagnostic information. You should start with an initial diagnosis of parents’ complaints, and then, having studied the validity of these complaints, identify the causes of these violations.

Some researchers (A.A. Bodalev, V.V. Stolin) believe that family diagnostics and family education are based on two principles:

    Theoretical position - the causes of violations in the behavior and development of a child may lie in the characteristics of parent-child relationships, parenting style, as well as distortion of the process of self-development;

    The practical situation is to build diagnostics according to the “branching tree” principle, that is, the subsequent diagnostic step is done only if the corresponding result is obtained at the previous stage.

During the initial diagnosis, it is important to understand the nature of the complaint or problem, which can be justified, partially justified and unfounded. It is necessary to find out how the parents themselves understand the problem, whether they correctly see its causes, and what kind of help they expect from a specialist. The main purpose of diagnostics is to draw a conclusion about the state of a particular family and the trends characteristic of a particular family. The diagnostic techniques used are traditional: observation, questionnaires, surveys, testing, conversations. A special group consists of methods for studying the family through the eyes of a child: drawing methods, game tasks, methods for commenting on pictures, methods for completing a story, methods for unfinished sentences, etc.

When working with families, a social teacher often resorts to social patronage or supervision.Social patronage - this is the form of the closest interaction with the family, when the social teacher is at its disposal for a long time, is aware of everything that is happening, influencing the essence of events. The period of patronage is limited (4-9 months). At the same time, a social teacher can patronize no more than two families, and at the same time, there can be families under his supervision that he previously patronized. The work of a social teacher within the framework of patronage includes several stages. However, the boundaries of the stages are arbitrary.
Stage 1 Meeting and concluding an agreement with the family. The agreement has no legal force. Its purpose is to determine the range of rights and responsibilities of family members and social educators.

Stage 2 Joining the family, creating and maintaining motivation to overcome the crisis. To maintain motivation, it is necessary to involve people who enjoy special trust and are significant to family members.

Stage 3 Collection and analysis of information about the family. Comparison of information obtained from various sources. As necessary, the social teacher resorts to advisory assistance from other specialists. Based on the collection and analysis of information, the social teacher forms relationships with the family, ways of interacting with them, and plans for working together to get the family out of the crisis.

Stage 4 Bringing a family out of a state of crisis, resolving problems, eliminating the causes that gave rise to them. The content of work with a family is determined by the problems it has. A social teacher can provide information and organizational assistance to the family.

Stage 5 Leaving the family. At the end of the intensive period of work, the social teacher draws up a map of changes in the family. The issue of removing the family from social patronage and establishing supervision over the family for a certain period (up to a year) is being considered. The social teacher continues to provide the family with the necessary information and invites them to health, cultural, educational and other events.

The social teacher uses the following forms of supervision.Official supervision - this is supervision carried out by a social teacher on behalf of official bodies (guardianship and trusteeship bodies, education management bodies, etc.), whose responsibilities directly include monitoring the activities of relevant social facilities.Unofficial control - this is mutual control of the participants in any process over the compliance by each of them with formally established obligations. Social supervision carried out by a social teacher does not imply active correctional and rehabilitation measures on the part of a specialist. This is how it differs from social patronage.

Family counseling is the provision of advice by a social teacher when problems or conflicts arise in relationships between adults and children.

Subject with social and pedagogical counseling are:

    in the field of life support: employment, receiving benefits, subsidies, financial assistance, etc.;

    in the field of organizing everyday life: organizing a child’s corner in an apartment, instilling hygiene skills in a child, organizing free time, etc.;

    in the field of family health: diagnosis and prevention of morbidity, organization of recreation and health improvement for children, etc.;

    in the field of spiritual and moral health: traditions and foundations of the family, divergence of value orientations of family members, etc.;

    in the field of raising children: solving problems of school maladaptation, diagnosis and correction of deviations in the development and behavior of children, pedagogical failure and lack of information among parents;

    in the field of internal and external communications of the family: restoration of new positive social connections, conflict resolution, harmonization of child-parent and marital relations.

Currently, the most common models of family counseling are: psychoanalytic, behavioristic, systemic.

The psychoanalytic model considers violations of family relationships from the point of view of the internal motivation of the spouses’ behavior; great importance is attached to the influence of the parental family on the family behavior of the spouses.

According to the behaviorist model, counseling for problems in family relationships should be aimed at changing the behavior of partners using learning methods.

The systematic approach is based on the principles of circularity, hypotheticality, and neutrality. In other words, it is impossible to understand one person's problem without analyzing what it means for the rest of the family. Before working with families, it is necessary to formulate a hypothesis regarding the meaning and purpose of family dysfunction; The consultant needs to be attentive to each family member, understand him, and at the same time not judge anyone or take sides.

We can identify a number of general and sequential stages of a consultant’s work that are characteristic of any consulting model. The identification of stages in the complex process of socio-pedagogical counseling is conditional.

    Establishing contact. At this stage, it is important to create a supportive atmosphere that will promote trust between the consultant and the client.

    Collection of information. The family's problems are clarified as they appear to the participants in the process. It is important for the counselor to highlight the emotional and cognitive aspects of the problem. Closed and open questions can help him with this. The problem is clarified until the consultant and client reach the same understanding of the problem.

    Determining the goals of counseling, psychological contact. It is advisable to discuss with the client how he imagines the result of counseling. This is of fundamental importance, since the goals of counseling for the consultant and the client may be different. After determining the goals, a consulting contract is concluded, that is, the parties agree on the rights and responsibilities that they undertake.

    Development of alternative solutions. Possible alternatives to solve the problem are openly discussed. It is at this stage that the consultant faces the main difficulties. The consultant helps family members identify all possible options for solving the problem and select those that are most acceptable from the point of view of the family’s existing degree of readiness for change.

    Generalization. At this stage, the results of the work are summed up and the results achieved during the consultation are summarized. If necessary, return to previous stages.

Thus, the main models, forms and stages of social and pedagogical activity with the family, first of all, contribute to the correction of child-parent relationships, improvement of the family microclimate and are intended to generally stabilize the institution of the modern family. The study of psychological and pedagogical literature, as well as the experience of social and pedagogical activities, emphasizes the relevance of the problem of supporting the institution of the modern family and allows us to name the main directions of work in this area, both at the state and public levels:

    Strengthening the position of the family in the development of modern society through the development and implementation of legislative, legal, and regulatory acts. Today the following programs and laws are in force in the Republic of Belarus. Presidential program “Children of Belarus”, Code “On Marriage and Family”, Law “Main Directions of State Family Policy of the Republic of Belarus”, “On State Support for Children and Family Recreation” and many others.

    Expanding the network of family social services, family recreation centers, social and pedagogical centers, socio-psychological and legal consultations, crisis centers for women, etc. In addition, there are various social movements whose goal is to protect childhood and motherhood.

    Diagnosis of family dysfunction, its causes and origins, prediction of consequences. Based on diagnostic data - development of social and pedagogical support programs, comprehensive support for problem families.

The relevance of the problems of the modern family requires specialists in various fields and society as a whole to comprehend the existing experience in supporting dysfunctional families, develop and implement new social protection and support programs various categories families in order to prevent child homelessness, vagrancy, social orphanhood and stabilize society.

Formssocial and pedagogical activities with problem families"

Techniques and Methodssocial and pedagogical activities with problem families"

Analysis of the situation, assistance from external forces

Analysis and diagnosis of family relationships


consultations, pedagogical assignments,

pedagogical workshops


    Almazov B.N. Psychological environmental disadaptation of minors. - Sverdlovsk, 1986.

    Karabanova O.A. Psychology of family relationships and the basics of family counseling. - M., 2004.

    Naumchik V.N. Social pedagogy: The problem of “difficult” children: Theory. Practice. Experiment / V.N. Naumchik, M.A. Pazdnikov. - Mn., 2005.

    Ovcharova R.V. Reference book of a social educator. - M., 2004.

    Fundamentals of family psychology and family counseling /Under the general editorship. N.N. Posysoeva. - M., 2004.

    Social pedagogy / Under the general editorship. M.A. Galaguzova. - M., 2000.

    Shakurova M.V. Methodology and technology of work of a social teacher. - M., 2002.

types of social and pedagogical activities:

· psychosocial work;

· medical and social work;

· social and legal work;

· cultural and leisure work;

· information and educational work.

Theoretically, it can be assumed that preventive activities should be carried out in all institutions and organizations where mass work with children is carried out. From this point of view, the following types of social and pedagogical activities can be distinguished, which have their own specifics:

· social and pedagogical activities in educational institutions;

· social and pedagogical activities in children's public associations and organizations;

· social and pedagogical activities in children's creative and leisure institutions;

· social and pedagogical activities in children's summer recreation areas;

· social and pedagogical activities in confessions.

Work on the social rehabilitation of children with deviations from the norm should be meaningfully focused on various categories of such children, which gives grounds to identify several types of social and pedagogical activities, each of which requires the use of special, specific approaches, methods and technologies:

· social and pedagogical activities with children with developmental disabilities;

· social and pedagogical activities with children with pedagogical disabilities;

· social and pedagogical activities with children left without parental care;

· social and pedagogical activities with children with deviant behavior.

In the mediation work of a social teacher, social and pedagogical activities with the family are of particular importance. This is due to vital role, which the family plays in the process of socialization of the child. It is the family that is the closest society, which ultimately determines the influence of all other social factors on the child. Therefore, the work of a social teacher with a family is an obligatory component of his social and pedagogical activities with all categories of children with problems, and sometimes in preventive work.

Each social teacher must have an idea of ​​all types of social and pedagogical activities, although in his practical work he will most likely carry out only a few of them, maybe even just one, which depends on the specifics of the institution where he will work.

6. Social and pedagogical activities in institutions for orphans and children left without parental care.

In a foster family, a social teacher plays a patronizing role. The child’s adaptation to the foster family begins, which is associated with emerging problems for both the child and the parents. Therefore, at this stage, an in-depth parent training course is conducted, which is a continuation of the introductory course. A social teacher and other specialists are developing a new program. The content of training for parents in a foster family depends on many circumstances: what kind of family adopted the child (large, childless, one person or two acting as parents, what is the age of the adoptive parents, what are the motives that prompted adults to take the child into the family, etc., as well as on the individuality of the child adopted into the family (age, gender, presence of illness, presence of biological parents, etc.).

Further patronage of a foster family is associated with the timely identification and resolution of problems that may arise in a foster family regarding the education and upbringing of a child, and the prevention of abandonment by foster parents

Social assistance and protection of children's rights

One of the main tasks of social assistance to a child is the arrangement of his future fate, taking into account the totality of circumstances in each specific case. Main groups of children:

1. Orphans whose parents have died;

2. Children whose parents have been deprived of parental rights;

3. Children who have temporarily lost parental care (are in the hospital, under investigation, wanted, in custody)

4.Children from families where they were subjected to physical or sexual abuse; from families where children are not fed, left alone unattended for the whole day or night, where parents drink or become rowdy, i.e. where their further stay becomes life-threatening;

5.Children of internally displaced persons;

6. Children whose home is in disrepair, either has no home at all, or does not meet sanitary and hygienic standards.

Before making a decision about a child, determining the range of assistance measures, it is necessary to determine the range of assistance measures, it is necessary to study the conditions family life the child, his family and social connections (social circle), interests, health information, obtain data on visits to preschool or educational institutions. All this work is mainly carried out by a social educator

The main functions of a social teacher when working with children without parental care:

Collection of information regarding the child’s social status. For this purpose, the teacher visits the child’s family, studies material conditions, draws up an inspection report on living conditions, determines the psychological and moral climate in the family, the attitude of parents towards the child, contacts other relatives, neighbors, school, police and other institutions.

Collecting and maintaining documentation for each child in a personal file opened for him. The folder collects information about the family, acts of visiting the child’s family, birth certificate (or a copy), social number, insurance policy, savings book, inventory of property, court decision and copies of the verdict, requests to various authorities, etc. Be sure to note what kind of help and support was provided to the child, and the expected decision about his future fate. For this purpose, the “Child’s Social Card” is used. Such a card is convenient for assessing the child’s life situation and the correctness of accompanying the child, since all events are recorded in a diary.

Establishing contacts and maintaining communication with other institutions involved in providing assistance to children from disadvantaged families.

Assisting the director of the institution in preparing documents for initiating criminal cases in the interests of the child for adoption, taking guardianship or transfer to another institution.

Social support for the child (placement in school, vocational school, etc.).

Observation of the living conditions of children who lived in the shelter and returned to their families or were taken into care.

It is clear that these tasks require close contact between the social teacher and the entire teaching staff

From the above it follows that an important task of a social educator is to study the living conditions of the family in order to make the right decision about the possibility of returning to the family. It should be noted that the social teacher does not have punitive functions, his task is to more fully assess the situation, and for this it is necessary to establish contact and mutual understanding with the child and relatives. We use to achieve mutual understanding social worker and the client a number of techniques recommended by foreign psychologists. In this case, the word “client” refers to both the parents or other family members and the child himself.

Start the conversation with a “warm-up” - a conversation on neutral topics. It is especially important to observe this rule when starting a conversation with teenagers, as they are going through the stage of liberation from the influence of adults and are wary of attempts to penetrate their world.

Demonstrate a sympathetic response and express understanding of the complexity of situations. Sensitivity helps to establish contact, as the interlocutor begins to perceive the social worker as a person interested in his fate.

Treat the client “like your own - be natural, sincere, do not suppress your feelings. The manner of communication is open and relaxed. This method of communication helps to neutralize the client’s negative emotions.

Before studying the problem of interest to the social worker, attention should be paid to the current state of the client at the time of the interview.

After such preparation, you can move on to studying the problem of interest. During further conversation, support feedback using encouraging remarks. It happens that one visit is not enough, you have to make repeated visits. Each time, a detailed informal report is drawn up by the social teacher in the “Family Visit Notebook,” which outlines living conditions, the situation at the time of the visit, the behavior of parents and other family members, and their reaction to information about the child. These acts or reports are a document that can be used when initiating a case for deprivation of parental rights or removal of children in court. When, for various reasons, it is not possible to get into the family or the parents refuse to talk, then it is necessary to interview neighbors and other relatives.

Families where children were corrupted, forced into theft, deception, and did not care at all about sending them to school. Children from these families did not have a bed and slept in rags on the floor, from which even the linoleum was removed and soaked by their parents.

Thus, a visit by a social teacher to the child’s family makes it possible to resolve the issue of returning the child to the family. Or rescuing him from a situation dangerous to his life and health. If the return of the child to the family for one reason or another is impossible. But his relatives do not want or cannot take custody of him; documents are being prepared to transfer him to a boarding school or orphanage.

Social assistance to children also includes assistance in solving life problems, i.e. assigning existing housing to the child, as well as opening accounts in Sberbank for different types pensions (for the loss of a breadwinner, social, alimony for parents deprived of parental rights.

Created in Russia the legislative framework, allowing to one degree or another to protect the fundamental rights of a child in a difficult life situation. Full state support for orphans and children left without parental care means providing them with free food, a free set of medical care or reimbursement of their full cost during their stay in the relevant state or municipal institution, in the family of a guardian, trustee, foster parents.

7. Social and pedagogical activities in institutions for children with disabilities

Children with disabilities are children whose health condition prevents the development of educational programs or makes it difficult without special conditions of education and upbringing. These are disabled children or children aged 0 to 18 years who are not recognized as disabled children in the established order, but have temporary or permanent deviations in physical and (or) mental development and need to create special conditions for education and upbringing.

The group of schoolchildren with disabilities is quite heterogeneous. It includes children with various developmental disorders: impairments of hearing, vision, speech, musculoskeletal system, intelligence, with severe disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere, including autistic disorders, with delayed mental development, with complex developmental disorders. The area of ​​differences in the development of children with disabilities is very large. It ranges from children who develop normally, but experience temporary difficulties, to children with irreversible damage to the central nervous system. From a child who is able, with special support, to study together with normally developing peers, to children who need an individual education program adapted to their capabilities. Moreover, such boundaries of differences are observed not only in the group of students with disabilities, but also in the group of schoolchildren with various developmental disorders.

In such conditions, a general education institution must be adapted to the needs and capabilities of children with disabilities.

Children with disabilities, along with the cognitive interests and educational needs characteristic of their peers, have their own special learning needs:

The child’s education must begin immediately after a primary developmental disorder is identified;

Education for a child with disabilities should be individualized to a greater extent than is required for a normally developing child;

Introduction to the content of a child’s education special sections that are not present in education programs for normally developing peers;

The use of methods, techniques and teaching aids that provide the implementation of “workarounds” for learning and facilitate learning educational material;

Ensuring a special spatial and temporal organization of the educational environment;

Maximum expansion of the educational space beyond educational institution.

Taking into account the special needs of various categories of children with disabilities, determined by the nature and severity of the impairments, focusing on maximizing the satisfaction of these needs, along with the need to implement the general standard of education, is a necessary condition for the effectiveness of teaching students with disabilities. Only by satisfying the special educational needs of such a child can the path to general education be opened for him.

As the study shows, social and pedagogical support for children with disabilities plays an important role in this moment, which is designed to solve the following problems:

Creation of an adaptive educational environment that ensures satisfaction of both general and special educational needs of a child with disabilities;

Providing individual pedagogical approach to a child with disabilities, taking into account the specifics and severity of developmental disorders, social experience, individual and family resources;

Constructing training in a special way - highlighting special tasks, sections of training content, as well as methods, techniques and means of achieving those educational tasks that, under normal conditions, are achieved by traditional methods;

Integration of the process of mastering knowledge and educational skills and the process of developing social experience and life competencies;

Providing assistance to the child and his family, assistance to teachers;

Development of specialized software and methodological complexes for teaching children with disabilities;

Coordination and interaction of specialists of various profiles and parents involved in the educational process;

Increasing the professional competence of teachers in matters of education and development of children with disabilities of various specifics and severity;

In connection with the identified tasks, the following results are predicted:

Recovery of children with disabilities from a state of isolation from society;

Realization of the constitutional rights of children with disabilities to education in accordance with their capabilities;

Receiving education in accordance with individual capabilities;

Realization of oneself in society;

Improving quality of life;

Mastering knowledge, social skills;

However, the contradictions inherent in teaching children with disabilities, caused by the desire to equal rights with unequal opportunities, namely:

Between the need of children with disabilities to learn, develop together with their peers and their disabilities;

Between the costs and efforts to educate children with disabilities and similar costs and efforts in relation to their peers;

Between general and special in the education of children with disabilities who have disorders of various origins;

Between the humanistic effect and economic efficiency of inclusion; and etc.

The purpose and meaning of social and pedagogical support for children with disabilities in general education schools is assistance in the full development and self-realization of children with certain disabilities, assistance in their mastering of the general education program. Acquiring the most important social skills, taking into account the individual typological characteristics of students in cognitive, physical, and emotional development.

Mastering the educational program is intended to provide an introduction to culture for a child who falls out of the educational space due to the characteristics of his physical or mental development. To do this, it is necessary to use integrative forms and organize the education of children with disabilities in general education institutions.

Integrative education in the form of home education at a secondary school involves the opening of a specialized class or home education department for children with disabilities studying in individual programs and plans at home and at school with a significant number of general developmental activities and activities.

The child receives an education that can be compared in terms of the level of the academic component with the education of healthy peers, while being among peers with similar developmental problems and over a longer calendar period. The educational place is organized in accordance with the developmental characteristics of schoolchildren and is additionally modified for a specific child.

In order for this model to be adopted, it is necessary to organize special training and education to meet special educational needs. In this case, it is necessary to increase attention to the formation of full-fledged life competence, to the use of acquired knowledge by students in real life conditions.

Due to the inevitable simplification of the educational and educational environment, it is necessary to maximally adapt this environment to the child’s physical limitations and his life experience and interaction with healthy peers, therefore special work is required to introduce the child into a more complex social environment. The main significance of such work is the gradual and systematic expansion life experience and the child’s daily social contacts.

The main task of an educational institution, in collaboration with specialists, is to develop and adjust individual educational plans and programs for each child from a specialized class based on a study of his characteristics, mental and physical resources and limitations; generalization of experience and learning results at earlier stages.

An important condition for improving the educational process in a specialized class or home education department should be comprehensive social and pedagogical support for the child’s psychological state; development of his social intelligence, independence, ability to overcome difficulties. Thus, the role of the social and pedagogical support service in an educational institution is significantly increased.

Introducing students with health disabilities into the context of generally accepted cultural values ​​opens up the opportunity for them to rethink their own lives; sets new pace for the implementation of personal goals, awakens desire, readiness to take an active role life position in society.

Thus receiving an education, a child with disabilities acquires useful knowledge, skills and abilities, reaches the maximum level of life competence available to him, masters the necessary forms social behavior, turns out to be able to implement them in the conditions of family and society.