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16.3 fortitude from life experience. Essay on the topic: Strength of the Spirit. Arguments from literature

Strength of mind is an active determination to go towards the goal, overcoming any obstacles. Everyone would like to be strong, but not everyone succeeds. Examples of the strength (or weakness) of the spirit are found both in fiction and in the reality around us.

Arguments from literature

  1. (56 words) Starodum can serve as a model of fortitude in Dmitry Fonvizin's comedy "The Minor". The hero meets a young officer who seems decent. However, soon they declared war, the friend of the protagonist evaded the defense of the Motherland and succeeded in the rear. Starodum went to the battlefield, was wounded and bypassed. But this incident did not break him and did not deprive him of faith in the triumph of truth.
  2. (48 words) Erast, the hero of N.M. Karamzin "Poor Liza", turned out to be a weak person, could not match the love of the peasant Liza. The young man, having seduced the girl and getting his own, squanders his fortune and decides to find himself a profitable party. Erast deceived Liza and married another, and she drowned herself, so the hero's powerlessness was punished by eternal torments of conscience.
  3. (54 words) Chatsky, the hero of the comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit", is a truly strong man, he had the courage to go not only against one influential person, Famusov, but also against the crowd of his supporters. Chatsky preached truth, freedom, opposed rank and lie. Everyone turned away from him, but Alexander still did not give up, is this not strength of mind?
  4. (59 words) In the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" by A.S. Pushkin, the strength of mind is concentrated in Tatiana. Having fallen in love with Onegin, she was ready for anything for him. The girl was not even afraid to confess, but this was unacceptable in the 19th century. The strength of the spirit, the strength of love overcame all obstacles, except for one - the absence of reciprocal feelings. Tatiana remained unhappy, but she has a core and truth is on her side.
  5. (47 words) Mtsyri, the protagonist of the poem of the same name by M.Yu. Lermontov, yearned for his native Caucasus and freedom all his life. The hero had a goal: at least for a moment to live for real, outside the monastery. And Mtsyri fled, trying to return to his native places. He did not succeed, but this thirst for freedom reveals the strength of the spirit in the hero.
  6. (48 words) Pechorin, the protagonist of the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov's "Hero of Our Time" is a strong-willed person. For example, when Grushnitsky started a dishonest duel against him, Grigory was not frightened, but calmly brought the game to the end, punishing the scoundrel with death. This act is not at all merciful, but strong, because otherwise the hero would die himself.
  7. (52 words) The main character of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "The Wise Piskar" is completely devoid of any spiritual strength, he was afraid of dangers all his life, and therefore did not live, but only existed in a hole without friends, love, simple joys. Due to weakness, everything passed by the squeaker, although his existence was long, but absolutely empty. There is no life without fortitude.
  8. (36 words) In the story of A.P. Chekhov's "Death of an Official" Executor Chervyakov sneezed at General Bryzzhalov and was so frightened of the consequences of this accident that, in the end, he died of horror. Fear has deprived the hero of common sense, this is what weakness of spirit leads to.
  9. (41 words) by Andrey Sokolov, the main character of the story by M.A. Sholokhov's "The Fate of a Man" can be called a strong personality. He went to war, because the Motherland is in danger, went through all its horrors, then captivity and a concentration camp. Sokolov is a real hero, although he himself never understood his strength.
  10. (60 words) Vasily Terkin, the hero of the poem of the same name by A.T. Tvardovsky, fortitude is combined with humor and lightness, as if it costs nothing to a fighter to perform actions that few modern people can repeat without fear and posturing. For example, the chapter "The Duel" tells about the confrontation between the hero and the German: the enemy is fattened, better prepared, but Vasily won, and this victory took place solely on moral and volitional qualities, because of fortitude.
  11. Examples from life, cinema and media

    1. (54 words) Plumber Dmitry, the hero of the film "Fool" by Yu. Bykov, tried to go against the system for the good of almost a thousand people who were simply abandoned. In the building of the hostel, the hero noticed a huge crack, the house is about to collapse, people will die or remain on the street. He fights for strangers against power, fights to the end. He died, the system still won, but the strength of the hero's character commands respect.
    2. (46 words) Chuck Noland, the protagonist of the film "Rogue" by R. Zemeckis, found himself in an extreme situation: the plane on which the hero was traveling falls, he finds himself on a desert island. In such a situation, if you surrender, you will die. You need to make decisions here and now. Chuck strained his inner strength, survived and was able to rethink his life.
    3. (44 words) The eccentric Captain Jack Sparrow from Mount Verbinski's Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End represents unsinkability. This hero came to the next world and came back without batting an eye. And all because he never gives up, and this quality makes him a strong person.
    4. (41 words) Nick Vuychich is a man of great fortitude. Nick has no arms and legs, but he was able to get a diploma with two majors, find love, travel and give lectures that help other people. Such heroes cause motivation to accomplish great deeds by their example.
    5. (46 words) Peter Dinklage, known to many for his role as Tyrion Lanister from Game of Thrones, has overcome many obstacles. Dinklage was born with achondroplasia (a disease that leads to dwarfism), he has a poor family, at the beginning of his career there was no success. Now this actor is very popular, problems only hardened his character.
    6. (52 words) Stephen Hawking, a luminary of modern science, has been fighting amyotrophic lateral sclerosis since the age of 20. Now this disease cannot be cured, the scientist is paralyzed, he even speaks only with the help of a speech synthesizer. However, Hawking does not give up: he continues his scientific activities, inspires new achievements of young scientists, even appears in the comedy series The Big Bang Theory.
    7. (67 words) A friend of mine was diagnosed with cancer. This is a young woman with a small child, and the disease was already in its final stages. The first thing she thought about was how to arrange the child in the best way. The second is how to live on. One could cry in anticipation of the end, but the woman began to help other patients, and also live life to the fullest, not postponing any meetings, travels, acquaintances. You need to have a huge inner core to repeat her feat.
    8. (47 words) A friend of mine survived an operation that was not entirely successful. The body rejected the material that was sewn in during surgery, and inflammation began. She underwent several more operations, a huge number of injections, and a whole year of her life passed in the hospital ward. However, this year hardened her character, taught her not to give up and be strong.
    9. (62 words) As a child, an incident happened to me that made me be strong on pain of death. I was just learning to swim, but I accidentally got to a deep place where the bottom did not reach, got scared and began to sink. It was far enough to the shore. Then I realized that if I didn’t calm down and I wasn’t strong, I wouldn’t be able to save myself. And I swam as best I could, but swam and stayed alive.
    10. (57 words) Once, when I was still very little, my mother looked out of the apartment and saw that there was smoke in the entrance, and it was impossible to leave, especially with a child. But my mother saw a fire engine through the window, so we went out onto the balcony, and my mother began to give signals to the firemen. They noticed us and pulled us out. Mom was not at a loss, she had to become strong for me.
    11. Strength of mind is not only about going into battle with a saber bald, it is often required in everyday life in order to deal with all the problems and troubles. This quality must be cultivated in oneself, without it it is impossible, as the "Kino" group sang: "You must be strong, otherwise, why should you be?"

      Interesting? Keep it on your wall!

(1) The first post-war spring came to Leningrad. (2) Once I was walking home from the factory. (3) A long sunset was smoking over the city. (4) The rain had just rustled, the drops were still strumming, falling from the cornices, and the blue puddles on the pavements smoked with steam.

(5) I remembered how I returned to Leningrad before the end of the war and did not recognize it: the streets seemed deserted and dead, not a single lamp was on, the windows were not lit; in place of lawns and flower beds, bare earth was black, broken into tiny crooked beds; last year's leaves scraped and rustled along the paths of the dug city gardens ...

(6) I walked slowly, putting my face under the drops and smiling at my own thoughts. (7) In that first spring after the war, we had a lot of work; we defended one and a half or two shifts and walked around angry, sleepy. (8) And now the fever is over and it will be possible to rest.

(9) A woman was walking towards me. (10) She carried a bouquet of yellowish bird cherry. (11) I did not have time to step aside, and rough soft leaves touched my face. (12) For a moment I felt a half-forgotten smell - so fresh, cooling, as if from an icicle put on my tongue.

(13) And suddenly I saw this bird cherry.

(14) Old, sprawling, it grew at the end of a quiet street, reaching the third floors. (15) One might have thought that a pure summer cloud had descended between the houses. (16) And, coming up, I stopped at the bent branches. (17) Brushes of large flowers swayed above the head. (18) They could be touched. (19) They could be ripped off.

(20) I held out my hand. (21) These flowers will stand in my house today ... (22) Breaking, the branch crunched loudly. (23) I hurriedly put it behind my back. (24) Tapping with a stick, a stooped, thin old man approached the bird cherry. (25) Taking off his hat, he leaned against the trunk and seemed to doze off. (26) I could hear him breathing, snorting like an old man.

(27) I moved away and then noticed two more people. (28) They stood huddled together - a young guy and a girl. (29) They seemed not to notice either me or the old man.

(30) And I also saw the windows. (31) Wide open windows in neighboring houses. (32) It seemed at home breathed too, eagerly and deeply ...

(33) I imagined those who live on this street, and I thought: how did they manage to save the bird cherry? (34) Not from words - I myself know: in the terrible blockade winter, when the water freezes in the rooms and when frost settles on the walls, what can you not sacrifice for the sake of a little heat, for the sake of a weak flame in the stove? (35) And a huge old tree survived. (36) Not in the garden, not in the park - right on the street, not guarded by anyone ... (37) Really, on the verge of death, people cared about beauty and waited for spring?(According to E. Shim) *

* Shim Eduard Yurievich (1930-2006) - Soviet writer, playwright, author of several collections of stories for children and adults.

Finished essay 9.3 "What is fortitude":

Strength of mind is one of the basic qualities of a person that makes him morally strong. Thanks to the strength of the spirit, a person can overcome life's difficulties, achieve the intended goals. Everyone needs this quality.

The text of Eduard Yuryevich Shim speaks of the first post-war spring in Leningrad. On the way home, after a hard day at the factory, the hero of the text saw a bird cherry, which blossomed and delighted everyone with its wonderful aroma. In sentences 33-37, he asks the question of how people during the war managed to save this tree, when there was nothing to heat the stoves with during the terrible blockade winter. Thanks to the strength of the spirit, these people were able to overcome all difficulties, and the bird cherry now pleases passers-by.

Speaking about fortitude, I immediately recall the work of Boris Polevoy "The Story of a Real Man". The hero of the story is the pilot Alexei Meresiev. Due to an injury received during the Great Patriotic War, he lost both legs. But he did not lose heart! Alexey was able not only to recover physically, but also to go flying again. It remains for us to admire what kind of fortitude this man possessed!

So, thanks to the strength of the spirit, a person will be able to overcome any difficulty on his life path, he will be able to achieve any intended goal.

"What are mental strengths?" (option 1)

Mental strength is such a person's qualities as perseverance, patience, endurance, perseverance, willpower - everything that helps to cope with various life difficulties. People with fortitude are able to achieve the desired result. Mental strength may be needed by a person both in a big business and in a small one. I argue my words with specific examples.

In the text of V.G. Rasputin, mental strength helps the boy Sanya to collect a rich harvest of the taiga dove berry. It was not easy to do, since there were a lot of berries that year, the boy had to wade through dense thickets of bushes throughout the day, repeatedly bend the branches towards him, carry a can filled with sweet fruits back and forth. It was especially difficult to collect the pigeon during the rain, as it "choked, crumpled, leaves adhered to the hands." But Sanya not only successfully coped with this work, but also got great pleasure, which testifies to his endurance and hard work.

The pilot Meresiev, the hero of "The Tale of a Real Man" by B. Polevoy, also possesses extraordinary mental strength. How much patience and perseverance it took Meresiev to return to the profession of a fighter after the amputation of both legs as a result of a combat mission! He was able to overcome pain during specific physical exercises and learned to walk with prostheses. Thanks to hard training, Meresiev made his dream come true.

Thus, people with mental strength evoke sincere admiration and deep respect. (209 words)

15.3 "What are Soul Strength?" (option 2)

Mental strength is a person's inner resources, thanks to which he is able to live a full life, cope with difficulties, work, create. But mental strength can dry up, and to prevent this from happening, they need to be nourished. There are many ways to do this: listen to your favorite music, read an interesting book, chat with nice people, or just be alone with nature. Let me prove my point with examples.

In the text of V.G. Rasputin, the boy Sanya, finding himself in the taiga, felt an extraordinary surge of mental strength. What he saw in the morning, after an alarming night, caused him a whole palette of emotions: delight, and peace, and some inhumanly strong and huge feeling, from which Sanya "was ready to jump out of himself and take off, ..., he was ready for anything. " For the boy, nature became the source of mental strength.

And for Pyotr Grinev, the hero of Alexander Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter", love for the commandant's daughter Masha Mironova became a source of spiritual strength. It was this lofty feeling that helped Grinyov go through many trials: endure the ridicule and insults of Shvabrin, survive himself and save his beloved during the seizure of the fortress by Pugachev, worthily stand on trial.

Thus, mental strength is necessary for every person. (177 words)

"What are mental strengths?" (option 3)

Mental forces are the inner resources of a person, thanks to which he is able to cope with difficulties, work, create. Sometimes a person needs mental strength like air, in order to simply live. Everyone has their own source of mental strength. For one, this is communication with nature, and for another - the memory of a loved one. I will prove my point of view with specific examples.

The text of M. Gorky says that the narrator was very fond of going out to the forest with his grandmother. The forest attracted the hero and had a magical effect on him. According to him, the forest caused him "a feeling of peace of mind and comfort." Once in this life-giving corner of nature, the narrator forgot about his troubles, his soul seemed to be renewed, and his strength was restored. This means that it was nature that was the source of mental strength for the boy.

But for Anna Fedotovna, the heroine of B. Vasiliev's story "Exhibit No.", the source of spiritual strength was two things, valuable in her understanding: the only letter from her son, who died at the front during the Great Patriotic War, and a letter from his comrade, written after the death of his son ... The elderly woman reread these letters every evening. The memory of her son kept her alive. But when the letters were stolen, Anna Fedotovna lost her source of life, and her mental strength left her forever.

Thus, mental strength is necessary for every person. (200 words)

"What are mental strengths?" (option 4)

Mental strength is a person's inner resources that help him live his life with dignity, doing good deeds, helping those who need help. Soul forces push a person to bold and noble deeds. This is easy to prove with specific examples.

The text of D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak tells about the old watchman Taras, who once saved a swan from death, and then sheltered the bird. The act of Taras testifies to the fact that before us is a spiritually strong person, very kind and not indifferent to someone else's misfortune.

Spiritual power can be possessed not only by an adult, but also by a child. Let us recall the hero of the story by N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky The topic. When the boy discovered that the evil man had thrown his pet Bug into the well, he rushed to her aid. To save the unfortunate animal, it was necessary to go down to the very bottom of the well. The thought of this terrified the child. But Tyoma coped with his fear, because he understood that he was doing a good deed. So mental strength helped the boy overcome his weaknesses and pull the Beetle out of the well.

Thus, every person needs mental strength. (159 words)

"What is good?" (option 5)

Good is a disinterested and sincere striving for the realization of good. Good, as a rule, is associated with generosity and love towards people and all living things. A person who does good cannot think only of himself, he will always take care of those around him. This judgment can be confirmed by the following examples.

The text of E.A. Permyak tells about a grandfather who really wanted his grandson Alyosha to grow up good and kind. Once a wise old man in the presence of Alyosha praised a stranger who made a bench. At the same time, the grandfather emphasized that the stranger at that moment was not thinking about himself alone, but about all people. The grandfather's words echoed in Alyosha's heart, and the boy also wanted to do something good for others, namely, to repair and paint the old gate and bench. So the grandson did a good deed.

Sometimes a good deed is tantamount to a heroic deed. In this regard, I recall the story of the famous swimming champion Shavarsh Karapetyan. Once he witnessed the fall of a trolleybus into the Yerevan Lake. Without hesitation, the athlete rushed to the aid of drowning people. As a result, alone, risking his own life and health, he was able to pull 20 passengers out of the cold water. After this incident, Shavarsh Karapetyan's health was seriously damaged. But did the champion think about this when he was saving people ?! His act can rightfully be called not only a good deed, but also a heroic deed.

Thus, goodness is incompatible with indifference and selfishness. (215 words)

"What is good?" (option 6)

Good is a disinterested and sincere striving for the realization of good. Goodness is expressed in generosity, mercy, love and care. Giving a person wise advice, discovering the truth is also good. This statement can be confirmed by the following examples.

In the text of A. Saint-Exupery, the wise Fox did a good deed for his new friend - he revealed two truths to him, saying the following words: "only the heart is vigilant" and "you are forever responsible for everyone you have tamed." These truths helped the Little Prince to understand many important things and in himself.

Let us also recall the good deed of one of the heroes of another work - the story of Alexander Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". When Petrusha, a young and inexperienced nobleman, went to work, his father, wishing his son only well, gave him advice to preserve honor from his youth. In the future, his father's blessing helped Peter Grinev to go through all the trials that fell to his lot with dignity. A father did a good deed for his son!

Thus, goodness is multifaceted and can be manifested in different ways. (150 words)

"What is good?" (option 7)

Good is a disinterested and sincere striving for the realization of good. Goodness is expressed in generosity, mercy, love and care for all living things. This statement can be confirmed by the following examples.

In the text by Y. Yakovlev, the main character, the boy Kosta, took care of the dog, which was left without an owner, since he died at sea. The boy felt compassion for the unfortunate animal and really wanted to help. Every day he brought food for the dog ashore, walked with it, and even made a house out of an old boat. Kosta's actions indicate that he has a good heart.

Many examples of how people save animals can be cited from life. I heard just such a good story quite recently. In Rostov, a man saved a crow. He was walking on business when he saw that in the courtyard of a skyscraper a wounded crow was hanging on a tree, pinched by branches. As the neighbors said, the bird got stuck a day ago. She tried to free herself, but only broke her wing. The rescuer man climbed a tree, took out a bird and took it to the veterinary hospital, where the bird was examined and provided with the necessary assistance, after which the young man took the crow with him to care for it until the wing grows together, and then release it into the wild.

Thus, such stories warm the soul and remind that life without good is impossible. (204 words)

OGE in the Russian language preparation for the essay 15.3 "What is the strength of the spirit" Shcherbakova E.V.
Town of Rezh

Composition 15.3

How do you understand the meaning of the expression POWER OF SPIRIT?
Formulate and comment on the given by you
definition. Write a reasoning essay on
the topic "What is fortitude", taking as a thesis
your definition. Arguing your thesis,
give 2 (two) example-arguments,
confirming your reasoning: cite one example of the argument from the text you read, and the second -
from your life experience.
The length of the essay must be at least 70 words.
If the essay is a retold or
completely rewritten source code without any
there are no comments, then such work is assessed
zero points.

Strength of spirit is one of the basic moral
qualities of a person that can be
formed through persistence in overcoming
difficulties. Only thanks to the strength of the spirit a person
has the ability to achieve their goals,
overcome the most difficult obstacles.

What is fortitude? (definition)

Strength of mind is an active determination to go towards the goal,
overcoming any obstacles. Willpower is
the ability to work on oneself, overcoming
negative or vile manifestations
own ego.

Materials for comment

The inner world of each person is unique.
The inner world of a person reflects his essence.
In the inner world, the formation and
preservation of human cultural values, and then their
The inner world of a person can be judged by his
The inner world of a person does not always correspond to his
external appearance. It is possible that behind someone's harsh
the appearance hides a subtle nature, and inside the soft
of man is a will of steel.
The inner world of a person begins to form even in
childhood. You can learn the inner world of another person by
his actions, hobbies, creations, preferences in
fiction, music, cinema, etc.

A comment

The strength of the spirit makes a person find
way out of a difficult situation,
look to the future with optimism,
overcome life's hardships.
Go ahead despite the pain
achieve goals - qualities of a strong spirit

Aphorisms about the strength of the spirit

If you give up, don't
despair, underfoot be sure
there is something wonderful, do not be afraid
raise. If it's hard and scary
it is important to feel how you
it becomes easy and clear that now
make. Serge Goodman

Aphorisms about the strength of the spirit

Happy, thrice happy is a person
whom the adversity of life hardens. genre
A person only then achieves something,
when he believes in himself. Andreas
The highest distinction of a person is
perseverance in overcoming the most violent
obstacles. Ludwig van Beethoven


How often do we hear the words "friend", "friendship"! But what do we mean by these concepts? Friendship is a selfless relationship between people based on trust, common interests and hobbies. A friend will always support in difficult times, provide help. Friends are not offended when they tell the truth, whatever it may be.

This is what happened to the boys in the text…. (argument from text)

Russian writers often spoke of friendship. For example, V. Astafiev's story "A photograph in which I am not" tells about real friends. One of the boys does not take part in the photograph because a friend is ill. He does it for the sake of him and their true friendship.

So, it's impossible to live without friends. In difficult times, we hasten to lean on the hand of a friend. It is no coincidence that an Italian proverb says: "He who found a friend has found a treasure."


What is love? This question has been worrying people for a long time. They write poems and sing songs about love. They say life without love is boring and uninteresting. What is this feeling that bewitches a person and makes him happy?

For me, love is warmth, joy, indifference emanating from a loving heart. We pay for this with mutual gratitude. Love is a state of mind when you accept a person as he is, with all his shortcomings, when you rejoice at every moment next to your loved one. Let us confirm our reasoning with an example from the text.

…… (argument from text)

Great writers who have experienced this feeling spoke of both passionate love and sad love. Let us recall Romeo and Juliet from the tragedy of W. Shakespeare. They tried to prevent the light feeling that flared up in the hearts of young people. But if you love, nothing can separate you and your loved one. Time and distance are not a hindrance to love, it lives in hearts. And if he dies, then, as a rule, together with the person himself. This is what happened in this tragedy.

So let's fill our lives with love! Let's take care of the people we love, surround ourselves with the things we love and do what we love.

Mother's love

“Mama” is a kind and affectionate word, from which it breathes with warmth and love. Mother's love is the source of life. Without a mother, her support, a person can grow up angry and cruel. It is the mother who is capable of anything for the sake of her child. Let's confirm our thoughts with an example from the text.

... (argument from text)

Many authors wrote about the mother and her all-consuming love. Sometimes, of course, the blind mother's love did not bring good to the children. Let's remember Mitrofanushka from D. Fonvizin's comedy "The Minor". The mother was so absorbed in her love for her son that he ceased to respect her. The woman spoiled her child, allowing him everything, indulging him in everything. What is the bottom line? Mitrofan dreams of getting rid of maternal custody and betrays her at an opportunity.

So, mother's love should not be blind, because the future of the child depends on it. But children should also remember about gratitude, because someday they will become parents who love their daughters and sons.

Precious books

The book ... What is it to you? A good guide or plain bound paper? For some, this is the world, and even life. Precisely precious books are the foundation of the future spiritual life. What kind of books can be called "precious"? In my opinion, these are the publications that left a trace in your soul, planted a seed of morality and spirituality. Let us confirm in thought with an example from the text.

... (argument from text)

I also have my own "precious" books. One of them is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by M. Twain. After reading it in the third grade, I understood what friendship, kindness, justice, mercy are. The main character, who finds himself in various situations, helps the child-reader to understand many aspects of a difficult life, to set priorities, to choose the right landmarks.

Thus, books are our teachers-mentors, our guides to life. Our principles and beliefs depend on which book we choose as our desk book. Make no mistake in your choice!

Real art

Art is the creative comprehension of the surrounding world by a talented person. The fruits of this understanding belong to all of humanity. Immortal creations of ancient Greek sculptors, works of Raphael, Dante, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Shishkin. The names are endless. This is real art, that is, time-tested art that has not lost its value even after centuries.

The text ... talks about ... (argument from the text)

The immortal works of the classics can also be classified as real art. Leo Tolstoy's works are known and loved not only in Russia, but all over the world. His novels reflected the era, painted images of people who, by their nature, are very close to my contemporaries. Yes, and "eternal" themes and conflicts make them relevant now. They educate and teach us. And this is the purpose of real art.

Art is beautiful because it is created by the elite and belongs to millions. Each person must learn to see and understand the beautiful, then art will have a beneficial effect on society as a whole. Art is eternal and beautiful, because it brings beauty and goodness to the world.

Human inner world

Any person has an inner world. For some he is rich and extraordinary, for others he is poorer. All people are different, and together with them their inner world is diverse, the same spiritual wealth that conceals many valuable qualities in the human soul is diverse.

Here and in the story ... the hero .... (argument from text)

The writers of Russian literature have always been interested in the inner world of heroes. It is he who pushes them to perform certain actions. Let's remember Tatiana Larina from the novel by Alexander Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". She lives in the provinces and is not spoiled by secular morals. The girl is kind, responsive to the grief of others, sincere and trusting. These qualities drive her desire to confess her love to Eugene. Reading the novel, I dreamed that the “Russian soul” Tatiana would find happiness, be rewarded for her rich inner world.

The inner world of a person is unique and inimitable. Let us be attentive to people, so as not to accidentally injure the soul, so as not to extinguish the light that burns in the soul of every person.

Life values

Life values ​​play an important role in the fate of a person, because decision-making depends on them. Each person has his own system of life values, his own priorities. For some, material values ​​are important: money, clothing, real estate. For others, spiritual values ​​are priority: love, friendship, home, work for the benefit of people, health, creativity.

For example, for the hero ... from the text ... (argument from the text)

The ancient Greeks revered moral values ​​and called them "ethical virtues." The main ones were prudence, benevolence and justice. Not only among the Greeks, but among all peoples, honesty, loyalty, respect for elders, patriotism, and diligence are revered.

All our values ​​in life should be aimed at making others happier. That's when we ourselves become happy. We gain peace and tranquility when we care for others rather than ourselves.

Let us recall the story "The Captain's Daughter" by A.S. Pushkin. Pyotr Grinev, brought up on the ideals of honor and nobility, is not able to abandon the orphan Masha in trouble. He risks his life, but does not betray his principles, his Fatherland.

Thus, it seems to me that the most important life values ​​for every person should be the ability to love, endure, forgive, do good and never betray anyone.


Kindness is a manifestation of sincere, kind feelings towards someone; it is an affectionate and friendly, caring attitude. This is a bright and pleasant feeling, it brings joy to others and to yourself. Kind people strive to help all living things: people, animals. Let us confirm our judgments with an example from the text.

(argument from text)

Last year, a campaign of good deeds took place in our school for a whole year. One of the junior classes took patronage over a bear from the zoo. The guys listened to a lecture on how to help an animal, and they still help the animal. Good people will grow out of such children.

Thus, kindness and goodness are always associated with the protection of one's neighbor, with mercy, with love for all living things. Kindness, shown free of charge, from a pure heart, will return to you a hundredfold.


Each of us from the very childhood finds himself in a situation where it is necessary to make a choice. It can be the choice of a toy, friend, profession, loved one, life goal. It is very important to make the right choice, as mistakes can be costly.

Very often Russian classics put their heroes before a choice. And this tradition was entrenched in folklore. Bogatyrs or fairy-tale heroes, going on trips, stood at a crossroads and chose the most difficult road. And they were rewarded for the tests that they withstood with honor.

And now I have an important choice to make: stay in school in grade 10 or continue my education in college. It depends on the goal I set for myself and on my capabilities and abilities. Before deciding on anything, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

Making the right choice is not always easy. But if you are guided not only by your own interests, then you will not be mistaken in the choice.

Moral choice

Each of us from the very childhood finds himself in a situation where it is necessary to make a choice. It can be the choice of a toy, friend, profession, loved one, life goal. It is very important to make the right choice, as mistakes can be costly. And the right choice is a moral choice, that is, one based on moral principles. It is they who help to choose the right means to achieve the goal.

So in the text ... the hero has to choose .... (argument from text)

M. Sholokhov writes about moral choice in his story "The Fate of a Man". His hero Andrei Sokolov is faced with the need to choose. Before killing the traitor, he wonders if he is doing the right thing. This choice (murder) is not easy for him, but we, the readers, do not condemn him. It seems to us that we would have done the same.

And Sokolov's moral choice in the interrogation scene confirms our thoughts about him as a pure and noble person. Sholokhov was able to show, using the example of the fate of one person, how a moral choice can change life.

We must make our choice conscientiously, no matter how difficult it may be. Let us remember that for every act we will be responsible to ourselves and those around us, and not only our life depends on our choice, but also the life of those who are with us.


Very often, a barrier in the professional sphere or personal life is self-doubt. According to psychological studies, most of the visits to specialists are precisely because of this reason. Insecure people have difficulty communicating with others. They make decisions with difficulty, suffer from the fact that their desires have remained unfulfilled. Self-doubt is a doubt about one's own qualities, abilities, skills. Its reasons are different, but most often they lie in childhood. You were rarely praised, often pointed to failure.

Here is the hero ... in the text ... (argument from the text)

Often, self-doubt makes it difficult to make the right decision. And so it happened to the lordNNin the story "Asya" by IS Turgenev. The hero could not give up his prejudices and did not tell Asya about his feelings. The result is loneliness and only painful memories of the wonderful moments spent with the girl.

Uncertainty can be dealt with - a person is capable of much. We have great potential. You need to learn to be yourself, please others, receive compliments, enjoy any communication, be a confident, open and benevolent person.

Strength of mind

Often the concept of "willpower" and "strength of mind" are equated. But it seems to me that these are different things. Internal potential, second wind, the ability to remain calm and adequate thinking in extreme situations - all this is the strength of the spirit. We see examples of people who have it in full every day. These are our grandparents who know how to enjoy life in old age, fighting various diseases and at the same time helping children and grandchildren.

(argument from text)

What about people with disabilities? Thanks to the strength of the spirit, they overcome life trials associated not only with an incurable disease, but also with a heavy emotional load. Such people have learned to achieve their goals and truly value time.

The strength of the spirit helps sometimes to survive. Let us recall the poem "Mtsyri" by M.Yu. Lermontov. The child who escaped from the monastery managed to survive in the wild. He was driven by the goal - the desire to find a home. This is what gave him vitality.

Only the strong in spirit have a firm life position and stable moral standards. The strength of the spirit will help to overcome a lot, gain invaluable experience, achieve heights in any activity.

Mutual assistance

Popular wisdom says: "When you want to know the value of a person, lead him to someone else's misfortune or to someone else's joy." If a person shows humanity, participation in your trouble, then this will indicate that he is able to show mutual assistance.

Mutual assistance is mutual, mutual assistance, revenue in some business. It seems to me that this concept is synonymous with the word "cooperation", where people or partners help each other in order to achieve some result. For a long time, people have survived in difficult conditions, relying on this quality. It is based on trust. It is easier for a person brought up on the principles of trust and mutual assistance to build any relationship in the world: family, professional and universal.

(argument from text)

To provide or not to provide mutual assistance is the moral choice of every person. During the Great Patriotic War, many people hid wounded partisans in their homes, because they knew that these people were fighting for their freedom. They could not do otherwise, because their husbands and sons were at the front, which means that someone could take care of them in difficult times.

In Leo Tolstoy's story "Prisoner of the Caucasus" Zhilin is a vivid example of mutual assistance. He helps his colleague Kostylin, supports him in captivity, organizes an escape for two, carries a comrade on his shoulders.

Many have now begun to forget what mutual assistance is, they have forgotten that by helping others, you can count on reciprocal support. It is mutual assistance that helps many people survive in our world.

Happiness (composition from the Internet)

HAPPINESS- this is a state of a person's soul, this is the highest satisfaction with life. Each person puts his understanding into this word. For a child, happiness is a peaceful sky overhead, entertainment, fun, games, loving parents. And it's scary when a child's happy world collapses.I will prove my words with specific examples.

Let us turn to the text of E.E. Fonyakova, whose heroine is a happy child, because she has everything for happiness in the children's sense: a lot of interesting entertainment, the ability to dream, play pranks, caring parents. But this happy world turns out to be very fragile. It collapses in an instant when the terrible news of the beginning of the war comes. And although the girl does not yet realize what a "real" war is, but the feeling of happiness leaves her (or other text ).

Let us also recall the hero of L. Andreev's story "Petka at the dacha". Petka is a child from a poor family. He was sent by an apprentice to a hairdresser, where he did the hardest and dirtiest work. Such a life did not bring any joy to the child. The boy felt real happiness when his mother brought him to the country. There he rests, bathes, explores the ruins of an ancient palace, in a word, does everything that a child is supposed to do. But happiness suddenly ends: the boy is told to return to his boring, exhausting duties again. For Petka, this return is a real tragedy.

Thus, every child has the right to a happy life.