
A comic script for Health Worker's Day. Scenario for celebrating Medical Worker's Day. Toast to obedient patients

The presenter hands the participant a card with a medical specialty written on it. For example, an ophthalmologist, a dentist, an ENT specialist, a gynecologist, and so on. The participant must, with his gestures and facial expressions, explain to those present which doctor is indicated on his card. The spectator who guessed first receives the next task card.


Participants compete in pairs. Each blindfolded pair must put on each other things that are in a bag provided by the leader. There are two gowns, two pairs of shoe covers, two pairs of gloves and two medical caps. Once the "surgeons" are fully equipped, they shout: "Scalpel!" The pair of surgeons who “prepare for the operation” faster than the others wins.

Diagnosis by eye

The presenter takes turns naming the symptoms of a particular disease. Whichever doctor can determine the diagnosis with the fewest number of symptoms wins a prize. For example, fever, cough, runny nose, headache and joint pain - flu; fatigue, short sleep, complete lack of feeling of rest after sleep, difficulty falling asleep - insomnia; partial memory loss, lack of control over the amount of alcohol consumed, severe hangover, binges - alcoholism, and so on.

In uniform

Medics are in no way inferior in dexterity to soldiers or firefighters. They also quickly need to transform from a simple person into the guise of a “rescuer”. A set of uniforms has been prepared for each participant: cap, mask, robe with buttons, shoe covers, gloves. At the command “start”, each participant begins to gather at his post. Whoever puts on all the accessories the fastest will become the winner and receive the title of the most dexterous medic.

Medical patch

This competition will require several volunteers, on which the host or person in charge of the holiday will draw wounds (in the same number and in the same places) using iodine or a felt-tip pen. Each participant receives his own volunteer and the same number of patches (small - disposable). At the “start” command, doctors must find wounds on their “patients” and cover them all with medicinal plasters. Whoever completes the task first will win.

The language of medicine

Doctors are divided into teams of 2-3 people. Each team receives sheets with the same phrases, but written in Latin. The phrase can be absolutely anything (compiled using a dictionary or online translator). The team that is the first to complete the translation and does it more verbatim than the rest will be the winner.

Medical report

Each doctor receives a pie with any filling. At the “start” command, participants must use a scalpel (small knife) to open their pie, find out its filling and sew it up (using a thread and a needle). Whoever does it faster wins. After the autopsy, everyone must voice their medical report and whoever comes up with the funniest report will also receive a prize.

hit or miss

Each doctor in turn pulls out a phantom from his medical cap, which will indicate any very interesting action, for example, draw a spot on your face with green paint, or put on medical gloves and walk in them for an hour, rub your back with medical alcohol or drink a glucose solution, in general, all the same unusual. And then either do everything for fun, or drink medical alcohol.

What if you have to be a surgeon too?

Each participant receives two identical scraps, a needle and thread of the same length. At the “start” command, each participant threads a needle and sews their two patches together. Whoever sews two patches together faster and with better quality receives a diploma as the best surgeon and a prize.

Day medical worker.

(poems are heard against the background of the music “Wind of Change”)
Most beautiful
There's an outfit in the world
White cap
White robe
Held by pharmacists
Pharmacists doctors
The most valuable keys in the world.
These are the keys to people's health
Will you ever find
Work is more important
Should we find
More reliable than a friend
At the hour when it presses us
Burden of Illness
Brings us faith
A sympathetic look
White cap
White robe
People who work
In white coats
Good knights
In sunny armor
Our doctors are coming
First to fight
With a serious illness
Anyone with illness
That's why
So beautiful outfit
White cap
White robe.

Presenter– Good afternoon, honorable and most respected people
our area.
Good afternoon Dear friends.
Today we congratulate you on your professional holiday. Happy Medical Worker's Day to you!
Medical Worker's Day is one of the most significant and revered professional holidays in our country.
It is impossible to imagine the civilized world without specialists in white coats. And it would be completely unfair to deny the titanic work medical personnel, who fights every day for the health and lives of sick people.
Dear doctors, nurses and brothers, orderlies and aides, administrative staff, respected representatives of the service personnel and everyone, everyone, one way or another involved in this noble cause
Today, with all our hearts, with all our hearts, we congratulate you on the holiday
We honor you and bow before you!
We admire your noble, courageous, kind and wise work.
We admire your selflessness.
There are not many professions that can earn such epithets.
Moreover, they are fair and even very modest.

Presenter- They walk among many
Angels and gods
Give us hope
White clothes!
And they would really like
Halos would do.
Us with any wounds
They will be cured in the end.
Happy holiday, angels!
Happy holiday, gods!

Presenter- Well, now that the first beautiful holiday words have already been spoken, we are happy to give way to words that are more weighty, more meaningful.

The floor for congratulations is given to the Head of the district _______________________.

Presenter– Holidays are in the air!
Medicine notes
The day given to her by law
Among colleagues and friends.
We wish medicine
Make a new vaccine
So that health without difficulty
It was with us forever.
Your hospital town
He is neither short nor tall.
Good people live there
And it brings health to everyone.
Chief Doctor Aibolit
He keeps order here.
I offer you a riddle...
Who knows about everything in the village
And he suffers for everyone with his soul?
Strict, handsome, stern, smart...
Did you guess it? Who is he?

Presenter– That’s right, this is the head doctor of the hospital, and I am pleased to give the floor to the head doctor of the central regional hospital – ____________________________.

Presenter– I invite ________________________________ to the stage to present honorary awards to the District Administration.





Presenter– Representatives of professions for you,
We send our friendly greetings.
We wish you love and happiness,
May God protect you from troubles,
And every day yours will be full,
Discoveries, creative ideas,
Victories, recognitions, compliments
And respect from people!

Presenter– I invite __________________________ to the stage to present honorary awards.














Behind Active participation in the work of the Association of Paramedical Workers of the Novgorod Region "Volkhova"


For work in medicine:

For 25 years


30 years.


40 years


Young professionals


Presenter– Please accept our congratulations
And also a friendly greeting.
Love, health, wishes,
There is nothing more expensive in the world.
Good luck, tenderness and faith
Smiles, joy, dreams.
And thunderous applause
All of you are worthy!

Presenter– Let us consider the official part of our holiday closed, but do not rush to leave. We move on to the second, no less pleasant. But now you will be the patient, and we will try to cure you of boredom, blues and fatigue. Well, your treatment will not be carried out using traditional methods - songs, dances and funny stories.

1. Song “_______________________________________________.”
2. Song “_______________________________________________.”

Presenter– To become a real doctor, you need a calling. It’s not for nothing that there is such an expression among medical workers: “Shine for others while you burn yourself!” You are at the service of people’s health!”
I wish you all good health and for long years life!
The longer you, the people who give life, live, the longer your patients live!

We are pleased to welcome
All of you cordially,
Smiles glow
Let this hall
We are sure: there will be
Nice meeting,
After all, it's a hospital holiday
He gathered us all here.

3. Dance “_______________________________________________.”
4. Song “_______________________________________________.”

Presenter– A doctor accompanies a person throughout his life, from the first cry to the last quiet breath. And he will be very lucky whose parents endowed him with enviable health from birth, but this does not always happen. And here you, dear doctors, come to the rescue.
Glory, glory to the doctors,
Nurses, paramedics.
To all nurses, ophthalmologists,
Obstetricians, prosthetists,
Dentists and lorists,
We sing glory to the whole choir.
Even if someone is healthy,
Life started with doctors!
Their caring hands.
Eased mothers' pains,
So that we can be born.
God forbid we catch a cold,
Catch bronchitis or flu -
We'll remember them right away!
Everyone will tell you about them,
How skillful and brave;
How they will be covered with attention,
To improve the condition;
How, fighting for people's lives,
They forget about theirs.
Took the Hippocratic oath
They are faithful to her in their work.
Glory, glory to the doctors!
We bow deeply to you.

5.Song “_______________________________________________.”

Presenter- Doctor! medic! doctor! These people have been worshiped in all ages and at all times. They were always respected and loved, because they were the ones who made people’s lives easier and instilled hope for the future. They are the ones who free people from pain, and sometimes provide the wisdom with which a person can exist in the world.
You can become a real doctor not so much by learning all the terms and concepts, but by feeling love for people, for children, a desire to serve them, help and understand them.
We want to wish with all our hearts:
In business - success, happiness, respect!
So that your children do not upset you
So that sadness bypasses you
So that the eyes of salty tears do not know,
The smile would never leave your lips!
So that you always have a charge of vigor
So that you never know sadness,
May the holidays continue for many years in a row
You celebrated in your team!

6. “Round dance”.

Cybernetics is everywhere today
Yesterday's fiction is nothing
And in the future, what miracle will there be?
Of course, I won’t say for sure
But in the future it will probably be like this.

All human diseases have disappeared.
Which means there’s no need for medicine.
And for spiritual joys of the mind
A special store has been opened - a pharmacy.

Whatever our need,
At that very moment, they will respond, ready:
- Tell me, do you have any tenderness today?
- Yes, with the addition of the most kind words!

- And I would like happiness flowing in full swing!
– What month do you need? For a year?
- No, I would like happiness forever!
– There is no such thing, but we are waiting in a month!

- And I ask for fidelity for my husband!
- Male fidelity? It's true, it's difficult...
But nothing. I think it's possible.
Don't worry, I'll find it for you

- And I would like drops, trembling in my blood
I am a northerner, an arctic man
- And for me - a bottle of burning love
And half the bottle is simply platonic.

– Can I have a vitamin against lying?
– Please, both tasty and active!
“Is there an anti-talk for women?”
- Eat. But so far ineffective...

– Is there an “anti-scandal” vaccine?
– Included in the set for husband and wife:
An hour before the quarrel, two injections in the back
Or one in the sitting part of the back….

– I like a “languid look” for eyes of any color
- Please. A drop before bed..
-And I would like passions...
– Passion for recipes!
We don’t give away passions and poisons like that!

- And for me, at least those in the boxes,
"Declaration of Love"! I barely found it!
– Which do you think, with or without a wedding?
- Of course, a confession with a wedding,
No wedding is enough! I already took it!

– How can you tell me to make childbirth easier?
“Here are the powders and the birth will be smooth.”
And instead of you, your husband will have contractions,
You will give birth, and he will scream.

Let the joke fill the sails!
But nowadays there are miracles everywhere in life!
Who knows, what if even in our century
Will pharmacies like this open?!
Presenter“Perhaps not a single person on this planet can do without medical care.” You are saving our lives and helping us get back on track to recovery. How often does it happen that only a doctor is able to instill hope in a person and believe in recovery! So be happy! Happy holiday!

7. Song “_______________________________________________.”

Presenter– Dear doctors, answer me this question. When you see a stranger and look at their symptoms, can you immediately make a diagnosis? Let's all together diagnose the people who sing these songs. Shall we try?
– And love is only what it seems (Hallucinations)
-You will never see me. (Blindness).
- I freeze in the warmth, but burn in the cold. (Flu).
– Four nights without sleep, the moon looks out of the windows, she looks out from the screens. (Insomnia).
- Am I going crazy or going crazy? high degree madness.
- That the heavy globe of the earth will never float under our feet. (Fainting).
– But you don’t know, and you don’t hear my sadness.. (Otitis media).
- In the same way, in the evening I get tired and sad and sometimes cry.
- I say, you are silent.. (Muteness).
- Today I am not the same as yesterday. (Hangover).
- And I recognize my dear one by his gait. (Flat feet).
– My heart stopped, my heart froze.
(Acute heart failure).
- “Why are you looking sideways, my dear...” (Strabismus)

Presenter- Well, thank you.
On Medical Worker's Day, I would like to wish you only happiness in life. May you never have to doubt the benefits that you bring with every minute of your work! Happy holiday!

8. Dance “_______________________________________________.”

Presenter“There are many good, wonderful medical workers in our area. A person’s life depends on their knowledge, ability to quickly understand a difficult situation and provide qualified assistance. And to golden hands there is always a golden heart. You need to have great patience, attentiveness and mercy to earn the trust of people.

You are not stokers, you are not carpenters
From us - warm greetings to everyone
You are medical workers,
We can't do it without you, no.
We sneezed - you are our thermometer.
We are sick - you are an injection.
After all, there is no higher joy for a doctor,
So that the sick person leaves healthy.

9. Scene “_______________________________________________.”.
10. Dance “_______________________________________________.”

Presenter– Medical Worker’s Day, a holiday in which not only those working in clinics and hospitals are involved, but also those who come here for help, and for the doctor the most high reward- these are words of gratitude and appreciation from us, your patients.
White bathrobes
and strong hands,
always skillful
In the fight against disease
you are selfless
and there is nothing healthier
this calling.
You are very different
you are all appreciated.
Light for you; celebrate
and live, beloved!

11. Song “Grief is not a problem.”
Presenter– In every destiny there are indicated
main road milestones.
Don't give up on your luck
and may God help you!
So that the diseases are severe
the world was not allowed to collapse,
be perfectly healthy.
Happy holiday!
We welcome you!

Our Meeting ends. Let everyone have it for as long as possible good mood, may there be peace and happiness in your home, success and patience in your work, calm patients and good health to all of you!

Speech program. (After the award ceremony).

Musical numbers!

Certificate of Honor from the District Administration:


Letters of gratitude from the District Administration



Badge “Excellence in Healthcare”


Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Health


Certificates of honor from the Health Committee of the Novgorod Region


Letters of gratitude from the Health Committee


Certificates of honor from the Khvoininsky Central District Hospital


For an active and conscientious attitude to work


For being included in the photo stand “the district is proud of them”


For active participation in the work of the Association of Paramedical Workers of the ____________ region "______________"


For work in medicine:
For 25 years


30 years.


40 years


Young professionals


Scalpels, syringes, people in white coats - complete horror? But not if it’s a medical party for a corporate event, on the occasion of a colleague’s birthday, Doctor’s Day, graduation from a university or medical school. Original competitions, dark humor, charming nurses - a great theme, even when neither the occasion nor the hero of the occasion has anything to do with medical practice!


To create a themed atmosphere, a hall designed in white is ideal - the main color of a medical-themed party. But the design should be bright and colorful, because this is a holiday. Less realism and more stylization so that guests don’t feel like they’re at a doctor’s appointment.

Auxiliary shades: red + blue, green, turquoise, orange, cherry or purple (or the colors of medical suits). For a corporate event, you can choose for decoration the color that predominates in the interior of the clinic.

The surroundings, clothing and the format of the party itself vary dramatically depending on the direction of the theme. Basic:

mental hospital- decor, attributes, entertainment, costumes and everything else, coupled with the epithet “crazy”. Guests in long-sleeved shirts, crazy experimental doctors, treats in bedpans, complete chaos, chaos and anarchy.

Hospital horrors- A common theme for Halloween celebrations. It’s similar to a madhouse, but more ludicrous: fake body parts are used in the decoration of the hall/dishes, blood everywhere, toy scalpels, surgical saws.

Movie– the atmosphere is reminiscent of a film/series, guests try on the images of the main characters. Popular: Scrubs, Interns, House Doctor, Grey's Anatomy, ER.

« Medical party"– a youth party, usually in a club/private home. Minimum decor and snacks, maximum alcohol, dancing and sexy “nurses”. Perfect for pranks and juicy competitions, suitable for a modest budget.

The most popular way to organize a themed medical party is an associative cocktail.

Any attributes are appropriate here - stylish, piquant, humorous, dark (depending on the occasion, the level of the event, the morals of the company).

  • We offer design ideas in a medical style without reference to any conventions: come up with a name for the holiday, make a poster, banner or poster to decorate the entrance
  • : Medical party “Injection of fun”, Clinical case, Pill for boredom, Night duty, Ward No. “age of the birthday boy”; place a large glass vase with shoe covers at the entrance

  • . Just for the ambience, there is no need to torture your friends by wearing these “shoes”; put up signs

– Reception of tests on the toilet door, Disinfection above the sink, Dining room or Dispensing medications on the wall near the table with treats. There will be a treatment room near the bar/table with drinks, and sofas and other seating areas will be numbered rooms;

  • Are you organizing a birthday? Hang a stand with a photo of friends and a portrait of the birthday boy in the “Best Employee of the Year” center. In Photoshop, it’s easy to “draw” medical berets/caps on your friends. bouquets from multi-colored containers from shoe covers
  • – make a hole at the bottom with a hot nail, place the box on a skewer. All that remains is to glue the paper petals around the lids and the leaves to the skewers-stems and place them in a vase; red topiaries (mini-trees) from insulin syringes –

  • Paint the blank ball in the desired color, insert a skewer from the bottom, and often puncture the base with syringes. Foam plastic blanks are sold in craft stores (you can do it online, they cost pennies). Wrap the pot for the tree with a bandage or cover it with a bright plaster, throw cotton balls on the “ground”; Any thematic attributes will be useful for a medical party
  • – dishes, tools, cutlery, figurines. You can take something from work to a corporate event. Many children have hospital play sets, ask your friends. Or print/draw suitable pictures and glue them onto a thick base;– glue a red cord or an electric garland with red/blue bulbs in a zigzag pattern with adhesive tape. The cardiogram line can be depicted with acrylic on vases, the rim of white plates, and even on clothes;

  • buy balloons in the colors chosen for decoration. Decorate some in a medical style - applications made from self-adhesive film: a red cross wrapped around a bowl of snakes, syringes, syringes. If it's a corporate event, order balloons with the company logo;
  • medical gloves are a godsend for an imaginative organizer! Ideas:
    • inflated with helium, they can easily cope with the role of balloons;
    • slightly inflated and tied in a bun, they look like funny hedgehogs/suns;
    • mold a palm from plasticine, put a glove on it, form a “hand” into a gesture thumb up, okay or Victoria (V). For compositions as independent decor on tables;
    • on New Year in a medical style, assemble a Christmas tree from slightly inflated gloves. The base is a cardboard cone (put it through the holes of the cuff, tie it in a knot);
    • against the background of the inscription “Welcome” there is a good-natured smiling face in a surgical cap (glue the face onto the already inflated “palm”) and two hands (plasticine inside) holding a huge enema.

Gloves come not only in white, but also in any color of the rainbow. You'll probably have to order them online - pharmacies usually sell standard blue/flesh pairs.

  • hang posters, pictures, medical style posters to decorate the walls and create the right atmosphere. Lots of ideas:
    • stills from the film, humorous comics, caricatures, demotivators;
    • information posters like in hospitals (first aid for..., body structure, symptoms of the disease);
    • ordinary x-rays, specific humor - scissors sticking out of the head, keys in the stomach) or the so-called. artistic x-ray (group portraits, with children or animals in arms, in unusual poses);
    • USSR posters about the dangers of smoking/alcohol, the importance of the medical profession.

  • All that remains is to decorate the room with garlands of thematic attributes:
    • Fill syringes without a needle with water painted with gouache, collect them on a thread, tying the pistons with it;
    • from multi-colored containers from shoe covers collected on a cord, colorful “beads” will be obtained. Translucent medicine jars can be attached to garland bulbs;
    • white triangles with a red cross and/or a serpent with a bowl;
    • gloves, hats, masks hung up to dry;
    • any attributes against the background of triangles or silhouettes (print in a mirror image, glue directly on the thread).


If you are planning a corporate event, a laconic card with the company logo will do. The text is semi-official, but friendly - still a celebration, not a challenge to the carpet. Other ideas:

  • postcard in the form of a thematic attribute or parts of the body, if the party is specialized (ophthalmologists - eye, dentists - tooth);
  • invitation in the form of a bandage package. The packaging is a stylized sealed envelope that will need to be torn. Inside is a rolled sheet of paper with text (you can print a picture with the texture of a bandage);
  • vitamin box or container, inside card + multi-colored dragee;

  • invitation to a medical party in the form of a voucher(guests are both doctors and patients):

Dear Ivan Vasilyevich, in gratitude for your impeccable work, the management gives you a ticket to the sanatorium “ Boredom pill"! The wellness program includes life-giving infusions of the solution C2H5OH, anti-gloom diet, anti-stress entertainment and much more!


The dress code depends entirely on the format of the meeting. Even within a corporate event, options are possible: elegant outfits in a restaurant, comfortable clothes in nature, an informal costume party for staff. Let's take a closer look at the last option:

  • medical suits for a party - the image of a doctor, orderly, nurse. Clothes can be either modest or very revealing. Rent or decorate with your own hands, for example, a purchased robe: shorten, sew on thematic symbols, put on stockings with garters. Accessories - a cap or beret, a fake thermometer sticking out of a pocket, a dangling stethoscope around the neck, a mask on the face;

Draw funny faces on the masks and stenciled inscriptions on the caps. Or hand out badges at the entrance: Doctor Ryumashkin, Nalivaiko, Smeshnetsky, Tostin, Pol-literologist.

  • patients in pajamas, dressing gowns, sweatpants and other comfortable home-style clothes. One has a syringe sticking out of his buttocks (a toy one, of course), another has his head bandaged, the third generally looks like a mummy;
  • a surgeon in a blood-stained apron, a pathologist with some poor guy's hand sticking out of his pocket. Or a character costume: Hannibal Lector, Dr. Evil, Queen, Dolittle, Aibolit, Watson, Zhivago, Bormental.

To decorate the hall and for a photo shoot, huge pills, syringes, enemas, thermometers, surgical instruments, crutches (draw, cut and glue on a thick base) will be useful. Or toy attributes, if there is something suitable. On a large cardboard you can depict an ambulance, cut out the windows - you get a tantamaresque.

Menu, serving

It is often written that at a medical party the menu should be extremely healthy. But it's boring! Approach menu planning as you would for any other holiday – the priorities are the tastes of the guests and the format of the event. But it’s worth thinking about the presentation in order to fit the treats into the medical style of the room’s decoration. Ideas:

  • Decorate the skirt of a snow-white tablecloth and the corners of white napkins with thematic symbols to get away from banal “surgical” sterility;

  • The dishes are one-color, the same shade that is used in the design. It is advisable that trays, serving dishes, tweezers, and other utensils be metal. You can decorate the dining area balloons silver color;
  • pour ketchup and other sauces into liquid soap dispensers (new ones, of course);
  • print plates for dishes, labels for alcohol: medicine of happiness, anti-sadness, vitaminosis, gastroenterologist's nightmare, alcohol 96, tranquilizer, anesthetic “Seventh Heaven”;

  • draw alcoholic drinks into large syringes without a needle, place them in glasses/vases with the spout up - injections of joy;
  • multi-colored jelly cooled in syringes looks cool (and is funny too);
  • desserts/drinks can be served in plastic test containers, measuring cups, flasks, beakers;

  • nuts in yogurt and marshmallows will become cotton swabs, crunchy sticks dipped in white chocolate will turn into ear sticks. “Rassishin” pills are bright dragees in large transparent containers or, conversely, portioned into cups;
  • Decorate some menu items and the cake in a medical style: sprinkles, icing, mastic, toppers with pictures. You can bake cookies, pour chocolate, cut fruits and ham into the shapes of hearts, crosses, flasks, and plaster.


As a rule, a medical corporate event is not complete without creative performances by the staff. There are a huge number of thematic skits with humor, praise, advertising, etc. on the Internet, there is plenty to choose from. But you shouldn’t get carried away - continuous amateur theater can tire guests.

An informal scenario for a medical party is easier to come up with. For example, passing an exam (test competitions), relaxing in a sanatorium (procedures), one day in the hospital No. age of the birthday person, medical commission(tests again), according to the plot of the film. The main idea is the same - maximum fun, fewer monologues from the presenter. We offer competitions suitable for any medical themed party scenario.

Comic quiz

Hand out pens and pictures of a girl in a bikini to guests/teams. The presenter reads out the names of body parts, everyone puts numbers where this part is located. Compare with the template from the presenter and determine who is closer to the truth.

  • Umbilicus (navel)
  • Glabella (space between eyebrows)
  • Filtrum (vertical hollow between the upper lip and nose)
  • Tragus (triangular cartilage “in front” of the auricle)
  • Lunula (white crescent at the base of the nail)
  • Axilla (armpit)
  • Cilia (eyelash)
  • Mamma (bust)
  • Mandible (lower jaw)

For a medical corporate event, choose competitions that will not offend any of the guests. Those. only humorous, without a hint of checking the level of professionalism. For example, bandaging your head correctly for speed is a bad idea, but bandaging it with one hand while blindfolded is fine.

Best Laboratory Assistant of the Month

Relay race for 2 or more teams, racing. Start – a can of orange juice, finish – an empty can. The first player takes a glass for analysis, pours juice into it and runs to the finish line, pours the “analysis” into the team’s container, runs back, passes the glass to the next player. Who is faster, who has more juice in the “finish” jar.

Targeted injection

Using foam and a design glued on top (thin paper works better), make a peach-shaped target. A dart acts as a syringe. You need to go not to the center, but to where the injections are given. You can put dots with a marker for clarity.

General ward

Two teams, two “queues” and a pair of cardboard thermometers. You need to pass the thermometer from the first to the last player in the chain, holding the thermometer under your armpit (without helping yourself with your hands, racing).

Prevention of boredom

Drink a certain drink from a test tube/measuring glass faster than your opponents, pouring it into your mouth with a pipette. The team option is to drink alcohol from a common container in the same way.


Draw red crosses on the ping pong balls and hand out 1 ball + syringe to the guests. You need to drive your “ambulance” to the finish line before others, moving the ball forward with a stream of air (pressing on the bag). You can extinguish candles with water from a syringe, knock down paper figures.

Whoever's gloves burst first, inflate them. Make mummies from bandage at speed. Build towers from test containers. Play pantomime or crocodile with honey. terms, attributes. Come up with medical-style toasts: I wish you stable well-being, acute happiness, recurring success, chronic health, incurable longevity!

On the third Sunday in June (in 2020 – June 21) we will celebrate Medical Worker Day. Conferences, seminars, lectures, exhibitions are dedicated to it medical equipment, preventive examinations.

Management rewards the best specialists; colleagues and friends congratulate doctors, paramedics, nurses, orderlies, and laboratory technicians on their professional holiday. Corporate evenings are organized in medical and preventive medical institutions.

Corporate event scenario for Medical Worker's Day on June 21, 2020

How to celebrate Doctor's Day? At the festival, poems and songs can be sung in honor of representatives of this profession, funny skits can be played at the celebration of Medical Worker Day, interesting competitions and games. The celebration will end with a festive feast and dance program.

Making a program corporate holiday On Medical Worker's Day, do not forget to provide the necessary details. You will need, in particular, first aid kits, overalls, medical masks, multi-colored markers and markers for participants in the competition program.

- Hello, friends! Good afternoon, the heroes of today’s celebration are medical workers! Dear doctors and nurses, paramedics and obstetricians, laboratory assistants and orderlies, we cordially congratulate you on the holiday!

– Please accept my words of gratitude for your high professionalism, patience, kindness and nobility! I wish you good health, excellent mood and success in all your endeavors!

- There is the main profession in the world,
And don't try to argue with me!
Both adults and children will confirm to you -
Life would be different without doctors!
On your holiday we want to say “thank you”!
You treat people tirelessly.
We couldn't live without you at all,
We wish you happiness with all our hearts!

Then, according to the scenario of the corporate party held on the occasion of Doctor's Day, you can act out small scenes.

A well-dressed man stands at the hospital gate with his hand outstretched, a sign hanging on his chest: “Apply for surgery.” A woman comes up to him and says:
- Shame on you! This is a state hospital! All operations here are free!
The man sighs:
– I know this very well, because I am a surgeon.

The patient and the doctor are talking.
- Doctor, tell me, do I have the flu?!
- Yes!
- Pork?!
- Yes! Only a pig could call an ambulance at 4 am with a temperature of 36.6!

A man appears in the doctor's office with an ax in his back and covered in blood, staggers and falls to his knees.
The doctor calmly asks:
– Did you have jaundice, measles, mumps, or whooping cough as a child? Did you have fluorography this year? Have you undergone a routine examination? Why not? Are you having trouble hearing me? Then first you need to go to the ENT. He receives in another building, it’s across the road and to the right.

After that at the holiday dedicated to the Day medical worker, several people will perform a song adaptation based on the “Song of a First-Grader”:

- The medical service is difficult - everyone knows this,
It’s just necessary and interesting.
We are in a hurry to help people maintain their health,
We can cure all ailments in any conditions.

It's only the beginning!
It's only the beginning!
It's only the beginning! Oh oh oh!

They don't give us medicine, there aren't enough syringes,
But none of us are at all discouraged here either.
We go to bed late, we don’t have the strength to undress,
If only we could get to the sea and bask on the beach.


We'll run away from home to work in the morning,
But the family is not abandoned, it is well-fed and healthy.
Even if this work is not easy, we can do everything, we can do it,
Let the problems wait, we will have time to solve them!


Game competitions for corporate events on Doctor's Day

To celebrate Doctor's Day in a fun way, hold competitions among your guests.

Participants in the first competition will need to provide first aid to the “sick” for a fracture, burn, frostbite, signs of flu, a foreign body in the ear or nose, a wound with bleeding, etc.

Participants in the next competition at the corporate event for Doctor's Day, called “Guess,” are divided into pairs. One of them should depict, using pantomime, a scene of an appointment with a doctor, and the other should determine what the patient is sick with and what specialization the doctor is treating him with. The audience will award a prize best couple participating in the competition.

The next competition, called “Preparing for Operation,” also involves two people. Each blindfolded pair must put on each other the things that are in the bag: two gowns, two pairs of shoe covers, two pairs of gloves and two medical caps. The winner will be the pair of doctors who are the first to prepare for the operation and shout: “Scalpel!”

Participants in another competition are given a grapefruit, a plastic knife and a pair of medical gloves. “Surgeons” will need to cut the grapefruit in 1-2 minutes so that several equal-sized slices are obtained. Assistants can give doctors tips.

For the next competition on Doctor's Day, participants are given medical masks on which they need to draw mouths in a few minutes. After this, the doctors put on masks, and the audience chooses the most original one.

Participants in the competition will need to make a diagnosis based on lines from the songs:

  • If you don't hear me,
    This means that winter has come (diagnosis: otitis media).
  • We walked with you
    I cried, oh, I cried (hysteria).
  • And my heart stopped
    My heart sank (heart failure).
  • You stand and wait, but you don’t know why (sclerosis).
  • But if there is a pack of cigarettes in your pocket,
    So, everything is not so bad today (nicotine addiction).
  • It hurts me, it hurts
    This evil pain (pain shock) cannot be relieved.
  • Hot sun, hot sand,
    Hot lips - a sip of water (sunstroke).

After the jury sums up the results of the competition and determines the winners at the corporate event on Medical Worker's Day, the presenters will present them with prizes. One of the women can be awarded a “Lady Red Cross” diploma, and one of the men can be awarded a “Mr. Hippocrates” diploma and memorable gifts.

At the end of the holiday, the host will read the following poems:
-On Medical Worker Day we wish
To all doctors - nurses, doctors,
So that you go to work with a smile
And in a good mood in the morning.
So that patients don't have to wait in line,
So that there is enough time to help everyone,
So that they can trust you with peace of mind,
And there were no problems with medications.
So that the chambers are bright, cozy,
Where the sick are looking forward to seeing you,
And there was always a price to pay
For your great and priceless work!