
Management of research activities of students in spo. Organization of educational and research activities of students. Introduction of a dissertation on pedagogy, on the topic "Management of research activities of subjects of the innovation process in pedagogy


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2. Brekalov V.G., Terekhova N.Yu., Klenin A.I. Solving the problems of forecasting and strategic planning of higher educational institutions // European Social Science Journal. - 2014. - No. 4–2 (43). – P. 31–34.

3. Tsibizova T.Yu. Integration of Science and Education as an Element of the System of Continuous Professional Education // Integration of Education. - 2011. - No. 4. - P. 25–29.

4. Tsibizova T.Yu. Conceptual foundations of research activities of students in the system of continuous education: Ph.D. dis. … Dr. ped. Sciences / Institute of Theory and History of Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education. - M., 2013. - 41 p.

At the present stage of post-industrial society, the role of research activities of students in the system of continuous education is growing as the most important factor in the training of highly qualified personnel. The article is devoted to the principles of organizing research activities in the system of continuous education. It is determined that the main principles are: the principle of integration, the principle of continuity, the principle of variability.

Among the primary tasks of the development of socially significant subsystems of society, the development of a system of lifelong education, including professional education, is a priority task aimed at developing the theoretical and methodological foundations of modern pedagogical theory. Obviously, the solution to this problem should be based on the integration of science, education and production and be consistent with the stages of training research and scientific and technical personnel, which implies the integration of pre-university, university and postgraduate training. The development of conceptual foundations for the organization of research activities in the integrated system "school - university - science - production" is especially important, since it is research activity that forms the basis of a creative, research, socially active personality capable of solving innovative problems in various fields of science, engineering and technology in the future .

Research activity is an integral part of the educational and educational process, contributing to: the development of individual abilities of the individual, the expansion of differentiated learning, ensuring that the level of education meets the requirements of scientific and technological progress, as a condition for the implementation of all external and internal motives, research and cognitive needs of the individual at any age.

Thus, the organization of research activities in the system of continuous education should be constant, systematic, aimed at the phased training in the methods of research (research work), the requirements for its implementation and design, the correctness of presentation and protection, which develops in students the ability, desire, need and desire for science, design, research, creativity.

The most effective approach here is the cross-cutting program "schoolchild - student - specialist", which allows starting education in the system of pre-university training, continuing during the student's studies at the university and graduating a research-oriented specialist capable of research work with integrative skills formed in the process of education. knowledge.

The task of research activities in the system of continuing professional education is to educate future young scientists and specialists so that, having received a profession and going into life, our country will receive purposeful and energetic specialists capable of creating high technologies, new equipment, fundamental scientific developments and replenish the ranks of the teaching staff and highly qualified personnel for the economy, science, education and industry of Russia. This corresponds to the essence of modern requirements for education, consistent with the trend of increasing the importance of research activities of students in a general education school, university, and the system of scientific education.

Analysis of the theory and practice of implementing research activities in the educational process of the system of continuous education allows us to note that, taking into account the profound changes taking place in the socio-cultural, economic, industrial, scientific and other areas of the life of a post-industrial society, the optimization of research activities of students at all levels and levels of education is one of the main priority strategies for life and professional adaptation.

Solving the problem of development of research activities of students in the system of continuous education, the following principles of organization of research activities are defined: the principle of integration; the principle of succession; principle of variation.

The principle of integration is understood as the interconnection of all components of research activity, the integration of science, education, production, as a way of forming, obtaining and acquiring integrative knowledge.

The process of integration in the system of continuous education is the unification into a single whole of previously disparate parts and elements of this system on the basis of their interdependence and complementarity. Since the essence of the integration process is consistent with the qualitative transformations within each element included in the system, then from this position, integration implies the interconnection of all components of the learning process of research, education, modern production and science in an integral system of continuous education.

Hence, the principle of integration is considered in several aspects:

● in terms of the content of research activities, it is an element of learning integrated into the educational process of the system of continuous education;

● in terms of organization of research activities - this principle establishes the relationship of all components of research activities, its types, forms, methods, methods;

● in terms of the implementation of research activities - indicates the need to integrate science, education, production; in terms of results, the principle of integration indicates the formation of acquired integrated knowledge.

In the process of research, the following integrated knowledge obtained as a result of research activities was revealed:

● interdisciplinary (interdisciplinary) integration;

● integration of science and production (professional activity);

● integration of science and education (pedagogical activity);

● integration of education and production (professional activity);

● integration as a factor of personality development.

The principle of continuity is understood as a connection between the types of research activities carried out in the process of developing the educational level of students associated with the development and acquisition of scientific knowledge, research and sociocultural experience, general and professional education.

Continuity as a process presupposes the interconnection of types of research activities, taking into account their subordination in this system, which is ensured by the “vector” orientation of educational programs of research activities. The consequence of this is the motivational-value trajectory of the development of the individual in the development and acquisition of scientific knowledge, research and socio-cultural experience, general and professional education. Continuity as a result provides a variety of types of research activities implemented in institutional and non-institutional structures of education along all educational lines and organizational and structural components of the system of continuous education, ensuring the need and sufficiency of variable educational trajectories of a person, not limited either in time or in the form of education.

The principle of variability is understood as the possibility of choosing the types of research activities, forms of its organization, educational programs, professional educational trajectory that ensures the self-realization of each student in accordance with personal preferences, peculiarities of thinking, interests. Educational research programs should be developed on the basis of the principle of variability for each category of students, providing the opportunity for self-realization, the choice of the type and direction of research activity in accordance with personal preferences, peculiarities of thinking and interests of the student. The variety of educational programs of research activities create conditions for the development of personality, independent creativity, the variability of the possibility of "expanding" and "replenishing" knowledge, a variety of professional educational trajectories.

These principles of organizing research activity make it possible to solve the main tasks of research activity, which are to identify students capable of one or another type of creativity, develop and strengthen motivation for choosing a profession and further education, improve the quality of training specialists, and form educational trajectories throughout life by organization and support of research, intellectual and creative activities in the educational process of the system of continuous education.

Bibliographic link

Tsibizova T.Yu. PRINCIPLES OF ORGANIZING RESEARCH ACTIVITY OF STUDENTS IN THE SYSTEM OF LIFELONG EDUCATION // International Journal of Experimental Education. - 2015. - No. 10-1. - S. 20-22;
URL: http://expeducation.ru/ru/article/view?id=8488 (date of access: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

"Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University"



"Organization of educational and research activities of students"

Completed by: postgraduate student


D.S. Elagina

Checked by: d.p.s., professor


KAZAN - 2013


1. Research activity in modern conditions

2. Goals and objectives of UIRS and NIRS



One of the trends in the modernization and development of Russian education is the transition of educational institutions from educational to scientific and educational process. This transition makes it possible to organize the research work of students in the system of secondary vocational education in various forms of its manifestation: student scientific societies, elective courses and electives, scientific and practical conferences, research projects, etc.

It is becoming more and more obvious that in the process of preparing a specialist, the main thing is not the assimilation of ready-made knowledge, but the development of graduates' abilities to master the methods of cognition, which make it possible to independently acquire knowledge, use it creatively on the basis of known or newly created methods and means of activity. The very paradigm of the ultimate educational goal is changing: from a specialist performer to a competent professional researcher. It is impossible to become such a specialist without well-formed skills and abilities of independent educational and research activities.

The state requirements for the minimum content and level of training of graduates of secondary educational institutions state that after graduation, students should: be able to independently search for truth, to act systematically in a professional situation, to analyze and design their activities; have a desire for self-improvement (self-awareness, self-control, self-regulation, self-development); strive for creative self-realization.

However, as practice shows, yesterday's schoolchildren do not know how to use the acquired knowledge in situations where it is necessary to compare, draw conclusions, justify answers, interpret and generalize the results of activities, and apply them in everyday life. This is due to the fact that they have poor skills of independent research work, including with a book and other sources of information, they are not able to single out the main, essential knowledge, they reproduce acquired knowledge only at the reproductive level, they do not have internal motives for independent cognitive activity, they do not have objective criteria. self-esteem.

At the same time, the problem of developing new approaches in education has long been posed, which could make it possible not only to master the amount of ready-made knowledge, but to use the methods of mastering new knowledge in the context of the rapid increase in the total knowledge of mankind and the urgent need for each person to master fundamentally new specialties, tools of activity. etc. Research as a tool for mastering reality in the near future may take a central role in education, become the main subject of education.

Research activity in modern conditions

AT last years Significant changes are taking place in the field of education. New forms of general educational institutions and programs are emerging and beginning to develop. One of the important tasks of higher education in modern conditions is the training of specialists who are able to continuously replenish and deepen their knowledge, improve their theoretical and professional level, and actively participate in the renewal of society. To this end, universities are constantly taking measures aimed at improving the efficiency of the educational process and the research work of students.

According to the requirements set out in the letter of the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation dated November 27, 2002 "On the activation of independent work of university students" and the new state educational standards for training specialists in universities, special attention should be paid to the development of the theoretical abilities of future specialists through active forms of training designed to form students independence and creative activity, a responsible approach to mastering knowledge. Among the active extracurricular forms - independent, educational and search (research), research work of students.

Despite the wide variety of teaching methods and technologies recommended for the formation of professional competencies of students, to date, the issue of optimizing their use in educational practice has not yet been resolved, adequately to the competence-based approach to training specialists.

An important condition for the survival and work of a person in the information world is the mastery of the method of scientific knowledge of the world and the exploratory style of thinking.

The research approach to teaching is not a new phenomenon in the field of pedagogy. In Russia, the idea of ​​its use was first put forward in the second half of the 18th century, but it took more than 100 years for it to become popular among the pedagogical community. The research approach in teaching is a way of introducing students to the methods of scientific knowledge, an important means of forming their scientific worldview, developing thinking and cognitive independence.

In order for students to become research activities, the teacher must solve a number of problems in the formation of a creative impulse in the mind of the student, and then teach him the principles, methods, forms and methods of scientific research, the basics of professional knowledge and scientific knowledge, give the student the opportunity to self-actualize through solving scientific problems. character according to individual theme.

Research work is a system of events that introduces creative activity, promotes the development of initiative, individual interests of students, which increases students' interest in learning, introducing them to independent creative activity. The result of such work is to increase the level of training of future specialists in the use of modern ingredients, additives and auxiliary materials.

Goals and objectives of UIRS and NIRS

Educational research and research work of students (UIRS and NIRS) in universities is one of the most important means of improving the quality of training and education of specialists who are able to creatively solve the problems of modern science and practice, to foresee the prospects for their development. A future specialist can acquire these qualities only by organically combining teaching with research activities. The scientific work of students should not be an addition to the educational process, but its organic component.

The main tasks of UIRS and NIRS are:

.Assistance to students in mastering the profession;

.Development of creative thinking and initiative in solving practical problems;

.Development in students of a propensity for research activities, the desire to find non-standard solutions to professional problems;

.Expansion of theoretical horizons and scientific erudition;

.Mastering the methods of scientific knowledge, in-depth and creative development of educational material;

.Formation of research skills, mastering the methodology and means of solving scientific and practical problems and mastering the skills of working in creative teams, familiarizing themselves with the methods of organizing their work;

.Formation of skills in working with scientific literature;

.Selection and education of the most gifted students of the reserve of researchers and teachers;

.Popularization of scientific knowledge and achievements among students and teachers.

3. Organization of independent teaching and research and research work of students

The main basis for organizing and conducting research work is the faculty of the department in cooperation with the student scientific society of the university. In all cases, student scientific work is organically linked to the main scientific research of the faculty of the university and is an important indicator of the work of the departments.

The nature of students' scientific work is determined by the topics of scientific problems and may include: a) experimental work; b) theoretical work; c) abstract works, including the selection and study of the latest information on the development of a particular scientific problem in periodicals; study of the history of the activities and works of the founders of the branches of science.

The modern concept of "student research work" includes two interrelated elements:

teaching students the elements of research work, instilling in them the skills of this work;

proper scientific research conducted by students under the guidance of professors, associate professors and teachers of the department.

Proceeding from this, extracurricular independent research work of students can be divided into two types: teaching and research (UIRS) and research (SRRS).

Educational and research work of students (UIRS) is carried out by each student in the study time allotted by the schedule of classes on a special assignment without fail under the guidance of a teacher.

The main task of UIRS is to teach students the skills of independent theoretical and experimental work, familiarization with the real conditions of the creative work of the micro-team (students-teacher). In the process of performing educational research, future specialists learn to independently conduct experiments, apply their knowledge in solving specific scientific problems.

This work is an integral part of the pedagogical process of the department. It, along with traditional types of education, is carried out in the classroom, but to a greater extent involves the participation in extracurricular educational and research work of each student, including the systematic completion of tasks for the IWS.

The specificity of UIRS, which distinguishes it from traditional types of education, is that, doing it, the student does not act as a passive object - the recipient of ready, systematized and arranged information, but as the subject of the cognitive process. Listening to lectures and reading a textbook, the student usually prepares for the mechanical reproduction of the information contained in them on the exam. In the UIRS system, the student independently, although under the guidance of a teacher, observes the material, experiments, searches for scientific and methodological literature.

Thus, in terms of the level of cognitive activity, this work is research, but in terms of its functional purpose, it is of an educational nature. Its main goal is to contribute to a stronger assimilation of knowledge than with the perception of ready-made information, to ensure active possession of scientific information. Theoretical provisions are not memorized in the form of verbal formulas and stereotyped provisions, but are developed or extracted from special literature, tested in practice and assimilated in their correlation with the student's own experience. The second significant goal of UIRS is to equip the future specialist with elementary research skills and abilities that contribute to his further professional improvement.

Objectively valuable (new) scientific results should not be expected from educational research: in doing educational research work, a student, as a rule, "discovers for himself" what is actually already known to science. Only individual results of UIRS are of genuine scientific interest - they are published or used in teaching.

UIRS ends with the preparation of a report in which students present the results of their educational and research activities.

As you can see, although the educational and research activity itself is a form of learning, the implementation of the actual research activities is necessarily preceded by the stage of mastering the technique of research work.

The necessary components of educational and research activities are:

)independent work with literature;

) use of bibliographic indexes, catalogues, file cabinets.

Students learn to identify positions in the material being studied and briefly formulate them, keep textual and free notes, compare different provisions in the studied sources with a gradual increase in their number, abstract educational literature, critically comparing different points of view. Educational and research work is built initially on the material of academic disciplines studied by all students of this course according to the curriculum. Some specific forms of organization of educational and research work of students:

Referencing. In the abstract, the student makes an overview of several works devoted to one of the problems of this discipline. Submission of the abstract is provided for by the curriculum and is one of the conditions for obtaining credit.

Special courses and seminars at the choice of students. They represent a complex form of educational and research activity, which includes the individual work of the student and the collective discussion of each report in a class specially designated for this purpose. Students are given the right to choose a specific topic of the report from the lists offered by the department in accordance with their scientific interests. In the future, students throughout the semester work in contact with the leader on the topic, collect material, write and finalize their reports and abstracts.

For the faculties of the humanities profile, the highest form of UIRS is the writing and defense of the final work (for the graduating departments of the corresponding faculty of the university). The topic of this work is usually related to the topic developed by the student initially as part of coursework. At social and humanitarian faculties, the defense of a thesis is preceded by a preliminary discussion by its participants of a special seminar or meeting of the department.

The research work of students (SRWS) has somewhat different functions. Comparison of educational and research work with NIRS shows, along with the commonality of goals and results, significant organizational differences. The term "research" in the strict sense does not imply a "student" level of research, but the objective social significance of the expected and obtained results (the novelty of theoretical conclusions or the novelty of proposals for the practical use of provisions). However, in the practice of higher educational institutions, NIRS differs from UIRS in fact not in terms of the quality of the results, but in the nature of the attitude to the educational process and, accordingly, in terms of the contingent of participants: NIRS, unlike UIRS, is not part of the educational process, although it has a positive effect on it. impact. SRRS is carried out in their free time from studies: students work on individual or collective topics (related to the department's research topics), participate in the work of scientific circles and electives, and make presentations at student scientific conferences. Students are involved in participation in NIRS on a voluntary basis.

At the same time, as in UIRS, only some studies performed within the framework of NIRS represent scientific value. A significant part of research work at faculties and universities is reduced to mastering special knowledge and research techniques. It is these circumstances that are the features that unite UIRS and NIRS. The main forms of NIRS are:

work in student circles

participation in research conducted by the departments of the university;

participation in the research work of educational and healthcare institutions;

research work carried out according to an individual plan;

participation in scientific and theoretical conferences, presentations with reports and reports based on the materials of their own research.

In the junior years, the circle form of SRW is appropriate, as the most convenient for solving problems that arise at the first stage of introducing students to scientific activities.

Along with the circle form of organization of research work, it is advisable to create problem groups engaged in the development of any one problem common to the entire group. Problem groups can work within the framework of a circle or be independent organizational units. Unlike a circle, the number of members of which is not limited, a problem group usually consists of several people. The group differs from the circle also in the nature of the activity. The scientific circle brings together students working on different topics that correspond to the general profile of the circle. Students working in problem groups are united by a single research task.

An extremely important form of SRW is the individual work of the leader with students. The teacher supervises one student work or several thematically related works. Such work is most effective in the senior years, however, it is necessary to start individual work with students who have discovered research inclinations in the junior years.

The results of student research are formalized in the form of messages and reports with which the authors speak at meetings of circles and at student scientific conferences. Reports of serious interest are subsequently issued in the form of student scientific papers sent to review competitions. The best of them can be published in university collections in the form of articles written in collaboration with the supervisor (in some cases, the teacher recommends the student's work for publication without acting as a co-author). When performing all types of scientific work by students, the university management is obliged to provide an opportunity for the wide use of the material base and production areas of the departments, the preferential right to use the funds of the scientific library and the use of TSO funds. Scientific work, begun during study at a university, can later develop into a dissertation research.

At the final stage of a student's education at a university, UIRS and NIRS merge. The topic of research conducted by a student in a circle can be the basis of his term paper or diploma work at the Faculty of Humanities. In turn, the thesis work performed within the framework of the UIRS (i.e., discussed at special seminars), when defended at the meetings of the SEC (for the humanities), is often evaluated as a truly scientific research. Thus, despite certain differences in the form of organization, in correlation with the curriculum and in a number of specific tasks, the research and teaching and research work of students serves one common goal - the formation of a highly qualified, creatively thinking specialist who is able to independently solve the problems that arise before him. .

4. Traditions in the study of aspects of research activities

In modern literature on pedagogy and pedagogical psychology, the concept of research activity is practically not defined and is not always clearly differentiated. Finding out the essence of this concept seems to be a fundamentally important task from the point of view of educational practice, because a lot has been said about research and project activities lately, as something fundamentally new and not typical of the Russian school. The fundamental novelty of what is offered in our time as an alternative to traditional educational practice is more expressed in such terms and concepts as "exploratory behavior", "exploratory learning", "research (productive) teaching methods". According to V.M. Klarina, they have long been used in European and American psychological and pedagogical literature.

There are also long traditions in the development of pedagogical and psychological aspects of studying the research activities of students in Russia. In the teachings of Academician I.P. Pavlov paid attention to orienting and research activities. In the 50s. 20th century there is an interest in the study of exploratory behavior (works by A.V. Zaporozhets, D.B. Godovikova, M.I. Lisina, N.N. Poddyakov, S.L. Novoselova). At various times, the issues of organizing the management of the research process were paid attention to by prominent scientists and public figures of Russia G.G. Vorobiev, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Slastenin, Yu.K. Babansky, M.M. Potashnik, P.I. Pidkasisty, V.P. Simonov and others. In the works of V.P. Bespalko, V.I. Zhuravleva, P.I. Kartashova, T.I. Shamova and others analyze the methods of scientific research, consider the issues of modeling and managing the educational process in secondary and higher schools. Questions of research activity of the teacher and the student were studied by V.I. Zagvyazinsky, models for the formation of educational and research activities are offered in their works by V.I. Andreev, B.P. Esipov, I.Ya. Lerner, P.M. Erdniev and others.

The research activity of trainees as an innovative educational technology, a means of comprehensively solving the problems of upbringing, education, development in modern society has been developed in the works and programs of N.G. Alekseeva, A.V. Leontovich, A.V. Obukhov, L.F. Fomina.


Thus, despite certain differences in the form of organization, in correlation with the curriculum and in a number of specific tasks, the research and teaching and research work of students serves one common goal - the formation of a highly qualified, creatively thinking specialist who is able to independently solve the problems that arise before him. .

It is the educational and research work of students that contributes to the formation of interest in cognitive, creative and practical activities, increases educational motivation, creates conditions for social and professional growth, the formation of logical, scientific thinking, the development of interest in the chosen profession, allows developing creative and personal qualities of future specialists.

The professional competence of a future specialist lies in the ability to successfully act on the basis of practical experience, skills and knowledge in solving problems of a professional nature, to make effective decisions in the implementation of professional activities, and also determines the social significance of a future specialist, his demand, mobility and readiness for innovative professional activities, And all this is possible only with the active involvement of students in research work.


1.I.P. Pastukhova, N.V. Tarasov. Fundamentals of educational and research activities of students: study guide for students. avg. prof. textbook institutions - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2010. - 160 p.

M.E. Volchansky, A.V. Petrov. Organization of research work of students of medical universities / VolGMU - Volgograd, 2004. - 12p.

Zh. G. Ivanova. Organization of research work of students // Pedagogical mastery: materials of the international. scientific conf. (Moscow, April 2012). - M.: Buki-Vedi, 2012. - S. 224-226.

IN AND. Krugov and others. Fundamentals of scientific research. - M.: graduate School, 1989. - 400 p.

V.N. Ryzhov. Fundamentals of teaching and research activities of students: A course of lectures for students of pedagogical schools and colleges. - Saratov, 2009. - 97 p.


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1.1. Theoretical and methodological approaches to the organization of research activities of students.

1.2. Research activity of students of the specialty "Applied Mathematics and Informatics" in the system vocational training.

1.3. Model of the system for organizing research activities of future mathematicians, system programmers.

Conclusions on the first chapter.

Chapter 2

2.1. Tasks, structure and methodology of the pedagogical experiment.

2.2. Methodology for organizing research activities of students in the course "System and Application Software".

2.3. Evaluation of the effectiveness of work on the organization of research activities of students.

Conclusions on the second chapter.

Recommended list of dissertations

  • Pedagogical Conditions for Improving the Efficiency of Teaching Informatics at the University Based on Modern Information Technologies 2009, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Sharifov, Ilhomjon Djumaevich

  • The system of professional and methodological training of a physics teacher at a classical university 2005, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Vaganova, Valentina Ivanovna

  • Formation of research skills of students of economic specialties in the process of professional training at the university 2009, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Pankina, Svetlana Ivanovna

  • Formation of the readiness of future teachers for research activities in the process of studying computer science and mathematics at the university 2011, candidate of pedagogical sciences Bystrenina, Irina Evgenievna

  • Teaching and research activities of students as a factor in the professionalization of the training of a future teacher of mathematics in a pedagogical university 1999, candidate of pedagogical sciences Denisova, Galina Viktorovna

Introduction to the thesis (part of the abstract) on the topic "Organization of research activities of university students in the process of professional training"

Relevance of the topic. At present, in the period of scientific and technological progress, which has caused significant changes in all spheres of human activity, including in the field of education, when the processes of democratization and humanization penetrate the education system, create an opportunity for the maximum development of each individual, his individual characteristics, the purpose of professional training is transformed and filled with new content. Dominant goal modern education is the formation of a personality capable of independent cognition, self-determination and creative self-development.

Scientific and technological progress is accompanied by a constant accumulation of new information, therefore, at all times, and especially now, society needs specialists who are able to independently navigate the flow of changing information, who are able to compare, analyze, find the best solutions, i.e. explore. Only such people, and not mere performers, will be able to raise the production process to a high level. Achieving a qualitatively new state of society largely depends on the inclusion of each person in the activity of its transformation. Already during the period of study at the university, future specialists must be placed in an active position of the subject of activity, in which he could show independence, initiative and creativity, and the educational activities of students should be organized in such a way that it is a means of their professional development. One of the ways to solve this problem is the organization of research activities of students.

The legal documents governing the activities of universities (the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation, etc.) repeatedly pointed out the need to improve the system of research work of students.

So, in the "Federal Program for the Development of Education" among the main directions for the development of higher professional education are: providing conditions for the development of the personality and creative abilities of students, individualization of forms, methods and systems of education, including on the basis of variable educational programs of higher professional education; improvement of research and scientific and technical activities of higher educational institutions and other organizations of the education system based on the development of scientific schools in priority areas of science and technology; development of measures for the wide involvement of students in research work (187). These provisions were enshrined in the Government Decree "On the further development of higher education and improving the quality of training" (130). This obliges higher education teachers to turn to such forms and methods of teaching that would allow organizing the process of developing research skills and creative thinking of students.

More N.I. Pirogov believed that the main task of higher education is "the development of students' talent, independent activity of the mind and true love for science" (139, pp. 215-216). In the current practice of traditional university education, the student most often acts as an object of pedagogical influence, the realization of his creative potential is expected only in his future professional activity. Quite often, students acquire knowledge about the sequence, techniques and methods of research spontaneously, unsystematically. Therefore, the transition from reproductive methods of teaching to research methods with a high degree of independence, which ensure the effective formation of professional knowledge, encourage the development of cognitive activity, create conditions for the realization and improvement of the personality, the use of research skills of students in real learning activities, is very relevant. P.A. Nizamov notes that "the process of learning at a university will achieve the goals and objectives that it faces if it is based on independent, research activities of students and thus develops their creative abilities" (124, p. 77).

The psychological and pedagogical foundations of the research activities of students are disclosed in the works of S.I. Arkhangelsky, V.I. Andreeva, Yu.K. Babansky, V.V. Davydova, S.I. Zinoviev, V.A. Krutetsky and others.

There are many areas of research in this area.

The specifics of research activities of students, forms and types of cooperation between teachers and students are considered by L.I. Aksenov, B.I. Sazonov, N.V. Sychkov; the place and role of scientific research in the system of higher education are determined by L.A. Gorbunova; psychological and pedagogical factors of success in research and development work were identified by L.F. Avdeeva; research work of students as an element of training of future specialists is considered by Z.F. Esareva, N.M. Yakovlev; pedagogical conditions for the relationship between educational and scientific research activities of students were identified by V.N. Namazov; social functions SRW and the experience of developing a comprehensive planning of research activities of students were analyzed by L.G. Kvitkina; historical issues student research revealed M.V. Kovaleva; scientific activity of higher educational institutions, its types and specificity is considered by Yu.V. Vasiliev, G.A. Zasobina, N.V. Volkov; E.P. Elyutin, I.Ya. Lerner, P.I. Pidkasisty, V.A. With l asthenia; P.Yu. Romanova, V.P. Ushachev; questions of the development of the research culture of the teacher are disclosed by T.E. Klimova.

Therefore, it can be argued that at present there are certain prerequisites for studying the problem of organizing research activities of students:

1) social - the need of society for specialists capable of independence, initiative and creativity, for transformative activities, professional mobility;

2) theoretical - a set of questions of the theory of pedagogy and psychology on the organization of research activities and the formation of research skills of students in the learning process has been developed;

3) practical - a certain experience in organizing research activities of students in various universities has been accumulated.

At first glance, the problem of research activity of students has been developed enough, but this is only in general, pedagogical terms. There are quite a few gaps in the organization of research activities within specific academic disciplines. It is possible to distinguish a significant number of dissertation research only in the field of mathematics (V.V. Nikolaeva, G.V. Denisova, V.T. Zavorueva, A.M. Radkov, V.A. Gusev, etc.) and disciplines of the pedagogical cycle (N.S. Amelina, G.P. Khramova, N.M. Yakovleva, etc.). The methodology for organizing the educational and research activities of students in the process of studying other disciplines is developed rather poorly (physics, biology, astronomy) or not developed at all. At present, during the period of active development computer science and information technology, the issue of the need to organize research activities of students within the framework of computer science disciplines is especially acute.

Despite the presence of a significant number of publications devoted to the problem of research activity of students, in the existing theory and practice of education, the issues of organizing the research activity of future specialists studying in university specialties (not pedagogical), in particular, future mathematicians, system programmers, are insufficiently developed.

Thus, a contradiction has been revealed between the requirements for the personality and activities of a specialist in the conditions of modern society and the actual level of readiness of graduates of higher educational institutions to perform their professional functions. In addition, the need to organize research activities of students within the disciplines of computer science to improve the effectiveness of professional training was identified. All this determined the research problem: the development of didactic foundations for the organization of research activities of students in the process of professional training in order to increase its effectiveness for specialists in applied mathematics and computer science.

The importance and relevance of the problem under consideration, its insufficient theoretical and practical development determined the choice of the research topic - "Organization of research activities of university students in the process of professional training."

The purpose of the study is to build a system for organizing research activities of students aimed at increasing the effectiveness of professional training.

The object of the study is the professional training of students of non-humanitarian faculties of the university.

The subject of the study is the research activity of students of non-humanitarian faculties of the university in the process of studying computer science.

The noted limitation of the volume of the object and subject of research is associated with the specifics of the student population, on the basis of which the formative experiment was carried out.

The key idea of ​​the study is reflected in the hypothesis, according to which the organization of research activities of university students in the process of their professional training becomes effective. operating system if the following set of pedagogical conditions is implemented:

1) organization of "subject-subject" interaction in the "teacher-student" system in the process of research activities;

2) the formation of the value attitude of students to research activities;

3) the competence of the teacher in the organization of research activities of students in the study of specific disciplines.

In accordance with the goal and the hypothesis put forward, the following tasks are defined:

1. To study the state of the problem in organizing the research activities of students and determine the theoretical and methodological approaches to its effective solution.

2. Theoretically substantiate the structure and components of students' research activity, determine its role and place in the system of professional training of future specialists in applied mathematics and informatics.

3. Develop a model of the system for organizing research activities of students and introduce it into teaching practice.

4. Determine the pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the organization of research activities of students.

5. To develop a methodology for organizing the educational and research activities of students in the process of studying the disciplines of computer science.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is:

The theory of a systematic approach (V.G. Afanasiev, I.V. Blauberg, V.N. Sadovsky, E.G. Yudin) and its position in solving pedagogical problems (Yu.K. Babansky, V.P. Bespalko, T. A. Ilyina, V.A. Slastenin and others);

Provisions of the activity approach (B.G. Ananiev, JI.C. Vygotsky, V.V. Davydov, M.S. Kagan, N.V. Kuzmina, A.N. Leontiev, C.JI. Rubinshtein);

Ideas of a person-centered approach (V.A. Belikov, E.P. Belozertsev, E.V. Bondarevskaya, A.V. Kiryakova, V.V. Kraevsky, V.Ya. Lyaudis, V.V. Serikov, I.S. . Yakimanskaya and others);

Ideas for organizing the pedagogical process from the standpoint of modular (M.I. Makhmutov, D. Russell, N.M. Yakovleva, etc.) and technological (V.M. Klarin, G.K. Selevko, etc.) approaches;

Theory of vocational education (S.Ya. Batyshev, A.P. Belyaeva, A.G. Gostev, E.A. Klimov, V.M. Raspopov, A.N. Sergeev, etc.).

To achieve the goal, test the hypothesis and solve the tasks set, a set of interrelated methods was used, presented below in accordance with the stages of the study.

Experimental base and research stages. Experimental work on the problem of dissertation research was carried out on the basis of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Magnitogorsk State University (MaSU) and the Sibai Institute of the Bashkir State University (BSU).

The study was conducted from 2000 to 2006 in three stages.

The first stage (2000-2001) - definition of the research problem and identification of its relevance; study, generalization and systematization of information on the research problem in the philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature; analysis of the state of research activities of students at the university and, in particular, at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics; study and analysis of normative documents, curricula and state educational standards. This made it possible to develop and refine the conceptual apparatus of the study, formulate a working hypothesis, outline goals, objectives, research methods, and conduct a stating experiment. At this stage, the following methods were used: theoretical (analysis, systematization, generalization); empirical (observation, questioning, testing, conversation, fixing the results, organization and conduct of the experiment); methods of mathematical statistics.

The second stage (2002-2004) - search for ways, methods and techniques for organizing the research activities of students studying in the specialty "Applied Mathematics and Informatics" of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics; development of a system for organizing research activities of future mathematicians, system programmers and its model; determination of a complex of pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of the organization of research activities of students; determination of the structure and content of the formative experiment; implementation of the experiment; development of methods for organizing educational and research activities of students in the subject courses "System and applied software", "Workshop on a computer". The main methods of the second stage: theoretical (systematization, generalization, modeling); empirical (observation, questioning, testing, recording results, experiment); methods of mathematical statistics.

The third stage (2005-2006) - continuation of experimental work to test the effectiveness of the system developed by us for organizing research activities of students; qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results; systematization and generalization of the results of theoretical and experimental research; dissertation preparation. Based on the results of the dissertation research, methodological guidelines for organizing research activities of students in the process of studying general professional disciplines were prepared and introduced into the educational process. The main methods of the third stage of the study: theoretical (systematization, generalization); empirical (conducting an experiment, analyzing the results); methods of mathematical statistics and information technology (identification of statistical dependencies, computer data processing, graphical display of results).

The scientific novelty of the research is that:

1) built and theoretically substantiated the system of organization of research activities of students in accordance with the objectives of education, formulated on the basis of the requirements for the training of specialists;

2) a set of pedagogical conditions has been identified and experimentally verified, which ensures the effectiveness of the organization of research activities of future specialists in applied mathematics and computer science;

3) a technique has been developed that allows transferring a student to a subjective position, which is achieved by using problem-based learning, a system of tasks of various levels of complexity, and choosing an individual learning strategy.

The theoretical significance of the study is as follows:

1) the essential characteristics and content of the concept of "organization of research activities of students" are clarified;

2) the structure and components of the system for organizing research activities of students are theoretically substantiated;

3) a stage-by-stage organization of educational and research activities of students in the system of vocational training has been developed and justified.

The practical significance of the study is determined by the fact that:

1) the program of the special course "Introduction to research activity" was developed, the purpose of which is to form a creative personality with elementary skills of independent research work; the study of this special course is expected in all university specialties of the non-humanitarian faculties of the university;

2) a methodology for organizing the educational and research activities of students in the subject courses "System and applied software" and "Workshop on a computer", presented in educational and methodological complexes (EMC) for these disciplines, has been developed;

3) guidelines for the organization of research activities of students have been developed and published, which are used in the educational process at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Engineering of the Moscow State University and at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Information Technology of the Sibai Institute (branch) of the Bashkir State University, and can also be used when preparing students of those specialties for which the state educational standard provides for the study of the C programming language.

The research materials can be used in the practice of vocational education institutions.

The reliability and validity of the results of the study is ensured by a set of selected methodological positions; application of a complex of scientific methods adequate to the subject and objectives of the study; the representativeness of the sample of surveyed students; repeatability of results at different stages of the experiment and confirmation of the research hypothesis; quantitative and qualitative analysis of experimental data; implementation of the research results in the educational practice of higher educational institutions.

The main provisions for defense:

1) a model of the system for organizing research activities of students of the specialty "Applied Mathematics and Informatics", represented by interconnected modules: theoretical and methodological, professionally oriented, organizational and technological and control-: but-adjusting;

2) a set of pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the organization of research activities of students: a) the organization of "subject-subject" interaction in the "teacher-student" system in the process of research activity; b) formation of students' value attitude to research activities; c) the competence of the teacher in the organization of research activities of students in the study of specific disciplines.

3) methodology for organizing educational and research activities of students in the subject courses "System and applied software", "Workshop on a computer".

Approbation and implementation of the research results were carried out through: publications in the press; reports at meetings of the Department of Pedagogy, the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Engineering, MaSU; speeches at methodological seminars of graduate students and applicants of the Magnitogorsk State University, at the annual scientific and practical conferences of teachers of the MaSU (from 2000 to 2005). The research materials were presented at the international scientific and practical conferences "Actual problems of informatics and information technologies" (Tambov, 2005), "Psychology and pedagogy of modern education in Russia" (Penza, 2006), at the All-Russian scientific practical conference "Fundamental sciences and education" (Biysk, 2006). The main provisions, conclusions and recommendations of the study, which are of theoretical and applied importance, are contained in publications. The dissertation research materials were tested at the Magnitogorsk State University and the Sibai Institute of the Bashkir State University.

Dissertation structure. The dissertation work consists *of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications. The dissertation contains 17 tables, 6 diagrams and 8 histograms;

Similar theses in the specialty "Theory and Methods of Vocational Education", 13.00.08 VAK code

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Dissertation conclusion on the topic "Theory and methods of vocational education", Zlydneva, Tatyana Pavlovna


Experimental work was built taking into account a number of principles that have a significant impact on the results of the study of pedagogical phenomena: the principle of scientific character, the principle of objectivity, the principle of humanization of the pedagogical experiment, the principle of efficiency. The peculiarity of the experimental work was that it proceeded in the natural conditions of the integral pedagogical process of the university, which determined the natural experiment as the leading method. This made it possible to combine the pedagogical process and its research, research and implementation of its results in the pedagogical process.

As a result of the experiment, the tasks were solved and the following conclusions were drawn:

1. The results of the ascertaining experiment indicate that the organization of research activities of students at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics is not carried out efficiently enough, therefore it is necessary to develop a system for organizing students' research activities aimed at increasing the effectiveness of their professional training.

2. Of paramount importance for increasing the effectiveness of professional training is the organization of research activities of students within the framework of academic disciplines - the systematic, continuous, purposeful formation of students' research skills and abilities in lectures and practical classes.

3. The developed methodology for organizing research activities of students in the process of studying the disciplines of computer science, using a gradual increase in the degree of independence of the work of students and the level of complexity of the proposed tasks, contributes to the fact that students more successfully master educational and research activities.

4. The formative experiment showed that students' mastery of educational and research activities is more successful when implementing a set of pedagogical conditions: 1) organizing "subject-subject" interaction in the "teacher-student" system in the process of research activity; 2) the formation of the value attitude of students to research activities; 3) the competence of the teacher in the organization of IDS within the framework of the study of specific disciplines.

5. The features of the identified conditions are: 1) implementation in relation to the system of organizing research activities of students; 2) implementation in a complex; 3) universal character.

6. The developed and tested set of pedagogical conditions is necessary and sufficient for the transition of students from a lower level of mastery of educational and research activities to a higher one: from search to activity-research, then to active-creative.

7. As criteria for students to master educational and research activities, the following are distinguished: the degree of formation of motivation for educational and research activities; the degree of formation of the system of knowledge about research activities; the degree of formation of educational and research skills; the degree of formation of reflection.

8. The developed diagnostic program for tracking the degree of students' mastery of educational and research activities makes it possible to obtain visual results of the experiment. When evaluating these results, the reliability and validity is ensured by the selected mathematical methods for processing experimental data.

9. The results obtained confirm our hypothesis, according to which the organization of research activities of university students in the process of their professional training acquires the character of an effectively operating system if the proposed set of pedagogical conditions is implemented.


At present, the growing need of society for specialist researchers requires the development of theoretical and methodological foundations for its implementation. At the present stage, professional training should be carried out in such a way as to put the student in an active position of the subject of activity, since paramount importance is attached to the formation of a personality capable of independent knowledge, self-determination and creative self-development. It is research activity, which is the most effective form of realization of students' creative activity, that contributes to increasing the efficiency of professional training of specialists.

The analysis of scientific literature and pedagogical practice showed that the problem of organizing research activities of students requires further resolution, that in the conditions of a modern educational institution it is necessary to search for new ways and means to increase the efficiency of this process.

This dissertation research is devoted to the development of a system for organizing the research activities of university students in the process of professional training and the identification of pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of the organization of IDS.

Summarizing the theoretical and experimental results of the study, we can draw the following conclusions:

1. The relevance of the problem of organizing research activities of students is due to the socio-economic transformations of society, the significance of the problem for pedagogical practice, personal significance for future specialists and its insufficient development in pedagogical theory.

2. The psychological and pedagogical foundations of the organization of research activities of students in order to increase the effectiveness of professional training have been studied, and the need to solve this problem from the standpoint of a systemic, activity-based and student-oriented approach has been substantiated. A systematic approach allows us to consider various aspects of the object or process being studied, which allowed us to single out three interrelated systems in our study: the system of professional training, the system for organizing research activities of students, and the system of educational and research tasks. The student-centered approach considers the personality as a goal, subject and result of the educational process, and the activity approach lies directly at the basis of the organization of students' research activities.

3. A regularity between the effectiveness of specialist training and the organization of students' research activities has been revealed - the ability to implement IDS undeniably leads to an increase in the effectiveness of professional training, which made it possible to determine two groups of principles: the principles of organizing students' research activities (goal setting, professional orientation, integrativity, didactic isomorphism, continuity, systematic, consistent, mandatory, manageable, complementary) and the principles of professional training (modularity, consistency, fundamentality).

4. The role and place of research activities of students in the system of professional training of future mathematicians and system programmers are determined from a professional and pedagogical point of view. Primary importance is given to educational and research activities in the process of studying general professional disciplines, in particular, computer science disciplines.

5. The structure and components of the system for organizing research activities of students of the specialty "Applied Mathematics and Informatics" are theoretically substantiated. Having determined the most effective forms and methods of organizing IDS, we assigned a special role to problem-based learning.

6. A stage-by-stage organization of educational and research activities of students has been developed and justified, including the stages of professional training (professional-adaptive, professional-developing, professional-asserting) and the stages of organizing educational and research activities (motivational, theoretical, active, creative)

7. A structural-content model of the system for organizing research activities of students has been built, which is focused on a specific goal - increasing the effectiveness of professional training, developing the student's personality. The composition of the model, which ensures the achievement of this goal, includes four modules: theoretical and methodological (basic methodological approaches, principles, pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of the organization of IDS), professionally oriented (modules and stages of professional training), organizational and technological (stages of organizing educational and research activity of students, methods of teaching and learning, forms of educational activity) and control and adjustment (predicted results, levels of mastery of educational and research activities). The model describes the dynamics of students mastering educational and research activities at the search, activity-research and active-creative levels.

8. The pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the organization of research activities of students are identified and substantiated: the organization of "subject-subject" interaction in the "teacher-student" system in the process of research activity; formation of students' value attitude to research activities; the competence of the teacher in the organization of research activities of students in the study of specific disciplines. Diagnostics of the results of the study proved that the system of organization of research activity of students functions most effectively when implementing a set of pedagogical conditions.

9. Possibilities of the system of teaching and research tasks with different levels of complexity as a means of forming students' research skills have been explored. There are three levels of complexity in the system of tasks: reproductive tasks, reproductive research and research. Tasks of the research level are ranked according to their own levels of complexity: search, heuristic, creative. Using a student-oriented approach, depending on the individual abilities and needs of the student, several options for implementing the system of educational and research tasks are provided.

10. A methodology has been developed for organizing the educational and research activities of students in the subject courses "System and Applied Software" and "Workshop on a Computer", which is reflected in educational and methodological complexes (EMC) for these disciplines. The methodology is based on the possibility of transferring a student to a subjective position, which is achieved by: a) using problem-based learning; b) providing freedom to choose an individual learning strategy; c) stimulating the student to enter a reflective position.

11. To obtain objective information about the level of students' mastery of educational and research activities, a set of criteria has been identified: the degree of formation of motivation for educational and research activities; the degree of formation of the system of knowledge about research activities; the degree of formation of educational and research skills; the degree of formation of reflection. The main diagnostic criterion is the promotion of students to a higher level of mastery of educational and research activities.

The experimental work carried out proved the effectiveness of the proposed methodology for organizing the research activities of students in the framework of the study of specific academic disciplines. In the process of introducing the developed system for organizing research activities of students and implementing a selected set of pedagogical conditions at Magnitogorsk State University and the Sibai Institute (branch) of Bashkir State University, experimental work ensured a sufficient level of mastery of educational and research activities by university students, as evidenced by the results of our study.

This study and the results obtained during the experiment allow us to conclude that the goal has been achieved and, in general, confirmed the hypothesis put forward, according to which the organization of research activities of university students in the process of their professional training acquires the character of an effectively operating system if a complex of pedagogical conditions is implemented: subjective” interaction in the “teacher-student” system in the process of research activities; 2) the formation of the value attitude of students to research activities; 3) the competence of the teacher in the organization of research activities of students in the study of specific disciplines.

In the dissertation research, results were obtained that have theoretical and practical significance and can be used in the practice of vocational education institutions.

At the same time, not all aspects of the problem of organization of research activities of students have been studied by us in full. Determining the prospect of research, we highlight the following areas: conducting special work with teachers to orient them to purposeful activities to organize research within the framework of subject courses; organization of research activities of students in the process of mastering new information technologies at later stages of professional training (vocational development and professional approval), in particular, within the framework of industrial practice; providing the educational process with relevant literature, reflecting the theoretical and methodological issues of the problem under study.

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60. Zagvyazinsky V.I. Methodology and methodology of didactic research / V.I. Zagvyazinsky. M.: Enlightenment, 1984. - 251 p.

61. Zagvyazinsky V.I. Pedagogical creativity of the teacher / V.I. Zagvyazinsky. -M. : Pedagogy, 1987. 160 p.

62. Zagvyazinsky V.I. Teacher as a researcher / V.I. Zagvyazinsky. M.: Knowledge, 1980. - 86 p.

63. Zakharova I.G. Information technologies in education / I.G. Zakharov. M.: Academy, 2003. - 192 p.

64. Zeer E.F. Personality-oriented technologies of professional development of a specialist: scientific and methodological manual / E.F. Zeer, O.N. Shakhmatova. Yekaterinburg, 1999. - 244 p.

65. Zlotin B.L. Laws of development and forecasting of technical systems / B.L. Zlotin, A.B. Zusman. Chisinau: ISTC "Progress", 1989. - 145 p.

66. Zlydneva T.P. Modeling the system of organization of research activities of university students in the process of professional training / T.P. Zlydneva // Bulletin of the Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University. 2006. - No. 5. - S. 22-30.

67. Zlydneva T.P. Organization of research activities of students in the process of studying general professional disciplines: methodical instructions / T.P. Zlydnev. Magnitogorsk: MaSU, 2005. - 74 p.

68. Zlydneva T.P. Educational and research activity as a condition for the qualitative training of a specialist / T.P. Zlydneva // Bulletin of Pedagogical Innovations. 2005. - No. 4. - S. 90-97.

69. Ilyin G. From pedagogical to educational paradigm / G. Ilyin // Higher education in Russia. 2000. - No. 1. - S. 64-69.

70. Ilyin E.P. Motivation and motive / E.P. Ilyin. SPb. : Peter, 2000. -508 p.

71. Ilyina T.A. Lecture in higher school / T.A. Ilyin. M.: Knowledge, 1997. -79 p.

72. Intensification of students' creative activity: Sat. scientific tr. / ed. IN AND. Andreev, G. Melhorn. Kazan: Publishing house of KGU, 1990. - 198 p.

73. Isaev I.F. Teoriya i praktika formirovaniya professional'no-pedagogicheskoi kul'tury uchastura vysshei shkoly [Theory and practice of forming a professional pedagogical culture of a higher school teacher]. Isaev. -M.: Belgorod, 1993. 219 p.

74. To the problem of improving the readiness of university students for research activities Electronic resource. / F.Sh. Galiul-lina. Access mode: http://www.tisbi.ru/science/vestnik/2003/issue3/economl.htm.

75. Kan-Kalik V.A. Pedagogical creativity / V.A. Kan-Kalik, N.D. Ni-kandra. M.: Pedagogy, 1990. - 142 p.

76. Kardashev V. Structural levels and the definition of some categories related to development / V. Kardashev // Development of the concept of levels in biology. M., 1972. - S. 208-219.

77. Department of Solid State Electronics of St. Petersburg State Technical University Electronic resource. Access mode: http://edu.ioffe.ru/micro/education.htm.

78. Kvitkina L.G. Scientific creativity of students: The role of research work in improving the quality of specialists / L.G. Kvitkin. -M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1982. 102 p.

79. Kislova V.P. Organization of research work of students / V.P. Kislova; from the experience of the Academy of Communist Education. N.K. Krupskaya // Theory and practice of higher pedagogical education: interuniversity. Sat. scientific tr. M., 1986. - S. 164-169.

80. Clarin M.B. Innovative models of education in modern foreign pedagogy / M.V. Clarin // Pedagogy. 1994. - No. 5. - S. 104-109.

81. Klarin M.V. Development of pedagogical technology of the problem of learning theory / M.V. Klarin // Soviet Pedagogy. 1994. - No. 4. - S. 1825.

82. Klimov E.A. Individual style of activity depending on the typological properties of the nervous system / E.A. Klimov. Kazan: KGU, 1969.-278 p.

83. Klimova T.E. Development of the research culture of the teacher: dis. Dr. ped. Sciences / T.E. Klimov. Orenburg, 2001. - 328 p.

84. Koldashev A.M. The system of educational research work of students at the Pedagogical Institute / A.M. Koldashev // Questions of pedagogy of higher education. Tambov, 1975. - Issue. 1. - S. 7-9.

85. Kolesnikov V.A. NIRS methodological support / V.A. Kolesnikov,

86.A.A. Ashimov // Higher School Bulletin. 1982. - No. 3. - S. 38-41.

87. Kolesnikov L.F. Efficiency of education / L.F. Kolesnikov,

88. B.N. Turchenko, L.G. Borisov. -M.: Pedagogy, 1991. 272 ​​p.

89. Kondakov N.I. Logical dictionary-reference book / N.I. Kondakov. M. : Nauka, 1975.-720 p.

90. The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010 // People's education. 2002. - No. 4. - S. 254-269.

91. Korneychuk V.P. NIRS and some problems of the formation of a creative personality in the university / V.P. Korneichuk. M.: NIIVSH, 1981. - 36 p.

92. Kravchuk P.F. Research work of students as a factor in the formation of creative abilities / P.F. Kravchuk, L.G. Gondza // Soviet Pedagogy. 1983. - No. 1. - S. 68-70.

93. Kravchuk P.F. Creatively developed personality and higher education / P.F. Kravchuk // Higher School Bulletin. 1992. - No. 4-6. - S. 18-21.

94. Kraevsky V.V. Problems of science-based education: Methodological analysis / V.V. Kraevsky. M.: Pedagogy, 1997. - 264 p.

95. Kuzmina H.B. Methods of research of pedagogical activity / N.V. Kuzmin. JI.: Leningrad State University, 1982. - 138 p.

96. Kuzmina N.V. The concept of "pedagogical system" and the criteria for its evaluation / N.V. Kuzmina // Methods of systematic pedagogical research. -L., 1980.-S. 34-41.

97. Kulyutkin Yu.N. Modeling of pedagogical situations / Yu.N. Ku-lyutkin. M.: Pedagogy, 1981. - 120 p.

98. Kulyutkin Yu.N. Creative thinking in the professional activity of a teacher / Yu.N. Kulyutkin // Questions of psychology. 1986. - No. 2. - S. 21-30.

99. Kyveryalg A.A. Research methods in professional pedagogy / A.A. Kyveryalg. Tallinn: Valgus, 1980. - 334 p.

100. Lavrentieva N.B. Pedagogical foundations for the development and implementation of modular teaching technology in higher education: dis. Dr. ped. Sciences / N.B. Lavrentiev. Barnaul, 1999. - 393 p.

101. Lebedev A.A. UIRS and NIRS / A.A. Lebedev // Higher School Bulletin. -1976. -#7. -FROM. 49-53.

102. Leontiev A.N. Activity. Consciousness. Personality / A.N. Leontiev. M.: Politizdat, 1975. - 304 p.

103. Yu1.Lerner I.Ya. The main function of problem-based learning / I.Ya. Lerner // Higher School Bulletin. 1976. - No. 7. - S. 16-21.

104. Lerner I.Ya. Didactic foundations of teaching methods / I.Ya. Lerner. -M.: Pedagogy, 1981. 185 p.

105. Lerner I.Ya. Search tasks in teaching as a means of developing creative abilities / I.Ya. Lerner // Scientific work: Sat. Art. / ed. S.R. Mikulinsky, M.G. Yaroshevsky. M., 1969. - S. 413-418.

106. Lerner I.Ya. Problem learning / I.Ya. Lerner. M. : Knowledge, 1974. -64 p.

107. Litovchenko V.N. Formation of research skills of students of pedagogical specialties of the university by means of research work: dis. . cand. ped. Sciences / V.N. Litovchenko. Minsk, 1990. - 197 p.

108. Maksimova V.N. Research work of students in psychological and pedagogical disciplines at the level of modern tasks /

109. B.N. Maksimova // Content, methods and forms of teaching at the Pedagogical Institute: a collection of scientific papers. L., 1977. - S. 118-122.

110. Markova A.K. Psychological analysis of teacher's professional competence / A.K. Markova // Soviet Pedagogy. 1990. - No. 8.1. C. 81-88.

111. Markova A.K. Psychology of teacher's work / A.K. Markov. M. : IP, 1993.-192 p.

112. Yu9.Mateiko K.K. Conditions of creative work / K.K. Matejko; per. from Polish D.I. Jordansky; ed. Ya.A. Ponomareva. M. : Mir, 1970. -303 p.

113. P.O.Matyushkin A.M. Actual problems of psychology in higher education / A.M. Matyushkin. M.: Knowledge, 1977. - 44 p.

114. Sh. Matyushkin A.M. Problem situations in thinking and learning / A.M. Matyushkin. M.: Pedagogy, 1972. - 168 p.

115. Makhmutov M.I. Theory and practice of problem-based learning / M.I. Makhmutov. Kazan: Tatar book publishing house, 1972. - 551 p.

116. Mashbits E.I. Computerization of education / E.I. Mashbits. M.: Knowledge, 1986.-80 p.

117. Menyaev A.F. On the classification of the content of students' educational work / A.F. Menyaev // Forms and methods of activating the creative activity of students in the learning process: interuniversity collection. Petrozavodsk, 1983.-S. 23-27.

118. Mitina L.M. Personal and professional development of a person in new socio-economic conditions / L.M. Mitina // Questions of psychology. 1997. - No. 4. - S. 28-38.

119. Modeling as a method of scientific knowledge (epistemological analysis) / B.A. Glinsky and others. M.: Izd-vo Mosk. un-ta, 1965. - 248 p.

120. I7. Mochalova N.M. Methods of problem-based learning and the limits of their application / N.M. Mochalova. Kazan: Publishing House of Kazan University, 1979. - 146 p.

121. I8. Nine A.Ya. Reflexive management of an educational institution: theoretical foundations: monograph / A.Ya. Nine. Shadrinsk: Iset, 1999.-328 p.

122. Namazov V.N. Pedagogical conditions for the relationship of educational and extracurricular research activities of students: author. dis. . cand. ped. Sciences / V.N. Namazov. M., 1986. - 15 p.

123. Research activity of students of the Academy Electronic resource. Access mode: http://www.job-today.ru/nnovgorod/issue/sl 6058.htm.

124. Research work of students. Taganrog State Radiotechnical University Electronic resource. Access mode: http://www.nich.tsure.ru/recft02/recftl 7.htm.

125. Research work of MAI students: Education in NIRS. Research activity of students is the most important factor in the image and rating of MAI Electronic resource. - Access mode: http://www.mai.ru/dep/nirs/whynirs.html.

126. Neuimin Ya.G. Models in science and technology: history, theory, practice / Ya.G. Neuimin. JI.: Nauka, 1984. - 188 p.

127. Nizamov P.A. Didactic bases of activation of educational activity of students / P.A. Nizamov. Kazan: YuGU Publishing House, 1975. - 302 p.

128. Nikitin E.G. Human self-development / E.G. Nikitin, N.E. Kharlamova // Questions of Philosophy. 1997. - No. 9. - S. 113-117.

129. Nikolaeva V.V. Educational and research work of students on the methodology of teaching mathematics as a means of improving the methodological training of a teacher of mathematics: dis. . cand. ped. Sciences / V.V. Nikolaev. Mogilev, 1985. - 195 pp.

130. Novik I.B. On modeling complex systems / I.B. Novik. M. : Thought, 1965.-118 p.

131. Novikov A.M. How to work on a dissertation: a guide for a novice teacher-researcher / A.M. Novikov. M.: Pedagogical search, 1996.-112 p.

132. Ogarkova A.P. Integrative basis of pedagogical management of the development of the independence of the student's personality in the educational process / A.P. Ogarkov. Magnitogorsk, 1998. - 132 p.

133. Ozhegov S.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language / S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. M.: "AZ", 1993. - 993 p.

134. Okon V. Introduction to general didactics / V. Okon. M.: Higher School, 1990.-382 p.

135. Okon V. Fundamentals of problem-based learning / V. Okon. M.: Enlightenment, 1968.-208 p.

136. Organizational psychology / comp. and general ed. L.V. Vinokurova, I.I. Skripyuk. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000. - 512 p.

137. Fundamentals of high school pedagogy / ed. ed. N.V. Kuzmina. J.I. : Publishing House of Volga State University, 1972.-311 p.

138. Pedagogical encyclopedia. Vol. 3 / ed. I.A. Kairova, F.N. Petrov. M.: Sov. Encyclopedia, 1966. - 879 p.

139. Pidkasy P.I. Independent activity of students: Didactic analysis of the process and structure of reproduction and creativity / P.I. Piggy. M.: Pedagogy, 1972. - 184 p.

140. Pirogov N.I. Selected pedagogical works / N.I. Pirogov. -M. : Publishing House of the APN RSFSR, 1953. 752 p.

141. Platonov K.K. Structure and development of personality / K.K. Platonov. M. : Nauka, 1986.-256 p.

142. Education policy and new information technologies. National report of the Russian Federation at the II International Congress of UNESCO "Education and Informatics", July 1-5, 1996. -M., 1996.-21 p.

143. Ponomarev Ya.A. Psychology of creativity and pedagogy / Ya.A. Ponomarev. M.: Pedagogy, 1976. - 303 p.

144. Popova E.V. Psychological and pedagogical competence of the teacher as a condition for improving pedagogical culture: dis. . cand. ped. Sciences / E.V. Popov. Rostov-on-Don, 1996. - 221 p.

145. Postalyuk N.Yu. Creative style of activity: pedagogical aspect / N.Yu. Postaluk. Kazan, 1989. - 204 p.

146. Problems of education and personality development of students: a collection of scientific papers / ed. V.A. Belikov. Magnitogorsk: MaSU, 2001. -89 p.

147. Working book of a practical psychologist: Technology of effective professional activity / ed. A.A. Derkach M. : Red Square, 1996.-400 p.

148. Development of students' creative activity: experience, problems, prospects: Sat. scientific works. M. : NIIVSH, 1990. - 172 p.

149. Razinkina E.M. Professional potential of university students and new information technologies: monograph / E.M. Razinkin. Magnitogorsk: MaSU, 2005. - 347 p.

150. Ratner F.L. Didactic concepts and current trends in the development of students' creative abilities in scientific activities abroad: dis. Dr. ped. Sciences / F.L. Ratner. Kazan, 1997. - 324 p.

151. Birth of an invention / A.I. Gasanov and others. M.: Interpraks, 1995. -132 p.

152. Romanov E.V. Theory and practice of professional training of a teacher of technology and entrepreneurship: monograph / E.V. Romanov. Magnitogorsk: MaSU, 2001. - 245 p.

153. Romanov P.Yu. Principles of organization of research activity of students in the system of continuous education / P.Yu. Romanov // United Scientific Journal. 2001. - No. 7. - S. 39-43.

154. Romanov P.Yu. Psychological and pedagogical bases for solving creative problems / P.Yu. Romanov // Bulletin of the MaSU: periodical scientific journal - Magnitogorsk, 2001-2002. Issue. 2-3. - S. 340-345.

155. Romanov P.Yu. Technology of education of a teacher-researcher in the system of continuous education / P.Yu. Romanov // Scientific works of Mill U. Series: natural sciences: collection of articles. -M., 2001. S. 290-294.

156. Romanov P.Yu. Formation of research skills of students in * the system of continuous pedagogical education: monograph / P.Yu. Romanov. Magnitogorsk: MaSU, 2003. - 236 p.

157. Rubinstein S.L. About thinking and ways of its research / S.L. Rubinstein. M.: Publishing House of the ANSSR, 1958. - 147 p.

158. Rubinstein S.L. Fundamentals of General Psychology: in 2 vols. T. 2 / S.L. Rubinstein. M.: Pedagogy, 1989. - 328 p.

159. Rubinstein S.L. Problems of general psychology / S.L. Rubinstein. -M.: Pedagogy, 1973. 341 p.

160. Ryndak V.G. Theoretical basis development of the teacher's creative potential (in the process of pedagogical innovations) / V.G. Ryndak, L.V. Meshcheryakova. M.: Pedagogical Bulletin, 1998. - 116 p.

161. Ryauzov N.N. General theory of statistics / N.N. Ryauzov. 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Statistics, 1971. - 368 p.

162. Saveliev A.Ya. New information technologies in education / A.Ya. Savelyev // Modern Higher School. 1990. - No. 3-4. -FROM. 37-45.

163. Sadovsky V.N. Foundations of the general theory of systems / V.N. Sadovsky. M.: Nauka, 1979.-278 p.

164. Saigushev N.Ya. Reflexive management of the process of professional development of the future teacher: monograph / N.Ya. Saygushev. M. : MPGU; Magnitogorsk: MaSU, 2002. - 273 p.

165. Serikov V.V. Personal approach in education: concept and technology: monograph / V.V. Serikov. Volgograd: Change, 1994. - 152 p.

166. Serikov G.N. Education: aspects of systemic reflection / G.N. Serikov. Kurgan: Publishing house "Zauralie", 1997. - 464 p.

167. Serikov G.N. Education management. System interpretation: monograph / G.N. Serikov. Chelyabinsk: Publishing House of ChGPU "Fakel", 1998. -664 p.

168. Skatkin M.I. Problems of modern didactics / M.I. Skatkin. M.: Pedagogy, 1984. - 96 p.

169. Skok G.B. How to analyze your own pedagogical activity / G.B. Skok. M.: Russian Pedagogical Agency, 1998. -102 p.

170. Slastenin V.A. Pedagogy: innovative activity / V.A. Slaste-nin, L.S. Podymov. M.: Master, 1997. - 165 p.

171. Slastenin V.A. Holistic pedagogical process as an object of teacher's professional activity / V.A. Slastenin, A.I. Mishchenko. -M.: Prometheus, 1997. 201 p.

172. Slobodnyuk E.G. Professional value orientations as a factor in the formation of the future teacher's personality: dis. . cand. ped. Sciences / E.G. Slobodniuk. Magnitogorsk, 2000. - 194 p.

173. Word about science: Aphorisms. Sayings. Literary quotations / comp., author of the preface. and introductions to the chapters of E.S. Liechtenstein. M.: Knowledge, 1976. -302 p.

174. Smolkin A.M. Methods of active learning / A.M. Smolkin. M.: Higher school, 1991. - 176 p.

175. Solomentsev Yu.M. Principles of personnel training for machine building automation / Yu.M. Solomentsev // Bulletin of Higher School. 1985. - No. 4. - S. 11-15.

176. Sohor A.M. The logical structure of educational material: Issues of didactic analysis / A.M. Sohor. -M.: Pedagogy, 1974. 192 p.

177. Spitsyn E.S. Influence of organizational and pedagogical factors on the effectiveness of the research work of students of the pedagogical university: abstract of the thesis. dis. . cand. ped. Sciences / E.S. Spitsyn. Kyiv, 1984. -25 p.

178. Stepanova I.Yu. Methodical system of teaching programming in the process of teacher training primary school: dis. cand. ped. Sciences / I.Yu. Stepanova. Krasnoyarsk, 2000. - 164 p.

179. Sychkova N.V. Research training of university students: monograph / N.V. Sychkov. Magnitogorsk: MaSU, 2002. - 224 p.

180. Talyzina N.F. The theory of the stage-by-stage formation of mental actions and the problem of the development of thinking / N.F. Talyzina // Soviet Pedagogy. 1967.-No. 1. - S. 28-32.

181. Talyzina N.F. Management of the process of assimilation of knowledge / N.F. Talyzin. -M.: MGU, 1975.-343 p.

182. Timofeeva Yu.F. System-modular approach in the formation of the creative personality of a technology teacher: dis. Dr. ped. Sciences / Yu.F. Timofeeva.-M., 2000.-386 p.

183. Torgashina T.I. Research work of students of a pedagogical university as a means of developing their creative potential: auto-ref. dis. cand. ped. Sciences / T.I. Trader. Volgograd, 1999. - 24 p.

184. Umetbaev Z.M. Theoretical and methodical foundations of teaching students pedagogical technique: monograph / Z.M. Umetbaev. Magnitogorsk: MGPI, 1998. - 237 p.

185. Usova A.B. On the criteria and levels of formation of cognitive skills of students / A.V. Usova // Soviet Pedagogy. 1980. - No. 2. -S. 45-48.

186. Ushachev V.P. Creativity in the education system: monograph / V.P. Ushachev. M. : Mosk. ped. state un-t, 1995. - 219 p.

187. Federal program for the development of education // Appendix to the federal law of April 10, 2000 No. 51-FZ.

188. Philosophical Dictionary / ed. I.T. Frolova. M.: Publishing house of political literature, 1987. - 588 p.

189. Formation of educational activity of students / ed. V.Ya. Laudis. -M. : Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1989.-240 p.

190. Frolov I.T. Gnoseological problems of modeling / I.T. Frolov. -M. : Nauka, 1961.

191. Halimova N.M. Pedagogical testing as a factor in the success of students' teaching: dis. . cand. ped. Sciences / N.M. Khalimov. Krasnoyarsk, 1999.-160 p.

192. Hosts G.I. Pedagogical skill of the teacher: method, manual / G.I. Hosts. M. : Higher school, 1988. - 168 p.

193. Chekhlova Z.S. Activity is the basis for the formation of the student's personality: dis. Dr. ped. Sciences / Z.S. Chekhlov. - St. Petersburg, 1991. -436 p.

194. Choshanov M.A. Flexible technology of problem-modular learning / M.A. Choshanov. -M.: People's education, 1996. 157 p.

195. Shtoff V.A. Gnoseological functions of the model / V.A. Shtoff // Questions of Philosophy.- 1961.-№ 12.-S. 53-65.

196. Shtoff V.A. Modeling and Philosophy / V.A. Stoff. M. : Nauka, 1966.-301 p.

197. Shtoff V.A. Roles of models in cognition / V.A. Stoff. JI.: Leningrad State University, 1963. -128 p.198. "Experiment. Model. Theory "-M.: Nauka, 1982.

198. Yudin E.G. System approach and principle of activity / E.G. Yudin. -M.: Nauka, 1978.-391 p.

199. Yutsavichene P.A. Theory and practice of modular education / P.A. Yutsavi-chene. Kaunas: Shviesa, 1989. - 272 p.

200. Yadov V.A. Methodology and technique of sociological research / V.A. Poisons. Tartu, 1969. - 217 p.

201. Yakimanskaya I.S. Developmental education / I.S. Yakimanskaya. M.: Pedagogy, 1979.- 144 p.

202. Yakovlev I.P. Integration processes in higher education / I.P. Yakovlev. JI.: Publishing house of the Leningrad University, 1980. - 115 p.

203. Yakovleva N.M. Theory and practice of preparing the future teacher for the creative solution of educational problems: dis. . Dr. ped. Sciences / N.M. Yakovlev. Chelyabinsk, 1992. - 403 p.

204. Cohen J.E. Size, age and productivity of scientific and technical research groups / J.E. Cohen // Sientometrics. Amsterdam; Budapest, 1991. - Vol. 20.-№3.-P. 395-416.

205. Karle J. The role of motivation in scientific research / J. Karle // Interdisciplinary science rev. L., 1988. - Vol. 13. - No. 1. - P. 18-26.

206. Meyer K.A. Correlates of external support: A model for faculty research development / K.A. Meyer // SRAJ. Chicago, 1991. - Vol. 23. - No. 2. -P. 23-33.

207. Thematic plan special course "Introduction to research activities"

208. Theoretical foundations of scientific research.

210. Scientific research: essence and structure.

211. Methodological components of scientific research.13.1. Purpose and objectives of the study.13.2. Object and subject of scientific research.13.3. Research hypothesis: concept, types, methods of construction.13.4. Novelty, theoretical and practical significance.

212. Methods of scientific research.

213. Dialectical methods of cognition: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, abstraction, concretization, systematization, classification, analogy, induction, deduction.

214. Theoretical methods of scientific research 22.1. Theoretical analysis of the research problem.22.2. Analysis of scientific literature.22.3. Modeling the object of study.

215. Empirical methods of scientific research.23.1. Observational methods.23.2. Diagnostic methods: survey (conversation, interviewing, questioning, testing, rating). 23.3. Experiment.

216. Mathematical and statistical methods for processing results.

217. Forms of teaching and research and research activities of students.

218. Creating and editing tables

219. Create a simple table in a document in two ways.

220. Drawing tables. Draw a simple table in your document.

221. Fill in the table with data, demonstrate alignment methods.

222. Possibilities of table formatting. Show row selection, column selection, nonadjacent cell selection.

223. Style the table with borders and fill.

224. Design a table using AutoFormat.

225. Show how you can set the size of cells, columns, rows, tables.

226. Place the table in the center of the page (define all ways to move the table).

227. Changing the orientation of the text in the table.

228. Y. Sorting data in a table. Demonstrate with an example.

229. Use in tables of formulas. Show with an example.

230. How can Excel and Word tables be combined?

231. Supplement the reporting table "Text editor Microsoft Word» new data. Identify their relationship with the capabilities of the text editor studied in previous labs.

232. M. Make a table "Schedule of group classes" taking into account the "red" and "blue" weeks. Apply different table layouts.

233. Test on the topic "Microsoft Word"

234. Microsoft Word is: a) a graphics editor; b) text editor; c) table editor.

235. Which pictographic panel is responsible for the type of text? a) standard; b) drawing; c) formatting.

236. Commands for opening and saving files are in the menu item: a) file; b) insert; c) service.

237. To mark the end of a paragraph, use the key: a) Enter; b) Shift + Enter; c) Ctrl+Shift+Del.

238. To select an entire paragraph, you need to: a) double-click on it with the mouse; b) click with the mouse while pressing the Ctrl key; c) click the mouse while pressing the Alt key.

239. What command puts the selected text fragment into the buffer without deleting it? a) copy; b) cut out; c) insert.

240. Which of the markers of the horizontal coordinate ruler serves to set the indent of the red line? a) upper; b) lower left; c) lower right.

241. You can place a drawing in a document using the menu item: a) view; b) service; c) insert.

242. Is it true that the composition of the toolbar cannot be changed by the user? a) no, it's not true b) yes, that's right.

243. Is there a difference in the execution of an operation depending on how it is called: using the main menu, hot keys, or context-sensitive menu? a) no; b) there is.

244. What does the little triangle near the menu bar mean? a) that this line includes one more menu; b) that activating this line displays a dialog box; c) that activating this line causes a certain operation to be performed.

245. How can you not switch from one document loaded into the Word program to another? a) using the Window menu; b) place the mouse cursor on any visible place in the window of the desired document and press the left mouse button; c) using the File menu.

246. How can I load an existing document into Word? a) using the Window menu; b) using the File menu; c) using the Insert menu.

247. Do the words underlined with a red wavy line always contain an error? a) yes, there is a mistake in all the underlined words; b) no, the system underlines all unknown words.

248. Choose the wrong way to copy data from the following: a) moving the text around the screen with the mouse; b) using the Edit menu; c) using the Copy and Paste buttons on the toolbar.

249. With the help of what function is it possible to view a document in a "real" form? a) web page mode; b) reading mode; c) preview.

250. The mode of automatic input of a fragment of texts is: a) auto-replacement; b) auto-input; c) autotext.

251. How many types of alignment exist? a) two; b) three; at four.

252. Which key does not work in the formula editor? a) Shift; b) space; c) Ctrl.

253. In what mode is only the content of the document presented without the requisite design elements? a) markup mode; b) structure mode; c) normal mode.

254. What key combination cancels the last action? a)Ctrl+Z b) Ctrl+G; c) Ctrl + L.

255. How to open the drawing panel? a) View / Toolbar / Image settings; b) View / Toolbar / Drawing; c) Format / Toolbar / Drawing.

256. How to use the keyboard to call Help? a)Ctrl+F2; b) F2; b)F1;d) Shift+Fl.

257. Correct answers: 1-6, 2-c, 3-a, 4-a, 5-6, 6-a, 7-a, 8-c, 9-a, 10-a, 11-a, 12 -a, 13-a, 14-c, 15-6, 16-6, 17-d, 18-a, 19-c, 20-c, 21-c, 22-6, 23-c, 24-c , 25-a, 26-6,27-c.

258. Evaluation criterion: each correct answer 1 point; 23-27 points - "excellent", 17-22 points - "good", 10-16 points - "satisfactory", 0-9 points - "unsatisfactory".

259. Questionnaire for students We ask you to take part in the study, the purpose of which is to improve the teaching and research activities of students in the system of professional training of future specialists.

260. The following abbreviations are accepted in the questionnaire: UID educational and research activities, NID - research activities.1. Specialty 2. Group

261. What attracts you in your future profession? a) modernity; b) the opportunity to do what you love; c) the possibility of continuous self-improvement; d) other (what exactly?)

262. How do you assess your abilities for future professional activity? a) I have the ability; b) there are few abilities; d) no ability; e) find it difficult to answer.

264. Do you consider teaching or research activities during your studies at the university to be the leading one? Mark respectively with the letters "U" or "I": 1 course 2 course 3 course 4 course 5 course

265. Your attitude to research activities: a) positive; b) more positive than negative; c) indifferent; d) more negative than positive; e) negative; e) I don't know.

266. In your opinion, student participation in educational and research activities in informatics: a) is mandatory; 6) desirable; c) not needed.

267. In what course did you become interested in research activities? When was interest lost or weakened?

268. Do you participate (participated) during the period of study at the university in educational and research activities (yes, no); in research activities (yes, no)? If “yes”, then from what course: UID, NID?

269. Forms of UID or NID Disciplines

270. Algebra Geometry Math. analysis Physics Numerical methods Workshop on a computer Sist. and appl. Software Informatics Program languages and MT Databases

271. Solving problems of a research nature

272. Doing homework with elements of research

273. Research laboratory work

274. Educational and research workshop1. Abstracts 1. Coursework

275. Research during work experience1. Graduate work

276. UID under the guidance of a teacher1. Circle

277. Teaching and research group

278. Student scientific conference1. Institute Olympiad 1. Other (what exactly?)

279. Mark the most interesting form of research activity for you with the letter “I”, and the form that, in your opinion, has the greatest impact on the level of professional training, with the letter “P”.

280. Are you satisfied with the quality of the organization of research activities of students at the faculty? a) yes; b) more likely yes than no; c) rather no than yes; d) no.

281. The results of your research activities: a) abstract; b) report at the lesson; c) report at a scientific conference; d) preparation of work for the competition; e) article; f) term paper with research elements; f) diploma work; g) other (what exactly?)

282. What impact does academic achievement have on research activities? a) significant; b) insignificant; c) does not affect; d) I don't know.

283. What impact does research activity have on academic performance? a) significant; b) insignificant; c) does not affect; d) I don't know.

284. Helps (helped) did the UID or NID performed by you in educational activities? a) yes; b) no; c) to a small extent; d) I don't know.

285. Does the UID or NID that you perform affect your professional training? a) yes; b) no; c) to a small extent; d) I don't know.

286. V Questionnaire for teachers

287. We ask you to take part in the survey, the purpose of which is to improve the educational and research activities of students.

288. Please indicate the name of the discipline you teach and answer the questions.1. Questions Answer options

289. Yes Rather “yes” than “no” Rather “no” than “yes” No1 2 3 4 5 6

290. Are students motivated to participate in research activities?

291. Do students have a need for self-researching of research activities?

292. Do students understand the importance of research activities in their professional development?

293. Are students willingly involved in the implementation of educational and research tasks?

294. Are you satisfied with the quality of the organization of research activities of students at the faculty?

295. Do you feel the need to apply the research method to study the discipline you teach?

296. Are you interested in developing students' research skills and abilities within a particular course?

297. Can students fully realize their research potential in the process of studying at a university?

298. Do students have theoretical knowledge that contributes to the formation of research skills?

299. Do you have theoretical knowledge about the nature, structure, stages of research?1

300. Do you use effective pedagogical technologies in the educational process that contribute to the formation of students' teaching and research skills?

301. Can students plan their own research activities?

302. Can students adequately assess their capabilities when performing educational and research assignments?

303. Can students be self-critical about their research activities and evaluate the results?

304. Can students develop research skills while studying narrow professional disciplines?

305. Do students develop research skills while studying your discipline?

306. Is it necessary to improve the teaching methods of your subject in order to increase the effectiveness of professional training?

307. Are you able to organize the research activities of students within the discipline you teach?

308. Do you have the ability to turn your subject into a means of shaping the student's personality, his needs for self-education, self-education, self-development?

309. Is the teacher's personality-oriented control over the performance of tasks necessary?

310. Does the level of professional training of a teacher influence the possibility of organizing research activities of students in the framework of studying specific disciplines?

311. Does the formation of research skills and abilities of students depend on the teaching style of the teacher?

Please note that the scientific texts presented above are posted for review and obtained through original dissertation text recognition (OCR). In this connection, they may contain errors related to the imperfection of recognition algorithms. AT PDF files dissertations and abstracts that we deliver, there are no such errors.

Training and education require the teacher to organize educational, research and project activities of students in terms of mastering the main type of professional activity of two interrelated processes. The teacher organizes education and training, creates certain conditions in which the activities of students are welcomed and supported by them, and as a result, purposefully develops socially oriented elements of the student's personality, in which the modern employer is interested.



Organization of educational, research and project activities of studentsin terms of mastering the main type of professional activity

Kotova Natalya Ivanovna, lecturer, Kursk Assembly College, Kursk

In the system of professional educational organizations in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of secondary vocational education, it is necessary to develop innovative approaches to the organizationeducational, research and project activities of students. At the present stage of development of education, in work program of the professional module, criteria for the competent determination of its effectiveness and compliance with modern requirements that apply to the levelprofessional and personal development of students.

For the purpose of masteringmain types of professional activity and relevant professional competenciesstudents use educational, research and project activities that provide productive personal and professional development and self-development of the student, form his skills and creativity to achievequality results and is fixed in production during the internships.

Actual direction in teaching students ispreparation of a qualified, competent, responsible employee, ready for professional self-improvement, capable of effective work, competitive in the labor market. FROM Modern requirements for specialists require the development of a persistent cognitive interest in students, the development of analytical and creative thinking, which are integral characteristics of a harmoniously and comprehensively developed personality. In OBPOU "Kursk Assembly College" one of the directions in the educational process is the creation of conditions for the formation of students' personal qualities that ensure competitiveness in the labor market, as well as the development of a creative personality who can adapt to modern conditions. The means of achieving this goal is the research and project activities of students.

The education system is moving to an innovative way of developing and updating the content of secondary specialized education for students with increased requirements for the quality of education. Our college uses a variety of information technologies. Students master new computer programs for designing engineering networks, for the necessary calculations and selection of equipment, and make estimates using the Grand Estimate program. Students use information technology with interest, find a lot of new and interesting things in Internet resources, exchange information between themselves and teachers. Thus, there is an improvement and an increase in the professional level of the development of education and the development by students of the relevant professional competencies: - designing elements of engineering communication systems; - implementation of the basics of calculation of engineering communication systems; - preparation of specifications for materials and equipment of engineering communication systems.

The technology of project-based learning is the development of problem-based learning ideas that are developed by students under the supervision of a teacher and are of practical importance. The main goal of the organization of project activities is the development of a deep, sustainable interest in design among students on the basis of broad cognitive activity. In achieving this goal, one can single out such tactical tasks as the motivation of educational activity, the development of cognitive independence, the formation and development of creative abilities, the assimilation of generalized and rational methods of activity, the formation of self-education experience, and so on.

The main objectives of the educational and research work of students of the technical school are:

Formation of interest in scientific creativity;

The study of methods and means of independent solution of research problems and skills of working in research teams;

Development of creative thinking and independence;

Deepening and consolidating the theoretical and practical knowledge gained during training.

The success of students' educational and research work is determined by the relevance of their work and the depth of research.During extracurricular time, research work is organized individually or through the participation of students in the work of subject circles, the design of stands with the connection of working equipment, competitions, olympiads, scientific and practical conferences, where everyone can compare how his work looks on a general level and draw appropriate conclusions . This is a very useful result, because by analyzing his own work and getting acquainted with the work of another, the student can see the shortcomings of his work and determine for himself his own strengths and weaknesses. Each participant can draw new original ideas. A peculiar mechanism is activated when many new exciting ideas appear. Scientific and practical conferences involve not only theoretical scientific reports, but also ways to solve practical problems.

Thus, research work for students is one of the forms of the educational process, in which learning and practice are most successfully combined. As part of scientific work, the student first acquires the first skills of research work, then begins to use the acquired theoretical knowledge in his projects, one way or another related to practical activities. Having mastered the professional competencies in the professional module, and having consolidated them in the production practice, the student of the Kursk Assembly College makes a presentation at the conference, where he highlights the experience gained in production in front of students who have had internships at other enterprises and in front of students who are preparing to go to practice in the future. Research work helps every student of secondary specialized education to find an occupation to their liking and participate in it for the most harmonious and deep education.

A modern employer is interested in such an employee who can think independently and solve problems, has critical and creative thinking, has practical experience and skills of professional knowledge, competently works with information, is sociable, contact in various social groups, knows how to work in a team. For the formation of these qualities in a student, the organization of research or teaching and research activities in our Kursk Assembly College plays an important role.


1. I.P. Pastukhova, N.V. Tarasov. Fundamentals of educational and research activities of students: study guide for students. avg. prof. textbook institutions - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2010. - 160 p.

2. Zh. G. Ivanova. Organization of research work of students // Pedagogical mastery: materials of the international. scientific conf. (Moscow, April 2012). - M.: Buki-Vedi, 2012. - S. 224-226.

3. V.I. Krugov and others. Fundamentals of scientific research. - M.: Higher school, 1989. - 400 p.

4. Modern educational technologies: textbook / ed. N. V. Bordovskoy. - 2nd ed., erased. - M. : KNORUS, 2011. - 432 p.

5. Revko-Linardato P.S. Methods of scientific research: Textbook. - Taganrog: Publishing House of TTI SFU, 2012. - 55 p.

Three qualities - extensive knowledge, the habit of thinking and nobility of feelings - are necessary for a person to be educated in the full sense of the word "N.G. Chernyshevsky

Global changes in the information, communication, professional and other spheres of modern society require adjustment of the content, methodological, technological aspects of education, revision of the previous value priorities, targets and pedagogical means.

The technology of the class-lesson system over the centuries has proved to be the most effective for the mass transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities to young recruits. The changes taking place in modern times in public life require the development of new ways of education, pedagogical technologies that deal with individual development of the personality, creative initiation, the skill of independent movement in information fields, the formation of a student's universal ability to set and solve problems to solve problems that arise in life -- professional activity, self-determination, everyday life. The emphasis is shifted to the upbringing of a truly free personality, the formation in children of the ability to think independently, acquire and apply knowledge, carefully consider decisions and clearly plan actions, effectively cooperate in groups that are diverse in composition and profile, and be open to new contacts and cultural ties. This requires the widespread introduction of alternative forms and methods of conducting educational activities into the educational process.

Research activity in education is the acquisition by students of the skill of research as a universal way of mastering reality, the development of the ability for a research type of thinking, the activation of the student's personal position in the educational process based on the acquisition of new knowledge. The educational and research activity of schoolchildren is an activity related to the search for an answer to a creative, research problem with a previously unknown solution.

Research activity is an effective means of developing theoretical thinking, as it allows fixing causal relationships on specific material, establishing the results of the development of processes, making generalizations and ascent “from the particular to the general” (“the theory of educational activity and its subject” by V.V. Davydov ). During research activities, the conditions and norms of activity that arose and existed in the field of science are reproduced. Thus, research learning is active in nature.

At various levels of education and for various kinds educational institutions, the research activity of students has its own specific functions: in preschool education and primary school- preservation of children's exploratory behavior as a means of developing cognitive interest and establishing motivation for learning activities; in the basic school - the development of students' ability to take a research position, independently set and achieve goals in educational activities based on the use of elements of research activities within the framework of the subjects of the curriculum and the system of additional education; in high school - the development of research competence and pre-professional skills as the basis of profile education; in additional education - the creation of conditions for the development of abilities and inclinations of students in accordance with their specific needs in the context of flexible educational programs and individual support.

The research activity of students is an educational technology that uses educational research as the main means. Research activity involves the implementation by students of educational research tasks with a previously known solution, aimed at creating ideas about an object or phenomenon of the world, under the guidance of the head of the research work.

Educational research is an educational process implemented on the basis of research activity technology.

The main characteristics are:

  • * highlighting problem points in the educational material, suggesting ambiguity;
  • * development of the skill of highlighting several versions, hypotheses (view of the object, development of the process, etc.) in the chosen problem, their formulation;
  • * development of the skill of working with different versions based on the analysis of evidence or primary sources (methods of collecting material, comparisons, etc.);
  • * developing the skills of analysis and acceptance based on the analysis of one version as the true one.

The main goal of a student's research project is to get an idea about a particular phenomenon, to develop the ability to take a research position in relation to surrounding phenomena. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to create conditions for students to independently set research objectives, select an object, attempt analysis, and put forward hypotheses. At the same time, the student acts in accordance with his interests and preferences, takes a creative, authorial position when performing research, that is, independently sets the goals of his activity. At each stage of research, it is necessary to give the student a certain freedom in work, sometimes even to the detriment of the methodology, otherwise the study may gradually turn into a sequence of standard educational stages that is usual in the reproductive system of education. During research activities, the method of projects is used, which allows you to plan the study, while the work remains research, which is organized by the project method.

Among the forms of organization of research activities, the following can be distinguished:

  • 1. Problematic teaching of lessons in a general education school in traditional subjects. At the same time, a problematic approach to teaching a lesson is implemented: the presentation by the teacher of various points of view on a given topic; the organization of the discussion, during which the analysis of the primary sources presented by the teacher takes place and various opinions are expressed, which are then formulated in the form of conclusions. You can organize student reports that reflect different points of view on a problem.
  • 2. Introduction to the grid of the basic component of the curriculum of special subjects. For example, the course "methods of scientific research", within the framework of which the methodology of research activities is given, the setting and implementation of research tasks, and the presentation of results in the classroom are worked out.
  • 3. Elective courses of pre-profile and profile training in the field of various natural sciences and humanities, which are based on the implementation of research projects.
  • 4. Additional education programs, the use of a wide range of different forms of group and individual work, fixing the result as a completed research work.
  • 5. Application of the research approach when conducting excursions, setting individual research tasks with fixing the result in the form of reporting creative works.
  • 6. School-wide projects based on research activities.
  • 7. Campaigns and expeditions as independent forms of organization of research activities and as elements of the annual cycle of educational research.
  • 8. Scientific and practical conferences and competitions as a form of presentation of research activities.
  • 9. Activities of thematic clubs and youth associations (youth scientific societies, small academies of sciences, etc.).

The learning study is divided into two parts.

The first notes the compliance of the result of the student's research work with the norms of the research. The second one shows what abilities and characteristics of the individual were developed in the process of implementing research training (the ability to see and highlight the problem, the ability for reflective thinking, the level of cognitive motivation, the presence and severity of the author's position, etc.).

The quality of a student's research work is determined by the ratio of the presented and actually mastered subject material; the ability to build and present the structure of the study in accordance with the norms that have developed in the scientific environment; ability to reflect. Thus, research activity turns into a leading activity for adolescence, since it sets the way for the implementation of effective social, subcultural, and professional tests.

The main types of educational and research activities can be distinguished:

  • - problem-reference study: comparison of data from various literary sources in order to highlight the problem and design options for its solution;
  • - analytical and systematizing research: observation, fixation, analysis, synthesis, systematization of quantitative and qualitative indicators of the studied processes and phenomena;
  • - diagnostic and prognostic research: study, tracking, explanation and forecasting of qualitative and quantitative changes in the studied systems, phenomena, processes;
  • - inventive and rationalization research: improvement, design and creation of devices, mechanisms, devices;
  • - experimental research activity: checking the assumption about the confirmation or refutation of the result;
  • - design and search activities: search, development and protection of the project, the target setting is the methods of activity, and not the accumulation and analysis of factual knowledge.
  • - descriptive research: observation and qualitative description of a phenomenon.

The most effective in terms of the formation of key competencies among students is project-research activity - the activity of designing one's own research, which involves identifying goals and objectives, principles for selecting methods, planning the course of research, determining expected results, assessing the feasibility of research, and determining the necessary resources.

The main means of organizing research work is a system of research tasks containing a problem, the solution of which requires theoretical analysis, the application of scientific research methods, with the help of which students discover knowledge previously unknown to them. Research tasks include: - cognitive tasks - specially selected educational tasks that should be, as it were, snatched from the surrounding reality. One of the constituent elements of the organization of cognitive activity in the classroom is the formulation and solution of the problem. A problem is a complex cognitive task, the solution of which is of significant practical or theoretical interest (for example: how much electricity does our school consume); - creative tasks that can take the form of a riddle, can be compiled on the basis of an unusual and interesting text, contain a question or task; - lesson-research, when the phenomenon, the study of which is provided for by the program, is offered for independent observation under the guidance of a teacher;

Lesson-seminar, which is based on the content of the educational material of previous classes.

Thus, it should be noted the importance and necessity of research activities, during which students develop the ability to see problems; to ask questions; put forward hypotheses; define concepts; classify; observe; conduct experiments; draw conclusions and conclusions; structure the material prove and defend their ideas.

research education physical culture