
Conditions for receiving and features of the social package. Labor and social guarantees for municipal employees (Davydova E.V.) How are social guarantees guaranteed for employees

Wages, social guarantees and compensations

4.1. Pay wages Employees are paid in cash in foreign currency Russian Federation(in rubles).

The salary of each Employee depends on his qualifications, the complexity of the work performed, the quantity and quality of labor expended and is not limited to the maximum amount, except for cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

4.2. The remuneration of Employees is established:

a) on the basis of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, this Agreement, regulations on remuneration, other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, and other local regulations regulating the procedure, conditions and grounds for assigning incentive and compensation payments;

b) taking into account the requirements of the unified tariff and qualification directory of works and professions of workers, the unified qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees or professional standards, as well as taking into account state guarantees for wages, recommendations of the Russian Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations and opinions relevant trade unions (associations of trade unions) and associations of employers;

c) taking into account state guarantees for wages (Article 130 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

4.3. The amounts and conditions for making incentive and compensation payments are determined by the Employer in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and are enshrined in the regulations on wages and other local regulations of the Employer regulating the procedure, conditions, grounds for incentives and compensation payments.

For the purpose of implementation this right The Employer develops regulations on wages and other local regulations governing the procedure, conditions, grounds for incentives, compensation payments, which are adopted by the Academic Council of the Employer in agreement with the Trade Union Committee of the Trade Union organization and approved by the Employer.

4.4. For the performance by the Employee of additional types of work that are not included in the scope of his direct duties established by the employment contract and job description at the main place of work, an additional payment may be established for the Employee on the basis of a concluded additional agreement to an existing employment contract.

4.5. The Employer’s remuneration system for Employees includes:

Amounts of salaries (official salaries), monthly wage rates in accordance with the regulations on remuneration adopted by the Employer;

Payments of a compensatory nature in accordance with the local regulations of the Employer regulating the procedure, conditions, grounds for assigning payments of a compensatory nature;

Incentive payments in accordance with the Employer’s local regulations governing the procedure, conditions, and grounds for incentives at the Employer.

Compensation payments are established for Employees:

For work under special conditions in accordance with the list of heavy work, work with harmful and (or) dangerous and other special working conditions, determined by the Government of the Russian Federation (Article 147 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

For work in working conditions that deviate from normal ones, in the amounts provided for by law (Articles 149-154 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and this Agreement, namely:

a) when performing work of various qualifications;

b) when combining professions, increasing the volume of work, expanding service areas, when performing the duties of a temporarily absent Employee;

c) during overtime work;

d) when working on weekends and non-working days holidays;

e) when working at night;

For work in areas with special climatic conditions (Article 148 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

Allowances for working with information constituting state secrets, their classification and declassification, as well as for working with codes.

4.6. The Employee's downtime is paid in accordance with Art. 157 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

4.7. In accordance with Art. 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, payment of wages to Employees, as a rule, is carried out through transfer Money to personal accounts of Employees opened in the relevant banks. The employment contract with the Employee may stipulate that the place of payment of wages is the Employer's cash office (his cash office). structural divisions).

4.8. When paying wages, the Employee is notified in writing of the amount and components of wages, deductions and the amount of payment for the corresponding period in the form of a pay slip.

The payslip is issued by the Department accounting and reporting of the Employer.

4.9. The deadlines for payment of wages for the first half of the month and the final payment for the month for employees of the main structural divisions are set on the 20th day of the current month and the 5th day of the month following the month worked, respectively. The deadlines for payment of wages for the first half of the month and the final payment for the month for employees of other structural divisions are established on the 21st day of the current month and the 6th day of the month following the month worked, respectively (Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

4.10. Payment for vacation is made no later than three days before its start in accordance with Art. 136 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

4.11. Payment of all amounts due to the Employee upon dismissal is made on the day of dismissal (Article 140 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

4.12. If, upon dismissal of an Employee, there are mutual claims between the Employer and the Employee, including due to failure to fulfill the agreement on full financial liability (Article 244 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) of the dismissed Employee, payment of the undisputed amount due to the Employee is made on the day of his dismissal (Article 244 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). 140 Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

4.13. The Employer and (or) authorized person who delayed the payment of wages to Employees and other violations of wages bear liability established by Art. 142, 236 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with Art. 236 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in case of violation of the established deadline for payment of wages, the employer is obliged to pay the delayed amount with payment of interest (monetary compensation) in the amount of one hundred and fiftieth of the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in force at that time of the amount unpaid on time for each day of delay starting from the next day after the due date for payment up to and including the day of actual settlement. In case of incomplete payment of wages and (or) other payments due to the employee on time, the amount of interest (monetary compensation) is calculated from the amounts actually not paid on time.

4.14. Compensations and guarantees established when Employees perform labor or other duties provided for by federal laws are provided on the grounds and in the amount of reimbursement of expenses provided for in Art. 165-188 Labor Code of the Russian Federation and local acts Employer:

When sent on business trips;

When moving to work in another area;

When performing federal or public duties;

When combining work with training;

In case of forced termination of work through no fault of the Employee;

When providing annual paid leave;

Due to the delay due to the fault of the Employer or its authorized persons in issuing a work book upon dismissal of the Employee;

In some cases, termination employment contract;

When transferring the Employee to another permanent lower-paid job;

In case of temporary disability;

When referred for a medical examination;

When the Employee donates blood and its components;

When sending an Employee for advanced training;

In case of an accident at work or occupational disease;

When using the Employee's personal property.

4.15. Teaching Workers, at least every 10 years of continuous teaching work, have the right to long leave for a period of up to one year, provided for writing monographs, textbooks, teaching aids, other scientific works, and in other cases only after completing the annual workload.

Depending on the purpose of the leave, the financial capabilities of the Employer, leave at the request of the teaching Employee can be provided with full, partial pay, or without pay. The decision on granting leave and the form of payment for it is made by the Employer on the recommendation of the Academic Council of the Employer.

4.16. Payments of a social nature are made by the Employer on the basis of the Employee’s application, taking into account the opinion of the Trade Union Committee of the Trade Union organization from the Employer’s funds in accordance with the standards approved by order of the Employer for each financial year.

The main areas of spending for these purposes:

Payments to close relatives in the event of the death of an Employee in the amount of 1.5 times the minimum wage established by federal law (hereinafter referred to as the minimum wage); payments in case of death of close relatives in the amount of 1.5 minimum wages; payments in case of detection of serious illnesses in the Employee in the amount of 1.5 minimum wages; payments in case of thefts and other accidents causing significant damage - in the amount of 0.5 to 1 minimum wage; payments in case of loss of property due to fires - in the amount of 1.5 to 2 minimum wages (the total amount of funds for these purposes is set at no less than 350,000 rubles per year); payments related to the anniversaries of Employees (50, 55, 60, 70 and then every 5 years - for women; 50, 60, 70 and then every 5 years - for men) and non-working pensioners who retired from KFU ( the total amount of funds is set at 500,000 rubles per year with payments of at least 0.5 minimum wages, the minimum wage is determined at the time of writing the application for payments);

Payment upon application of an Employee who has reached retirement age, worked for the employer for at least 20 years and resigns at at will(by agreement of the parties/in connection with the expiration of the employment contract), a one-time remuneration in the amount of his monthly earnings excluding bonuses and hourly wages for the main position based on the occupied rate (share of the rate) at the time of writing the application for payments (the total amount of funds is established in the amount of at least 300,000 rubles per year);

For children of Employees - purchase New Year's gifts, payment for vouchers to children's health camps; for Workers and non-working pensioners who retired from KFU, compensation of 50% of the cost of vouchers to sanatoriums and sanatoriums (no more than 30,000 rubles); for Employees who are participants and veterans of the Great Patriotic War, - purchasing gifts for Victory Day (May 9); for non-working pensioners who retired from KFU - purchasing gifts for the Day of the Elderly (October 1) (the total amount of funds is set at no less than 2,500,000 rubles per year);

At the request of the Trade Union Committee of the Trade Union Organization, the Employer annually allocates funds for cultural, physical and recreational work with Employees in the amount of at least 1,000,000 rubles per year (Article 377 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

A one-time payment for special services to the Employer to distinguished professors and distinguished teachers of KFU resigning due to retirement. The specified payment is established by order of the Employer on the basis of a petition from the Academic Council of the Institute (Faculty) of KFU and the submission of the Trade Union Committee of the Trade Union Organization of Workers. The amount of payment is established depending on the Employee’s work experience at KFU and can be: for emeritus professors - up to 10 times the monthly salary (excluding bonuses and hourly wages) for the main position based on the rate occupied (share of the rate) at the time of training petitions; for distinguished teachers - up to 6 times the monthly salary (excluding bonuses and hourly wages) for the main position based on the occupied rate (share of the rate) at the time of preparation of the application;

Monthly social payments until reaching adulthood in the amount of 2 minimum wages to orphans, one of whose parents at the time of death was an Employee and made a significant contribution to the activities of the KFU. The specified payments are assigned by order of the Employer upon the recommendation of the administration;

Monthly social payments in the amount of 2 minimum wages to students for the period of study at KFU, one of whose parents at the time of death was an Employee and made a significant contribution to the activities of KFU. The specified payments are assigned by order of the Employer upon the recommendation of the administration.

4.17. Social insurance of Employees is carried out and guaranteed:

Execution federal laws"On the basics of mandatory social insurance", "On state benefits for citizens with children" and other regulatory legal acts in the field of social insurance;

Mandatory registration of the Employer with the territorial tax authority and the territorial authority for social, pension and health insurance;

Mandatory deduction (payment) of insurance premiums in the amounts and terms established by law.

Appendix No. 3

to the order of the Federal Budgetary Institution "FNTsG im. F.F. Erisman"



on the procedure for holding a competition to fill vacant positions of scientific workers of the Federal Budgetary Institution of Science "FNTsG im. F.F. Erisman" Rospotrebnadzor


1. These Regulations determine the procedure and conditions for holding a competition for filling positions of scientific workers (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure), the rules for holding a competition for filling positions of scientific workers and transferring scientific workers to the corresponding positions in the Federal Scientific Center for Genetic Research named after F.F. Erisman" of Rospotrebnadzor, hereinafter referred to as (the Center), which carries out scientific activity Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare.

2. The competition is announced by decision of the Director of the Center if there is a vacant position of a researcher. The presence of a vacant position does not impose an obligation on the director to announce a competition to fill it. The Director of the Center makes a decision on holding a competition, including on the basis of internal memos from the heads of scientific structural divisions. Persons who meet the qualification characteristics required to fill the corresponding position are allowed to participate in the competition for filling the position of a scientific worker. The decision to announce a competition is formalized by order of the director.

3. The competition is held to fill positions included in the list of positions of scientific workers subject to filling through a competition, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 2, 2015 No. 937.

4. The competition is not held:

when hired part-time for a period of no more than one year; to replace a temporarily absent employee, who, in accordance with the law, retains his place of work - until this employee returns to work.

5. The competition consists of assessing the professional level of the applicant for filling positions of scientific workers (hereinafter referred to as the applicant) or transfer to the corresponding positions of scientific workers in the organization, based on the scientific and (or) scientific and technical results previously obtained by the applicant, their compliance with the established qualification requirements for the corresponding position, as well as scientific and (or) scientific and technical tasks, the solution of which is expected by the applicant.


2.1. To conduct a competition for filling the position of a research assistant, a competition commission is formed, operating on an ongoing basis. At the same time, the composition of the competition commission is formed taking into account the need to exclude the possibility of a conflict of interest, which could affect the decisions made by the competition commission.

2.2. The composition of the competition commission must include the directors of the Center, representatives of the elected body of the relevant primary trade union organization, as well as leading scientists invited from other organizations carrying out scientific, scientific, technical, and innovative activities of a similar profile.

2.3. Meetings of the competition commission are held as necessary within the time limits established by the organization, but no later than within 15 calendar days from the date the applicant submits an application for participation in the competition to the head of the organization. The decision based on the results of consideration of the application is made by the competition commission.

2.4. The competition is held in two stages.

2.5. At the first stage, the Center places an advertisement on the information and telecommunications network "Internet" on its official website "" and on the vacancy portal at the address "http://scientists-researchers.rf" (hereinafter referred to as the vacancy portal), which indicates information in accordance with with clause 8 of the Procedure for holding a competition for filling positions of scientific workers, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 2, 2015 No. 937:

a) place and date of the competition;

b) the closing date for accepting applications for participation in the competition;

c) full names of the scientific positions for which a competition is being announced and the qualification requirements for them (hereinafter referred to as the requirements), including the branches (fields) of science in which the applicant is expected to work;

d) an approximate list of quantitative indicators of the applicant’s labor productivity, characterizing the performance of the proposed work;

e) the terms of the employment contract, including the list of labor functions, the term of the employment contract or, if an employment contract is expected to be concluded with the applicant for an indefinite period, the period after which certification is expected to be carried out; the amount of wages, the possible amount of incentive payments and the conditions for receiving them, possible social guarantees (provision of official housing, compensation for the cost of renting living quarters, provision of treatment, recreation, travel, and so on).

The closing date for accepting applications is determined by the organization and cannot be set earlier than 20 calendar days from the date of posting the advertisement provided for in this paragraph on the Internet information and telecommunications network. Applications submitted after the deadline for accepting applications established by the organization are not allowed to participate in the competition.

2.6. Applicants for vacant positions, in accordance with these Regulations, place an application on the vacancy portal containing:

a) last name, first name and patronymic (if any) of the applicant;

b) date of birth of the applicant;

c) information about higher education and qualifications, academic degree (if available) and academic title (if available);

d) information about length of service and work experience;

e) information about the branch (area) of sciences in which the applicant intends to work, and about the intended direction of his research;

f) lists of previously obtained main results (number of publications on issues professional activity, the number of results of intellectual activity and information about their use, the number of grants and (or) contracts for the implementation of research, development and technological work, including international projects in which the applicant participated, the number of people who have completed training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school, who have successfully defended a scientific qualification work (dissertation) for the degree of Candidate of Sciences, which was supervised by the applicant, and so on).

The applicant has the right to post on the vacancy portal an autobiography and other materials that most fully characterize his qualifications, experience and performance.

2.7. Feedback on the applicant’s performance may also be submitted to the competition commission. job responsibilities from the last place of work, signed by an official authorized by the employer. The review must contain a motivated assessment of the applicant’s professional, business and personal qualities, as well as the results of his professional activities.

The list of applicants for positions is generated automatically on the vacancy portal.

2.7. Applicants for vacant positions submit the following documents to the competition committee:

personal statement (Appendix 2 to these Regulations);

a personally completed personal personnel record sheet;

*copies of documents on higher professional education;

*copies of documents on the award of an academic degree, assignment of an academic title (if available);

*copy of the work book (except for cases when labor activity is carried out for the first time) or other documents confirming labor activity;

information about scientific (scientific and organizational) work for the last five years preceding the date of the competition, signed by the applicant and certified by the scientific secretary of the Institute.

Copies of the above documents must be certified upon presentation of the original by the head of the Center's personnel department.

2.8. The competition commission’s refusal to allow an applicant to participate in the competition is provided in the following cases:

a) the applicant provides false information;

b) the applicant does not meet the qualification requirements established by the Center for the relevant position;

c) violation of the established deadlines for submitting documents;

d) if the documents are not submitted in full or in violation of the rules for their execution established by these regulations.

2.8.1. The decision to refuse to allow an applicant to participate in the competition is made by the competition commission. The competition commission has the right to make this decision at any stage of the competition in case of detection of violations provided for in clause 2.8. The decision of the competition commission is formalized in the form of a protocol.

2.8.2. If documents are submitted untimely, not submitted in full, or in violation of the rules of execution for a good reason, the competition commission or the chairman of the competition commission has the right to decide to extend or postpone the deadline for accepting documents, formalizing this with an appropriate order.

2.9. If no application is submitted to the competition, the competition is considered invalid.

2.10. The period for consideration of applications is determined by the chairman of the commission and cannot exceed 15 working days from the closing date for accepting applications/applications.

2.11. At the second stage of the competition, the competition commission evaluates the applicants and compiles a rating based on their assessment based on the information contained in the application/application and other materials attached to them, which most fully characterize the qualifications, experience and performance of the applicant.

An assessment of the main results previously obtained by the applicant, information about which was sent to the commission, taking into account the significance of such results (compliance) with the expected performance indicators published by the Center in the competition announcement;

Assessing the qualifications and experience of the applicant;

Evaluation of the results of the interview, if one is held.

2.13. To assign points, members of the competition commission use the approved form “Score sheets of an applicant for a vacant position” (Appendix No. 4 to these Regulations).

2.14. The results of the scores for all applicants are reflected in the form “General rating of applicants for a vacant position” (Appendix to these Regulations).

2.15. The winner of the competition for filling positions is the applicant who takes first place in the ranking. The decision of the competition commission must include an indication of the applicant who took second place in the ranking.

2.16. If one applicant participates in a competition to fill a vacant position as a researcher, no scoring is carried out and a rating is not compiled.

The applicant is considered elected in the competition if more than half of the members of the competition commission who participated in the voting vote for him. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the person presiding at the meeting of the competition commission is decisive.

2.17. The decision of the competition commission is documented in a protocol.

2.18. An employment contract is concluded with the winner of the competition within 10 days in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation and an order is issued to appoint a scientific worker to the vacant position.

2.19. If within 30 calendar days from the date of adoption of the relevant decision

the competition commission, the winner did not enter into an employment contract on his own initiative, the organization announces a new competition, or enters into an employment contract with the applicant who took second place.

2.20. When transferred to the position of a scientific worker as a result of election through a competition to the corresponding position, the validity period of the employment contract with the employee may be changed by agreement of the parties, concluded in writing, in accordance with the terms of the competition for a certain period of no more than five years.

2.21. The expiration of a researcher’s employment contract is the basis for holding a competition to fill his position. Scientist, not elected for a new term, is relieved of his position in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.22. The applicant has the right to appeal the decision of the competition commission in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Everyday life is not always stable and monotonous. Emergency situations often arise that interfere with the ordinary performance of citizens’ work activities. For example, a sudden illness or a decision to quit work. As a result of such circumstances, a certain amount of work arises at the enterprise that requires execution even in the absence of the main personnel. To achieve this, management resorts to replacing and combining positions.

The essence of filling a vacant position

Based on the provisions of Federal Law No. 79 of July 27, 2004, filling a vacant position of an absent employee is a procedure for replacing an employee who is not at his workplace for a number of reasons with another entity, based on the decision of the head of the company to transfer the duties of the absent person to his colleague or temporarily hired subject.

In this case, the subject who replaces his absent colleague is completely relieved of his main job responsibilities and receives a salary in the same amount as it is assigned to the new position.

When replacing one employee with another, the salary can only be increased, but it is illegal to assign the replacement entity a payment that is less than what the main staff received.

Substitution is often practiced in standard offices when an employee registers temporary disability, goes on annual leave or leave at his own expense. However, if the conditions of the production process are harmful and/or dangerous, substitution may be resorted to for the following purposes:

  • prevent the onset of an emergency (accident, equipment breakdown or any other technical disaster);
  • eliminate the consequences of a natural disaster;
  • prevent ;
  • eliminate the possibility of damage or destruction of materials and equipment, as well as any other property owned by the company;
  • establish a stable manufacturing process, thereby leveling the economic position of the company.

Ways to perform the duties of a temporarily absent employee

The labor legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the following opportunities for another person to perform the duties of a temporarily absent employee:

Combination of positions - what is it?

Combination is an increase in the volume of labor responsibilities of a particular subject by the amount of the same responsibilities of another position. In fact, combining vacancies represents the acquisition of additional workload without interruption from the main work activity. For such work, the subject is also expected to receive additional remuneration. At the same time, filling a position is a complete release from the usual duties of the subject while working in a different profile.

It is also necessary to understand the difference between combining positions and professions. Combining positions represents the performance of duties in the field of management, special work of highly professional specialists, as well as employees. Combination of professions, in turn, is the performance of job duties in the field of work orientation.

So, if a manager decides to involve an employee in additional work without taking him away from his main activity, he needs to:

  • agree on adjustments to the staffing table;
  • approve and formalize the employee’s consent;
  • draw up an additional agreement;
  • publish an order to prove the legality of this procedure.

The procedure for registering the replacement of a temporarily absent employee

The procedure for registering a replacement frame that is missing for some reason is as follows:

  1. Based on Art. 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, replacement is formalized with the written consent of the subject who is entrusted with new temporary responsibilities.
  2. In accordance with Art. 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if the labor of a temporarily hired employee is used, he must draw up a fixed-term employment agreement with a clear indication of the period of employment.
  3. All additional responsibilities, in addition to the entrusted new work tasks, are imposed on the employee only with his written consent. They must also be formalized through an additional agreement or in the text of the main employment contract upon its conclusion.

Upon completion of the employment agreement, the head of the company publishes a corresponding order, which the subordinate must also sign as a sign of familiarization with the document.

Such an order is formed in free form, however, taking into account the standard requirements for the details of such papers. At some large enterprises, the template for such an order is fixed by local regulations.

Also, the paper in question must be registered in the standard manner, in a special registration journal, which is kept by the manager’s secretary or any other employee responsible for the manager’s orders.

Replacing a temporarily absent employee during illness

It is impossible and unlawful to entrust a third-party employee to perform someone else’s duties without his consent. Therefore, if the main frame is unwell, temporary transfer for his position of another subject must also be formalized by order. Even in conditions where the main employee was absent for several hours due to leaving for a hospital or medical center, the order must be published. In the event of emergency incidents occurring during a given period of time due to the fault of an employee, the guilty employee will not be fairly punished unless his presence at a specific production site is documented.

The order should be drawn up in the standard version:

  1. General information about the company, its director and temporarily absent entity. It is also necessary to indicate the order number and the date of its execution.
  2. The main part, which indicates information about the replacement subject, his main position, as well as the vacancy to which he will be temporarily transferred. You should also indicate the frequency of such transfer.
  3. Further in the text, it is necessary to determine the document that serves as the basis for the replacement. In the case of incapacity for work of the main staff, such paper will be a specific sick leave sheet, an official note or a statement from the employee himself.
  4. The final paragraph, in which the signatures of the parties must be affixed.

Replacing a temporarily absent employee during vacation

If an employee goes on annual leave, such temporary replacement does not pose a problem for the company. However, if a woman takes leave under Labor and Employment, then such a period can drag on for 1.5 or even 3 years with the legal retention of the position for a specific employee.

Therefore, as practice shows, for such periods, a third party is most often hired to work under a temporary contract. However, no less common are variants of part-time work, when a full-time employee takes on additional workload during the absence of a colleague.

Also, the relevant part of the order specifies the basis for replacing or combining vacancies, which is the document assigning leave to the employee.

In circumstances when the head of the company goes on vacation, he can distribute his responsibilities between two or more subordinates by issuing an appropriate order for this. Most often, a manager's responsibilities are distributed between his immediate deputies and the chief accountant.

Differences between substitution and combination

If there is a choice: replacement or combination, the manager must rely on the needs of the company and the current state of affairs. Thus, such an action will always be individual in nature. So, answering the question of what is the difference between combination and substitution, it is fair to say the following:

It is important to remember that all such provisions, the differences between the categories considered and, in particular, the frequency of execution of other people’s work, must be written down in the manager’s order and signed by the employee as a sign of agreement with all clauses of the contract.

Thus, a specific decision on substitution or combination is made by the head of the company, based on the needs of the production process.

To make employees more interested in maintaining their jobs at this particular enterprise and attracting highly qualified personnel, employers are introducing additional social guarantees at the enterprise. They usually relate to protecting the health of workers, improving their living conditions, etc. Such measures are always attractive to employees.

Of course, the provision of additional social guarantees cannot in any way cancel or reduce the amount of guarantees and compensations, the payment of which is entrusted to employers by law.

1. The Employer provides the Employee with the following additional social guarantees while working at the enterprise:

Additional leave due to temporary disability;

Payment of additional amounts to the state social insurance benefit established by law;

Medical care in the form of payment of compensation for the use of paid medical services in the following institutions:

Sanatorium and resort services in the form of annual free or partially paid vouchers;

Household services in the form of:

Additional compensation for damage caused to the Employee’s health;

Payments to the Employee's family in the event of his death;

Periodic medical examination and assessment of the Employee’s health and ability to work at the Employer’s expense;

Maintaining health in the event of a deterioration in his condition both during work and for circumstances not related to the performance of work duties.

2. If the cause of the Employee’s deterioration in health is alcohol or drug abuse, additional payments for medical care are not made, or, by agreement of the parties, the Employee may be provided with a loan for medical care.

3. Part of the listed guarantees applies to the Employee in the event of his retirement.

Some enterprises that are particularly interested in attracting highly qualified specialists form a staff profit sharing fund. In this case, employees are interested in the success of the enterprise as a whole. An employer can develop a special document on staff participation in profits as a local normative act, it is possible to include this condition in every employment contract. Most often, such a condition is included in employment contracts in joint-stock companies.

The state provides the unemployed with the following types of guarantees and compensation:

Payment of unemployment benefits in accordance with the established procedure;

Providing, in some cases, financial assistance to the unemployed and members of his family;

Payment of scholarships during the period vocational training, advanced training or retraining;

Reimbursement of expenses and receipt of other compensation in connection with moving to another area to a new place of residence and work in the direction of the State Employment Service;

Opportunity to participate in paid public works;

Payment of temporary disability benefits during unemployment.

The right to receive unemployment benefits is available to unemployed people who do not receive pensions, benefits (with the exception of benefits for families raising children) or compensation for damage caused to health by injury or other damage related to the performance of work duties in an amount exceeding the amount of unemployment benefits, established by employment legislation.

The decision to grant or refuse unemployment benefits is made by the State Employment Service within 10 days from the date of registration of the unemployed.

Payment of unemployment benefits is made from the date of registration of the unemployed at the employment center and remains during the period when the unemployed performs temporary work, about which he is obliged to notify the employment center, as well as during the performance of paid public work in the direction of the employment center.

Unemployment benefits are paid in the following amounts:

For the first 13 calendar weeks in the amount of 70% and for the next 13 calendar weeks - 50% of the average salary (income) last place work, but not lower than the minimum wage and not higher than twice its value if the unemployed person has been unemployed for 12 calendar months prior to the onset of unemployment, had paid work (income) for at least 12 calendar weeks;

For the first 13 calendar weeks in the amount of 100% and for the next 13 calendar weeks - 75% of the minimum wage for unemployed people who, during the 12 months preceding the start of unemployment, had paid work (income) for less than 12 calendar weeks, as well as those looking for work after a long period of work (more than 1 year) break if they have a total work experience of at least 1 year and provided that their employment does not require professional training, advanced training or retraining;

For the first 13 calendar weeks in the amount of 85% and for the next 13 calendar weeks - 70% of the minimum wage for unemployed people looking for work for the first time, as well as those looking for work after a long break if they have a total work experience of less than 1 year and if their employment is impossible without professional training.

The period for paying unemployment benefits cannot exceed 26 calendar weeks during each 12-month period calculated from the date of registration with the State Employment Service. For unemployed people whose work experience is more than 25 years for men and 20 years for women, the period of payment of unemployment benefits increases for each year of work exceeding the specified period by two calendar weeks.

For unemployed people with dependent children under 14 years of age (disabled people under 16 years of age), the benefit amount increases by 10%, and if there are two or more children - by 20%.

In the event of illness of an unemployed person, instead of unemployment benefits or scholarships, temporary disability benefits are paid (including for pregnancy and childbirth, caring for a sick child), and the period for receiving temporary disability benefits is not included in the total period for payment of unemployment benefits.

Unemployment benefits are generally not paid in the following cases:

Dismissals (deductions) for violation of labor or military discipline and other guilty actions, as well as in the event of loss of a source of income as a result of guilty actions;

Dismissal (expulsion) from the last place of work or service (study) at one's own request without good reason;

Failure to provide an income declaration upon request of the employment center.

Payment of benefits to an unemployed person is terminated in the following cases:


Completing professional training, advanced training or retraining in the direction of the employment service;

The end of the statutory payment period;

Obtaining benefits fraudulently;

Convictions to punishment in the form of imprisonment;

Receiving pensions or benefits in amounts exceeding the amount of unemployment benefits.

In some cases, payment of unemployment benefits may be suspended for up to three months, and this period is included in the total period of payment of unemployment benefits, or the amount of benefits may be reduced, but not more than by 50%. This is possible if the unemployed person violates the terms of registration or re-registration at the employment center; if the unemployed does not notify the employment center about employment for temporary work during the period of receiving unemployment benefits; if the unemployed person has twice refused a suitable job offered by the employment center or vocational training.

An unemployed person and his family members may be provided with financial assistance from the employment fund, the amount of which, as a rule, cannot exceed the minimum wage. The decision to provide it is made by the employment center on the basis of a written application, taking into account the financial situation of the unemployed and his family members (3, Article 19). For the period of vocational training or retraining, the unemployed are paid a stipend in the amounts determined by the Employment Law (Article 17). The stipend for the unemployed is set at 50%, and if there are dependents - 75% of the average wage at the last place of work, but not less than one and a half times the minimum unemployment benefit for a given unemployed person and not more than three times the minimum wage. Unemployed people who have not worked for more than 1 year, as well as those dismissed for violation labor discipline or at one’s own request without good reason, the scholarship is paid in the amount of the minimum wage. The amount of the scholarship may be reduced or its payment terminated due to poor academic performance or systematic failure to attend classes without good reason.

When the unemployed and members of their families move in the direction of the employment center to a new place of residence and work in another area, they are reimbursed for moving expenses (cost of travel, transportation of property, daily allowances for the time spent on the road), the payment of these amounts is made by the employment centers at the location of the enterprise hiring an unemployed person. In addition, the unemployed are provided with one-time financial assistance in the amount of 5 minimum wages and one minimum wage for each family member.

Social guarantees provided to the unemployed also include the opportunity to participate in paid public works. Public works include those types of work that do not require special professional training.

These include different kinds agricultural work, procurement of wild berries, mushrooms, herbs, work in vegetable warehouses, logging, loading and unloading work, improvement of urban areas, etc. Time of participation in public works is included in the total and continuous work experience. Public works are carried out on the basis of an employment contract, work contract, and other civil contracts concluded between the employer and the unemployed.

Social guarantees are divided into mandatory, which are established by law, and additional. Read more about the rights, benefits and other payments of various types that employees can count on in the article.

From the article you will learn:

Social guarantees: general information

Social guarantees for employees form a large base of labor standards, which is considered in several aspects. For example, the state is trying to establish uniform principles of relationships between the parties to an employment contract and minimize the consequences of an employee’s dependence on the employer. At the same time, from an organizational point of view, rights and guarantees make it possible to create working conditions that are attractive to specialists.

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Industry-specific as well as regional guarantees in some cases significantly expand the guarantees that are enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

They determine the fundamental differences that exist in different areas and regions. For organizations belonging to a specific industry or region, providing employees with social guarantees is mandatory.

Employers have the right to expand the range of social rights and guarantees of employees, entrusting themselves with additional obligations. At the same time, labor legislation does not limit them in any way in this; accordingly, management can develop entire programs aimed at retaining and interest of personnel in long-term cooperation.

Social guarantees provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

The text of the Labor Code contains the largest number of social guarantees for employees. One part is highlighted in a special section, the other is included in the texts of the chapters to which they relate. For example, the following are included in the chapters of guarantees related to:

With the conclusion of an employment contract (Chapter 11):

  • limiting the age for admission to work and determining the reasons that prohibit refusal hiring(Articles 63 and 64);
  • establishing a list of documents required for employment, mandatory written documentation of the terms of the relationship between the parties (Articles 65–68);
  • mandatory medical examinations upon employment in a company whose activities are associated with harm or danger to the health of the adult population, as well as persons under 18 years of age (Article 69);
  • limiting the conditions for the probationary period, the obligation to discuss it before the start of work, taking into account the likelihood of dissatisfaction with work (Articles 70, 71).

With the provision of rest (chapter 19):

  • limiting the duration of main and additional leave related to harm or danger, as well as the days of rest provided for an irregular schedule (Articles 115, 117, 119);
  • social guarantees for employees include the mandatory provision of annual leave with the possibility of transfer or division in parts (Articles 122, 124 and 125);
  • the inadmissibility of replacing the main vacation with various payments, but the mandatory payment for unused rest days upon dismissal of a specialist (Articles 126 and 127).

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With wage setting (Chapter 21):

  • use of a single wage systems, payment terms that do not allow infringement of the employee’s rights (Articles 135, 136, 140);
  • increased pay for work in special conditions (Articles 147–149, 154), preservation of increased pay for forced work in positions of lower qualifications (Articles 150, 151);
  • establishing a minimum limit for additional pay for working overtime, on weekends or holidays (Articles 152, 153).

In compliance with labor protection requirements (chapters 34–36):

  • taking measures that lead to safe working conditions (Articles 212–214 and 219, 220);
  • provision of all necessary protective equipment, prevention of occupational diseases also refers to social guarantees labor rights workers (Articles 221–223).

With compensation for the damage that was caused (chapter 38):

  • due to deprivation of the opportunity to work (Article 234);
  • through damage to property (Article 235);
  • due to delay in payment of wages to employees (Article 236);
  • as a result of moral damage (Article 237).

With reference to a specific category of persons (Chapter 41):

  • pregnant employees, as well as persons with children (Articles 253–264);
  • employees under 18 years of age (Articles 265–271);
  • managers (Article 279);
  • part-time workers (Articles 286 and 287);
  • accepted under a fixed-term contract, working on a rotational basis or for seasons (Articles 289–291 and 295, 299, 302).

IN special section The Labor Code includes social guarantees for employees of the organization that are associated with business trips (Chapter 24). They oblige the employer to retain the employee's place of work, average salary and reimburse travel-related expenses. The same guarantees are assigned to persons performing state or public duties, as reflected in Chapter 25.

Employees receiving additional education for the first time, if we rely on Chapter 26, the employer is obliged to provide paid leave for the duration of study of a certain duration. However, such leave is possible only if the employee brings a certificate from the educational institution.

Social guarantees and compensation for teachers, medical workers and police officers

The legislation also provides social guarantees for teaching staff. They are established by the Labor Code (Articles 333–335) and the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 under No. 273-FZ (Clause 5, Article 47). These include reducing working hours, obtaining additional education, extended vacations, early retirement, providing social or specialized housing, etc.

Establishing social guarantees for medical workers, Art. 72 of the Law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation” dated November 21, 2011 under No. 323-FZ provides a reference to the articles contained in the Labor Code. But it is necessary to take into account some additions to them, namely the possibility of retraining at the expense of the employer, periodic certification on the category and taking into account the results of the assessment when setting salaries, professional liability insurance, etc.