
System approach in pedagogy. Pedagogical systems and their types. System approach to teaching System approach in pedagogy education as a system

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1. System approach. Main characteristics

2. The principle of accessibility of education

3. Features of the practical method

5. Education and pedagogical science in the 60s - 90s.




The word "pedagogy" comes from the Greek paidagogike, which literally means "child-knowledge, child-guiding". The development of pedagogy is inseparable from the history of mankind. Pedagogical thought originated and developed over many centuries in ancient Greek, ancient Eastern and medieval theology and philosophy. For the first time, pedagogy was isolated from the system of philosophical knowledge at the beginning of the 17th century. English philosopher and naturalist Francis Bacon and established as a science by the works of the outstanding Czech teacher Jan Amos Kamensky. To date, pedagogy has become a diversified science, functioning and developing in close relationship with other sciences.

1. System approach. Main characteristics

General scientific methodology can be represented by a systematic approach, reflecting the universal connection with and interdependence of phenomena and processes of the surrounding reality. It orients the researcher and practitioner to the need to approach the phenomena of life as systems that have a certain structure and their own laws of functioning.

The essence of the system approach lies in the fact that relatively independent components are considered not in isolation, but in their relationship, in development and movement. It allows you to identify integrative system properties and qualitative characteristics that are absent from the elements that make up the system. The subject, functional and historical aspects of the systems approach require the implementation in unity of such research principles as historicism, concreteness, taking into account all-round connections and development.

A systematic approach to the cognition and transformation of any object is the leading general scientific approach; this is the direction of the methodology of special scientific knowledge and social practice, which is based on the study of objects as systems. The application of this approach in pedagogy makes it possible to identify such a variable component of its scientific knowledge as the pedagogical system with all its characteristics: integrity, communication, structure and organization, system levels and their hierarchy, management, purpose and expedient behavior of the system, self-organization of the system, its functioning. and development.

The practice of applying a systematic approach in pedagogy often indicates a fairly common mistake, the essence of which lies in the indistinguishability between a systemic (complexly organized) pedagogical object and a systematic study of such an object. At different levels of analysis and in solving various problems, the same object can be studied as a systemic and non-systemic one.

In other words, in the methodological analysis of a pedagogical object, from the very beginning, two different worldview scientific positions of the author are possible: a declaration by him of his intention to accept this object as something whole and single out elements in it, or recognition of systemicity as a qualitative characteristic of this object of pedagogy. Depending on the choice of a particular position, the teacher will implement various strategies knowledge and transformation of the object:

Describe the pedagogical system, i.e. sequentially consider all the elements of the object in several typical variants of their interaction (to explore the states or situations of the pedagogical object) and determine how and to what extent the elements (or situations - it depends on the choice of structure) are subordinate to the goals of the system;

Describe the qualitative characteristics of the pedagogical system: its integrity, structure, interdependence of the system and environment, hierarchy, multiplicity of descriptions of each system, etc.

Given the rather detailed development of a systematic approach in scientific literature Let us point out only the following two circumstances. First: the choice of a position by a teacher-researcher is the initial step in the implementation of a systematic approach by him. There are profound differences between an object system and a process system. Secondly, the system approach has a significant number of relatively independent directions, each of which solves its own problems: system-genetic, system-historical, system-structural, system-content, system-functional, system-methodical, system-information, etc.

So, a systematic approach requires the implementation of the principle of unity of pedagogical theory, experiment and practice. Pedagogical practice is an effective criterion for the truth of scientific knowledge, provisions that are developed by theory and partially verified by experiment. Practice also becomes a source of new fundamental problems of education. Theory, therefore, provides the basis for correct practical solutions, but global problems, tasks that arise in educational practice, give rise to new questions that require fundamental research.

2. The principle of accessibility of education

A principle is an instrumental expression of a pedagogical concept given in the categories of activity.

Principles of teaching. The history of didactics is characterized by the persistent desire of researchers to identify the general principles of teaching and, on their basis, to formulate the most important requirements, observing which teachers could achieve high and lasting results. Didactic principles are fundamental objective laws used in teaching as a generalized method. The whole system of principles and laws of a particular area of ​​didactics is called regularity. An analysis of numerous attempts by researchers to develop a system of didactic principles allows us to single out the following as fundamental: consciousness and activity; visibility; systematic and consistent; strength; scientific character; availability; links between theory and practice; developmental and nurturing education.

The principle of accessibility of learning is based on the laws of knowledge: knowledge always goes from the known to the unknown, from the simple to the complex; compliance of the educational material with the age, individual characteristics, level of preparedness of the student. Learning rules: a) the learning process should be carried out at an optimal pace; b) training requires a certain intensity (to work at full strength); c) it is necessary to use analogy, comparison, comparison, opposition: they give impetus to thought, make complex thoughts accessible to understanding; d) avoid monotony of speech, illustrate vivid facts.

When presented with material that is inaccessible for assimilation, the motivational attitude to learning sharply decreases, volitional effort weakens, working capacity decreases, and fatigue quickly sets in. At the same time, excessive simplification of the material also reduces interest in learning, does not contribute to the formation of learning skills, and, most importantly, does not contribute to the development of students.

So, in accordance with the principle of accessibility, the education and upbringing of schoolchildren, their activities should be based on taking into account real opportunities, preventing intellectual, physical and neuro-emotional overloads that adversely affect their physical and mental health.

3 . Features of the practical method

Method means a way to achieve the goal, a certain way ordered activity.

The teaching method is a method of ordered interconnected activities of the teacher and students, activities aimed at solving the problems of education, upbringing and development in the learning process.

Teaching methods are one of the most important components of the educational process. Without appropriate methods of activity, it is impossible to realize the goals and objectives of training, to achieve the assimilation by trainees of a certain content of educational material.

Practical classes (workshops) are very similar in nature and structure to laboratory work. They are subject to the same requirements. Their peculiarity is that they, as a rule, are of a repetitive or generalizing nature.

This method is mainly used after going through some large topics and sections. It is of great importance in the formation of skills technical culture students who have to work in the world of various technical devices, in the world of computer technology.

There are five stages through which the cognitive activity of students usually passes in practical classes.

1. Teacher's explanation. The stage of theoretical understanding of the work.

2. Show. Instruction stage.

3. Try. The stage at which two or three students do the work, and the rest observe and, under the guidance of the teacher, make comments if an error is made in the process of work.

4. Completing of the work. The stage at which everyone independently performs the task. The teacher should pay special attention to those students who do not cope well with the task.

5. Control. At this stage, student work is accepted and evaluated.

So, practical teaching methods are based on the practical activities of students. These methods form practical skills and abilities. Practical methods include exercises, laboratory and practical work.

4. The content of "educational activity"

The study of a child presupposes observations and specially organized studies of the physical state and spiritual development of children and the determination on this basis of rational ways of organizing the educational process. Specific to education is that the teacher seeks to study the child in his internal integrity: studies the age characteristics of children, gets acquainted with each child as a representative of a certain social and cultural environment. In order to better understand the child, he puts himself in his place, immerses himself in memories of his own childhood, uses the comparative evolutionary method, which allows him to fix the dynamics of the development of each child, analyzes objects children's creativity, systematically observes children in their free manifestation in a variety of activities, combining educational activities with research.

In the theory of education, the principles of research activity are formulated, which are of strategic, long-term significance. We are talking about interest in the child, accepting him as he is, respect for his self-worth, about pedagogical optimism, understood as a reliance on the positive, about treating the child as a whole person, etc. An important principle in the study is the rejection of comparison children's successes and failures. Comparison is possible only with his own experience of previous years.

Creation of conditions for self-realization of the child as the goal and result of the educational activity of the teacher

The teacher's respect for the child is important because it is the basis for arousing the child's respect for himself. The content of educational activities to implement this principle was the creation of conditions for the purposeful systematic development of the child's personality, the assertion of self-consciousness in him, the education in the child of the conviction that he himself is both the creator of himself and the creator of his circumstances.

An important idea in the theory of education, which helps the teacher to understand the child more deeply, is that the child's behavior is not identical to his essence. To help develop spiritual potential, not to suppress the "raw material of the personality" is the creation of conditions for the child's self-realization.

The activity of the child is considered as a prerequisite for the development of the child's abilities, his talents, as a means of achieving success. On the other hand, activity is seen as a vital need of the child and an indicator of his achievements. And finally, in the activity of the child one can see the manifestation of his mental activity, views acquired independently.

The meaning of educational activities aimed at developing the activity of children is to help the child in building his own personality through creative activity. The teacher-educator attaches great importance to character interpersonal communication children during this activity. In the organization of labor activity, games, theatrical productions, artistic creativity: music, drawing, modeling, etc., the teacher focuses on the interests of children and on their abilities. Experience shows that it is precisely this kind of activity that contributes to the softening of morals, prevents their coarsening, and forms the morality of children.

Pedagogical conditions for asserting a child's sense of security in children's communities

The main conditions for the formation of relations in the children's team are: self-realization of the child in a variety of activities; self-knowledge of children - members of the team, filling the activities of the children's team with humanistic content; systematic diagnostics of the state of interpersonal relationships and forecasting their further development; the introduction of publicity into the life of a children's institution; formation of an emotional climate favorable for the personal development of the child; ensuring through the system of laws of the hostel a guarantee of security for each child; organization of the life of a children's institution on the laws of equality.

Thus, the content of the educational activity of the teacher is the study of the child; creation of conditions for its self-realization, self-development and self-education; organization of active and creative life of children; pedagogical support for the child's comfortable well-being, acceptance by the children's community.

5. Education and pedagogical science in the 60s - 90s.

Finding the best ways to form a comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality, spiritually rich, highly moral, physically perfect, is the main direction of modern research in pedagogical science in the 60-90s. Pedagogical science substantiates ways of developing the content of education and bringing it into line with the needs of the socialist economy, culture and science. The era of the scientific and technological revolution is characterized by a rapid increase in knowledge in all fields of science, which entails an expansion of the volume of scientific education that the school should provide with almost unchanged opportunities for itself and students (duration of training, length of the school day, physical strength and fatigue). students, etc.). Pedagogical science is developing new principles and criteria for selecting the content of general education: the problems of enlarging units of assimilation, generalization of knowledge in relation to the needs of general education, strengthening its systemic and theoretical nature, consistent implementation of the principle of polytechnicalization as one of the leading criteria for selecting scientific material to be studied at school, and etc.

The direction of research in the field of organization of educational work is connected with the search for ways to activate students, develop their independence and initiative in the process of mastering knowledge. In this regard, research is underway aimed at modernizing classical form lesson by introducing into its structure various kinds group and individual work of students while maintaining the leading role of the teacher, as well as research aimed at improving the means and methods of teaching for the maximum development of students' cognitive interests and abilities, developing their skills in the rational organization of work. The most important direction of research in pedagogical science in the 60-90s was the development of issues related to the ideological, political and moral education of young people, with the formation of a communist worldview in them (the content and patterns of the process of formation of communist views and beliefs, effective pedagogical means that ensure the development of youth unity of communist consciousness and behavior). The further progress of pedagogy as a science largely depends on the development of theoretical problems related to the clarification of its subject, categories, terminological apparatus, the improvement of research methods and the strengthening of ties with other sciences.

Thus, the 60-90s. characterized by an unprecedented coverage of children, youth and adults by various forms of education. This period of the so-called educational explosion. This became possible because automata, having come to replace mechanical machines, changed the position of man in manufacturing process. Life has raised the question of a new type of worker, harmoniously combining in his production activities functions of mental and physical, managerial and performing labor, constantly improving technology and organizational and economic relations. Education has become a necessary condition for the reproduction of the labor force. A person who does not have an educational background is actually deprived of the opportunity to get a profession.

The separation of education into a specific branch of spiritual production, therefore, corresponded to historical conditions and had progressive significance.


In modern conditions, pedagogy is considered as a science and practice of teaching and educating a person at all age stages of his personal and professional development, because:

1) the modern system of education and upbringing concerns almost all people;

2) in many countries a system of continuous human education has been created;

3) it includes all links - from preschool to vocational training and refresher courses. The spectrum of branches "pedagogy" expanded only at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century.

Today, the following branches are actively developing - higher education pedagogy, adult pedagogy, the history of pedagogy, comparative and social pedagogy, etc.

Since the object of training and education is a person, since pedagogy belongs to the sciences of man, it occupies a certain place in the systems of human science and the humanities.


1. Bordovskaya N.V., Pedagogy. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.-401s

2. Latynina D.N. History of Pedagogy. Upbringing and education in Russia. - M.: ID Forum, 2008.-315s

3. Likhachev B. T. Essence, criteria and functions of scientific pedagogy /Pedagogy. 2001. No. 6.

4. Slastenin V.A. Pedagogy. M.: School-Press, 2009-512s

5. Kharlamov I. F. Pedagogy. - M.: graduate School, 2000.-356s

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The principle of a systematic approach to teaching the principles of analysis makes it possible to eliminate the overload of schoolchildren and save time, determined by the current program, for studying the principles of analysis, the reserve of which can be directed to solving various problems of "school" mathematics or could be the basis for including the section "beginning of calculating probabilities" in the compulsory mathematical course at an advanced level. Using a systematic approach to teaching, it is possible to reduce the time allotted for teaching schoolchildren the beginnings of analysis by the current program for general education and specialized classes by approximately 30%, and for in-depth classes by 50%.

The modern development of society requires a qualitative transformation of the education system. Need to study educational material, developing the thinking (intellect) of schoolchildren; to bring up elements of mathematical culture. The means of achieving these goals are the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities.

The assimilation of theoretical knowledge by schoolchildren should be based on five forms of the formation of a scientific worldview:

  • 1. The teaching of new material to schoolchildren should be built on the basis of consideration of curricula, reasoning, over the solution of which would lead them to a clear realization that the known knowledge is not enough for the final solution of these problems.
  • 2. to form in schoolchildren attitudes, ideas that mathematical concepts and methods must be mastered in their relationship and development.
  • 3. show the origin of concepts and the application of the formed concepts, methods in solving practical applied problems.
  • 4. to form in schoolchildren the idea that technological, industrial, social activity people can serve as an impetus for the emergence of new ideas and problems in mathematics.
  • 5. to form in schoolchildren ideas about the useful role of abstraction, so that the transition to abstract thinking, that is, formalization and logical research, is understood by them as a necessary link in educational knowledge.

In the current teaching aids devoted to the beginnings of analysis, not all of these directions are realized. The process of presenting the material is, as a rule, a sequence of theoretical facts and proofs of these facts. There is a need to design a system taking into account the systemic principle of purposefulness. Under the "systemic approach to learning" we can accept the process of formation of a modern scientific worldview among schoolchildren, as a worldview that implies the ability of the subject to think systematically. A "systems approach to research" is a technology used to develop a "systems approach to learning".

To implement a systematic approach to teaching schoolchildren the beginnings of analysis, it is necessary:

  • 1. to systematically, historically, methodologically and experimentally substantiate the fact that the concept of “limit of a function must be studied not only at an in-depth level of its study, but also at the general educational and specialized levels.
  • 2. The main task leading schoolchildren to the concept of a derivative should be the task of determining the "slope coefficient of the tangent to the graph of the function."
  • 3. to formulate the concept of a derivative for schoolchildren as an abstraction of the identification of at least two concepts: “angular coefficient of the tangent” and “instantaneous velocity”, moreover, the “angular coefficient of the tangent” should come to the fore.
  • 4. The course of the beginnings of analysis can be limited only to the beginnings of differential calculus (at the general educational level).
  • 5. to develop a "system for presenting the beginnings of analysis." It should be a three-level, hierarchical system, which is an educational and methodological basis for solving the issue of profile differentiation.

Its first level corresponds to the general education (basic) level of education. Educational and methodological material is designed for the first (studying only the beginnings of differential calculus) and additional (studying the beginnings of integral study) training cycles. The educational and methodological material serves as a propaedeutic basis for the new material of its second level.

The second level contains the scientific material of the first and new educational material and corresponds to the advanced level of education. The second level material serves as the same basis for the new level three material.

The presentation of the material in large blocks contributes to the process of solving a sequence of educational problems associated with search elements, with the receipt and use of new theoretical facts in this process.

Certain connections between some elements of algebra, geometry and physics have been established.

Bibliographic link

Utukina M.S. SYSTEMIC APPROACH IN TEACHING SCHOOLCHILDREN IN MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS // Contemporary Issues science and education. - 2009. - No. 2.;
URL: (date of access: 01.02.2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"


2. The principle of accessibility of education

3. Features of the practical method

5. Education and pedagogical science in the 60s - 90s.




The word "pedagogy" comes from the Greek paidagogike, which literally means "child-knowledge, child-guiding". The development of pedagogy is inseparable from the history of mankind. Pedagogical thought originated and developed over many centuries in ancient Greek, ancient Eastern and medieval theology and philosophy. For the first time, pedagogy was isolated from the system of philosophical knowledge at the beginning of the 17th century. English philosopher and naturalist Francis Bacon and established as a science by the works of the outstanding Czech teacher Jan Amos Kamensky. To date, pedagogy has become a diversified science, functioning and developing in close relationship with other sciences.

1. System approach. Main characteristics

General scientific methodology can be represented by a systematic approach, reflecting the universal connection with and interdependence of phenomena and processes of the surrounding reality. It orients the researcher and practitioner to the need to approach the phenomena of life as systems that have a certain structure and their own laws of functioning.

The essence of the system approach lies in the fact that relatively independent components are considered not in isolation, but in their relationship, in development and movement. It allows you to identify integrative system properties and qualitative characteristics that are absent from the elements that make up the system. The subject, functional and historical aspects of the systems approach require the implementation in unity of such research principles as historicism, concreteness, taking into account all-round connections and development.

A systematic approach to the cognition and transformation of any object is the leading general scientific approach; this is the direction of the methodology of special scientific knowledge and social practice, which is based on the study of objects as systems. The application of this approach in pedagogy makes it possible to identify such a variable component of its scientific knowledge as the pedagogical system with all its characteristics: integrity, communication, structure and organization, system levels and their hierarchy, management, purpose and expedient behavior of the system, self-organization of the system, its functioning. and development.

The practice of applying a systematic approach in pedagogy often indicates a fairly common mistake, the essence of which lies in the indistinguishability between a systemic (complexly organized) pedagogical object and a systematic study of such an object. At different levels of analysis and in solving various problems, the same object can be studied as a systemic and non-systemic one.

In other words, in the methodological analysis of a pedagogical object, from the very beginning, two different worldview scientific positions of the author are possible: a declaration by him of his intention to accept this object as something whole and single out elements in it, or recognition of systemicity as a qualitative characteristic of this object of pedagogy. Depending on the choice of one or another position, the teacher will implement various strategies for cognition and transformation of the object:

Describe the pedagogical system, i.e. sequentially consider all the elements of the object in several typical variants of their interaction (to explore the states or situations of the pedagogical object) and determine how and to what extent the elements (or situations - it depends on the choice of structure) are subordinate to the goals of the system;

Describe the qualitative characteristics of the pedagogical system: its integrity, structure, interdependence of the system and environment, hierarchy, multiplicity of descriptions of each system, etc.

Given the rather detailed development of a systematic approach in the scientific literature, we point out only the following two circumstances. First: the choice of a position by a teacher-researcher is the initial step in the implementation of a systematic approach by him. There are profound differences between an object system and a process system. Secondly, the system approach has a significant number of relatively independent directions, each of which solves its own problems: system-genetic, system-historical, system-structural, system-content, system-functional, system-methodical, system-information, etc.

So, a systematic approach requires the implementation of the principle of unity of pedagogical theory, experiment and practice. Pedagogical practice is an effective criterion for the truth of scientific knowledge, provisions that are developed by theory and partially verified by experiment. Practice also becomes a source of new fundamental problems of education. Theory, therefore, provides the basis for correct practical solutions, but global problems, tasks that arise in educational practice, give rise to new questions that require fundamental research.

Facilitated the "passability" of a systematic approach in all areas of science and practice. The sociocultural background of the introduction of a systematic approach into domestic pedagogy, thus, stimulated its orientation towards the classical standards of scientific character in the transition from the empirical to the theoretical stage of development. By the time pedagogy turned to systemological ideas (the end of the 60s), the general scientific systematic approach ...

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Systemic ideas about the processes and phenomena of nature arose in Ancient Greece. However, the systematic approach became a recognized scientific direction in the late 1940s and early 1950s. Its founder is considered to be the Austrian biologist Ludwig von Bertalanffy, who first outlined the main provisions of general systems theory at a philosophical seminar at the University of Chicago. By the middle of the last century, most of the sciences had significantly transformed the subjects of their study, which began to act as many interconnected elements, that is systems. A system (Greek sistem - connected, made up of parts) is a set of interacting elements, the simple sum of the properties of which does not give the sum of the properties of the system. The world that exists around us is systemic in nature, consists of systems and subsystems. Systems are a way of existence of matter, the form of existence of systems is movement. The most complex and dynamic are social systems, including education systems. Consideration and analysis of systems is carried out through a systematic approach.

Systems approachscientific method knowledge of complexly organized objects through the isolation of the totality of the key elements that make up this object and the links between them.

Basic concepts of a systematic approach:

- consistencydistinguishing feature complexly organized objects, expressed in the presence of such objects of integral properties and qualities that are absent from their elements;

- component- this is any part of the system that enters into certain relations with its other parts;

- element- the minimum unit of the system, which within its framework can be considered indivisible;

- connection- the presence of mutual dependence, conditionality, commonality between something;

- structure- this is a set of elements and a way to establish stable links and relationships between them in the process of their interaction and integration;

- subsystem- a set of part of the elements of the system and the links between them, which have integrity and solve one of the tasks of its functioning;

- backbone factor- this is an essential circumstance that creates and maintains the integrity, stability and uniqueness of the system.

To analyze the state of a social system, it is necessary to single out its elements, show their structure, organization, connections and the environment in relation to which the system has integrity. To ensure the functioning of the selected system, it is necessary to highlight: the process of interaction of elements, conditions of stability, principles and methods of management, features of self-organization.

Principles system approach, that is, the basic rules of activity for the cognition and transformation of system objects:

The principle of integrity– validity, taking into account objectively existing connections and relationships in the selection of a set of elements from the environment.

There are the following Components(subsystems) educational system :

ideological and target, relational, meaningful, technological, organizational and managerial, productive;

or: individual-group, value-oriented, functional-activity, relational-communicative, diagnostic-effective.

The principle of communication- knowledge of the system, primarily through consideration of internal and external communications, connections. Types of links:

1. connections between the interaction of objects, their sides and properties;

2. generational or genetic connections

3. communication conversion

4. building or structural connections;

5. communications functioning;

6. links of development that cause significant changes in the structure of the object and the forms of its life;

7. communication control.

Structural principle- the structure of the system has stability, mobility and variability. It is with these properties that the possibility of transforming the system, the emergence of new integration properties is associated. Studies have shown that the degree of structuredness of school groups and their life activities makes a significant contribution to the effectiveness of the functioning of the pedagogical system.

The principle of control and focus- the goal and management should be considered not only as the most important elements of social systems, but also as system-forming factors of their functioning and development. The goal determines the composition of the system components, their properties and relationships. The right choice of targets is one of the main conditions for the development of an educational institution. Achievement of targets largely depends on the forms and methods of managing the life of the system.

Development principle- The development of a system is defined as a process of quantitative and qualitative changes, which determines the formation of its new integration property and the transition from one level of integrity to another. Each system goes through 4 stages in its development: emergence, formation, period of maturity and transformation. The condition for development is the correct determination of the initial level of development of the pedagogical community and the implementation of the corresponding choice of goals, content, forms and methods of work.

The most important characteristics progressive social systems are: integrity, integrativity, harmony, complementarity, functionality, purposefulness, dynamism, manageability, openness, self-organization, self-regulation, self-governance, self-reproduction.

Methods knowledge and transformation of pedagogical systems: system analysis, system synthesis, modeling. T

Main Components system analysis:

1. Morphological analysis , which allows you to find out what elements the system consists of, what they are, what is their set.

2. Structural analysis is aimed at identifying the internal organization of the system, determining the nature of the links between elements, identifying system-forming links and relationships.

3. functional analysis is aimed at revealing the functions of the system as a whole and its individual components, at studying the mechanism of functioning of the whole organism of the system and its main systems.

4. Genetic analysis - allows you to explore the origin, formation, further development and transformation of the system, its components.

Only the use of all the listed components of system analysis contributes to the formation of systemic knowledge about the system under study, which almost never occurs in practice. Principles of system analysis: scientific character, objectivity, interconnection and interaction, complexity, the main link. The condition for system analysis is the structural accumulation of information, the definition of a tree of analysis goals, an analysis plan, and the participation of the entire team in it.

Method Essence system synthesis consists in an attempt to integrate systemic representations of the same object obtained from different slices of this object.

Model- a reduced copy that retains the essential properties of the simulated system. Under modeling in education, it is customary to understand the method of cognitive and practical activity, which makes it possible to adequately and holistically reflect the essence, the most important qualities and components of the educational process in model representations, to obtain and use new information about the present and future state, patterns and trends of its functioning and development. In education, they create a model of a graduate, a model of the educational system (a system in statics), an educational process (a system in dynamics), etc.

Synergetics- a fairly young branch of science, which became an independent scientific direction only in the 70s of the XX century. Its name comes from the Greek word "synergeia", meaning joint action, cooperation. The main subject of study of synergetics are the processes of self-organization and self-development occurring in natural and social systems. Initially, her discoveries concerned the natural sciences, then they were extended to social and pedagogical systems. Synergetics is a synthesis of the ideas of non-classical physics, cybernetics and a systematic approach about the origin, formation and transformation of nonlinear systems. It aims to study the processes of self-organization and self-development of social and natural phenomena occurring in open non-equilibrium and nonlinear systems.

Basic concepts of the synergetic approach:

self-organization- the process of maintaining the optimal functioning of the system, contributing to its self-completion, self-recovery and self-change.

openness- a property of the system, due to the presence of communication channels with the external environment for the exchange of energy and information.

Nonlinearity- this is the presence of a system of many options, including alternative, possible ways of development and ways of the system's responses to external influences.

Disequilibrium is the quality of a system that is far from a state of equilibrium.

bifucation(Latin for “bifurcation”) is a branching of the paths of evolution, the development of an open non-linear system.

Fluctuation(from Latin “fluctuation”) is a random deviation (change) of the values ​​that characterize the system, the alt of its average values, leading under certain conditions to the formation new structure and systemic quality, that is, to the emergence of a new system.

Dissipative structures - these are new structures that arise in the system when it moves away from the equilibrium state and dissipates free energy.

attractor(close to the concept of goal) this is a relatively final, stable state of the system, which, as it were, attracts to itself the entire set of trajectories of movement (development) of the system object.

The synergetic approach is a methodological orientation that involves the adoption and application of the following ideas:

1. For the emergence and flow of processes of self-organization of the system, important prerequisites are: the ability of the system to exchange energy with the environment, the sufficient remoteness of the system from the equilibrium point.

2. Chaos plays a constructive role in the processes of self-organization: on the one hand, it is destructive, since chaotic small fluctuations under certain conditions lead to the destruction of systems, on the other hand, it is creative, since chaos underlies the mechanism for combining simple structures into complex ones, coordination the pace of their evolution, bringing the system to the attractor of development. By destroying, chaos builds, and by building, it leads to destruction.

3. The development process occurs as a result of the interaction of chance and necessity and is always associated with the transition from instability to stability. Although stability, stability, equilibrium are necessary conditions for the existence of a particular system, nevertheless, the transition to a new system is impossible without the elimination of equilibrium, stability and uniformity.

4. The new appears as a result of bifucations as unpredictable, and at the same time, programmed in the form of a spectrum of possible development paths, a spectrum of relatively stable structures - evolutionary attracts.

5. The system must not be imposed with something that conflicts with its internal content and the logic of the deployment of its internal processes. External influence must be consistent with the internal properties of the system, be in a state of resonance with it.

6. Closedness of a system can give rise to a type of stability that can hinder its development and lead to an evolutionary dead end.

Based on this, the main tool development of a controlled system, there should be a dialogue of the subjects of the system, a method of brainstorming when discussing a complex problem and searching for various options for resolving a problem situation, methods for overcoming the stereotypes of individual consciousness, its cultural isolation and disciplinary and subject limitations.

department of education of the local government

the city of Nalchik

Municipal government

educational institution

"Secondary school No. 18"

Report at the problematic seminar

Topic:« A systematic approach to training and education»

Prepared by an elementary school teacher

MKOU "Secondary School No. 18" Nalchik

Moloshik Elena Vladimirovna

November, 2014

The educational process in an educational institution is an integral pedagogical system. Its management requires a systematic approach. This requires a deep theoretical analysis of the essence of the educational process as a system, the laws of its functioning and development, as well as the essence of the pedagogical process. activities.System approach in pedagogy implies an attitude to pedagogy as a system - a set of well-structured and closely interconnected elements. This approach, in contrast to the traditional subject approach, is more qualitative and modern.

Any systematic approach is determined by five main principles:integrity, hierarchy, structuring, multiplicity and consistency .

Principleintegrity says that all elements of the system are a single whole. That is, they are all subject general principles, goals and objectives.

Hierarchy is a set of system elements, each of which has a certain value and is subordinate to other elements or itself subordinates other elements of the system.

Structuring - this is the combination of various elements of the system into separate subsystems according to certain characteristics. Each of these subsystems, in turn, can have various connections with other subsystems.

Plurality involves the use of many different models to describe each individual element and the entire system as a whole.

The last principle, in its essence, unites all other principles, since it says that each object can have all the features of the system.

One of the founders of the systems approach is consideredCarl Ludwig von Bertalanffy - an Austrian biologist who lived in the United States since the middle of the last century and studied the isomorphism of laws in various segments of scientific knowledge. Also, the formation of the basic principles of a systematic approach was carried out byA. A. Bogdanov, G. Simon, P. Drucker and A. Chandler . All these scientists were quite far from the system of pedagogical sciences, but it was thanks to their scientific work thatsystem approach in pedagogy received an impetus for development.

For the first time, a systematic approach in pedagogy acquired a stable scientific and pedagogical shape in the "Great Didactics" by Ya.A. Comenius. The initial idea of ​​the great teacher was the recognition of the fact that the world is systematic.

The works of Ya.A. Comenius had a great influence on the development of the ideas of a systematic approach in pedagogy.

Theoretical development of the idea of ​​Ya.A. Comenius about the need for a purposeful organization of education and training received in the writings of D. Locke. For the first time in the history of pedagogy, in the treatise “Thoughts on Education”, D. Locke considered the process of development and education of a person as a unity of physical, mental and mental development.

In Russian pedagogy, the ideas of a systematic approach to education were further substantiated and developed in the works of K.D. Ushinsky, N.I. Pirogov,V.G. Belinsky, P.F. Kaptereva, V.P. Vakhterova, K.N. Wentzel and other scientists.

The modern concept of a systematic approach in pedagogy differs significantly from the concept of the middle of the last century, but the foundation was laid precisely in those distant years.

Understanding the fact thatpedagogy is a very complex system, consisting of a large number of goals, objectives, principles, forms and methods, this is a systematic approach in pedagogy.

Modern man lives in conditions of constant updating of knowledge, receiving a large amount of information every day. TV, internet, printed products, offering a huge amount of information, require new ways of mastering it.

Already in elementary school, a student learns to search, fix, understand, transform, apply, present, evaluate the reliability of the information received. In the process of working with various information, students realize the need to learn throughout their lives, because it is the need for constant self-development that can ensure successful socialization in the information society.The ability to learn throughout life is especially important for a younger student and is ensured by the purposeful formation of universal learning activities. The need for purposeful formation of universal educational activities is normatively enshrined in the federal state educational standard of primary general education.

In this regard, a primary school teacher who begins to implement the Standard must make significant changes in his activities. A new approach to understanding educational outcomes determines the need to abandon the familiar knowledge paradigm of education. A story about new knowledge, a demonstration of new subject actions (which should turn into skills and abilities), exercises, questioning and marking by the teacher cannot ensure the formation of universal learning activities and, as a rule, does not awaken the need for self-education, fetters the initiative and desire of children to learning new things, analyzing the information received.
Influencing a child for the purpose of education and training is impossible without realizing the uniqueness of each individual, both psychologically and physiologically. In addition, effective upbringing and education is impossible without understanding that a person in the process of his formation can change dramatically under the influence of the team, the media, books, films and other factors.

The totality of these elements has a hierarchical structure, however, it can differ significantly from the side of the educator and the educator. In the opinion of the educated, for example, the opinion of peers from the yard may be more significant than the opinion of authoritative adults. Also, the personal example of the parents may be less significant for the child than the personal example of the teacher. Educators, as a rule, are absolutely sure of the opposite. However, modern experience of teachers confirms this fact.
By now, the growingProblems related to the existinglearning technology : trainees are inpsychological crisis due to the fact that the facts being studied are accumulating at a rate that exceeds their ability tounderstanding andpractical development. For this reason, informationpsychological overload with the existing approach to teaching, accompanied by a decreasehealth trainees, which is confirmed by the practice and observations of physicians, psychologists and teachers.

It is obvious that it is requiredstandards when learning, while it is obvious that there are no standardlearners due to the lack of a uniform development of talents and abilities of people, as well as due to the originality of perception, memory and thinking, based on the difference in brain mechanisms. For example, it is known thattraditional education system (verbal - logical, analytical), stimulating the development of the functions of the left hemisphere, is difficult and dangerous for people with a predominant right hemisphere intellect, which is associated with creativity and intuition. BUTexcellent students according to the traditional system of education, who easily fit into the system of traditional social relations, most often turn out to be people endowed with an ideally performing style of thinking with low creative abilities.

In the practice of solving diverse and multiple tasksmodern life becomes apparent lowefficiency the existing technology of training, which is time-consuming and irrationally builds the work of the brain, causing a rapidfatigue andstressful condition personality. The method of passive (mechanical) memorization, on which the traditional learning system relies, even with repeated repetition, leavesknowledge unsteady in memory, reducing the ability to use them creatively in changing conditionsaggressive information environment .

Solve these and many other problems related to education and upbringingpersonalities, possibly based onsystemic approach . The results of research in the field of psychophysiology of personality createscientific background to improve the traditional system of education and change the foundations of learning technology, using the basis of the natural capabilities of the individual - and allow you to move to the standardsystemic learning personality.

Systemic learning is a practical art, a creative process that is based on the natural capabilities of the individual.

At the coresystems education standard lies independent thinkingwork learner and collectivepractice modeling.

How to make the labor of learning attractive?

How to carry out the labor of learning in a natural way?

How to make the result of labor training effective for life?

To do this, you need to know and correctly use thoselaws , according to which it developsintelligence and revealcapabilities personality.

To achieve the set goals and it is proposedsystems approach to education and upbringing.

Systems approach implemented through communication extracurricular activities with the learning process. Allows you to develop a coherent system of education theory and learning theory, to characterize all its main elements (goal, content, means, methods).

Provides the formation of an active life position the student, accustoms him to analysis and introspection, control and self-control.