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Mentality of the Russian people The opinion of modern historians. Russian mentality: What does it mean to be a Russian person? Is it possible to rebuild your thinking

This is the prevailing schemes, stereotypes and thinking patterns from Russians. Russians are not necessarily Russian. A separate person can be proud of the fact that he "Cossack", "Bashkir" or "Jew" within Russia, but beyond all Russians (former and real) according to tradition (regardless of origin) by Russians. There are grounds for this: as a rule, they all have similarities in their mentality and stereotypes of behavior. The Russians have something to be proud of, we have a huge and strong country, we have talented people and deep literature, while we ourselves know their weaknesses. If we want to become better - we must know them. If our people drink with whole villages and the moral state of modern Russian society is estimated as moral degradation, the love of Russia will be that, seeing all this, to put specific tasks of increasing Russian culture.

Today, Russia's morality is in deep decline, but this is the characteristic of not Russian mentality in general, and the specific state where Russia fell in the 90s of the 20th century.

A.V. Yurevich writes: "Despite the positive shifts of recent years, Russian society is still" injured by chaos ". "Without exaggeration, we can say that now our country is experiencing one of the most difficult periods in its moral attitude in its history."

From this pit, it's time to get out of this pit, and it is for this purpose, let's look at yourself from the part, namely from strictly scientific research. What do culture researchers noted as specific features of Russian mentality?

The desire to live in truth- Looks like a unique feature of Russian people . Outside of Russian culture, it is more common about the law, the rules of decency or following religious commandments. In the eastern mentality, it is not said about the truth, in China it is important to live in the covenants left. And Russian people want to live in the truth, which should be understood as a heart. True above the laws and agreements, it is higher than ordinary intelligence, especially since in choosing between mind and feeling russian choose feeling: sincerity and mentality.

In the Russian mentality, the expediency is practically synonymous with mercenary, selfish behavior and not to honor, like something "American". It is difficult to imagine the average Russian alone, which can be reasonably and consciously acting not only for itself, but also for someone, therefore, the actions disinterested are identified with the actions "from the heart", based on feelings, without a head.

Characteristic example: in the article "Son twelve: upbringing responsibility" Smart dad wrote, how he brings up in his son's habit of thinking "why" he does something or another. Commentary on this article: "So I see an adult young man with a question, and why should I take care of my parents, to show respect for them, for what purpose? Now I am not needed independent and parents."

We answered this comment so: "Hmm. And you believe that parents can only love if anything," without a head "? If the parents of children really brought up, children have values, and not only needs, and children can already take care of On decent people. That is, parents - first of all, and precisely because the parents themselves applied for them. "

You can only apply for help - here you will most likely help. Normally begging - and a cigarette, and money. A man with a constantly good mood causes suspicion - Whether sick, or. The one who usually smiles apart from others - if not a foreigner, then, of course, fed. Of course, insincere. Says "Yes", agrees - a hypocrite. Because the sincere Russian person will not necessarily agree and will objected. And in general, the most realistic sincerity is when Mat! Then - a person you believe!

Russian people value honesty. Honesty is valued as respect for the fulfillment of agreements, but another Russian side of honesty is appreciated by another more Russian person, namely, the readiness in the controversial situation of heaving, recognize his guilt - and at the same time just as directly, unlikely to blame the other. The negativity of the Russian mentality is also manifested in the tendency to criticize and see bad both in others and in itself. Most Russians are more likely to see the shortcomings, and not advantage. Sophoored - naturally and is familiar, and the one who talks about their virtues - he is bang, it is stupid and ugly.

In the coaching practice: to quickly call their 50 flaws - with this task most cope without difficulty. And quickly and convincingly list 50 of their advantages, to tell for what a person loves himself and respects - somehow much harder. People talk about it awkwardly, thinking about it unusual.

Love for disputes. "In Russian communication (Source: Book" Russians: Features of national communication. "Authors Yu.E. Prokhorov, I. Sternov) Traditionally, a large place is occupied by disputes. A Russian man loves to argue on the most varying issues, both private and common. Love for disputes on global, philosophical issues is a bright feature. " "A Russian man often is interested in the dispute not as a means of finding truth, but as a mental exercise, as a form of emotional, sincere communication with each other. That is why in Russian communicative culture, arguing so often lose the thread of the dispute, easily depart from the initial theme. " At the same time, completely uncharacterically desire for a compromise or to give the interlocutor to keep the face. Uncompromising, conflict is very bright: our person is uncomfortable if he did not challenge, could not prove his right point. "As the English teacher formulated this quality:" Russian is always arguing to win. " Conversely, the characteristic "conflict", rather, is of a disapproving shade, like "necroppy", "non-procurable".

Principle "Do not lead to". In Russian mentality, a dismissive attitude to politics and democracy as a form of a political device, in which the people are the source and controller of the activities of the authorities. It is characteristic of the conviction that real people do nothing anywhere and democracy are lies and hypocrisy. At the same time, tolerance and habit of lies and hypocrisy of their power due to the conviction that otherwise it is impossible.

Habit for theft, Mzompym and deception. The conviction is that they are stealing everywhere and all, and honestly to earn big money is impossible. Principle - "Do not steal - you will not live." Alexander I: "In Russia, such a theft that I am afraid to go to Dentistist - I will sit in a chair, and the jaw will decoke ..." Dahl: "The Russian man is not afraid of the cross, but is afraid of Pest." At the same time, for Russians is characteristic protest attitude to punishments: punishment for minor violations - it's not good, somehow pettle, you need to "forgive!", And when, on this background, people get used to the laws not to respect and go from small violations to large - here the Russian person will breathe long will not get angry and does not suit the pogrom. The characteristic feature of the Russian mentality is the love of freebies. Movies need to download via torrent, pay for licensed programs - Zaplas, the dream is the joy of laziness Golubkov in the MMM-pyramid. Our fairy tales draw the heroes that lie on the furnace and in the end receive the kingdom and a sexy queen. Ivan-Durak Silen is not hardworking, and the sophisticateness, when for him, everyone will make pikes, sowing-beams, skates, humpbacks and other wolves, fish and heat-birds.

Interesting research "" (about Russian mentality), author N.V. Latva, graduate student of IP RAS.

Care about health is not worth, sport - strange, root - ok, but categorically not allowed to throw poor, among other things, it is determined morally invalid to leave those who did not care about their health and as a result became in fact helpless disabled. Women are looking for rich and successful, and love screamed and patients. "How is he without me?" - Hence as a life rate.

The place of humanism is pity. If humanism welcomes the care of a person, putting a free, developed, strong man on a pedestal, then pity directs care to unfortunate and patients. According to the statistics of Mail.Ru and WTCIOM, assistance to adults in popularity is in fifth place after the help of children, old people, animals and help environmental issues. People are more sorry for dogs than people, and from people from a sense of pity it is more important to support non-visual children, and not adults who could still live and work. Russians, if they want to give money, then exclusively per patient, well, that is, per child, and preferably a patient, the most patient, preferably incurable deadly. And if the child does not die, then no one wants to give money to the rehabilitation of a child after illness. The feeling of pity no longer works, but there is no understanding of charity in the Russian mentality today. Now we are located on the 123rd place in the world from the 135 countries studied in the rating of charity, and none of the countries of the former Soviet Union are below us in this ranking. 76% of our country's population did not even donate anyone and did not even think about it. The social responsibility of the company, that is, a specific company is engaged in charity or not, for Russians is not important, and to those who are still engaged in charity surrounding with distrust: 40% are convinced that charity is made for advertising, condemn those who talk about His charitable activities and insist that charity should only be secret. On the other hand, recent years, charity fees are seriously growing (up to 50% per year), but mainly due to medium-sized businesses.

The total negativity of Russians, their mutual distrust and the habit of "living with feeling" - it seems, one of the most problematic features of the Russian mentality. But the fact that in modern Russia (unlike the latest trends in Western societies) negatively relate to gays and lesbians, hardly need to be assessed as the backwardness of Russians, perhaps this is our strength and our potential of spiritual health.

In the comments to the article, someone agrees with a similar portrait, someone accuses the author in Russophobia. No, the author loves Russia and believes in it, which has already been engaged in educational and educational activities for its country, including his own efforts by creating a fully non-profit psychologist's portal - the most popular psychological portal of Russia. There are no enemies on psychologia and do not need to look for them here, our task is different: namely, thinking how to raise our country. How do we position the victim

  • Yurevich A.V., Ushakov D.V. Morality in modern Russia [Electronic resource] // Psychological studies: electron. Scientific journal 2009. N 1 (3). URL: http://psystudy.ru (date of appeal: CC.MM.YYYY).
  • Each country has its own features of development. For Russia, the mentality of the Russian people is important. Appeal to the peculiarities of the formation of the Mentality of the Russian Nation makes it possible to deeper into the meaning of domestic history, an understanding of the origins of the Russian statehood, awareness of the strength and weakness of the Russian people, which, in turn, should contribute to the formation of a new value-semantic core of the Russian mentality defining socio-psychological and moral attitudes of the people. Therefore, the goal of my research will be the study of Russian mentality, without taking into account the major social changes in the lifestyle of the Russian people can not be made.

    In modern cultural and philosophical literature, the concept of "mentality" is used in multivalued senses and values. Many understand the "mentality" as a national originality, but it is only part of the definition of psychological phenomenon. In my work, I want to allocate the most complete and characteristic definition of this term. So, the "mentality" is a system of peculiarity of the mental life of people belonging to a specific culture, a qualitative set of features of perception and assessment of them of the surrounding world, which have the overall nature, due to the economic, political, historical circumstances of the development of this particular community and manifested in the original behavioral activity. "Mentalitet" means something in common, underlying conscious and unconscious, logical and emotional, deep, difficult to reflective the source of thinking, ideology, faith, feelings and emotions.

    Why did I choose a Russian nation's mentality? Before answering this question, I want to bring in the example of the statement of the famous Russian philosopher I. Ilina about the Russian soul: "Russian culture is primarily built on the feeling and heart, in contemplation, on freedom of conscience and freedom of prayer. This is the primary forces. and the installations of the Russian soul, which sets the tone of their mighty temperament. The will, conscious thought, legal consciousness and organizational functions act as secondary forces. Consequently, the Russian people are the people of the heart and conscience. Here is the source of its advantages and disadvantages. In contrast to Western man here Everything is based on free kindness and a somewhat dreamy, sometimes heart contemplation. Hence the patience, almost the "divine fortress" of a Russian person, simplicity and dignity, "surprisingly calm attitude to death" as an extreme form of evil. "

    This statement very fully reveals the deep essence of Russian mentality, whose priority is in spiritual, and not material values. It was the study of the richest Russian culture and Russian spirituality, as well as the problems of Russian mentality interested me and is fundamental in my work.

    In my work, I repeatedly referred to B.c. Barulin "Russian man in the XX century. Losses and gaining yourself. " The author believes that the mentality of the Russian man folded for centuries, has both conventional and positive and destructive-destructive impact on the fate of the people. Especially brightly, according to Barulin, the destructive destructive effect of mental features of the Russian man was manifested in the choice of 1917. Party-state absolutism developed a set of long-suffering, the complex of the charismatic leader and the power complex in the mentality of Russians, thereby consolidating the priority of not individually self-realization, and the social identification principle in their sensefulness self-affirmation.

    I agree with this opinion and I want to add that the Russian mentality was formed by centuries, for a long time, and each period of time left its own, a unique trace. Knowledge of the spiritual foundations of previous generations will help modern Russians understand the new, sharply changing life conditions and make a conscious, meaningful choice in a new, unknown ancestors of the historical situation. The mentality of the Russian people also plays an ambiguous role in finding the optimal ways to develop modern Russia. This is what actualizes my research.

    So what is the essence of the Russian mentality itself?

    When we say "Soviet people", we mean by this "Russian man". But as soon as instead of determining the "Russian" you put another - say, "German", "Italian" or "American", then the phrase seems to lose all meaning. Such phrases as "Ukrainian man", "Tajik man", "Kazakh man" or "Latvian man" are not sounding. We would rather say "Tajik", "Kazakh", "Latvian" or "Balt". And the "Russian man" sounds. And not only sounds, but also has a certain meaning.

    As for the Russian nation, it can be said that in Europe there is no people less than the spoiled and attractive, accustomed less expense from nature and fate and more enduring. The originality of Russian nature, its whims and unpredictability was reflected in the warehouse of Russians, on the manner of his thinking. Ether-mindedness and randomness taught him more discussing the path traveled, than to figure out further, look back more than peering forward.

    The severity and storing of the nature of Russia taught the Russian person to be patient and obedient. But even greater importance had a stubborn, continuous struggle against harsh nature. Russians have long been practicing and farming had to deal with all sorts of crafts. This explains the practical focus of their mind, dexterity and rationality.

    It is also worth noting the tendency of Russian tease happiness, play good luck. IN. Klyuchevsky called this quality "Velikorvsky Avos." You can live in unpredictable Russian conditions only with inexhaustible optimism. In the rating of the national character traits, compiled on the basis of a survey of the Reader's Digest magazine, conducted in 18 European countries in February 2001, this quality among Russians turned out to be in the first place.

    Time revealed two more fundamental qualities - a sense of powerful unity with each other ("both the world and I") and an encouraging attitude towards the peoples of the neighbors arising from the centuries-old life experience.

    The state mastering of the immense spaces of our homeland was accompanied by terrible centralization, submission of all the lives of public interest and suppressing free personal and social forces, suppressing any initiative that emanated below. Centralization was reflected in the Russian spirit of two: first, Velikorosov decided that the one who manages such extensive spaces representing Russia, and the great people - almost supernatural origin. From here - the cult of personality, a feeling of reverence to the "king-batyushka" in the soul of the Russian people.

    "The breadth of the Russian Earth and the wider of the Russian soul criticized Russian energy, opening the possibility of movement towards the extensiveness," N.A. noted Berdyaev. Hence the Russian laziness, carelessness, lack of initiative, a weakly developed sense of responsibility of Russian people.

    I really liked Ilyin's statement: "From the feeling that our wealth is abundant and generous, a certain mental kindness is spilled in us, some organic, gentle good nature, calm, openness of the soul, sociability ... All enough, and the Lord will send." In this opinion, the roots of the Russian generosity, openness and sincerity.

    Orthodoxy brought spirituality in the Russian people, uncompan love, responsiveness, sacrifice, spiritual kindness.

    A Russian man feels not only the subject of the country, but also a particle of a huge cultural community, a nation. It has grown unusual patriotism, giving up to sacrificial heroism. A.I. Herzen wrote: "Each Russian is aware of himself part of the entire Power, the relationship of its own with all population." Especially brightly, this quality was manifested in the course of the Great Patriotic War, when millions of people sacrificed for the sake of salvation of the Motherland.

    In conclusion, I would like to bring Quarters F. Tyutchev. These lines, like any other, give an accurate and complete definition of the uniqueness of Russian mentality and the Russian soul:

    I do not understand Russia with mind
    Arshin must not measure:
    It has a special one -
    You can only believe in Russia.

    More P.A. Vyazemsky said: "You want a clever man, a German or a Frenchman, shouted with stupidity, - make it express judgments about Russia. This is the subject that his intoxicates and immediately dims up its mental abilities. " To deep regret, time has no reverse. Not in our authority to reverse the story to return to the true folk origins of life. Russia - our homeland became a great and mighty country, which they know worldwide and with which are considered.

    mentality mentality Russian people

    The characteristic of Russian culture from the point of view of its place in Dichotomy "East - West" is a fairly difficult task, since, first, it occupies a median situation against a geopolitical factor (which is given to representatives of the so-called "geographical" or "climatic" determinism) ; Secondly, the study of Russian civilization is only beginning (it is generally possible in relation to the national-cultural integrity, and in Russia self-identity and national self-consciousness are formed quite late in comparison with European cultures); Thirdly, Russian culture initially superpolipers in its composition (Slavic, Balt, Finno-Ugrics with the noticeable participation of German, Turkic, North Caucasian ethnic substrates took part in its formation.

    Russian culture began to stand out in a special type in the framework of the Christian civilization in the IX-XI centuries, the entry of state education in Eastern Slavs and their attachment to Orthodoxy. From the very beginning, Russian culture is developing on the basis of such cultural signs as:

    • · The autocratic form of state power (the "primary state");
    • · Collective mentality;
    • · Subordination of society by the state;
    • · Minor amount of economic freedom.

    One of the most significant factors in the formation of Russian culture was Orthodoxy as a religious and moral landmark of spiritual culture. Ancient Russian state was a confederation of independent states. Orthodoxy set a common normative-value order for Russia, a single symbolic form of whose expression was an ancient Russian language. It "captured" all the sectors of society, but not the whole person. The result of this is a very superficial (formal ritual) level of the Christianization of the "silent majority", his ignorance in religious issues and the naive social and utilitarian interpretation of the fundamentals of the creed. Therefore, we can talk about a special type of Russian mass orthodoxy - formal, closely "fused" with pagan mystics and practice, which was allowed by N. A. Berdyaev to call him "Orthodoxy without Christianity."

    The medium in relation to the Western and Eastern types of cultures is perhaps one of the leading characteristics of Russian culture, since the "Western" and "eastern" features in the Russian mentality are not strictly contrary to each other, but rather connect and complement. For example, Christian values \u200b\u200bof Russia are borrowed as a value system of culture of the West, but in the "Eastern" version of Byzantium, and the Russian church from the XV century was dependent on the Konstantinople patriarch. Also in the types of socio-political structure: Russia "experienced" on itself and eastern and western models, and the centers of the ancient

    If you try to formulate exactly which features of the Russian mentality can be described as obviously Western, and which are like oriental, then they can be submitted as follows:

    Western traits:

    • · Christian values;
    • · Urban culture character defining the whole society;
    • · Military democratic genesis of state power;
    • · The lack of a lifetime syndrome in the relationship of the "Individual State" type.

    Oriental features:

    • · Lack of private property in the European sense;
    • · The domination of the principle in which the power gives rise to property;
    • · Autonomy of communities in relation to the state;
    • · Evolutionary nature of development.

    As for the so-called "paths" of Russian culture, its cultural history has completely unique specificity. Our story and not such "forever lasting", directed rather to stagnation, any maintenance of sustainability, equilibrium and, if possible, unchanged, as in the East, facing eternity, and, at the same time, not as gradually progressive, as in the West, coming On the path of high-quality and extensive development. We like to play, Tasua in their history East and Western types of structuring of historical time. Russian culture flows into some hibernation in which even "misses" the most important moments of the European history of the Spirit (so we did not survive the antiquity, which gave European and eastern cultures such a powerful cultural innovation, (which K. Yasperse called the "axis" of world history) as a transition from the mythological type of thinking to the rational development of the world, to the emergence of philosophy - we began to form our ethnocultural "self" immediately in the medieval ethno; the Renaissance type of personality did not work out in Russian culture, since through the revival, we also "stepped over" Good and strong enlightenment), then concentrates and unknown where the silent of power is turned on in some "explosion", it does not matter whether it is an external war, an inner revolution or something like a "restructuring" or other reforms. This is another specific feature of Russian mentality - polarity. Therefore, life in an ordinary language is Zebra, so "or Pan - or disappeared", "who is not with us, he is against us", "From the dirt - in the prince" ... That is, the Russian man does not tolerate intermediate states, loves to "walk on I blade the knife and cut your bare soul into the blood. " Therefore, he feels perfectly and adapts in crisis, bubbling, turning situations at the collective and even state level. This affects our ways to keep wars and the ability to resist the external enemy. So, on the individual level, no one, probably, as a Russian person does not know how to humble with life circumstances, with fate (or even a fateful), and if the fate itself does not present any revolts and tests, the Russian man "helps" provokes. It is not by chance that in the whole world the game with death, when a person "twists her for the mustache," called Russian Roulette. This is one of the heterosterotypes of the Russian man in many inonation cultures.

    It is also possible to note accented binarity as a characteristic feature of Russian culture, where such oppositions such as "collectivism - personality" are perfectly unique and paradoxically "; "Activity - passivity"; "Borrowing - originality"; "Development is stability"; "Deconstruction - design"; "Uniqueness - universalism.

    The results of modern ethnopsychological studies fix the collision in the consciousness of Russian people of contradictory installations and stereotypes of behavior. So allocate five main behavioral orientations:

    • · To collectivism (hospitality, mutual assistance, generosity, credulity, etc.);
    • · For spiritual values \u200b\u200b(justice, conscientiousness, wisdom, talent, etc.);
    • · Power (sinovotiation, creation of idols, handling, etc.);
    • · For the best future (hope for "Avos", irresponsibility, carelessness, impracticality, insecurity, etc.);
    • · On the rapid solution of life problems (habit of Abraha, removal; heroism, high ability to work, etc.).

    One of the central features of the Russian mentality is the ideal of obedience and repentance in Christianity (and not physical work as a mandatory prerequisite for "smart dellary", a similar Western Christian commandment "Pray and work", which, according to M. Weber, was one of the essential prerequisites The formation of capitalism in Western Europe after the Reformation). Hence the Russians such a vigorous feeling of guilt and conscience as the ability of the personality to exercise moral self-control. It with a special masochistic taste is saved by Russian literature and is also one of the common stereotypes.

    Special ethnocentrism and messianism are characteristic of Russian culture, which are an important part of the Russian thinking. This sensibly captures and expresses the language, ironizing and hyperbolyuing these properties of our mentality ("Russia is the birthplace of elephants"; or in one of the modern commercials: "It was a long time ago, when everyone was still Jews, and only the Romans were Russians") . We are also largely prone to traditionalism, which justifies attempts to assign Russian culture to the east. It is a comprehensive traditionalism of thinking - the power consciously, which consists not in the personality and its intrinsicness, as in the culture of the West, and in the crowd, in mass. Hence our aspiration for collective forms - the Cat in Orthodoxy, "Hey, the men,", "all the world, all the people," "Get up, a country, huge," this is Avral, collective creativity in any areas of cultural life. Traditionalism is expressed in "genuine and shortness", in the ordinary and personal life of the Russian man, in the presence of harsh canons in literature and art, as well as in a special relationship to time - in the appeal to the past or very far to the future (A. P. Chekhov: " A Russian man loves to remember, but not live "). One of the sides of our traditionalism is monumentalism - a tendency to the grandiose forms of self-expression and self-affirmation. Despite its openness to any intercultural contacts and borrowings, Russian culture is largely introverted. Opened for external influences, it is not susceptible to them by the cultural immunity developed by centuries and "suspicious" relations to other, alien cultures. This is well illustrated by our special way to carry out reforms. For example, Petrovskaya "Westernization" by objectives and form has become the deepest "antifisted" in fact, and the "revolutionary" and Western Peter I turned out to be a guardian and traditionalist.

    In general, the mentality is the prevailing schemes, stereotypes and thinking patterns. Russians are not necessarily Russian. A separate person can be proud of the fact that he "Cossack", "Bashkir" or "Jew" within Russia, but beyond all Russians (former and real) according to tradition (regardless of origin) by Russians. For this there are grounds: as a rule, all of them have similarities in their mentality and stereotypes of behavior.

    The Russians have something to be proud of, we have a huge and strong country, we have talented people and deep literature, while we ourselves know their weaknesses. If we want to become better - we must know them.

    So let's look at yourself from the part, namely, from the part of strictly scientific research. What do culture researchers noted as specific features of Russian mentality?

    1. Cat, primacy over personal: "We are all our", we have everything in common and "And what people will say." Cathedral turns into the absence of the concept of privacy and the possibility of any neighboring grandmother to intervene and express you all that she thinks about your clothing, manner and upbringing your children.

    From the same opera the concept of "public", "team", missing in the West. "The opinion of the collective", "not separated from the team", "What do people say?" - Cathedral in pure form. On the other hand, you will tell you if you stick out a label, the lace is unleashed, spattered pants or a spanging package with products. And also - murm up the headlights on the road to warn about the traffic police and save from the fine.

    2. The desire to live in truth. The term "truth", often found in the ancient Russian sources, means legal norms On the basis of which the court was neared (hence the expression "judge the right" or "judge in the truth", that is, objectively, fairly). Sources of codification - norms of customary law, Princely judicial practice, as well as borrowed norms from reputable sources - first of all the Holy Scriptures.

    Outside of Russian culture, it is more common about the law, the rules of decency or following religious commandments. In the eastern mentality, it is not said about the truth, in China it is important to live in the covenants left by Confucius.

    3. In the choice between the mind and sense, the Russians choose the feeling: sincerity and soulfulness. In the Russian mentality "feasibility" practically synonymous with mercenary, selfish behavior and not to honor, like something "American". It is difficult to imagine the average Russian inhabitant, which can be reasonably and consciously acting not only for itself, but also for someone, therefore, the actions are disinterested identifying with the actions "from the heart", on the basis of feelings, without a head.

    Russian - dislike for discipline and methodical, life in mind and mood, change of mood from a peacefulness, all-sucking and humility to a merciless reservoir for complete destruction - and back. The Russian mentality lives rather through the female model: Feeling, softness, uncompanying, reacting with crying and rage on the consequences of such a life strategy.

    4. A certain negativism: Most Russians are more likely to see the shortcomings, and not advantage. Abroad, if a person on the street accidentally threw another person, a template reaction of almost anyone: "Sorry", apology and smile. They are so raised. It is sad that in Russia such templates are more negative, here you can hear and "Well, where are you looking?", And something more sharp. Russians understand well what a longing, While this word is untranslaimable to other European languages. On the streets we do not have to smile, look at the people around others, it is indecent to get acquainted and simply talk.

    5. A smile in Russian communication is not a mandatory attribute of courtesy. In the West, the more smiling man, the more manifests the courtesy. In traditionally, Russian communication priority is the requirement of sincerity. The Russian smile demonstrates a personal location to another person, which, naturally, does not apply to everyone. Therefore, if a person is smiling not from the soul, it causes rejection.

    You can seek help - most likely help. Normally begging - and a cigarette, and money. A person with a constantly good mood causes a suspicion - whether the sick, or insincere. The one who usually smiles apart from others - if not a foreigner, then, of course, fed. Of course, insincere. Says "Yes", agrees - a hypocrite. Because the sincere Russian person will not necessarily agree and will objected. And in general, the most realistic sincerity is when Mat! Then - a person you believe!

    6. Love for disputes. In Russian communication, the disputes are traditionally a big place. A Russian man loves to argue on the most varying issues, both private and common. Love for disputes on global, philosophical issues is a bright feature of Russian communicative behavior.

    Russian person is often interested in the dispute not as a means of finding truth, but as a mental exercise, as a form of emotional, sincere communication with each other. That is why in Russian communicative culture, arguing so often lose the thread of the dispute, easily depart from the initial topic.

    At the same time, completely uncharacterically desire for a compromise or to give the interlocutor to keep the face. Uncompromising, conflict is very bright: our person is uncomfortable if he did not challenge, could not prove his right point. "How to form this quality English teacher: "Russian always argues to win." Conversely, the characteristic "conflict", rather, is of a disapproving shade, like "necroppy", "non-procurable".

    7. The Russian man lives faith in good, which will someday go down from heaven (or just from above) on the long-suffering Russian land: "Good will definitely defeat the evil, but then someday." At the same time, his personal position is irresponsible: "We will bring the truth to someone, but not I personally. I can not do anything and I will not do. " The main enemy of the Russian man for several centuries is considered to be the state in the image of the punitive estate.

    8. The principle "Do not lead to". In Russian mentality, a dismissive attitude to politics and democracy as a form of a political device, in which the people are the source and controller of the activities of the authorities. It is characteristic of the conviction that real people do nothing anywhere and democracy are lies and hypocrisy. At the same time, tolerance and habit of lies and hypocrisy of their power due to the conviction that otherwise it is impossible.

    9. Habit for theft, Mzompym and deception. The conviction is that they are stealing everywhere and all, and honestly to earn big money is impossible. Principle - "Do not steal - you will not live." Alexander I: "In Russia, such a theft that I am afraid to go to Dentistist - I will sit in a chair, and the jaw will decoke ..." Dahl: "The Russian man is not afraid of the cross, but is afraid of Pest."

    At the same time, for Russians, a protest attitude to punishments is characterized: punishment for minor violations is not good, somehow petty, you need to "forgive!", And when, on this background, people get used to the laws not to respect and go from small violations to large - here is the Russian man It will take a long time, until it gets angry and does not suit the pogrom.

    10. The characteristic feature of the Russian mentality arising from the previous paragraph - the love of freebies. Movies need to download via torrent, pay for licensed programs - Zaplas, the dream is the joy of laziness Golubkov in the MMM-pyramid. Our fairy tales draw the heroes that lie on the furnace and in the end receive the kingdom and a sexy queen. Ivan-Durak Silen is not hardworking, and the sophisticateness, when for him, everyone will make pikes, sowing-beams, skates, humpbacks and other wolves, fish and heat-birds.

    11. Care of health value is not, sport - strange, root - ok, But it is categorically not allowed to throw poor, including it is considered to be morally unacceptable to leave those who have not care about their health and as a result has become in fact helpless disabled. Women are looking for rich and successful, and love screamed and patients. "How is he without me?" - Hence comprehension as a life rate.

    12. The place of humanism is pity. If humanism welcomes the care of a person, putting a free, developed, strong man on a pedestal, then pity directs care to unfortunate and patients. According to the statistics of Mail.Ru and WTCIOM, assistance to adults in popularity is in fifth place after the help of children, old people, animals and help environmental issues. People are more sorry for dogs than people, and from people from a sense of pity it is more important to support non-visual children, and not adults who could still live and work.

    In the comments to the article, someone agrees with a similar portrait, someone accuses the author in Russophobia. No, the author loves Russia and believes in it, which has already been engaged in educational and educational activities for its country. There are no enemies here and do not need to look for them here, our task is different: namely, thinking how to raise our country and raise children - our new citizens.

    135 years ago, a French psychologist and Neuropsychiatr Henri Vallon was born and relying on the works of the famous Swiss psychologist Charles Jung, introduced the concept of mentality.

    "Russia is America on the contrary ..."

    In general, many Russian psychologists believe that every nation has mentality, and it is expressed in the models of perception and behavior that affect the political and economic life of the country. Moreover, national character is based on historical experience. For example, the same event, Russians and Americans can see at different angles, just because of their mentality. Each people will have its own truth, and to convince each other will be great. All because values \u200b\u200bare perfectness. For example, the English-language literary critic Wang Vic Brooks, studying Russian literature, said: "America is just Russia, on the contrary ..."

    Such as all

    Learn the mentality of the nation and in order to understand who will have to deal with, or even lead the war. For example, the Germans were always acutely interested in Russian people. The first detailed description of Russia made the German ethnographer Johann Gotlib Georgi back in 1776. The work was called "a description of all the peoples of the Russian state, their life, religion, customs, housing, clothes and other differences."

    "... no on earth such a state, which is the Russian power, which has accommodated such a great many different nations," Johann Georgi wrote. - These are Russa, with their tribes, Yako blades, semoades, Yukagira, Chukchi, Yakuts, (further on the whole page there is a listing of nations). ... as well as migrants, Yako Indians, Germans, Persian, Armenians, Georgians, ... and new Slavs - the estate of the Cossacks. "

    In general, the ethnographer Johann Georgi noted that the Russas are not in the wonder to see strangers. All this, of course, affected the mentality of the Russians. Already today, the psychiatrist Igor Vasilyevich Reverchuk, exploring the importance of ethnic self-consciousness in the clinical dynamics of various border mental disorders, found that 96.2% of Slavs living in Russia belong to their nation as "equal to among others", while 93% - demonstrate a benevolent attitude to other ethnic groups.

    Children of their land

    Doctor of Philosophical Sciences Valery Kirillovich Trofimov, specializing in Russian mentality, noted that in the past "Russia is a country of risky agriculture, where every third and fifth years have been lack of town. A short agricultural cycle - 4-5 months - forced the agriculture constantly hurry. Sowing and harvest turned into a real suffering, the battle for the harvest. " That is why our people teach to work Avralo when it is critical, and everything else is to respond to circumstances.
    Russian historian Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky at one time also allocated this characteristic feature of the Russians. "Nowhere in Europe, we will not find such unacceptive to even, moderate and measured, permanent work, as in the same Velikorsia," he said. According to the professor of the philosophy of Arseniya Vladimirovich Gulgi, "Rook out of the extreme to extremes - a typical Russian feature: from the renovation to humility, from passivity to heroism, from calculating waste."


    Most of our ancestors rarely left their native village. All because Boris Godunov by law 1592 fixed the peasants. This was confident Russian historian V. N. Tatishchev. All this injustice, multiplied by poor life, led to collective fantasies and dreams of universal justice, good, beauty and good. "Russian people generally had the habit of living with dreams of the future," Professor Vladimir Nikolaevich Dudenkov is convinced. - It seemed to them that everyday, harsh and dull life of today is, in fact, a temporary delay in the occurrence of true life, but soon everything will change, a true, reasonable and happy life will open. The whole point of life is in this future, and today is not in the expense. "

    Mentality of the Russian official

    It is known that in 1727, small officials ceased to pay a state salary in exchange for accedecies. Later, this rule was canceled, but the habit of sovereign servants to live at the expense of "feeding" remained, and was actually not pursued. As a result, in the first half of the 19th century, bribery became the norm. For example, "solve the case" in the Senate cost 50 thousand rubles. For comparison - the far uncountable county judge had a salary of 300 rubles. Lasting in St. Petersburg in 1858 by Theophile Gauthier, the famous writer from France wrote: "It is believed that people did not go on foot to the face, not to face. Russian official without a carriage, that Arab without a horse. "

    It turns out that part of our history can also be relevant to mentality, however, a certain group of Russian people. So, in the "Social Psychology" dictionary Edited by M.Yu. Kondratyev The term "mentality" was regulated as "the specifics of the mental life of people (groups of persons), deterministic economic and political circumstances and having an idea."

    Endurance and patience

    American experts on mentality are convinced that the nationwide character traits affects, including genetics, in which the models of the behavior of our ancestors are programmed. For example, if the genealogical tree is represented by convinced monarchists, then the person will subconsciously experience sympathies for this form of board or to its representatives. Perhaps this lies neutral, and even the loyal attitude of Russian people to political leaders, which for many years they rule the country.

    It has this attitude and such a mental feature of our people as patience. In particular, historian N.I. Kostomarov noted that "the Russian people led to the amazement of foreigners their patience, hardness, indifference to all deprivation of life amenities, heavy for Europeans ... Since childhood, Russians suffered to transfer hunger and struran. Children took away from the breasts after two months and fed a habit of food; The kids ran in some shirts without hats, barefoot in the snow in the crackling frost. "

    Many Russian and foreign experts on mentality believe that patience is our response to external and internal challenges, the basis of the Russian person.

    Famous foreigners about Russian

    Foreign politicians and journalists love to strive about the mentality of the Russians. Most often our compatriots are called drunkards. Thus, the French journalist Benoa Paradis wrote that "Grubian-Russians are known for their addiction to vodka." And on the portal EnglishRussia on October 14, 2011, an article "50 Facts About Russia in The Eyes of Foreigners" was published, it scored a huge number of views. In particular, it is said "non-driving Russian - a fact of the fact. Most likely, some tragedy is connected with alcohol. "

    However, there are other opinions about Russians. For example, Otto von Bismarck considered the Russian cohesive nation. He argued: "Even the most favorable outcome of the war will never lead to the decomposition of the main force of Russia, which is based on millions of Russians ... these last, even if they are dismembered by international treatises, they are also quickly connected again to each other, as particles of a cut piece of mercury ..." . However, the story does not teach even pragmatic Germans. Franz Galder, Head of the Wehrmacht Staff (1938-1942) was forced to state in 1941: "The originality of the country and the originality of the nature of the Russians gives the campaign to special specifics. The first serious opponent. "

    Opinion expert

    Modern social psychology does not confirm the thesis on the immutability of mentality, "Vladimir Rimsky notes the head of the sociology department of the India Foundation. - The conditions in which people live, social relations are changing - and with them changes mentality. - It is hardly necessary to assume that people did not change the mentality from the Middle Ages. This is exactly an illusion. Let's say in the Middle Ages in the mass consciousness, there was no desire to become famous. But is it in the current society so? Therefore, I would like to argue that the features of modern Russian mentality have developed in Petrov or Doperer times.

    In Russia, attitudes towards mentality as something constant often leads to one purely practical investigation: we are not trying to actually do something to become different. And it is wrong.

    You can, of course, say that the problem is in the mentalite. But the matter is rather that the conditions for the implementation of civil initiatives simply did not create in Russian society.

    Or take the problem of corruption - it is really widely represented in Russia. It is believed that this is also a feature of our mentality. But I think it is necessary to give people the opportunity to change their social practices. And then, it is quite possible, the mentality will also change.

    I must note that, on a historic scale, the mentality is capable of changing pretty quickly - in two or three decades. Examples of South Korea or Singapore - states that have changed dramatically throughout the life of one generation have been talking about this.

    Or take the example of a pure Russian. The reforms of Alexander II touched on, in particular, the judiciary. As a result, quite a few lawyers appeared in Russia, working jury. These jury were ordinary citizens, they, I assure you, perfectly understood what solutions are needed - but often the verdicts are directly opposite. As a result, in the Russian Empire there was a completely different attitude to the court - as a fair institution in which you can really defend your rights. Before Alexander II, there was no such attitude to the judiciary and nearly.

    I think people certainly have national and ethnic features. But still it is not worth denying that a lot is determined by social relations and the social environment in which we live. If we were ready to change the Wednesday, I would change my mentality. I will give an example.

    We are believed to believe that in Russia, the time immemorials do not comply with the laws, and nothing to do with it. But I repeatedly talked with the Germans and Americans who came to Moscow to live and work. So, after a short stay in the Russian capital, almost all of them began to violate the rules of movement when driving a car, and giving bribes to traffic cops. One lady, an American, to my question, why she does, replied that in America she would not have come to a police bribe, but in Moscow it is impossible in Moscow. "

    As you can see, the mentality in the head of a particular American is changing elementary - hardly adapts to the Russian medium. But the same example speaks of a friend. In America and the same Germany, the magnitude of "live according to the law" became relatively recently - a hundred years ago. We can go through the same way, and much faster ...