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I had a bosom friend in the village Andryushka, I'm in. Read online "My first friend, my priceless friend" I had a bosom friend Vasya

I had a bosom friend Andryushka in the village, I was generally greedy for the new, I didn’t know the realities and intricacies of village life, and I was very interested in everything, and how the stove is heated and how the cow is milked and a lot of other interesting things.
Andryushka smoked, dragged cigarettes from his father, they seemed to hang openly, in a string bag in the kitchen, but they were an absolute taboo.
Cigarettes were stolen, partisans in the amount of two fighters secretly moved to the calf, it was not far away, and if Andryushka was called, one could hear. They lit a cigarette, my head was spinning, there was disgust in my mouth, but suddenly I like smoking, cigarettes are disgusting "Pamir", Andryushkin's father uncle
Petya, a village shepherd, a front-line soldier, called these cigarettes "a beggar in the mountains."
It was lunch time and we forgot about everything, but he forgot something, driving the calves out to graze, and went to the calf, we both froze, his temper was cool and we would have got it ... And I threw a cigarette into the corner, where we are there was a lot of straw everywhere, and the second cigarette flew, we were not breathing, he dug very close to us, that he took it and left ...
They looked back, and it was already on fire, and so it all started at once, looked at each other and ran away in different directions ...
The calf-house burned to the ground, a huge black bald spot, some kind of terrible, frightening ...
Trial, the police arrived, the chairman of the collective farm, and blamed everything on Andryushka's father, smoked, threw a cigarette butt, burned out, slob, you have to think ...
It's terribly embarrassing, and it's as if everyone who sees you looks into your eyes so carefully and they ask, so quietly ...
Dima, didn't you burn the calf?
We took milk from this village family, and mother Andryushka saw me the next day and asked where the can was? At home... Go get him and come back...
Their house had a large barn, they stored hay there for the winter, I returned, put the can and remove the lid from it, and come here and help me and Adryushka is here in the barn, you were looking for him.
I went in and understood everything, white Andryushka stands silently and looks at me ...
She closed the door with a bolt, and took a rope, such a thick rope, they pull hay with it when they are being transported on a cart ...
And she departed us with this rope, silently without hysteria and screams, empty words and squeals, we did not hide and did not close, we got it hard, for real, the bruises went away after a month, there was a black back.
She threw the rope, sat down where she stood, put her head in her hands, and began to speak, in that very quiet voice, she cried and said that Uncle Petya would be sent to prison, I have 12 children, how will we live?
And of course, not everyone was small, but what is it like in a village without a peasant, I understood very well with my brain, I saw how and how they live, and now I understand that it was a reality, a calf for 120 heads, burned to the ground.
She left, and we sat silently until the evening ...
this one was somehow hushed up, Andryushka's father returned, everyone exhaled ...
My grandmother cried non-stop until he returned...

I sat at home and didn’t go out, I had to, I had to myself, I needed to see Uncle Petya, I couldn’t bear it in myself.
I knew where he would go home from work alone in the evening, I was not afraid, but I decided to sit down so that he could see me from afar, there was a road and the house where we lived, the last one in the village.
I took a stool and sat down by the side of the road, began to wait ... I immediately saw him, and he saw me, he walked slowly, tired. I got up and went up to him, I can’t look him in the eye, I stand and keep silent, and he is silent, it would be better if he hit me or yelled, told me that I was bad and my place was in prison ...
Uncle Petya, forgive me... He just put his hand on my shoulder... Okay,
Come with me, I'll go to the apiary soon, have you been to the apiary? You need to cook the coal, tools and clothes, again, you need to always think about what and how you will do, otherwise you will offend the bees, and they will bite.

I remembered for the rest of my life, you always have to think about what and how you are doing, without thinking what you are doing, you beat backhand everyone who is close to you, for any of your stupidity and cowardice, someone will definitely pay, and only because you did not take for the trouble to think how it all might end.

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Option No. 2833108

When completing tasks with a short answer, enter in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, a word, a sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. Separate the fractional part from the whole decimal point. Units of measurement are not required. When writing a grammatical basis (task 8), consisting of homogeneous members with a union, give an answer without a union, do not use spaces and commas. Do not enter the letter E instead of the letter Y.

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Exam options consist of a text and tasks for it, as well as a text for presentation. This version could have included a different presentation. Full list statements can be seen in the Catalog of tasks.

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

Which answer option contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: “Why didn’t the hero propose Mitya’s candidacy for a public post?”

1) All public posts were already taken.

2) Mitya did not know how to organize his classmates.

3) The narrator considered this tactless.

4) The narrator did it out of resentment towards a friend

(According to Yu. Nagibin)


Indicate the sentence in which the phraseological unit is the means of expression.

1) Our precious friendship almost collapsed on the very first day of school.

2) And then, with tears, Mitya demanded to return his former trust for the sake of holy friendship, that “more than ourselves,” and tried to slap me a Judas kiss.

3) Mitya's absurdity, mood swings, sensitive conversations, the constant readiness for a quarrel, which manifests itself at the first opportunity, began to seem to me an indispensable attribute of friendship.

4) Almost the next day, Mitya climbed up to put up.

(1) I had a bosom friend, dark-haired, thick-haired, cut like a girl, Mitya Grebennikov.

(3) Mitya was a resident of our house, but recently his parents changed their apartment. (4) Mitya ended up next door in a large six-story building and was terribly proud. (5) The house was really anywhere: with luxurious front doors, heavy doors and a spacious silent elevator. (6) Mitya did not get tired of showing off his house: “When you look at Moscow from the sixth floor ...”, “I don’t understand how people do without an elevator ...”. (7) I delicately reminded that quite recently he lived in our house and did fine without an elevator. (8) Looking at me with wet dark eyes, Mitya disgustedly said that this time seemed to him a terrible dream. (9) For this, it was necessary to fill the face. (10) But Mitya not only looked like a girl in appearance - he was weak-hearted, sensitive, tearful, capable of hysterical outbursts of rage - and a hand was not raised against him. (11) And yet I poured him. (12) With a heart-rending roar, he rushed at me ... (13) Almost the next day, Mitya climbed to put up. (14) “Our friendship is greater than ourselves, we have no right to lose it” - these are the phrases he knew how to bend. (15) Mitina's absurdity, mood swings, sensitive conversations, readiness for a quarrel, which manifests itself at the first opportunity, began to seem to me an indispensable attribute of friendship.

(16) Our precious friendship almost collapsed on the very first day of school. (17) When class self-government was chosen, Mitya offered me to be a nurse. (18) But I did not name him when candidates for other public posts were nominated, either out of confusion, or it seemed to me inconvenient to call him after he shouted out my name. (19) Mitya did not show the slightest resentment, but his complacency collapsed at the moment when I was chosen as an orderly by a majority of votes. (20) There was nothing tempting in this position, but Mitya seemed to have lost her mind with envy.

(21) In addition, he turned out to be a sneak. (22) Once, the class teacher told me to stay after class and made a grandiose dressing down for playing money. (23) Only once in my life did I play rasshibalka, I quickly blew seven kopecks in cash and another ruble in debt. (24) But that was the end of my acquaintance with gambling.

(25) Pressed into a corner, Mitya confessed to the denunciation. (26) It is important to note that he slandered me for my own benefit, fearing that bad inclinations would reawaken in me again. (27) And then, with tears, Mitya demanded to return his former trust to him for the sake of holy friendship, which is “greater than ourselves,” and tried to give me a Judas kiss. (28) All this looked false, bad, dishonorable, nevertheless, for another two years I participated in an unworthy farce, until I suddenly realized that real friendship had a completely different address.

Text edited by the editors of RESHOOGE

(According to Yu. Nagibin)


From sentences 1-5, write out a word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the deafness - the voicedness of the subsequent consonant.

(1) I had a bosom friend, dark-haired, thick-haired, cut like a girl, Mitya Grebennikov. (2) Our friendship with him began, it seems, at the age of four.

(3) Mitya was a resident of our house, but recently his parents changed their apartment. (4) Mitya ended up next door in a large six-story building and was terribly proud. (5) The house was really anywhere: with luxurious front doors, heavy doors and a spacious silent elevator. (6) Mitya did not get tired of showing off his house: “When you look at Moscow from the sixth floor ...”, “I don’t understand how people do without an elevator ...”. (7) I delicately reminded that quite recently he lived in our house and did fine without an elevator. (8) Looking at me with wet dark eyes, Mitya disgustedly said that this time seemed to him a terrible dream. (9) For this, it was necessary to fill the face. (10) But Mitya not only looked like a girl in appearance - he was weak-hearted, sensitive, tearful, capable of hysterical outbursts of rage - and a hand was not raised against him. (11) And yet I poured him. (12) With a heart-rending roar, he rushed at me ... (13) Almost the next day, Mitya climbed to put up. (14) “Our friendship is greater than ourselves, we have no right to lose it” - these are the phrases he knew how to bend. (15) Mitina's absurdity, mood swings, sensitive conversations, readiness for a quarrel, which manifests itself at the first opportunity, began to seem to me an indispensable attribute of friendship.

(16) Our precious friendship almost collapsed on the very first day of school. (17) When class self-government was chosen, Mitya offered me to be a nurse. (18) But I did not name him when candidates for other public posts were nominated, either out of confusion, or it seemed to me inconvenient to call him after he shouted out my name. (19) Mitya did not show the slightest resentment, but his complacency collapsed at the moment when I was chosen as an orderly by a majority of votes. (20) There was nothing tempting in this position, but Mitya seemed to have lost her mind with envy.

(21) In addition, he turned out to be a sneak. (22) Once, the class teacher told me to stay after class and made a grandiose dressing down for playing money. (23) Only once in my life did I play rasshibalka, I quickly blew seven kopecks in cash and another ruble in debt. (24) But that was the end of my acquaintance with gambling.

(25) Pressed into a corner, Mitya confessed to the denunciation. (26) It is important to note that he slandered me for my own benefit, fearing that bad inclinations would reawaken in me again. (27) And then, with tears, Mitya demanded to return his former trust to him for the sake of holy friendship, which is “greater than ourselves,” and tried to give me a Judas kiss. (28) All this looked false, bad, dishonorable, nevertheless, for another two years I participated in an unworthy farce, until I suddenly realized that real friendship had a completely different address.

Text edited by the editors of RESHOOGE

(According to Yu. Nagibin)

(1) I had a bosom friend, dark-haired, thick-haired, cut like a girl, Mitya Grebennikov. (2) Our friendship with him began, it seems, at the age of four.

(3) Mitya was a resident of our house, but recently his parents changed their apartment. (4) Mitya ended up next door in a large six-story building and was terribly proud. (5) The house was really anywhere: with luxurious front doors, heavy doors and a spacious silent elevator.


From sentences 15–18, write out the word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: “In an adjective formed from a noun with the suffix -ENN, it is written HH.”

(1) I had a bosom friend, dark-haired, thick-haired, cut like a girl, Mitya Grebennikov. (2) Our friendship with him began, it seems, at the age of four.

(3) Mitya was a resident of our house, but recently his parents changed their apartment. (4) Mitya ended up next door in a large six-story building and was terribly proud. (5) The house was really anywhere: with luxurious front doors, heavy doors and a spacious silent elevator. (6) Mitya did not get tired of showing off his house: “When you look at Moscow from the sixth floor ...”, “I don’t understand how people do without an elevator ...”. (7) I delicately reminded that quite recently he lived in our house and did fine without an elevator. (8) Looking at me with wet dark eyes, Mitya disgustedly said that this time seemed to him a terrible dream. (9) For this, it was necessary to fill the face. (10) But Mitya not only looked like a girl in appearance - he was weak-hearted, sensitive, tearful, capable of hysterical outbursts of rage - and a hand was not raised against him. (11) And yet I poured him. (12) With a heart-rending roar, he rushed at me ... (13) Almost the next day, Mitya climbed to put up. (14) “Our friendship is greater than ourselves, we have no right to lose it” - these are the phrases he knew how to bend. (15) Mitina's absurdity, mood swings, sensitive conversations, readiness for a quarrel, which manifests itself at the first opportunity, began to seem to me an indispensable attribute of friendship.

(16) Our precious friendship almost collapsed on the very first day of school. (17) When class self-government was chosen, Mitya offered me to be a nurse. (18) But I did not name him when candidates for other public posts were nominated, either out of confusion, or it seemed to me inconvenient to call him after he shouted out my name. (19) Mitya did not show the slightest resentment, but his complacency collapsed at the moment when I was chosen as an orderly by a majority of votes. (20) There was nothing tempting in this position, but Mitya seemed to have lost her mind with envy.

(21) In addition, he turned out to be a sneak. (22) Once, the class teacher told me to stay after class and made a grandiose dressing down for playing money. (23) Only once in my life did I play rasshibalka, I quickly blew seven kopecks in cash and another ruble in debt. (24) But that was the end of my acquaintance with gambling.

(25) Pressed into a corner, Mitya confessed to the denunciation. (26) It is important to note that he slandered me for my own benefit, fearing that bad inclinations would reawaken in me again. (27) And then, with tears, Mitya demanded to return his former trust to him for the sake of holy friendship, which is “greater than ourselves,” and tried to give me a Judas kiss. (28) All this looked false, bad, dishonorable, nevertheless, for another two years I participated in an unworthy farce, until I suddenly realized that real friendship had a completely different address.

Text edited by the editors of RESHOOGE

(According to Yu. Nagibin)

(15) Mitina's absurdity, mood swings, sensitive conversations, readiness for a quarrel, which manifests itself at the first opportunity, began to seem to me an indispensable attribute of friendship.

(16) Our precious friendship almost collapsed on the very first day of school. (17) When class self-government was chosen, Mitya offered me to be a nurse. (18) But I did not name him when candidates for other public posts were nominated, either out of confusion, or it seemed to me inconvenient to call him after he shouted out my name.


Replace the colloquial word "blew" in sentence 23 with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym

(1) I had a bosom friend, dark-haired, thick-haired, cut like a girl, Mitya Grebennikov. (2) Our friendship with him began, it seems, at the age of four.

(3) Mitya was a resident of our house, but recently his parents changed their apartment. (4) Mitya ended up next door in a large six-story building and was terribly proud. (5) The house was really anywhere: with luxurious front doors, heavy doors and a spacious silent elevator. (6) Mitya did not get tired of showing off his house: “When you look at Moscow from the sixth floor ...”, “I don’t understand how people do without an elevator ...”. (7) I delicately reminded that quite recently he lived in our house and did fine without an elevator. (8) Looking at me with wet dark eyes, Mitya disgustedly said that this time seemed to him a terrible dream. (9) For this, it was necessary to fill the face. (10) But Mitya not only looked like a girl in appearance - he was weak-hearted, sensitive, tearful, capable of hysterical outbursts of rage - and a hand was not raised against him. (11) And yet I poured him. (12) With a heart-rending roar, he rushed at me ... (13) Almost the next day, Mitya climbed to put up. (14) “Our friendship is greater than ourselves, we have no right to lose it” - these are the phrases he knew how to bend. (15) Mitina's absurdity, mood swings, sensitive conversations, readiness for a quarrel, which manifests itself at the first opportunity, began to seem to me an indispensable attribute of friendship.

(16) Our precious friendship almost collapsed on the very first day of school. (17) When class self-government was chosen, Mitya offered me to be a nurse. (18) But I did not name him when candidates for other public posts were nominated, either out of confusion, or it seemed to me inconvenient to call him after he shouted out my name. (19) Mitya did not show the slightest resentment, but his complacency collapsed at the moment when I was chosen as an orderly by a majority of votes. (20) There was nothing tempting in this position, but Mitya seemed to have lost her mind with envy.

(21) In addition, he turned out to be a sneak. (22) Once, the class teacher told me to stay after class and made a grandiose dressing down for playing money. (23) Only once in my life did I play rasshibalka, I quickly blew seven kopecks in cash and another ruble in debt. (24) But that was the end of my acquaintance with gambling.

(25) Pressed into a corner, Mitya confessed to the denunciation. (26) It is important to note that he slandered me for my own benefit, fearing that bad inclinations would reawaken in me again. (27) And then, with tears, Mitya demanded to return his former trust to him for the sake of holy friendship, which is “greater than ourselves,” and tried to give me a Judas kiss. (28) All this looked false, bad, dishonorable, nevertheless, for another two years I participated in an unworthy farce, until I suddenly realized that real friendship had a completely different address.

Text edited by the editors of RESHOOGE

(According to Yu. Nagibin)

(2) Our friendship with him began, it seems, at the age of four.


Replace the phrase "school day" (sentence 16), the agreement built on the basis of the connection, with a synonymous phrase with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

(1) I had a bosom friend, dark-haired, thick-haired, cut like a girl, Mitya Grebennikov. (2) Our friendship with him began, it seems, at the age of four.

(3) Mitya was a resident of our house, but recently his parents changed their apartment. (4) Mitya ended up next door in a large six-story building and was terribly proud. (5) The house was really anywhere: with luxurious front doors, heavy doors and a spacious silent elevator. (6) Mitya did not get tired of showing off his house: “When you look at Moscow from the sixth floor ...”, “I don’t understand how people do without an elevator ...”. (7) I delicately reminded that quite recently he lived in our house and did fine without an elevator. (8) Looking at me with wet dark eyes, Mitya disgustedly said that this time seemed to him a terrible dream. (9) For this, it was necessary to fill the face. (10) But Mitya not only looked like a girl in appearance - he was weak-hearted, sensitive, tearful, capable of hysterical outbursts of rage - and a hand was not raised against him. (11) And yet I poured him. (12) With a heart-rending roar, he rushed at me ... (13) Almost the next day, Mitya climbed to put up. (14) “Our friendship is greater than ourselves, we have no right to lose it” - these are the phrases he knew how to bend. (15) Mitina's absurdity, mood swings, sensitive conversations, readiness for a quarrel, which manifests itself at the first opportunity, began to seem to me an indispensable attribute of friendship.

(16) Our precious friendship almost collapsed on the very first day of school. (17) When class self-government was chosen, Mitya offered me to be a nurse. (18) But I did not name him when candidates for other public posts were nominated, either out of confusion, or it seemed to me inconvenient to call him after he shouted out my name. (19) Mitya did not show the slightest resentment, but his complacency collapsed at the moment when I was chosen as an orderly by a majority of votes. (20) There was nothing tempting in this position, but Mitya seemed to have lost her mind with envy.

(21) In addition, he turned out to be a sneak. (22) Once, the class teacher told me to stay after class and made a grandiose dressing down for playing money. (23) Only once in my life did I play rasshibalka, I quickly blew seven kopecks in cash and another ruble in debt. (24) But that was the end of my acquaintance with gambling.

(25) Pressed into a corner, Mitya confessed to the denunciation. (26) It is important to note that he slandered me for my own benefit, fearing that bad inclinations would reawaken in me again. (27) And then, with tears, Mitya demanded to return his former trust to him for the sake of holy friendship, which is “greater than ourselves,” and tried to give me a Judas kiss. (28) All this looked false, bad, dishonorable, nevertheless, for another two years I participated in an unworthy farce, until I suddenly realized that real friendship had a completely different address.

Text edited by the editors of RESHOOGE

(According to Yu. Nagibin)

(1) I had a bosom friend, dark-haired, thick-haired, cut like a girl, Mitya Grebennikov.


Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 21.

(1) I had a bosom friend, dark-haired, thick-haired, cut like a girl, Mitya Grebennikov. (2) Our friendship with him began, it seems, at the age of four.

(3) Mitya was a resident of our house, but recently his parents changed their apartment. (4) Mitya ended up next door in a large six-story building and was terribly proud. (5) The house was really anywhere: with luxurious front doors, heavy doors and a spacious silent elevator. (6) Mitya did not get tired of showing off his house: “When you look at Moscow from the sixth floor ...”, “I don’t understand how people do without an elevator ...”. (7) I delicately reminded that quite recently he lived in our house and did fine without an elevator. (8) Looking at me with wet dark eyes, Mitya disgustedly said that this time seemed to him a terrible dream. (9) For this, it was necessary to fill the face. (10) But Mitya not only looked like a girl in appearance - he was weak-hearted, sensitive, tearful, capable of hysterical outbursts of rage - and a hand was not raised against him. (11) And yet I poured him. (12) With a heart-rending roar, he rushed at me ... (13) Almost the next day, Mitya climbed to put up. (14) “Our friendship is greater than ourselves, we have no right to lose it” - these are the phrases he knew how to bend. (15) Mitina's absurdity, mood swings, sensitive conversations, readiness for a quarrel, which manifests itself at the first opportunity, began to seem to me an indispensable attribute of friendship.

(16) Our precious friendship almost collapsed on the very first day of school. (17) When class self-government was chosen, Mitya offered me to be a nurse. (18) But I did not name him when candidates for other public posts were nominated, either out of confusion, or it seemed to me inconvenient to call him after he shouted out my name. (19) Mitya did not show the slightest resentment, but his complacency collapsed at the moment when I was chosen as an orderly by a majority of votes. (20) There was nothing tempting in this position, but Mitya seemed to have lost her mind with envy.

(21) In addition, he turned out to be a sneak. (22) Once, the class teacher told me to stay after class and made a grandiose dressing down for playing money. (23) Only once in my life did I play rasshibalka, I quickly blew seven kopecks in cash and another ruble in debt. (24) But that was the end of my acquaintance with gambling.

(25) Pressed into a corner, Mitya confessed to the denunciation. (26) It is important to note that he slandered me for my own benefit, fearing that bad inclinations would reawaken in me again. (27) And then, with tears, Mitya demanded to return his former trust to him for the sake of holy friendship, which is “greater than ourselves,” and tried to give me a Judas kiss. (28) All this looked false, bad, dishonorable, nevertheless, for another two years I participated in an unworthy farce, until I suddenly realized that real friendship had a completely different address.

Text edited by the editors of RESHOOGE

(According to Yu. Nagibin)

(2) Our friendship with him began, it seems, at the age of four.


Among sentences 8-15, find a sentence with a separate common definition. Write the number of this offer.

(1) I had a bosom friend, dark-haired, thick-haired, cut like a girl, Mitya Grebennikov. (2) Our friendship with him began, it seems, at the age of four.

(3) Mitya was a resident of our house, but recently his parents changed their apartment. (4) Mitya ended up next door in a large six-story building and was terribly proud. (5) The house was really anywhere: with luxurious front doors, heavy doors and a spacious silent elevator. (6) Mitya did not get tired of showing off his house: “When you look at Moscow from the sixth floor ...”, “I don’t understand how people do without an elevator ...”. (7) I delicately reminded that quite recently he lived in our house and did fine without an elevator. (8) Looking at me with wet dark eyes, Mitya disgustedly said that this time seemed to him a terrible dream. (9) For this, it was necessary to fill the face. (10) But Mitya not only looked like a girl in appearance - he was weak-hearted, sensitive, tearful, capable of hysterical outbursts of rage - and a hand was not raised against him. (11) And yet I poured him. (12) With a heart-rending roar, he rushed at me ... (13) Almost the next day, Mitya climbed to put up. (14) “Our friendship is greater than ourselves, we have no right to lose it” - these are the phrases he knew how to bend. (15) Mitina's absurdity, mood swings, sensitive conversations, readiness for a quarrel, which manifests itself at the first opportunity, began to seem to me an indispensable attribute of friendship.

(16) Our precious friendship almost collapsed on the very first day of school. (17) When class self-government was chosen, Mitya offered me to be a nurse. (18) But I did not name him when candidates for other public posts were nominated, either out of confusion, or it seemed to me inconvenient to call him after he shouted out my name. (19) Mitya did not show the slightest resentment, but his complacency collapsed at the moment when I was chosen as an orderly by a majority of votes. (20) There was nothing tempting in this position, but Mitya seemed to have lost her mind with envy.

(21) In addition, he turned out to be a sneak. (22) Once, the class teacher told me to stay after class and made a grandiose dressing down for playing money. (23) Only once in my life did I play rasshibalka, I quickly blew seven kopecks in cash and another ruble in debt. (24) But that was the end of my acquaintance with gambling.

(25) Pressed into a corner, Mitya confessed to the denunciation. (26) It is important to note that he slandered me for my own benefit, fearing that bad inclinations would reawaken in me again. (27) And then, with tears, Mitya demanded to return his former trust to him for the sake of holy friendship, which is “greater than ourselves,” and tried to give me a Judas kiss. (28) All this looked false, bad, dishonorable, nevertheless, for another two years I participated in an unworthy farce, until I suddenly realized that real friendship had a completely different address.

Text edited by the editors of RESHOOGE

(According to Yu. Nagibin)

(8) Looking at me with wet dark eyes, Mitya disgustedly said that this time seemed to him a terrible dream. (9) For this, it was necessary to fill the face. (10) But Mitya not only looked like a girl in appearance - he was weak-hearted, sensitive, tearful, capable of hysterical outbursts of rage - and a hand was not raised against him. (11) And yet I poured him. (12) With a heart-rending roar, he rushed at me ... (13) Almost the next day, Mitya climbed to put up. (14) “Our friendship is greater than ourselves, we have no right to lose it” - these are the phrases he knew how to bend. (15) Mitina's absurdity, mood swings, sensitive conversations, readiness for a quarrel, which manifests itself at the first opportunity, began to seem to me an indispensable attribute of friendship.


In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas at the introductory word.

I had a bosom friend, (1) swarthy, (2) thick-haired, (3) cut under

girl Mitya Grebennikov. Our friendship began, (4) it seems, (5) at the age of four.

(1) I had a bosom friend, dark-haired, thick-haired, cut like a girl, Mitya Grebennikov. (2) Our friendship with him began, it seems, at the age of four.

(3) Mitya was a resident of our house, but recently his parents changed their apartment. (4) Mitya ended up next door in a large six-story building and was terribly proud. (5) The house was really anywhere: with luxurious front doors, heavy doors and a spacious silent elevator. (6) Mitya did not get tired of showing off his house: “When you look at Moscow from the sixth floor ...”, “I don’t understand how people do without an elevator ...”. (7) I delicately reminded that quite recently he lived in our house and did fine without an elevator. (8) Looking at me with wet dark eyes, Mitya disgustedly said that this time seemed to him a terrible dream. (9) For this, it was necessary to fill the face. (10) But Mitya not only looked like a girl in appearance - he was weak-hearted, sensitive, tearful, capable of hysterical outbursts of rage - and a hand was not raised against him. (11) And yet I poured him. (12) With a heart-rending roar, he rushed at me ... (13) Almost the next day, Mitya climbed to put up. (14) “Our friendship is greater than ourselves, we have no right to lose it” - these are the phrases he knew how to bend. (15) Mitina's absurdity, mood swings, sensitive conversations, readiness for a quarrel, which manifests itself at the first opportunity, began to seem to me an indispensable attribute of friendship.

(16) Our precious friendship almost collapsed on the very first day of school. (17) When class self-government was chosen, Mitya offered me to be a nurse. (18) But I did not name him when candidates for other public posts were nominated, either out of confusion, or it seemed to me inconvenient to call him after he shouted out my name. (19) Mitya did not show the slightest resentment, but his complacency collapsed at the moment when I was chosen as an orderly by a majority of votes. (20) There was nothing tempting in this position, but Mitya seemed to have lost her mind with envy.

(21) In addition, he turned out to be a sneak. (22) Once, the class teacher told me to stay after class and made a grandiose dressing down for playing money. (23) Only once in my life did I play rasshibalka, I quickly blew seven kopecks in cash and another ruble in debt. (24) But that was the end of my acquaintance with gambling.

(25) Pressed into a corner, Mitya confessed to the denunciation. (26) It is important to note that he slandered me for my own benefit, fearing that bad inclinations would reawaken in me again. (27) And then, with tears, Mitya demanded to return his former trust to him for the sake of holy friendship, which is “greater than ourselves,” and tried to give me a Judas kiss. (28) All this looked false, bad, dishonorable, nevertheless, for another two years I participated in an unworthy farce, until I suddenly realized that real friendship had a completely different address.

Text edited by the editors of RESHOOGE

(According to Yu. Nagibin)


Indicate the number of grammatical bases in the sentence 20. Write down the answer with a number.

(1) I had a bosom friend, dark-haired, thick-haired, cut like a girl, Mitya Grebennikov. (2) Our friendship with him began, it seems, at the age of four.

(3) Mitya was a resident of our house, but recently his parents changed their apartment. (4) Mitya ended up next door in a large six-story building and was terribly proud. (5) The house was really anywhere: with luxurious front doors, heavy doors and a spacious silent elevator. (6) Mitya did not get tired of showing off his house: “When you look at Moscow from the sixth floor ...”, “I don’t understand how people do without an elevator ...”. (7) I delicately reminded that quite recently he lived in our house and did fine without an elevator. (8) Looking at me with wet dark eyes, Mitya disgustedly said that this time seemed to him a terrible dream. (9) For this, it was necessary to fill the face. (10) But Mitya not only looked like a girl in appearance - he was weak-hearted, sensitive, tearful, capable of hysterical outbursts of rage - and a hand was not raised against him. (11) And yet I poured him. (12) With a heart-rending roar, he rushed at me ... (13) Almost the next day, Mitya climbed to put up. (14) “Our friendship is greater than ourselves, we have no right to lose it” - these are the phrases he knew how to bend. (15) Mitina's absurdity, mood swings, sensitive conversations, readiness for a quarrel, which manifests itself at the first opportunity, began to seem to me an indispensable attribute of friendship.

(16) Our precious friendship almost collapsed on the very first day of school. (17) When class self-government was chosen, Mitya offered me to be a nurse. (18) But I did not name him when candidates for other public posts were nominated, either out of confusion, or it seemed to me inconvenient to call him after he shouted out my name. (19) Mitya did not show the slightest resentment, but his complacency collapsed at the moment when I was chosen as an orderly by a majority of votes. (20) There was nothing tempting in this position, but Mitya seemed to have lost her mind with envy.

(21) In addition, he turned out to be a sneak. (22) Once, the class teacher told me to stay after class and made a grandiose dressing down for playing money. (23) Only once in my life did I play rasshibalka, I quickly blew seven kopecks in cash and another ruble in debt. (24) But that was the end of my acquaintance with gambling.

(25) Pressed into a corner, Mitya confessed to the denunciation. (26) It is important to note that he slandered me for my own benefit, fearing that bad inclinations would reawaken in me again. (27) And then, with tears, Mitya demanded to return his former trust to him for the sake of holy friendship, which is “greater than ourselves,” and tried to give me a Judas kiss. (28) All this looked false, bad, dishonorable, nevertheless, for another two years I participated in an unworthy farce, until I suddenly realized that real friendship had a completely different address.

Text edited by the editors of RESHOOGE

(According to Yu. Nagibin)

(2) Our friendship with him began, it seems, at the age of four.


In the sentence below, from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the number(s) denoting(s) a comma(s) between parts of a complex sentence connected by a coordinating link.

Mitya did not show the slightest resentment, (1) but his complacency collapsed at that moment, (2) when by a majority of votes I was chosen as an orderly.

(1) I had a bosom friend, dark-haired, thick-haired, cut like a girl, Mitya Grebennikov. (2) Our friendship with him began, it seems, at the age of four.

(3) Mitya was a resident of our house, but recently his parents changed their apartment. (4) Mitya ended up next door in a large six-story building and was terribly proud. (5) The house was really anywhere: with luxurious front doors, heavy doors and a spacious silent elevator. (6) Mitya did not get tired of showing off his house: “When you look at Moscow from the sixth floor ...”, “I don’t understand how people do without an elevator ...”. (7) I delicately reminded that quite recently he lived in our house and did fine without an elevator. (8) Looking at me with wet dark eyes, Mitya disgustedly said that this time seemed to him a terrible dream. (9) For this, it was necessary to fill the face. (10) But Mitya not only looked like a girl in appearance - he was weak-hearted, sensitive, tearful, capable of hysterical outbursts of rage - and a hand was not raised against him. (11) And yet I poured him. (12) With a heart-rending roar, he rushed at me ... (13) Almost the next day, Mitya climbed to put up. (14) “Our friendship is greater than ourselves, we have no right to lose it” - these are the phrases he knew how to bend. (15) Mitina's absurdity, mood swings, sensitive conversations, readiness for a quarrel, which manifests itself at the first opportunity, began to seem to me an indispensable attribute of friendship.

(16) Our precious friendship almost collapsed on the very first day of school. (17) When class self-government was chosen, Mitya offered me to be a nurse. (18) But I did not name him when candidates for other public posts were nominated, either out of confusion, or it seemed to me inconvenient to call him after he shouted out my name. (19) Mitya did not show the slightest resentment, but his complacency collapsed at the moment when I was chosen as an orderly by a majority of votes. (20) There was nothing tempting in this position, but Mitya seemed to have lost her mind with envy.

(21) In addition, he turned out to be a sneak. (22) Once, the class teacher told me to stay after class and made a grandiose dressing down for playing money. (23) Only once in my life did I play rasshibalka, I quickly blew seven kopecks in cash and another ruble in debt. (24) But that was the end of my acquaintance with gambling.

(25) Pressed into a corner, Mitya confessed to the denunciation. (26) It is important to note that he slandered me for my own benefit, fearing that bad inclinations would reawaken in me again. (27) And then, with tears, Mitya demanded to return his former trust to him for the sake of holy friendship, which is “greater than ourselves,” and tried to give me a Judas kiss. (28) All this looked false, bad, dishonorable, nevertheless, for another two years I participated in an unworthy farce, until I suddenly realized that real friendship had a completely different address.

Text edited by the editors of RESHOOGE

(According to Yu. Nagibin)


Among sentences 25–28, find complex sentences with consistent subordinate clauses. Write the numbers of these proposals.

(1) I had a bosom friend, dark-haired, thick-haired, cut like a girl, Mitya Grebennikov. (2) Our friendship with him began, it seems, at the age of four.

(3) Mitya was a resident of our house, but recently his parents changed their apartment. (4) Mitya ended up next door in a large six-story building and was terribly proud. (5) The house was really anywhere: with luxurious front doors, heavy doors and a spacious silent elevator. (6) Mitya did not get tired of showing off his house: “When you look at Moscow from the sixth floor ...”, “I don’t understand how people do without an elevator ...”. (7) I delicately reminded that quite recently he lived in our house and did fine without an elevator. (8) Looking at me with wet dark eyes, Mitya disgustedly said that this time seemed to him a terrible dream. (9) For this, it was necessary to fill the face. (10) But Mitya not only looked like a girl in appearance - he was weak-hearted, sensitive, tearful, capable of hysterical outbursts of rage - and a hand was not raised against him. (11) And yet I poured him. (12) With a heart-rending roar, he rushed at me ... (13) Almost the next day, Mitya climbed to put up. (14) “Our friendship is greater than ourselves, we have no right to lose it” - these are the phrases he knew how to bend. (15) Mitina's absurdity, mood swings, sensitive conversations, readiness for a quarrel, which manifests itself at the first opportunity, began to seem to me an indispensable attribute of friendship.

(16) Our precious friendship almost collapsed on the very first day of school. (17) When class self-government was chosen, Mitya offered me to be a nurse. (18) But I did not name him when candidates for other public posts were nominated, either out of confusion, or it seemed to me inconvenient to call him after he shouted out my name. (19) Mitya did not show the slightest resentment, but his complacency collapsed at the moment when I was chosen as an orderly by a majority of votes. (20) There was nothing tempting in this position, but Mitya seemed to have lost her mind with envy.

(21) In addition, he turned out to be a sneak. (22) Once, the class teacher told me to stay after class and made a grandiose dressing down for playing money. (23) Only once in my life did I play rasshibalka, I quickly blew seven kopecks in cash and another ruble in debt. (24) But that was the end of my acquaintance with gambling.

(25) Pressed into a corner, Mitya confessed to the denunciation. (26) It is important to note that he slandered me for my own benefit, fearing that bad inclinations would reawaken in me again. (27) And then, with tears, Mitya demanded to return his former trust to him for the sake of holy friendship, which is “greater than ourselves,” and tried to give me a Judas kiss. (28) All this looked false, bad, dishonorable, nevertheless, for another two years I participated in an unworthy farce, until I suddenly realized that real friendship had a completely different address.

Among sentences 10–15, find a complex sentence with an all-union connection between parts. Write the number of this offer.

(1) I had a bosom friend, dark-haired, thick-haired, cut like a girl, Mitya Grebennikov. (2) Our friendship with him began, it seems, at the age of four.

(3) Mitya was a resident of our house, but recently his parents changed their apartment. (4) Mitya ended up next door in a large six-story building and was terribly proud. (5) The house was really anywhere: with luxurious front doors, heavy doors and a spacious silent elevator. (6) Mitya did not get tired of showing off his house: “When you look at Moscow from the sixth floor ...”, “I don’t understand how people do without an elevator ...”. (7) I delicately reminded that quite recently he lived in our house and did fine without an elevator. (8) Looking at me with wet dark eyes, Mitya disgustedly said that this time seemed to him a terrible dream. (9) For this, it was necessary to fill the face. (10) But Mitya not only looked like a girl in appearance - he was weak-hearted, sensitive, tearful, capable of hysterical outbursts of rage - and a hand was not raised against him. (11) And yet I poured him. (12) With a heart-rending roar, he rushed at me ... (13) Almost the next day, Mitya climbed to put up. (14) “Our friendship is greater than ourselves, we have no right to lose it” - these are the phrases he knew how to bend. (15) Mitina's absurdity, mood swings, sensitive conversations, readiness for a quarrel, which manifests itself at the first opportunity, began to seem to me an indispensable attribute of friendship.

(16) Our precious friendship almost collapsed on the very first day of school. (17) When class self-government was chosen, Mitya offered me to be a nurse. (18) But I did not name him when candidates for other public posts were nominated, either out of confusion, or it seemed to me inconvenient to call him after he shouted out my name. (19) Mitya did not show the slightest resentment, but his complacency collapsed at the moment when I was chosen as an orderly by a majority of votes. (20) There was nothing tempting in this position, but Mitya seemed to have lost her mind with envy.

(21) In addition, he turned out to be a sneak. (22) Once, the class teacher told me to stay after class and made a grandiose dressing down for playing money. (23) Only once in my life did I play rasshibalka, I quickly blew seven kopecks in cash and another ruble in debt. (24) But that was the end of my acquaintance with gambling.

(25) Pressed into a corner, Mitya confessed to the denunciation. (26) It is important to note that he slandered me for my own benefit, fearing that bad inclinations would reawaken in me again. (27) And then, with tears, Mitya demanded to return his former trust to him for the sake of holy friendship, which is “greater than ourselves,” and tried to give me a Judas kiss. (28) All this looked false, bad, dishonorable, nevertheless, for another two years I participated in an unworthy farce, until I suddenly realized that real friendship had a completely different address.

Text edited by the editors of RESHOOGE

(According to Yu. Nagibin)

(10) But Mitya not only looked like a girl in appearance - he was weak-hearted, sensitive, tearful, capable of hysterical outbursts of rage - and a hand was not raised against him. (11) And yet I poured him. (12) With a heart-rending roar, he rushed at me ... (13) Almost the next day, Mitya climbed to put up. (14) “Our friendship is greater than ourselves, we have no right to lose it” - these are the phrases he knew how to bend. (15) Mitina's absurdity, mood swings, sensitive conversations, readiness for a quarrel, which manifests itself at the first opportunity, began to seem to me an indispensable attribute of friendship.


Finish testing, check answers, see solutions.

(1) I had a bosom friend Vasya. (2) In winter, after serving the prescribed classes, the rest of the time we skated or sat behind books, but not for textbooks, but for terrible, forbidden ones: we read aloud Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Shakespeare, Byron. (3) And in late spring and summer, we read little printed books, but were more fond of the book of nature. (4) We had a wide and abundant river and a dense forest right under the city itself - an open book of nature, accessible to everyone, whose eyes want to see, hear ears, and rejoice in the soul. (5) Everything that they didn’t tell us and couldn’t explain, we read on the pages of this book.

(6) And on its lush and luxurious green-blue pages, we learned to comprehend and love the vast world of nature and our fellow beings - animals, birds, fish, insects ...

(7) I had a boat for two places, very small, punt.

(8) On it, we left either to the other side of the river, or to an island not far from the city and talked. (9) They talked about the secrets of the universe and about the possibility of explaining them with the help of science, but not at the gymnasium. (10) Talked about

struggle in the world of good and evil; according to him it turned out that good would win, but in my opinion, all the chances were on the side of evil. (11) They also talked about state structure, namely, the overthrow of the gymnasium authorities and the conquest of the right to freely use the books of the city library.

(12) But most of all we drank sunlight and breathed resinous air. (13) When they sailed on a boat, they looked into the depths of the river, which, although it is dark with us, and not muddy, as on the Volga. (14) And there, in the depths, there were many hidden secrets, life is very special. (15) And above us was the sky, too - an inverted abyss, also full of terrible secrets; we did not believe in angels, but we did not doubt people on different planets. (16) But besides this, there are only stars - after all, this is a miracle of miracles! (17) Along the banks, a linden blossomed, the sweet smell of which turned one's head. (18) And the whole life was ahead - my head was also spinning.

(19) Once Vasya came to me in the morning, we agreed to go to the forest.

(20) I saw from his face that something had happened: he was all mysterious and important. (21) Before leaving, Vasya could not stand it and said: - (22) Do you want to know what I'm thinking? (23) And even decided. - (24) Well, speak. (25) He turned to me half-turned and said: - (26) Do you know what the purpose of life is? - (27) I don't know. (28) Well? - (29) In life itself. - (30) How is it? - (31) And so, in herself! (32) There is no special goal, but the whole goal is to live. (33) And hence the conclusions. (34) He did not read it, but discovered it. (35) And I, thinking, realized that this discovery was great. (36) He also explained to me: -

(37) This means that do not look for the goal outside, it is inside. (38) The formula is:

"The purpose of life is the very process of life."

(According to M.A. Osorgin*)

* Mikhail Andreevich Osorgin (1878 - 1942) - Russian writer, journalist, essayist

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The text proposed for analysis raises the problem of understanding the meaning of life.

To draw readers' attention to this problem, the author describes the dialogue between the narrator and his "bosom friend" Vasya. So, Vasya, unexpectedly for his friend and perhaps for himself, comes to a conclusion about the meaning of human existence. For Vasya, the “formula” of life is very simple, but at the same time it contains a deep meaning. “The purpose of life is the very process of life,” the boy declares to his friend.

The position of the author of this text is quite clear. So, Mikhail Andreevich Osorgin is convinced that a person should just live a full life and try to enjoy the very process of life. This, according to the writer, is the true meaning of life.

And with the position of M.A. Osorgina is hard to disagree. Indeed, often a person pays increased attention to comprehending the secrets of his being. Constantly trying to find the answer to the question of why he came into this world, while forgetting that perhaps the answer lies on the surface. In my opinion, Osorgin expresses a very wise thought in his text, and a person should simply live life to the fullest and try to find the essence in the very course of life.

Many writers of Russian and world literature were concerned about the problem of meaning human life, and they covered this burning issue for them in their works. For example, in the epic novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" Andrei Bolkonsky


  • 1 of 1 K1 Statement of source text problems
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I had a bosom friend Andryushka in the village, I was generally greedy for the Don, I didn’t know the realities and intricacies of village life, and I was very interested in everything, and how they heat the stove and how they milk the cow and a lot of other interesting things. Andryushka smoked, dragged cigarettes from his father, they they seemed to hang openly, in a bag in the kitchen, but they were an absolute taboo. The cigarettes were stolen, the partisans, in the amount of two fighters, secretly moved to the calf, it was not far away, and if Andryushka was called, one could hear. They lit a cigarette, my head was spinning, it was disgusting in my mouth, but the smoker would suddenly like it, disgusting cigarettes "Pamir", Andryushkin's father uncle Petya, a village shepherd, a front-line soldier, called these cigarettes "a beggar in the mountains." It was lunchtime and we forgot about everything, but he something then I forgot, driving the calves out to graze, and went to the calf, we both froze, he had a cool temper and we would have got it ... And I threw a cigarette into the corner, where we smoked everywhere it was full of straw, and the second cigarette flew, we were not breathing, he rummaged very close to us, that he took it and left ... They looked back, but it was already on fire, and everything started all at once, looked at each other and ran away in different directions ... The calf house burned to the ground, a huge black bald spot, some kind of terrible, frightening ... Trial, the police arrived, the chairman of the collective farm, and blame everything on Andryushka's father, smoked, threw a cigarette butt, burned out, slob, think married ... It's terribly shameful, and as if everyone who sees you looks so carefully into your eyes and they ask, so quietly ... Dima, didn't you burn the calf? we took milk from the village family, and mother Andryushka saw me the next day and asked where the can was? At home ... Go get him and come back ... Their house had a big barn, they stored hay there for the winter, I returned, put a can and take off the lid from it, and come here and help me and Adryushkatut in the barn, you were looking for him I went in and understood everything, white Andryushka stands, silently and looks at me ... She closed the door with a bolt, and took a rope, such a thick rope, they pull hay when they are being transported on a cart ... And she departed us with this rope, silently without hysteria and screams, empty words and squeals, we didn’t hide and didn’t close, we got it hard, for real, the bruises came off after a month, there was a black back. she said that Uncle Petya would be sent to prison, I have 12 children, how will we live? And of course not everyone was small, but what is it like in a village without a peasant, I understood very well with my brain, I saw how and how they live, and now I understand that it was a reality, a calf for 120 heads, burned down. She left, and we sat silently until the evening ... This story was somehow hushed up, Andryushka's father returned, everyone exhaled ... My grandmother cried non-stop until he returned ... I sat at home and did not go out, I I should have, I should have done it myself, I needed to see Uncle Petya, I couldn’t bear it in myself. I knew where in the evening he would go home from work alone, I wasn’t scared, but I decided to sit down so that he could see me from afar, there was a road and the house where we lived, the last one in the village. I took a stool and sat down by the side of the road, began to wait ... I immediately saw him, and he saw me, he walked slowly, tired. I got up and approached him, I couldn’t look him in the eyes, I stood and was silent, and he was silent, it would be better if he hit me or yelled, told me that I was bad and I should be in prison ... Uncle Petya, forgive me ... He is just a hand he put it on my shoulder... Okay, Mityai... Come with me, I'll go to the apiary soon, have you been to the apiary? You need to prepare coal, tools and clothes, again, you need to always think, what and how you will do, otherwise you will offend the bees, and they will bite. backhand everyone who is close to you, for any of your stupidity and cowardice, someone will definitely pay, and only because you did not take the trouble to think how it could all end.
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