
We draw pine cones with colored pencils. We draw a cone on a branch How to draw a pine cone in stages

    As it turned out, you can also draw bumps in different ways, you can professionally, at the level of an artist, carefully choosing pencils for softness / hardness, making shading and shadows, or you can simply and quickly, at the level of children. Here, they draw cones as I described in the first version. Article in two parts. The second part is here. It should turn out like this:

    This page shows how to draw these bumps:

    bump you can draw not only in a complicated way but also simple. I propose to draw a bump based on an oval. That is, we just draw an oval and narrow it a little at the edges. Draw an oval of the size you want the bump to be. After all, the cones can be green. If we draw a green cone, then the oval will slightly narrow down. In the oval we will make outlines - we will give our oval such a peculiar ribbing). We create ribbing by drawing either just straight lines, and then dividing them into squares; or we make ribbed corners.

    Then we can draw a twig and needles. Such a drawing is very beautiful and so, but if it is revived by adding colors, it will be even better. You can use ordinary green paint and then just add, for example, yellow. But if you prefer a brown bump, then just use brown paint.

    I like to draw nature very much, very often I draw forests and pines, on which cones hang. It’s not difficult to draw from, all you need is a piece of paper, a pencil and a little effort and patience. This is how you can draw cones:

    Try to draw and you will surely succeed.

    you can draw cones with varying degrees of skill. also note that before drawing a cone, you must first select the tree whose cones you are drawing. Below is a quote that will allow you to theoretically prepare for the process of drawing cones:

    1 Start your drawing with a branch,

    to which the bump will be attached.

    Keep in mind that on one spruce

    paw can grow up to twenty such

    shoots. Consider also the fact that in

    unlike pine or cedar

    cones, spruce hanging strictly down.

    2. Make a preliminary drawing of the bump

    in the form of an elongated oval. Arrange

    him at the end of a spruce paw, in the middle

    cone branches do not grow because they

    are a continuation of the escape. IN

    later you will change this oval,

    add details and draw

    structural features of this shoot in

    depending on what time of year

    you choosed. But start anyway

    the same.

    3 Sharpen the bump from that

    end that will not be attached to

    branch. Please note that the bump should be

    symmetrical about the center

    vertical line. Erase

    auxiliary lines with an eraser.

    4 Draw scales on the entire surface

    escape. At the base of the cone, they are more

    large and thin, have cracks,

    uneven edges. At the end of the scale

    younger and more equal. If you want to

    depict summer, then draw a bump with

    closely adjacent to each other

    scales. Closer to autumn they begin

    fall behind each other and bristle,

    such a bump looks loose. Except

    addition, in wet weather scales

    shrink and open when dry.

    So if you draw rainy

    day, depict a cone dense.

    5 Consider the order of growth of scales on

    bump. They are not aligned

    in rows, such as corn kernels

    on the cob, but like bricks in the masonry.

    The middle of the lower scale is

    between two of the top row.

    6 Color the drawing. For mature autumn

    cones use brown and beige

    colors, for young people add green

    shade. Don't forget the shadows underneath

    protruding scales. Highlight

    dark paint damage and

    irregularities on their surface.

  • Since the bumps are different, we need to decide first of all what we want to get in the end.

    Schematically, you can draw a bump, starting with the branch itself.

    We draw a branch with lines, then we outline a bump (it can be an oval, but better a more characteristic shape, slightly narrowed at the tip).

    At the branch, we draw needles with strokes, not forgetting that the length of the needles is almost the same.

    And on the blank of the cone we will make a grid with rhombuses - these are future scales.

    Then each rhombus is slightly rounded at the base so that the cone is voluminous.

    The cone can be painted in the desired colors or with shadows and light to revive it.

    You can learn from artists too!) With a steady hand and skills, the bumps turn out like this:

    There is also such a drawing of a pine cone, it has not yet opened to sow its seeds. We start drawing with an oval

    now, let's draw such scales as a fish, as in the photo

    now, wipe the contour line so that the edges are bumpy

    add in the picture on each scale, a drawing of a small oval, as in the photo

    That's it, now you can color with colored pencils

    In order to draw a bump you can use the following master class, but there should be pencil skills to give the bump a shadow and it seemed alive and voluminous:

    And here is a real lesson for a novice artist, which describes the entire drawing process in sufficient detail:

    Also, so that the cones do not look lonely, you can draw them on a spruce or pine tree, and then paint them with paints, then they will look more colorful and more suitable for baby child(Especially since most people do not know how to draw with a pencil at all). And you can try to draw not step by step, but immediately drawing from nature:

    Drawing various cones falls mainly in the winter. New Year holidays: children's drawings, postcards for adults, etc.

    first you need to decide: the cone of which tree we will draw - spruce, pine, cedar, larch cone or some other.

    Cones of different cultures differ slightly from each other. The figure clearly shows 2 spruce and pine cones. It's not hard to draw them. First, draw a contour: an oval for a spruce cone and a circle for a pine cone. And we begin to draw scales inside the ellipse.

    To draw a bump with a pencil step by step It doesn't take a lot of skill and effort. Cones are easy enough to draw.

    And so, for starters, you should draw a branch on which there will be cones. We finish drawing needles on a branch. Near the needles we draw oval figures of cones and put diamonds on them, interconnected. These will be scales. After you have drawn the scales, you can paint.

    More detailed instructions in the video below.

    Let's draw a pine branch, where there are already three cones, and even the seeds spilled out of them. I warn you right away that the drawing is very complex.

    To make it easier, first draw a branch and three ovals. Further, each oval will turn into a bump.

Hello! Today I will show how to draw pine cones with regular colored pencils. To do this, I propose to slightly change the drawing process that I often use (from light to dark) and draw in reverse - first black and white shadows and outline, then add colors. This approach is sometimes more convenient, especially for beginners, because. no need to think about color until the whole drawing is ready in black and white. Adding color is no problem. As some artists say - if the picture turned out perfectly in tone and contrast ratio, then no color will spoil it.

Drawing pine cones- a kind of endurance exercise, checking yourself whether you really like to draw so much or just succumbed to outside influences. Here you will not be able to sit down and sketch out something similar to cone scales in a couple of minutes. It is in such drawings that the state of Zen is often manifested - peace and immersion in the process. If you start in a hurry, you will notice how you start to get nervous because there are a lot of scales in the cones and they do not work out. If this happens, you need to calm down and enjoy drawing each scale. It doesn't matter how many scales are in the cone, it is important that we enjoy the process itself, and do not wait for the final result.

So let's get started. For the drawing, I chose a photo from my archive:

As always, the first thing with a simple pencil HB we sketch in ovals the main arrangement of cones in paper space.

Then, with a simple pencil, we begin to slowly draw the contours of the cones, drawing each scale. I started with the left bud from the central scales. We define the borders of the shadow under the bumps and lightly paint over it.

We take a regular black colored pencil (you can also take watercolors). I used a Faber-Castel pencil. And we begin to draw all the dark areas on the cones, including the shadows. Most importantly, don't rush. In fact, there are not so many scales. As a result, we get an almost finished drawing of cones, made in just one color.

Next, I took a light ocher pencil and painted over the areas on the scales where the light falls. I also went over the tips of the scales with a gray pencil so that they did not look white. With a gray pencil, I drew in parallel lines the texture of an old dry tree on which the cones lie.

And finally, take a brown pencil and draw dark places on the scales for a more realistic picture. I painted over the background with gray and green colors. The drawing is ready.

In this tutorial I will try to explain how to draw naturalistic cones using standard graphic tools. Buds like these:
cedar cones
We will need:
1. Paper.
2. Simple pencils. Hard-soft (TM) and very soft.
3. Feathering (how to do it is described below)
4. The softest eraser you can find.
To begin with, I drew many light sketches of cones in different positions in space on separate sheets, but when I decided on the desired ones, I simply transferred their contours to a clean copy and made another copy for the future (if you ever want to do it in color, you can use).

I note that I personally try to apply shading from the upper left corner to the lower right - this way there is no dirt and rubbing, my hands always remain clean. In this work, from the left cone and needles, through the middle to the right.

It is very important to initially convey the direction of the tunga with contours (these are the scales of the cedar cone in which the nuts sit). They are turned towards us along the axis of the cones, and are already turning sideways towards the edges. There are also nuances at the base of the cones, where they seem to point at the viewer, and at the very end the cones narrow, close into a pyramid.

Let's start drawing. Initially, we use a TM pencil, because we need a medium tone and it can be erased if something happens. While we will work in the plane, outlining the primary chiaroscuro, all with one sharp pencil.

Personally, I am a supporter of a clean stroke, a neatly applied stroke, clearly directed - this is not only artistic medium but also aesthetic pleasure for the viewer. Speaking of artistic means… when drawing the tunga, we show the direction of growth of each scale by the direction of the stroke. It is rounded and in the middle is divided in half by nature, so all this must be shown with a stroke. The pencil should be like a needle.

How to show volume. When the primary hatching is applied in the plane, you can outline the volume. This is done with a very soft pencil. The furthest scales on this bud from the viewer are those at the base, so they should be the darkest. We outline this with short strokes FROM the brightest adjacent place. Contrast is a means of volume.

We finish the primary hatching over the entire cone.

To round the entire cone, you need to apply black strokes from the edges less and less towards the middle. Having finished this work, we already darken with a TM pencil the joints of the scales that go under the ones located above (circled in the figure) and make a correction throughout the bump.

The most latest work consists in applying “pumps” to the tips of the scales.

The needles of cedars, especially adults, are distinguished by the fact that they do not stick out, but hang in cascades, for which you always want to stroke the branches, it is heavy, but elastic.
We outline its position on the left with a hard-soft pencil, filling the very depths with a tone.

Apply black for depths.

We sharpen the ends.

We repeat the same above.

Where it is necessary to make a smooth transition or an even tone, we apply “shading”. This is a cone made of a piece of paper, twisted and secured with tape. It is impossible to rub graphite with a finger, except for daub and dirt, this will not work. Lightly touching the hatching layer with the tip of the cone, gently stroke it.

Special effects. This is what I call the use of gum not to erase extraneous lines, but the deliberate use of its quality to tear graphite from the surface with a simple touch. In other words, the process of lightening. For this, you can also use a nag.
We take the softest eraser that we have, cut off a part of it to make it sharp, well, or almost sharp. And using the poke method, we remove the graphite from the drawing where it is necessary to lighten it. (I circled these places in the figure) A soft eraser pulls out graphite from the surface of the paper. We also pass with a sharp edge along the lightest needles.

On New Year's Eve, you want to decorate your house and create a festive mood. A good decor element for postcards and posters can be an image of a cone that you create with your own hands or with your child. This lesson will tell you how to draw a cone in different ways.

We draw in stages

In order to create beautiful pictures, you need to study the subject of drawing well. Before starting the lesson, look at various images on the Internet. After that, return to our master class, where we will tell you how to draw a bump in stages.

Stage 1
We mark the branches with several lines.

Stage 2
Draw a vertical oval in the middle.

Stage 3
We give volume to future branches. We use oblique hatching to depict scales.

Stage 4
We draw thick needles on each paw of the branch.

Stage 5
We erase the auxiliary lines. In place of oblique hatching, we make roundings so that it seems as if the scales protrude along the edges.

Stage 6
Colorize the resulting drawing. We fill each needle with green, outline the contours for volume with dark green. We paint over the bump brown. Black marks the places that are most shaded.

Picture in pencil

For a novice artist, it is important to learn how to convey the structure of the depicted object, without being distracted by colors and surrounding elements. Therefore, next we will show how to draw bumps with a pencil in order to get a correct and clear sketch. All you need is a white canvas, a sharpened pencil, an eraser, and your inspiration.

So, for starters, let's make a markup on the sheet where our cones will be. Let one be slightly tilted to complicate the composition. The shape of the markup is rectangular with slightly rounded corners at the bottom.

Further, within the marked areas, draw a center line. Symmetrically on both sides, draw the lines of the base of the scales, as shown in the figure. Somewhere you can already outline their shape. Draw the surface of the support from below with strokes.

Along the contour lines, we begin to draw each scale. Note that they are denser at the bottom than at the top. Try to depict volume with hatching. The lower part of the scales should be darker, as less light falls on it.

Brightly circle the desired lines, erase the auxiliary ones with an eraser. If desired, you can highlight the details with a gel pen.

Pine cone

Great, you have learned how to draw bumps in the smallest details. Now consider the difference between pine and spruce. Both of these skills will come in handy in different situations. Let's start with how to draw a pine cone.

We start by getting the natural form. To do this, draw a three-dimensional cone. With the help of arcs, we round the lower and upper parts of the figure. We get a ball elongated upward.

We begin to draw the contours around the edges. We are trying to add some asymmetry that exists in nature. Then we fill in the lower part, moving towards the upper and expanding the gaps between the scales. After we erase the side contour with an eraser.

Let's start coloring. We will need black, dark green and brown pencils. First we fill the space between the scales, add shadows with green, and paint over the remaining voids with brown. We erase the extra sketchy details, if desired, outline with a thin black felt-tip pen or pen.

fir cone

Spruce cones differ from pine cones in a more elongated shape and less prominent scales. Let's see how it will look in the drawing and consider how to draw a spruce cone as part of our lesson.

For clarity, we even took a real fir cone to keep all sizes and proportions. We draw a vertical line - the basis of the picture. Below we draw a sharpening, as shown in the example.

We begin to depict three scales from the bottom up. We try to keep the length and symmetry.

In the upper part it is necessary to show some narrowing of the diameter of the cone. With the help of dense hatching, we show the shadows, outline the contours. Erase extra lines.

We teach a child

The instruction will help parents set up the child for the lesson and teach him to accurately convey the size, shape and color of the future bump. Before you draw a bump to a child, take him to the park and show him natural fruits. To make it not boring for a child to draw a simple cone, we will draw a composition on a branch of a Christmas tree and paint it with the brightest colors.

Let's draw two ovals and lines of future branches. Since it is still difficult for a child to perform small movements with a pen, we will show the relief of the cones with a simple oblique hatching.

Let's draw sprawling paws of the Christmas tree. Additional lines show the volume of branches. Color the needles with a green felt-tip pen.

With a brown felt-tip pen, paint over the bumps and the branch. Black highlight the contours. A dark green felt-tip pen will help show the volume of coniferous branches.

In all kindergartens and schools, every year they are asked to make products with their own hands. This is perhaps the most common puzzle for parents.

And you know, it's not even bad at all.

We have a lot of natural material, you need to add a little imagination.

And most importantly, you and your whole family will immerse yourself in the charming world of creativity.

Today, we will look at a natural resource - cones.

It is used not only in school crafts, but also for the interior, Hand-Made designers and others.

Below are photos and a detailed diagram of several cone crafts.

What crafts from cones you can do with your own hands

Almost everyone can make crafts from real pine and spruce cones, the main desire and a little imagination.

Using this amazing natural resource, you can do:

  • Decor elements that will bring a wonderful smell of the forest and a cozy atmosphere into your home.
  • Christmas crafts: festive wreath, candlestick, Christmas tree, garland, Christmas ball and more.
  • Interesting crafts of funny animals with children.

Festive wreath

You can convey the New Year mood to guests right from the doorstep. For the design of the New Year's wreath we will use:

  • Cardboard
  • Spruce or pine branches
  • cones
  • Satin ribbon
  • Not real snow
  • Dye
  • glue gun
  • Decorations for decoration, optional.

In the manufacture of the base, many materials are used.

For example: plastic, cardboard, branches, bending wire, and even newspapers.

We settled on cardboard, it is quite simple and convenient to work with.

On the cardboard we cut out the diameter of the circle that we need. Next, we fasten the branches and cones, forming a symmetrical circle.

After the cones are glued, we continue to decorate our wreath. We take a can of artificial snow and spray the edges of the cones.

If you could not find snow, then you can paint the scales with white or silver paint.

We tie with a satin ribbon, choose the color yourself.


For a more interesting and rich wreath, you can add additional decorative elements: red beads, acorns, nuts, flowers.

Turn on your imagination and you will succeed!

Christmas garland

Quick and easy craft to make.

Material you need:

  • cones
  • glue gun
  • rope
  • dye
  • sequins

Step-by-step instructions for crafts:

  • We prepare the cones in advance, paint them with paint. Paint can be chosen different colors. Or make it in one color that matches the design of your interior. Glitter can also be used for the "elegance" of the product.
  • We take the rope and make marks the distance between the bumps.
  • From the edges we leave 10-15 cm each in order to have a place to attach a garland.
  • Using a glue gun, attach the cones to the rope. Glue along the entire length.
  • We are waiting for the glue to dry. And voila! Christmas garland is ready.


For kids and schoolchildren, it will be easy to make crafts from cones and plasticine of funny animals: Mishutka, Hedgehog, Squirrel, Owl, etc.


We will use:

Step-by-step instructions for making crafts:

Body. From the collected material, we select an elongated pine cone. On the connecting parts of the scales, apply glue. We connect the parts so that the scales fix each other.

Paws. We choose 2 larger cones for the lower legs, and 2 smaller ones for the upper ones. We glue the parts with the body, follow the symmetry.

Head. We make the head from open pine cones. They perfectly convey the fluffiness of the bear's fur. Attach with glue to the base.


Ears, eyes and nose. It can be made from plasticine, and the tip of the nose, for example, from black peppercorns.

If you want to surprise everyone around, then you can make a big bear. The size of the bear is up to you, the main thing is to get the right amount of cones.

You can make the base - the frame of the Mishutka from polyurethane foam, polystyrene or papier-mâché. An excellent solution, for the stability of the product, is to attach something heavy to the bottom.

We cover the frame with cones, and we make the ears and muzzle from plasticine or pompons.


The easiest children's craft made of cones. For its manufacture, you need only two materials:

  • cones
  • Plasticine

Step by step description:

Body. The cone itself is well suited for the base of the craft. If you look closely and turn the scales correctly, they look like hedgehog needles.

Muzzle. Here we need plasticine. From it we make an oblong muzzle. And fix on the craft.

Eyes, nose, paws, ears. We also use plasticine, only of a different color.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated, this cone craft is suitable for kindergarten.

Experiment! Decorate your home with interesting design solutions that you have prepared yourself. Do not forget about the children, they will also be interested in taking part in the creation of a small miracle.

Photo of crafts from cones