
Vedas about food If you want to lose weight, drink water. Ayurvedic rules of nutrition for weight loss. Signs of poor digestion and habits to avoid

Ayurveda usually translated from Sanskrit as " knowledge of life" But this is not a completely correct translation. It would be more correct: knowledge of the principles of long life, the science of life.

This is a system of traditional Indian medicine, which is aimed at healing diseases of the body and diseases of the soul, and it is believed that these diseases are related to each other. Therefore, proper treatment and proper nutrition ancient doctors prescribed it in accordance with the character and physique of a person.

The Ayurvedic system distinguishes three main types of human constitution. In the Ayurvedic system, as already mentioned, the body and soul are not separated, therefore, for each specific type of build, certain character traits are assigned accordingly.

The combination of character and constitution in the Ayurvedic system is called DOSHA. There are three main doshas: vata, pita and kapha.

Vata means "air".

People of this type are thin, graceful, and always cold. In winter they seem to hibernate, and in the spring they wake up and become prone to change and adventure.

Pita means fire.

These are people of strong build, sometimes a little plump, their hands are always hot. They often have many moles. They are sociable and witty, but sometimes they can be stubborn and hot-tempered.

Kafa means "water".

These are strongly built, large, massive people with good skin, strong thick hair and strong teeth. They are usually calm, peaceful, unpretentious, hardworking, but, unfortunately, they can be indecisive and passive.

Depending on the predominant dosha, a nutritional system is chosen for each individual person. However, usually a person cannot attribute himself to any specific dosha - it happens that the qualities of two doshas are present. In order to determine the predominant dosha, there are special tests. They are in all books on Ayurveda.

Ayurvedic nutrition system does not require its followers to be vegetarians, as is often believed. Vegetarian diets are prescribed by Ayurveda only for those who follow the path of spiritual development and enlightenment. For those who simply want to improve their well-being, strengthen their health, increase their life expectancy and its quality, Ayurveda recommends the more familiar to modern man diet.

For Vata dosha people they recommend rich ones meat soups, porridge, butter, hot milk, sweet dishes, meat, pies - everything that helps to warm up. Raw vegetables and sour fruits are not acceptable for people with Vata dosha: they speed up the digestion process, which is already quite fast in people of this type.

For Pitta dosha people hot dishes, unsweetened fruits, vegetables, legumes, chicken and fish are good. They should add less salt to their food and eat less red meat and nuts to muscle mass did not turn into fat.

Kafa dosha people Ayurveda recommends crumbly porridges, watery vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers), spicy dishes, and turkey for nutrition. It is better to completely give up sweets, and limit the consumption of red meat and rice - these foods can make people of this type very fat.

But the right set of products is not everything. There are recommendations for preparing and eating food that are common to all doshas.

1. Food must be fresh. The faster a dish gets to the table after cooking, the healthier it is. Healthy food one that has not been cooked for too long is also considered.

2. The main meal is around noon, because at this time food is best absorbed.

3. You can’t be distracted from the process of eating. No need to read, watch TV, or talk while eating. It is not good to sit at the table in a bad mood.

4. You should only sit down at the table when you are hungry.. There is no need to eat “out of nothing to do.” There is no need to rush while eating; after eating, there is also no need to rush to leave the table; it’s good to sit for a while. You shouldn’t overeat; you can stop eating when you feel like you’re almost full, but only almost!

5. Do not combine incompatible products. For example, it is advisable to consume milk and melon separately from other foods.

6. When preparing food you need also take into account climatic conditions: season, weather, as well as the physiological characteristics of a particular person.

7. To improve digestion, Ayurveda recommends do yoga and breathing exercises.

The Ayurvedic nutrition system is aimed at harmonizing human body. With its help, you can both lose weight and gain weight, but only on the condition that your goal is precisely weight optimization, and not its targeted reduction or increase.

The optimal weight is the weight at which you feel good. A person with an optimal weight usually rarely gets sick; he most often has good mood. With a strong decrease or increase in weight, more than what is provided by nature, a person may develop all sorts of diseases. This state of affairs is often observed in those who suddenly gain weight and in those who exhaust themselves with diets. Therefore, it is important to understand that best weight for you, these are not some specific “fashionable” numbers, but the weight when you feel healthy and vigorous.

Good health and high spirits, shining eyes and a friendly smile are always in fashion! Accept yourself as you are! Realize how beautiful you are! And the Ayurvedic nutrition system will help you in this noble goal.

The term "Ayurveda" in the Devanagari dialect means the science of life. In South Asia, Ayurveda is practiced as a traditional system of alternative medicine, using massage techniques and herbal extracts.

According to the teachings of Ayurveda, nutrition for weight loss should be selected according to one of the three existing body types: vata, pitta, kapha. Once you determine which type you are, you can find out the most suitable Ayurvedic diet for weight loss. But there is also a list of general recommendations for all three body types, following which you can lose weight.

  1. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of warm boiled water, and continue to drink it every half hour throughout the day.
  2. Plan your main, highest calorie meal between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. At this time, metabolism reaches its highest level and is called fiery.
  3. Go on a night's rest no later than 10 pm. Because the brain rests and recovers most effectively from 22 to 24 hours.
  4. In the evenings, you should not overload your head intellectually; it is better to postpone mental activity until the morning.
  5. You need to eat exclusively fresh and healthy products, preferably of organic origin. It is worth preparing food for one meal, because yesterday's dish is not considered fresh. Eliminate synthetic food additives in all their forms, especially fast food.
  6. By eating, a person saturates the body and soul with energy and strength, so this should be done in a calm environment without exposure to external stimuli. These include TV, radio and books; avoid them while eating.
  7. After each meal, chew a quarter teaspoon of fennel seeds. They will help speed up metabolic processes and allow fat to be deposited on the walls of organs and tissues. You need to chew them thoroughly for 5 minutes, then spit them out and wash them down with water.

The body, experiencing stress during long breaks between meals, begins to stock up on resources, insuring itself against hunger. These resources are stored in the form of subcutaneous fat. To avoid such baggage, you should develop a daily routine for yourself, including nutrition, and follow it. Thanks to this, the body will get used to the fact that it will be fed at a certain time and will not feel hungry.

Ayurveda preparations for weight loss

Today, entrepreneurs have caught the wave of popularity of Ayurveda and Vedic elements in general. You can find not only individual means of Vedic medicine, but also entire specialized pharmacies. Before buying anything from them, remember the main principle of Ayurveda - only natural and freshly prepared food. Not a single tablet, powder or solution with a shelf life of one year or more can be manufactured without preservatives and technologies.

Ayurveda for weight loss is a guide that will help you change your diet and get a slim body forever.

Many women and men today have to struggle with the problem of excess weight, and often this struggle is waged with varying degrees of success.

Ayurveda is a system of Indian medicine that was developed many centuries ago. The so-called Vedas have reached us - texts containing medical knowledge of those times. One of the important features of such medicine is the use of exclusively natural medicinal preparations of plant or animal origin. Ayurvedic schools still exist, and several hundred thousand doctors around the world work in this area of ​​alternative medicine.

It is worth noting that Ayurveda alone will not be enough to treat serious illnesses, but it is excellent for normalizing the functioning of the body, improving well-being, preventing a variety of diseases and, of course, getting rid of excess weight. That is why for many Ayurvedic principles become not temporary rules, but a real way of life, especially since observing them is not difficult.

Means to improve metabolism

As medicines Ayurveda uses various herbs and spices, of which there are a great variety in India. They stimulate the production of digestive enzymes, thereby improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and normalizing metabolism. As a result, fat deposits are used up more efficiently and you can lose weight somewhat faster with the same diet and physical activity.

Ayurvedic infusion is considered the most effective remedy. To prepare it, you need to mix coriander, cumin and fennel seeds in equal quantities, pour boiling water over them, cover with a lid and let it brew for several hours, and then drink in small sips throughout the day. Nutritionists who practice Ayurvedic medicine pay special attention to the need to engage all taste buds.

This means that every day the menu should include food that has sour, sweet, salty, bitter, spicy and astringent tastes. This technique also helps improve digestive processes and stimulate metabolism. It is believed that all these flavors can be imparted to any dish by curry seasoning, which must certainly contain the following components in certain proportions:

  • coriander, fenugreek, cumin and black mustard seeds;
  • Bay leaf;
  • cinnamon;
  • dried garlic;
  • turmeric powder.

When using Ayurvedic infusion or spices for the purpose of weight loss, you should understand that they do not have any direct fat-burning effect. These products only help to use fat reserves more efficiently, but they are unable to break down or otherwise utilize fat.

Ayurvedic principles of nutrition

Ayurveda says that the digestive system is most active during lunchtime, and the body extracts all nutrients from food consumed during this period. Therefore, it is recommended to eat 25% of the total daily food at breakfast and dinner, and the remaining 50% at lunch.

In addition, it was from Ayurveda that a rule came that many people who are losing weight still try to follow: eating after 6 pm is taboo. However, most modern nutritionists categorically disagree with this and are of the opinion that the last meal should be 2 hours before bedtime. But we cannot ignore the fact that in the evening the body’s metabolism slows down significantly, so dinner should be light in any case.

Ayurveda pays great attention to food hygiene. One of the important rules is to eat fresh food. This means that dishes prepared several days ago, or even more so semi-finished products, are unsuitable for eating. Particular attention should be paid to your surroundings while eating. You should not sit at the table in an irritated or upset state, eat “on the run” when there is bustle all around, read or watch TV while eating. There is a simple explanation for this: under such conditions, the body cannot concentrate on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, so the processes of nutrient absorption are disrupted.

As for drinking liquids, Ayurveda does not recommend drinking cold water In addition, it is advisable to refrain from drinking before meals, while eating food and immediately after eating. That is, you should eat and drink separately.

Of course, adherence to a daily routine and nutrition plays a big role in losing weight. Ayurveda recommends going to bed early (no later than 10:00 pm) and waking up early (5:00 – 7:00 am). In this case, it is advisable that there are only 3 meals during the day, and lunch falls between 11.00 and 14.00. You should eat food when a person begins to feel hungry; to do this, you need to get used to having breakfast, lunch and dinner at approximately the same time.

Gradually, the body adapts to such conditions, the digestive system will prepare to accept food at certain hours, and digestion, thanks to this, will become as efficient as possible.

Division into types and rules of nutrition

Weight loss according to Ayurveda is based not only on the above general rules. This teaching provides for the division of people into several types, each of which should adhere to certain rules in order to get rid of excess weight:

  1. The “watta” type, which means “air”, is characterized by a thin physique. In the autumn-winter period, such people often experience apathy and lethargy, and in the spring and summer they become active, showing their tendency to adventure and frivolity.
  2. The “Pitta” (“fire”) type is distinguished by a strong physique, good appetite, and slight obesity. Such people are always energetic, sociable, and can be quick-tempered and stubborn.
  3. People of the “kapha” (“water”) type are stocky, more prone to obesity than others, calm, and often even passive, peaceful and undemanding.

The diet of people of the “vatta” type should be dominated by foods with sour, sweet and salty tastes. In addition, they need to monitor whether they are consuming enough fat and, if necessary, add oils to various dishes.

The most suitable spices for this type are ginger, cloves and turmeric. It is not recommended to frequently include foods with a bitter taste in the menu; you should limit the consumption of legumes and yeast bread.

The Ayurvedic diet for people of the pitta type involves eating dry and cool foods that have a sweet, bitter or astringent taste. They can afford all grains and legumes, sweet fruits. Pitta people are not recommended to get carried away meat dishes, it is better to give preference to lean varieties of meat (chicken, turkey). Also, these people need to limit the consumption of hot spices and hot foods.

For kapha people, low-fat foods with added spices are ideal. You need to eat sweets in very limited quantities, so among fruits it is better to choose sour varieties (apples, grapefruit, plums).

The most useful vegetables for kapha are celery, radish, turnips, radishes, and various varieties of cabbage.

You should not overuse dairy products.

These nutritional principles are aimed at creating harmony internal energies. It is believed that if you adhere to them, you will be able to normalize the functioning of the body as a whole. Ayurveda for weight loss will be even more effective if you combine it with breathing exercises and yoga.

To notice positive changes, you should follow the rules for at least a month. If a person has any chronic diseases, then before applying the Ayurvedic diet, it is imperative to consult with your doctor.

Ayurvedic nutrition is quite specific; it involves the use of various spices and products that, in certain diseases, can cause serious deterioration of the condition.

Good day! Today, as always, we will have a very interesting and useful topic for discussion. I think that it worries many people and therefore will be interesting and informative for you, friends. How to eat properly so as not to have extra pounds, and at the same time not torturing yourself with diets and strict restrictions.

A diet without dieting is an Ayurvedic diet for weight loss, which we will talk about today. Knowing yours and following Ayurvedic recommendations for proper nutrition, a person can very easily lose weight. excess weight. Here general recommendations for each dosha:

Vata dosha

People are thin. In their body, metabolic processes proceed extremely quickly. They are not inclined to be overweight. Losing weight can lead to exhaustion.
Ayurveda recommends them porridges, rich meat soups, hot soups - everything that can warm the body. Sour fruits and raw vegetables are not recommended. It is also better to avoid bitter and astringent foods.

Pitta dosha

If you are one of those and have noticeably gained weight, it may simply be overeating. People of this type gain a few extra pounds very quickly. In this case, increase the amount of astringent and bitter foods. Eat more broccoli, lettuce, artichokes. Reduce sour, salty and spicy foods. Eat regularly, but don't pass it on.

Dairy products and nuts should be excluded as they contain a lot of fat. Eat sweet fruits such as melon and grapes. Your main source of protein is chicken and turkey. Beef and seafood need to be reduced. Rice and oats are recommended, but corn and rye are not. Weekly fasting days are recommended. Make sure that your muscle mass does not turn into fat.

Kapha dosha

Kapha people are prone to obesity and therefore have stricter recommendations for them. They gain weight even from thinking about food. Sweet, salty and sour foods are strictly prohibited. Pungent, bitter and astringent are the recommended tastes for these people. You need to completely give up dairy products and reduce the amount of fat. Rice, corn, oats and wheat are prohibited. Potatoes, tomatoes and zucchini are not recommended for vegetables. A very important condition for losing weight for people in this category is physical activity.

Rules for losing weight and feeling good

  • It is recommended to prepare dishes before eating them.
  • Cooking should only be done in a good mood.
  • Fresh fruits and raw vegetables should be included in the diet.
  • Eat only when hungry.
  • If you feel tired or in a bad mood, it is better to refuse food.
  • At one time, eat only products that are compatible with each other. Otherwise, waste and toxins are formed.
  • It is very useful to give up food once a week.
  • Never eat before bed.
  • Your diet should include: sweet, salty, bitter, astringent and sour.
  • Drink clean water at room temperature. Eliminate carbonated drinks and packaged juices.
  • Remember to use a variety of spices when cooking.
  • Chew well and eat slowly.
  • Listen to your inner feelings.
  • If you don’t like something, then it’s better not to use it.

What else is important

Not only proper nutrition, but also the water balance in the body plays a role vital role to maintain health and normal weight. A sufficient amount of water is necessary for a good digestion process. But too much fluid also leads to weight gain. That is, everything is good in moderation.

    • You need to drink before or during meals.
    • It is very harmful to drink after eating. Water will dilute the gastric juice, and this has a bad effect on the digestion process.
    • Drink slowly, in small sips.
    • It is very useful to drink only warm water once a week during the day.
    • And on normal days you need to drink about 2.5 liters per day.
    • It is advisable to drink a glass before meals clean water.
    • Try not to disturb the water balance in your body.

Lack or excess of water has a bad effect on health and body weight as well.

Accuracy in nutrition

You need to be very careful with your body. What is this accuracy? Don't eat too much. Otherwise, the stomach simply does not have time to digest food. Undigested food becomes poison. The person becomes lethargic, apathetic and gains weight. So follow the principles we talked about today and drink clean water.

Some products in combination with each other become harmful to humans. Here's what you need to know.

  • Meat and poultry are not compatible with milk.
  • Milk with fruit.
  • Warming tea with honey
  • Tea with yogurt

And now a gift - a bonus for my regular readers. Several Ayurvedic “medicines” for weight loss.

  1. Every morning, drink a glass of warm water with lemon and honey. This will reduce appetite and cleanse the body with each dose.
  2. Black pepper will enhance the fat burning effect.
  3. Eating cabbage daily will also help in the fight against extra pounds.

Today we got acquainted with the principles of nutrition according to Ayurveda, which will help you, dear readers, to correctly formulate your diet and lose weight without negative consequences for the body. And your health will only improve. After all, the philosophy of Ayurveda and centuries-old practice have proven that you can strengthen your body and spirit on your own, simply by regularly using Ayurvedic knowledge for a long and energetic life.

The unity of soul and body is the main principle of Ayurveda. This system of alternative medicine has been used since ancient times, it helps to cure even the most complex diseases with the help of natural medicines. There is also Ayurveda nutrition for weight loss. It involves strict adherence to certain rules that will help not only correct your figure, but also clear your mind and expand your self-awareness. By following simple tips, you can tidy up your figure and improve your general state body. Let's look at the principles of weight loss according to Ayurveda.

According to Ayurvedic rules, a person should eat only those foods that will be well absorbed by the body and will not harm it. negative influence. It is best if plant-based foods predominate in your diet. It is also important to use special spices for weight loss:

  • coriander;
  • fenugreek seeds;
  • Bay leaf;
  • caraway;
  • black mustard seeds;
  • cinnamon;
  • dried garlic;
  • turmeric.

The principle of eating food is to ensure that our body always receives 6 basic tastes: sweet, salty, sour, astringent, bitter and spicy. It is important that at certain times of the year you get the full range of flavors from food, but with a predominance of one specific taste:

  • in winter you need to focus on salty foods (pickles and sauerkraut);
  • in spring - for spicy and bitter (various colored peppers and chili peppers);
  • in summer - for sweets (honey, carrots, fruits).

Origin of food

Ayurveda pays a lot of attention to the origin of food. It is believed that good energy from regional products is absorbed by the body as much as possible, so give preference to local producers.

Also pay attention to seasonality; strawberries eaten in winter have little benefit, but if you eat them in summer, you can improve digestion and get a lot of useful substances.


For those who want to lose excess weight and simply live in harmony with themselves, Ayurveda suggests switching completely to plant-based foods. According to the principles of the system, with food of animal origin we receive not only nutrients, but also many toxins that pollute the body. In addition, such dishes can transmit negative energy.

If you cannot completely give up meat, try to at least minimize your consumption to once a week. Give preference to low-fat varieties.

Forbidden food

If you are serious about losing weight and getting healthier, Ayurveda recommends completely eliminating foods that contain preservatives and any chemicals from your diet. The exception is the cold season, when it is impossible to do without pickled vegetables.

Your diet should not contain any harmful foods or drinks; only natural, environmentally friendly food will help you achieve your goals. You should avoid the following products:

  • sausage;
  • semi-finished products;
  • store-bought sauces;
  • snacks;
  • salted nuts;
  • fast food;
  • smoked meats;
  • store-bought sweets;
  • canned food;
  • offal;
  • soda, sweet store-bought juices;
  • alcohol.

Ayurveda has a special attitude towards dairy products. It is believed that there is no need for an adult to consume milk; it is intended only for children. IN at different ages Our body reacts differently to certain components of the diet.

To speed up metabolic processes and start the fat burning mechanism, you need to replace milk with natural fermented milk products, such as plain yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir.

Thermal processing of food

In Ayurveda, it is customary to minimally process foods so that they retain maximum nutrients. If you do not want to become a raw foodist, then simply refuse to prepare dishes by frying.

It is best to boil, bake, stew or steam food. As for vegetables, fruits and greens, they will bring maximum benefits to your body if they are fresh.


Our body begins to actively burn fat reserves only if we eat regularly. Otherwise, the energy received from food is not directed to performing vital functions, but to storing reserves, which are what form unattractive fat folds.

To ensure your metabolism works correctly, follow these simple rules:

Product Compatibility

Ayurveda has a whole section on food compatibility, it is very large. To understand exactly how to arrange your usual dishes, it is best to consult with a specialist.

However, there are general rules that indicate which combinations are unacceptable:

  • meat or poultry + dairy products;
  • meat + dairy products;
  • milk + fruits;
  • warm drinks (teas) + honey;
  • warm drinks (teas) + yogurt (sour milk).

Mindful Eating

In order for food to bring you only benefits, you need to consciously take it. According to Ayurvedic teachings, one should eat in a pleasant and clean place. Each piece is chewed thoroughly, so you can adequately feel full.

Try not to be distracted by extraneous activities, reading a book while eating or watching a TV show - this does not contribute to a good metabolism. In addition, this way you get distracted, don’t feel the real taste of the dishes, and stop controlling the size of portions.

Drinking water

It is impossible to overestimate the benefits of clean water for the body, therefore in Ayurveda its use is given a special place. If you want to get healthier and lose weight, start every day by drinking one glass of warm water. It is advisable to add a teaspoon of honey and a slice of lemon to it, so you can not only start your metabolism, but also cleanse your body of harmful substances.

But drinking water, especially cold water, is prohibited during meals. This negatively affects the process of digestion and absorption of nutrients from food.

Try to drink non-carbonated mineral water between meals - no earlier than an hour before meals and an hour after it. Take it slowly, savoring every sip. Metabolism will accelerate, your cells will receive several times more valuable components.

Additional measures

According to Ayurveda, losing weight is not only about eating the right foods, but also taking other measures to speed up the process of weight loss. As in any rational system, an integrated approach to solving the problem is important here.

In order for your efforts to be as effective as possible, you need to combine a balanced diet with the following additional procedures:

In conclusion

The Ayurvedic system offers us a solution to many problems with health and appearance, including weight loss. With a balanced diet and proper eating habits, you can gradually get into good shape.

However, it is worth remembering that only an integrated approach to solving the problem gives good results. Do not ignore additional measures, get good sleep, always think positively, believe in yourself, and you will definitely see how your body transforms and your spirit strengthens.