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How to learn how to sketch clothes? How to sketch clothes. How to Draw Fashion Sketches by Experienced Designers

Fashion is a "lady" changeable and very fickle. Nevertheless, she often returns to long-forgotten styles and, adding a fresh idea, creates unique things. Many women strive to follow all the laws of fashion and keep their finger on the pulse of clothing design in order to be at the forefront of fashionistas.

Sense of style

Here's what can be said about fashion, according to the famous Coco Chanel: this is the one that suits you. " As a rule, every woman knows her style since early years, selects things, taking into account his figure, facial features, eye and hair color. It may seem to many that such subtleties are superfluous, but each individual touch in a person's appearance, correctly and favorably emphasized with the help of clothes, is able to turn him into a beautiful and “stylish” person.

Of course, every woman does not want to be like others, she prefers to have her own flavor in her appearance. Come up with different ways on the selection of individual hairstyles, makeup, clothes. We will focus on the clothes. It is so accepted in our country that almost all our women can sew their own outfits. If not, then having your own sketches of invented models, you can safely contact a tailor shop. In any case, a woman will be directly involved in the creation of her things.

The first stage in creating clothes

We are used to children on New Year create costumes on our own, while we first draw a sketch of the clothes, and then we cut it out. The same should be done when creating your own things. New ideas for making a skirt or, perhaps, a costume are constantly being born in my head. And when I managed to do my first successful thing, the feeling of euphoria fills me, I want to create again and again, create my own collection of clothes.

Learning to draw a person

First, you will need to master a small drawing technique. It is necessary to learn how to draw a person specifically for your sketches, so that the invented clothing models look good, and every detail that creates an individual style of the model is visible. Even if at school you were hard at drawing little people, that's okay, we will draw a little differently.

The first thing to do is to draw a silhouette of a person, calculate the proportions in the size of the body and legs. The common man's relative to his head averages 7.5: 1. But in the drawing of the sketch of the clothes, to make the invented model look more interesting, the legs are lengthened by one unit, respectively 8.5: 1. But do not overdo it in the length of the legs, otherwise the whole picture will be distorted.

To make your sketch of clothes look more understandable and meet all the requirements of the model drawing, draw the joints of the joints in circles in the silhouette of the person. They will look like a hinge at the folds. And then connect them with thin lines, the chest should look like an inverted trapezoid, and the head should look like an oval. So we got a man on whom you can try on your ideas.

How to sketch the clothes

Now comes the moment of drawing the general outline of the conceived clothes. When general sketches of clothes have appeared around the little man, you can use a pencil and an eraser to achieve detail of the model and additions to the clothes. Do not forget to mark the cut of this garment. A sketch of clothes is necessary in order to be able to most correctly choose all the stylistic details of your collection, in the picture you can always correct any error and calculate all the subtleties of the cut.

Determine how long the dress or skirt will be, outline the necklines or collars. And then draw as if you were dressing a person. If you are planning to create a suit, then start drawing a blouse, then pants or a skirt, and put on a jacket on top. Draw those details of things that are visible from under the suit. Naturally, underwear in this case is not worth drawing. If you need to indicate the location of the seam, mark it with a solid line, and draw a lightning bolt with a dotted line. Finish the sketch with details that will be part of your model - pockets, decorative overlays or zippers, ornaments.

Find out all the properties of your chosen fabric

Now you can first understand the importance of sketching when creating clothing collections. You already know how to draw a sketch of clothes. It remains to delve a little into the intricacies of the properties of the fabric and its drapery. Take a closer look at how the fabric of your choice lays down, what folds are obtained, how it wrinkles when walking or sitting, how it behaves in a strong wind or in a wet state. Try to mark some of these points in your sketch. Then you will not find a more realistic image of the conceived model anywhere. When cutting fabrics, you will already know exactly all the nuances in the behavior of the fabric when sewing and wearing things.

Take fashion magazines to assist

If you do not quite understand how to make sketches of clothes, try first copying ready-made ones from a fashion magazine, and then just add your details that you think are necessary. After several alterations of well-known models, it will not be difficult for you to independently draw and come up with your own clothing collections.

The work of experienced designers

Have you ever wondered exactly how famous designers create their famous collections? Of course, all models are not born in their heads at once. Each idea is hatched for more than one day, all notes on improvement are recorded in a notebook.

A whole company is working to help designers, which is responsible for certain moments in the creation of a collection. Sketching clothes - this is just the first step in a designer's work. Then his assistants are connected, because for a full-fledged collection it is necessary to achieve a general stylization of things, while maintaining the individuality and peculiarity of each model.

If you are planning to design a collection of clothes for yourself, heed the advice of experienced designers. It is clear that they will not tell you , how to learn how to draw sketches of clothes, but the main organizational points in creating details of a model of a certain style can be suggested.

For example, it is recommended to immediately decide on a collection line or theme. To do this, when developing individual elements of clothing, choosing the color and type of fabric, you should immediately name the future collection with any adjectives to the sketches of the drawings. It can be “delicate collection” or “creative models”, “feminine or soft clothes” and so on, do not limit your imagination.

Then it will be easier to put together all your thoughts on paper, connect and highlight the generalizing points, while removing the excess and repetition. Thus, it is possible to achieve a certain direction in style and theme.

The joy of creating your own models

Be sure to heed these tips, and you can reach the next level of creating personalized items for yourself. You already know how to draw sketches of clothing models, of course, you will not have assistants, but this will give a special personality to your clothes. It will only be yours, because it was in your head that the idea of \u200b\u200bcreation was born, you drew a sketch, cut the model on fabric and sewed the outfit with your own hands. These things are completely imbued with your energy, the love with which they were created. They will not only improve mood, but attract the views of others, bring good luck and delight every day.

How do ideas for new models come about? Everyone has it differently. Someone is inspired by their favorite films, someone by glossy magazines, someone is carried away by the colors of nature. But no matter what the designers are inspired, all their ideas, which are born in the process of creativity, find their expression in artistic sketches of new models.

This is natural, because in order to start the process of modeling patterns, it is necessary to think over each new model to the smallest detail - silhouette, design solution, color and texture of the fabric, finish - everything affects how the finished product will look like. At the stage of creating an artistic sketch, you can make any changes to the product, experiment with color, length, show your imagination, give freedom to creativity, imagination and create a real masterpiece!

Advice! Create a separate album for your art sketches and sketch new ideas in it.

Sewing School of Anastasia Korfiati
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Create a separate album for your art sketches and sketch new ideas in it. Even if some of them do not find instant embodiment, none of the sketches should be thrown away, because they may be useful to you in the future. Complementing the album with new models, sometimes return to previous, unrealized ideas. Perhaps, after some time, you will look at them in a new way, and bring them to life.
And now a few words about what an artistic sketch should be.

What is a model art sketch?

First you can do a fore sketch or sketch to capture your idea on paper. It may be indistinct, disproportionate, and lacking precise drawings. These are the sprouts of an idea, the initial stage when you can depict the flight of fantasy as you see fit, understandable only to you. Experiment at this stage without limiting yourself in anything.

Figure: 1. Fore-sketch of the dress

This is followed by the creation of an artistic sketch of the model.
An artistic sketch of a model is a drawing made using any painting technique. You can use gouache, watercolor, colored or monochrome pencils, felt-tip pens, and whatever is at hand for drawing. An art sketch is performed on a figure in a free pose. The main thing is that the model you have drawn betrays the mood, corresponds to the image that you have conceived, is sustained aesthetically and is comfortable to wear. All this must be thought out at the stage of creating an artistic sketch.

Figure: 2. Artistic sketch of the model - watercolor, ink

Figure: 3. Artistic sketch of the model - graphics

After completing the artistic sketch, it must be converted into a technical sketch, according to which it will be necessary to model the patterns.

Technical sketch of the model

The technical sketch of the model is a drawing of the product on a conventionally-typical figure, with a clear definition of all the design features of the model, using a grid of baselines - the base of the neck, chest, waist, hips, central axis. This allows you to more accurately calculate the location of structural joints, parts, pockets, etc.

Figure: 4. Technical sketch of the model - front and back

Make a rule for yourself: always accompany the technical sketch of the model detailed description and the calculation of the required amount of fabrics and applied materials for its sewing. This will greatly simplify your work and will allow you to more accurately estimate the cost of the finished product, will make it possible to optimize the modeling and cutting process and get a more accurate result. And this is exactly what we strive for!

In the description of the technical drawing of the product, be sure to indicate the following parameters:

1. Short description products in free form.
2. Silhouette, design features of the product, size.
3. Calculation and description of the required amount of fabrics for the product.
4. Description and calculation of the required amount of additional materials for the product (gaskets, accessories, threads, etc.).
5. Features of the model.

Figure: 5. Description to the technical drawing

If art sketches, as mentioned above, are best drawn on landscape paper, a squared notebook is ideal for technical drawing. In it, you can easily enter a technical sketch and fill out a table with a description of the model.
After you have done all the preparatory work and create a technical drawing, it will be much easier for you to build a basic pattern of the product and develop patterns.

Ready-made templates for your sketches

Figure: Artistic sketch template

And now - the fun part! We have prepared a template with silhouettes for you female figures for artistic sketches in A4 format. Just download the pdf file, print it on a black and white printer and draw your sketches right from the silhouettes.

So you don't have to waste time drawing figures - we have already drawn them for you! By the way, it is very convenient to store ready-made sketches in a folder-folder.

Unlimited creativity to you!

esquisse) - a preliminary sketch that captures the intention artwork, structure, mechanism or a separate part of it. In the design documentation: a sketch is a drawing made by hand on an eye scale.

A sketch is a quick free drawing that is not intended to be the final work and often consists of many overlapping lines. It can be performed in various techniques.

Sketching is inexpensive and allows the artist to sketch and try other ideas before embodying them in painting. Pencil or pastels are preferred for sketching due to time constraints, but a quick sketch of a watercolor or even a quick mock-up of clay or soft wax can also be considered a sketch in a broader sense. Graphite pencils are a relatively new invention; Renaissance artists made sketches using a silver pen on specially prepared paper.

Sketching can use an eraser to remove construction lines or to soften overly sharp lines.

Sometimes a sketch is called a sketch (not to be confused with a sketch - a one-act piece of comedy content). "Sketch" (from the English "sketch" - a sketch, sketch) - a drawing quickly executed by hand, usually not considered a completed work. A sketch can serve a variety of purposes - it will help you quickly capture what the artist sees. Write down or develop an idea for the purpose of its further use, or serve convenient form graphic demonstration of a picture, idea or principle.

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