
The love story of the master and margarita. Essay on the topic: The love story of the Master and Margarita in Bulgakov's novel “The Master and Margarita The tragic love of the heroes the Master and Margarita

The tragic love of the Master and Margarita in conflict with the surrounding vulgarity (based on the novel by M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita")

Bulgakov wrote the brilliant novel The Master and Margarita. This novel has been edited several times. The novel is not divided into two parts: the biblical story and the love of the Master and Margarita. Bulgakov asserts the priority of simple human feelings over any social relations by the novel itself. Mikhail Afanasyevich loses in this work some of the main motives of all creativity.

The main characters of the novel The Master and Margarita are married people, but their family life was not very happy. Maybe that's why the heroes are looking for what they lack so much. Margarita in the novel has become a wonderful, generalized and poetic image of the Woman who Loves. Without this image, the novel would have lost its appeal. This image rises above the layer of satirical everyday life of the novel, the embodiment of lively ardent love. A fantastic image of a woman who turns into a witch with such inspiration, with the fury of her reprisal against the enemy of the Master of Latunsky, with her tender readiness for motherhood. A woman who needs nothing to say to the devil: “Dear, dear Azazello!”, Because he planted in her heart the hope that she would see her lover.

In the novel, by the brightness of her natural love, she is opposed to the Master. She herself compares fierce love with fierce devotion to Matthew. Margarita's love, like life, is all-embracing and, like life, is alive. Margarita is opposed to the warrior and commander Pilate with her fearlessness. And his defenseless and powerful humanity - to the all-powerful Woland.

The master is in many ways similar to Goethe's Faust and the author himself. At first he was a historian, and then suddenly he felt his writing vocation. The master is indifferent to joys family life, he does not even remember the name of his wife, does not seek to have children. When the Master was still married, he spent all his free time in the museum where he worked. He was lonely, and he liked it, but when he met Margarita, he realized that he had found your soul mate... There was a major mistake in the fate of the Master, which is worth pondering. He is devoid of light, true knowledge, the Master only guesses. This mistake is in refusing to fulfill a difficult writing task, from the everyday struggle for the light of knowledge, for truth and love, for her novel and the story of the courage of Margarita, who saved the desperate, confused Master. V real life The master is a man of rare talent, virgin honesty and spiritual purity. The Master's love for Margarita is in many ways unearthly, eternal love. It is in no way aimed at creating a family. In general, it should be noted that in the novel, none of the heroes are connected by other kinship and family ties. One might say that the image of the Master is a symbol of suffering, humanity, a seeker of truth in a vulgar world. The master wanted to write a novel about Pontius Pilate, but this work did not receive criticism. He sold his soul to Woland to write his novel. Mental suffering broke the Master, and he never saw his work. The Master can regain romance and unite with his beloved only in the last shelter provided by Woland.

Why did love flare up between these heroes? There must have been some kind of incomprehensible light burning in the eyes of the Master, as in those of Margarita, otherwise there is no way to explain the love that “jumped out” in front of them and struck both of them at once. One could expect that since such love flared up, it should be passionate, stormy, burning both hearts to ashes. It was not extinguished by either the gloomy black days, when the Master's novel was destroyed by critics and the life of the lovers stopped, neither the Master's serious illness, nor his sudden disappearance for many months. This love turned out to be a peaceful domestic character. Margarita could not part with the Master even for a minute, even when he was not and, one had to think, would never be. She could only mentally beg him to release her. A witch truly wakes up in Margarita with the appearance of hope to see the Master again or at least hear something about him, even if at some incredible cost: “Oh, really, I would lay my soul to the devil just to find out whether he is alive or not ! ” she thinks. Having finally broken with her husband, with whom she was bound only by the feeling of gratitude for all the good done for her, on the eve of her meeting with the Master, for the first time she experiences a feeling of complete freedom. The story of the Master and Margarita is the most important in the novel. Being born, she, like a transparent stream, crosses the entire space of the novel from edge to edge, breaking through the rubble and abysses on her way and leaving other world, into eternity. Margarita and the Master fell victim to temptation, so they did not deserve the light. Yeshua and Woland rewarded them with eternal rest. They wanted to be free and happy, but in a world where everything was swallowed up by evil, this was impossible. In a world where the role and action of a person is determined by his social position, there is still good, love, creativity, but they have to hide in the otherworldly world, to seek protection from the devil himself, Woland. M.A. Bulgakov described heroes full of life, joy, capable of taking an extreme step for love. By the strength of their love, they stood in a row immortal heroes- Romeo and Juliet and others. The novel proves once again that love will conquer death, what exactly real love pushes people to different deeds, even meaningless ones. The author penetrated into the world of human feelings and showed, if I may say so, the ideals of real people. A person is free to choose between good and evil, and human memory plays an important role: it does not allow black forces to take over a person. The tragedy of the Master and Margarita is not understood by the outside world. With their love they challenged the whole world and heaven.

The Master and Margarita. This is the first thing that comes to mind when they say the name of Mikhail Bulgakov. This is due to the fame of the work, which raises the question of eternal values, such as good and evil, life and death, etc.

"The Master and Margarita" is an unusual novel, because the theme of love is touched upon in it only in the second part. It seems that the writer was trying to prepare the reader for correct perception. The love story of the Master and Margarita is a kind of challenge to the surrounding routine, a protest against passivity, a desire to resist different circumstances.

Unlike the Faust theme, Mikhail Bulgakov makes Margarita, and not the Master, to connect with the devil and find herself in the world of black magic. It was Margarita, so cheerful and restless, who turned out to be the only character who dared to make a dangerous deal. To meet her beloved, she was ready to risk anything. And so the love story of the Master and Margarita began.

Making a novel

Work on the novel began around 1928. Initially, the work was called "The Novel of the Devil". At that time, the novel did not even have the names of the Master and Margarita.

After 2 years, Bulgakov decides to thoroughly return to his main work. Initially, the novel includes Margarita, and then the Master. After 5 years, the well-known name "Master and Margarita" appears.

In 1937, Mikhail Bulgakov rewrites the novel anew. This takes about 6 months. The six notebooks he wrote became the first complete manuscript novel. A few later, he is already dictating his novel to a typewriter. A huge amount of work was completed in less than a month. This is the history of writing. "The Master and Margarita", great romance, ends in the spring of 1939, when the author corrects a paragraph in the last chapter and dictates a new epilogue, which has survived to this day.

Later, Bulgakov had new ideas, but there were no more corrections.

The story of the Master and Margarita. Briefly about acquaintance

The meeting of the two lovers was rather unusual. Walking down the street, Margarita carried in her hands a bouquet of rather strange flowers. But the Master was struck not by the bouquet, not by the beauty of Margarita, but by the endless loneliness in her eyes. At that moment, the girl asked the Master if he liked her flowers, but he replied that he preferred roses, and Margarita threw the bouquet into the ditch. Later, the Master will tell Ivan that love between them suddenly flared up, comparing it to the killer in the alley. Love really was unexpected and was not calculated for a happy ending - after all, the woman was married. The master at that time was working on a book, which the editors did not accept in any way. And it was important for him to find a person who could understand his work, feel his soul. It was Margarita who became that person, sharing all his feelings with the Master.

It becomes clear where the sadness in the girl's eyes comes from, after she admits that she went out that day to find her love, otherwise she would have been poisoned, because a life in which there is no love is joyless and empty. But the story of the Master and Margarita does not end there.

The origin of feeling

After meeting with her lover, Margarita's eyes shine, the fire of passion and love burns in them. The master is next to her. Once, when she was sewing a black hat for her beloved, she embroidered a yellow letter M. And from that moment she began to call him the Master, urging him on and predicting his glory. Rereading the novel, she repeated phrases that had sunk into her soul and concluded that her life was in that novel. But in him was not only her life, but also the life of the Master.

But the Master did not succeed in printing his novel, harsh criticism fell upon him. Fear filled his mind, developed. Watching the grief of her beloved, Margarita also changed for the worse, turned pale, lost weight and did not laugh at all.

Once the Master threw the manuscript into the fire, but Margarita snatched what was left from the furnace, as if trying to preserve their feelings. But this did not happen, the Master disappeared. Margarita is left alone again. But the story of the novel “The Master and Margarita” was once. Once a black magician appeared in the city, the girl dreamed of the Master, and she realized that they would definitely see each other.

The appearance of Woland

For the first time, he appears before Berlioz and who, in conversation, reject the divinity of Christ. Woland tries to prove that both God and the Devil exist in the world.

Woland's task is to extract the genius of the Master and the beautiful Margarita from Moscow. He and his retinue provoke unfaithful acts in Muscovites and convinces people that they will remain unpunished, but then he himself punishes them.

Long-awaited meeting

On the day when Margarita had a dream, she met Azazello. It was he who hinted to her that a meeting with the Master is possible. But she was given a choice: turn into a witch or never see her beloved. For a loving woman, this choice did not seem difficult, she was ready for anything, just to see her beloved. And as soon as Woland asked how he could help Margarita, she immediately asked for a meeting with the Master. At that moment, her lover appeared in front of her. It would seem that the goal has been achieved, the story of the Master and Margarita could end, but the relationship with Satan does not end well.

Death of the Master and Margarita

It turned out that the Master was out of his mind, so the long-awaited date did not bring joy to Margarita. And then she proves to Woland that the Master is worthy to be cured, and asks Satan about it. Woland fulfills Margarita's request, and he and the Master return to their basement again, where they begin to dream about their future.

After that, the lovers drink the Falernian wine brought by Azazello, not knowing that it contains poison. They both die and fly away with Woland to another world. And although this is where the love story of the Master and Margarita ends, but love itself remains eternal!

Unusual love

The love story of the Master and Margarita is quite unusual. First of all, because Woland himself acts as an assistant to the lovers.

The fact is that when love visited the events began to take shape not at all as we would like. It turns out that the whole world around us is in favor of the couple not being happy. And it is at this moment that Woland appears. The relationship of lovers depends on the book written by the Master. At that moment, when he is trying to burn everything written, he still does not realize that the manuscripts do not burn, due to the fact that they are true. The master returns after Woland gives the manuscript to Margarita.

The girl completely surrenders to the great feeling, and this is the biggest problem of love. The Master and Margarita reached the highest level of spirituality, but for this Margarita had to give her soul to the Devil.

In this example, Bulgakov showed that each person should do his own destiny and not ask the higher powers for any help.

The work and its author

The Master is considered an autobiographical hero. The age of the Master in the novel is about 40 years old. Bulgakov was at the same age when he wrote this novel.

The author lived in the city of Moscow on Bolshaya Sadovaya Street in the 10th house, in the 50th apartment, which became the prototype of the "bad apartment". The Music Hall in Moscow served as the Variety Theater, which was located near the "bad apartment".

The second wife of the writer testified that the prototype of the Behemoth cat was their pet Flyushka. The only thing that the author changed in the cat was the color: Flyushka was a gray cat, and Behemoth was black.

The phrase "Manuscripts do not burn" was used more than once by Bulgakov's favorite writer - Saltykov-Shchedrin.

The love story of the Master and Margarita has become a real one and will remain an object of discussion for many centuries to come.

Who told you that there is no real one in the world
true, eternal love? Let the liar cut him off
vile tongue!

Bulgakov's legendary brainchild, the novel The Master and Margarita, occupies a worthy place in Russian literature. This work has not left the shelves of bookstores for many years due to the relevance of the topics touched upon by the author in the novel. One of the leading lines of the novel is the love of the Master and Margarita, which will be discussed. Are these people worthy to be together? This is the main question. The author acquaints readers with the Master in the thirteenth chapter. Already here the image of a loving man appears before us.

He keeps a cap embroidered with the letter "M". It was "she" who sewed this hat for the Master. Who is this mysterious "she"? This is the one who believed in her Master. The one who lived by his novel. The one who made a deal with the devil, just to be with a loved one. This is Margarita. They are both ready for selfless love... On the part of Margarita, these are actions aimed at happiness with the Master. On the part of the Master - the desire for his beloved to forget about him. It would have been better for this poor woman.

Their meeting was marked by a bouquet yellow flowers in the hands of Margarita, which symbolized the difficult path of lovers. But true love turned out to be higher and stronger than all obstacles and hardships. The love of the Master and Margarita is a dilemma: can pure and light love be achieved only by a deal with the devil? I can confidently answer this question in the affirmative: yes, it can. Love is an all-encompassing feeling that belongs only to two lovers and no one else. You can often hear the phrase that all means are good to achieve the goal. In the novel, this statement is supported by the actions of the heroine. Her goal was love and happiness with her beloved Master. And would a man, in whom the fire of love does not blaze, dare to such feats? No. Margarita was guided by the power of love, enormous and boundless. It was this strong, pure feeling that guided the heroes through all the thorny paths, through times and worlds.

Despite the prosperous life in the mansion, Margarita is not happy with her fate. She will prefer luxury to the Master's basement, in which they sinfully love each other, breathe each other. But together, together. “Forgive me and forget about it as soon as possible. I leave you forever. Don't look for me, it's useless. I became a witch because of the grief and calamity that struck me. I have to go. Goodbye, ”Margarita writes to her husband, flying away towards her true happiness. She is guided not only by love, but also by a feeling of anger and resentment for the Master's unacceptable novel. She destroys everything that comes to her hand, avenging her loved one.

In my opinion, Satan's ball is the main episode of the novel. It is he who makes it clear whether Margarita will be able to go through the whole ritual, whether she is worthy of happiness to be with the Master. She puts on painful clothes on her naked body. She drinks blood from the goblet. She dutifully lends her knee to kiss the dead. She shows mercy by forgiving Frida for infanticide. Despite the rubbed feet, Margarita proudly steps and goes around the guests. How else? She's the queen and the hostess of the ball! The heroine endures Satan's ball with dignity.

Margarita hesitates to remind Woland of the promise, because she is proud. Even when the devil asks the question directly, she still replies that she doesn't need anything.

“Never ask for anything! Never and nothing, and especially with those who are stronger than you. They themselves will offer and they themselves will give everything! Sit down, proud woman! " Woland said to Margarita's proud silence.

Margarita's only wish was voiced with a convulsive face:

"I want my lover, the master, to be returned to me right now, this very second!"

This was the desire to which the heroine went throughout the entire novel. This once again proves the purity of her thoughts and love. The author managed to convey the emotional change of Margarita through her lines, which are full of repetitions, ellipses and exclamations. There was no limit to her happiness. And to the Master, all this seemed like a hallucination, so much he did not believe in the possibility of reuniting with his beloved again. Where has the proud woman gone? Tears flowed from her eyes, roofing felts of happiness, roofing felts of grief and pity. But now they are together. They both know it.

The reunion of the lovers was symbolically accompanied by the resurrected novel by the Master, because "manuscripts do not burn." And if love is a manuscript that was written day and night, in the success of which they believed, with which they lived, will it burn out? The Master and Margarita, leaving together in the hard-won world of happiness, proved that true love will pass everything: it will burn in flames, but will rise from the ashes.

In the novel "The Master and Margarita" the themes of history and religion, creativity and everyday life are closely intertwined. But the most important place in the novel is the love story of the master and Margarita. This storyline adds tenderness and shrillness to the work. Without the theme of love, the image of the master would not have been possible to fully reveal. An unusual genre of the work - a novel in a novel - allows the author to simultaneously demarcate and combine the biblical and lyrical lines, to develop them fully in two parallel worlds.

Fatal meeting

Love between the master and Margarita broke out as soon as they saw each other. "Love jumped out between us, like a murderer jumps out of the ground ... and struck both of us at once!" - this is how the master tells Ivan Bezdomny in the hospital, where he ends up after critics reject his novel. He compares the surging feelings with lightning or a sharp knife: “This is how lightning strikes! This is how the Finnish knife strikes! "

The master first saw his future lover on a deserted street. She caught his attention because she "carried hideous, disturbing yellow flowers in her hands."

This mimosas became, as if a signal to the master that in front of him is his muse, with loneliness and fire in his eyes.

Both the master and the unhappy wife of a rich but unloved husband, Margarita, were completely alone in this world until their strange meeting. As it turns out, the writer was previously married, but he does not even remember the name of his ex-wife, about whom he has no memories or warmth in his soul. And he remembers everything about Margarita, the tone of her voice, the way she spoke when she came, and what she did in his basement room.

After their first meeting, Margarita began to come every day to her lover. She helped him in the work on the novel, and she herself lived by this work. For the first time in her life, her inner fire and inspiration found their purpose and application, and for the first time the masters listened and understood, because from the first meeting they spoke as if they parted yesterday.

The completion of the master's novel was a test for them. But already born love was destined to pass both it and many other tests in order to show the reader that a real kinship exists.

The Master and Margarita

The true love of the master and Margarita in the novel is the embodiment of the image of love as understood by Bulgakov. Margarita is not just a beloved and loving woman, she is a muse, she is the author's inspiration and his own pain, materialized in the image of Margarita the witch, who in righteous anger destroys the apartment of an unjust critic.

The heroine loves the master with all her heart, and seems to breathe life into his little apartment. She gives her inner strength and energy to the novel of her beloved: "she chanted and loudly repeated individual phrases ... and said that this novel is her life."

The refusal to publish the novel, and later devastating criticism, it is not known how the passage that got into print hurts both the master and Margarita equally painfully. But, if the writer is broken by this blow, then Margarita is seized by an insane rage, she even threatens to "poison Latunsky." But the love of these lonely souls continues to live its own life.

Test of love

In the novel The Master and Margarita, love is stronger than death, stronger than the master's disappointment and Margarita's anger, stronger than Woland's tricks and the condemnation of others.

This love is destined to pass the flame of creativity and the cold ice of critics, it is so strong that it cannot find peace even in heaven.

The heroes are very different, the master is calm, thoughtful, he has a soft character and a weak, vulnerable heart. Margarita is strong and sharp, describing her more than once, Bulgakov uses the word "flame". Fire burns in her eyes and brave, strong heart. She shares this fire with the master, she breathes this flame into the novel, and even the yellow flowers in her hands resemble lights against the background of a black coat and slushy spring. The Master embodies meditation, thought, while Margarita embodies action. She is ready for anything for the sake of her beloved, and sell her soul, and become the queen of the devil's ball.

The strength of the feelings of the master and Margarita is not only in love. They are so close spiritually that they simply cannot exist separately. Before they met, they did not experience happiness; after parting afterwards, they would never have learned to live separately from each other. Therefore, probably, Bulgakov decides to end the lives of his heroes, in return giving them eternal peace and solitude.


Against the background of the biblical story of Pontius Pilate, the love story of the master and Margarita seems even more lyrical and poignant. This is love, for which Margarita is ready to give her soul, since she is empty without a loved one. Insanely lonely before they meet, the characters gain understanding, support, sincerity and warmth. This feeling is stronger than all the obstacles and bitterness that falls on the fate of the main characters of the novel. And it is this that helps them find eternal freedom and eternal peace.

Description of love experiences and the history of relationships of the main characters of the novel can be used by pupils of grade 11 while writing an essay on the theme "Love of the Master and Margarita"

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And I have not read - whether in history, in a fairy tale, -
So that the path of true love is smooth.
W. Shakespeare
M. Bulgakov believed that life is love and hate, courage and passion, the ability to appreciate beauty and kindness. But love ... it comes first. Bulgakov wrote the heroine of his novel with Elena Sergeevna, the beloved woman who was his wife. Soon after they met, she took on her shoulders, perhaps, most of him, the Master, a terrible burden, became his Margarita.
The story of the Master and Margarita is not one of the novel's lines, but its most important theme. All events, all the multifaceted nature of the novel converge on it.
They did not just meet, fate pushed them at the corner of Tverskaya and the lane. Love struck both of them like lightning, like a Finnish knife. "Love jumped out in front of them, like a murderer jumps out of the ground in an alley ..." - this is how Bulgakov describes the emergence of love among his heroes. Already these comparisons foreshadow the future tragedy of their love. But in the beginning, everything was very calm.
When they first met, they talked as if they had known each other a long time ago. The violently outbreak of love, it seemed, should burn people to the ground, but she turned out to have a homely and quiet character. In the basement apartment of the Master, Margarita, putting on an apron, hosted while her beloved was working on the novel. The lovers baked potatoes, ate them with dirty hands, and laughed. Not disgusting yellow flowers were placed in the vase, but roses beloved by both. Margarita was the first to read the ready-made pages of the novel, rushed the author, promised him fame, began to call him the Master. The phrases of the novel, which she especially liked, she repeated loudly and in a chant. She said that in this novel her life. This was an inspiration for the Master, her words strengthened his faith in himself.
Bulgakov very carefully and chastely talks about the love of his heroes. She was not killed by the dark days when the Master's novel was trashed. Love was with them even during the Master's serious illness. The tragedy began when the Master disappeared for many months. Margarita thought tirelessly about him, not for a minute did her heart leave him. Even when it seemed to her that her beloved was no longer there. The desire to find out at least something about his fate wins the mind, and then the devilry begins, in which Margarita participates. In all demonic adventures, she is accompanied by the loving gaze of the writer. The pages dedicated to Margarita are Bulgakov's poem to the glory of his beloved, Elena Sergeevna. With her, the writer was ready to make "his last flight." So he wrote to his wife on a donated copy of his collection "The Devil".
With the power of her love, Margarita returns the Master from oblivion. Bulgakov did not invent a happy ending for all the heroes of his novel: as everything was before the invasion of the satanic team in Moscow, it remains. And only for the Master and Margarita Bulgakov, as he believed, wrote a happy ending: eternal peace awaits them in the eternal home, which was given to the Master as a reward.
Lovers will enjoy silence, those whom they love will come to them ... The Master will fall asleep with a smile, and she will protect his sleep forever. “The master walked with her in silence and listened. His restless memory began to fade, "- this is how the story of this tragic love ends.
And although in last words- the sadness of death, but there is also the promise of immortality and eternal life. It is coming true today: the Master and Margarita, like their creator, are destined to have a long life. Many generations will be reading this satirical, philosophical, but most importantly - lyric-love novel, which confirmed that the tragedy of love is a tradition of all Russian literature.