
Scenario of the New Year's youth party "LIKE PARTY at the Christmas tree". Scenario of the New Year's game program for youth An interesting scenario for the new year for youth

New Year's performance for young people.

Characters: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden (first played by a man, then beautiful girl) , Baba Yaga, Psychics, Holmes, Watson, Woland de Mort, Plastic Surgeon, Intern Levin, Magician Dropout, Gypsy, Gypsy, Tortila, Malvina.

A phonogram sounds, Santa Claus comes out with a staff, puts it next to the bed and goes to bed.

Voice of Baba Yaga. Look what they wanted: Give them the New Year! Frost with the Snow Maiden! Clapperboards! Do not be this! Don't be! I'll bewitch the girl - and that's it, the end of the world! Chufyrly-fufyrly! Cookies flour! Omnam style! Eka is rushing me! Because New Year! Did it work?.. Normal!

Santa Claus is waking up.

Father Frost. Listen, Snow Maiden! I had a wonderful dream - they bewitched you. Bring some tea, it's hot. Something I froze.

The bewitched snow maiden comes out.

Snow Maiden. Good morning, grandfather!
Father Frost. Mother honest! Have you looked in the mirror today? Where will I go with you? What are you now, in FIG, Snow Maiden? Pure fizruk! Woe to me, woe! Do not come to me!

They sing to the tune of "Songs of the King and Princess" from the film "The Bremen Town Musicians".

Snow Maiden. Did you not recognize me? I am a Snow Maiden.
Hands and feet - all mine, and the figure!
The New Year is ahead of us!
Father Frost. Give me tea and go away!

The Snow Maiden serves tea to Santa Claus, she herself looks into the mirror tray.

My condition is hysterical!
And cook me a dietary egg.
And I have no idea what to do.
Snow Maiden. I'm leaving for the egg!
Father Frost. I have no idea what to do?.. Why not call the “Battle of Psychics” here? Let the offender be found!

Psychic girls enter.

Who are you?
Together. Psychics top class!
Father Frost. You will live long.
First. We know!
Father Frost. Well, yes, you are that ... paranormal. Say who offended the Snow Maiden?
Second (sings to the tune of the song "Smoke"). If you knew how sorry we are
You would lose your appetite
If only I hadn't ordered an egg,
You would know what it says.
It doesn't matter what you said
After all, it doesn't matter what, but how.
I heard you, I understood
Yes, and you're far from stupid.

During the chorus, Santa Claus dances around his staff.

First. I clearly see: a man with a pipe.
Second. No, the pipe is small. Most likely a tube.
First. And a violin!
Father Frost. Why are you giving me riddles here!
Second. Sherlock Holmes!
Father Frost. How could he!
Second. Sherlock Holmes will help you!
First. And handsome Watson!
Father Frost. What are you on then?
Second. We have no time to deal with fairy tales.
First. We have real business. We went.
Father Frost. Come on, goodbye!.. Realists!

Sherlock Holmes and Watson enter, from the other side the Snow Maiden appears with an egg.

You, gentlemen, sirs, got there quickly from Baker Street. Ali there were no traffic jams?
Holmes. Yes, we are on a starship.
Father Frost (points backstage). And what is this bullshit?
Watson. And this is the latest modification of the drynolet.
Snow Maiden. Dear Holmes, comrade Watson! Help me girl! Bewitched, demons!

Holmes sings the song "I'm a brilliant detective", Watson sings along "Oh, yes!"

Holmes. Deduction is a terrible force!
Father Frost. Help me out, bitches! Find an adversary!
Holmes. Do not hesitate, tea, it's not the first time.
Watson (to Holmes). You quickly picked up the folklore language, my friend!
Snow Maiden. Folklore - not a runny nose, not a sin and pick up, doctor!
Watson. So, who do you think is to blame?
Holmes. In modern terms, Voland de Mort is to blame for everything.
Snow Maiden. Oh, I'm afraid, I'm afraid!

A phonogram sounds, Woland de Mort appears.

Woland de Mort. Yes, I'm terrible, I'm terrible! Yes, I'm ugly like Whoopi Goldberg! Yes, I am evil incarnate! But who came up with the idea that Voland de Mort is to blame for everything? TNT? So I don't watch it at all. Only the "Club of ex-wives"!
Snow Maiden. Do you remember episode 35? Such a terrible one comes and asks ...
Watson. Dear! Why did he bewitch the girl? Bring back the image! The guys are worried!
Snow Maiden. Sir Babaika! Of course, you don’t give a damn, but for normal people, winter holidays are disrupted!
Woland de Mort. Believe it or not, guys, I haven’t read about Santa Claus, I see the Snow Maiden for the first time. And I don't swear on anything - I don't believe in anything.
Holmes. What are we to do with you?
Woland de Mort (imitating Galustyan). understand, forgive.
Snow Maiden. He is also a liar! He is watching Our Russia!
Woland de Mort. Well, it was a sin. Once. I confess.
Holmes. Okay, man, you're free.

Woland de Mort leaves.

Watson. Or maybe the Snow Maiden was not bewitched at all, and these are all the consequences of an unsuccessful plastic surgery?
Snow Maiden. What are you talking about?!
Holmes. Who admits this?
Watson. Need to see plastic surgeons ASAP! Didn't they roll the Snow Maiden away?

The phonogram of the song “They say we are bullies” sounds, the Plastic surgeon (girl) and the intern Levin enter.

plastic surgeon (sings). They say we are byaki-buki,
Our clinic sucks.
Give me a scalpel in hand:
The world will be saved by beauty.
Botox gel! Our goal -
No wrinkles on the face.
It would be something and why, Watson!

Only moneybags come to us,
But the Snow Maiden has no money,
Grandfather does not have this amount -
Rhetorical answer.
Did not drive Santa Claus
Reduce the Snow Maiden's nose,
So we have nothing to do with it, Watson!
Holmes. And who is that next to you, madam?
Surgeon. This? Didn't you know? It's Intern Levin!
Levin. I'm not a doctor, I'm just learning! Let us go, please! We received a new drug today - we will taste it. And the Snow Maiden is not a topic at all ... dissertations!
Surgeon. Lord! Our clinic for a couple of hundred pounds will get rid of wrinkles forever. And to you, Watson, I also guarantee free home delivery in which case ...
Holmes (after much thought). She calls him Victor!
Snow Maiden. Whom?
Holmes. Your boyfriend.
Watson. That's where you're wrong, Holmes. It's just that the name of the clinic "Victoria" has fallen off the last two letters.
Snow Maiden. Yes, you are a magician, Watson!
Watson. Rather, I'm a half-educated Mage.
Holmes. That's right, Watson. We need a half-educated Mage! Let's go to the people!
Snow Maiden. Stop, guys! I will not go to the people! In this form? Let me be laughed at!
Holmes. Then smoke.
Snow Maiden. Smoking is harmful to health! I will download the delta! (Starts to pump a muscle.)

Holmes and Watson find a half-educated Magician with a toy dog ​​in the hall.

Holmes. Kolis, boy, is it your doing? It’s better to be sincere right away, and we’ll issue a confession!
Watson (admiringly). Well, you, Holmes, give!
Mage dropout. Don't hurt me gentlemen! I'll tell you everything myself! See this dog? This is my doggy! She was alive until I decided to make her a man's friend. But, as always, what the hell happened. Imagine now what would happen to the Snow Maiden?
Watson. Elephant or goat?
Mage dropout. What am I talking about? Your Snow Maiden is not my handwriting. Let go, folks!
Watson. Go boy, go!

The half-educated magician leaves, talking to the dog.

Holmes. Pitiful, insignificant person!
Watson. Evening is approaching, but there is still no rest! Shouldn't we go to the gypsies?
Snow Maiden. Go without me. I am not tired!

Holmes and Watson go in one direction, the Snow Maiden in the other. The gypsies appear.

Gypsy. What it is? What is it, I ask?! Look at that old horse thief! What did they ask you to steal the gelding, and what are you? It's not even an old horse. Where did you find her? At the cemetery? dug out of the ground?
Gypsy (sings to the tune of the song "Ay"). I would like to fit you "Volga",
So that you drive it like Schumacher.
Only the Volga will not last long,
And you yourself will say that I gave a blunder.
I would be able to buy "Okushka",
At worst, I would steal "Logan",
But remember, if you're not a sucker:
Gypsies ride "penny", and nothing more!

Enter Holmes and Watson.

Gypsy. What did they come? "Penny" is ours! Lost documents!
Holmes. Dear Romale! Confess, which of you cursed the Snow Maiden?
Both. It's not us!
Gypsy. We are neither cold nor, moreover, hot. We love the Snow Maiden terribly!
Gypsy. You know, in a pinch, I would take the horses away from Frost, according to the old gypsy custom. The Snow Maiden is not our business!
Gypsy. Let me guess, bitch. Gild the pen, yakhonty! (Sings the song "Fashion changes daily.") Go to the pond, romale, there you will find the turtle Tortila. Malvina still lives with her.
Watson. From gypsies to girls? Logically!
Holmes. Drop these oligarchic habits, Watson! You are not Prokhorov, and here you are not Courchevel!

Exeunt Gypsies, Holmes and Watson. Malvina brings Turtle Tortila and sits her down.

Malvina. Did I think that someday the theater would fall apart, the golden key would be transferred offshore, the troupe would migrate to the “Sweet Life”, and I myself would find myself without a corner, without a roof and my hair would turn black from grief?
Tortila. Don't worry, baby! It's not your fault that the current generation is on the Internet, watching only the Simpsons and Dom-2. People stopped reading books and going to the theatre. Other times, other right!

Holmes and Watson exit.

Holmes and Watson. Hello!
Tortila. Hello! Are you looking for who bewitched the Snow Maiden? You are foreigners and do not know that in Russia, no matter what happens, Baba Yaga is to blame. Look for her!
Malvina. Once we had an artist in the theater, he played Baba Yaga. He got used to the image so much that, even after retiring, he did not want to change anything. Here is his address.
Holmes and Watson. Senk yu veri match! (They leave.)
Tortila. Did I hear correctly: they said “Senka, take the ball”?
Malvina. They are happy, grandmother, that soon they will earn money for a business lunch. It's time for us to wash our hands. (They leave.)

Baba Yaga runs out from behind the curtains, followed by Holmes with a whistle and Watson. Baby Yaga runs backstage, and the detectives stop.

Holmes. Stop! I will shoot!
Watson. And yet you are lying, Holmes! What to shoot? You don't even have a gun.
Holmes. And here it is! Water! Left over from last New Year!

Baba Yaga runs out at them and rests on Holmes's shoulder.

Baba Yaga. I need a lawyer!
Watson. Wow, a fabulous creature, but there too!
Holmes. Answer, citizen!
Baba Yaga. I won't say anything!
Watson. Don't break, grandma! We hand over to the police - the fairy tale will end.
Baba Yaga. What do you need?
Holmes. Remove the damage, return the Snow Maiden to her original appearance!
Baba Yaga. And what I get for this?
Watson. Nobel Prize Peace will probably be given.
Baba Yaga. Will it be enough for a new stupa?
Holmes. And on a stupa, and on a broom, and on rhinoplasty!
Baba Yaga. Oh yes!
Father Frost (appearing). Hey gay! Well, did you catch the lihodeyka?!
Holmes. Take the goods, merchant!
Father Frost. Admit it, old hag, why did you bewitch Snegurka?
Baba Yaga. Why don't you take me with you on New Year's Eve?
Father Frost. If that's all it is, then there's no such thing! We must be able to negotiate, Yagusya! Let's disenchant the Snow Maiden back!
Baba Yaga. Okay, just turn away, otherwise I'm a shy girl. Eh!.. Cookie flour, omnam style! Chufyrly-fufyrly! Break the spell, snow child!

The Snow Maiden - a beautiful girl - comes out with a song. By the end of the song, the tree lights up.

Snow Maiden. Grandfather! Look! What miracles! The Christmas tree itself lit up from my song!
Father Frost. These are not miracles, granddaughter! This New Year is coming!

Final Christmas song.

Happy New Year! With new happiness!

State budget professional educational institution"Katai Vocational - Pedagogical College"

Theatrical performance script

"New Year's Eve"

hostel teacher


Poster at the entrance to the hall

Come through, come through

Don't go alone

Our advice to you boys

invite lovely ladies

Music is playing in the hall, those who wish are dancing

Leading out

Presenter 1. Good evening friends!


make yourself at home

The entire territory of the hall is your home

Get to know everything that is still unfamiliar

And get to know everyone you don't know.

Lead 2. Everyone, everyone, everyone

Announced for information

Laughter is not canceled today

The program of the evening includes games, performances

Prizes for performances

Dancing to the point of exhaustion

And other entertainment

Two men drag a bag, put it in the middle of the hall


1 man. Where did you get the bag? Why is he so heavy?

2 man. Where where? The goblin fell off the cart.

Lead 1.Lord! Explain what's going on?

2 man. Get away from you now. You see our business.

1 man. What's in it? You know? Maybe there are jewels?

2 man. How should I know, I dragged him under the bushes and ran after you

1 man. Let's just see what's there.

2 man. (Unties the bag and tries to touch the contents with his hand,

a grimace of pain and fear on the face, a scream, pulls out his hand and runs away

with a cry of horror, shaking his hand at the top. Then the second one runs away)

Grandmother Yozhka appears from the bag, shakes off her skirt, grumbles.

B.Yo. - 1. Fi, the men are weak now, they didn’t drag it normally

maybe all my sides were beaten off.

He draws attention to the hall, sees the guests and begins to flirt, straighten his hair ...

B.Yo. -1. Oh, how many people, everyone is so mmmm ....,pretty ....

He takes out drawn money, begins to offer guests.

B.Yo -1. If you want ladies money, yes you take it, take it, don't be shy, I'll still

I'll draw.

Moves away from the guests with an antics, looks back over his shoulder, makes eyes, turns around and says

B.Yo.-1. Yes, I’m actually not the only one so beautiful here, I have girlfriends

There is.

Whistle. Run out B.Yo. roar, roar, laugh.

B.Yo.-1. (Manerno) Quiet, calm down, behave yourself, we are like

in any way the beautiful half of the forest wickedness.

A devil appears.

B.Yo.- 1.Oh, the devil goes girls ....

Everyone preens

B.Yo.- 2. Why are you sad as hell, or did you fall in love with someone?

Your sadness will pass now, we will sing you a song.

B.Yo.-3. Now a rock-pop-punk band will perform in front of you(Together)

"Forest Wickedness"

Sing a verse of a song

Oh viburnum blooms in the field by the stream

I fell in love with a young guy

I fell in love with a guy to my misfortune

I can't open up, I can't find the words

Devil. Stop tearing your throat. Have you seen a mermaid?

B.Yo.(in chorus) Nooo.

The devil lowers his head, barely moves his legs, sings sadly

Devil. 20.00 everyone has long gone home

Only she continues on her way alone, as always

(The Mermaid comes out, walks past the Devil with a gait from the hip, he drags after her with a pleading look at her and, continuing to sing, tries to catch her hand)

A stranger among the bright lights

I follow her again.(Catches the Mermaid by the hand)

Mermaid. Don't need the devil to follow me

No more my dear

Don't ask for my answer

Because you know "NO".(Pulls out his hand. And leaves.


Immediately Solokha runs out with a pilgrim, grabs the Devil by the breasts and shouts ...

Solokha. There was love and suddenly it disappeared?

Extinguished, like lights in the morning?

Well, tell me quickly that you and I are a couple

What are you and I in life along the way.

The devil tries to tear off Solokha and says...

Devil. I've been waiting for the Mermaid for so many years

Tired heart to suffer

I called the Mermaid for so many years

Maybe it will work!?

Tears Solokha away from himself and pushes her away. Solokha with a cry ....


clutching his head, running away

The devil grabs his head. Kneeling down in exhaustion

B.Yo.- 1. Girls, something the devil is completely in despair with us.

B.Yo- 2. And let's cheer him up, sing ditties to him - clumsy ones.

B.Yo. Sing ditties

B.Yo.- 1. A goblin sits on the fence

In aluminum pants

And who cares

Could it be his nest?

B.Yo. - 2 An ax floats on the river

Near the village of Kukueva

Well, let yourself float

This song is about love.

B.Yo.- 3. I'm walking through the village


I don't look out the windows

I must have been offended


We have come to you here

To have fun

And now you from us

Don't get free

Devil. Oh girls, thank you, at least you understand me, in trouble -

misfortunes do not leave me.

Presenter 1. This hour we have all kinds of wickedness

And there is no Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Although! Here comes the door

And on the doorstep she

As always cold

And why is it alone

The Snow Maiden enters, all ultra-modern, in a mini with stilettos and a fur coat thrown over her shoulders, passing by the Devil throws the fur coat into his hands, the Devil picks up the fur coat in amazement with his mouth open.

Snow Maiden.(mannerly, drawing out words)

My Santa Claus has become old

And a little, a little lagged behind

Well, see you soon

He's already at the door

Enter D.M. and walking says words in the old man's way

D.M.Let the powder outside the window

Snowstorm sweeps

May the best

Everything in life will come to you

Let happiness not get lost

And won't pass by

May all wishes come true

You have a new year.

Hello children!(surprised, looks at the guests)

oh how did you grow up

Completely adults have become

So my Snow Maiden has already grown up

She would find a groom(sighs)

Seems not fate

Presenter 2. Yes, what are you, grandfather, so despair, we have so many good

well done, we will arrange a competition for them to test them

B.yo.(shouted) How is it, how is it, we have a guy anywhere, wash him

to dress up... At least someone will compete.

Host 2. Okay, okay, don't make a fuss. Let him compete.

Now we will play the game "Flower for a girl".

(Several flowers are arranged on the floor in a circle. Participants

should be one more than the number of colors. plays

music As soon as the music stops, the participants must

grab a flower. Who didn't get it - leaves, as well as

one flower is removed and so on until the end, until two remain

participant, one of which with a flower in his hand is the winner.

The flower is given to the Snow Maiden.)

D.M. Ah yes well done, ah yes dexterity. Well, you will be happy in life with such


Handing out treats and a prize for the winner

Lead 1.To make the big holiday more interesting

What is missing on it?

B.Yo. (chorus) Friendly ringing song.

D.M. Sing to me my favorite friends

"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

Tea, don't forget how they danced in childhood.

Everyone gets up in a round dance. The song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" is performed

D.M. Ah yes, well done, do not forget childhood days

So let's keep remembering

Who is not afraid to play with me

And I have one game for all time

Put your hands forward

Don't forget to hide

When I run past you

And I will freeze them.

Freeze game

Snow Maiden.Well, Grandpa, you have become quite old with me.

You play all the children's games,

And you don't know at all

What is not kindergarten, and students

The people are mischievous, you won’t scare them with your permafrost

They should dance

Stretch your legs.

We better play with them now

To the dance on the newspapers

They will perform for us.

And you look carefully

So that they do not leave the newspaper
And the newspapers named after Babka Yozhka will be reduced

To reduce their freedom of movement

Who will stand in this dance to the end

He will receive a prize from your bag.

Dance on the newspapers

D.M. rewards the winners and treats the participants

D.M. Something granddaughter, I'm tired, you can see I'm completely old

Noise, fun - good, only it's not mine.

And let's go, you and I, we'll see their residential house

In what mansions they live, how comfort, they keep order.

And while you're having fun without us

Dance and play, don't be sad.

D.M. and the Snow Maiden go to sum up the results for the semester in the competition "Best Room"

Presenter 1. And we will not lose heart, we will dance with you now.

1-2 dances are played.

Presenter 2. And now we will see who and how spends their free

time, what he does, where he goes.

Game with signs.(Club, sauna, restaurant, sobering-up station,

technical school, toilet ....)

(Rules. A chair is placed in front of the audience, sits down

participant, above his head, behind his back is shown a sign with

word and various questions are asked: how often are you there

visit?, what do you do there?, with whom do you go there?,

do you like being there? Etc. At the end of the questions

the word is shown to the player. sits down new member,

another plate is shown, etc.)

Lead 1.Well, we all had fun from the bottom of our hearts,

Well, who was the participant, you are not angry.

Enter D.M. and Snow Maiden

D.M. Well, they had fun without us, no one died out of boredom.

Snow Maiden. And we walked around your house, looked at all the mansions

And they delivered their verdict.

D.M. Best of all you live

Comfort, order cherish

Hormas No. ____,(awarding)

but you also have rogues,

that live like…..

The Snow Maiden touches D.M.’s hand, calming him down…

Snow Maiden. Grandpa, come on today

Let's not spoil the New Year's holiday

And who lives in disorder among them,

Togo the student council will call for an answer.

D.M. Okay, Snow Maiden, let's decide,

Do not spoil the holiday for everyone because of them.

Who wants to get a prize as a gift?

My task is simple.

Cut your prize with one hand

At the same time, we will blindfold your eyes with a handkerchief,

Whether you're lucky, we'll see later.

(The game “Cut the Prize.” Prizes are hung on strings on a rope. Participants are blindfolded, one hand hides behind their back, and scissors in the other. The participant rotates around the axis three times and goes to the prizes, having reached the rope, tries to cut the prize in one attempt.

D.M. Oh friends, something I played out

And the Snow Maiden is pale

She wouldn't melt

It's time to part

I say goodbye friends

Goodbye snow maiden

We're leaving for the snow.

Snow Maiden. We wish each of you

So that the coming new year

May it only bring you good luck.

D.M. Evil forest,

And what are you standing

Quickly everyone in the sleigh

Hurry home.

All participants in the performance leave.

Presenter 1. It's sad that the guests left us

But the hour of discos approached

Presenter 2. Today dancing is a sin to forget

Dance more, but in a normal way

This hour everyone should be

In excellent dance form


Sounds music number 001 "Happy New Year"

Leading 2. There are many wonderful holidays
Everyone comes in their turn.
But the best holiday in the world
The best holiday is New Year!

Presenter 1: Good evening, dear friends!

Lead 2: So another year has come to an end, the year of the Monkey is coming, but by the way, what difference does it make what the next year will be called, the main thing is that it will be new.

Presenter 1: We, friends, are now entering a new year, a good year!
And meeting this year with smiles, I wish everyone
For this to be a happy year happy year, beautiful year,
And, of course, a peaceful year!
Lead 2 : I sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and wish it to bring only the best with it: xgood mood, happiness, smiles and fun!
And now I am glad to welcome you to our holiday!

Presenter 1: Today in the program of our evening there are games, contests, quizzes, an incendiary disco. And, of course, a meeting with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Lead 2: Yes Yes! Meetings with these New Year's characters are eagerly awaited not only by children, but also by quite adult, respectable people.

Presenter 1: Santa Claus has existed for about 150 years. And not a single New Year's holiday is complete without his participation.

Lead 2 : Well, while our New Year characters are on their way, let's have a warm-up auction.

Presenter 1: During our festive evening for participation in the competitions, each participant will be awarded Christmas trees. The one who picks up the most Christmas trees will be in for a pleasant surprise. And how could it be otherwise, because without surprises the New Year is simply unthinkable.
By the way, without what else is it impossible to celebrate the New Year? So, I'm announcing a holiday auction. Each table calls in chorus something without which New Year's Eve is impossible. You can't repeat. The table with the last answer wins. Only collective responses are accepted. Begin!

The host conducts a game auction between the tables-teams.

The winners are awarded a Christmas tree.

Host 2: Amazing! And now we invite students of the 9th grade to the stage. And we ask you to support us with loud applause.

Sounds music number 002 " Christmas toys»

Presenter 1: We got to know each other closer,

In such an acquaintance, friendship is the essence
So let's continue our evening
As the saying goes: "Good luck!".

Music No. 003 Santa Claus sounds and a loud knock is heard.

D. Moroz: Good evening, kind people!

Hello everyone, friends!
I see I'm very welcome here
And I see smiles.
I love someone who is cheerful
I'm Santa Claus!
If someone hung his nose,
Let him raise his nose!
I wish you success
Happiness, joy and laughter!

Happy New Year to you, friends! And where is the Snow Maiden, my granddaughter? It's time to start the holiday, distribute gifts, but she still isn't there. It's impossible without her.
Let's call her all together.

(They call in chorus: “Snow Maiden!”)

D. Moroz: What organisms you have weak! Is that a scream? Let's try again.

(Everyone shouts even louder: “Snow Maiden!”)

D. Moroz : Oh, why are you yelling like that? I hear someone approaching, probably my granddaughter is coming.
the Snow Maiden comes out

Father Frost: Meet: granddaughter, beauty, smart girl, not white-handed. The people gathered, you see how many, everyone came to look at you.

Snow Maiden: Tied a white hat
I have a New Year's blizzard
Blizzard piled boots
From fluffy snow
I love frosty frost
I can't live without cold
Santa Claus chose my name
I am the Snow Maiden, friends!

Snow Maiden: Good evening, dear friends! Let me congratulate you on the upcoming 2016!

Snow Maiden : Time goes on and on,Here on the threshold is the New Year.It's time to start the holiday, friends.Sing and dance, we can not be bored!

Snow Maiden: And the old year is leaving.

But we can't have fun with you If the tree doesn't burn with lights.

To light our Christmas tree, we need

All the guys shout in unison:

“Surprise us with beauty, Elka, light the fires!”

Snow Maiden: All together: “Surprise us with beauty, Elka, light the fires!”

IN talking and the tree lights up

Snow Maiden: According to popular belief, as you celebrate the New Year, the whole year will be like that. So let's all sing and dance together near the Christmas tree, so that the coming year is kind and cheerful.
Sounds music number 004 Everyone goes out into a round dance, sing a song" The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree".

Host 2: And now our dear guests: Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, we ask you to takeplace of honor on the JURY.

And we begin our competitive program.

Presenter 1:. Be so kind, please go to the center of the hall from each team, a boy and a girl. Fine. Let's plunge into the atmosphere of the New Year's ball of the XIX century. Then the “French quadrille” was very fashionable and popular. Four pairs of dancers stood in a circle, the dance master announced one or another quadrille figure, and the pairs, enchanted by the music, indulged in the dance.
So, we perform the "French quadrille", but in the New Year's style! There are four figures in the dance.

Figure one "Round dance": stand in a circle, hold hands and move in a circle ...

The figure of the second "Snowflake": join your right hands in the center of the circle and continue to move in a circle ...

The figure of the third "Fir-trees": split into pairs, raise your right hands up and spin in pairs ...

The fourth figure "Blizzard": break the circle and move the snake one after the other.
But, be careful, during the dance, the order of the figures will not be observed. The jury chooses the best couple. Maestro, music!

Sounds music number 005 "Quadrille"
couples dancing

Host 2: Winners inChristmas tree vouchesPresenter 1: Thank you ladies and gentlemen!
You may take your seats.

Worthy you opened the masquerade.

Applause in your honor sound!

Host 2: . Bright colors bring positive emotions into our lives, tune in to fun, give joy and good mood.

So we decided to paint our New Year's Eve with all the colors of the rainbow!

And so we begin our second competition, and it is called - a multi-colored ribbon!

This competition involves one person from each team. Representatives from each team are asked to take the stage.

Presenter 1: Game conditions: p about my team, you start tying one of your ribbons on the wrists of the audience. But if there is already a ribbon of the opposing team on the wrist, you cannot tie your own. This means that you need to act faster in order to have time to “tie” as many guests as possible with your ribbons. When someone runs out of ribbons or there are no untied guests left, we will sum up: whoever tied more of his ribbons is the winner.

On the start, attention, began!
Sounds music No. 006 "Playing with tapes"

So, I ask those spectators who have a pink ribbon tied around their wrists to leave.
I ask those spectators who have a cherry-colored ribbon tied around their wrists to leave,
I ask those spectators who have a green ribbon tied around their wrist to leave

I ask those spectators who have a blue ribbon tied around their wrists to leave

Winner in the Christmas tree vouches.

Host 2: And we continue our program . Competition - the game "New Year's Cooking".

Presenter 1: There are many different traditions and customs on the occasion of New Year's Eve. So, for example, on the Persian New Year's table, there must be seven dishes, and they all begin with the letter "C". And the next culinary competition. You need to name New Year's dishes that begin with the letter "C", which can decorate not so much the Persian as our New Year's table. Only collective responses are accepted. Begin!
The facilitator conducts a competition. The author (that is, the table) of the seventh answer wins, but this does not need to be announced in advance, since the teams will be waiting for the seventh point.

Presenter 1: The winners will receive a Christmas tree.

Host 2: . Well, if we are talking about festive dishes, then I ask the teams to treat our competent Jury with their New Year's creations.
Sounds music number oo7 "Dish"
: And now we announce the number amateur performances. We welcome the students of the 6th grade with applause.
Sounds music number 008 "Number 6 class"
Leading 1 : And now a mystery.Once a year, a rich gentleman gives gifts to everyone in a row,
He is gray-haired, red-nosed, what a gentleman ... (Santa Claus.)
I invite Santa Claus with a staff to come to us.Why do they thinkgifts are always given to the smartest, but what about luck, luck! Let's find out which one of you is the luckiest.

This competition involves one person from each team. So, I ask representatives from each team to come on stage. At my commandthe participant of the first table takes the edge of the staff with his palm, then all the participants take the staff. The one whose palm is the last one wins.
Sounds Music No. 009 "Staff"
Winner in the Christmas tree vouches.

Father Frost: What is New Year without costumes and masks.

Leading 2: Don't worry, grandfather, the masks are ready. Take a look and choose the most beautiful one.

Father Frost: Let's start the show, and I'm a strict but fair judge.

Sounds music number 010 "Masks"
Members of each team come out and a defile of New Year's masks is held. The winner is awarded a Christmas tree.

Host 2: Participants remain, four chairs.

Presenter1: . In a round dance of colorful masks
Characters from different fairy tales

Have fun and spin.

What a holiday ... (Masquerade.)
Winner inthe Christmas tree vouches.

Lead 2 : Well smart people
He will understand everything from a half-word!

Here the people gathered important,

There is a simple one, and there is an imposing one.

But under the mask everyone is equal

So dance the "Lady"!
Presenter 1: And the next dance competition.
Music No. 011 "Mistress" sounds. Host 2: Stomp your right foot.
only feet dance
Presenter 1: Clap your left hand
Hands to the side and turn.

The people are dancing "Lady"!

only hands dance
Host 2: Let's move with the right ear.
We wink with the left eye,

Let's smile to the left - to the right.

We dance "Lady" to the glory!

dancing face, facial expressions
Lead 2 : Guys, it was a rehearsal, and now a real competition.
Sounds music number 012 "Dance with hands." Lead 2 : We choose the winner with applause. Winner inthe Christmas tree vouches.

Presenter1: And we have the next contest for ingenuity. (4 chairs) I invite one participant from each team. Here are the letters - C, P, K, R.

Assignment, You must bring items that begin with your letter.

Music No. 013 "Letters" sounds.

Presenter 1 : Winner in the Christmas tree vouches.

Lead 2 : And now the number of amateur performances. Welcome to 7th grade students.And we ask you to support us with loud applause.

Sounds music number 014 "Number 7 class"

Leading1: . Well, rested, we continue our competitive program.

From each team I invite two participants. Imagine that you are going to a ball. You need to make an outfit from improvised material.
(whatman, corrugated paper, stapler)
Sounds music number 15 "Outfit".

Presenter 1 : Winner in the Christmas tree vouches.

Host 2: And we continue our program - a creative competition. We invite two people from each table, you will be assistants, And now the third - the main character. The conditions of the competition are as follows: the assistants hold a drawing paper on both sides, on which there is a hole for the hand, the third participant sticks his hand into the hole and draws a portrait of Santa Claus. Sounds music number 16 "Artists".

Presenter 1 : And now Santa Claus evaluates the work of our artists. Winner inthe Christmas tree vouches.

Father Frost. Well done, they made the old man happy, but I will please you with gifts.
Host 2: That's right, Santa Claus, it's time for us to play New Year's lottery..

Presenter 1
: Why do you have so many bags?
Father Frost . In one bag I have the ticket numbers that the granddaughter Snegurochka will take out and announce the lucky number.
In the second bag I have the names of gifts that the lucky person himself will take out. And in the third bag I have gifts that I myself will present. I'm Santa Claus, after all.

Presenter2: Yes! It's a bit confusing, of course, but I think we'll figure it out together. So, the first lucky number is announced ...Sounds music number 17 "Fanfare"
The procedure for drawing the lottery is very simple. The Snow Maiden announces the numbers that have fallen out, which he takes out of the first bag. The holder of the named ticket number from the second bag takes out a card with the text and reads it out. Santa Claus gives gifts that he takes out of the third bag.

Host 2: And we move on to the next competition, the musical one.We invite two people from each table: a boy and a girl. The young man takes a chair and sits on it. He will be a musician. The girl will musical instrument. And so the first pair needs to be portrayed - playing the guitar, the second pair - playing the button accordion, the third pair - the drum, the fourth pair - the piano.
Presenter 2: Well, let's listen to the first couple.

guitar playing,

Sounds music number 018 "Guitar"

the second pair - playing the button accordion, Sounds music number 019 "Bayan"

the third pair is a drum,Sounds music number 020 "Drum"
fourth pair - piano,
Sounds music number 021 "Piano" Lead 2 : Now we listen to the whole orchestra.Music Sounds No. 022 (1) Presenter 1 : We choose the winner with applause. Applause for couple 1, applause for couple 2, applause for couple 3, and finally applause for couple 4. Winners in the Christmas tree vouches.

Lead 2 : And now the number of amateur performances. Welcome to 8th grade students.And we ask you to support us with loud applause.
Sounds music No. 022 "Number 8 class"
Presenter 1 : And we continue our program. We invite two people from each table: a girl and a boy.

Host 2: How not to dance today?

Dance more, out of the norm

Today everyone should be

In excellent dance form.
Presenter 1 : Of course, everyone understood that we have a dance competition, and the young man watches, but the girl charms the young man with a dance, then the young man repeats the movements of the girl.

Lead 2 First couple, ready? Well done, let's get started. Oriental music sounds for you
Sounds music No. 023 "Eastern"

Presenter 1: The second pair is for you caucasian music

Sounds music number 024 "Caucasian"

Lead 2: The third couple will perform a gypsy dance for us
Sounds music number 025 "Gypsy"

Presenter 1: For the fourth pair macarena.

Sounds music number 026 "Macarena"

Lead 2 : We choose the winner with applause. Winners inthe Christmas tree vouches.

Presenter 1: And for you, the performance of the 10th grade students. We meet with applause.

Sounds music No. 027 "No. 10 class"

Presenter 1 : We sat up friends
Well, everyone's cheered up!
You are offered a game
To have fun
Lead 2 : While we will all have fun together, our New Year's JURY will sum up the results of our competitive program.

Presenter 1: I ask everyone to come to the Christmas tree. You need to split into two teams.
I distribute letters to each team and you must and collect a word from the given individual letters: for example: snow, winter, gifts, snow maiden, toy, cracker .. Whoever collects the word first is the winner.

Music #028 "Game 1" sounds. Lead 2

2. Competition: Two teams are called. While the music is playing, you are dancing merrily, as soon as the music stops, the members of each team must form a letter, which I will name.
Music No. 029 "Igra2" sounds.

Lead 2 : Well done, the winners are given sweets.

Presenter 1: And now the time has come to announce the jury's assessments for our competition program.


Lead 2: Time flew by quickly

And it's time for us to part.

Presenter 1: With all my heart, friends, we wish

Big, big success to you!

Snow Maiden: It's time, friends,

Need to forgive.
We congratulate everyone from the bottom of our hearts!
Let the New Year be celebrated together
Both adults and kids!

Father Frost : Dear friends! People say: "The best song that has not yet been sung, best city that has not yet been built, the best year that has not yet been lived." So letwill bring us 365 sunny days, an abundance of good meetings and smiles. May your dreams and plans come true! Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Snow Maiden- May the New Year dawn on you,
Will give you success.
And let it sound in your house
Cheerful, ringing laughter.
Presenter1: Let a true friend be near.
Both on holiday and in bad weather.
And let your house
Like a snowball
Happiness always comes!

Father Frost: And together we will say goodbye to you: (in chorus) may your dreams come true.

Snow Maiden: Goodbye, see you in the New Year.

Host 2: And now we invite everyone to the disco.

Scenario NEW YEAR'S PARTY for students

(Song "Three white horses")

Presenter: Hello dear friends.

Leading: Good evening, teachers, guests, students.

Presenter: Let joyful laughter, jokes, jokes, songs, dances not cease today!

Leading: There are many good holidays in Rus', but the New Year is the warmest, despite the hard frosts, the most beautiful, family holiday.

And we will not be mistaken if we say that today we have gathered as a big friendly family to celebrate the New Year!

(Suddenly, an ominous cry, threats, howl is heard from the end of the hall.)

Presenter: What is this?

Leading: Or who is it? We're having surprises tonight.

(Baba Yaga appears and performs her wild dance on stage to the music)

Baba Yaga: I do not know anything! I don't want to listen to anyone! My friend, even closer than a friend, my little, gentle Zmey-Gorynych entrusted me with the role of leader in this technical school, and just try to think of something against me! Don't get in trouble! Ah-ah!!! Woo!!! I’ll catch up on you, I’ll turn the evil eye, I’ll speak of brides and grooms, I’ll be sick for the whole year, my memory will be knocked out! Ah-ah!!! Woo!!!

Presenter: Baba Yaga, yes, we see: you are very serious.

Leading: Yes, and I don’t want to mess with her either, well, her! Come on, Baba Yaga, let's take turns leading the holiday. OK?

Baba Yaga: Try it, try it!

(dance of grandma and grandpa)

Baba Yaga: Well, what was it? Are you saying that I'm old?

Leading: Wait for Baba Yaga. You promised to lead New Year's Eve together and not interfere. We have everything according to the script.

Baba Yaga: Well go ahead with your script. Let's see.

Presenter: The New Year must be met with a sense of accomplishment, moral relief: everything that I wanted to do, I did! Everything that I thought I did! And we?

Leading: Yes, I tried too. I studied a lot, corrected my grades, reconciled with my parents.

Baba Yaga : Ha ha! Why bother and try? Why bother yourself? Excellent grades can be obtained by others, the easy way! I can help those who ask for help. But in return... In return, I will take your soul from you!!! Do you agree?

(girlfriends of Baba Yaga leave the hall)

Baba Yaga: Do you agree? With me to the Sabbath, to our holiday!

(can-can dance)

Presenter: Yes, it won't go any further. We must do something, otherwise we will have surprises in the hall that are unnecessary for us! I still turn for help to a person whom I respect very much, I believe him. Guessed?

All: Yes!

Presenter: Word to the director of the technical school ………...

(Congratulations from the director of the technical school)

Leading: Light, pure forces always defeat evil! Happy New Year!

(the host appears, dressed in a New Year's costume and sings the song "Snowflake" with the host)

(Mysterious music sounds. An astrologer appears)

Astrologer: Today is your special day, my friends! Today you will learn everything about your present, past and future! This year the stars favor you and bless you for strong, passionate love! Give me everything, just one ruble, and you will know the name of your lover, the day, the place of meeting, the hour and even the minute when you throw yourself into each other's arms! So, don't be shy...

(reads astrological forecasts)

Presenter: And what have you astrologer prepared for us, for us for all?

Astrologer: According to the eastern calendar, this will be the year of ………...

Leading: It smelled like the east to me.

(East Dance)

Astrologer : I came with my student - a little page - a magician!

Page: I'm not a magician, I'm just learning. I have kind heart and it can do real miracles.

Presenter: And now you can take us to a fairy tale, for example, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs."

Page: I will try.

(Waving wand. Music sounds, and Snow White and 7 dwarfs appear.)

Presenter: Guys, let's ask Snow White and the dwarves to speak to us.

(dwarfs and Snow White dance)

Baba Yaga: Fu, how trite everything is. And I propose a New Year's flash mob. Come out, everyone.

(dance of little ducks)

Leading: Baba Yaga, we have the same script ...

Baba Yaga: No fun in life…some kind of lyrics….

(Song "Winter Dream")



"Santa Claus, Snow Maiden - we are waiting for you"

(Gypsies come out dancing)

Presenter: Well, what is it?

Leading: Baba Yaga are your tricks?

Baba Yaga: And what do you not like - such funny girls. You need this old man with his granddaughter. It's trite and not interesting.

Presenter: According to the scenario, we have Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden - do not interfere.

Baba Yaga: Yes, please, please.

Leading: So, let's go through this place in the scenario again.

Presenter: Friends! And what is the New Year without Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden?

Leading: Let's call them together.

"Santa Claus, Snow Maiden - we are waiting for you"

(Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden come out)

Father Frost:

Hello dear guests!

Happy New Year to you!

Snow Maiden:

December day today is wonderful,

Frost is only a joy, snowflakes fly.

Father Frost:

Today friends cannot be without songs,

You can't live without songs and you can't live without dancing.

Today, friends, we congratulate you

And we wish everyone more than once

Health, success, good grades

Happy New Year to all of you, with new happiness, friends!


Grandfather Frost, we have been waiting for so long, worried.

But here you are, so let's get up in a round dance,

Let's celebrate the New Year with a fervent song!

Father Frost:

And celebrate the New Year, friends,

We can't live without a song.

We will sing about the Christmas tree

And let's go around it.

And as we go along

Let's figure out who we're singing about!

(The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree)

Leading: Santa Claus, sit down, rest, listen to the gnomes read poetry.

(dwarfs read poetry)

1 dwarf - Boil champagne in a glass,

Bubbles will scatter around.

Old year hasten to say goodbye to us!

The new one comes in new friend!

May it be full of inspiration

Joy, love and beauty!

Let him give the best moments

And fulfill all your cherished dreams!

Open your door with hope

Looking forward to happy change!

And he will step out of a snow blizzard

Under the native vaults of your walls!

2 dwarf - Under a quiet, slow snow

Walking with soft steps

Stepped over the threshold

The past year, saying goodbye to us.

Let him go, that's the way it should be

You don't regret anything!

A new one is already knocking on the door,

So open it up for him!

Believe that this year is coming

Fulfill everything that the heart is waiting for!

He will definitely be the best.

Successful and happy year!

3 dwarf - New Year is coming!

Snowy, frosty, spruce!

Joyful, friendly, happy -

Twelfth, tireless!

After all, people are waiting for him,

Always dreaming of a miracle!

Happiness is already starting in it!

Let it be bright for everyone

4 dwarf - Happy New Year, new snow!

Let dreams come true

So that barriers - without a run -

Awesome height!

There is no better holiday!

How much joy in the soul!

New thoughts in a new song

New meetings and in general! ..

Let the past not return

A new day will come again

Only the old remains

Our friendship and love!

5 dwarf - This is how the world works,

Starting from the beginning of the universe:

New year - many summers,

To the outgoing - goodbye!

May all of us be warmed by expectations!

May our success not be torn to pieces!

May we become kinder and wiser!

Happy new year friends! With new happiness!

6 dwarf - May happiness come to you in the New Year

Will definitely come into the house!

Keep the door open

And wait for his appearance.

Will cross your threshold

And relieve anxiety

All diseases and misfortunes,

Even small misfortunes.

Will bring you to the New Year

Lots of fun things to do

And work for the soul -

But not for money!

7 dwarf - I want to congratulate you today,

On a beautiful New Year's day,

So that your New Year's holiday is merry,

And you dropped a heavy burden of worries.

Let the table be set in spite of the blizzard, bad weather,

A full glass is poured with champagne,

Let there be only happiness in your house,

May the coming year be the best.

Leading: And our students can sing…

(song "And it's snowing")

Leading: And yes, they can dance...

(tango dance)

Father Frost: Yes, you have talented students in your college.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, let's check if they can play?

Father Frost: Let's granddaughter play the game "Freeze" - show your hands guys, and don't blame anyone I freeze - do my job.

(play a game and choose 10 people)

Father Frost: So, here are the frozen ones. And to keep warm you need to sing ditties.

(students sing ditties)

The life of a cheerful student

Deserves compliments!

Only here is a headache,

You have to learn everything!

It's cool that the student lives,

Glory and honor to him!

How to pass what offset,

Knowledge student gnaws!

He writes a big kursak,

In words - a great artist!

Goes straight to the Internet

And shakes without problems!

We will sing ditties

Let's sing without delay -

I didn't come for a couple

Not alone - with Olezhka!

Oh, student, you are destiny,

You are a bitter fate

The second year I twist love

With only one trio.

Outside the window, a car drives

Yellow with a flasher

I'm caught red-handed today

With a long crib.

Unlucky, so unlucky

Unlucky boy:

There are no ratings

In his record book.

Oh student life

Fortune you are wrong:

I won't graduate from college

Probably never me.

Dear moms, dads,

Aunts, uncles, grandmothers!

Give me money, at least a little

We would hit ok!

The life of a student is fun

Too bad it's not permanent

She'll be over soon

Our life is carefree.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, you need to test them again. Let's have a competition for the best dancer.

Father Frost: And come on, granddaughter, and let's warm ourselves up.

(competition for the best dance)

Father Frost:

Today at New Year's celebration

And in this most wondrous hour

I want God to be your mentor

More joy in store!

Snow Maiden:

So that there was a lot of laughter, light!

For more magic!

So that all the answers to questions

Found simple for a reason!

Father Frost:

So that all adversity disappears at once!

So that there is happiness all the years!

Good weather in my heart

To live forever!!!

(Song "New Year")

Presenter: Father Frost and the Snow Maiden went on to distribute congratulations and gifts.

Leading: And we have a New Year's disco ...


Leave a request to write a script

(the background of the song “New Year” sounds. Baba Yaga and Koschey the Immortal, the hosts of the ball, enter the stage, dancing).

(The song is interrupted by the words "again they will deceive us, they will not give us anything")

(B-Z and K. B push, shift from foot to foot, don't know where to start.)

K.B: Begin?

B-Z: Begin!

K.B: Are you worried?

B.I: No no.

K.B: And who do we represent, explained?

B.I: Explain.

K.B: We represent the unclean

And not just the two of us

All with an artistic whistle

Forest-grown, their own.

And from them...

B.I: Say it straight

K.B: Conversation and so my straight.

All the impure program

We give you for the Christmas tree

B.I: Well, what's in this program

Not a secret?

K.B: what secret?

There is witchcraft and slander

There is this, and that, and this...

B.I: Well, boredom, for an hour, no?

K.B: Well, why, Yaga, so rudely?

Boredom is out of the question these days

Judas himself reported to me

Boredom in hell.

B.I: So, in our program

A real noisy ball?


Together: Evil evil spirits open the carnival!

(fon-ma fanfare or something solemn)

K.B: And nothing, nice start!

B.I: Still would! We are arranging a ball for our own, for evil spirits. (referring to guests)

Meaning so! I warn everyone at once! Santa Claus and Snow Maiden will not be here today. We will command the parade, that is, the ball!

K.B: Listen to my command: to turn into evil spirits - sit, stand still! Kolduy, B.Ya.

B.I:(conjures) You spit over your shoulder,

To get hot!

There is a toad in the swamp, a woman in the garden ...

(during witchcraft, the lights are dimmed. Masks are distributed to everyone in the hall evil spirits. Or everyone should bring them in advance and put them on while B. I conjures)

(if you are under 16 years old, then after witchcraft you can play a chants game with the movements of "Grandma Yozhka")

B.I: That's fine! (rubs hands). Now we have a full hall of evil spirits ... And then what?

B.I: Well, evil spirits, become a round dance!

The song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

K.B: And now we dance to my music. Light it up, brothers!

Dance block 3 - 4 dances.

K.B: The old year is seen off, and the new one is welcomed. Only I still do not understand: was the year kzy or the year of the sheep? (insert any outgoing year. For example: “I didn’t understand what year the tiger was: Chinese or Bengal?”)

B, I: Goats... Sheep... What's the difference? (Chinese… Bengali… striped, damn it!)

Now I’ll call the sorcerer, he will conjure us.

You spit over your shoulder

To get hot!

In the swamp - a toad, in the garden - a woman.

Top-top, clap-clap, pah-pah!

(V. Serduchka's "SMS" phono sounds, The Enchanter enters the stage)

B.I: Kasatik, help me out! Create for us the animal of the outgoing year.

(The sorcerer conjures, sings to the music of the "Uneducated Wizard")

1st version of the song.

I want to make a goat

Or I want a sheep

Or sheep and goats

I don't remember something

(mutant animal enters the stage)

You instead of sheep and goats

cute sheep goat

Nice Sheep Goat

It's true, I'm a genius! Yes Yes Yes!

PV: No wonder witch mothers

Wasted time with me

No wonder he nursed me

most famous mage

Yes Yes Yes!

(sing B. I and K, B)

Wise teachers

You listened, oh, carefully!

And created the animal of the year

You somehow!

2nd version of the song.

I'll make a couple for you

Tigers pa-ra-ru-ram

To not get torn

And they did not shout: "Shoot!"

Here, get it right away

Super double order

Baby, come here!

Don't be afraid of evil!

PV:(from the first version)

(B.Ya, K.B and the Wizard dance around the year)

K.B: Well, Wizard, you give!!!

B.I: What's your name, little head?

Sheep goat:(heads speak in turn)

1st Me

2nd– Be

Together: We do not know.

1st I used to be the year of one animal

2nd- And after such sorcery, it became the year of the Sheep-Goat

1st— And this is the last day of his reign on Earth!

Wizard: Why was he scuttling, running away ?! Should rejoice! Got to such a party! It would be better to say goodbye, as it should be, with a respected evil spirit!

B.I: And that is true! Hang out with us a bit and go wherever you need to go.

K.B: We will not keep. We still have a lot of traditional FAQs to do.

(Sheep goat grabs the Wizard's hand. Looks with an imploring look. The Wizard tries to escape)

Wizard: It seems you don't need me anymore. I'll go and do some black magic. (Turns to Sheep Goat) Let me go! He said, I'll consult with specialists. Maybe I'll break up. (leaves to the music. "The Magician of the Dropout")

B.I: Well, that's nice! Come on, Sheepkozik, cheer up the dark people.

Sheep goat: then I propose to dance and play

Dance game block

- A game "Dance in reverse"

- A game "Song in Animal Language"(grunt any song, growl, blubber ...)

(at the last dance, sea pirates and their chieftain appear in the hall)

Ataman: dances, sings to the music "Sultan")

It's me - chieftain, I'm a sea pirate.

It's me - the ataman, I'm a terrible bastard.

Well, this is chaps in my business

Brings terror and fear to everyone

(all thieves sing)

PV: We are evil guys - a-ha-ha-ha!

We are all cool - a-ha-ha-ha!

The ataman will allow to rob along the roads

We will bend all the little people into a ram's horn

Let's take the gold and go for a walk

In the restaurant with the brothers we will rest


It's boring for us, bros, to live in conscience

We would have to row bucks in his pocket in heaps

But on the other hand, in such cases

So many troubles and worries

Ah, God bless!


Ataman: What, dear evil spirits, did you decide to celebrate the New Year without us, to eat lamb skewers?

B.I: What are you, Atamanushka, how can you?

K.B: I don't eat meat at all, I'm a vegetarian.

Sheep goat: 1- Be. I'm not a lamb.

2- I am the outgoing year.

Together: let me go, pirates!

Ataman: Let go? Just? No! First, we will torture you, then we will test you, we will force you to fulfill all our desires ... And only then ... If our mercy pleases, maybe we will let you go.

Well, menagerie, do you agree?

Sheep goat: I will try

B.I: Do not be afraid, horned one, the evil spirits do not betray their own!

K.B: we will give you these eagles (points to those present) to help you. They know everything, they can do everything

Ataman: Then go to my pirate path. Well, who's brave?

(Ataman and pirates conduct a dance and game program)

Dance and game program

- dance game (to the music, move only that part of the body that is called)

Dancing hands

dancing head

Dancing feet, etc.

- "Music Game"

Answer the riddle with a song (for example: in winter and summer in one color. "The answer is the song" Little Christmas Tree ... ". Options: sing the 1st verse, stage the 2nd verse.

- The game "Gait" (to the music, walk around the Christmas tree with various gaits: goose, frog, like crayfish ...)

Sheep goat: Well, the path has been completed. It's time for me to leave.

Ataman: Where are you going? And who will fulfill the wishes?

Sheep goat: But I'm not a goldfish. I can only help you in calling the New Year.

B.I: Go, killer whale, we'll manage without you. (seeing off the outgoing year)

K.B: Why did you let go, old woman! Are you not friends with brains at all? Now, do your own magic!

B.I: Well, I'll conjure.

You spit over your shoulder.

To get hot!

In the swamp - a toad, in the garden - a woman

Top-top, clap-clap, pah-pah!

(fon-ma “Mamba-lumba” sounds. Natives enter the stage, sing and dance)

Song of the natives (music "Chunga-Changa")

Bony-bo-bo - Monkey Island

Boni-bo-bo - I'm from the southern countries

Boni-bo-bo - tribal savages

Boni-bo-bo - we are not more fun

PV: South Island, wonder island

Living on it is easy and simple - 2 r

Miracle island!

Our tribe is constantly

Surrounded by monkeys - 2 r



Song of the natives - the second option for the year of the rabbit

Bony-bo-bo - the island of savages

Boni-bo-bo - aka - the year of the rabbits

Boni-bo-bo - his hour has struck

Boni-bo-bo - he came for you!

PV: South Island, wonder island

Living on it is glamorously simple - 2 p

Miracle island!

There all year round

Very satisfying, very drunk - 2 r



Native: To all the impure and leading:


And our native bow!

K.B: What are you, an old man? What kind of hipach came to us?

B.I: What are you grumbling about, you walking dried fruit! Are you not chasing? A man brought us news about the New Year.

Native: Right. But there is another trap

That is a tricky riddle. From the palm tree down, onto the palm tree again deftly jumps ...

(everyone answers "monkey")

Native: Well done! Here is your New Year - the year of the monkey

(here is your New Year - the year of the rabbit ...)

(a monkey or other animal runs onto the stage)

Monkey: I ran, I jumped

I didn't miss your ball

I see a tree. And the people

I invite you to the round dance!

small dance block

Monkey: Oh, how fun, how interesting! And where are Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden?

B.I: Have you ever seen them?

Monkey: No

K.B:(joyfully) So here we are! I am Santa Claus!

B.I: And I'm a Snow Maiden!

Monkey: Oh how great! Snow Maiden, play with me! Grandpa, give me a toy, make my wish come true!

K.B: Which presents? Have you fallen from a palm tree? You yourself should give us gifts, you are the New Year!

B.I: It is you who should amuse us all year long!

Monkey: falls to the floor, naughty) I want gifts! Want! Want…

(fon-ma “The Magician of the Dropout” sounds, the Wizard appears, sings)

Song of the Wizard

I wanted to make Snow ...

I got Yaga

Old Yaga

Instead of the Snow Maiden

Instead of Grandpa, I

Conjured you (points to Koshchei)

I conjured fear

Skin and bones!

PV:(sing B. I and K. B)

The Gift of the Witch's Mother

Wasted time with you

I suffered for nothing with you

most famous mage

Yes Yes Yes!

Wise teachers

You didn't listen carefully

And on earth arranged for everyone

The worst hell ever!

Wizard: It's all my fault, I conjured a dirty trick, I mixed everything up! Don't cry, New Year. Have fun while the guests, and I'll go to re-conjure these. (leaves with B. I and K. B. They resist)

dance block

(phon-ma “Arrival of Santa Claus” sounds. Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden enter the hall)

D.M: Hello my dear! Old and young! I congratulate you, friends, Happy New Year! Here I am!

Snow: Hello people! Oh, where are the people? There is only evil here!

Monkey: This is B. I bewitched everyone

D.M: Nothing, now we will disenchant everyone. New Year, help me and the Snow Maiden read the spell for the magic dance.

Monkey: From ancient times to now

New Year is in our honor.

D.M: Today is a holiday. Hey people!

Start a round dance!

Snow: There will be a white dance, ballroom

He is magical

very tender words

Dance against witchcraft!

(White dance is announced. During the dance, the partners remove their masks from each other, get to know each other)

Dance and entertainment program at the Christmas tree.

Suitable scenarios for the holiday:

  • To cheerful music, Little Baba Yaga and Raven Abrahas bring children into the hall, put ...
  • Actors Winter. Santa Claus. Hedgehogs. Sylvester. Baba Yaga. Snowflake. Snow Maiden. Father Frost. New…