
Alexander Griboedov "All smart grief is from the mind.". True patriotism in the work of A.S. Griboedov "Woe from the mind so what conclusions can be made

Interactive exhibition of one book for the birthday of Griboedov A. S.

Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov is a famous Russian writer, poet, playwright, a brilliant diplomat, a Stat adviser, the author of the legendary play in verses "grief from the mind," was the descendant of an old nobility. Born in Moscow on January 15 (January 4, under Art. Art.) 1795, from an early age he manifested itself extremely developed, and a diversified, child. Provided parents tried to give him beautiful home education, and in 1803 Alexander became a pupil of the Moscow University Noble Pension. At the eleventh age, he was already a student of Moscow University (verbal branch). Becoming in 1808 by a candidate of verbal sciences, Griboedov finishes two more offices - moral and political and physical and mathematical. Alexander Sergeevich became one of the most educated people among his contemporaries, knew about a dozen foreign languages, was very good musically.

With the beginning of the Patriotic War of 1812, Griboedov joined the ranks of volunteers, but he did not have to participate directly in hostilities. In the rank of Kornet Griboyedov in 1815, he served in the cavalry regiment, which was in reserve. By this time, the first literary experiments include the comedy "Young spouses", which was a translation of the French play, article "On Cavalry Reserves", "Letter from Brest-Litovsk to the publisher."

In early 1816, A. Griboyedov is resigned and comes to live in St. Petersburg. Working in the Foreign Affairs College, he continues to work on a new writer's writer, makes transfers, poured into theatrical and literary circles. It was in this city that fate gave him an acquaintance with A. Pushkin. In 1817, A. Griboyedov tried forces in drama, writing a comedy "his own family" and "student".

In 1818, Griboedov appointed the secretary of the royal attorney, who led the Russian mission in Tehran, and this radically changed his further biography. The expulsion of Alexander Sergeyevich is expelled as a punishment for the fact that he spoke in a second fatal scandalous duel. Staying in Iranian Tabriz (Tavriz) was indeed painful for a beginner writer.

In the winter of 1822, Tiflis became a new place of Griboedov, and the new boss - General A.P. Yermolov, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador to Tehran, Commander of Russian troops in the Caucasus, in which Griboedov was secretary in the diplomatic part. It was in Georgia that he wrote the first and second act of comedy "grief from the mind." The third and fourth acts were already composed in Russia: in the spring of 1823 Griboedov left the Caucasus on vacation to their homeland. In 1824, the last point in the work was put in St. Petersburg, the path of which was a thorny. The comedy could not be published due to the ban on censorship and diverged in handwritten lists. Only small fragments "slipped" to print: they were in 1825 included in the almanac of the Russian Waist. Griboedov's brainchild got a high rating of A.S. Pushkin.

Griboedov planned to take a journey to Europe, but in May 1825 he had to urgently return to the service in Tiflis. In January 1826, in connection with the case of Decembrists, he was arrested, kept in the fortress, after which they were taken to St. Petersburg: the name of the writer emerged several times at interrogations, besides, during searches, there were handwritten copies of his comedy. Nevertheless, the lack of evidence of the investigation had to release Griboedov, and in September 1826 he returned to the fulfillment of official duties.

In 1828, the Turkmanchai peace treaty was signed, which corresponded to the interests of Russia. He played a certain role in the biography of the writer: Griboedov participated in his conclusion and delivered the text of the agreement to St. Petersburg. For merit, a talented diplomat was awarded a new position - the Plenipotentiary Minister (ambassador) of Russia in Persia. In his appointment, Alexander Sergeevich saw the "political link", plans for the implementation of numerous creative designs collapsed. With a heavy heart in June 1828, St. Petersburg leaves Griboedov.

Getting to the place of service, for several months he lived in Tiflis, where his wedding with a 16-year-old Nina Chavchavadze took place in August. In Persia, he left with a young spouse. In the country and abroad existed forces that did not suit the increased influence of Russia, which cultivated in the consciousness of the local population dislike to its representatives. On January 30, 1829, the Russian embassy was in Tehran underwent a cruel attack of the rustered crowd, and A.S. became one of his victims. Griboedov, who dismissed to such an extent that was identified only by the characteristic scream on his hand. The body was taken to Tiflis, where the end of his chapter was the grotto under the church of St. David.

Project objectives: 1. The study of the characters of the Heroes of Comedy is their attitude to progress. 2. Removing examples of burning from the mind on the examples of the XX -XXI century. 3. A selection of twins of the heroes of the XIX-XX-XXI century through an associative series of well-known persons, works and films character.

Famuses - a rich nobleman; Famuses - a rich nobleman; Molchanin - Secretary of Famusov; Molchanin - Secretary of Famusov; Colonel Rockozub; Colonel Rockozub; Family Gori; Family Gori; Prince and Princess Toguhovsky with six daughters; Prince and Princess Toguhovsky with six daughters; Countess Grandma and Granddaughter Hryumina; Countess Grandma and Granddaughter Hryumina; Zagoretsky and reheetles; Zagoretsky and reheetles; Old Westhouse - Prelimenitsa Famusov Old Man Hersezova - Prelimenic Famusov

Typical representative of the Moscow nobility. Angry enlightenment hater. He belongs to the words about the "madness" of Chatsky: "The study is the plague, the scholar is the reason." "Low-alternial, lets", a person, deprived of genuine dignity and honor, reptiles in front of higher for the receipt of ranks and wealth. He refers to his peasants without the slightest respect. He calls them and "cocks", and "fombists", and "chumbans", and lazy "tetra." The landowner is perfectly aware of its privileged position, but to make it still calm and long, surrounds itself with dependent people. Typical representative of the Moscow nobility. Angry enlightenment hater. He belongs to the words about the "madness" of Chatsky: "The study is the plague, the scholar is the reason." "Low-alternial, lets", a person, deprived of genuine dignity and honor, reptiles in front of higher for the receipt of ranks and wealth. He refers to his peasants without the slightest respect. He calls them and "cocks", and "fombists", and "chumbans", and lazy "tetra." The landowner is perfectly aware of its privileged position, but to make it still calm and long, surrounds itself with dependent people.

A typical representative of the Arakcheev army environment. In his appearance, there is nothing caricature: Historically, he is quite truthful. The purpose of his service he sees not in the defense of the Fatherland from the encroachment of the enemy, but to achieve wealth and knowledge. A typical representative of the Arakcheev army environment. In his appearance, there is nothing caricature: Historically, he is quite truthful. The purpose of his service he sees not in the defense of the Fatherland from the encroachment of the enemy, but to achieve wealth and knowledge.

A miserable stall and lets, blessing and pitiful, he is trying to refuel to gentlemen, depicting "love" to Sofye. He comes in order, but he himself does not notice this meanness. He is not enough not only the love of the girl, but even its respect. This is a low and unpleasant person, no one inspires any confidence. A miserable stall and lets, blessing and pitiful, he is trying to refuel to gentlemen, depicting "love" to Sofa. He comes in order, but he himself does not notice this meanness. He is not enough not only the love of the girl, but even its respect. This is a low and unpleasant person, no one inspires any confidence.

Chatsky smart, ardent, passionate, decisive, stubborn "sensitive, cheerful and Oster", squeezes all, argue, "honest, active nature, moreover, a fighter, the future Decembrist, a representative of the" Century of the present ". Smart, ardent, passionate, decisive, stubborn "sensitive, cheerful and oster", squeezes everyone, argue, "honest, active nature, moreover, another fighter", the future Decembrist, a representative of the "Century of the present".

Sophia Smart, read, loved unworthy, protects him, suffering. Deep in the soul gentle, wounded, clean, but is spoiled by the Famovsky education ... Smart, well-read, loved unworthy, protects him, suffering. Deep in the shower gentle, wounded, clean, but is spoiled by the Famovsky education ...

Conclusion The first conclusion is the first heroes of the comedy represent the "century century" and the "century past", only the image of Sophia intermediate, as its nature is typical for girls of all time. Comedy heroes represent the "century century" and the "century past", only the image of Sophia intermediate, since its nature is typical for girls of all time.

The conclusion of the second characters of the heroes, their actions and their relationship described in the comedy are found today, therefore, the comedy is immortal. The characters of the heroes, their actions and their relationship described in the comedy are found today, therefore, the comedy is immortal.

Woe from the mind? Lit. ũmas "meaning" probably borrowed. from glory. Sniply lit. Aumuõ "Mind", occasion, associated with Art. - Slave. Aviti "Obviously." Lit. ũmas "meaning" probably borrowed. from glory. Sniply lit. Aumuõ "Mind", occasion, associated with Art. - Slave. Aviti "Obviously." lith.ũmaslit.aumuõst. - Slave. Evanuõht.ũmaslit.aumuõst .- Slave.














Conclusion Third 39 Each product of the activity of the mind carries both positive and negative sides, therefore, really happens to grief from the mind. Each product activity product carries both positive and negative sides, therefore, really happens to the mind.

Aphorisms from the comedy aphorisms from the comedy of the smoke of the Fatherland of us sweet and pleasant. The smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us. It would be glad to serve sissing. It would be glad to serve sissing. And who are the judges? And who are the judges? Evil languages \u200b\u200bare terrible pistol. Evil languages \u200b\u200bare terrible pistol. MOUNT US WOMAN ALL SUBSTELLS, AND BARSKY WERRING AND BARSKY LOVE. MOUNT US WOMAN ALL SUBSTELLS, AND BARSKY WERRING AND BARSKY LOVE. Happy hours do not observe. Happy hours do not observe.

And the grief is waiting for the corner. And the grief is waiting for the corner. Hero ... not my novel. Hero ... not my novel. I just got to the generals! I just got to the generals! Have children who do not take away. Have children who do not take away. Careet me, carriage! Careet me, carriage! Ba! Familiar all persons! Ba! Familiar all persons! Although animals, but still kings! Although animals, but still kings!

Answer from Anatoly Rosets [Guru]
Literary critches are considered the author of these lines A. I. Polezhaev.
Unreasonably, Griboedov was attributed to the "epigraph" to "grief from the mind":
Fate ledgear, chalunya
Determined so herself:
All stupid happiness from madness,
And smart - grief from the mind.
(Option of the second verse: "It set up in the world so it"). This epigraph, existing in the lists of 1824, is about 20 times the comedy in the publications of 1860-1912. However, none of the authorized lists of this epigraph, there are no other instructions on belonging to His Griboedov. In some lists, the author named A. I. Polezhaev.
In any case, the author of these lines is not Griboedov!
(for Natalie: and not Vyazemsky!)
A source:

Answer from CJ Stratos.[expert]
you can be a molboeadov ...

Answer from Natalia Askherov[guru]
"The fate of the ledgear-chalunya distributed everything herself: all stupid - happiness from the madness, all smart - grief from the mind" - this is the epigraph "awarded" the Vyazemsky immortal comedy Griboyedov.

Answer from Oleg Kozlov[newcomer]
With the latest thesis agree:
Happy smart did not see.
But at the expense of happiness
I would still have twisted.

Answer from Alexander Kulikov[newcomer]
These lines belong to Nicholas Dorizo

Answer from Anatoly Rybakov[newcomer]
very similar to Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

Answer from 3 response[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with the answers to your question: Who is the author: The fate of ledgear-chalunya distributed everything: to all stupid - happiness from madness, all smart - grief from the mind?

Class: 9

"It all amazes, lures, attracts attention ...". So wrote about the "grief from the mind" by A.S.Griboyedov A.A. Kestuzhev. Forbidden to print and setting on the stage of the theater, comedy, or, by definition of the author himself, the stage poem enjoyed rabid popularity. The text has repeatedly rewritten from the hand, memorized, A.S.Griboyedov was invited to "for the evening" to read her masterpiece. Critics argued about him, admired, condemned, praised, criticized ... The popularity of the "scenic poem" is quite explained: the ideas of the Decembrism in Russian society, the confrontation of the "century of the current and century past", other than the classicism system of characters .. but sometimes it is difficult to explain today Schoolchildren, what exactly is the grief of the characters comedy and why this grief takes its origins from the mind. But try still worth it. So, Mount from Um or "All stupid - happiness from madness, all smart - grief from the mind".

The first to pay attention to schoolchildren is the name of the work. The name of the comedy "grief from the mind" already indicates that the comedy heroes tolerate grief from their mind. However, Original Griboedov called his work "Mount Maew". What is the meaning of this change? Let's listen to the answers of children and, if possible, we give them to the "shared denominator." The initial version of the title gave to understand that the grief is only in smart people. Grief can not be if there is no mind. The final version of the comedy name focuses the reader's attention on strong heroes with the concept of mind, but undergoing grief because they cannot properly dispose of their mind.

Griboedov in a letter P.A. Kathenin pointed out: "In my comedy 25 fools on one sensible person." Who meant Griboedov? It seems that the answer is obvious: Chatsky. Consequently, other heroes of the play are fools. But is it really? Sweese and mind are manifested in the actions of a person. Let's turn to the actions of the heroes.

Chatsky - there was no three years, did not write letters, suddenly he was rushed into the house of Famusov with recognition in love of Sophia (pay attention to the age of the heroine); does not make an official proposal, conflict with the Famusov (father of Sofia), jealies to the scalosis and silence, reproaches sophia in coldness; Making sure that Molchalin preferred him, it begins to criticize and make fun of the Famousov's guests on the ball, where the Chazzian himself is only a guest; Accidentally becoming a witness to the recognition of silence to Lisa, does not spare feelings of Sophia (beloved), offended. So what kind of intelligent act did the hero? No! But should the Chatcoma refuse his mind? Of course no . After all, he is a person educated, thinking about the advanced and progressively for his time, just he is young, hot, in love, offended .... hence the absurdity of actions, and the illogicality of actions, and the weird behavior.

Although Pushkin refused to the Chatskom in the mind, considering his behavior unacceptable for a smart person, because the smart person would not "throw beads before pigs," will not put himself in a funny and stupid position.

Famuses - influential one, surname, a dear man in society; He honors the norms and rules of behavior in society, Growing Chatsky, when he remained without parents, helped him establish the right connections, taught life, instructed. Returned Chatsky gives sensible and delight advice, how best to get in this life; Valuates his renome successful and impeccable person. So are you a fool before us? Not. But actions. ... does not see what is happening under his nose (the connection of Sofia and Molchalin), does not understand the danger of emanating from Chatsky, allows the family scandal to become the ownership of society. Why does a clever man behave like a boy?

Sofya - "Strong Nature, Live Mind, Personality and Women's Softness" according to I.A.Gongcharov. For the girl of the beginning of the XIX century, it is very progressive and smart. She herself chooses his lover, and this is not a "golden bag" of the scalosis, but the inconspicuous and far away of the unrelated zerkollin (Secretary of Famusov); Sophia is not ashamed of his choice, almost does not hide him, for the sake of personal happiness, she is ready to go to the end: not allow to intervene by the Chatcoma and solve her fate of Famowov. In essence, Sofya Routet, rebellious against the norms and laws of the Moscow society, and although its riot is limited only to a person-family sphere, this is still a riot. But the smart and faithful Sophia is mistaken in the most important thing: in choosing a beloved. The adaptability of Molchalin she takes for respect for people, his desire to please - for dedication, the fahamism - for the depth and subtlety of feelings, and even poverty and the dependent position of Molchanlin only decorate it in the eyes of Sofia. Disappointment it will be painful. It will be aggravated by the betrayal of Molchalin (Lisa's love confession).

Molchanin - "Here he is on tiptoe and is not rich in words" by definition of Chatsky, the Motherwise Secretary of the Famusov, who dreams of getting out into people. And for this, all means are good. Chatsky is frankly mocking and over the silence itself, and above its life position (please all people without a balance; find patrons). But it is easy to mock something: the Chapsky himself - a person is quite wealthy, it was provided by the necessary connections, and it is not necessary to hope for someone who is silent. He will have to just seek his own, he is fighting for wealth, strength and power. But who can you reproach for the desire to "get to the degrees of famous"? For smart and cunning silence, all means are good. And he is already close to his first goal: to become an indispensable for Famousov, "Fail" by patrons, become a full member of the Formscian society, thanks to the marriage of Sofye. And the rest is "business of technology." And how stupidly, Molchanin himself destroys everything that with such difficulty reached. Not coofer with their feelings and emotions, admits in love Liza. And isn't an intelligent person on a love passion card all his efforts?! Now they are lost both Sophia, and the Famous House, and ambitious dreams and plans.

Lisa - at first glance only the maid of Sophia, helping his mistress in love secrets. But if you look at carefully, Lisa from a simple maid turns into a trustee and a friend of Sophia. It is not a banal subrete, but rather a "double-heroine". Prudantive Lisa binds its future not with the Famusov ("MOUNT us the way of all the peasants and the Barsky anger and the Barsky love"), not with the handsome silence, namely, with Sofia. It is from Sofia Lisa that expects to obtain certain benefits, therefore serves as true and caution. But the lysine rationalism does not lead it to the goal. She becomes a "victim" of nonsense and mistakes of others.

It turns out that the main characters of the comedy are smart people, everyone has their own mind, and their understanding of the mind. You can draw conclusions. These definitions proposed students themselves.

  • Pharmuses - powerful mind;
  • Chatsky - socially enlightened mind;
  • Sophia - purposeful, decisive mind;
  • Molchanin is an ambitious mind;
  • Lisa - rational, reasonable mind.

The trouble is only that the smart characters do not make intelligent acts in virtue of different circumstances and in the final of the plays there are anything.

So what do we get? All carriers of 5 leading types of minds (by definition of schoolchildren) suffer collapse, their mind does not help to achieve the goal and gain happiness. It comes out, the goal of Griboedov was the desire to debunk the mind as the basis of happiness. But then there must be something that the mind is opposed. However, no "opposition" is not! You can, of course, assume that Griboedov wanted to debunk either "old" or "new" types of mind, but in the plot of comedies both like a mind crash.

To figure it out, let's decide that it is based on the conflict of the play. Pupils give answers that the teacher parries.

- collision of two ideological positions: Decembrism (Chatsky) and the old nobility (Famusovskoe society). But where exactly collision? There are attacks of Chatsky and the confidence of society that he is crazy.

- love drama Sofia.But this is too small for this comedy, besides, no one receives sophia, the conflict remains not permitted.

The problem of human happiness and his relationship with the world. Each of the carriers of one or another type of mind seeks fortunately, he understands him in his own way and does not acquire it.

Why? This is the main question of our conversation. And the answer to this question gives Chatsky himself, and its formula is suitable for each central hero . "Mind with a heart is not in Lada." And if the main problem of comedy - the problem of gaining happiness, it becomes clear why the mind does not help the heroes why only grief from the mind. Because this mind is not in Rud with a heart. Consequently, according to Griboedov, to achieve the happiness of the mind is not enough, as not enough heart, the main thing is to lead to the state of harmony mind and heart. Harmony of mind and hearts - the main condition for achieving happiness.

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