
Lord Golovy Analysis of the work. Gentlemen, Saltykov-Shchedrin as a socio-psychological novel. Three generations in the novel. Arina Petrovna and Jewish Roman Lord Golovy Three generations of the Golovny family

Reality reflected in the novel. The novel "Lord Golovy" was written by generous between 1875 and 1880. Separate parts of it were part of the essays in the cycle, called "freed-free speech." As part of this cycle, for example, the heads "Family Court", "family", "family results" were printed, for example. But, having received hot approval from Nekrasov and Turgenev, Shchedrin decided to continue the story of the puzzles and allocate him into a separate book. In 1880 her first edition came out.

The crisis of the social system of Russia, so acutely seized various spheres of her life, which was particularly affected by the decomposition of family relations. Related links have become in their eyes, once connected members of numerous noble families. The fragility of the property and economic relations and the rottenness of the morality, which bonded people united by related bonds. Earl the honors of the senior, sweating the care of the upbringing of the younger. The defining became proprietary claims. All this perfectly showed generin in the novel of the "Lord Golovyevy", which became one of the highest achievements of Russian realism.

Three generations of one "noble nest".The writer recreated the life of the landlord family in the pre-reform and especially in the colors of Russia, the gradual decay of the "noble nest" and the degradation of its members. The decomposition captures three generations of puzzles. The older generation includes Arina Petrovna and her husband Vladimir Mikhailovich, to the middle of their sons Porphiri, Stepan and Paul, and to the younger - the grandchildren of Peten, Volodyak, Anninkha and Foreign. One of the features of the composition of the Book of Shchedrin is that each of its chapter includes as the most important outcome of the existence of a "fruitless family" the death of one of the puzzles. The first chapter shows the death of Stepan, in the second - Paul, in the third - Vladimir, in the fourth - Arina Petrovna and Peter (the multiplication of deaths occurs in his eyes), in the last chapter it is narrating about the death of the dying, the death of Porphyria and dying Anninki.

The writer outlines a peculiar predetermination of the degradation of members of the branched family of puzzles. Stepan shall be remembered by the details characterizing orders in the pitchly: "Here is Uncle Mikhail Petrovich (in the surprise of Mishka-Buyan), who also belonged to the number of" Caught "and which Grandfather Peter Ivanich sharpened to her daughter in her husband, where he lived in Human and ate from One cup with a dog trorrel. Here is the aunt of Vera Mikhailovna, who lived from the mercy in the girlfriend estate from the brother Vladimir Mikhayleycha and who died of moderation, "because Arina Petrovna Coris is her every piece eaten by dinner, and every liner," used for heating her room ". It becomes clear that the children in this family initially can not respect the elders if those their parents hold on the position of the pieces and at the same time they were hunger. Clear and more: Children will repeat this practice in their own behavior. Shchedrin thoroughly characterizes the lifestyle and traces the fate of all the named representatives of the three generations.

Vladimir Mikhailovich and Arina Petrovna.Here is the head of the family - Vladimir Mikhailovich Podleyov,famous for his careless and mischievous character, life idle and idleness. It is characterized by mental debauchery, writing "free poems in the spirit of Barkov", which his wife called "poker", and their author is the "windmill" and the "tangible balalaica". The idle life has strengthened the battle and "diluted" the brains of the senior husband. Over time, he began to drink and pour "maid girls". Arina Petrovna first treated it for it, and then waved his hand on the "Girls and Mustache". His wife's sickle-senior called "Witch" and shuffled about her with his older son Stepan.

Arina itself Petrovnawas a full-awake mistress in the house. A lot of strength, energy and wolf harsh prevail to expand possessions, accumulate good and multiply capital. It was despaling and uncontrollably managed by peasants and households, although with all four thousand shower, she belonged to it, she did not know how to cope. She dedicated his whole life to the joke, the desire for accumulation and, as it seemed to her creation. However, this activity was meaningless. In his zeal and storage, it very much resembles Gogol Plushin. Her son Stepan talks like that of Mother: "How much, brother, she oversleep - passion!<...> The fresh stock of the abyss, and she will not touch him, as long as the old rot it does not come! " She overtook her rich supplies in the cellar and barn, where they turn into alert. The writer gives Arina Petrovna terrible cruelty. Roman and begins with the fact that the hostess of the estate is spreading with the Moscow-in-law of Ivan Mikhailovich, or in no obedy person, giving him to recruits.

A lot of Arina Petrovna speaks of "family bings". But this is just a hypocrisy, because to strengthen the family, it does nothing and divides it methodically. According to Shchedrin, the children "did not affect her inner creature," since these strings themselves were not, and it turned out to be the same "tangible balalaica, like her husband. There is no borders of her for children with respect to children: she can starve them with hunger, keep locked like Stepan, not interested in their health when they are sick. She is convinced that if "threw a piece of" son ", then she should not know more with him. Arina Petrovna hypocrinely announces that for girls-orphans "money kits" and takes care of them, but feeds them to Luzzy Solonina and crept on the reproaches of these "beggars", "Darmotov", "unsaturated womb", and in a letter to Porphyria calls them angry " puppies. " His children, and without that humiliated, she tries to remake even more, specifically selecting suitable insults for this. "You're like, like a mouse on a barbecue, inflated!" She shouts Paul. And in other cases, it resorts to such comparisons that should be offended by saying, pushing the interlocutor in the dirt. "What did I like to know that he is the parental blessing, like a unloaded bone, threw out in the messenger pit? "She will promote. "There is no pimple on the nose in the nose," the mother puts his caught children. And immediately all the Hangeyski is trying to furnish with a polenancy, references to God and the Church. And necessarily accompanies these actions with false and lies. So she meets his sons when they are on the family court: solemnly, killed by grief, with swinging legs. And Shchedrin commemorates: "In general, she loved in the eyes of children to play the role of a venerable and depressed mother ..." But the permanent thirst for enrichment, rounding the estates and storage killed in it and finally agreed his sense of mother. As a result, the "family stronghold", which she seemed to have erected, collapsed. It is curious that the name of Peter and Pass Rocking Petrovich, Petrovna, especially often flashed in the list of gholes, deafly reminding the etymology of this word ("stone"). But all the carriers of this name, right up to Pety, one after another leave the scene and dying. The "stone" of the stronghold turns out to be aimed and destroyed. Brother Mikhail Petrovich dies, then her husband, then the eldest and youngest sons, dies daughter, grandchildren. And Arina Petrovna actively promotes it. Everything that seemed to be built, it turned out to be ghostly, and she herself turned into a miserable and dyeing survival with her eyes and a horn back.

In detail characterizes the generous life and the fate of the eldest son of the subsidian - Stepana.Accustomed under the leadership of the Father "Keep" from childhood (then the gathering of the girl Anuti will spread in pieces, then the carotid Vazutka flies in his mouth, then the cake from the kitchen steals), he comes in the same way and in its forty years: on the way to the puzzle His satellites have a shtof vodka and sausage and is going to "in Heilo to transmit" all flies that the neighbor flew down. It is not by chance that this eldest son of the greenery is getting around in the family of a steamed ballback and a "stallion of long-life" and plays the role of the Rights jester in the house. It is distinguished by the character of a slave, intimidated, detailed surrounding, he does not leave his feeling that he, "as a worm, will die with hunger." Gradually, it turns out to be in the position of the Sweetman who lives on the edge of the "gray abyss" in the role of a post-handed son. He drinks, forgotten and despised by everyone, and dies or dying from a disturbed life, whether the mother disadvantages his own mother.

The eternal type of Porphyria Golovleva. The most bright in the novel of Shchedrin was drawn by Brother Stepan - Porphira puzzle. WITHchildhood was endowed by three nicknames. One thing is the "frank boy," - probably was associated with his addiction to the philantal. Two others particularly accurately expressed the essence of this Shchedrian hero. He was nicknamed by the Jewish, the name of the traitor. But Generina, this gospel name appears in a decreasing form, as the betrayal of the porphyry is not ambitious, but the budic, casual, although the vile, causing a feeling of impurity. So, during the Family Court, he betrays the brother Stepan, and then he also comes with the younger brother - Paul, contributing to his early death. Dying Paul turns to him with substantive words: "Juda! Traitor! Mother in the world allowed! " This time the word "Judas" sounds without its diminutive suffix. Predicts Porphyry and many other people depicted in the novel. The third nickname of Porphyria is "bloodworm." Both brothers represent it that is a vampire. According to Stepan, "This in the soul will fit without soap." "And your mother, the" old witch ", will shave with time: he and the imbey and capital of it will suck." And in the eyes of Pavel Porfiry looks like "blood flow". "He knew," the author notes, "that Judish's eyes exuded the poison that his voice, as if snakes, crashes into the soul and paralyzes the will of man." And because he is so confused by his "Pasky Image". This ability to suck blood from people especially pronounced first in the scene in the bed of Paul's patient, and then in the episode of the mother's fees, when he is ready to inspect her chests and take her tarantas from her.

Judushka is inherent in such properties as permanent flattery, fohymism and plenty. At that time, when Mama was in force, he listened to her sorry, smiled, sighed, rolled his eyes, told her tender words, said her. "Porphyry Vladimirch was ready to ride on himself, but feared that in the village, perhaps, there will be no one to repair them."

Even more disgusting looks hypocrisy Porphyria puzzle. The author of the novel, telling about the behavior of his hero in the bed of the dying, notes: This is a hypocrisy "it was to such a degree the need of his nature that he could not interrupt once a comedy." In the chapter "Family results", Shchedrin emphasizes that Judushka was "a hypocrite of a pure Russian sewing, that is, just a person, devoid of any moral measure,", and this property has connected in it with "ignorance without borders", asian, lies and southeability. Each time this hypocrite and a deceiver knocks down to turn to God, remember the Scripture, hesitantly waiting for his hands and Tomno running up the eye. But when he depicts a prayer, he thinks about another and whispers not divine.

Judushka is inherent in the "mental breaking" and void. He, according to the author, goes to "filing festivated". From morning to evening, he "talked over fantastic work": built all sorts of unless suggestions, "took into account himself, talked with imaginary interlocutors." And all this was subordinate to his predatoryness and "thirst for compassion", for and in his thoughts he was tyrann, Tomil people, praised the fines on them, ruined and sucked blood. The festivation finds for himself a beautiful form of incarnation - the void, whose master was the hero of Shchedrin. This manifests itself during the trial of Stepan and in episodes when the listener of his baking cards was made by Mama. Each of his low act, each of his blues and a complaint on people, he invariably furnits a puffy and fake phraseology. At the same time, he, according to Shchedrin, is not talking, but "pulls the bank", "reluctors", "rant", "anniversary", "Zudit". And therefore, not a simple trigger, it was, but "the ulcer of a mercury, which incentively sharpened the pus" and the constant "fraudulent word." Shchedrin, depicting Porphyria of the puzzle, relies on Gogol traditions. As Sobesevich, he praises his faithful fortress servants. As Plushkin, he is engaged in the accumulation and sits in a fearful coat. Like Manilan, he is subject to meaningless dreaminess and idle computing. But at the same time, brilliantly connecting comic with tragic, generin creates its own, unique image that entered the gallery of world types.

Great reproduces satirism relations of the mistress of estates and Jews with representatives of the third generation of puzzles. It turns out that the latter are victims of the ruthless relationship of greedy joints and hanges, cruel or criminal and indifferent people. This applies, above all, to the children of the sidewash himself.

Third generation, Vladimir, Petenka and niece. Vs.dIMIR,having introduced a family, I counted for the material assistance of the Father, especially since Jewish promised to support him. But at the last moment the hypocriser and the traitor refused money, and Vladimir in the attack of despair shot himself. Another son of Judushka - Petenka- crushed the government money. He is also to a rich father, counting on the aid. Having the son of the Jesuit phraseology, determining the request of the Son as the extortion of "on the cracked cases", Judushka drives out Petenka, who was convicted and on the road, without coming to the place of reference, died. With his mistress, Euptrakseyushka Judyshka takes on another son, which sends to the Moscow Educational House. The baby could not transfer the road to the winter time and died, becoming another victim of the "Blood".

A similar fate awaits the granddaughters of Arina Petrovna, the nieces of Judushki - Foreign and Anninka,gemini, who remained after the death of their mother. Defenseless and devoid of help drawn into the trial, they do not withstand the pressure of life circumstances. Foreignant resorts to suicide, and Anninke, who did not find the strength to drink poison, Judushka turns into a living dead man and pursues his harassment into her harassment, preceding the agony and death and this last soul from the granny race. So generin handed the history of the moral and physical degeneration of the three generations of the noble family, its decorations.

Genre peculiarity of the novel. Before us roman-Chronicle,consisting of seven relative to independent chapters, similar to generous essays, but bonded by a single plot and a tough chronology, the subordinate idea of \u200b\u200bsteady degradation and death. At the same time, this is a family novel compared with Epopea E. Zola "Roigon-Makcars". With all Paphos, he annudits the idea of \u200b\u200bthe integrity and fortress of the noble family and testifies to the deep crisis of the latter. The feature of the genre determined the originality of such components of the novel as landscape S.his stingy laconic, gloomy flavor and gray, poor paints; Images of household goods playing a special role in the proprietary world of the puzzles; portrait,emphasizing the steady "fastening" of heroes; The language, which is superbly revealing the essence of the played characters and transmitting the position of Satirik himself, its bitter irony, sarcasm and the label formulas of its nude speech.

Questions and tasks:

    As a crisis of the social system of Russia and the decomposition of familiesthe relationship was affected in the novel M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin?

    What do you see the features of the composition of this book satirist?

    What noteworthy in the appearance and behavior of senior members"Fomberant" family?

    How did the life of the rainflower?

    To what agents of artistic pictoriality and youm. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin is resorted toporphyria porphyry wrap?

    What is expected in the life of representatives of the third generationPowers?

    How do you define the genre of Shchedrinsky Creation?

The writer worked on the novel "Lord Golovy" (1875 - 1880) for several years. The first chapters first were printed as part of the "Disinfected Speech" cycle. This circumstance allows you to perceive the gorgers in a number of those satirical characters who love to pronounce "well-free speeches" in defense of the "sacred principles" of the state, church, property, family, constantly breaking them.

In its critical articles and reviews, Saltykov-Shchedrin has repeatedly argued that in the new historical conditions the genre of the novel should be modified. Former novel, closed in the advantage of the family motives, according to the writer, has already lost relevance. Nevertheless, "Lord Golovy" - it is a family and household novel, but at the same time he also turns into a novel socio-political in its trends and psychological according to the basic principle of narration. In the Soviet literature "Lord Golovlov" are compared with the "Ruggar - Makcara" cycle, E. Zola. Unlike the concept of a French writer, the degeneration of the characters was explained not to the biological laws of heredity, but social reasons. Not individual individuals are dying, not a separate family, but a whole public line.

In the Shchedrian novel, three generations of the Golovna family pass in front of the reader: Arina Petrovna, her children and grandchildren. In the first generation, the family still seems strong. Arina Petrovna, with energy peculiar and entrepreneuriality, lays the basics of goning welfare. But even then natural human relations are violated in the family. The abolition of serfdom accelerates the decomposition process, and in the second generation, the features of "fastenurity", dooms become more noticeable. The children of Arina Petrovna are unsuitable for life. Annushka dying, Stepan, a man in his own way talented, who graduated from even the university, but not having internal forces to resist his rotten environment, his brother Pavel dies ...

Arina Petrovna herself was forced to admit that her exceptional ministry of the family actually was the ministry of the ghost, which she herself created himself: "Something she sacked something, it was killed over something, and it turns out that it was killed over the ghost. All my life, the word "family" did not see her from her language, in the name of the family she executed alone, other awarded; In the name of the family, she subjected themselves to the deprivation, tied themselves, dismissed his whole life - and suddenly it turns out that the family is exactly from her! "

Even more clearly, the printing of the doom is manifested in the third generation, which dies very young. Against this background, an ominous figure of the middle son of Arina Petrovna is growing up - the Porphy-Riya, ninnable Judish. The image of the Jewish is the personification of predation, greed, hypocrisy. He, who destroyed all his loved ones - the mother, brothers, children, nieces, he himself obrives himself to an inevitable death. Saltykov-Shchedrin convincingly shows how the law, right, morality, the religion served Judyshka and him like shirma. He hypocrishes constantly - not only before others, but also before himself, hypocrishes even when it does not bring him any practical benefit. The writer specifically emphasized that this is not the hypocrisy of the Moliere Tartuf. Tartuf Lies deliberately, pursuing his definite and specific goal, and Jewish "not so much a hypocriser, but a pacosterty, liar and void."

On the example of Jewish, it is clearly visible, which role in the creation of a satirical image is played by the saltykova-generarine speech characteristic. So, after having arrived at the dying brother Pavel, Judyshu literally assimilate him with her nauseous and herds, even more so, disgusting, that it was controversial with "related" words formed with the help of diminutive suffixes: "Mama", "Friendly", "Pillow", " Voddy "and even" Maslice wooden ". Just before the death itself, "the terrible truth lit up his conscience, but illuminated late, without benefit, already when only the irrevocable and irreparable fact was stood before his eyes." There is an awakening of the wild conscience, which is a tragic element. It is not by chance that the writer recognized the writer in the period of the "granks" writer that he would "be a tragic try to try ..." The motive of the insight became leading in the novel. The insight that overtakes each of the members of the gorgeous family becomes a kind of court of conscience, moral retribution.

In the "gentlemen of the greenery" Saltykov-Shchedrin almost does not apply techniques that are characteristic of the "history of one city". Instead of satirical grotesque, hyperbolas, fiction writer uses the psychological analysis method, intently examines the inner world of his heroes, primarily Jewish Golovleva. Psychological analysis is conducted with the help of a complex interweaving of the speech system of characters with the author's assessment of their thoughts and experiences. Copyright is invariably felt throughout the book.

With all the specific class and historical conditionality, the image of Jewish has become a widest artistic generalization, acquired the value of a realistic symbol.

Roman Saltykova-Shchedrin and especially the image of his main acting face made a huge impression on contemporaries (Turgenev, Goncharov, Garshina, etc.) and reflected on the further development of Russian and Soviet literature. M. Gorky, always highly appreciated the work of the Great Satirik, directly used his traditions in his "Life of Klim Samgin". According to the wealth of realistic content, psychological skills, the breadth of generalization, Judushka Golovlev is one of the most advanced images in world classical literature.

Shchedrin called the Roman of the Lord Golovy's episodes from the life of one family. Each chapter is a complete story about a family event. And in print, they appeared gradually as independent essays. The intention of the single novel did not occur immediately. Nevertheless, this is a holistic work, which is based on the narrative of the collapse of the family and the death of all its members. Each chapter tells about the death of some of the representatives of the Golovsky family, about the death, because, in fact, murders are committed in our eyes. The history of the killing testifies that there is no family that family ties only visibility, only the form that all members of the Golovsky kind hate each other and are waiting for the death of loved ones to become their heirs. This is a cleaner, that is, doomed to extinction.

Shchedrin calls three characteristic features: idleness, unsuitable to whatever the cause and foam. The first two were given a void, tightness and extorturbation, the latter was a mandatory conclusion of a general vitality of turmoil. Chapter Family Labor Taution Total Roman here is still noticeable life, living passions and aspirations, energy. But the basis of all this is zoological egoism, the korestolubie of owners, animal morals, soulless individualism. In the center of this chapter, Grozny for all the surrounding Arina Petrovna Golovleva, a smart serve-serpentine, self-container in the family and in the farm, physically and morally completely absorbed by an energetic, persistent struggle for the increase in wealth. Porfiry here is still not a fraudulent person. He is known in the family under the three names: Judeushka, blood flower, a frank boy.

Jewish Lesser is not for an evil mercenary calculation, but rather in nature. Since childhood, he obediently and deeply learned the unwritten life principle: to be like everyone, to do as accepted to protect yourself from the complaint of good people. This was no longer a frank pinner, but the mechanical following the code created by the tradition of hypocrisy.

His hypocrisy is meaningless, unconsciously, without a banner, as Shchedrin said, without far the leading goal. This is really hypocrisy on trifles, which has become his second nature. His void covers a certain practical purpose to deprive the brother Stepan right to share inheritance.

All the existence of landlord nest is unnatural and meaningless, in terms of genuinely human interests, hostile creative life, creative work, morality, something gloomy and destructive lifting in the depths of this empty life. Guardian reproach is Stepan, whose dramatic death completes the first chapter of the novel. From the young gorgeous, he is the most grather, an impressionable and clever person who received university education. But the boy from the ornament has experienced a constant oppression from the mother, he heard a short-sized son-jerk, steward-ballbes.

As a result, a person with a slave character, able to be anyone: Raunt and even a criminal. Gravy was the student of Stepan. Lack of labor life, voluntary junning rich students, and then an empty departure service in St. Petersburg, the resignation, rampant, finally, an unsuccessful attempt to escape in militias physically and morally treated him, made a person who lives the feeling that he, asylum, That will die with hunger.

And in front of him there was a single rock road to his native, but Picky Gollyovo, where he is waiting for full loneliness, despair, filing, death. Of the entire second generation of the family, Stepan turned out to be the most unstable, inevitable. In the next chapter, a related action takes ten years after the events described in the first chapter. But how the characters and the relationship between them changed! The power head of the Arina Petrovna family has become a modest and disadvantaged survival in the house of the younger son Pavel Vladimirovich in Dubrovniki.

Golovsky estate crashed Judushka. He now becomes almost the main figure of the narrative. As in the first chapter, there is also a speech about the death of another representative of young gorgeous Paul Vladimirovich. Shchedrin shows that the initial reason for his premature death is native, but a disastrous estate. He was not a short son, but he was forgotten, he did not pay attention to him, counting the fool.

Paul loved the life of a mansion, in an embittered alienation from people; He had no inclinations, interests, he became a living personification of a person deprived of any actions. Then a barren formal military service, a resignation and a lonely life in Dubrovniki, idleness, apathy for life, to family bonds, even to property, finally, some meaningless and fantastic camsion were destroyed, Paul was defended, led him to the rope and physical death. The subsequent heads of the novel also narrate the spiritual decay of the personality and family connections, about the movements.

Along with this, in the family results, the author is taken to clarify to us, what the difference between his hero from the common type of conscious hypocrites: Jewish is just a person deprived of any moral measure and not knowing other truths, except for the one that is in the Azboussic Preams. He was ignorant without borders, sutaga, liar, violated and in the top of all afraid of the trait. All these are negative qualities that can not give a durable material for a valid hypocrisy. The author reveals his look at Prafiriya Podfirov. Porphyry Vladimirychae characterizes a complete moral ossification. Here is the main diagnosis of Satirik writer.

This is one of the imagners of the acquirement of the Shchedrian hero. But in this and lies in the conviction of Saltykov-Shchedrin, the source is terrible for a person and his close tragedy. It is not random in this chapter the death of the son of Porphyria Golovneva Vladimir. It is told here about the spiritual and physical fading of Arina Petrovna, about the wild of the Jewish.

The fate of the sisters of the favorers and Anninki is indicative. They broke out from the damned native nest, dreaming about independent, honest labor life, about serving high art. But the sisters, formed in the postponement of the Golovsky nest and received a leaking education at the institute, were not prepared for the harsh vital struggle for the sake of high goals.

The disgusting, cynical provincial environment absorbed and destroyed them. The most disgusting, the most inhuman sideways, a pelvic diving room, a fading ulcer, is the most abandoned among the gorges. Shchedrin not only prevents the death of Porphyria.

The writer does not want to say that Judushka is only a non-negativeness that will be easily eliminated by the progressive development of the ever-renewed life that is not tolerance. Shchedrin sees the power of the Jewish, the sources of their special survivability. Yes, the heads of nothingness, but this empty man oppresses, torments and torments, kills, hurts, destroys. It is he who is a direct or indirect cause of an endless killing in a goltish house. A repeatedly writer emphasizes in his novel that the immense despotism of Arina Petrovna and the womb, the carrying death of the hypocrisy of Jews did not receive a resistance, found a favorable soil for their free celebration. This was kept porphyria in life. His power in quirky, in the far-sighted tricks of the predator.

Like him, the bedside serviceman, deftly adapts to the spirit of the times, to new ways of enrichment! The wildest landmark of old times merges in it with a moraic fist. And in this the power of Judish.

Finally, it has mighty allies represented by law, religion and dominant customs. They look at them and looks like their faithful servants. Religion is not an inner conviction for him, and a rite, convenient for deception and curbing. And the law for him is a curious force, punishing, serving only strong and depressing weak. Family relationships are also only formality. They do not have a true high feeling, no hot participation. They serve the same oppression and deception.

In the Shchedrian novel, there are three generations of the Golovna family in front of the chief: Arina Petrovna, her children and inspi. In the first generation, the family also seems a cream. Arina Petrovna with energy peculiar to it and enterprises lays the foundations of goligative welfare. But even then natural human relations are violated in the family. The abolition of serfdom accelerates the decomposition process - and in the second generation, the features of the "fatigue", both kinds become more visible. The children of Arina Petrovna are unsuitable for life. Annushka dying, Stepan, a man in his own way talent-line, who graduated from even the university, but did not have any internal forces to resist his rotten environment, his brother pavel dies ...

Arina Petrovna herself was forced to admit that her exceptional ministry family was actually a ministry of the ghost, which she herself created himself: "All her life she arranged something, it was killed over something, and it turns out that he was killed over the ghost. All my life, the word "family" is not sitting on her, in the name of the family, she executed alone, other awarded; In the name of the family, she subjugated himself to deprivation, tied themselves, an Isurodo-tree all their lives - and suddenly it comes out that it is from her who is not! "

Even more clearly, the printing of the doom is manifested in the third generation, which dies very young. Against this background, an ominous figure of the Son of Arina Petrovna is grows up, porphyry, nicknamed Judushka. The image of the Jewish is the personification of the prediction, greed, hypocrisy. He, who destroyed all his loved ones - the mother, brothers, children, the nephew-NIC, himself obrives himself on an inevitable death. Shchedrin shows how the law, right, morality, the religion served Judyshka and him like shirma. Porphyry is hypocrishes constantly - not only before others, but also before himself, hypocrishes even when it does not bring him any practical benefit. Shchedrin specially emphasized that this is not the hypocrisy of the Moliere Tartuf. Tar-Tuft lies deliberately, pursuing his definite and specific goal, and Jewish "not so much a hypocriser, but a papostel, liar and void."

On the example of Jewish, it is clearly visible, which role in the creation of a satirical image is played by the generrine of a rep-height characteristic. So, having arrived at the dying-mu Brother Pavel, Judushka literally assigns it with his nauseous and fiery bakingbear - the more disgusting, that it is contracted by the "rival" words formed by the help of diminutive suffixes: "Mama", "Friendly", "Pillow "," Voddy "and even" Maslice wooden ".

In real life, Judukah could not always completely quench his thirst for stying, a slope for trirant. Then he creates a certain fantastic world in which he "is invariably delivered to intoxication; The earth disappeared from him from under his feet. " Material from site.

Just before the death itself, "the terrible truth highlighted his conscience, but illuminated late, without Paul, already when only the irrevocable and irreparable fact was stood before his eyes. Here it was the composition, rushed, wild, one foot in the grave stands, but there is no creature in the world, which would approach him, "regretted" it would be. Why is he alone? Why does he sees the circle not only indifference, but also hatred? Why is everything that has touched him, is all the dial-balloons? " There is an awakening of the wild conscience, which represents the element tragic. It is not by chance that during the work on the "gentlemen Golovye", Shchedrin recognized that he would "be like a tragic try." The motive of insight became leading in the novel. The insight that overtakes each of the members of the gorgeous family becomes a kind of court of conscience, moral to the diet.

In the "gentlemen of the greenery" generin almost does not at-change the techniques characteristic of the "history of one city". Instead of satirical grotesque, hyperboles, fiction writer uses the psychological analysis method, intently examines the inner world of his heroes, primarily Jewish Golovleva. Psychological analysis is conducted with the help of a complex interweaving of the speech system of characters with av-language assessment of their thoughts and experiences. The authors are invariably felt throughout the book.

With all its concreteness, the image of Jewish has become a widest artistic generalization.

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Topic: Three generations of the family of puzzles. The image of the jewish.

Goal: 1) on the example of the sophisticated family images show how the writer reveals the process of spiritual identity degradation; 2) develop the ability to analyze the actions of the heroes of the work, draw conclusions; 3) bring up careful attitude towards family values.

Equipment : Presentation, excerpt from the film - the play "Lord Podleov" (Small Theater 1978)

Type of lesson : Lesson-Seminar

During the classes:

    Organizational stage. Theme and lesson goal -slide 1.

    Teacher's introductory word. In the previous lesson, we talked about the history of the creation of the novel "Lord Golovyevy". And they found out that the work was printed by individual stories, episodes: "Family Court", "Family Joy", "Related", "Family Results". All the names of the chapters are directly connected to the thought of family, and at the head of the family, Arina Petrovna, the word "family" does not come down with mouth.

    Compilation of an associative series by the word "family". What associations arise about you when you hear this word? (Record in notebook)

So what is the family? Family is a small group of marriage or blood relationship, whose members are associated with the generality of life, mutual help, moral and legal liability.And what do you think the formula of family happiness? Formula Family Happiness is love between spouses + love between parents and children + Material well-being ...

    What is the formula for this formula? Shchedrin shows the destruction of the family of puzzling, doomed to extinct. What leads the family of puzzling to the tragic result? Let's try to figure it out.

    And let's start working with a dating story of every member of the family of puzzles. Who are the Lord? Does this value relate to the word with our heroes?

    Arina Petrovna Golovyova (Uch-XI) - Slide 2. (p. 9 Text) Students make up a cluster, reflecting in it the character of the character of the heroine, its life position.

Arina Petrovna: Frequently awake mistress, despotic, chaser, rough, used to everyone and all command, hypocritical, Khunzha, "Excess Roth", a creature, all alien, leading, not necessary for anyone. - Slide 3.

In the collection of "weaving people" of the heading family, an exception is the Arina Petrovna Podtöv. The powerful and energetic woman, she "random meteor" flashed against the background of "hopeless disadvantage", "pokerhood" and drunk turmoil of a puzzle family. Frequently awake household houses, it is despotically and uncontrollably manages the peasants and households. Her life is given to the compassion. All my life, the word "family" did not go from her from the language, in the late ends it turns out that her family has never happened. Her husband, a man of chamber and naughty, led the life idle and was completely alien to her. She did not call him otherwise, as a "windmill" and "tangle balalaica." Children for her - the burden, they "did not affect any sides of her inner being." She feeds his orphans-granddaughters, she feeds Proud Solonina, pursues them with reproaches: short, beggars, darkened, insatiable womb. The yard she is tyranny, eats a feder; Home in front of it tremble. The puzzle, who owns Arina Petrovna, seems to be her son Stepanu "Coffin". "She is brought me to me," he thinks about his mother ... There is no one to repel with anyone, there is nowhere to run - everywhere she, power, chaining, despised. " The rudeness and habit of committing are perfectly expressed in her speech, in the desire to give the surrounding nicknames, offensive nicknames. "Speak! Do not see the tail ... Sum Rool! " - She orders the Burmist. "What am I without a ceremony I will do without my own?" - She worries at first rumors about the cancellation of serfdom. Burmist, who reports that Stepan Vladimirovich "Nehhorosh", she replies: "I suppose, will move away, you will still survive with you! What does he, the stallion labby, will be done! Couch! In yet a trip of thirty years cough, and it's like a water! " Roughness is connected in its character with hypocrisy and the dyingness. Fearing the bad fame, condemnation by the neighbors, she takes to her house of orphaned granddaughter and at the same time says: "The God of mercy has a lot ... Lyargets of bread is not God knows what they will eat, but in old age years old - consolation. One daughter gave God-dove gave! " And at the same time he writes the son of Porphyria: "How my sister lived that it died, and he died, leaving me on the neck of his two puppies ..." The image of Arina Petrovna is a typical image. Such characters inevitably arose and developed in the context of a manor house, uncontrolled disposition of life and property of hundreds and thousands of serfs. Such nature could not adapt to new living conditions. With the abolition of serfdom, the "family stronghold, erected by the tireless hands Arina Petrovna", and she herself becomes a hanging in the house of the youngest son. This change affected her appearance: "She drooped her head, the back was ground, her eyes were dead, the foil became sluggish, the impurity of the movements disappeared." The character of her speech, which has now become flattering, leaning. The former mutant hostess of a huge estate becomes an "extreme mouth", the creature, to all alien, the leading causing, no one needs life. After speaking - check clusters.

    Let's see from whom the family of Arina Petrovna. Story about Vladimir Mikhailich ( Message Ucha) - slide 4. (p. 10 text) Compilation of cluster. Vladimir Mikhaylich: Pesalburnes, a slacker, mischievous character, composed "free verses", "Windmill", "Steady Balalaika" - Slide 4

The head of the family of the puzzles, Vladimir Mikhaylich, was still known to his pre-worn and mischievous character .... He led the life of the idle and idleness, most often stuck in his office, hesitated the singing of the squorters, roosters, etc. And he was engaged in the composition of the so-called "free verses", which Arina Petrovna did not love and called the painting. He called his wife "watchement" and "hell," the wife called her husband - "windmill" and "toughened balalaica" ... "While in such a relationship, they used together life in continuation of forty years, and never before It did not occur to a similar life to conclude something unnatural. " (Check clusters)

    "A little more happy was Arina Petrovna in children." Children had four: three sons and daughter. "She didn't even love to talk about her senior son and about her daughter; To the younger son was more or less indifferent and only middle, Porfish, she was not so loved, but as if she was afraid. " Story about Stepan Vladimiry(Message Ucha) - Slide 6. Cluster: Stepan Vladimirych: Steppy Balbes, Naughty, Jester, Jester,surrious, dead, gifted, small, impressionable, clever man.

(Verification of cluster - slide 7) Text page 11

Stepan Vladimirch, the eldest son, was heard in the family under the name of Stepki-Balbes and Higrores. He very early got into the number of "Caught" and from ornamental years played the role of the jester in the house. It was girder small, too willingly and quickly perceived impressions. From the young gholes, he is the most given, an impressionable and clever person who received university education and the degree of candidate. A capable young man receives a university diploma, but does not want to work, it becomes a serious and begging with the rich men in the city of His mother. His inheritance issued to him at the expense of an income-to-service house, he rushed, hired to the militia. But it turned out unsuitable there. All this physically and morally exhasts him, made a person from him who lives the feeling that he, as a worm, which would be fond of hunger. " And in front of him the only rock road - to his native, but puzzled puzzling, on the bow to the mother. In this slide, we see how the postponement goes on the headed land, according to the post down the land, which gave birth to his podgyla, fed up, released the post down, the post down again accepts in his Lono. "Stepan is no forty years old, but according to the outside it is impossible to give less than fifty. Life to such an extent settled him, which did not leave any sign of the noble son on him. " Stepan's fate is a half-starving existence, loneliness, a complete oblivion ("There is no one with whom the words, there is nowhere to run"), the lack of at least some faith, soul forces, filing and death.

    Story about Anna, eldest in the family after Stepan. Text page 13. - Read.

After Stepan Vladimirovich, the senior member of the puzzle family was daughter, Anna Vladimirovna, about which Arina Petrovna did not like to speak.

"The fact is that Annushka not only did not justify her hopes, but instead of all the county worked for the scandal: one beautiful night, fled from the pitching with the cornet of Ulannov and had a chance.

So without parental blessing, like dogs and happened! "Motnified on this occasion, Arina Petrovna ... And with the daughter of Arina Petrovna, he acted as strongly as with the candy son: took and" threw it a piece. " She separated her capital of five thousand and the village of Pogoretka in thirty shower with fell aboutat the estate, in which all the windows are blowing and there was not a single live floorboard. Three years later, young capital lived, and Kornet is unknown where he fled, leaving Anna Vladimirovna with two daughters - twins: Anninka and a favor. Then, Anna Vladimirovna herself passed away in three months, and Arina Petrovna Will - Neils had to shelter round orphans. What she performed, placing the baby in the flague "

5) Younger Children: Paul and Porfiry. Story about Pavel (message Ucha )

Text page 15. Cluster: Paul: "I did not offended anyone", "I did not say anyone," "I didn't look at Kosos," I was afraid of the mother as a fire "(Verification cluster-slide 8)

Pavel's younger son "was still a boy who did not express the slightest tendency to go to the school, nor to the games, nor to sociability, but loved to live a mansion, in alienation from people." Maybe he was kind, but did not make a good enough, maybe there was a slightly short, but in all her life, not a single smart act committed. To top it all, he often snapped against the mother and at the same time was afraid of her like a fire. After Arina Petrovna moved to him in Dubrovino, Pavel Vladimirch accepted her rather worn, that is, it was obliged to feed and poison her and orphans - nieces. But Pavel Vladimirych drank. The passion received the terrible development that was to lead to an inevitable end. Reaching with himself, Pavel Vladimirch brought the society of living people and created a special fantastic reality for himself ... He drank and recalled. I remembered all the insults and humiliation, which he had to suffer thanks to the claim of Porphyry for the departure in the house. In particular, I remembered the division of the property, I calculated each penny, compared every block of the Earth and hated. Thus, there were days in the days, as long as Pavel Vladimirch did not indulge his face to face with mortal ailment. During his lifetime, no one paid attention to Pavel Vladimirych, with his death - everyone was sorry. They remember that he did not offend anyone, "did not say anyone a rude word," no one looked at Kosos. " It is very possible that in the worldly assessment of the qualities of the deceased Paul, a comparison with Porphyria was obscure. What feeling does this person cause you? Why?

    Favorite son Arina Petrovna - Porphyry Vladimirych Podfinov, whose prototype was served by the native brother M. E. Saltykova-Shchedrina Dmitry . Story about Porphyry(Message studio) - Slide 9. Text p. 14. Cluster: Porphyry puzzles: Judeushka, bloodworm, frank boy, hypocrisy, void, liar, predator, "good-bought son", "Thoughtful brother", "Chadoloby Father." (Cluster check - slide 10). This man elected hypocrisy with his weapon. Under the mask of a cute and mental person, he achieves his goals, collects a generic property around him. His low soul is rejoiced by the troubles of brothers and sisters, and when they die, he gets sincere pleasure in the advantage of property. In relations with their children, he, too, first of all thinks about money - and sons do not stand it. Never at the same time, Porfiry does not allow himself to say rudeness or knife. He is polite, pretended mil and caring, infinitely argues, breeds hurrying speeches, weave verbal intrigues. People see his falsehood, but succumb to her. Even Arina Petrovna herself cannot resist them. But in the final Roman comes to his fall and Jewish. He becomes nothing capable of anything else. For all days, he borne all conversations that no one listens. If the servant is sensitive to his "wrapping" and quit, it tries from the owner to escape away. The tyrantism of Judishka becomes all the little things, he also drinks like fading brothers, for entertainment, remembers small offensions or minimal miscalculations in the farm to "outmumb". In the meantime, the real farm does not develop, comes to run and decline. In the final of the novel on the Jewish, the terrible insight is increasing: "You need to forgive everyone ... that ... what was happening?! Where ... everything?! " But the family, separated by hatred, the coldness and the inability to forgive, has already been destroyed.

    Fragment from the film - the play "Lord Golovyevy" (Small Theater 1978) "Judushka at the bed of dying Paul" (46 minute) Your impressions? It seems that Porfiry came to his brother with caressing and consolation, trying to cheer it up, rises on his knees, praises, and in fact he is interested in one question: did a brother ordered about the estates? Who will get capital?

    Portrait of Jewish Portrait in Image Disclosure:

    The face "He had a bright, dying, breathing with humility and joy," sometimes it "pale and took a threatening expression."

    His eyes "glistened", "source of the poison", "the loop is thrown.

    The look "The gaze seemed mysterious."

Mystery name:Jewish is the one who hides the creation of defects (hypocrisy, meanness, emptiness, ruthlessness, worthlessness) under the mask of virtue.

    "Under the mask of virtue." Three masks of Judushka

    "Blagovytiy Son":The preliminary respect for the method of obtaining a tallest piece is that the simplest truth that smelled into the children's soul of Porphishis, increasingly developing in the future, made it a hypocriser, a predator. If, in childhood, Judushka for his sown loyalty received the best pieces at the table, then he later received the "best part" in the section of the estate. He became the owner of the puzzle, she filmed all the capital of the mother, the root of this once formidable and the powerful hostess for abandonment and lonely dying, which is remembered through every word of Christ and accompanying his vigorous acts with prayers and pious speeches. Made by the Lord of all the puzzling wealth.

    "Thoughtful brother":The disinterested advantage of justice, the peacekeeper in words, calling for everything to solve the "Flat and Mirkom", Judushka is incorporated by civilians in the family, acting "related", "the divine", "by law". He is hypocritical, covering his cunning plans against the relatives of the pretend - affectionate chatter about trifles. At the same time, it does not say what he thinks, says not as he comes. Decorally contradiction between the well-mounted reasoning and dirty aspirations of Jews. He is pretending to be a loving brother - and with pleasure observes the death of Stepan and Paul, taking their capital to his hands. The blood pressure holds in fear of his relatives around him, dominates them, wins them and brings them to death.

    "Cancer Father":Jewish puzzles were unable "not only on attachment, but also at simple regret." His moral wiseness was so great that he did without the slightest shuddering on death alternately every three sons. She committed suicide to Vladimir's senior son, marrying without father accord. Dies in Siberia Peter, without receiving assistance from the father's payment of card debt. The youngest son, born from the maid, he sends to an educational house, to which the child was most likely, and did not reach. Jewish throws into the life of the guys like puppies in the water, and leaves to "swim", without worrying about their future fate.

    Working with a table, In which the features of the character of the Jewishness are reflected, it is not inherent in it, it is only a mask. I propose to specify the true face of the main character of the novel.

Words for reference: egoism; immorality; cruel and inhuman, absolutely unfair and improper actions of thought; disregard for the most important Christian commandments; empty; slacker; Ombotty, indifference .



Ombotty, indifference

Love for others, related feelings

"Right" and "Fair" reasoning

brutal and inhuman, absolutely unfair and wrong deeds

High moral morality


Religious, God-fearing man

disregard to the most important Christian commandments

Worker (eternal and tireless)

sleannik, empty

Output:Judushke is peculiar to the tendency to tribal, he is overwhelming the devil, the storage, connected with the eternal pretense, passion for the surge of his victims. In Judyshka, the monstrous stupidity of Plushkina, and the predatory fights of the dog, and a miserable squadomism of the box, and a well-minded fellowship Manilov, and a non-part lies of the Nozdrov, and even the Plut's ingenuity Chichikov. But his main weapon is hypocrisy. He lies infinitely and immediately complies with: "I love the truth." He is malicious and revenge, but argues: "I forgive everyone." I causing all the evil, he declares: "I wish everyone to all good." The late conscience returned to Porphyria Vladimirovich, and the author proves it with his attitude towards the hero. Closer to the end of the novel, he practically does not call him Jewish. Hero sincerely realizes that he has the last thread with the death of his mother, connecting it with the outside world. Before his eyes are all the deceased relatives, and human feelings manifest themselves to the last creature from the kind of puzzles - Anninka. "I need to forgive me! For everyone ... And for yourself ... for those who are not! " The author could not allow reconciliation with evil. Evil cannot be unpunished, and the most terrible execution is a late conscience. That is why this satirical novel has tragic motifs. These problems are eternal, the more person forgets the true values \u200b\u200bof life: good, love, mutual execution, honest work - that is irrevocable further leaves from him, the worst payment for the past.

    Story about the young generation of the family of puzzles: Volodya, Petenka, Anninka, Foreign(Messages Uch-Xia) - Slide 11.Niems of Jews - representatives of the last generation of gorgeous. They are trying to escape from the oppressive atmosphere of the family, first they manage it. They work, play the theater and are proud of it. But to consistent, they did not teach their persistent activity. Not taught to moral durability, vital hardness. The favorite ruins her cynicism and calcality taken from the grandmother, and she herself pushes into the abyss of his sister. From the actress "Sisters Pogorelsk" transition to the contents, then almost in a prostitute. Anninka, cleaner morally, more soulful, disinterested and kindly, stubbornly cling to life. But she breaks, and after suicide, the favorites, the patient and drinking, returns to Golovye, "die."

    How does the composition of the novel help to understand its ideological content?

Each chapter ends with the death of one of the gorgeous. "Family Court" - Stepan Vladimirovich dies - Pavel Vladimirovich and Vladimir Mikhailovich dying, "Family results" - Suicide Volodya, Son Porphyry Golovyev, "Prettynushka" - Arina Petrovna and Peter, the last son of Porfiria, "Calculation "- Porphyry dies, curses the life of the suicide of the favorer, agonates the latter in the genus Golovna - Anninka. The ring composition of the novel is completed by the fact that the Hope of Ivanovna Galkina, the daughter of the Barbars Mikhailovna, the daughter, and the author with pain speaks about it, as we can assume that the passion of accumulators will destroy the following heroes.

    What impression was this work on you?

    Is the novel today? Than?

The problem of human relations set in the novel is relevant at all times, especially today, when the main value is the money. People are in such conditions under which they are forced to put conscience into the background, shame and pride in order to survive in this cruel world.

    Stage of information about d / s: Write an essay"What lessons got, skipping the history of the heroes of the novel" Gentlemen "