
Writing on the reproduction of the painting I. I. Levitan "Golden Autumn". Presentation on the topic: "Isaac Ilyich Levitan Golden Autumn, autumn was the favorite time of the year for Levitan, and he dedicated her more than a hundred paintings. One of the most beloved." Free download I.

Poles Matvey

Presentation Created by students to the years of learning to associate "Computer Graphics and Animation"



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Completed: student Mau to "Syut" Poles Matvey Podagog: Polyakova Nataliya Pavlovna Painting I. I. Levitan "Golden Autumn"

Completed: Student of 3 A class MAO "SOSH №45" Poles Matvey Svetlana Svetlana Gennadyevna Famous Russian artist Isaac Ilyich Levitan became famous as the creator of unique landscapes.

In his picture "Golden Autumn" I.I. Levitan tried to convey the part of the autumn, which in the people it was called "Babiy summer."

The picture shows a characteristic Russian landscape. Calm autumn day full of light. The sun shines, but not so bright. In front of the eyes it opens Russian space: fields, groves, river. Blue with white clouds sky on the horizon converges with a forest line. Narrow river with low shores.

In the background of the painting, we see the birch grove in the golden autumn decoration. On the left bank of the river there are slender white-yellow birch trees and two osinkles with almost fallen leaves.

The land is covered with yellow stripped grass. But if you look around, it can be seen that the grass in the foreground is still green, just started yellowing.

In the depths of the meadow, a narrow river with low shores. River smooth seems fixed and cold. On the surface of the water reflected a light sky with white clouds.

Golden autumn is a magic time. She enchants beauty. And there is no sad thoughts about the upcoming long winter.

Thanks for attention!

In the fourth grade a lot of work on the development of speech. In my work, I often use presentations.

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"Presentation on the painting of Levitan" Golden Autumn ""

4th grade "School of Russia" Russian language

Essay by picture


" Golden autumn"

All the guys are given a call,

he calls us to a lesson.

Stand, pick up,

With difficulties can cope.

Answer the questions:

What is the time of year now?

What signs of autumn do you know?

What verses about this time do you know?

Autumn on the edge

Paints bred

By foliage Tikonko

Brush spent.

Yelling hazel

And the kleins are called.

In purple oskins,

Only oak - green.

(E. Trutneva)

Isaac Ilyich Levitan (1860 – 1900)

I.I. Levitan " Fall. October »

I.I. Levitan "Autumn. River »

I.I. Levitan

"Autumn landscape"

Our autumn, truth, golden,

How can I call it?

Garling leaves lining,

We settle grass grass.

E. Blaginina



Master brushes






  • What time of year in the picture?
  • What impression does this picture make on you?
  • What do you see away?
  • What colors prevail in the landscape?
  • What do you especially like in the canvas?

Replace inaccurate words:

Sun rays nature.

Young birch trees. Golden foliage.

Pinkish light clouds float on a gentle blue sky.




Insert the missed letters and explain the spells

  • b.REGA
  • hears
  • z.L.TU.
  • chu
  • kr.Sota
  • rados



pr. town



r.ZN. Color

Distribute offers

Autumn came.

River flows.

Shines sky.

Fall leaves.

3. What do you see in the foreground? 4. What do you see away?

( In the foreground of the painting ...)

support words

  • river - quiet, dark, winding,

with slow flow

  • shores - sleepy, drooping, dry grass
  • berbscapes - White Title, Gold Outfits
  • sky - Blue, Light, Pure
  • clouds - Light, White
  • forest - away, colorful clothes
  • fields - Bescraine, Pins, Velvet Carpet
  • air - filled, cool and clean

5. My feelings and attitude to the picture.

(This picture causes ...)

support words:

  • light sense of joy and calm
  • a little sad
  • relieve the golden foliage

Twenty fourth of September.

The writing.

"Golden autumn".

Total lesson

  • Consider your writings. (2-3 people)
  • Well done!


T. s. 19, UPR. 2.

Isaac Ilyich Levitan (1860-1900) one of the twin priests landscape painting The late 19th century. Art became a vocation. His tendency to the image of nature and passionate love for her appeared shortly after receipt of the school. For his twenty-year old creative activity Levitan created several hundred paintings.

"Golden autumn" 1895

"Golden autumn" 1896

What mood causes you picture: sad, sad or joyful?

How do we call the picture on which the artist portrayed nature?

1) What mood was the artist when he wrote his picture?

2) What paints prevail in the description of the autumn landscape?

3) What is depicted in the foreground?

4 ) Compare the color of the water in the river near the left shore with the color in the distant plan.

Along the entire picture, a small river stretched. It bends a little and removed into the depths of the meadow. The lonely standing birch river turns sharply left.

5) Why? What do you think?

The rays of the sun illuminate the background of the picture, and in the foreground - the shadow.

6) What is growing on the banks of the river?

At the edges of the river grows facing grass. On the left, young berets with thin slender trunks are growing. Birings are completely covered with gold foliage. On a dark background we see growing reddish-pink bush

7) Why is autumn in the picture called golden?

8) When the forest is gold, the way he is depicted in the painting of Levitan? In the beginning of autumn or at the end, in dry or rainy weather?

9) Compare the closest birrors with a birch, which stands at the rotation of the river. Why are they different painting?

10). What are we seeing pictures on a high shore? Why are peasant homes are so small?

In the background we see the peasant buildings. And behind them stretch the forests, merging on the horizon with the sky.


How many parts will be in writing?

What are called parts

What are we going to tell in the first part?

What words can you start?

What will we describe in the second part?

What exactly will we describe?

How to start a description?

What will we write in the third part?

How can I start the final part?

(In the first part we will talk about how the picture is called, who is its author).

"In front of me a picture of a famous artist ..."

(We will describe the picture in it).

(River, birch, sky, field, houses.)

About your feelings, about attitude to the picture.

When I look at the picture, then I have a feeling ...

I like this picture the topic ...

1. After me - the picture of the famous artist ...

2. Description of the picture. (River, birch, sky, field, houses. Colors of the picture.)

The picture shows early autumn ...

3.Mo relation to the picture. (I like this picture the fact that ...

Before us, the reproduction of the painting of I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn". This is a scenery of a clear day. The sun rays brightly illuminated nature. Young birks completely covered with gold foliage. Pinkish light clouds float in a gentle - blue sky.

On the left, on the high bank of the river, a small birch grove is shown.

On the right shows the river running away into the distance. In the foreground of the river. Water in the river Dark - blue, and away - blue. Lonely standing bairc determines the rotation of the river. In the background you can see the peasant houses. They are small and dark.

Near them, the fields are green on whom wintering.

The whole picture of Levitan is permeated by light. There are no dark, gloomy colors. Bright, juicy paints prevail: blue, blue, red, golden. We look at the canvas and seem to feel cool, invigorating autumn air.

Landscape does not cause sadness. Together with the artist we admire, admire the beauty of the native land.

Reproduction of 1895. Reproduction of 1896.

Approximate essay from the material

Capital Larisa Nikolaevna,

Autumn was the favorite time of the year for Levitan, and he dedicated her more than a hundred paintings. One of the most beloved public of the paintings is this golden autumn, although it is not so characteristic of the artist's creativity - too bright, boldly, and it is Major. It is possible that Levitan himself was not quite satisfied with her, because in a year he wrote another painting with the same name, but written more softly, gently, crystal ...

Isaac Ilyich Levitan. Golden autumn in every corner of Nature Levitan knew how to find something cherished, intimate. He spoke to the disciples that it was not enough to write a lot of land, the sky, water, "the feeling that will unite in the landscape, which will unite, will connect to one whole land, water, sky. Therefore, Lamitan's landscapes cannot be described in words. All call everything that is written on the canvas, but how to find words to say about the main thing about what is not written? List the shaggy ate, snow, the Red Sun, but how to express the sadness that covered Levitan and did not disturb his satellites? ..

Isaac Ilyich Levitan. Golden autumn "Golden Autumn". White trunks and flaming foliage birch, transparent sky blue, reddish grass, cold blue river. And the air, which itself breaks into the chest and from which, as from the key water, climbs the teeth. And the vigor, which charges us this vestion of the autumn day. And the holiday of gold and blue. And sadness from what the holiday will end, and behind him - fading, black and white winter sleep. And joyful confidence that later, ahead, again greens and blueness, because nature always lives and is always beautiful. And on canvas - trees, grass, river, sky.

Isaac Ilyich Levitan. Golden autumn Levitan loved to repeat the poems of the Russian poet of Baratynsky: With nature, he was breathing with nature: the stream intelligently understood the poverty, and he felt the herbs of herbanbay ... "That's what the landscapeist need to understand how the grass and trees need to hear Growing, "said Levitan.- What is great happiness!"

Isaac Ilyich Levitan. Golden autumn on the picture "Golden Autumn" we see a birch grove in copper-gold autumn decoration. The river is lost in the depths of the meadow, on the left bank of which are slender white and yellow birch trees and two osinkles with almost fallen leaves. The reddish branches of the shrub are visible. The land is covered with yellow stripped grass.

Isaac Ilyich Levitan. Golden fall and on the right bank of the river a number of more green Yves, which seem to resist autumn fading. River smooth seems fixed and cold. On the surface of the water reflected a light sky with white clouds. Autumn day depicted by the artist, full of light. Cheerful light tones prevail in the picture. Almost on the horizon line are noticeable outlines of distant buildings, forests, fields inhabited by oim.

Isaac Ilyich Levitan. Golden autumn landscape "Golden Autumn" depicts the most lyrical from the seasons. "Sad time! Oral charming! I am nice to your farewell beauty," said Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin's golden autumn. Probably, it was this period that Isaac Levitan, working on his famous landscapes

Isaac Ilyich Levitan. Golden autumn artist understood autumn, primarily as a holiday of paints, as a farewell with summer. Landscape The same does not seek sad thoughts about the upcoming long winter. Indeed, in nature, everything is equally beautiful, and each of the seasons has its own unique charm.

Isaac Ilyich Levitan. Golden autumn looking at the painting "Golden Autumn", the viewer involuntarily penetrates a deep sense of love for his native nature, which gives us an unforgettable minutes of high pleasure beautiful.

This presentation will help students disclose the autumn theme in its essay. The guys will see autumn in its diversity. Get acquainted with the pictures of famous Russian artists who depict autumn. Presentation slides will help the guys to read the picture, realize the artist's intent. Preparatory work will help students write an essay on this topic.



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Signatures for slides:

Tester apron tied autumn and burst with paints. Early in the morning, passing through the park, the leaves of the gilding circled.

F.I. Tyutchev is in the autumn of the original short, but the wonderful time is the whole day, as it were, crystal, and radiant evenings ...

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin

Skilled autumn red-haired blizzards, golden leaves flew with kleons ...

Alexey Kondratievich Savrasov

A.S. Pushkin Sad time! Ocho charming! It's nice to me your farewell beauty - I love the magnificent nature of fading, in the bazhret and gold dressed forests ...

Isaac Ilyich Levitan

"Golden autumn"

K. Kedrov threw off the Green Summer caftan, the larks discussed. Autumn, in a fur coat, a yellow dressed, in the forests with meekhlka walked.

What about us? Picture of Isaac Levitan "Golden Autumn"

What did the artist depicted in the picture? portrayed nature in autumn

What do we see in the foreground picture? Birch grove (Birch Locker)

Describe birch. Birrozka leaflets have become ... Many leaves ... under berets lies ...

What do we see in the background pictures? L of EU, the field n Separate Wheat on the already rushed and ...

What else artist portrayed in the picture? Rheka in the scene .... Cold x Slug depicted water ....

What day? With the Olympnaya ... illuminates everything ...

Did you like the picture of I. Ilitan? Why did she like it?

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