
Philosophy of freedom. The concept of freedom in literature. What works of Russian literature describe the restriction of the freedom of heroes and how can they be compared with One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich? (Unified State Examination in Literature) Examples from literature about individual freedom

The freedom of man, the protection of his spiritual autonomy is one of the most pressing topics in Russian literature. It has been widely reflected in both poetry and prose. It sounded especially sharp in romantic lyrics. early XIX century.

Freedom can be considered in two planes: social and philosophical. The most profound and difficult is the second plan.

The theme of freedom is philosophically reflected in the poem "Anchar". A philosophical symbolic landscape unfolds before us - a proud desert and an ancient, poisonous Anchar tree. It is deadly dangerous, living beings bypass it, it hides part of the eternal element. But in the world of people reigns lack of freedom, slavery, coercion, the power of the strong over the weak. This is the root of evil. Slavery kills a person morally and physically. Thus, anchar becomes a symbol of lack of freedom, the domination of violence and slavery.

The theme of freedom is considered somewhat differently by A. S. Pushkin in the poem “To the Sea”. The lyrical hero here turns to the free element, entrusting her with his cherished thoughts. The soul of the creator and the state of the sea resemble each other in spontaneity, continuous movement, search, freedom. The first part of the poem is a romantic description of the raging sea, in the second part the poet turns to the sea, the theme of personality and fate, freedom and predestination, the theme of Napoleon arises.

It was in the life of the French emperor that these components merged. Napoleon was free in his actions and decisions. That is why he managed to achieve worldwide fame. At the same time, the character of Napoleon reminds the lyrical hero of the "indomitability, power, depth" of the sea. As a result, the lyrical hero leads readers to a feeling of rejection of the conditions under which a person’s personality is suppressed: “Where a drop of goodness is, there is Enlightenment or a tyrant on guard.”

Pushkin also stood up for freedom in poems dedicated to the poet and poetry: "The Poet", "The Poet and the Crowd". It is the freedom of creative self-determination that is one of the main criteria of creativity.

Freedom is also an ideal of aspirations for M. Yu. Lermontov. It is not for nothing that in the poem “I go out alone on the road,” he states: “I am looking for freedom and peace.” The social atmosphere of those years suppressed the spiritual freedom of man. Therefore, M. Yu. Lermontov found his ideal in the elements of nature, far from secular fuss and lies. This is evidenced by the poem "Mtsyri". Three days spent by the hero in the wild are equated to a lifetime: a sense of the sharpness of being, happiness permeates the entire poem. Only a free person, according to the poet, can be considered happy. He perceives even a fight with a mighty leopard as part of a free existence.

That is why the whole composition of the poem is built on the antithesis: the monastery and the free element of nature. Dying, Mtsyri regrets the dull life of the old monk and asks to be buried on the side facing his homeland, nature. Fate and freedom are inseparable here.

The motives of the thirst for freedom are also present in the poem by M. Yu. Lermontov "Complaints of the Turk" (1829). The poet wrote this poem when he was only 15 years old, but it is distinguished by a rare depth of knowledge of life. Here sounds passionate pain, the bitterness of a person who observes a terrible picture of slavery, and, at the same time, a passionate protest, indignation against this lack of freedom. M. Yu. Lermontov always called, first of all, for spiritual freedom, the possibility of active independent action.

Thus, in the theme of freedom, two interrelated plans are distinguished: personal, spiritual and the plan associated with the existence of a person in society, the dependence of his actions on public opinion. The feeling of inner freedom allows you to create, to pour out your heart. The main thing that the poets called for was to preserve and appreciate this greatest good, which allows you to feel the taste of life.

The theme of freedom and its reflection in one of the works of Russian literature

Maxim Gorky entered Russian literature as a writer who, through his own experience, knew life from a dark and unattractive side. At the age of twenty, he saw the world in such a variety that it seems incredible his bright faith in man, in his spiritual nobility, in his strength of possibility. The young writer was inherent in the desire for the ideal. He keenly felt the growing dissatisfaction with the way of life in society.

The early works of M. Gorky are fanned with romanticism. In them, the writer appears before us as a romantic. He speaks one on one with the world, approaches reality from the standpoint of his ideal. The romantic world of heroes is opposed to the real one.

The landscape is of great importance. It reflects the state of mind of the heroes: “... the darkness of the autumn night surrounding us trembled and, timidly moving away, opened for a moment on the left - the boundless steppe, on the right - the endless sea ... ". We see that the spiritual world of the characters is in conflict with reality. One of the main characters of the story, Makar, believes that "a man is a slave - as soon as he is born." Let's try to prove it or disprove it.

Heroes of Gorky are gifted freedom lovers. Without hiding the dark sides of the life of his heroes, the author poeticized many of them. These are strong-willed, beautiful and proud people who have “the sun in their blood”.

Loiko Zobar is a young gypsy. For him, the highest value is freedom, frankness and kindness: “He loved only horses and nothing more, and then not for long - he will ride, and he will sell, and whoever wants, take the money. He didn’t have a cherished one - you need his heart, he himself would tear it out of his chest, and he would give it to you, if only you would feel good about it. ” Radda is so proud that her love for Loiko cannot break her: “I have never loved anyone, Loiko, but I love you. Also, I love freedom! Will, Loiko, I love you more than you.” These heroes are characterized by the pathos of freedom. The irresolvable contradiction between Radda and Loiko - love and pride, according to Makar Chudra, can only be resolved by death. And the heroes themselves refuse love, happiness and prefer to die in the name of will and absolute freedom.

Makar Chudra, being in the center of the story, gets the opportunity for self-realization. He believes that pride and love are incompatible. Love makes you humble and submit to your loved one. Makar, speaking of a person who, from his point of view, is not free, will say: “Does he know his will? Is the expanse of the steppe understandable? Does the voice of the sea wave gladden his heart? He is a slave - as soon as he was born, and that's it! In his opinion, a person born a slave is not capable of performing a feat. This thought echoes the Uzh's statement from The Song of the Falcon. He said, "Born to crawl, he cannot fly." But on the other hand, we see that Makar admires Loiko and Radda. He believes that this is how a real person worthy of imitation should perceive life, and that only in such life position you can keep your freedom.

Reading the story, we see the interest of the author. He, telling us about Rudd and Loiko Zobar, tried to explore their strengths and weaknesses. And the author's attitude towards them is admiration for their beauty and strength. The end of the story, where the writer sees how “the nights were circling in the darkness smoothly and silently, and the handsome Loiko could not catch up with the proud Radda,” shows his position.

In this story, Gorky, using the example of Loiko Zobar and Radda, proves that a person is not a slave. They die, refusing love, happiness. Radda and Loiko sacrifice their lives for freedom. It was precisely this thought that Gorky expressed through the lips of Makar Chudra, who precedes his story about Loiko and Rudd with the following words: “Well, falcon, do you want to tell a true story? And you remember her and - as you remember - you will be a free bird for your life. Gorky seeks to excite and inspire the reader with his work, so that he, like his heroes, feels like a “free bird”. Pride makes the slave free, the weak strong. The heroes of the story "Makar Chudra" Loiko and Radda prefer death to unfree life, because they themselves are proud and free. In the story, Gorky performed a hymn to the beautiful and strong man. He put forward a new measure of a person's value: his will to fight, activity, ability to rebuild his life.


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June 26 2011

Love, forgiveness are not so much Christian concepts as universal ones. They are the basis of every morality, every world religion. For Mikhail Bulgakov, they are the semantic principles underlying the building of his novel. embodies in prose the ideas that the Russian has been dreaming of for fifty years. They were simply embodied mainly in the poetic texts of Tyutchev, Solovyov, Blok, Akhmatova. Bulgakov was the first of the prose writers who managed to adequately, with the skill of a genius, comprehend them in his genre. The duality of being, the duality of man, the secondary nature of the earthly path in relation to the truth of the world, heavenly love and earthly love - the whole arrangement of the previous poetic tradition is present in Bulgakov's novel. However, the laws of the genre and the mysterious patterns of creative talent dictated to the writer unique, hitherto unknown ways to solve these problems. Margarita loves the Master, the Master loves Margarita, the Devil helps them - all this has become a commonplace and does not need comments.

However, the following amazing event of the novel, noticed by everyone, but not explained in any way, needs comments. To begin with, a quote: “Follow me, reader! Who told you that there is no real, true, eternal love? May the vile liar be cut off!” The fact is that the real heavenly love of poets visits the heroes of the book in the prime of their earthly life. She settles in their hearts, and everything that follows is not to save her. Such love is too powerful and does not need protection, and lovers need to keep close to each other. The clutch energy feeds them, which the Master writes. Dies, and lovers lose each other. Woland returns the manuscript to Margarita - and the Master returns.

Bulgakov finds no place for hatred and despair. He is funny, but his laughter is not sarcastic, but full of such humor, which is equally handy to ridicule fools and smart ones. All the hatred and revenge of Margarita, flying naked over Moscow, consists in flooding Latunsky's apartment and breaking windows. This is not revenge, but ordinary merry hooliganism.

Love in Bulgakov redeems everything and forgives everything. Forgiveness overtakes everyone, inevitably, like fate: both the gloomy dark purple knight, known as Corrvieva-Fagot, and the young man, the demon page who was the cat Behemoth, and Pontius Pilate, and the romantic Master, and his charming companion. The writer shows us, his readers, that earthly love is heavenly love, that the appearance, clothes, era, time of life and place of eternity change, but the love that overtook you, that arose “like a killer from around the corner”, strikes at the very heart and forever and ever. And it is unchanged at all times and in all eternities that we are destined to experience. She endows the heroes of the book with the energy of forgiveness, the one that shows in the novel of Master Yeshua and that Pontius Pilate yearns for for two thousand years. Bulgakov managed to penetrate into the human soul and saw that it is the place where earth and sky converge. And then he invented a place of peace and immortality for loving and devoted hearts: “Here is your home, here is your eternal home,” says Margarita, and somewhere far away she is echoed by the voice of another poet who has passed this road to the end:

Perhaps there is no person who would not agree that the theme of freedom has traditionally been one of the most acute topics in Russian. And there is no such writer or poet who would not consider freedom for each person as necessary as air, food, love.

That hard times, which we see through the prism of the novel "The Master and Margarita", at first glance, is not so scary for the heroes of the work. However, knowing history, we understand that the thirties and forties of our century were one of the most terrible in the life of the Russian state. And they are terrible, first of all, because at that time the very concept of spiritual freedom was cruelly suppressed.

According to M. A. Bulgakov, only one who is pure in soul and can withstand the test that Satan, the prince of darkness, arranged in the novel for the inhabitants of Moscow, can be free in the broad sense of the word. And then freedom is a reward for those difficulties and hardships that this or that character has endured in life.

On the example of Pontius Pilate, doomed to insomnia and anxiety for long moonlit nights, you can trace the relationship: guilt - redemption - freedom. Pilate's guilt is that he doomed the prisoner Yeshua Ha-Nozri to inhuman torments, could not find the strength to admit that he was right then, “in the early morning of the fourteenth day of the spring month of Nissan ...” For this, he was doomed to twelve thousand nights of repentance and loneliness , full of regrets about the interrupted conversation with Yeshua then. Every night he waits for a prisoner named Ha-Nozri to come to him and they will go along the lunar road together. At the end of the work, he receives from the Master as the creator of the novel the long-awaited freedom and the opportunity to fulfill his old dream, about which he had been raving for 2000 years.

One of the servants who make up Woland's retinue also goes through all three stages on the path to freedom. On the night of farewell, the prankster, bully and joker, the indefatigable Koroviev-Fagot turns into "a dark purple knight with the gloomiest and never smiling face." According to Woland, this knight once made a mistake and joked unsuccessfully, composing a pun about light and darkness. Now he is free and can go where he is needed, where he is expected.

The writer created his novel painfully, for 11 years he wrote, rewrote, destroyed entire chapters and created again. This was despair - after all, M.A. Bulgakov knew what he was writing, being mortally ill. And the theme of freedom from the fear of death appears in the novel, which is reflected in the storyline of the novel, connected with one of the main characters - the Master.

The master receives freedom from Woland, and not just freedom of movement, but also the freedom to choose his own path. She was given to him for the hardships and hardships associated with writing a novel, for talent, for his soul, for love. And on the night of forgiveness, he felt how he was set free, as he had just released the one he had created. The master finds eternal shelter, corresponding to his talent, which pleases both him and his companion Margarita.

However, freedom in the novel is granted only to those who consciously need it. A number of characters shown by the author on the pages of the novel “The Master and Margarita”, although they strive for freedom, understand it extremely narrowly, in full accordance with the level of their spiritual development, their moral and vital needs.

The author is not interested inner world these characters. He included them in his novel in order to accurately recreate the atmosphere in which the Master worked and where Woland and his retinue burst into a thunderstorm. The thirst for spiritual freedom in these “spoiled housing issue Muscovites are atrophied, they strive only for material freedom, freedom of choice of clothing, restaurant, mistress, work. This would allow them to lead the calm, measured city dwellers.

Woland's retinue is precisely the factor that makes it possible to identify human vices. The performance staged at the theater at once pulled off the masks from the people sitting in the auditorium. After reading the chapter describing Woland's speech with his retinue, it becomes clear that these people are free in their isolated world in which they live. They don't need anything else. They can't even guess that something else exists.

Perhaps the only person from all the Muscovites shown in the novel who does not agree to put up with this miserable atmosphere of profit is Margarita.

Her first meeting with the Master, during which she herself initiated the acquaintance, the depth and purity of their relationship testify that Margarita, an outstanding and talented woman, is able to understand and accept the subtle and sensitive nature of the Master, to appreciate his creations. The feeling, whose name is love, makes her seek freedom not only from her lawful husband. This is not a problem, and she herself says that in order to get away from him, she only needs to explain herself, because this is what intelligent people do. Margarita does not need freedom for her alone, but she is ready to fight anything for the sake of freedom for two - herself and the Master. She is not even afraid of death, and she easily accepts it, because she is sure that she will not part with the Master, but will completely free herself and him from conventions and injustice.

In connection with the theme of freedom, one cannot fail to mention one more hero of the novel - Ivan Bezdomny. At the beginning of the novel, this one is an excellent example of a person who is not free from ideology, from the truths inspired by him. It is convenient to believe in a lie - but it leads to the loss of spiritual freedom. But the meeting with Woland makes Ivan begin to doubt - and this is the beginning of the search for freedom. Ivan comes out of Professor Stravinsky's clinic a different person, so different that the past no longer matters to him. He gained freedom of thought, freedom to choose his own path in life. Of course, the meeting with the Master had a huge impact on him. It can be assumed that someday fate will bring them together again.

So, we can say that all Bulgakov's heroes can be divided into two groups. Some do not think about true freedom, and they are the heroes of a satirical plot. But there is another line in the novel - a philosophical line, and its heroes are people who yearn to find freedom and peace.

The problem of the search for freedom, the desire for independence, along with the theme of love, is the main one in the immortal rum not by M. A. Bulgakov. And precisely because these questions have always worried, worried and will worry humanity, the novel The Master and Margarita is destined to have a long life.

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The theme of freedom and its reflection in one of the works of Russian literature.

Freedom. What do we mean by this word? It has a different meaning for everyone
But I see two sides of "freedom". The first is physical freedom: you are independent in your movements. The second one is
spiritual independence, freedom of thought. This topic is often found in Russian literature, but I especially liked the fact that
as Mikhail Bulgakov introduced it to readers in the novel “The Master and Margarita”. The author personally encountered the theme of freedom in
of his life, namely: his work “The Master and Margarita” fell under censorship and Bulgakov, in despair, burned it.
Only a few years later, at the insistence of his wife, he restored it from memory. This novel is largely autobiographical:
Bulgakov - Master, his wife - Margarita. The main character in the book first burns his work, and then
restores. Now, I would like to touch more deeply on the theme of freedom in the work.
In the novel, I saw the dependence of society, since it is completely subordinate to the communist system, they are chasing
labor records and socialist ideas, while forgetting about spiritual values. Master as a free person
, does not find its place here. His novel was not published, due to the fault of mediocre critics. Literary activity in
Moscow has acquired a communist bias, it doesn’t matter whether you have talent or not, the main thing is to please the leadership of the country,
which, in my opinion, is wrong. I became convinced of this after the repentance of Ivan Bezdomny, who realized that he had written terrible
poems. There is no place for true talent in Moscow, so the Master destroys the novel about Pontius Pilate and Yeshua Ha-Nozri and
goes to the Stravinsky clinic.
The Master's book also deals with the theme of freedom. .I saw that the prisoner Yeshua, as a prototype of Jesus Christ
, independent in spirit, because he thinks not about himself, but about all of humanity. Procurator Pontius Pilate, on the contrary: a slave
his power and Caesar. He is afraid of losing his position, although he is not indifferent to the fate of the preacher and wants to help him.
Here, it seems to me, Bulgakov wanted to show us that spiritual independence is the main thing at all times.
In the book, the author sends Woland to check how people have changed since Yershalaim. We see that Muscovites are not deprived
eternal human vices: greed. envy and betrayal. This is especially evident in the session of black
of magic,
after which many end up in the Stravinsky clinic. In her example, I noticed such a feature related to freedom
.People, although they are in a "psychiatric hospital", become more free, as they evaluate their lives from the outside. There they are
from which they do not depend and are spiritually cleansed. With the inhabitants of Moscow, the opposite is true.
Well, what about their judges: Woland and his retinue. At first glance, it seemed to me that friendship reigns in their company and
mischief, but only at the end you realize that this is not so. Bassoon, Behemoth, Azazello and Gella are Woland's slaves, they redeem
guilt for crimes committed during his lifetime. Their cheerfulness is just a mask, they are all sad personalities, although they help
Master and Margarita reunite.
By the way, about the relationship of the main characters. It seems to me. they are unequal.
Margarita is a slave of her love, unlike the Master. She does everything to meet him again: to become
witch, goes to the devil's ball, follows his beloved in other world.
In general, the novel is very interesting for its plot and the skill of the author; it is not for nothing that Bulgakov worked on it for twelve years.
years. But despite its fantastic nature, this work touches on many philosophical topics that can be
long talk, but for me the main thing here is the theme of freedom. it will exist in all ages as shown to us
Bulgakov. And for me personally, freedom is independence physically, materially, and most importantly, spiritually. After all, without
her people would “break” and die, writers would stop creating great works for us, many
historical events and humanity would stop its journey in search of perfection, Do you agree with me?

The writing

The theme of freedom and its reflection in one of the works of Russian literature Svoboda. What do we mean by this word? For everyone it has a different meaning, But I see two sides of freedom. The first is physical freedom: you are independent in your movements. The second is spiritual independence, freedom of thought. This topic is often found in Russian literature, but I especially liked the way Mikhail Bulgakov presented it to readers in the novel The Master and Margarita. The author personally encountered the theme of freedom in his life, namely: his work The Master and Margarita fell under censorship and Bulgakov, in despair, burned it. Only a few years later, at the insistence of his wife, he restored it from memory. This novel is largely autobiographical: Bulgakov the Master, his wife Margarita. The main character in the book first burns his work, and then restores it. the theme of freedom in the work. In the novel, I saw the dependence of society, since it is completely subordinate to the communist system, they are chasing labor records and socialist ideas, while forgetting about spiritual values. The master, as a free person, does not find his place here. His novel was not published, due to the fault of mediocre critics. Literary activity in Moscow has acquired a communist bias, it doesn’t matter whether you have talent or not, the main thing is to please the leadership of the country, which in my opinion is wrong. I was convinced of this after the repentance of Ivan Bezdomny, who realized that he wrote terrible poetry. talent, so the Master destroys the novel about Pontius Pilate and Yeshua Ha-Nozri and goes to Stravinsky's clinic. The Master's book also deals with the theme of freedom. .I saw that the imprisoned Yeshua, as a prototype of Jesus Christ, has an independent spirit, because he thinks not about himself, but about all mankind. Procurator Pontius Pilate, on the contrary: a slave of his power and Caesar. He is afraid of losing his position, although he is not indifferent to the fate of the preacher and wants to help him. Here, it seems to me, Bulgakov wanted to show us that spiritual independence is the main thing at all times. In the book, the author sends Woland to check how people have changed since the time of Yershalaim. We see that Muscovites are not without the age-old human vices: greed. envy and betrayal. This is especially well manifested in a session of black magic, after which many end up in the Stravinsky clinic. On her example, I noticed such a feature related to freedom. People, although they are in a psychiatric hospital, become freer, as they evaluate their lives from the outside. There they do not depend on anything and are spiritually cleansed. With the residents of Moscow, the opposite is true. Well, what about their judges: Woland and his retinue. At first glance, it seemed to me that friendship and mischief reigned in their company, but only at the end you understand that this is not so. guilt for crimes committed during his lifetime. Their gaiety is only a mask, they are all sad personalities, although they help the Master and Margarita to reunite. By the way, about the relationship of the main characters. It seems to me. they are unequal. Margarita is a slave of her love, unlike the Master. She does everything to meet him again: becoming a witch, going to the devil's ball, following her beloved to the other world. In general, the novel is very interesting for its plot and the skill of the author; it is not for nothing that Bulgakov worked on it for twelve years. But despite its fantasticness, this work touches on many philosophical topics that can be talked about for a long time, but for me the main thing here is the theme of freedom. it will exist in all ages, as Bulgakov showed us. But for me personally, freedom is physical independence, material composition with alls and most importantly, spiritually. After all, without it, people would break and die, writers would stop creating great works for us, many historical events would not occur, and humanity would stop its path in search of perfection. Do you agree with me?