
Why marmalands are a small person. The topic of a "little man" in the novel "Crime and Punishment. The main thing in the work

F. M. Dostoevsky in his work showed all the immenseality of suffering from humiliated and offended people and expressed a huge pain for these suffering. The writer himself was humiliated and offended by a terrible reality that broke the fate of his heroes. Every his work looks like a personal bitter confession. This is how the novel "Crime and Punishment" is perceived. It reflects a desperate protest against cruel reality, which giving millions of people, just as unfortunate marmalands crushed.
The history of the moral struggle of the head hero of the novel, Rodion Raskolnikova, unfolds against the background of the daily life of the city. The description of St. Petersburg in the novel produces an oppressive impression. Everywhere dirt, stench, stupid. Drunk shouts are tractors, the boulevards and squares are crowded poorly dressed people: "Near Harcheven in the lower floors, on the dirty and stinky courtyards of the Square area, and most of the cutting, crowded many different and all sorts of industrialists and rags ... Here the rags are not Drawing up a lot of arrogant attention to themselves, and it was possible to walk in some kind of form, no one scandalous. " Raskolnikov is one of this crowd: "He was up to that thin, that another, even the usual person, would advise the day to go out in such rags on the street."
The life of the rest of the heroes of the novel is terrible and the remaining heroes of Marmaladov, his wife Katerina Ivanovna, dying from Chatheka, Mother and Sister Skolnikov, who experience the bullying of landowners and the rich.
Dostoevsky depicts various shades of psychological experiences of the poor man, who has nothing to pay for the apartment to his owner. The writer shows the torment of children growing in a dirty corner next to a drunk father and a dying mother, among the constant battle and quarrel; The tragedy of a young and clean girl, forced due to the hopeless position of the family to start trading by himself and persecute itself to constant humiliation.
However, Dostoevsky is not limited to the description of everyday phenomena and the facts of terrifying reality. He, as it were, connects them to the image of the complex characters of the heroes of the novel. The writer seeks to show that the casual everyday life of the city gives rise not only to the material poverty and impact, but also cries the psychology of people. A variety of fantastic "ideas" begin to appear to appear to despair "small people", no less nightly than the surrounding reality.
Such is the "idea" of Raskolnikova on Napoleon and the "tremens of trembling", "ordinary" and "extraordinary" people. Dostoevsky shows how this philosophy is born from life itself, under the influence of the terrifying being of "little people."
But not only the fate of Raskolnikov consists of tragic tests and painful searches for the release of the situation. The life of other Heroes of the novel - Marmaladov, Sony, and the Duni - also deeply tragic.
The heroes of the novel painfully aware of the hopelessness of their position and the whole cruelty of reality. "After all, it is necessary for anyone to go anyone else to go. For this time happens when you certainly need to go somewhere yes! ", After all, it's necessary that every person had at least one such place, where it would be pressed! .. Do you understand whether you understand ... what does it mean, When has nowhere to go anymore? .. "- from these words of Marmaladov, sounding like a cry of salvation, the heart of each reader is compressed. In them, in fact, the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel is expressed. This is a cry of the soul of a man, exhausted, crushed by his inevitable fate.
The protagonist of the novel feels close relationship with all humiliated and suffering people, feels moral responsibility to them. The fate of Sony Marmaladova and Duni are associated in his consciousness in one node of social and moral problems. After committing a crime, Skolnikov overwhelm despair and anxiety. He is experiencing fear, hatred for his pursuers, horror before the perfect and incorrigible act. And then he begins more carefully than before, look at other people, compare his destiny with their destinies.
The fate of Sony Raskolnikov brings closers with their own, in her behavior and attitude to life, he begins to seek the decision of the suffering of his questions.
Sonya Marmeladova performs in the novel as the carrier of the moral ideals of millions "humiliated and offended." Like a splitter, Sonya is a victim of an existing unfair order of things. The father's drunkenness, the suffering of stepmother, brother and sisters, are doomed to hunger and poverty, forced her, like Raskolnikov, clarify the trait of morality. She begins to trade with her body, gives himself to the crown of the vile and depravate world. But, unlike Raskolnikov, she firmly convinced that no vitality could justify violence and crimes. Sonya encourages Skolnikov to abandon the morality "Superman" to steally connect his fate with the fate of suffering and oppressed humanity and to redeem his guilt before him.
"Little people" in the novel of Dostoevsky, despite the gravity of their position, prefer to be victims, and not executioners. It is better to be crushed than putting others! The main character is gradually coming to this conclusion. At the end of the novel, we see it on the threshold of the "new life", "a gradual transition from one world to another, dating new, accommodated completely unknown reality."

(349 words) The plot of the novel "Crime and Punishment" is inextricably linked with his main character, Rodia Raskolnikov: We are watching how he is experiencing about making decisions that define its further fate. Choosing your way, he communicates with different people. These relationships affect its choice. It was on the characteristics of individual secondary characters I would like to stop.

Almost all images of heroes, which F.M. Dostoevsky in the novel closer to Rodion Raskolnikov, built on the criteria of a single type-smeared person. In the domestic literature, the phrase "small person" determines the type of characters that are not able to withstand life cataclys and occupying a low rank. They are limited to modest needs and even more modest possibilities. In "Crime and Punishment", the author hyperbolizes the problem of these people, placing them on the very bottom: Heroes burn the days in poverty and have no chance to return to a normal lifestyle.

The hero, which most brightly reflects the features of a small man, is seed marmalands. His story is able to call the reader as regret and misunderstanding. Although Mr. Marmaladov lives on the verge of poverty, while having a bunch of debt, justify the problem of the hero is difficult. Returning official himself brought himself to this state. Not even going to look for a way out of the situation, he found calm in alcohol. Without paying attention to children and his wife, Marmaladov was squatting the last pennies on themselves and on their vicious desires. The hero complained that no one was waiting for him, but it was only his wines.

But F.M. Dostoevsky introduces Marmaladov's image to his romance not only to hit the reader with his misfortune: in the work, familiarity with the retired official should reveal positive traits from Rodion. The story of Marmaladov's seeds about his "impregnated" life causes bewilderment from the main character. The former student does not understand the actions of a "little man", which once again proves the fact that the soul of Raskolnikova is still alive and is able to revive. In addition, the mountain of this family pushes Rodion to the murder, justifying the victim for the benefit.

Of course, Semyon Marmaladov is not the only hero of the novel, the seal of a "little man" is left on whose fate. In addition to him, Sonya Marmeladov, her stepmother, Raumihin, Dunya and many others possesses the features of the common image. In front of these heroes, only one main goal is to wake conflicting feelings in Rodion, which are psychological engines of the plot.

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(347 words) in their works F.M. Dostoevsky often paid special attention to the problems and suffering of ordinary people. The writer always sought to know the Russian people, to identify his dignity and justify the shortcomings. That is what we see in the novel "Crime and Punishment". All the heroes of the work - the poor, scored, no remarkable people, but the writer gradually reveals the reader of these characters, forcing him in a new way to look at the world as a whole.

Initially, we do not see anything positively in St. Petersburg Dostoevsky, the city of crazy. Half concave student Rodion Raskolnikov, obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bhis own superiority over the surrounding, prostitutes Sonya, the unemployed drunkard of marmalands, his arrogant wife of Katerina, who bothered the whole world and other episodic characters create a terrible picture of immorality, cruelty and indifference. Raskolnikov cruelly kills the old-year-older, Marmaladov pushes a reception daughter to the panel, and her husband robs his own family to get drunk in a dirty tank. Someone would regret the unfortunate, someone would take themselves to them with charity, but not only Dostoevsky. It would seem that low people demonstrate moral qualities worthy of sufferers. The terrible conditions pushed them into terrible things, contracted by their souls and harde the hearts, but real devotees are hidden under all this mud and abomination. The desperate Sonya Marmaladov went to the panel to feed the family, but even in such a humiliating position, she kept faith in God in his heart. It was her love that she helped Rodion to free himself from delusions and gain peace of mind. Raskolnikov himself, starving, helps the money family of marmalades, not even counting anything for it, before the events of the novel, he rushed into a burning house to save the child. The desigrating husband of Marmaladov, when misfortune happened to him, did not move away from him until his death and sincerely grieved about him. But the most vivid morality of ordinary Russian people is revealed during the commemoration in memory of Marmaladov. When Luzhin, wanting to vulnery Raskolnikov, accuses Sonya in theft, Katerina, Rodion and a completely alien man of warmeter to the latter defended the honor of the poor girl. When the deception of the nudge was explicit, the perturbation of all the guests there was no limit. Scounded was immediately expelled.

Each creation of Dostoevsky is filled with pity for humanity, but at the same time he sincerely believes that it is Russian people who preserved humanity and sincere faith in themselves, will be able to change the world and bring peace and love to Earth.

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Small nickname "Little people" in the works of not only Dostoevsky, but also many other Russian writers are the owners of extremely modest income, sometimes in a very difficult material situation; They are offended by fate and the surrounding, tolerate the need and humiliation.

In the novel "Crime and Punishment" among the "little people" refers to the main character - Rodion of Raskolnikov, who at the beginning of the story the reader finds in the most oppressed state not only in the material, but also the spiritual plan: it is the need to pushes him for a crime, it is money that He considers if not the main thing, but one of the main driving forces in the dominant system of the device of the world. In an effort to help the needy, offended, offended, he is solved for murder, however, as we know, it does not bring goodness and happiness to anyone: Rodion demolides the wealth of the stone, and the severity of the deed and guilt takes over him - the victim, in meaninglessness. With the sacrifice of the Sonechki. The ultimate goal of the Raskolnikov was not achieved, and cannot be achieved, but if it is so - what can the funds justify?

The Raskolnikov family is also classified as humiliated and offended, for happiness and the right to which the protagonist is so violently and selflessly struggle: Alexandrovna Pulcheria, which comes to Rodion by his mother, lives on a modest retirement and small earnings with small work, and sister Dunya tolerates mockery of rich Barinov, being a simple governess. They made up with their fate and do not look at the sky on the cranes, the tit in his hands for them is a wealth that should be preserved and cherished. The role of "little people" was reliably rooted in their appearance and the manner of behavior, the mask of humility became already their true face - is it well, or on the contrary, worthy of the censure, the decision actually hardly belongs.

A few other side of human despair represent marmalades, despite the sugar surname living far from a sweet life. The head of the family Semyon Zakharovich surrenders, loses the battle by the fate itself and becomes one of those pitiful people who, by nature, being a non-free and even virtuous nature, not trying to even raise his hands in the gesture of protection, taking a blow to blows, substituting the second cheek. In the bog of despair and hopelessness, he pulls with himself and his wife, Katerina Ivanovna. The need pushes the older daughter of Marmaladov Sonchka for desperate actions, victims, not justified by anyone for whom they were intended.

A bright example of a fighter is a former student Raleshin, a friend of Rodion, who did not rush under the wind of the circumstances and retained the spirit of the desperate and unknown, not forgetting never about the most important thing, the only thing remained from the "little people" - the hope and simple human compassion.

Thus, the main acting figures in the novel "Crime and Punishment" are humorous and desperate people, however, showing their qualities at the same time in a completely different way. It is this multi-faceted personality in the work and makes it so significant for the self-consciousness of the Russian people and all mankind in general.

Option 2.

The theme of a small man was popular in Russian classical literature, she was dedicated to individual works ("Stationander" Pushkin, "Sinel" Gogol), it indirectly appeared in the plots of many works on another topic. No exception and Roman Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment".

To begin with, we will understand who is such a "little person." As a rule, it is a quiet and all forgotten, imperceptible person to society. Often, he is buggy and afraid to communicate with people, often a small look, low height or thinness is added to his image, it wears old, worn out clothes. As a rule, he leads a pitiful and poor existence.

Characters suitable for a typical "little man", in the novel several. The first such character can be called the main character, the student of Rodion Raskolnikov. Let's start with the external description - he is tall and thin, despite the fact that he was good enough, any person pushes his appearance in him - he wears old rags, in which many people would meet in the afternoon. " Rodion lives poorly, removing a pitiful little room on the outskirts of St. Petersburg. Such life made him quiet and modest, she broke his energetic nature. Understanding that he is worthy of more, Rodion eventually dismisses his theory about the "quarrels of trembling and law having", which leads to a terrible consequence for him. His crime is an example of a "little man" rebellion against his miserable and miserable life.

The second "Melnik man" "Crime and Punishment" can be called the head of the Marmaladov family, Zakharovich Seeds. We know a little about him - unlike Rodion, marmalands have long been not young, it is about fifty years. He is a former titular adviser, now retired.

Outwardly, he is medium height, with a big bald and emancles from drunkenness. Marrying the widow of the officer, to ensure much responsibility to provide a family, marmalands was dismissed from office and, not finding the strength to survive such a difficult moment, he began to heat so poor property of the family. In the novel, he appears in front of us the most classical "little man" - he is weak and cannot worry the blows of fate, he quiet and invisible for most people, he will reject society and lives out. His wife, Katerina Ivanovna, is also suitable for the role of a "little man" - she, as well as her husband, is unable to fight the problems and difficulties that have come to their family.

The only hope of their family remains only Sonya - despite the appearance and lifestyle, typical of a "little man", during the novel, it is revealed as a strong and volitional man, they show the features that are not allowed to call it "small" like her Stephide seeds or native mother Katerina.

Theme of a small man in the novel crime and punishment

Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, is the greatest author of Russian works, as well as a representative of Russian classicism. Proceedings of the Great Author deserve great respect. One of the most important works created by Fedor Mikhailovich is a work, a crime and punishment.

Despite all the extensiveness of the work, it is possible to allocate the main themes, which allocated the author, social inequality, as well as topics concerning philosophy and psychology. Throughout the work, you can highlight certain, so to speak of small people. The expression of small people was used for the first time in the literature, the writer Gogol. Dostoevsky decided to continue his case and stressed in his work, the importance of small people in life.

The main feature of small people is that they cannot manage their lives, they are people who are managed by the Most High, is managed by fate. It is worth named by the author lists to small people, these are marmalades, Avdota Romanovna, Lizaveta, Pulcheria Aleksandrovna. The main role is assigned to these characters, these are mental torments. These are people who suffer every insult, humiliation and can not affect their lives.

After reading this work, the reader may have a feeling of pity for these characters. For example, the character of marmalands is not able to endure the moral torment of his wife, her crying and cry. At the same time, he is ready, even to endure the beatings from her, just not to cause her spiritual torments.

The main thing that wants to show the author, in his little people, is their desire to provide all possible assistance to other people who are victims. There is a question in the work, maybe a person is happy if the fate ever decides, the answer is absolutely not exactly. And if this person, with his whole soul, wants to help the victim, this is the very good deed. It deserves respect from other people.

The creation of this work shows the author, from a person by a peace-loving, which deserves great respect. It is in this work that its real genius is shown and high insight. It is in this person that his whole love for neighbor is shown.

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  • The greatness of man - the concept is too unstable. Who is a great man? And who is small? And whether the division of society is possible at Napoleon and the "trees of trembling" - the topic that has become a cross-cutting in the work of Dostoevsky, once again rises in "Crime and Punishment".

    Misty and rainy Petersburg becomes scenery, against the background of which human tragedies unfold. The main characters are any inconspicuous "small" people, not officials or aristocrats, but at all the devoted citizens. But not everything is as simple as it seems.

    Rodion of Raskolnikov is the key figure of the novel - he pursues a half-starving existence, can not pay for an apartment, which is sufficient to be solved on a serious crime. Poverty pushes him also to lay a gift - the ring from his sister. But the murder that Rodion accomplished is not just a desperate attempt to survive. This is also a desire to overcome yourself. "Whether I am trembling", repeats the splitters, "" or I have the right? "? Thus, the young man seems to let himself in another world - the world of chosen. But he does not know that he will not be able to cope with the cargo of repentance, which will fall on him after.

    The problem of a small man in this novel smoothly flows into the problem of choice. After all, is it a sentence? We see Sonya Marmaladov, her father, stepmother. The father, a suburban system in an angle, does not find a better solution of all the problems than alcohol. He drinks, leaving his own children without the future. Ekaterina Ivanovna, his wife, at first glance, retained the remnants of humanity, however, her own past, her own past, than the fate of the adopted daughter and native children. She fills with memories of the magic past, dying from CHAKHETOP.

    But in Sona Marmaladeov, we see a completely different approach to the life selection. In a difficult life situation, she chose the way back from which there is no road - "yellow" ticket. But it is impossible to call it a poor spirit and a "small" woman. She is looking for salvation in spirituality, her inner strength is enough for the whole family, along with Raskolnikov. Sonya gives hope its own example: in any life situation you can save yourself.

    A separate conversation is worthy of Sister Okolnikov, which is ready to marry an unloved person, just to help his brother. This is also a choice, and the choice of a strong person who puts the interests of their relatives above their own.

    Thus, the problem of a "little man" in the novel of Dostoevsky is closely eroded with the problem of life selection. We see that in any life situation, a person himself builds his fate, and never late to take her in his hands.

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    Writing »Crime and Punishment - Dostoevsky» "Little People" in Roman F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

    F. M. Dostoevsky in his work showed all the immenseality of suffering from humiliated and offended people and expressed a huge pain for these suffering. The writer himself was humiliated and offended by a terrible reality that broke the fate of his heroes. Every his work looks like a personal bitter confession. This is how the novel "Crime and Punishment" is perceived. It reflects a desperate protest against cruel reality, which giving millions of people, just as unfortunate marmalands crushed.
    The history of the moral struggle of the head hero of the novel, Rodion Raskolnikova, unfolds against the background of the daily life of the city. The description of St. Petersburg in the novel produces an oppressive impression. Everywhere dirt, stench, stupid. From the Tractors, drunken cries, on the boulevards and squares, crowded poorly dressed people are crowded: "Near Harchevien in the lower floors, on the dirty and stinky courtyards of the Saney Square, and most of the drilling, crowded many different and all sorts of industrialists and rags. Here, the rags did not address any arrogant attention, and it was possible to walk in some kind of form, no one scandalous. " Raskolnikov is one of this crowd: "He was up to that thin, that another, even the usual person, would advise the day to go out in such rags on the street."
    The life of the rest of the heroes of the novel is terrible and the remaining heroes of Marmaladov, his wife Katerina Ivanovna, dying from Chatheka, Mother and Sister Skolnikov, who experience the bullying of landowners and the rich.
    Dostoevsky depicts various shades of psychological experiences of the poor man, who has nothing to pay for the apartment to his owner. The writer shows the torment of children growing in a dirty corner next to a drunk father and a dying mother, among the constant battle and quarrel; The tragedy of a young and clean girl, forced due to the hopeless position of the family to start trading by himself and persecute itself to constant humiliation.
    However, Dostoevsky is not limited to the description of everyday phenomena and the facts of terrifying reality. He, as it were, connects them to the image of the complex characters of the heroes of the novel. The writer seeks to show that the casual everyday life of the city gives rise not only to the material poverty and impact, but also cries the psychology of people. A variety of fantastic "ideas" begin to appear to appear to despair "small people", no less nightly than the surrounding reality.
    Such is the "idea" of Raskolnikova on Napoleon and the "tremens of trembling", "ordinary" and "extraordinary" people. Dostoevsky shows how this philosophy is born from life itself, under the influence of the terrifying being of "little people."
    But not only the fate of Raskolnikov consists of tragic tests and painful searches for the release of the situation. The life of other Heroes of the novel - Marmaladov, Sony, and the Duni - also deeply tragic.
    The heroes of the novel painfully aware of the hopelessness of their position and the whole cruelty of reality. "After all, it is necessary for anyone to go anyone else to go. For it happens that time when you certainly need to go somewhere. After all, it is necessary that every person had at least one such place where it would be regretted. Do you see if you understand. What does it mean when there is no place to go anymore. "- From these words of Marmeladov, sounding like a cry of salvation, the heart of each reader is compressed. In them, in fact, the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel is expressed. This is a cry of the soul of a man, exhausted, crushed by his inevitable fate.
    The protagonist of the novel feels close relationship with all humiliated and suffering people, feels moral responsibility to them. The fate of Sony Marmaladova and Duni are associated in his consciousness in one node of social and moral problems. After committing a crime, Skolnikov overwhelm despair and anxiety. He is experiencing fear, hatred for his pursuers, horror before the perfect and incorrigible act. And then he begins more carefully than before, look at other people, compare his destiny with their destinies.
    The fate of Sony Raskolnikov brings closers with their own, in her behavior and attitude to life, he begins to seek the decision of the suffering of his questions.
    Sonya Marmeladova performs in the novel as the carrier of the moral ideals of millions "humiliated and offended." Like a splitter, Sonya is a victim of an existing unfair order of things. The father's drunkenness, the suffering of stepmother, brother and sisters, are doomed to hunger and poverty, forced her, like Raskolnikov, clarify the trait of morality. She begins to trade with her body, gives himself to the crown of the vile and depravate world. But, unlike Raskolnikov, she firmly convinced that no vitality could justify violence and crimes. Sonya encourages Skolnikov to abandon the morality "Superman" to steally connect his fate with the fate of suffering and oppressed humanity and to redeem his guilt before him.
    "Little people" in the novel of Dostoevsky, despite the gravity of their position, prefer to be victims, and not executioners. It is better to be crushed than putting others! The main character is gradually coming to this conclusion. At the end of the novel, we see it on the threshold of the "new life", "a gradual transition from one world to another, dating new, accommodated completely unknown reality."

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    The theme of a "little man" was continued in the social and domestic, psychological, philosophical novel-reasoning F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" (1866). In this novel, the topic of a "little man" sounded much louder.

    The place of action is "Yellow Petersburg", with its "yellow wallpaper", "bile", noisy dirty streets, slums and close courtyards. Such is the world of poverty, unbearable suffering, the world in which people are born sick designs (the theory of Skolnikov). Such pictures are one after another appear in the novel and create a background that shows the tragic destinies of "small people" - Seeds of Marmaladov, Sonechki, Dunechki and many other "humiliated and offended". The best, purest, noblest nature (Sonechka, Dunechka) fall and will fall while there are painful laws and a patient society that created them.

    Mammeladov, who lost the human appearance, spoke and killed by immeasurable grief, did not forget that he did not lose the feelings of limitless love for children and his wife. Semen Zakharovich Marmaladov was not able to help his family and herself. His confession in a dirty restaurant says that a "little man" will regret only God, and the "little man" is great in his endless suffering. These suffering are taken out into the street in a huge indifferent Cold Petersburg. People are indifferent and laugh at the grief of Marmaladov ("Funny!", "But what to regret you!", "Smashed"), over the madness of his wife, Katerina Ivanovna, over the dishonor of a young daughter, and over the beating of a semi-winning Klyachi (Sleeping Skolnikov ).

    "Little Man" is a micromir, this is a whole universe in a micro scale, and many protests are able to be born in this world, trying to escape from the hardest situation. This world is very rich in light feelings and positive qualities, but this micro-scale universe is humiliated and oppressed by the huge yellow universes. "Little Man" is thrown into the street. "Little people", for Dostoevsky, small only in the social situation, and not in the inner world.

    F. M. Dostoevsky opposes the endless moral humiliation of a "little man", but he rejects the path chosen by Rodion Raskolnikov. He is not a "little man," he is trying to protest. Skolnikov's protest is terrible in its essence ("blood on conscience") - he deprives a person of his human nature. Also F. M. Dostoevsky opposes the social, bloody revolution. He is for the moral revolution, because the edge of the Bloody Revolution Ax will not fall in that, because of whom "Little Man" suffers, namely in a "little man", which is under the oppression of ruthless people.

    FM Dostoevsky showed huge human flour, suffering and sorrow. But among such a nightmare "Little Man", which has a clean soul, immeasurable kindness, but "humiliated and offended", he is great in moral plan, in his nature.

    "Little Man" in the image of Dostoevsky protests against social injustice. The main feature of the world-uponymia of Dostoevsky - humanity, appeal not to the position of a person on a social staircase, and on nature, his soul is the main qualities for which it is necessary to judge a person.
    F.M.Dostoevsky wished the best life for a pure, good, disinterested, noble, spiritual, honest, thoughtful, sensitive, reasoning, spiritually sublime and trying to protest against injustice; But the poor, almost defenseless, "humiliated and offended" "little man".

    The theme of a "little man" in the novel f. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

    1. The topic of a "little man" - through Dostoevsky's work in the work.
    2. Features of the image of "small people" from Dostoevsky.
    3. The image of Marmaladov and Catherine Ivanovna ..
    4. An image of a marmalade siene.
    5. Raskolnikov and his family.

    The topic of a "little man" is at F. M. Dostoevsky through through his work. So, already the first novel of an outstanding master, which is called "poor people", touched this topic, and she became the main in his work. In almost every novel, Dostoevsky, the reader faces "small people", "humiliated and offended", which are forced to live in a cold and cruel world, and no one to help them. In the novel "Crime and Punishment" the topic of a "little man" is revealed with a special passion, with special love for these people.
    Dostoevsky had a fundamentally new approach to the image of "small people." These are no longer wordless and scored people as she was from Gogol. Their soul is complex and contradictory, they are endowed with their "I". Dostoevsky "Little Man" himself begins to talk, talk about his life, fate, trouble, he argues about the injustice of the world, in which he lives and the same "humiliated and offended" as he.

    In the novel, the "Crime and Punishment" before the eyes of the reader pass fates of many "little people", forced to live on the brutal laws of cold, hostile pestilent. Together with the main hero of Rodioli, the reader meets on the pages of the novel "humiliated and offended", together with him is experiencing their spiritual tragedies. Among them and a digestible girl, followed by a boldful franger, and rushing an unhappy woman with a bridge, and

    Marmaladov, and his wife Ekaterina Ivanovna, and daughter Sonya. Yes, and the Raskolnikov himself also relates to "little people", although trying to raise themselves over people around him.
    Dostoevsky not only depicts the disaster of the "little man", not only causes pity for "humiliated and offended", but also shows the contradictions of their souls, the connection in them is good and evil. From this point of view, the image of Marmaladov is especially characteristic. The reader, of course, is experiencing sympathy for the poor, exhausted person who lost everything in life, so he sank to the very bottom. But Dostoevsky is not limited to one sympathy. He shows that the drunkenness of Marmaladov hurt not only himself (he was expelled from work), but also brought many misfortunes to his family. Because of him starving small children, and the elder daughter is forced to go outside to somehow help the impoverished family. Together with the sympathy of marmalades, contempt also to themselves, it is involuntarily accused of the troubles that fell on the family.

    Contradictory and figure of his wife Ekaterina Ivanovna. On the one hand, she is trying in every way to prevent the final fall, remembers his happy childhood and carefree youth when she danced to the ball. But in fact, she simply comforts his memories, allowing the adopted daughter to engage in prostitution and even takes money from her.
    As a result of all the misfortunes of marmalands, which "nowhere to go" in life, will spit and cums up with him. His wife, thoroughly exhausted by poverty die. They did not put pressure on society, soulless St. Petersburg, did not find their strength to resist the oppression of surrounding reality.

    Completely another appears to readers Sonechka Marmeladov. She is also a "little man", moreover, it can not be invented worse than her fate. But despite this, she finds a way out of absolute dead end. She got used to live according to the laws of the heart, according to Christian commandments. It is in them that she draws strength. She understands that his brothers and sisters life depend on her, so I completely forget about myself and devotes yourself to others. Sonechka becomes a symbol of eternal sacrifice, in it a great sympathy for a person, compassion for everything. It is the image of Sony Marmaladeova becomes the most obvious exposure of blood ideas on the conscience of Skolnikov. It is not by chance, along with the old woman, Rodion kills himself and in anything that is not the obey of her sister Lizaven, which is so similar to the Sonechka.

    Loves and misfortunes pursue and Solvnikov's family. His sister of Dunya is ready to marry the man's opponents to materially to help her brother. Raskolnikov himself lives in poverty, can not even feed themselves, so even forced to lay a ring, a gift sister.

    In the novel, many descriptions of the fate of "little people". Dostoevsky described with deep psychological accuracy described the contradictions reigning in their souls, managed to show not only the accuracy and humiliation of such people, but also proved that it was among them deeply suffering, strong and conflicting personalities.

    "Little Man" in the novel "Crime and Punishment"

    "Little Man" in the novel "Crime and Punishment" is, perhaps, one of the main topics of the immortal work of Dostoevsky. And here Fedor Mikhailovich spoke to the continuer of tradition, founded by Pushkin, Gogol and other writers, who also paid attention to the "little people" in their work. Later, the topic was developed in the prose of Tolstoy and Chekhov.

    Who are they - these "little people"? What is behind this definition? Consider it in the examples of images from "Crime and Punishment".
    The protagonist of the novel is a young colleagne student. He dreams of universal justice, wants to change the world, herses heroism and sees himself Napoleon. But he lives in a pentagonal room, similar to the coffin, interrupting the bread on the water and not refusing to help the mother and sister who forced money to make money with a grave labor. The desire of Raskolnikov is commendable, but in the end he becomes a banal killer, ordinary, on our, modern standards, Zekov.

    Sister of the main character - Dunya, Nice, kind, sensitive girl. She regrets his brother and wants to help him. But in order to ensure at least some future, Dunyasha is deciding not to marry with the hypocritical scoundrel. The girl just does not see another exit. Before her eyes - an example of a mother who works all his life, but can't get out of hopeless poverty.

    Members of the Marmaladov family also belong to the category of "small people." And the brightest from this point of view is the image of the siek. The eldest daughter Marmaladov is half an orphan. She has no mother, and his father married another woman. In the family - a bunch of children. They need to feed. And Sonya becomes a prostitute. It is difficult to name a girl of easy behavior - it will be in the root. After all, the matter is not in the promiscuity of Sony. This dirty work is pushing her need. And father and stepmother do not discern to take money received by dreams from customers. The head of the family drinks on them. And his wife - buys food to the kids.

    There are other "little people" in the novel "Crime and Punishment" of Dostoevsky. They are literally here at every turn. Here is a woman with the yellowed face of an alcoholic gathering rushing in the river; But the drunk wanden, digested girl - and the thick, rich richness, who already laid his eyes on her young body. The whole romance is literally teeming with "small people" ... and it is terribly done about how much of them; How hard and silent their life ...

    But each of the heroes is a clean and light soul. They would like to make noble deeds, do something great for humanity. But elementary household problems, eternal poverty and dirt suck them, as if swamp. People are minced, degraded ... And only love is able to raise them over the routine. This Dostoevsky showed the reader on the example of Sony, which goes beyond his chatter. And at the same time - happy. Here it is salvation from the brand! Here he is the way to Majesty! Former prostitute found him. And gave hope to all those who sit on the bottom of the abyss and does not know how to get out of it.

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