
What is the role of secondary characters in the comedy D. I. Fonvizin "Nepali"? (EGE in Russian). The role of secondary characters

Class: 9

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Objectives lesson:

  • training in a detailed and integrated analysis of the dramatic work;
  • formation of aesthetic perception of dramatic text;
  • development of speech culture;
  • development of figurative thinking


1. Organizational moment

2. Conversation with students (1-2 slides)

- Comedy A.S.Griboyedov can be noted both innovative and traditional elements. What did the incarnation of traditional elements found?
- What is the function of "talking surnames and names"?
- What did the innovative elements have been incarnation ?
- What is the feature of the unity of action in the play?
- Why is there no 5th action in comedy?
- What is the originality of comedy characters?
- What can you say about the role of psychological portrait?
- What functions of Chatsky in comedy can you celebrate?
- What are the techniques of comic in the play?

3. The role of secondary and extratent characters in the play

3.1. Conversation with students.

- What heroes appear in the play, and what is mentioned only in the replicas and monologues of the heroes of the comedy?
- What is the feature of secondary heroes, what is the development of their images?
- What is the originality of the insignificant characters? Why are they so called?

3.2. Writing in the notebooks of definitions. (3-4 slides)

Secondary heroes- Heroes who participate in the development of action, but have no direct relationship to the plot. Their images are less deeply developed than the images of the main characters.
Incoming character - Heroes whose names are called, but they themselves do not appear on stage and participate in action do not accept.

3.3. Literary mosaic. (5-10 slides)

- In no other play - neither "grief from the mind", nor after it - there is no such number of secondary and extratent characters, which are certain phenomena of life.
Try to distribute the heroes of the play according to their replicas or replicas in which they are mentioned, based on the criteria: the secondary hero is an extraordinary hero, and determine their name.

Here is the kids:
Them ball, and Batyushka buried on the bow;
The dancers were terribly rare! ..
Is he camera-junker? (Princess)

I took from boredom
Arapka-girl yes dog -
Led them to feed them, my boyfriend,
From dinner gave handy. (Chlestova)

How cares! of good! Mila! Pretty!
Balls give it impossible richer.
From christmas and before the post,
And in the summer holidays at the cottage. (Tatyana Yuryevna)

And, I know, I remember heard.
How don't I know? (Zagoretsky)

When it is necessary to refuel
And he bent forward:
In Kurtage, he happened to obstruct;
Fell, yes so that a little nape is not puzzled ... (Maxim Petrovich)

3.4. Work in groups.

Action 3. Phenomenon 10

Work in groups:

  • art historical group;
  • literary group;
  • theatrical group

Tasks for 1 group: Analyze the illustrations of artists depicting the chlesti, photos of actresses playing this role. What can be said about this heroine, judging by the proposed illustrations and photographs?

Outcome: Drawing up the description of the appearance of the heroine.

Tasks for 2 groups: Analyze the monologue of the chleerstorm, the system of her speech.
What can be said about this heroine, judging by the manner of her speech, the norms of behavior in society, the relationship with others?

Outcome: Drawing up the description of the character of the heroine.

Tasks for 3 groups: Wail on subgroups (scenarios, directories, illuminators, musical designers, artists) and scenicly illustrate the monologue of the chleerstorm.

Outcome: Drawing up a visual image of a heroine.

3.5. Conversation with students.

- What is the purpose of introducing in his comedy Griboedov this character? (11 slide)
- How in a monologue of a chlestova reveal the features of the character of the heroine? With using what? (12 slide)
- Why Hleostov visited the house of Famousov, although he myself complains:

Is it easy at sixty five years
To drag me to you, niece? ... (13 slide)

- Why are everyone trying to serve a chleerstorm, what's the point makes it in the word "to serve" A.S. Griboyedov? (14 slide)

Action 3. Phenomenon 14

3.6. Distribution work

"The ancient proverb will not be pushing." (15-20 slides)

- Collect scattered proverbs V.Dalya in a single whole:

Affectionately word - half of the salvation.
Having done badly, yes not all the truth of Baiet.
The haircuts fly, such to them and pies
Any truth knows who loves whom.
You can listen to him, do not wait for good.
What are the friendship: people are soaked.
Easy yes purity - that spring day.
Mile all, but can not believe.

(Affectionately word - that spring day.
Having done bad, do not wait for good.
The haircuts fly, people are soaring.
Any truth knows, but not all the truth of Baiet.
You can listen to it, but it is impossible to believe.
What are the friendships, these are to them and pies.
Easy yes purity - half of salve.
Mile all who love whom.)

3.7. Conversation with students.

- Relations of Proverbs V.Dalyl with such characters, like G.N. and G.d. What proverbs accurately characterize the heroes and why?
- What do you think for the city ofN. and G.d. None names? (21 slides)
- Why exactly these characters spread the gossip about Chazkom?
- Why did everyone in the house of Famusov believed in said? (22 slide)
- What can be said about the human qualities of the data of the Lord, judging by their replicas?

Action 4. Phenomenon 4

3.8. Conversation with students

- What is the repetitive in the comedy? (23 slide)
- How does he characterize himself?
- How do other characters belong to him?
- From the monologue of rehetylov, we learn about the best minds of the Moscow Secret Society ("Smart Youth Juice"), get acquainted with numerous inshapical characters. What is characteristic of "smart youth": Prince Gregory, Vorkulova Evdokima, Udushyeva, Ippolita Markelich? (24 slide)
- The repetitions of the repetitions puts what Mil people, because it has a "good heart", although God has not been awarded to his abilities. Why is a person "without abilities" adopted in the "secret" society? (25 slide)
- How does the reheetles relate with the way the Chazkogo?

3.9. 3.4. Work in groups.

Action 2. Phenomenon 1
Action 2. Phenomenon 2
Action 3. Phenomenon 3

Work in groups:

  • literary group;
  • theatrical group

Tasks for 1 group: Analyze the monologues of Famousov, the replica of Molchalin, in which Kuzma Petrovich, Maxim Petrovich and Tatyana Yurevna are mentioned. What can be said about these heroes, their character, habits, roles in society?

Outcome: Drawing up the description of the character of the hero.

Tasks for 2 groups: Capture the subgroups (scripts, director, illuminators, musical designers, artists) and scenicly illustrate the monologue of Famousov "That's what you are all pride!"

Outcome: Drawing up a visual image of an extraordinary hero by means of the person who tells about him.

3.10. Conversation with students.

Action 2. Phenomenon 1

- What did the memory of Kuzma Petrovich left according to itself? (26 slide)
- How do you understand the phrase "with the key, and my son knew how to deliver the key"?
- Why is the life of this hero called "praise"? Is it really? (27 slide)

Action 2. Phenomenon 2

- Why does Famuses call Chap's Gordech and what does it urge to learn? (28 slide)
- In this monologue, Magovyov calls a key word that determines the norms of the society's behavior, "to refuel". What kind of lexical shade in this monologue carries this word?
- Due to Maxim Petrovich, "before everyone knew everyone?" (29 slide)
- Why at the end of the monologue of Famusov almost all offers exclamations?

Action 3. Phenomenon 3

- Why is the name of Tatiana Yuryevna in the Famós society? (30 slide)
- How do you understand the phrase:

Cinema and officials
All her friends and all relatives?

- What is the role of punctuation signs in the replicas of Molchalin, when does he mention Tatyana Yurievna?

3.11. Final questions. (31 slides)

- So, what do you think the role of secondary and extratent characters in comedy?
- What function do they carry?

3.12. Record in notebooks of functions of secondary and extraordinary characters. (32 slides)

Functions of secondary and insignificant characters:

1) the creation of a certain emotional background;
2) creation of a collective image of a temporary context;
3) creating a symbolic expansion of the space of the play;
4) the creation of an additional characteristic of heroes;
5) Creating parallels with those characters that act in the play.

4. Generalization. The results of the lesson

5. Homework

The abstract of Article I.A.Gongcharov "Millon Torzania"; Analysis of the article; Messages "Comedy A.S.Griboyedov" Woe from Wit "in Russian criticism."

List of references:

1. Griboedov A.S. Mount from the mind. Comedy. - L.: "Children.", 1975.
2. Abstracts of lessons for the Literature Teacher: 9-11 CL.: Overview Lessons for exam preparation. X1x century / comp. N.N. Starygin, I.P. Karkov. - M.: Humanite.Isd.Centre Vlados, 2003.
3. Lyon P.E., Lohova N.M. Literature: for schoolchildren of high schools and entering universities: studies. - M.: Drop, 2002.
4. Great schoolchild encyclopedia. Literature / Krasovsky V.E. et al. - M.: Word, Eksmo, 2006.
5. Proverbs of the Russian people: Collection V.Dalya: at 3 T.: M.: 4 Paints, 2006.

D. I. Fonvizin writing his comedy "inexpensive" opened an important milestone in the history of the development of Russian literature, and in particular classicism. The play describes the life of not only the main characters. For the development of the plot in the work also introduced secondary characters. They are presented in the form of servants. Such characters can be attributed to Trishka and Eremeevna, Tsyfirkin, Mother and Kuteikin teachers, as well as rarely appearing in the action - cattle and prostakov.

In the first phenomena of the comedy, the viewer opens the manner in which Mrs. Prostakov addresses his own servants.

From her part of the Tishka's address, abusive words sound because of the poor tailoring of the Kaftan and this, despite the absence of a tailor. Mrs. scolds Eremeevna, working for the benefit of the families of space-made for forty years, and in every way faithful Mitrofan. She is engaged in fulfilling their own duties with tremendous effort, and special devotion. Mrs. Prostaya seems to education luxury, so Mitrofan Heroine hires teachers exclusively because of the metropolitan

fashion. She simply wishes not to look worse than the rest of the landowners. A good person is a teacher of mathematics Tsyfirkin, but he cannot teach a new way with nothing, as a young man is too lazy. Cuteykin grammar teachers can be described as greedy and cunning. Broteman, studying history and geography, was in the past becher of the senior. Now he teaches because of finding more suitable work. Mr. Prostakov is helpless and pity, as there is no power to resist the words and actions of his wife. It rules over it, but it is a normal case for the character. Stupidity and ignorance characterizes cattle, the brother of Mrs. Prostova, since only the breeding of pigs is included in the circle of his interests. He plans to marry Sofary for money, because of what he has a conflict with Mitrofan. Skotinin and his sister were given a bad education, because of what both characters degraded morally and morally.

In the "inexpensive" phonvizin, representatives of the noble estate, the moral foundations of which do not correspond to the principles of serving civil society.

Other works on this topic:

  1. Taras Skalinin, Brother Prostaya, - a typical representative of small destroyers. Grown in the family, extremely hostile to enlightenment, it is distinguished by ignorance, mental underdeveloped, although the nature is smart ....
  2. The comedy "Lady" is the main work of the life of Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin and the first socio-political comedy in Russian literature. D. I. Fonvizin is sharply satirically depicts the defects of the modern ...
  3. Russian writer and drama D. I. Fonvizin lived during the reign of Catherine II. The era of her reign was rather gloomy. It was a time when the operation of serfs ...
  4. The Action of the Comedy "Laughty" takes place in the house of landowners of spacers, distinguished by the dense ignorance and wildness of the morals. Heads in the family Mrs. Prostakova - Woman powerful and self-wired, cruel ...
  5. In Comedy, D. Phonvizin "Nephalval" talks about the events that took place in the house of spaced. Their main participants are Mitrofan, the son of the host of the house, his mother, Mrs. Prostakova, and ...
  6. The comedy "inexpensive" is recognized as the best work of the outstanding Russian playwright D. I. Fonvizin. In it, the writer truthfully portrayed Russian fortresisal reality, put it, according to V. G. ....
  7. The main task of the Immortal Comedy of Fonvizin "Nepali" is a satirical image of the Russian reality of the time: ignorant, small-scale officials and nobles, the severe fate of the simple people, the arbitrariness of the authorities. Very...
  8. In the comedy, D. I. Fonvizin "Nepali", along with negative characters, there are positive. Bright images of negative characters undoubtedly had a great influence on readers, but ...

In today's article, I am going to talk about one extremely subtle problem, which, unfortunately, not all start-up authors are thinking about. Speech today will go about roles of secondary characters In the literary work. The fact is that the beginning authors sometimes forget about the so-called roles of the second plan, or pay a particularly successful secondary image to the detriment of the overall plan of history. Therefore, so that such problems arise as less as possible, we will discuss the place of secondary characters in the general structure of the artistic text.

For you, I think it is no secret that within the blog " Literary workshop"I pay the most serious attention to the work on the characters, as it is fully confident that it is in the quality drawing of characters that the share of the entire work is concluded. Of course, everyone's case is to share these judgments or abandon them, but if you are interested in the questions of the competent study of the characters of your work, this article will surely prove to you useful.

Secondary characters.

So, at the very beginning, for the purpose of better understanding and structuring the material, I will have to voice a couple of capital truths. It is clear that this is all the well-known axioms, but without them simply impossible impossible in the question. The first banality sounds like this: not all characters in the literary work are created equivalent. Indeed, conventionally can be divided into the main and secondary. And if the authors almost always pay increased attention to the main characters (they are trying to disclose the character, show the depth of the internal experiences), then it is often not enough for his secondary way. And in vain. Sometimes the roles of the second plan are equally important than the main ... but about everything in order.

In general, the main characters are the characters about which the story tells. Secondary - these are all the rest.

Second banality for today: the author himself and readers in the course of the work should clearly understand which characters are the main, and what insignificant. If the public has confusion or doubt, the wines in this entirely falls on the author. It should clearly separate those from others, as well as fully realized, what role the main characters play in his opus, and for which he uses secondary. And if everything in general is generally clear (the main characters are conductors of the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, the object of visual interest and empathy), then the place and tasks of the second are not always extremely clear and transparent. It is about these difficulties that we will talk in the future.

Live background.

So, if the action of our story does not happen on a uninhabited island, the main characters are usually surrounded by a variety of people who do not have a special effect on the course of history. In fact, they are only part of the background of our work. They can perform some minor functions (inform the hero of the news, bring it to the place of action, step on the foot in the tram, to pull in the wallet, etc.), but after that it is invariably disappear from the field of view. The main character can not be in an absolute vacuum, there are always people around it, creating a movable background, a dynamic situation of the work, otherwise what is happening simply will not be realistic. It is very important that these minor characters do not attract unnecessary attention to themselves, do not interfere with the perception of events and hero himself.

However, it is not always possible to withstand the right balance between the main and secondary characters. Sometimes the image of a minor face is so bright that he begins to "pull the blanket on himself", distract the reader from the main direction of history. In this case, the writer should think carefully why so it turns out? Perhaps the influence of this character should be reduced, up to the time to exclude it in general, and maybe it would be more reasonable to change the plot somewhat, allocating more free space, to make it one of the main actors? This question the author must solve independently, based on the overall idea, the ideas of the work.

But in general, of course the main role of secondary characters is to create a lively background of the work.


What, by and large, the main character of the literary work differs from an ordinary person? In the overwhelming majority of cases, the fact that the hero is capable of those actions that the man in the street will never be born. That is why he and hero. But on the other hand, the hero can be a hero only against the background of ordinary people, only in comparison with their stereotype, he can demonstrate his heroism (the ability to move away from the usual rules and norms, to break the prohibitions, to show courage, etc.). Accordingly, the role of secondary characters in history is also demonstration of stereotypes of society. That is, secondary characters in any product are typical representatives of society, carriers of its stereotypes. And as soon as some of the heroes violates these stereotypes, he involuntarily attracts the attention of the reader. This subtle moment the author should enjoy both when working on the main actors.

However, these judgments do not mean that minor characters should be faceless and similar to each other. Not at all. They are also quite allowably disturbing stereotypes, just to do it, they must somehow, and not all at once.

Eccentricity and humor.

In characters that do not claim the lead roles, the individuality should also be present - small, but bright details will make a story more interesting and complete, mood will be given, and sometimes they will add humor. I think it is not a secret that often the main characters are not the main characters in the artworks, but the minor characters. The main actors traditionally expect serious heroic actions, the salvation of the world and beautiful girls, and from the minor, nothing special is required, therefore, they can be entered. Therefore, the eccentric behavior of episodic roles is exactly the resource, with which the writer can make its own text more bright and interesting. This should not be forgotten.

Here you can also mention both "obsession" - the extreme version of eccentricity, at which a minor character behaves too intrusive or too emotionally reacts to any events.

Hence the third feature of secondary characters is also work on short-term entertainment of the audience. The author has the opportunity to make a secondary character how much eccentric character, because, in fact, does not affect the development of the plot, but at the same time, similar bright images make the text more interesting and memorable.


The moment of exaggeration when working on episodic roles is its goal of all the same entertainment of the reader in the course of the story, the creation of bright emotions, which are not directly related to the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work. In general, the entire spectrum of sensations, which has already been discussed slightly higher, in the previous paragraph about humor and eccentricity.

The main method here is a deliberate exaggeration of individual character traits of a secondary character: cruelty or kindness, immediacy or calculating.

But why is it asked, for these purposes it is used to exaggerate? Why not just draw an ordinary character endowed with this very calculation? The thing is that hypertrophies makes it possible to focus on the desired feature, it is easy to highlight it on a general mediocreness background.

How can it work? For example, in the form of a simple trick, when a minor character first radiates hypertrophied innocence and softness, and then the time for itself is highlighted by already exaggerated calcality. As you understand, the game in contrasts is always clear and everywhere. And the greater the size of the contrast, the usually the stronger effect produced by it.

On this all today. We disassembled three main functions of secondary characters: creating a background, outright of stereotypes, reader entertainment through eccentricity and humor. I hope this will help you more thoughtfully approach the drawing of your characters. Waiting for your comments and opinions! See you soon!

In addition to the main characters, includes both minor playing in a play no less important role.

Replicas of minor heroes Ostrovsky draws a background that speaks of the state of the main characters, draws their surrounding reality. From their words, you can learn a lot about Kalinov's bushings, its past and aggressive rejection of the whole new, the requirements that are presented to the residents of Kalinov, their life, dramas and characters.

In the replicas, bringing us to the image of Katerina and its monologue-characteristic, a modest young beautiful woman is drawn, which no one can say anything wrong. Only attentive Varvara looked at her reaction to Boris and pushes to the treason, without seeing anything wrong and at all, without suffering in a sense of guilt towards his brother. Most likely, Katerina B never decided to change, but the daughter-in-law just gives her the key, knowing that she could not resist. In the face of the barbarians, we have proof that love in the house of the Kabani is between close, and everyone is only interested in his personal life, his benefits.

Her lover, Ivan Kudryash, is also not experiencing love. He can change Varvar simply from the desire to attack the wilderness, and would have done it if his daughters were older. For Barbara and curly of their meeting - this is an opportunity to satisfy bodily needs, to mutual pleasure. Animal lust is an obvious Night Night Kalinov. On the example, their pairs are shown the bulk of the youth Kalinov, the most generation that is not interested in anything other than their personal needs.

The young generation also includes married Tikhon and unmarried Boris, but they are others. This is rather an exception to the general rule.

Tikhon is the part of the youth, which is suppressed by the elders and is in full dependence on them. It is unlikely to ever led himself as his sister, he is more confidentious - and from being unhappy. He can not pretend that he is conquered as his sister - he is really conquered, his mother broke. For him, one pleasure is to get drunk, when there is no permanent control in the face of the mother.

Boris is different because it grew not in Kalinov, and his deceased mother is a nobleman. His father left Kalinov and was happy until she died, leaving the children with orphans. Boris saw another life. However, because of the younger sister, he is ready for self-sacrifice - is in the service of uncle, dreaming that someday wild separates them part of the inheritance left by the grandmother. In Kalinov, there are no entertainment, the beads - and he fell in love. It is really in love, not an animal lust. His example shows the poor relatives of Kalinov, forced to live with rich merchants.

On the example of Kuligina, self-taught mechanic trying to create a perpetum mobile, the inventors of small towns are forced to constantly ask for money on the development of inventions, and receive insults and humiliating refuses, and even dug. He is trying to bring progress to the city, but he is the only one who does it. The rest suits everything, or they resigned with fate. This is the only positive secondary hero of the play, but he also resigned with fate. It's not forces to fight wild. The desire to build and create for the people is not even paid. But it is with the help of his Ostrovsky condemns the "Dark Kingdom". He sees the beauty of the Volga, Kalinov, nature, approaching thunderstorms - which does not see, besides him, nobody. And it was he, giving the corpse of Katerina, says the words of the "dark kingdom".

In contrast to him, the "professional" wanderer Feklusha got a good job. She does not carry the new, but she knows very well that they want to hear those whose it expects to eat delicious. Changes - from the devil who produces in large cities, confused people. All new creations - also from the devil - exactly what is fully consistent with the personal opinion of the Kabani. In Kalinov, amenable to boa, the fecles will always be satisfied - and the food and comfort is the only thing that she is not indifferent.

Not the last role plays a half-handed lady, about which it was known that she sinned a lot in his youth, and to the old age looked at this topic. "Sin" and "Beauty" are two inseparable concepts for her. Beauty disappeared - and disappeared the meaning of life, it, of course, becomes God's punishment for sins. On this basis of the lady and goes crazy, and it is accepted immediately, seeing a beautiful face. But on an impressive Katerina, she gives the impression of the Angel Retribution, although he herself came up with most of the terrible karas for his act.

Without secondary characters, "Thunderstorm" could not be so much emotionally and meaningful. Thoughtful replicas, like smears, the author creates a complete picture of the hopeless life of the Dark, Patriarchal Kalinov, which can lead to death any soul that dreams of flight. Therefore, people and "don't fly" there. Or fly, but a few seconds, in a free drop.

To complete the task, select only one of the four proposed works (17.1-17.4). Write an essay on this topic in an amount of at least 200 words (with a volume of less than 150 words, the essay is estimated 0 points).


Comments on writing.

17.1. What is the role of secondary characters in the comedy D. I. Fonvizin "Nepali"?

The secondary characters in the play "Nepodelni" are Skalinin, Brother Prostaya, Yeremeeevna, Nannik Mitrofanushki, home Teachers Mitrofan: Tsyfirkin, Kuteyukin, Mortalman. Despite the fact that these heroes play the second roles in the comedy, the disclosure of the characters of the main characters depends on them. With their help and prostakova, and Mitrofanushka appear before the reader in all their unsightly guesses.

17.2. What are the reasons for the copyright of Napoleon? (According to the novel L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".)

The diary records of Tolstoy during the work on the "war and the world" show that he followed the conscious intention - to rip out of Napoleon a halo of false greatness. Middle of Napoleon - Glory, greatness, that is, the opinion of it of other people. For the thick, Napoleon is not a great man, but a defective, flawed man. Napoleon - "Palace of Peoples". In Tolstoy, evil carries people an unhappy man who does not know the joys of true life. The writer wants to inspire its readers the idea that only a person who lost the true idea of \u200b\u200bhimself can justify all the cruelty and crimes of war.

17.3. What topics and images of modern poetry are closest to you? (On the work of one or two poets.)

Here you can say about poets that have earned the name already in the 60s. This is Oleg Chukhontev, Evgeny Raine, Dmitry Sukharev, Inna Lisnyanskaya, Alexander Kushner. Of these, only more Alexander Kushner and less Inna Lisnyanskaya were published in Soviet times, for the remaining last decade was marked not only by new publications, but, above all, the full-fledged publication of all creativity. For them, interest in life details are more characteristic than new phenomena.

Inna, Inna Lyunanskaya often repeated the themes of freedom, betrayal, fear and loneliness. In his faith and his poetic existence, Lyunanskaya, as it were, is fulfilled by an amazing force that helps her cope with difficult fate: "Warlut, we will not leave, you will not die." In her verses, thinking about life, short, in rich impressions:

Divide your eyes and crumble eyes

Forever, but in this gap

Placed sun, moon and vine,

And waves and a swarm of forget-me-not

Special theme of creativity I. Lyunanskaya - Love. "Take me, Lord, instead of him ..." - This recognition in love, unusually strong, penetrating and passionate:

I pray you, Lord, tearfully pray!

Stop my blood

At least for the fact that I love him

Stronger than your love.

17.4. Satyric images in Russian prose 20-30s of the XX century.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko fell out, rare for a person's literary profession. He took only three or four years of work, so that one day suddenly to feel the famous not only in writing circles, but also in absolutely uncommon weight of readers. The story "Banya" in every person is a smile. Isn't it funny that people must bind the number to the leg in the bath. "Techerich's number is chloride," the character's hero complains. No less comedian story about the hospital, where the poster is hanging in front of the sick: "Issue corpses from three to four."

Heroes of Ilf and Petrov remain their favorite images. "Twelve chairs" and the "golden calf" joined the characters humor, and the comicness of the provisions in which heroes fall, and a witty manner of the presentation of the material.

Satira here is aimed at the outgoing world, represented by Ippolite Matveyevich, that people had no spiritual values \u200b\u200bleft (let me repeat at least an elloeh elderly).

Among the satirical works of this era, the works of Mayakovsky and Bulgakov can be called.