
The world of modern crime. Gopnik - who is this? Gopniks - history and anatomy. A guide to gopniks from different countries The origin of the word gopnik

It’s a dark, cool evening, two people are leisurely strolling through an old park on the outskirts of the city. The atmosphere of love and harmony overwhelms them, when suddenly from around the corner comes the simple phrase “Hey, kid, is there a call?” After which a crowd of guys come out to meet them, dressed in old tracksuits with fancy caps on their heads. The outcome of this meeting is not difficult to predict - today the lover in love will most likely return home without his mobile phone.

Gopniks: who are they?

So, who are the gopniks? Photos of these guys can be seen on the pages of many websites, but even more often they can be seen in crime news releases. Which, of course, is not surprising.

In fact, a gopnik is a petty criminal who leads a dissolute lifestyle. Such guys rarely act alone; as a rule, they gather in small groups. You can often find them in quiet alleys and parks, as they are rarely crowded. Seeing a lone traveler on the horizon, they immediately begin to process him. To do this, they use criminal jargon, threats or brute force.

Where did the term "gopnik" come from?

There are many versions regarding the background of this concept. Which one is true is quite difficult to determine, and besides, there is a high probability that there is some truth in each of them.

So, there are three main versions of the origin of the term “Gopnik”:

  1. The first originates in pre-revolutionary times. At that time there were so-called state charity societies (GOP). Such organizations monitored the poor, unemployed and beggars who were in the territory of their province. Everyone who came under the supervision of the charity committee was popularly called gopnik.
  2. The second theory dates back to the early 80s. At that time, the global migration of people to megacities began in the USSR, since there were much more opportunities to earn money here than in the countryside. The poorest were housed in state hostels for the proletariat, so it is not surprising that such institutions often housed all sorts of extraordinary personalities. A little later, the residents of these hostels began to be called gopniks, thereby indicating their place of residence.
  3. Another version is based on the thieves' concept of “gop-stop,” or theft. And that’s why the guys who earn their living only by robbery and extortion are called gopniks.

The rise of crime in the early 90s

Decay Soviet Union led to the fact that the judicial system was greatly weakened. took advantage of this moment and took over most of the power. Lawlessness flourished throughout the country, Gopnik realized this and began his wild hunt.

Gopniks, like predators, scoured the streets of the city in search of new victims. Sometimes it was a random passerby, sometimes the target was determined in advance. Indeed, in those days, local authorities quite often used the services of gopniks, so as not to dirty their own hands. For example, they were often used to destroy competitors' stores or to intimidate bystanders.

But as the years passed, they became stronger and stronger. Therefore, thieves in law began to conduct their affairs more thoughtfully, without raising unnecessary dust. And they clearly didn’t need the stupid internecine fight between the Gopniks. Therefore, they stopped using their services, much less covering up small pawns in the face of the law.

Modern gopniks: photos with caps are back in fashion

Now the cult of gopniks still exists, albeit not on the same scale as before. Today's petty criminals, as before, “live in packs” and also lead a predatory lifestyle. True, now they are quite easy to spot even in the most crowded crowd.

The modern Russian gopnik is a “clean boy” who lives “by the rules.” But these concepts are very different from those to which normal people are accustomed. Gopnik is often devoid of even basic compassion, since he believes that there is nothing unnatural in his actions. In his mind, everything is quite simple: survival of the fittest.

Another problem is that the image of a gopnik is idealized. Thanks to TV series, for example, the same "Brigade", the criminal life began to attract many guys. Especially if their life was far from perfect.

The laws by which Gopniks live

Even if Gopnik is the scum of society, even in his world there are certain laws. First of all, he obeys Zonov’s orders, and Gopnik has no right to violate them. Otherwise, he may lose authority in the eyes of his comrades.

That is why gopniks first of all try to intimidate their victim morally. To do this, they use conversational tricks. "Who are you?" or “Why are you walking here?” Such questions are a kind of greeting, and if a person answers incorrectly, then the gopnik begins an active verbal assault. Everything goes according to a long-established pattern, thanks to which the victim turns into a sucker. But “by concept”, it’s not a sin to ask a sucker.

Who becomes a gopnik?

Often, a similar lifestyle is led by those who were born in Deprived of parental warmth and affection, they early years watched others enjoy life. This has hardened their hearts and minds, moreover, they passionately want to get everything that they were deprived of, no matter how.

Alcohol also plays an important role. Gopniks drink beer, sometimes even vodka, from an early age, because getting alcohol is now easier than ever. What to expect from a person who starts drinking at the age of 10-12?

The final factor is bad company. After all, if you live with wolves for a long time, then you begin to howl like a wolf.

Lurkmore interpretation:
Gopniks- the lowest multicellular, a spy from the criminal world, a petty street criminal, an example of one of the types of street animals along with cats and dogs, whose main activity is squeezing lava and cell phones from passers-by, petty theft and fraud, and, of course, his favorite hobby - beating suckers.

"Gop-stop" - which in Fen means robbery or robbery, i.e. open possession of material assets. Robbery - with weapons, robbery - without.

Interpretation according to Wikipedia:
Gopniks(also - gopy, gopari, collectively - gopota, gopoten, gopyo) is a slang word in the Russian language, a derogatory designation for representatives of the urban stratum of youth close to the criminal world or with criminal behavioral traits, often coming from dysfunctional families. The term is widely used in Russia and the countries of the former USSR.

So, how to behave when meeting with “gopniks”?

Rabbits and boa constrictors: Their weapon is our fear.
Our fear is because we do not know the rules by which “that” world operates. But we certainly respect them. Because these are the rules of the strong - concepts. We respect the world of the strong, the world of thieves and authorities. But direct access there is closed; the full set of concepts is not accessible to a mere mortal. We obviously accept them, but we do not know their principles and norms. This is where the dog is buried. We accept the rules of the game without knowing them. Naturally, a more or less “blamed” freak, even with a measly income, knowing a couple of “bells and whistles,” will beat you in no time. Because you agreed to play by his rules. And a person who voluntarily agreed to play by rules that he does not know is called a sucker.

Who are Gopniks?
The word, as it should be understood, comes from the famous “gop-stop” - which in Fen means robbery or robbery, i.e. open possession of material assets. Robbery - with weapons, robbery - without.

Gopniks are not exactly criminals. They walk a fine line - at first they “run into” the victim with a “bazaar”, probe him, cause fear and confusion. Moreover, this is done without a direct threat of violence - from the outside it will seem that the gopnik is all politeness, and you, on the contrary, are a nervous, unbalanced, or even completely aggressive type. As a result of such a hit, the victim, as a rule, gives up his property himself - usually small money, mobile phones, watches. Although this is not the main thing for a gopnik - he may not take anything from you. It is important for him to feel his superiority. Make you afraid of him.

Everything is often on the verge of a “joke”, a conversation “in terms of concepts”, so then during a showdown you can always say - he gave it to me himself. This is often confirmed by the victim herself:

Well, yes, I gave it to them myself...
- Why?
- I don’t know...
- Did they threaten you? They said that they would beat you and take you away?
- No, they didn’t threaten. Well there... well, they said who he is in life...
- Then why did you give it to them?
- Don't know...

If you are in the police, then the officer begins to get nervous, or even go berserk, and, in the end, tries to get rid of you. There are no legal grounds. If there is a showdown among the lads, then you get the status of a sucker. And getting it from a sucker is a sacred thing for a gopnik. He's a kid, you're a sucker. Conceptually, he is right. The conversation is over.

How to answer questions like: “Hey, come here!”
This is a direct invitation to war - i.e. the war is already underway. Psychological. The main thing is not to be afraid and not to rush to approach, even if you are clearly inferior in strength. Although you shouldn’t openly demonstrate your coolness. Whoever starts must justify his actions. Therefore, if you are only being probed in this way, then you need to take the “conversation” in a different direction.

So, depending on the situation, you stop or turn around, in a word, express some interest. Don't come.

Hey, come here, I said!

Answers like “come here yourself” are not suitable, as you understand, unless you are a boxing champion.
You're standing.

They come up to you. Scary.

Can't you hear? (frostbitten, swollen...)

Don't pay attention, freeze, like, further:

Can I help you?

We're not suckers
If your “conversation” did not begin with a direct provocation like the one described above, then usually the gopnik will extend his hand to you when he meets and greet you like a kid. This obliges you to be moderately polite and answer the first questions. Which is what he is trying to achieve. This is one of the main tricks of a gopnik - after such a gesture of “good will” he gets the right to “fairly” be indignant that you, for example, do not want to communicate with him. Plus, he immediately creates an alibi for himself - “I drove up to him like a boy, shook him with his claws. Was it like that!?” - “Well, yes...” - “And people saw it. And then he started building a show-off for me...”. 1:0 in favor of the gop.

We break it off at the very beginning. It is very difficult to withstand - the look and the hand extended to you. The stencils of politeness are driven deep into us. The hand reaches out on its own. Let's hold on. Let's look it in the face. We smile.

I know that this is difficult, especially if your opponent is clearly stronger than you or there is a crowd behind him. But you HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO THIS. A good guy will not shake hands with the first person he meets without first knowing who is in front of him. In prison they don’t shake hands at all, for example - and prison rules are sacred to a Gopnik. And you don't have to press the first paw you see. “Or maybe you’re not a kid at all - who knows,” you hint. But you are hinting that he has no right to accuse you of anything. And besides, suspicions creep in that you know the rules of the game.

Your main task is to remain within the framework of HIS rules, to break off the gopnik using his own methods - you should not appeal to universal morality and quote the Constitution. This is the trump card of the gopnik, that he imposes his rules on you and forces you to play by them on his field. So that's what we do - we play the proposed game with a serious look.

Hitting the market
If they obviously didn’t come to beat you, then what follows is part two - “a hit at the market.” In any case, if you are not yet lying on the asphalt and people are talking to you, then everything is in order. In reality, if they are not afraid of you, then at least, they are afraid.

Who are you, where are you from?
-...let me see the phone number.
-...have money?
-...on what occasion do we drink?
-...who are you in life?

Freezing.(May be skipped)
So. You MUST smile and say:

If this doesn’t work (most likely it doesn’t) and the questions continue and the intonation intensifies, then you need to go on the offensive:

The best defense is attack.
The universal answer - it always works:

For what purpose are you interested?

It is important to understand and remember the main thing - in order to attack you, you need a reason. Aggression without a reason is lawlessness. They are waiting for a reason from you. As long as you don't give it, you're safe.

Under no circumstances make the slightest concession - do not answer anything. NOT ONE QUESTION, even a completely innocent one. As soon as you answer something, even the most neutral, but to the essence of the question, and want to interrupt the conversation later, the aggressor has the “moral right” to accuse you of disrespect for himself, i.e. get this very right to take tough action. You “supported” the conversation, and then refuse to continue. Not pretty.

Of course, you won't get a direct answer to your question. Lots of options further development:

What, it’s a waste of time to splurge with the boys?
- Are you being rude?
- You do not respect me?
- I didn't understand...

Never make excuses
In all cases, you need to “stupidly” continue your topic. Under no circumstances, again (see above), answer questions - “I respect you, but...”, “I’m not being rude, but...”. Your “but” will be immediately regarded as weakness. If the following phrase follows: “Why are you making excuses? Do you feel something behind you?” or something similar, then you will have nothing to answer it with. This is a 100% trick - it doesn’t matter what you answer or just remain silent, everything will be turned as an attempt to either make excuses or be rude.

I’m not making excuses - look at yourself from the outside, you understand that it just sounds stupid. But speak up nonetheless.
- Justify it.
- Why should I justify?
- Because you're making excuses.
- I’m not making excuses!
- What are you doing now?
- I... well... fuck you! I do not want to talk to you.
- Oh, you're also a rude...

Let's break the situation.
- What, it’s a waste of time to splurge with normal(!) boys? - this is a likely response to your counterattack.

Remember - no “no”, “no”, and especially “but”.

You didn't answer my question.

It doesn't hurt to keep smiling.

And you are on mine.
- Are you going to run into chaos?
-Are you accusing me of something?
- Answer my question. Do I have the right to ask?

Please note - just “inquire”. “Ask” has a double meaning on a hairdryer - they ask someone for something that will immediately be regarded as an assault - “I have the right to ask.” - “What? Ask me? For what? Justify.” That's it, it's a dead end again, you're in a bag.

I'm interested in myself.

“I’m interested for myself” is a stock phrase-answer to the question “for what purpose are you interested?” Everything is fine. As soon as you heard something like that, the enemy wavered - you forced the “right guy” to justify himself. Now the main thing is not to go too far.

I do not know you.

Under no circumstances should you continue this phrase: “and I’m not going to talk to you,” “why should I answer you,” “it’s none of your business.” Only stupidly neutral phrases. As long as you haven't given a formal casus belli, you're in a better position.

We stop smiling and show with all our appearance that the conversation is over.

Hold position
The cycle can be repeated in different variations. You simply hold on to your position, the meaning of which is that WHO STARTED THE CONVERSATION SHOULD JUSTIFY THE REASON.

In fact, there is ONE reason, and you must remember it - TO PROVOKE YOU AND GET THE MORAL RIGHT to attack, insult, humiliate, hit, take away. But, naturally, the “right guy” will never voice it, because then he himself admits to being a lawless person. And this is no longer common sense - the right guys don’t cause chaos. Those. you are asking a question that he cannot answer, but, according to his own rules, he is obliged to. In chess, this is called a “fork” - we attack two pieces with one piece. The only choice the opponent has is which piece to lose.

The point is that it is impossible to admit that the purpose of the tackle was to run him over, as you understand. Gopnik must comply with the laws of thieves' diplomacy and remain within the limits of the law. To remain silent or to leave essentially means to tacitly admit that everything was exactly as it was. And this means lowering yourself in the eyes of your comrades and your own.

This is your clear victory. But no one wants to be defeated, even though such a turn of events is quite likely. Admitting defeat, of course, can be compensated by insults or promises to “see you again” - this is the last attempt to provoke you. We just remain silent.

Don't bend
Do not comply with minor requests under any circumstances - by any standards, you can demand to state the reason first or qualify this as a direct attack. What you should say directly.

Give me a glass.

We are silent, we smile. We are waiting for accusations...

Are you screwed, or what?

And we go on a counterattack.

Checking for a sucker's suit? (or: - Do you want to run into me?)
- I’m asking you like a normal guy.

You earned a point, it pays off. And in front of everyone he calls you a “normal kid.” One more point.

Ahh. I'm sorry, i do not understand. On the.

A draw on a foreign field is a victory.
If you don’t want to be defeated, then the gopu has only one thing left -

1. or start beating you, which puts him in the category of offenders from the point of view of the law or into the category of lawless people from the point of view of concepts. He doesn’t need this, because the gop just wants to rise at the expense of your humiliation.

2. or “admit” that the goal was different - to get to know each other, communicate, spend time together. That is, to avoid defeat. That's what was required. A draw on a foreign field suits us quite well.

“Fork” - he already chooses only between which option of defeat to accept. Most likely he is not a fool.

Don't know me? Well, let's get acquainted.

You can shake paws.

Don't get carried away with winning
If you feel a fracture, then you may well give him the opportunity to rehabilitate himself in your eyes and the eyes of the boys. This is what needs to be done - otherwise the feeling of defeat will most likely lead to a new wave of aggression, which cannot be stopped by the market.

After an acquaintance, however, cycles of the same answers and questions may again follow, and the acquaintance itself was only a trick - you just need to be vigilant and in no case relax. No matter how many such cycles there are, your task is one - not to provide a reason. I repeat - this means:

Don't make excuses.
Don't answer questions.
Don't comply with requests
Do not break into “high” tones - remain polite and calm.
Continue to demand an answer to your question.
Ask “uncomfortable” questions.

Let's smile
Notice - we smile. It is important. This confuses and makes the attacker nervous. This makes him wary and act cautiously - “why is he crushing his face? Maybe he knows what? And he’s acting like a fool...”

If you meet complete scumbags, then you won’t have to talk for long. But in reality, such instances are extremely rare - this is a mental pathology. Almost every person has a taboo against unjustified aggression. Those. You always need a reason, no matter how funny or far-fetched. Concepts speak about the same thing.

Even if you suffer, then, firstly, maintain your dignity, respect in the face of your friends and yourself. And even enemies, which means a lot in the future. And, secondly, both the law and concepts are on your side, and you may well demand satisfaction by gaining strength, for example, in the form of support from friends. You are no longer a loser, but a warrior who has just lost a battle, but not the entire war.

There are two possible strategic mistakes here:
- fear will take over and you will give up, starting to mutter something inarticulate and willingly give away everything that is “asked” of you.
- you will feel like you are on a horse and decide to build on your success by exceeding the permissible dose of hitting - most likely, in this case you will be beaten.

Verification passed
If you don’t make mistakes, and your “opponent” doesn’t leave the battlefield himself, then you may well find new friends, or even better kents.

And if a turning point has already occurred, then maybe you shouldn’t give up on further developments - it’s quite likely that you will be offered to drink beer together and have some fun.

It’s not for nothing that this person approached you. Nothing happens by chance in the world.

This often happens - if you pass the test for "toddishness", you become not only an equal, but also a respected equal. In crowds of gopniks there are usually one or two “real” boys, the rest are sticky. The leader always knows this and, in general, he is not interested in them - they are his own pathetic copies.

Therefore, quite honestly and sincerely, they may want you as a friend.

The choice is yours. If not, then no. They patted each other on the shoulder, and even hugged each other like brothers. The market is over, it's over.

The last and most important rule
Even if you're scared, remember these simple rules and don't deviate from them. Because the last and most important rule is not to turn around. Either don’t start at all, or, once you start, don’t give up.

Remember Russian fairy tales - don't turn around. Whoever turns back loses.

Of course, this is just an outline; your creativity will always be needed. Fear will make its own adjustments, but, nevertheless, it is possible to REMEMBER.

Vitaly Lozovsky.
A view from prison.


Today, no one is surprised by phrases like: “Gopniks”, “Goparis”, “Gopies”. The terms “gop company”, “gopoten”, “gopster” are used less often. Various names hide the same semantics. This is a man certain social status, with a certain appearance, behavioral and speech habits.

At the same time, for different citizens the meaning of the word “gopnik” will vary somewhat depending on the experience of the respondent. In order not to get lost in misconceptions and to understand whether gopars actually exist, I propose to consider this article.

When and why did gopnichestvo appear?

The exact date of the appearance of the gop group is not recorded. However, in 1980 the phenomenon occurred quite often. The companies represented people with a lack of moral character who were aggressive towards society.

What is characteristic is that aggression was not manifested towards all citizens, but only towards those social status or the traits were opposite to theirs.

This category included entrepreneurs, representatives of the so-called “white collar” workers, and a highly educated part of the population. In other words, the gopnik's target audience is everyone who, in his opinion, has a higher status.

In 1990, the situation changed somewhat. The name “Gopniks” was replaced with “Gops”. The concept characterized people with a sustainable life philosophy, based on the inability to prove oneself positively. Percentage of residents eligible this characteristic 1/3 more than the previous one.

Today in Russia he is engaged in gopnichestvo about 25% of youth.“Gopnichestvo” means the absence of distant goals, the meaning of life and, as a result, finding oneself only in a circle of similar people. In 85% of cases, a gopnik does not see himself without others like him. Since his identity is poorly formed, it is reinforced externally.

Who becomes a gopnik?

In 1975-1980, most of the representatives of the subculture were persons of the criminal contingent, after all, by the time the convicts left the zone, they had formed a set of appropriate standards of behavior.

Even being in the atmosphere of city life, they continued to do everything they did during the period of imprisonment. To avoid repeated punishment, Gopniks limited themselves petty robberies. In fear that their violations would be reported, the Gopars intimidated the residents.

For this reason, in a relatively short period of time, citizens there was a fear in front of the image of a gopnik.

Nowadays, the main audience of gop companies is young people of age from 13 to 25 years. The reason for the existence of these groups is considered to be negativism caused by excessive pressure on a personality that is not yet sufficiently developed.

A classic example is when parents show excessive concern for the moral education of a teenager. If he cannot meet the required standards, he begins to reject them. So, a group of people appears that accepts young man and is able to highly appreciate his personality.

In this case, the purpose of creating a criminal image is not to avoid punishment through intimidation, but the process itself, which involves feeling of power over someone. Here it will be important for the gopnik to choose the right victim. This will most likely be a person who has achieved a position that the gopnik himself is imaginarily unable to achieve.

Often, over time, gop youth become absorbed in their own image and really goes to jail, however, this only increases their level of status.

How do Gopniks define themselves?

Considering that the environment perceives the status of representatives of the subculture extremely negative, high authority is extremely important to them. They perceive themselves as tougher and emphasize this in all sorts of ways, from clothing to beatings.

Gopniks contrast themselves with the so-called “suckers.” What’s interesting is that Gopnik often cannot give an exact definition of this concept. Essentially, everyone who is not a gopnik is a “sucker.”

The situation is mirrored with the everyday perception of Gopniks by citizens, because in 1990-2000, everyone whose morals were somewhat different from popular views was considered Gopniks. There was no clear definition of the subculture, despite this to the gopyas attributed to 38% of citizens.

What is valued?

Although it is believed that Gopniks have morals poorly developed, they also have a variety of behavioral criteria to determine status. Let's say it is important for a gopnik that the victim has a high position. This could be high income, a prestigious position, respect in society - that is, all positions that can provoke a feeling of inferiority.

If a person with a low, in their opinion, position becomes a victim of the gopnik’s machinations, the gopar sinks to his level. Therefore, most representatives are wary of any type of contact with holders of homosexual status.

There are a great many subcultures in our society. Each of them has its own specific characteristics, attributes, lifestyle, and behavior. Today we will talk about gopniks.

The term itself comes from the slang word “gop”, which means “kick, jump”. Russian language dictionaries say that a gopnik is a street robber, a hooligan.

Gopniks, they are also gopas, gopota, gopori - the designation of some representatives of the youth. They are close to the criminal world, sometimes with traits of criminal behavior. Most often these people come from low-income families. They have a low level of education. According to statistics, Gopniks study or have graduated from vocational schools and technical schools. But you can also find them in schools.

Most often you can meet gopniks at entrances and stalls. A particularly favorite place is the benches in the yard. Here they discuss various topics, for example, who has the coolest car or the details of the latest fight. Communication is emotional, there is a lot of obscene language. Often communication takes place accompanied by chanson playing mobile phone. Gopniks love to squat. They often drink beer from plastic cups and nibble on sunflower seeds.

How do Gopniks dress?

Any informal culture can be distinguished by their appearance. Gopniks also have their own distinctive features. Here are some of them:

  • sneakers counterfeited by famous brands such as Adidas, Reebok, Puma;
  • tights-type sweatpants, usually with one or two stripes along the seams;
  • a leather jacket, usually open, or a tracksuit jacket;
  • an eight-piece cap, a baseball cap or a black winter hat (popularly “Chechen”).

Gopniks have a very short haircut, sometimes leaving a small bang. It’s interesting how the Gopniks wear their hats. It is put on the top of the head. In this case, the hat should not cover the ears, but, on the contrary, rest on them from behind.

In general, these people dress in a very specific way. Complete incompatibility and extreme cheapness of clothing are the main criteria for a Gopnik’s wardrobe.

How to deal with gopniks

If you meet a company on the street that matches the above description, then you need to follow a number of rules:

  • Try to pass by without turning around;
  • You should move quickly, along a broken path (through courtyards, for example);
  • Staying close to passers-by will make it appear that you are not alone;
  • Avoid dark, deserted places;
  • Try not to start a dialogue with them.

If you do start a conversation with a gopnik, then you need to know how to talk to him.

How to talk to gopniks

The conversation usually takes place on their initiative. They may ask you for a cigarette, ask you to make a phone call, or ask where you are going and why. One can only guess about their intentions. However, the consequences are often unpleasant. Gopniks are aggressive people. Therefore, it is important to understand how to communicate with gopniks. Here are tips for dialogue with gopniks:

  • smile, kindness is always useful;
  • It is advisable not to answer questions, and if you have to, then speak briefly and to the point;
  • do not comply with any requests;
  • remain polite and calm;
  • Don’t speak in terms or fancy words.

Many people are interested in the question of how to deal with gopniks. The fact that there are more and more such people is an indicator of the level of development of the state. Naturally, there is no point in physically destroying them. After all, if you attack Gopniks in a crowd, you can make enemies for yourself. Therefore, the fight against gopniks is a rhetorical question. But don't forget about your safety. It is necessary to keep yourself in physical shape. If you do not know any type of martial arts, then classes in gym once or twice a week will help you stay in good physical shape. In addition, strength and endurance will increase. It is also useful to know street self-defense techniques. They are easy to find on the Internet and practice with a friend.

And if you are attracted by the romance of hooliganism, simplicity of speech and thoughts, and like cheap sportswear and chanson? How to become a gopnik?

It's very easy to become a Gopnik. We go to the market and buy the clothes mentioned above. Download compositions of modern thieves to your phone. We get dressed and go to the nearest yard. We approach any company of gopniks. They will definitely take you for one of their own.

So, I hope now you will know who the gopniks are. Be careful!