Driving lessons

The longest fairy tale. Very long tale studied at the submariner

Once in one office Zabukhul, it means that the director. General there, or on the contrary, executive - His defects ... In general, the main one.

And he is so a man who only when drinking at all - you can't tell you immediately. Looking only heavy becomes like UPS at 6500, and the muzzle is like Nalima. And all sorts of ideas come, and then he does not remember anything.

And so, hence, he has once and came to the office well, just no way. Gloomy toner. Looks like, firmly rested at the weekend - from the head to him came, and who came and what they saw there - then only the tendence of the head of them, and in the chubby only such taught, which even in prison would not taply, because they are criminal responsibility.

But it is not about that, but about how longing it was bite. And so grabbed a tight as amphibian tool for RJ-45. He went to the office, the secretary knocked something - and in the office.

With that alien scenery, they hit the picture from the pirate situka. Well, the cat brew (and the coffee in the office of them was notable - from the zone. The device was brought from the zone, but about the same story, and I'll tell you after it), trembling, and I went to the office. And the director there is sitting behind the computer and the AWP "Kadry" picks up. Human, it means that resources explore.

Campia sipped, looks out the window, and the secretary asks him - they say, so, so, is there any orders. And he asks - well, tell me about his work.
She had completely color saturation in the face of disappeared, stuttering in the Weight buffer went, so, they say, and so, I answer the letter, I answer the phone, and that the spoon in the circle is not the director name, so it took the findirector on the weekend and did not return Why did not say. Well, the director she is so immediately - no, you say something more interesting. And what to tell her when in three years the most case was when she and Anku on Mezhgorda was quenched at half an hour. There is eyes in the floor, and silent - "four hundred four" type, there is nothing to tell. The director so aside: "The fool!" - And she says: "You have now all come here, from the upper positions, and let everyone prepares a storytelling or the case there. I now need to reach the evening, it, how to dwell now, through that the company may damage to the big deal. Because those who will tell the short story will be dismissed, directly from the table without departing. And the stories are all about work should be, because on Monday in the office, and yes also with the director, just so the balakop can not.

In general, how long, is briefly, plucked all, then management personnel practically. None of the director, no director left. Everyone merged. TUNADERS - one word, what are there cases at work when all work is to ensure that the subordinate to the career Eccalator does not go. The longest of all the fond director lasted - eight minutes about that spoon told, but he said that he didn't have to work at all on Saturday - so even the "ruble" did not have time to say, as the order was signed.

Already the chiefs of departments were proper, and the turn of the head of the technode. And he was absent on the disease - at the weekend I tried the download manager with men, and so they pumped up that the face in the rolled scanner did not fit. And instead, a sysadminchik went, Enicier in our world.

It comes, the director even was surprised - you say, moat without turn. I have people with three top and courses in London still worried. Well, that awesome was a guy, says, like, which changed with the boss of the queue. What do you ask the director, changed it? On the screw, says new. And then my old one stands in the server. Remember, did the server fall? And, well, you are not visible from here - there is a hot replacement, all things. And he fell, as usual, and the backup lay at the beginning of the house, because we do not allocate funds on the backup. And started on vacation was on the occasion of driving from the mountains with the whole family bundled. Well, the modem was connected and the incoming took, just in case. Well, I rearranged my screw in the server, the Polbaza lives, and the Polbaz must be restored. And the last backup was made before repairing with a move when Servak \u200b\u200bin the basement was transported, and now the nearest nipples in the Internet on the second floor. Well, I twisted, I look - there is a floppy disk. Three inches. I put a backup to merge, in a floppy disk 1.44 flooded - and legs in the basement. Inserted, merged, and back top. And there I am already waiting for the second piece. Well, I am also on the disk, and down - on the server. Then for the next, and back - almost one and a half meters at a time ...

The director feels - already peeped his nose, but keeps. Then he seems to be like cloudy, it seems like - no longer caraching. The sun sits down, and Enicier is all poisoning and poisoned the same topic as the playlist looped - they say, on the stairs to the second - disk in the drive - File - Sand Tu - Disk in the paw - in the basement - disk in the drive - Appand - on the second .. . The director headed and says - they say, long have you been going to carry wheels there? And he answers - yes, well, from two gigs, only six hundred meters and dragged. The director at him handed over his hands - Enough, says, and Enicier in response - you're waiting, a backup need to restore! In general, the director of him there is a prize right away, in the department office chairs made of genuine leather (well, I brought it), Oops are the same on 6500, a blizzard with a reserve of pancakes, Enicheist Personal present - USB flash drive for two gigs and highlighted finally paid .

And the fingertors did not take so back. Because there was no spoon.

In the old days, a distant old man, one regulatory prince lived. Most of all, he loved to listen to fairy tales in the world. It will come to him about the approximation: - - by anything, the prince, today to have fun? In the forest there is a lot of beasts: and Vepray, and deer, and foxes ... - No, I do not want to hunt. It is better for me to say fairy tales, yes more authentic. It happened, the prince of the court to refresh it. It's offended by him on the guilty: - he deceived me, it would break it at all ... And I am guilty of: - Prince, I know a new fairy tale. - Long? - Long-long And terrible-terrible. - Well, tell me! Here's the court, and the stopper! It will be the prince of the Council to keep, and there he is some unprecedented sheep. The prince of the prince all the villages in the very edge were observed, everyone was asked if anyone knows all the new fairy tales. They put the outpost on the road: - Hey, travelers, stand! Stop, they tell you! Carries a traveler from fright. What trouble grew up! - Stop, tell the truth! Was you at the seabed visiting the sea king? "- Not-not-not. I have not happened. - And on the crane flew? - No, no, I did not fly. I swear, I did not fly! - Well, we will fly away, if now, right there, in this very place, do not fall the unprecedented disadvantages. But no one could send to the prince. - Fairy tales went short, kutsya ... just start Listen in the morning early, as in the evening the tale ends. No, they now went now the fairy tales, not those ... and commanded the prince everywhere to declare: "Who will come up with such a long fairy tale that the prince will say:" Pretty! " "He will receive as a reward all that wishes." Well, here, from all the ends of Japan, from the near and distant islands, they stretched to the castle of the prince the most skillful storytellers. They came across among them and such that the whole day spoke without a silent, and even all night in addition. But never prince said: "Pretty!" Just sigh: - Well, a fairy tale! Short, shorter than sparrow nose. It would be with a cavity nose, I would have rewarded! But once came to the castle of the gray-born old woman. - I dare to report, I am the first tales of long fairy tales in Japan. Many have visited you, yes, none of them and in the disciples I do not suit me. The servants have led her to the prince. - Begin, "the prince ordered." But see me, it will be bad if in vain boasted. " I got tired of short fairy tales. "For a long time it was, it was the beginning of the old woman." One hundred big ships swim around the sea, the path to our island is kept. " Loaded ships by the very edges of the precious product: not fucked, not coral, but frogs. - How do you say frogs? - the prince was surprised. - Once, I haven't heard this yet. It can be seen, you are really a craftswoman on fairy tales. - Whether you also hear, prince. Swim frogs on the ship. On trouble, only our shore seemed to be away, like all one hundred vessels - fuck! - After once, flew into stones. And the waves circle and boil and rags. Started here the frog advice to keep. "Let's, sisters," says one frog, "we will swim to the shore, until our ships broke into a small chip. I am the eldest, I will show the example. "She climbed to board the ship." Kva-kva-kva-kva-kva-kva-kva-kva-kva. Where the head, there and legs ". And jump into the water - slam! Here and the second frog rowed to the board." Kva-kva-kva-kva-kva-kva-kva-kva-kva. Where is one frog, there and the other. "And jump into the water - slaughte! After followed, the third frog rowed to the board of the ship." Kva-kva-kva-kva-kva-kva-kva-kva-ku. Where there are two frogs, there and the third. And jump into the water - slap! Following the fourth frog rowed to the board of the ship ... the old woman spoke the whole day, and did not recalculate all the frogs even on the same ship. And when all the frogs began from the first ship, the old woman began to recalculate the frogs on the other: - Here I burned the first frog to the board of the ship: "Qua-kva-kva-kva-kva-kva-kva-kva-kva-kva. Where the head, there and legs. "And jump into the water - slam! ... Seven days did not shine the old woman. On the eighth day, the prince did not suffer: - pretty, pretty! My forces are no more. - How do you order, prince. But it's a pity. I'm just for the seventh ship began. A lot of frogs remained. But there is nothing to do. Perhaps I promised the reward, I will go home. - Here is the baking old woman! I sold the same thing as the autumn rain, and also asks for the award. - But you are pivy: "Pretty!" And the word of the prince, so I always heard, tighter than thousand-year pines. The prince will not dissuade the old woman. He ordered her to give her a rich award and get drunk for the doors. For the prince of her ears, "Kva-kva-kva-kva-kva-kva-kva-kva-kva-kva-kvah ... jump into the water - slap!" Since then, the prince had long fairy tales since then.

Welcome to the site of the fairy tales of the peoples of the world and one night - the site, what is a fairy tale?

Smooth golden light of the moon poured a high house standing on the piles, as on the stilts, illuminated the children and adults sitting on a high diller - an open porch - around Old Thyong, grandfather's grandfather. Not far away through the tropical night rather guessed than the silhouettes of low, cut-down, like a turtle, Vietnamese mountains. Speaking measiously and fought - the grandfather told fairy tales.

In them, as in the fairy tales of all the peoples of the world, the dorned man's dream lived about happiness, about wonderful items and miracles: the carpet of the aircraft and the thousands of milestones, about the palaces arising from the magic, and about unusual, huge rice grains.

The fairy tale is an amazing creation of human genius, she elevates man, pleases him, gives faith in his strength, to the future, fonds the achievability of what seems like absolutely impossible ...
In the morning, I was forgiven with my grandfather Thyong, and for a long time I was heard by the melodious and magnificent sounds of the Hong, who came from his house where people were gathered on the occasion of the departure of the Soviet-Vietnamese Folklorian expedition.

Of course, the fairy tales listened and listen to both Russian sinks, and in African huts covered with palm leaves. In short, everywhere. But now, to get acquainted with the fairy tales of almost any people of the world, it is not necessary to listen to the storyteller, it is enough to stretch your hand to the shelf with books: now these fairy tales are translated into many languages, have become aware of the important phenomenon of world culture, without which it would be far from complete, but Childhood of each of us - deprived of something important.

But it was not always so, and Pushkin in 1824 in his letter from the link - the village of Mikhailovsky - complained and admired: "I listen to fairy tales in the evening - and I reward the flaws of the damned upbringing. What the beauty of these fairy tales! Each is a poem! "

Of course, fairy tales, being recorded in the book, published by many thousands of edition, will remain for the upcoming generations. They will read them and those who never see a storyteller or a fairy tale. But, not being witnesses to the workshop of the execution of such fairy tales, like Grandfather Thyong, we will lose a lot. After all, grandfather declared the grandfather, and sulfilled the Gomon of the birds, the rocution of the mountain streams, the growl of the tigers and the tube sounds of the elephants. He imitated the noise of the jungle, a cry of monkeys, ringing a stream. In a word, it was a kind of theater of one actor, especially since the storyteller complemented the expressiveness of his speech also with a gesture. Oral creativity played about how an important role in the life of people, says the fact that the localities of local cults of different peoples included gods or spirits - patrons of singers, teachers and fairy tales.

Folklore, thus, unlike literature, art is not only verbal. It includes a gesture, theatrical game elements, melody, singing. This is a multi-storey art, synthetic. In addition, it is a collective art, because the folk product is created in the people, transmitted and polished for a long time. And the storyteller is not the author, but the artist is a fairy tale, although he, of course, to the best of his talent makes something new in a fairy tale enriches it. Therefore, the fairy tale has many options, but no, like a literary work, the only one, installed by the author of the author of the canonical text, which only needs to be represented by the reader.

It is very important to notice that the storyteller is based on the tradition of telling and it follows to her: try to break the tradition, to move away from her - the listener will immediately catch artificiality, false.
What is a fairy tale? What does it differ from the myth, legends, legends?

Myths usually consider legends in which the representations of people of primitive society and antiquity about the origin of the world and the entire universe, all living on Earth, about various phenomena of nature, about deities, spirits and deified heroes. Myths give an explanation - but the explanation of the fantastic - the origin of the elements of the universe, the Sun, the Moon and the stars, is told, as nations appeared on earth.
Such is the myth of African Bushmen "As a girl made a star" about the amazing times of the "first alarm" and an amazing girl - apparently, the spirit involved in the creation of the Universe. "She once took a handful of ash from the fire and abandoned her to heaven. The ash crumbled there, and the star road ran across the sky. " And further from the questions of the universe, the tale turns to the household situation: "Since then, this bright star road illuminates the land with a soft light, so that people return home not in complete darkness and found their home."
It must be said that in this collection, somewhat simplifying and retreating from scientific rigor, we do not particularly highlight myths.
Many of the folklore works of the peoples of Africa, Australia and Oceania, the indigenous population of America presented in this book are very close to the myths. Not just mythology, its images, motives, but the most her spirit permeates the folklore of these peoples, testifies to his archaicity, that it is at relatively early stages of development, although his cognitive and artistic value is undoubted. In addition, the myths in all these peoples - the phenomenon of living: how they are told, you can hear now.

The time of the myths usually refer to distant times when, as people thought, the world, the universe was not yet formed. Therefore, we encounter such inspections: "When the world was young, there were no nights, and the Indians of the Maue tribe never slept ..." or from the fairy tale of Aboriginal (indigenous people) Australia: "When the world was very young, there were no fire. .. "

Since myths are primarily fantastic narrations about where the heavenly shining, the phenomena of nature, the Earth, man, fire, various cultural benefits: tools, cultivated plants, skills, as well as animals, insects, fish, etc. - The origin of all this in the myth is explained by some case, any event from the distant times of the mythical "first alarm".
So, in the tale of Bushmen, it is said that before the sun was a man, an old man who loved to lie down, and then Lightly became only around his house, and the whole world was immersed in darkness. Therefore, one woman decided to send her children to the Sun man to raise him and abandoned the sky. Or, for example, as explained in the Myth of the African Natopolitan Soto, the fact that people in different races and peoples have a different color.

It turns out that once people lived with one family in the cave of the first person by the name of the fishing. But one day they thought, they started the fight and killed his beloved Son, then the fish was driven out of their cave. People came out and walked under the hot sun. It turned them so that some became dark, others completely black. By the way, the motive of the origin of a person from the Earth, holes or caves is one of the most ancient, as well as the origin of the meter - the nests of the Muravyev-Termitites. "The very first people came out of the member," the Africans of the Natopolis of Akamba are told - it was a man and his wife and a husband with his wife. "

However, in the African folklore myths about the creation of the universe, heavenly shining, the lands occupy a relatively modest place. Much more myths, aspiring to the very person, it seems like just told, about the origin of cultural benefits, skills, etc.

The most archaic is the myths and folklore of the Australian Australians, who have recently lived with primitive commuting and still tightly hold for their establishments, customs and habits, that is, for their culture, which is organically entering first of all myths.

These are myths that tell about the flood and earthquake ("Great Shaking and Greater Water"), about the sun, how appeared in the Sky of the Moon, where the beasts, birds and fish came from, about whether the Australians appeared a boomerang - the ingenious invention of primitive People, skillfully curved stick, which returns to a person who threw it. A wonderful representation of Australian Aboriginal on the so-called "dream time" is the mythical time when peace was created. It is interesting that it, on the representation of the Aboriginal, is able to return to people in a dream: it is also "the time of dreams." Such for Australians the influence and power of myth.
The African peoples have attracted attention to mythical characters, which are personification - deification - celestial or atmospheric phenomena. Africans talk about the powerful God Mau. Once Mauu lived among people and the sky was so close that it could be touched by hand. But one day the woman splashed the hot porridge right into the sky and got Mava in her face. Since then, Mau has gone high and dragged the sky behind him. A similar myth also has a number of asia peoples.

But we note that, judging by other myths and fairy tales, Mauwe is also the first positions of the gods. A first-end of people in a number of peoples of Africa is the deity of rain and thunderstorms of Les, who was represented by heavenly creature: he had a vote, and his eyes - the stars. He also performs the role of a cultural hero, sending people to the seeds of cultivated plants.

But in the folklore of different peoples in a pair with a serious and positive cultural hero, the character is not very serious, sometimes plutish, curious or scattered, sometimes even bewildered, which as if undermining the efforts of a positive cultural hero. Something similar to us in the fairy tale of Africans Ceete "Three Calabas".

The first on Earth people Lesz sent three tightly closed Calebas with a bird (hollow dried pumpkins who served vessels) with no way to open them. But on the way, Miyimhiba overcomes curiosity, she violates the ban, openings Calebas, in two discovers seeds, and the third diseases and death, predatory animals and dangerous poisonous snakes appeared from the third.

Characters, who, like a bird Miyimb, from mischief or curiosity spoil the case of a serious cultural hero, may be beasts or act in the guise of a person.

Directly with mythologies are related etiological (speaking about the origin of something) the ending of animal fairy tales. For example, the fairy tale of the Polynesians of the Hawaiian Islands "Abduction of Fire", in which it says that the chicken did not immediately opened the demigod named Maui by the mystery of friction fire, ends like this: "Maui was still angry with the bird: why she drove him ... and He taught the fire scallop church. Since then, scallops from chickens have become red. "

However, all this tale is entirely connected with the mythological principle - it means about the origin of friction fire skill with a wooden stick.

Maui is by no means an episodic, but rather, one of the central characters in the Polynesian folklore: he is a cultural hero (that is, the one who mines people, both a fire, cultural benefits and different skills) and a participant in the mythical "warring". Around the cultural hero, the myths and fairy tales of Polynesia are cyclized - a feature characteristic of archaic folklore.

This Maui picks up the fishing rod from the ocean, raises the heavenly arch, extracts cereals, etc. At the same time, he, as we already know, decorate the chicken in a bloody-red comb. Apparently, this at first glance an unexpected communication of the chicken with fire dates back to the position of the rooster as the Sun symbol. After all, who, if not he, his "Kukarek" announces the rapid dawn and the appearance of the daylight, which in Polynesia gets up of the ocean punching?
And in the fairy tale of Africans "Why a monkey lives on the trees" uses a widely known motive of hostility of different animals (here it is about the forest cat and monkey), in order to give a "explanation" in conclusion: "From the same time a monkey lives on trees and Does not like to walk on the ground. This is because it is very afraid of the forest cat. " Of course, the myth here is already inferior to the poetic fiction.

Unlike myths, legends and legends addressed to history - the foundation of states, cities, the fate of historical persons, battles, etc. It is a fairy tale to call the oral story of a magical, adventure or domestic character with a fiction.

The fairy tale is a story about knowingly impossible. The last feature is especially important - in the fairy tale, there is a fantastic, implausible: animals talk there and often help the hero; Ordinary at first glance, like an old lamp of Aladdin, are magical, etc. No wonder the famous Russian granny says that "a fairy tale is a lie, and there is a hint of a good young lesson." Without fiction there is no fairy tales, and often she is also instructive, and "good men" can really extract from her a life lesson - a lesson of morality, kindness, honesty, mind and other times of hemitamia, without which, it happens, not to get out of trouble. Long similarities have long been seen in the fairy tales of peoples living in different parts of Asia, Europe, Africa. Sometimes it is simply a recent borrowing. Thus, they turned into fairy tales and became transmitted as often some Basni Lafontena in Madagascar and Vietnam, after they were transferred to Malagasy and Vietnamese. French folkloride Ferrand was surprised that at Madagascar at the end of the last century he recorded a fairy tale "Frogs, wanted to have a ruler" from an illiterate old man who could not read Lafontin even in translation, although his fairy tale, her characters, plot moves and The motives were strikingly reminded the fables of Lafontaine "Frogs, asking for them to give the king." Of course, some details to adapt to understanding Madagascar residents have been changed. The Lafontena's poetic fables was transferred to the Malagasy fairy tale in prose. But this case is relatively clear and simple.

But very popular fairy tales resembling Cinderella from the famous Collection of French Fairy Tales Charles Perra (1628-1703), there are no less than three hundred fifty world around the world, and in many of them the lost shoe appears. She is in the fairy tales of this type, which the reader will find in this collection - "Golden Shoe" (Vietnam) and "Khongchi and Phatchchi" (Korea). True, the heroine of the Korean fairy tales, of course, the owner is not a golden shoes, but Kotsin - the usual plague shoes in Korea, embroidered with color patterns. In some peoples of Southeast Asia, who do not use shoes, shoes in a fairy tale may not be, as it does not have it in the English version - a fairy tale "Reed hat", where the ring appears. But in fact, the tongue in the fairy tale appeared not by chance: the fairy tale ends with marriage, and with a wedding rite, a number of peoples had a shoe (hence, probably, the expression "husband-podkinnik" was probably present. By the way, the ring of European peoples is an indispensable attribute at the wedding.

It is important for us that with all the indisputable similarity of the T-Tale type "Cinderella" - and French, and Korean - the plots do not quite coincide, there are discrepancies in the content, outfit images, which is associated with the peculiarities of public and family relations, life, folk traditions of each people .

In the collection, we bring the Indian fairy tale "Golden Fish", recorded in the deaf corner of Central India. Everyone who read or heard the wonderful Pushkin "fairy tale about fisherman and fish", instantly cares something well known. And blessing, albeit good, old man ("husband-podkin"), and grumping, greedy to the honors and wealth of the old woman, and the golden fish (and not Pushkin Golden Fish), delivering goods and high titles, - All this is surprisingly familiar to us The fairy tale of the great Russian poet. Moreover, scientists argue that the Tale of the Golden Fish will almost almost everywhere in Europe, in Latin America and Canada, where it probably brought immigrants from Europe, it is also known in Indonesia and Africa.

Those who read the German fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, well remember three wonderful masters who have achieved incredible success in their skill. One of them, a hairdresser, shaved a hare on the move on the move, another ... However, we will not put this famous history, but only let's say that it is very popular in the folklore of the peoples of Europe and Asia. Its the earliest record was found in the meeting of the ancient Indian narches "twenty-five stories of the vetala." The Russian folkloride of the last century V. F. Miller (1848-1913), who recorded a fairy tale with a similar plot of Chechens, noticed that she introduced himself to him "as if a scaffolding sheet from an old book, listed in the deaf gorge of the Caucasian Range."

V. F. Miller did not give values \u200b\u200bto differences in the content of these fairy tales.
Meanwhile, if we take the Vietnamese fairy tale "Three Cleells", we will see that it differs from the ancient Indian not only by national traits: in it, for example, we find the motive of choosing a son-in-law, common in Volklore Vietnam (the bride's father picks up for the daughter of the bridegroom). In the Ancient Indian fairy tale, the bride is referred to choose, in accordance with the lengthy ideas, the "valiant husband". But the Vietnamese fairy tale approves a different ideal, namely the people's ideal of a skillful worker. Beauty's father talks like this: "Not to the face of my daughter to be the wife of the official ruler or rich. She marries the one who in his craft is an unsurpassed master will be. "

In an ancient Indian fairy tale, three heroes appear: an archer (warrior), a Vuner (Jewel) and a man who made a chariot that "in the intended direction by air goes"; In Vietnamese, this is a tag shooter (hunter), a diver (fisherman; Fisheries is an original occupation of Vietnamese) and leakage.

How to explain the observed similarities and differences? Socked people thought about such a question long ago and in the past century, several theories were put forward.

At first, the so-called mythological school appeared, the origins of which were famous gathers of German folklore Brothers Grimm (Jacob, 1785-1863, and Wilhelm, 1786-1859); In Russia, this theory was developed by A. N. Afanasyev (1826-1871), a well-known collector of Russian fairy tales, and F. I. Buslaev (1818-1897). In those days, scientists have made an amazing discovery: they established the kinship of most European languages \u200b\u200band languages \u200b\u200bof India and Iran. These community they called the Indo-European language family. Therefore, the lingules then set themselves the task of restoring the prehistoric "PRAYASK", and the folklorists sought to reconstruct the "Pra-MiF", the overall source of the mythology of all Indo-European peoples. This "Pramif", as scientists believed, would also help to explain the similarity of fairy tales.

Mythological school has done a lot in science to collect comparative material, but many of its starting moments turned out to be controversial, and the ideas of false. The reduction of the whole richness of Folklore to myth, the oldest religious ideas, inattention to the life of modern peasantry, in whose environment developed and extended folklore - all this undermined the foundations of mythological school.

Another theory, the theory of borrowing, was largely based on the study of ways to spread the ancient Indian fabulous collections, especially "Panchatarters" (III-IV centuries), which fell into the Middle Ages through the front Asia to Europe and Rus. The most prominent supporters of the theory of borrowing were the German Indologist, T. Benpev (1809-1881) in the West, and in Russia A. N. Pypin (1833-1904) and V. F. Miller. Acquaintance with the wealth of Indian fairy tales brought scientists to the idea of \u200b\u200bIndia as a homeland of fairy tales, from where the fairy tales went to the wealth around the world. This theory has seen the only reason for the similarity of the plots and motives of fairy tales of different peoples in borrowing. This was its one-sidedness, since the facts said that coincidences and similarities were observed in fairy tales of such peoples, which, in all likelihood, did not have contacts among themselves.
Finally, in the second half of the last century, some scientists began to explain the similarities of the living conditions and psychology in the folklore of different nations. This theory has grown out of the study of spiritual and material culture, public relations of backward peoples who were in the early levels of development. This theory was named ethnographic.

Soviet science of folklore is a new stage in the development of folklores. Soviet scientists not only spend truly gigantic work to collect and publish the works of folklore of the peoples of Russia and foreign countries. They seek to comprehend the whole of this richest material, armed by the Marxist understanding of the laws of the history of human society and the history of his culture.

Peoples of the world live on one planet, develop under the general laws of history, no matter how peculiar paths and fate of each of them, habitat conditions, languages. In the similarity of historical people's life, it should be obviously looking for an answer to the question of what causes the similarity, the proximity of the fairy tales of peoples living on different continents, and in what the reasons for the assimilation of borrowed fairy tales.

An important condition for borrowing can be considered a "counter current", when in folklore, which is borrowing, there is already something similar, although more elementary and not so outstanding on artistic advantages.
Speaking about the fairy tales of different peoples with similar plots, it is necessary to note the three main cases. First, fairy tales are formed in the medium of any people, and then move to other countries, absorb the impact of the local folklore tradition (for example, traditional inspections, motifs, drawing of the fairy-tale image outline, etc.), adapt to local customs, absorb Local flavor. Secondly, there are similar fairy tales, which arise independently of each other in different countries due to the generality of life, psychology, conditions and laws of the socio-historical development of peoples. These fairy tales have similarities, but they are not borrowed, only episodes and details are borrowed. It should be borne in mind that, undoubtedly, an outstanding Russian scientist Academician A. N. Ve-Selovo (1838-1906), which believed that only the similarities of elementary semantic content of content can be explained, but not difficult constructions can be explained. that form the plots of magical fairy tales. And finally, thirdly, fairy tales can be transmitted through the book, in favor of what the facts mentioned above are indicated, namely what happened to Lafonten's fables in Madagascar and Vietnam.

The fairy tale is brighter and more important than other genres of oral folk poetic creativity, at the same time demonstrates the national peculiarity of the folklore and its unity on a worldwide scale, opens up common features inherent in man and humanity, which is based on the historical development of which are general laws.
The fairy tale is poetic fiction, and her heroes often live and act in some kind of "fabulous" time, and even in a special "fabulous" space ("the" thievesal state "). Although the "fabulous" time is very similar to the one in which the storyteller lives, but still it is special, fabulous. Therefore, the fairy tale begins with traditional stainings of the type: "In the time of long-standing ...", "this has long been ...", etc., which are very important to create a "fabulous" atmosphere. To point out the abandonment, the remoteness of the "fabulous" time, the storyteller resorts to the complicated reasons: "It was in those distant times when Tiger knew how to smoke, and animals say to a human voice." Cooks prepare us for the perception of fairy tales and transferred to the fabulous world.

Fairy tales, like other works of folklore, are transmitted from the mouth to the mouth: the current listener, who now tensely hesitates the teacher, tomorrow will tell, perhaps, it is, but in his own interpretation, in its version. In Mongolia, I happened to hear the legend of the "Breast Flame", which was told by the old teacher Choinhorh in the presence of another, more young narrator. Soon the young narrator who first met then with the work, already told the legend, and then it was recorded from his words with Mongolian scientists.

The most stable with these gears remains the plot of fairy tales, outlining the main characters.
The national fairy tale features are determined in considerable extent folk traditions of the people inherent in a particular poetic look. In Russian fairy tales, as in the fairy tales of a number of European peoples, the Dragon (Snake Gorynych), for example, appears as an evil ugly monster, which brings grief, abducts people, etc., and the peoples of the Far East and Vietnam he has a positive character and has The greatest appearance, inspiring all sorts of respect. The fact is that the peoples of East Asia are at the heart of this image, which later became the symbol of the sovereign, the Supreme Ruler, lies a deity that has been raining. The rain was always the first concern for farmers, agricultural peoples, a blessing for their fields suffering from drought.

In fairy tales, there was a reflection of the animal and the flora world of the country where these fairy tales appeared. We are not surprised, encountered in the fairy tales of the peoples of tropical countries such characters, like a tiger, monkey, crocodile, elephant and other exotic animals, and in the fairy tales of northern peoples - animals that live in a temperate or cold climatic zone. However, it may happen that in a fairy tale from Mongolia, the country in which the lions never been laid, the reader will meet this particular character. In such cases, we are dealing with the result of the contact of cultures: the Lion came to the Mongolian fairy tale from India and probably through books.

In fairy tales, we will find objects of national life, clothing, find the customs of the people and, most importantly, the features of national psychology, national estate and psychological types in the fabulous version. Madagascar's fairy tales, for example, do not know the heroic images due to the fact that Malagasy, the island people, almost did not fight in their history and are deprived of militancy. In the fairy tales of different nations, there are kings and kings, the leaders of tribes and vizyri (ministers), Yabban (landlords) and Khakima (rulers and judges), representatives of the formed class of the Middle Ages and miners of different religions: priests, Catholic Xenduses, Mullah, Sheikh, Indian Brahmins And Buddhist monks. However, we should always remember that these images are fabulous, and a kind, a fair king from a fairy tale - fabulous idealization, and not a direct reflection of what existed in reality.

However, animals are the heroes of fairy tales - remind and with their speech, and the behavior of the people of that country where these fairy tales are. Otherwise, it cannot be, as the fairy tale has always been a reflection of the people's life in its dynamics, a kind of mirror of the people's consciousness.

It is customary to allocate fairy tales about animals, magic and domestic fairy tales.
Fairy tales about animals arose in deep antiquity, and at first they were associated with the economic concerns of the primitive man - a fisherman and hunter, the whole life and fate of which depended on his hunting good luck. Heroes in these fairy tales are animals, and in the fairy tales themselves, traces of primitive ideas have been preserved, in particular Totemism, which was based on faith in human and animal relationships. Primitive man spiritualized all the surrounding, endowed his abilities and properties, "thought" the beasts. And they speak fairy tales with each other, they understand human speech.

They were presented to the primitive consciousness of reincarnated spirits, deities.
For example, in the fairy tale of the Ma nation, living in Southeast Asia, "Pavle's dear" the main character - a bird in a bright plumage - actually, there is such a rearrangement deity. True, a person - a hunter turns out to be more common than the Divine - Peacock, eventually falling into the Western plays. Such fairy tales are found among the peoples who live in the deaf forest corners and the life of which is associated with the hunting fishery, with wildlife.

There are a lot of legendary fairy tales explaining, of course, in a fabulous - quarrels and friendship beasts, various accuracy and adventures, - why there are no particular parts of the body in animals, why, for example, their tail, the nose is such a form why they are so Painted, etc. As an example, you can call the Indonesian fairy tale "Why a short tail from the Bear", the Philippine fairy tale "Herl and Buffalo", the African "Why Pigny Funny Fuck" and others.

Fairy tales explain the origin of those or other hagging at the beasts. In the middle of the fishermen and hunters there are fairy tales about where the receptions of the extraction of fishing animals come from. Of course, the octopus and rat never found in reality. But Polynesians in the fantastic "Octopus and rat" tell about the fantastic travel of the rat along the ocean on the head of the octopus, for which the rat pledged him with ungratefulness. Since then, says the fairy tale, fishermen make a bait for octopus similar to the rat: Octopus is immediately thrown at her.

In many fairy tales, there are talks about quarrels and contests between large and strong animals and small, weak. These tales are usually imbued with the desire for social justice: although in fairy tales they say about animals, almost always, however, people mean, so we see that weak, that is, the socially disadvantaged, with the help of the mind and dexterity wins a stronger and important beast. . It is this that we will find in the Chinese fairy tale "About how the animals account for the years of conducting steel", in which a small mouse was of the twelve animals, the little mouse was illusive to prove that it is the biggest even compared to the will or sheep. Therefore, it is from the year of the mouse that a twelve-year-old cycle begins in the countries of the Far East: every year the cycle is called an animal. Such a calendar was very failed to taste to the priests, and they began to predict fate by calculating the tables, for example, what awaits young people in life, if he was born in the year of the dragon, and is going to marry a year of monkey.

At a higher stage in the development of the fairy tale about animals, they turn into transparent allegory, and when, for example, a tiger appears in a fairy tale from the Koreans or Chinese, no one may doubt that he is an important gentleman. In the presentation of many peoples of the Far East and Southeast Asia, Tiger not only symbolized the power and power. Tigra worshiped as a deity. Images of tigers erased doors at the entrance to the temples. Images of the tiger military leaders adorned their clothes, embroidered tigers were concerned about combat banners.
But the fierce tigra in the fairy tales of these peoples is given to the rarity sustainable role of a fool, which is deceiving a weak animal, usually hare, rabbit - a character that is distinguished by special guesses, dexterity, a compaction. The same qualities are characteristic of the rabbit in the fairy tales of North American Indians and Bratz Rabbit African Americans.

In the Indonesians in a cunning beast, Dwarf Lan - Kancyl was considered, the peoples of tropical Africa are a small rodent, such as a tushchik or a mongoose. In the fairy tales of the peoples of Europe in fools, a bloodthirsty wolf remains. And in Indonesia, the crocodile is defined by the folk fantasy.
The satirical beginning is very typical for such fairy tales: after all, listeners having fun at the unlucky tiger, in the grace of the hare fell into a deep pit, over a fooled wolf or crocodile, understood that real oppressants and oppressors are ridicule in the fairy tale - "the strengths of this world". Images of certain animals thus acquire the nature of class society. Some animals are constantly acting as positive, others - as negative.

It should be noted another feature: although in many fairy tales of animals, as we said, there are people in mind, still telling about the beasts, with their habits, properties, features. Hence the paroding - the funny sound of these extraordinary stories, their humor.

There are fairy tales of jokes in which a person, such as in the Hungarian fairy tale, "the strongest beast", is considered by the eyes of animals. Beasts take an ax for a shiny tail, a pistol shot - for an extraordinary spit, etc.

It was noticed that the ancient agricultural peoples of fairy tales about animals are relatively small, and many peoples of tropical Africa, Australia and Oceania, American Indians and Eskimos are extremely common and occupy the most important place in the folklore of these peoples.
Fairy tales about animals are especially attractive for the kids, they are called them in Korea - Summage, that is, children's stories.

Under the magical fairy tales in everyday life, such oral stories are usually understood, in which supernatural forces, magic items, wonderful assistants help a positive character. Wonderful assistants often serve a cat, dog, other animals.

Famous folklorist V. Ya. Propppe (1895-1970) proposed a scheme for analyzing a magic fairy tale in functions, that is, for the main points of deploying a fabulous action. Such key functions in the magical fairy tales V. Z. Pripppe counted twenty-four. He brought the formula of the magic fairy tale and determined its central type.
Characters of the magic fairy tale V. Ya. Prippet is divided into seven groups depending on their functions in the development of action. V. Ya. Prippet gave them names that folkldists are now widely used as scientific terms: the pest (that is, the character who harms the positive hero, for example, a monstrous bird who kidnapped him by the bride), a donator (a character who gives the hero to the magic agent or a wonderful assistant), the abducted object (they may be a person, such as princess or the hero's bride, or some item is a magical ring, etc.), the sender (a character who sends a hero to the far path to the feat to return the stolen or Kidnapped man - Tsarevna, the Bride), a false hero (the one who wants to undeserves to take advantage of the fruits of the fell of a real hero) and the real hero. Such a division and identification of characters as a working tool can be useful to our reader when he thinks about a fairy tale.

Reproduce, a little simplifying and relying on the words of a scientist, the scheme of that magic fairy tale, which V. Ya. Propp considered the main one. The fairy tale begins with the fact that some damage is caused by a hero: he (or his father, mother) steals something, kidnap the bride or a hero (heroine) is expelled from their native places from their native country. In short, the hero or heroine has to go to the far path.

A misfortune to touch in such a way, may also be a strong desire to achieve something, get. This is not always the desire of the hero itself: for example, the king comes to mind sending him for the firebird. But the desire should be the hero. In the way, he meets the one who gives him a magical remedy or a wonderful assistant. Or, for example, the hero saves a dog, and she becomes his wonderful assistant. Thanks to the assistant and magic agents (magic wand, miraculous potion), the hero achieves goals.

He wins in a fight with the enemy, putting the magic agents into the course and using the help of wonderful assistants. After that, the hero returns home. But new complications are waiting for him (for example, it is discarded into the abyss). Still, the hero is safely chosen from there. It can be tested, set difficult tasks and riddles with which it copes. The fairy tale is crowned with a happy end: the hero agrees on the throne.

In different fairy tales, functions are presented with different completeness, repetitions are possible, and more often there are troops of some functions, variation.
Take the Russian fairy tale "Fire-Bird and Vasilis Tsarevna" (it is well known for the famous poetic fairy tale P. P. Ershova "Konk-Gorboon"), the Slovak fairy tale "Golden Horseshoe, Golden Feather, Gold Hair" or Vietnamese fairy tale "To Stand San "From this collection, and we will make sure that they are all well suited for this scheme.

When analyzing some other tales of the collection, for example, "golden shoes", we will find not seven types of characters allocated by functions, and five. There are pests, donor, assistant, false heroine and a real heroine.

The central in the magic fairy tale is the image of a positive hero or heroine, all the interest of the narration focuses on his fate. He embodies the people's ideal of beauty, moral strength, kindness, folk ideas about justice. Such, for example, a bold young man Malek from a Danish fairy tale, who bravely joins the fight against the Toll.

However, often at the heroes of the magic fairy tale, we notice the traits of passivity. Such these characters make the activity of supernatural forces, wonderful assistants, magic items: after all, heroes and heroes and special work is not needed to achieve the fulfillment of their desires. It was enough for a poor young man, the hero of the Italian fairy tale "Magic Ring", show participation and kindness to the old woman, as he became the owner of a magic ring, with the help of which he marries rich beauty. However, the wife shows a cunning, kidnaps the ring and gives her husband a lot of grief.

After returning myself in the end, the lost ring, the young man comes to a significant conclusion that it is necessary to resort to the help of magical forces, because "It's not good to get everything wishes everything."

Scientists believe that the magic fairy tale was born in the decomposition of the primitive-shared system and the transition to the class society. It is assumed that it was then that there were fairy tales about innocently with the younger brother, poor Padherce, unfortunate orphan. The conflict in such fairy tales is depicted as a family: brothers or stepmother and stepmother quarrels. However, essentially they reflect wide public and class relationships - the elder brother in fairy tales is usually rich, and the youngest is poor, the hardworking and kind of padchier is patiently demolishing the bullying of the stepmother and her daughter.

Thus, a fabulous family is a schematic, generalized image of the company, in which social inequality has already been firmly rooted, and the fabulous conflict was originally a reflection of those clashes and conflicts that arose with the decomposition of the generic system. In the same form, the genus ceased to exist, small families appeared, oppressed and oppressors appeared. And all the seizures that were played among members of the family in the dramatic moment of his decline were displayed in the form of collisions in a small fabulous family.
And the hero of the magic fairy tale is the one who most suffered from the fact that the generic relationship of mutual assistance was replaced by alienation, because the race broke up into individual families. These were the younger members of the family. They lost public support and help that they were extremely necessary.

Hence the democratic idealization of a disadvantaged person in magical fairy tales. The storyteller gives him all his sympathies, it is he who becomes an incarnation in the fabulous folklore of the oppressed person oppressed in the class society of man, and, of course, he becomes the owner of the best moral qualities, moral and physical beauty.

Democratic, the folk idealization of the oppressed and disadvantaged largely explains why the favorite hero of the magic fairy tale becomes, according to the expression of the folklorist E. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. Meletinsky, a hero, not supplied by hopes. At first, in the form of such a hero or heroin appears in the form, externally very unattractive, - Cinderella, caress. But it is she who will become beautiful and queen.

By the way, the people's idea that we find in fairy tales about the royal, shahist, imperial, royal life as the top of the opportunity of happiness possible on earth is also idealization. It is based on an insufficient knowledge of the power of the Dark corridors of the power, Palace Intrigues and the poisoned atmosphere of court life, and on the patriarchal idealization of the ruler, who was attributed to the positive "sores" properties - justice, however, understood peculiar, unshakable faith in what his will and The desire is the benefit for the people and the country.

Determining the fairy tale as a genre, the famous folklorist V. P. Anikin emphasized that it developed for centuries in connection with all the way of folk life, which we have already been convinced of; At the same time, the fairy tale, especially in the early stages of development, is associated with mythology.

In myths, people believe, and in a fairy tale, in any case, at a later stage of its evolution, they see fiction. Fantasy of the magic fairy tale leads its origin from the myths and some ideas of primitive society. Here and the spiritualization of nature: the beasts, trees, the grass can speak, think and even show the smelting and wisdom. Here and totemism, the ancient prohibitions are taboo: from here the advice characters do not do that and then, otherwise there will be irreparable. Here are various customs and beliefs. And of course, in a processed form - faith in magic, magic, including in the magic of the word, in the spell; It is enough to pronounce the necessary word - and a miracle happens.

There is no doubt that the most ancient images and motifs of the magic fairy tale are in a rethinkable form inherited from the folklore of a profile society. But the fairy tale of a multi-layer, she existed hundreds and thousands of years, it was buzzing and very old, and relatively later. Thanks to the art of a storyboard, the master all this formed a single, solid work. And the individual layers that form it are detected only when analyzing the folkloristic scientist. Perhaps this approach to the fairy tale will be interesting to you, reader.

A. M. Gorky rightly said that many images of fabulous fiction, a carpet-aircraft, for example, grew from the dream of a man-worker. Such images anticipated technical progress, amazing inventions, creatures of human mind and hands. These wonders are an aircraft, a TV (magic crystal) - steel for us today. But for our grandpars, they were an inacked dream and were embodied in fairy tales who walked the mind and the dangling man's desire to know the world, nature and put her laws to the service of mankind.

The magic fairy tale attracts the reader wonderful flights forbidden to collect fruits in the monastery garden, preferring to be simply nitality. Two clever peasants were deceived by the abbot, promising to treat it with Kangoma - meat dish with fruits. And now the Thai storyteller from this case creates a bright household fairy tale, whisening by humor. The conflict in it is social in nature, the poor peasants show an outstanding ingenuity, and the greedy and stupid abbot depicts also holy: because Buddhist monks took a vow not to touch the meat!

In domestic fairy tales, often from the comic side depicts "the strong world of this". In real life, the peasant-storyteller saw them except from afar, but he felt the oppression and arbitrariness. And in a fairy tale, a witty fairy tale boldly makes fun of these Vladyk, power over his life and death. In the Vietnamese fairy tale "Two robes of the official ruler", an important official abruptly breaks down insignificant, from his point of view, a tailor, daring to ask, to what guests the ruler is going to go out in a new outfit: to the higher or lower or lower. What receives from the experienced tailor is polite answer. After all, he needs to know only in order not to make a mistake when he will sew. "If you intend to make even more important officials in this dress than you," says the ruler clever tailor, "then it must be shorted in front. If you go out in it for versions, it should be crushed at the back. " The official master thought and threw his head, ordering to sew two different dresses ... Here in a small scene, the essence of important official rulers was surprisingly clearly naked - their arrogance, stupidity and hypocrisy, the habit of low in front of even higher ranks and affects simple people.

In domestic fairy tales, the figure, which is bitter "called the" ironic good luck "and a classic example of which Ivanushka-fool can be considered. He is not far away, stupid, but he is everywhere, to the great amazement of listeners, good luck is accompanied. Such a character merily and amuses, but not only .

Often he is evidenced by the sober, ironic attitude of the people to the medieval scholastic scholarship and the magical ability of the priests and stars to know the fate of the fate, to learn about the location of the disappearance, etc. In Vietnamese folklore, such an "ironic good luck" is a highly accepted butcher, and in Indian - stupid brahman who pretends that scientist, disassembled in gadetting books, and actually shakes from fear every time again gets the task to detect stolen. But every time he is servingly coming to him, and the glory of the wise star and a prunerator is fixed more and more fixed by stupid Brahman. And the Indian peasant or an artisan who knew or told this fairy tale himself, ironically looked at the power scientists of Brahmins, many times appearing on the street from the Palaces of rulers.

The household fairy tale often talks about ingenious riddles or smart responses, and a smart boy beats wit with a semi-negotiated senior.

In the household fairy tale, a new attitude to a fabulous fiction is noticeable. In some such fairy tales, essentially, magical fairy tales are paroded. For example, items that are with constant ingenuity are advertised by the hero of the household fairy tale as magical, turn out to be in fact the most ordinary. But with their help, the hero deceives his enemies, and these items, as in magic, bring him wealth. At the same time, the hero will be posted by their enemies - Bogoya, landowners, feudal lords.

This collection includes jokes about shillburgers (residents of the city of Childe) - the wonderful creations of the German People's humor and the German folk literature, which is closely associated with the oral tradition. In 1598, a book was published under a very long and veil, in the spirit of the time, the title "Schildburgers, amazing, bizarre, unheard of and accustomed to the adventures and acts of the residents of Schilde from Mispotamia, which is behind the utopia" (in our edition it is a titon changed and reduced).

Let's just say that the town of Childe, its inhabitants, as well as the country of Mispotamia, existed only in fantasies of fun and very ironic fairy tales. But but numerous princes, each in its own - often dwarf - the principality, lived in real Germans. They only strive to take advantage of the contents of the wallets, the mind and the difficulty of peasants and artisans and ruthlessly chased for the threshold of those who did not need them. The wise inhabitants of Schilde decided to avoid a similar fate: because due to their wisdom and the clear mind, the princes tearned shillburgers from home foci and kept me as advisors. And they began to escape with stupidity and junning, so that they were left alone, they gave the opportunity to live voluntarily as they would like.
The old wise citizen hints and non-claims clarifies fellow citizens that the junciation of them is a serious and dangerous. Essentially, this is a hidden opposition and disobedience: "Planning the jester or fool - it is a considerable art. It happens, it takes a stupid person, and instead of laughter, some tears are obtained. And the worst of Togo: it decides to play another fool, and himself will turn into such a thing. "

So, the wise men to preserve their independence, rust in the Svitovskaya Cap. Here felt, of course, the influence of carnival challenges characteristic of Europe: after all, all participants in the carnival procession are ominted. They are fooling without constrained, having fun, joking. All enjoy freedom of communication, and all are equal, regardless of the estate affiliation.

Fooling, the shillburgers questioned the rationality of the existing way. Razeping and unscrewing him, they act as free-ones - this is the original refraction of humanism (recognition of a person and his happiness, his benefits as the highest value of being) of the Renaissance, that is, the time of the transition from medieval culture to the culture of the new time.

After all, it is not for reason that the outstanding writer of the Renaissance Erasmus Rotterdam (1469-1536) became famous for his philosophical satire "praise stupidity", in which he revealed contradictions and paradoxes of life.
The Folk Book On Shildburgers is clearly echoing with Satira Erasma Rotterdam. What is only the jester meeting, which the residents of Childe arranged to the emperor himself: she turned into a solid parody of solemnity, and even contained some political hints. And the presentation of the gift from the citizens (a pot with mustard, which is also falling apart on the shards at the most responsible moment) and risked at all to turn into mockery of its imperial majesty. However, the emperor detects enviable tolerance and a sense of humor.

And already in this - a positive assessment of his imperial majesty by the creators of the books about shillburgers. Alone who, who, and they knew how to appreciate people with a sense of humor. This attitude to the sovereign is associated with naive hope for the justice of the emperor and so that in the then times, when Germany actually broke into separate principalities, he was a symbol of the country's unity, but essentially did not possess real power, so when The city head of Schildburgers, pretending that he was interpreted from excitement everything in the world and, climbing a bunch of manure, at a meeting of the emperor, as if replanting, calls him the emperor of Schilde, then he falls at the very point.

In his stupid caps, for the emperor he honored them in a security certificate, the residents of Slade defended the right to the independence of thought, the right to liberty. And yet - the right to complete human life with her joys.
However, as we know, the town of Schilde in the invented country of the Mispotamia, which is also located behind the utopia (that is, "nowhere"), never existed. Prudent storytellers so that no one thought to look for the town of Schilde on a geographic map or information about him in historical writings, reported his death from fire, as a result of which neither the town nor any chronicles and generic books left. The inhabitants of Slade scattered on Bella Light, and maybe, as the crazy storyteller believes, they now live among us ...

No matter how peculiar judovskie signs of shillburgers, take, for example, the construction of a triangular urban town hall without windows, they are akin to other ingenious folk heroes.

In the folklore of many nations of the world there is an image of an intelligent, inventive character, a leaving from the bottom, which leaves his enemies in the fools, inflated nobles and the rich. Probably the most famous of these heroes - Khoja Nasreddin, who is the hero of the anecdot cycles in the Turks and the Iranians, the peoples of Central Asia. This democratic hero is equally freely feels free and at the site of the preacher in the mosque, where he does not at all for the prayer of Allah, and in the noisy bazaar, and in the Palace of Emir or Shah, and in ordinary teahouse.
The image of Kojj Nasreddin was born in the folklore of the nations of the East, but he fell in love with Russians and Poles, Ukrainians and Hungarians. On the basis of the anecdot cycle about Hojo Nasreddin, or rather, on the basis of this folk image, the Russian Soviet writer L. V. Solovyev created a famous "story about Host Nasreddina" (part of the first - the "outrage of calm", part of the second - "Enchanted Prince"), According to which our films have been removed.
According to the chased Gorky formula, the beginning of the art of the word is rooted in folklore. The literature of each people, as if developed, it either rises with their origins to folklore. In folklore, or folk poetic creativity, we find the source of the nationality of national literature. Of the people's poetic creativity, the earliest known science of world literature monuments were published: Sumero-Akkada Epos on Gil-Hamushe, dated III - the beginning of the II Millennium BC, ancient Greek Gomerov Epos - the famous "Iliad" and "Odyssey". In these works we will find images, plots, motifs coming from a folk fairy tale. And in the ancient Egyptian papyrus, scientists discovered the genre of literature, which marked the term "fairy tale."

Literature at all stages of its development retains ties with folklore, but the nature of such connections is changed. This may be the borrowing of the plot, the motive, the effect of folklore on the composition of the literary work, the structure of the artistic image. The fabulous element determines, for example, the internal logic of the images and the whole system of such masterpieces, like poetic fairy tales of Pushkin, Gogol "Evening on the farm near Dikanka", "Konk-Gorbok" P. P. Ershova, "Golden Key, or the Adventures of Buratino" A. N. Tolstoy. This series can be easily continued, remembering the fairy tales of the Hoffman, fairy tales for the Theater Carlo Gotszi and others.

In the Middle Ages, the value of the folklore for literature was even more significant, because their artistic principles were close. For example, the characters of the folklore and medieval literature are equally deprived of pronounced individualization. Therefore, the collections of medieval novels of China, Korea, Japan, Mongolia and Vietnam, Persian, Indonesian, Lao and Thailand, Persian, Indonesian, Lao and Thai poems, French "Romanis about the Fox", knightly novels and many other works are saturated with fabulous images and plots. Special mention deserves "Khathasarite-Gara" - "Ocean of Tale" - the Indian poet of the XI century Som-Virgin; In the "Ocean of Legends", scientists counted over three hundred inserted stories in which the fairy tale is intertwined with the myth, then with a joke, then with Novella.

Fairy tales and today have a huge charm for all of us, children and adults, and we read them today, we listen to on the radio. We willingly see the movies, including funny animations, filmed based on the reasons and plots of fairy tales, listen to the Opera Ruslan and Lyudmila, Snow Maiden, "Koshchei Immortal", enjoy the "swan lake", "Sleeping Beauty", "Nutcracker" and other fabulous ballet performances. The repertoines of children's dramatic theaters are saturated with the play-tales, and the reader can easily call them himself.

With great success all over the world, plays, created based on fairy tales. Fabulous heroes appear in the Indonesian Theater of Shadows, and Dalang (that is, a leading actor) tells about their exploits and adventures. And in Vietnam, the heroes of fairy tale float and dive in water during the performances of the traditional doll theater on the water.
Large painters also did not bypassed fabulous heroes. Recall Vasnetsov or Churlenis, whose creativity permeates the image of the fairy tale. I do not speak about illustrators of books, which, drawing fabulous characters, magic items and fabulous kingdoms, presented us with a whole amazing world of visible images that help our imagination raising our artistic taste.

Fabulous characters are imprinted in stone, marble, wooden bas-reliefs. In some countries of the East, there are even temples in memory of the characters fairy tales, the festivities are arranged in their honor.

Nowadays, the literary fairy tale is developing, closely associated with folklore, a lot of it is borrowing. Fighter writers appeared on all continents. This is not only Danchanin Hans Christian Andersen or Swede Astrid Lindgren, but also Vietnamese then Hoyai, Japanese Miyazawa Knezi and many others. So far, there is humanity, it needs a dream, and therefore, he cannot do without a fairy tale, which inspires, gives hope, amusing and comforting.

That's the end, and who listened - well done!

For ten years, for a bastard, life-judged Sergey Ducarev wrote five books, the largest of them is the tale of the "Sun Thieves", in which more than a thousand pages. This is a kind of prison escape into a bright and pure fictional world, where the dark forces are welcome. A former killer wrote her for her daughter.

On the life of the jar of Ducarev writes little. Mostly - these are small stories about what he himself survived, which heard from the cemers. In prison, it has been 17 years old. Of these, ten latter writes almost every day. The most time spent on a fairy tale for her daughter. So got carried away that the tale of the trilogy was released. The first is called "sun kidnappers", the second - "silver swords" and the third "Saga parallel world." Total book contains more than a thousand pages. Nobody wrote to the world more than a fairy tale in the world. In addition, prison stories appear from time to time. What prompted the convict for killing a man to take the pen?

Killed not only shots in the head

I started with prison stories, "says convicted. - It is not surprising. Almost 20 years live this life. How about it not to write? Most of all legends in prisons can be heard about how suicide branches were sent. The death penalty has long been abolished, and here still transmit each other stories about how they performed such sentences. I was condemned at the time when the moratorium on the death penalty was already. But I found you waiting for execution. They did not even know who he had the last time to remove from the camera. In that sequence, in which the grille feared, in such a sentence. What they did with them, no one exactly knows about it - this is a big mystery. Nevertheless, there are a lot of conversations around the last minutes of suicide.

Life told about what the terrible ways were executed convicted.

I personally heard that they destroyed the hammer on the head, others were planted on an electric chair, and the third - they let a bullet in the back of the head, "says life-sentenced Sergey. "When a person leads to a shooting, he doesn't talk about it, but he feels like this cell." At such moments, the convicted person has no other choice - it is impossible to turn neither to the left or right, the road is only forward. And ahead - pit ...

Dreamed of becoming an archaeologist

Very soon, he realized that writing on this topic - only to pour salt on the wound. Therefore, I began to think more about the bright, pure world, such in which I would like to live in his daughter, where good reigns, where the brave people won evil.

In my fairy tale, except for the fictional plot, a lot of instructive things, "says Dukarev. - Many facts about the universe, planets, cosmic phenomena. Another part of documentary facts concerns archeology. I tell about the finds found during the Mongol-Tatar invasion. In childhood, I dreamed of becoming an archaeologist, I reread hundreds of books from the grandfather and parent library. I also interested books about the universe. All this now came in handy. When I reread the written, I fond of the plot.

My heroes save the world from evilwho caused people himself

It became an internal need to write, "says convicted. - I can not without it. It happens, already at four in the morning I wake up, and start working. These are the best minutes when we stay threesome - I, my thoughts and paper. Finally, I do what I truly like. Thus, at least in thoughts, hiding from strict prison days.

Perhaps once the book will read the daughter. I would love her to appreciate the made me. When will read, first of all understand, about what world I dream all this time.

The text written by the hand sends to parents. Those are typing on the computer and return the son. He reads, some places reaching, grinding in a new way and again refers to his relatives. Once on the way, the manuscript was lost. Lost forty pages. It was impossible to restore them alone. After that case began to duplicate the text. He writes everything in two copies. Dreams show your trilogy someone from professionals writers. Print the book is not easy, because big in volume, you need a lot of money. Says, the other is important - the book is already written. Work on it compares with the same debt, which is given to the freedom of a person: to plant the garden, build a house, raise a son. He also could have it, but ...

He studied at the submariner

Childhood and youth Ducarev associated with the city-hero Sevastopol, where he was born and grew, where his parents, where grandfather lived and grandmother. In this city, the prestigious was the profession of the sea officer. The grandfather served on the fleet, and then worked as the head of the department in a military school. He was authoritative in everything. He fought on the front, defended in the blockade Leningrad the road of life leading to Ladoga Lake. Returned with awards. The relatives of the male can also almost all served on the fleet. Father, too, a former military, after the service he began to work as a teacher of the institute, the mother was an engineer at the factory.

I wanted to be an archaeologist since childhood, my grandfather had a big library, I read a lot of historical books, "says Sergei Ducarev. "But I stubbornly convinced to become a maritime officer." Configure grandfather no one had right. It was necessary to maintain the maritime honor of the family. Although grandfather repeatedly admitted that since childhood he dreamed of becoming a writer. Apparently, I was able to write a desire to write. After school, I went to the school at the submariner. But in two years, the school was transferred to St. Petersburg. I refused to move. Purchased to the army. Two years old served on the fleet. Returned after the service home and entered the institute at the correspondence department.

Stormy nineties and a lot of vodka

He says that the 90s kept abomotive him personally. And not only it. According to him, it was not easy to find himself in that chaos. People who used to live approximately equally, suddenly smelled. Some fabulously get rich, and others found themselves on the side of life.

I wanted to have a VCR, a car, I wanted to be similar to those who had all this, "says Duquarev. - Gathered with acquaintances, opened a cafe on the embankment. Money appeared. Vodka flew every evening by the river. We went beyond the city, arranged races, and flew even on the oncoming lane. We lived like the last day, as they say, without brakes. Although the brakes must be primarily in the head. But who thought about it then! Many of us have become infected with a self-destruction virus, self-destruction. In our company, even the motto read: "live to 25", "live up to 30". I personally killed rudeness most. Still, brought up in an intelligent family, knew that such a beat, attentive attitude towards people. And here at every step, rudeness flourished. They were mistaken to rudeness. Therefore, the fights tied. Constantly someone with someone reduced the scores. Shots sounded. Scary to remember! Of course, it could not end it. So it happened. In 26, I found myself behind bars. If this did not happen, it is unknown, I would stay alive. Then there was unknown and uncertainty, just now.

No hope for salvation

Here, behind bars, I think about simple life things, "says life. - For example, I want barefoot to walk on the grass, put a tree or swim in the sea, I grew up on the sea. In the will I did not understand. Now I understand, but it is impossible to do it. And it is unknown, it will be possible at least ever. Such as I do not know what awaits us on. If other prisoners who have established the term, there is hope even earlier to get out of freedom, this is possible when complying with the regime, we do not know anything about our tomorrow. This unknown is stretched to infinity. You look at the horizon - and you do not know what's there. You can not change anything. Even during the commission of the crime, the victim has at least some hope for salvation: the gun can give a mischief and not shoot, the knife will break, or some other chance for salvation appear. In our situation - no hope.

The convict says that he believed in God and corrected.

Probably, this is not entirely true, but maybe convictedly corrected? He believed in the Most High, wants to continue to live according to his laws, and a person deprived such an opportunity. If there is no such estimated scale - corrected or not, then let's take pictures of the aura, and everything will become clear. Uncertainty and unknown kills. For reason, sometimes they say: it would be better to shoot!

Afraid meetings with daughter

The convict admitted that he was shot by terrible dreams. Not often, but dream. Most of all his desire is to see a daughter. At the same time, he says that the meeting is not ready yet.

I want to see how she, to know, who grew up, what interests, what lives, - says life Sergey. - I know what is studying in college. But my meeting may be such that I will ask for something in a child. I have no right to it. First you need to give something to ask. And I gave very little, in fact - nothing. She was four years old when I was taken away. Yes, and in such an atmosphere I do not want to meet. Prison is not a place for a child.

For the same reason, the letters do not write. In order not to ask anything and not justify, not to explain, since anyway nothing will change: what happened, it happened. But from the soul dedicated to the child a book. Larger, like his love for her. I wrote every page with the thought of my native blood. In each word put a part of the soul and heart.

Sat down for killing business partner

Condemned Sergey Ducarev, together with the accomplice killed a business partner in his apartment. Made it in the presence of his wife. He was the same young as they. I wanted to live just like them.

In 1996, except for the cafes on the sea coast, we still have established a construction business, they began to build a residential building, "said convicted Dueparev. - Each business has its own pitfalls. In the construction of the house there were especially many of them. So we came to find out some circumstances. The Almighty stopped us that evening. On the way broke the car. It was a sign to think about. Instead, with anger, the faster the other transport began to look for. The worst thing is that we were not just partners, but well knew each other. To someone said that the conversation will end with death, I would never have believed.

Passion rooted alcohol. Next to the owner of the apartment was a woman with whom Ducarev once met. Beautiful, spectacular, but no longer him. On March 16, 1996, the court sentenced Ducarev's condemnation on a life sentence. His partner was given 15 years.

On him, the screamer, see, you can not say that it can kill the fly, not that man. I failed physiognomy. Judges are also people. In a word, I had, as the organizer, on a complete coil, and he is already free, "says Dueparev.

Shortly before the business partner killed, Ducarev passed state exams at the Institute. Mai was appointed protection of thesis.

Now five minutes before the new year, which means that everyone pour drinks into glasses, watch TV and, of course, waiting for the time of gifts. At these moments you remember everything that was in the year: all the failures, the moments when you were extremely lucky that you did good and bad.

Also, it was also in the family, whose members wore a strange surname of the musician. They rejoiced and ate delicious food. Their little Toy Terrier Shusha woke up as if specifically in order to meet the New Year with everyone, and now interpreted under his feet.

The TV channel, which they looked, showed 23:55 (everyone knows that such hours are configured on atomic clock and show the most accurate time in the country). From the bottom, under the sign with time, on the screen showed stars of the theater, pop and cinema, which danced and sang, lit the Bengal lights and claplace clapped.

While I tell you all this, has passed for two minutes, it turns out 23:57, but, for some strange reason on the TV driver's screen, the inscription 23:55 was still burning. Everyone was so joyful that the musicians did not pay attention to it. But at the last moment, the boy Vanya asked her dad, which is an hour. Dad, in turn confidently replied that 23:57, that before the new year it remained 3 minutes. Then the grandmother Vanya automatically looked at the clock on the TV and realized that the dad was wrong. Grandma told him it, and Dad replied that 23:55 was 2 minutes ago, confirming this by what looked at the clock. The light dispute began here, and Vanya switched the channel to verify that it shows. There were also 23:55. Vanya said that something strange was happening, but everyone was really frightened when they realized that their home wall clocks stand on the same division of the dial.

While everyone was aware of the situation, Vanya disappeared.

He fled to the nearest center, where the atomic clocks were determined by the country. He realized that he was the only one who could save the holiday, because he knew that in this center there were no duty officers. He had a friend there. He told him a lot about his work. But also, Vanya learned from these conversations that his friend leaves to Austria for the New Year to ride skiing. Accordingly, it was impossible to call for help.

Meanwhile, Vanya fled and considered time. While he ran, there was a terrible thunderstorm, it turned out that the road to the center he took 1 minute of 34 seconds, and get to the main hours - another 30 seconds. But here he had a problem - he knew very little about the transfer of atomic watches. But nevertheless, he found the instructions in the closet and, acting strictly on it, turned the clock. It took another 34 seconds. As a result, he translated hours for 4 minutes 38 seconds. Hooray! He managed to the main winter holiday! And after 22 seconds he heard Salute, who praised the winner over time and rejoiced that the new year came.

He quietly came home and saw the result of his actions - the sign on the TV showed 00:01.

The next morning on TV was told that the New Year's Eve was the temporary anomaly, which I just corrected Vanya. Vanya went to television to tell how everything was.

Already in the second half of the first day of the New Year, it began to investigate this incident. Investigators discovered traces of sticky blue liquid, which is empty only the evil sorceress of the thunderstorm, which was destined to fall asleep to spring, which is exactly this New Year's Eve from the non-memorial spell, which as a punishment for the fact that it came not in his time of year, left good snow. Thunderstorm tried to avoid his sleep by stopping time, but Vanya did not allow this, he did not suspect.

After that, Vanya was recognized on the streets of the city, and everyone loved themselves, and then, in a deep old age, he once said that it was the longest three minutes in his life.